

Annual Congregational Meeting Agenda Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church

7500 Greenwood Avenue North

Seattle, WA 98103

Sunday, January 31, 2016

10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Opening Prayer

Minutes of Congregational Meetings from April 26, 2015 and October 4, 2015

Presentation of the 2016 General Fund, CDC, and Phinney Houses Budgets

Council Recommendation:

That the budgets for our ministry in 2016 be adopted as presented

Introducing Council Members

Report of the Pastor

Acceptance of the Annual Report of Ministry

Closing Blessing

Led by the Holy Spirit, the mission of Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church is

to provide a place to worship God,

to reach out to the community, and

to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.


Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church

Annual Congregational Meeting

April 26th, 2015

Pastor Hansen led the congregation in opening prayer and opened the line for the potluck.

The meeting was called to order at 5:45pm by John Roeller.

The minutes from the congregational meeting on Sunday January 25, 2015 were reviewed. An

amendment was brought forward that the secretary’s name be added to show as record. A motion to

approve the amendment was brought forward and seconded. The motion carried with all aye votes. A

motion to approve the minutes was brought forward and seconded. The motion carried with all aye


Lance Georgeson welcomed and introduced the new members from the Way. He thanked all the people

who help with the WAY this year: sponsors, Catechists, kitchen, nursery and office staff, members of the

congregation who pray as a part of the prayer vigil, Pastor Winder for her help during the pastoral

transition and Pastor Hansen with his knowledge of the catechumenate process. And a thank you to

Lance for coordinating. Pastor Hansen introduced the babies that have been baptized since the fall:

Theo, Oscar, Kamren, Rogue and Ruby. Also noting that Theo Dreger Babbitt was baptized in the

hospital after being born prematurely. He will be welcomed at a church service after he has been

discharged home.

Matt Langston from the nominating committee presented the ballot of leadership positions in the

church. They have a wonderful slate of people, the ballots were filled out and all members were elected


Alice Gregory presented the report from the Endowment Committee and where funds have gone for

2014, with a special point towards the money going towards seminary students. This is new for PRLC to

give this money, partly because we have had an increase in members gong to the seminary. The

members of the Endowment Committee are Alice Gregory, Chair, Eric Liljegren and Eric Bahna. Joan

Sorenson Rice is outgoing and will be replaced by Dick Ogard. The council representative is John Breen.

The question was raised about the criteria to apply for funds. Alice stated there are four criteria: related

to capital repair or improvement at PRLC, extending the ministry of Jesus to the larger church,

strengthening faith and evangelism in the broader community and fellowships for rostered member s of

the ELCA. Also asked: is there a timeline to apply for funds? Alice stated no timeline, the committee

meets 4 times a year, if there are funds needed on a timeline should not wait until the last minute to


John Breen spoke about the Renew and Remember gatherings, the importance of gathering to look at

the present and towards the future and be thankful for the past of this church and community. It is a


time for the congregation to speak and the council to listen. It is about discerning about the process of

calling an associate pastor. These meetings are important and he encouraged everyone to sign up and


Pastor Hansen thanked John Roeller for his time on the council and the hard work he has done as

president. He acknowledged the other two members of the council leaving this year, Joe Huber and

John Hubbard.

Pastor Hansen reviewed the process the council went through in the decision to replace the current

altar with a new table, something to commemorate the 100year anniversary. The new design is by Ron

Fredrickson. This is a time to look forward and this will begin with the Renew and Remember

gatherings. When this was proposed at the congregational meeting it became clear that people had

something to say about this idea and meetings were held to hear all of this. The thoughts of members

from these meetings have been summarized and are available at grace station for review. There has

been concern about what will happen to the Schwidder piece. Pastor Winder spoke to this. The Brauer

Art Gallery at Valporaiso will gladly welcome it and there are funds in the budget to transport it there.

She noted that this piece was designed for this space at PRLC but that space has undergone three

renovations since that time. Pastor Hansen stated that money has been given towards the new altar and

now it’s time to make a decision. A motion was made to bring the question of replacing the altar back to

the floor, this was seconded but there were some questions and comments both in favor and opposed

to replacing the current altar. The motion to bring the question back to the floor was passed. Ben Shaw

stated that he likes the current altar and doesn’t feel we should replace it when money is needed

elsewhere. Sylvia Maier spoke to the lack of functionality the current altar has, especially with baptisms.

Nancy Winder also spoke to the lack of functionality the current altar has, it can’t be moved. She also

pointed out that the other Schwidder pieces here in the church will be staying, these include, the

processional cross and the old ambo. If we choose to retire the current altar the piece will be put back

together in it’s original form and at a service it will be retired in honor. The money for the new altar was

discussed. There is money in the general fund for this as well as gifts. The cost of the altar is $15,000

plus tax, Ron Fredrickson has offered to volunteer time and decrease the cost to $13,000 plus tax. A

comment was made that this should not happen. He should stay with the original bid. A motion to

replace the current altar was brought forward and ballots were filled out. The motion passed 69-3.

John Roeller reminded the congregation that at the congregational meeting a year ago the congregation

saw the calling of a lead and associate pastor as the plan for the church. Pastor Hansen has asked the

council to move forward with the process of calling an associate. The Ministry Site Profile has been

revised and sent to the synod. They are actively looking for candidates and a call committee will be

formed soon. We are in the process of discernment and have moved up the stewardship campaign to

have discussions towards spiritual and financial preparedness towards this goal.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm by John Roeller.

Submitted by Patty Maier, Council Secretary


Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church

7500 Greenwood Ave N Seattle, WA 98103

Special Congregational Meeting

Sunday, October 4th, 2015 ITEM NOTES ACTION

Meeting Opening

The congregation gathered at 12:15 pm, however, the start of the meeting was delayed due to need to wait for synod representative, Emily Brown to be present as witness. Opening prayer given by Pastor Bryon Hansen. Meeting called to order 12:24 pm by Barbara Mockett, Council President. Instructions were given to the congregation regarding the process for registering via a sign-in system and how the number of ballots needed to match the number of members who had signed-in. Additionally, that a vote would take place by written ballots for the first question regarding extending a call to Anne Van Kley as Associate Pastor. If approved, a second vote would be taken by ballot regarding the proposed compensation package.

Call for Associate Pastor

A Motion to proceed with the process was made and seconded. Call for discussion was given. A request was made to amend the wording of resolution on the ballot from:

Be it resolved that the congregation supports the recommendation of the call Committee to call Anne Van Kley Associate Pastor of Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church.


Be it resolved that the congregation supports the recommendation of the call Committee and call Anne Van Kley Associate Pastor of Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church.

Discussion: Pastor Bruck wished to know why the call was coming from the call committee and not from the congregation. The wording is in the same format from former calls. A motion was made to change the change the word “to” to the word “and” on the ballot to have it clearer the call was coming from the congregation. A verbal vote was taken: Amendment passed with all ayes, no nos.

The ballot was amended.


The Motion to proceed with call to Associate Pastor was passed and the motion continued. No further discussion was raised. Ballots were marked and collected for counting. During counting Beth Ann Bonnecroy led the congregational hymn sing. The ballots were counted; the initial count showed that there were two more ballots than members who had signed in. The two members who had appeared as not signed in were identified and they signed in on the register (one had not signed in and one had signed in, but in a way that was not obvious). The counting continued once the numbers were reconciled. When the votes were counted, Barbara Mockett called the congregation back together and extended thanks to all of the members of the call committee for their work during the call process and read the results of the vote. The Voting results are as follows: 77 votes were cast 76 in favor 1 opposed 0 abstain We will issue a call to Anne Van Kley for Associate Pastor.

The vote carried: 77 voted 76 in favor 1 opposed 0 abstain The call will be issued to Anne Van Kley for Associate Pastor.

Compensation Package for the position of Associate Pastor

A Motion was made to proceed with a congregational vote on the compensation package for Anne Van Kley. Be it resolved that the congregation supports the compensation package negotiated between the Congregational Council and Anne Van Kley. The Motion was seconded. Discussion called for; no discussion proceeded. The votes were counted. The vote carried unanimously.

The vote for compensation passed unanimously.

Meeting Closure

Pastor Hansen led the congregation in prayer. Barbara Mockett called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Called; seconded, carried. Meeting was adjourned at 12:48 pm. Paperwork was submitted to the synod through representative Emily Brown after the meeting.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Marie Gehman








January 2016

Dear Friends,

I bring you greetings of abundant joy as we begin the New Year together. The great joy of serving

the Office of Bishop is the opportunity that it has afforded Kim and me in visiting the congregations

and ministries that make up the Northwest Washington Synod. Thank you for the ministry you do in

making Jesus' love known.

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton captures for me what it means to be the church at its best. "We

are church at its best when we are church TOGETHER for the sake of the world." There is so much

more that we can accomplish when we are church together.

More and more I am seeing congregations working together to accomplish mission. Joining hands to

provide shelter, care for the creation, reach out to immigrant neighbors, gather for lay education,

and share in confirmation and multiple forms of faith formation.

I also want to raise up the incredible work of our specialized ministries who are often closest to the

greatest suffering in the community. We are church together.

We can also be proud of the outreach we accomplish together through the ELCA. Together we are

caring for immigrants and refugees, eradicating malaria, addressing hunger, sending young people

to serve globally, forming new deacons and pastors, responding to the worst disasters and

providing growing access to the word and sacrament by forming ethnic specific congregations and

specialized new starts.

Mission support is how we celebrate what it means to be the church together for the sake of the

world. As you gather for your Annual Meeting please don't see benevolence as just another

competing line item. Rather, celebrate that this is how we are church at its best for the sake of the


May you continue to experience the abundant blessings of God.

Kirby Unti, Bishop

Northwest Washington Synod
