Page 1: Annual Community Passover Seder Tuesday, April … Community Passover Seder Tuesday, ... Dana Bash, CNN’s Chief ... reminded those who live in fear of our political climate today


Temple Habonim Bulletin

Temple Habonim, Barrington, RI Nisan/Iyar 5777 April, 2017

The Complete April Worship Schedule is on page 2

Annual Community Passover Seder Tuesday, April 11th at 6:00 pm

Please join us for our Sisterhood-sponsored

Annual Community Second Night of Passover Seder

Sisterhood will provide the entire meal, including the main course, as well as the traditional Passover trimmings: wine, juice, matzah,

Seder plates, place settings, etc.

Requested donation of $10 per person/$25 per family. Please bring a donation of peanut butter or oatmeal

for the Kosher Food Pantry.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 4th Sign up at

or send in the form below to the Temple office.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I/We will attend the Second Night of Passover Seder

Name: _________________________ # Attending: _______ Phone: ________________ Email: _____________________

Requested donation of $10 per person/$25 per family. _____ Check enclosed _____ Paid via PayPal

This is a wonderful event and there is lots to do! Yes, I/we will help with: set-up _____ clean-up _____

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Worship ~ Shabbat, Holidays and Festivals

Friday, March 31 Erev Shabbat Service with special musical guest

7:30 pm Jodi Blankstein, accompanied by Adam Dehner

Torah Portion: Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26)

Saturday, April 1 Shabbat Morning Service

10:30 am

Friday, April 7 Erev Shabbat Service - Kehillah Kedoshah

Freedom Shabbat

Torah Portion: Tzav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36)

6:00 pm Pizza Dinner (Make your reservations on

6:45 pm Service (See page 7 for details)

Saturday, April 8 Shabbat Morning Service

9:00 am Tot Service

10:30 am Service

Friday, April 14 Erev Shabbat Service with Torah reading

& Yizkor Service

7:30 pm Torah Portion: Chol Hamoed Passover

(Exodus 33:12-34:26)

Friday, April 21 Erev Shabbat Service with Torah reading

7:30 pm Torah Portion: Shemini (Leviticus 12:1-13:59)

Friday, April 28 Erev Shabbat Service

Wine & Dine (See page 12 & 13 for details)

6:15 pm Torah Portion: Tazria-Metzora (Leviticus 12:1-15:33)

Saturday, April 29 Shabbat Morning Service

10:30 am

Friday, May 5 Erev Shabbat Service - Kehillah Kedoshah

Rockin’ Shabbat

Torah Portion: Acharei Mot-Kedoshim (Leviticus 16:1-20:27)

5:30 pm Tot Service

6:00 pm Pizza Dinner (Make your reservations on

6:45 pm Service (See page 15 for details)

Saturday, May 6 Shabbat Morning Service

10:30 am Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Schaerf

All Saturday morning services include a Torah reading.

Some Friday night services do, and some don’t.

When there is a Torah reading on Friday night, the listing will say so.

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Rabbi’s Message Rabbi Andrew Klein

Being A Rabbi In Turbulent Times

I have attended almost every annual convention hosted by the CCAR (Central Conference of American Rabbis) with great enthusiasm ever since I became a rabbi. Our annual conventions allow us to reconnect with colleagues, refresh and rejuvenate our souls, and reflect on our own personal rabbinates and the direction we and our communities are heading.

I just returned from this year’s convention in Atlanta, which was exceptional in so many ways. I was moved and inspired; I thought and reflected. I worshipped and returned to RI reenergized for the work that we must all do together. These are a few of the experiences I had and presenters I heard:

The Ebenezer Baptist Church We visited the original Ebenezer church where MLK preached and sang (now a museum) and also the new church/community center across the street. During Sunday morning worship services, the Reverend Dr. Traci de Von Blackmon, most well known for her communal leadership after the murder of Michael Brown Jr. in Ferguson, MO, preached; her powerful words were preceded and followed by a huge Gospel choir.

The Names Project Foundation The Foundation houses the AIDS Memorial Quilt with over 49,000 panels, each panel representing a unique and precious human being who died of AIDS. To date worldwide, about 35 million people have died from AIDS; another 35 million people are currently living with AIDS – almost 2 million of whom are children, most of whom receive no treatment.

Dana Bash, CNN’s Chief Political Correspondent Ms. Bash grew up in the Reform Movement and is deeply immersed in her synagogue life today. She reminded those who live in fear of our political climate today that our constitutional system of checks and balances was specifically designed to help us in moments like this and that the system is working.

Mary Gurley

Ms. Gurley, a choir member at Ebenezer with Martin Luther King Jr. in the 50’s and 60’s, sang “My Living Shall Not Be in Vain,” leading into our recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish. This was the same song she sang at King’s funeral.

Kasim Reed

Atlanta’s Mayor shared his vision of the future of Atlanta with us. He reminded that us that freedom is something that expands and contracts and that sometimes the other side has to be beaten in a holy way, a way where clarity prevails, good defeats evil, and all people working together create the courage to dare to hope.

Joseph J. Levin, Jr., co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in the 1970’s, spoke of his

journey from growing up in a racist environment in Montgomery, Alabama, in the 40’s and 50’s to his understanding that he was personally obligated to do something to work for equality for everyone here in America. The SPLC was founded as an organization “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society.” Levin gave a personal testimony for the possibility that we all have the capability of transforming and bettering our lives. He gave a rousing call to resistance when we see injustice.

April Baskin, the “ Multiracial Face of Reform Judaism today,” works as vice president for audacious hospitality for the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism). Together with Rachel Laser, formerly with the Religious

Action Center in DC, their workshop reminded us that racial justice is like good dental hygiene … it needs to be practiced regularly in order to be effective. Moving our thinking from “us and them” to “us and us” needs to be a daily practice. Cornell William Brooks, President of the NAACP, encouraged us all to stand together, and use our power and privilege to support one another in these turbulent times. He offered a fervent plea for renewal of the black-Jewish coalition.

I left Atlanta feeling hopeful, more hopeful than I have in some time. I know that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused about where to start when it feels like there is so much to do. Join THB on our Spring Mitzvah Day, April 2nd. Become part of the conversation. Present your thoughts; listen to the thoughts of others – especially those who disagree with you. You and your ideas are valuable. Offer your gifts and creativity. Be part of the solution. Call me if you’re looking to find a way to help.

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

President’s Message Nicole Jellinek

This weekend I attended the Joint Reform Shabbat Service as well as the URJ Shabbaton held in RI; it was a weekend of learning, praying, singing, making new connections. I sat in a breakout session for congregational leaders and was asked, along with other participants, to say one word to describe our congregation. ONE WORD. Seriously? In my mind, I settled on “diverse.” Then the first person responded, and said “diverse.” Hmmm. When it was time for the second person to speak, I waited, curious to see what was in store. “Diverse” said he, and then expounded for a bit about all the ways his congregation was diverse. I was third in line, and realized quickly that I needed something different. Without any thought, feeling the pressure of the moment, I said “quirky.” The group nodded in recognition--as perhaps all congregations feel quirky? But what did that mean? To be clear, quirky, to me, is a good thing: different in a good way; unexpected but positive; not typical. Quirky reflects the varying ideas, experiences, personalities, creativities, desires, and needs of our collective congregants. We are a community willing to try new things. Last year at this time, David Perolman and I were deep in preparations for the THB Second Night Seder, which was, by all accounts, quirky. We planned the entire event with a few set intentions in mind: to have a fun and interesting experience, to experience a new twist on old tradition, to create an opportunity for people to feel more connected to the story and tradition. We thought about the important parts of the seder and how to bring new and modern meaning to each one. We decorated the foyer in yards and yards of blue fabric and added fish cutouts so guests could experience walking through the sea; we let people pick fruit from the “vine” (a trellis); we offered edible and wearable plagues; and we set up different ways to wash hands at different parts of the Seder. The community response was overwhelmingly positive. Children and adults were engaged and intrigued by our Seder--and enthusiastic about our innovative approach to a traditional Jewish experience. It is this enthusiasm and willingness to participate that allows the quirkiness of our community to shine through. We are a community that understands the importance of tradition and simultaneously embraces that which is new and different. This coming week brings the 2017 Annual Meeting, an opportunity for congregants to hear about the past year, and consider our budget for the upcoming year. I hope you were able to join us. Preparing for the Annual Meeting has been a wonderful opportunity to reflect on all that we have done and accomplished these past 12 months ~ and as with so much about Temple Habonim, it has been quirky! We have said farewell to our High Holy Day cantor of 37 years, offered blessings to congregants travelling to Israel, had nearly a dozen B’not Mitzvah, and honored our first president by naming the art gallery after him. We have also had new twists on Mitzvah Day projects, set aside a seat in our sanctuary for immigrants who can’t be with us, sent 36 congregants to hear Malala Yousafzai speak in Providence, and continued having Shabbat services on important issues and themes - LGBTQ Pride Shabbat, Gun Violence Prevention Shabbat, Social Action Shabbat, Immigration Shabbat - that connect with our Reform Jewish identity and the importance of social justice to our movement. We embrace the new and the old - and I believe we are stronger, more vibrant, and more deeply connected because of it. As Passover is around the corner, I hope that you and your family enjoy a meaningful holiday together. As always, please be in touch if something is on your mind.

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Arranged - Sunday, April 30th at 3:30 pm

Rachel is an Orthodox Jew, and Nasira a Muslim of Syrian origin. They are both beautiful

young teachers at a public school in Brooklyn. They also have something else in common -

they are going through the process of getting “arranged marriages” through their respective

religious and traditional customs. With both family pressure on the one hand and the

rejection of traditional values by the outside world on the other, Rachel and Nasira will have

to rely on each other and their friendship to pull through this difficult time in their lives,

striving to be strong women in charge of their own happiness, while keeping their religious

and cultural convictions.

Defying the Nazis: The Sharp’s War - Sunday, May 21st at 3:30 pm

The never-before-told story of Waitstill and Martha Sharp, an American minister and his

wife from Wellesley, Massachusetts, who left their children behind in the care of their

parish and boldly committed to a life-threatening mission in Europe. Over two dangerous

years they helped save scores of imperiled dissidents and refugees fleeing the Nazi

occupation across Europe. During this time, the Sharps would face harrowing encounters

with Nazi police, narrowly escape arrest and watch as the Third Reich invaded Eastern

Europe. Their marriage would be tested severely and the two children they left behind

would grow saddened by their parents’ absence. But, dozens of scientists, journalists,

doctors and powerful anti-Nazi activists and children would find their way to freedom and

start new lives in America because of their efforts and sacrifice.

Film to be announced - Sunday, June 4th at 3:30 pm - look for details in the May Bulletin

All showings, which include popcorn, are free and open to the community.

Kol-dich-fin yei-tei v’yei-khul -

Let All who are hungry, come and eat. Let all who are needy come and celebrate Passover.

Now we are all still in bonds. Next year may we be free.

Passover Haggadah

This year, open up your Passover table to a person/family who doesn’t have family here in Rhode Island.

If you’re in need of a place to go for Passover Seder, please call Jodi and ask her to pair you with a welcoming family.

If you’re willing to host someone(s), please call Jodi in the office and let her know.

Help us fulfill one of the most important mitzvot of Passover …

Welcoming the Stranger.

A Chag Sameach, A Happy Passover, to all, Temple Habonim Staff, Lay Leaders & Members

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Religious School David Perolman

“We are only as strong as the people with whom we surround ourselves.” I have

heard versions of this statement since I was a child. “Be careful who you hang out

with”; “Make wise choices”; “Don't do something just because others are doing it”; “If

they jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?” Who we choose to spend our time with

directly affects the type of person into which we evolve. Our speech, mannerisms,

personality traits and many more things are expressions that can be physically seen

developing and changing over time, often through the influence of others.

We see this shown in the story of the Exodus, our Passover story, as Moses led his

people out of the Pharaoh's slavery and into freedom. While Moses is the main

character of the story (picture that A-list actor or actress who’s getting the most

money and screen time in a movie), he would not have been able to do it without the

help of others. His siblings, Miriam and Aaron, are both such strong influences in the

story they are labeled prophets, or messengers of God. The Talmud talks about

Nachshon, the son of Aminadav, who, while Moses was praying to God with the

Egyptians rapidly approaching and others were arguing about who should walk into

the Sea of Reeds before it was parted, simply walked into the water. This led to the

others following his quiet and selfless lead, which led to the seas parting. While

wandering the desert and trying to build a society, the Torah speaks of Jethro,

Moses’s Father-in-Law. As Moses struggles to be an effective leader, Jethro tells

Moses he needs others to help him, thereby creating other leaders and freeing Moses

up for other, bigger picture work.

Just as in a movie, without other important supporting characters, a story is not as

strong. Without each and every one of these characters, one could argue Moses

wouldn't have been as successful, or the journey to the Promised Land would have

taken much more time and caused more hardship on his people. This Passover,

which begins Monday, April 10th at sundown, remember and make wise choices

about those with whom you are choosing to spend your time. It could make all the

difference in the story of your life.



Religious School Enrollment Day

Sunday, April 30th ~ 9:30 am to 12:00 noon

Register your child(ren) for the 2016-17 school year

Pay at least 1/2 of the total tuition and you’ll be entered to win $100 off your total tuition bill

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Teacher Feature - Alyssa Rooks

Well, our 6th grade Religious School instructor may have grown up just outside of Chicago, but she may

well be THB’s South American “frequent flyer!” Alyssa has visited, or lived in: Bolivia, Ecuador,

Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, and Peru! She’s hiked in the Andes, studied herbal medicine, and learned

from many farmers across the continent. The South American travel bug bit Alyssa early, and her first

foray (of many) to South America happened as she was graduating High School. She went with a group of

12 students for ecological and cultural studies and learned tremendous lessons of those countries and

peoples. She also made lasting friendships and ties with her fellow students.

Alyssa spent several years at Allegheny College in Pennsylvania. During her time there, she concentrated

in environmental studies. She likes to stay busy - she also worked with children in an after school program,

played on the Ultimate Frisbee team and worked on a small farm. After leaving college, she worked at a

bakery in Chicago before heading back to South America. She’s sold banana bread, studied woodworking,

taught English, and built a bike. But farming and naturalist studies were always a part of her curiosity.

After returning to the US, she taught gardening in New Orleans and ecology in rural Louisiana. Alyssa

seeks to share lessons from nature with others in unlikely natural places, and now makes her home in

Providence’s West End.

To learn more about Alyssa, check out the Teacher Feature page on the Temple website.

Saturday, April 8th 9:00 am

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Temple Habonim Bulletin


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Temple Habonim Bulletin


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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Sisterhood Gift Shop June Poses

Passover will arrive soon. The First Seder is Monday night, April 10th.

The Sisterhood Gift Shop has everything you’ll need for your Passover Seder table. There are several items

on display that were made in Israel: the beautiful Jerusalem stone and glass Seder Plate set from C.J. Art, a

handmade glass Matzah Plate and Charoseth Dish set designed by Lily Art Glass Studio, and two

Armenian pottery serving dishes. In addition, there are copies of the Children’s Hagadah used at the

Temple’s Seder and A Family Hagadah, which is a good choice for all ages. And don’t forget bags of

“plagues” and frogs to decorate the table and entertain your guests.

The Passover Gift Shop is open during regular Temple

office hours and will also be open on

Sunday, April 2nd from 9:30 to 12 noon

for your shopping convenience.

Thank you very much

for supporting the Sisterhood!


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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Caregivers Support Group 1st Monday of each Month at 7:00PM

April 3, May 1 & June 5

Caregiving is a part of many people’s lives, throughout their lives. However, there are times that caregiving can be difficult - when a parent is not able to be as independent as they once were, when a partner is ill or a family member needs unexpected care. These times can both be fulfilling and strenuous as decisions are made, lifestyles are altered and dreams are changed. If you find yourself in this time and place, please join the Caregivers Support Group at Temple Habonim. It is a space to be with others who may be having similar experiences. The collective wisdom and questions of this group can offer an important support to the individuals who join. If you have questions or would like to join, please email [email protected] or call the Temple office at 401-245-6536. This program is generously made possible by the Temple Habonim Endowment Fund.

Leslie Lunin Mehlman Religious School Library The Sydney Taylor Book Awards for 2016 were recently announced by the American

Library Association. I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark won for young

readers. The book is a boldly illustrated biography of the Supreme Court Justice, which

should be especially appropriate for grades 3-5. The author, Debbie Levy, helps students

understand what a groundbreaking life Ginsburg has led.

The winner for older readers, The Inquisitor’s Tale, has been a New York Times best-seller.

Adam Gidwitz, the author, has created an adventurous fantasy that follows three magical

children (and their dog!) as they try to save thousands of volumes of the Talmud. The

illustrations for Gidwitz’s book, based upon medieval manuscript illustrations, are


The winning title for older teens, Anna and the Swallow Man, has been described as “an

allegorical novel of the loss of innocence.” The book, set in Krakow in 1939, has received

very positive reviews.

All of these titles as well as some of the titles which were awarded silver medals, are already on display in

our Religious School Library. All of our Passover books are also on display and available for checking out.

Also, many thanks to Jamie Boylan for helping out with moving many books for us.

A zisn Pesach! A Happy and Sweet Passover! Lois Kemp & Sandy Rosenberg

Caring Committee Roni Phipps

The Caring Committee is here for our Temple community. We help those who are sick, organizing meals

or rides, offer support to those who have lost a loved one and welcome new babies. We send cards to

anyone who would benefit from good thoughts and are happy to add anything else that would assist our


Please support the success of the Caring Committee. If you hear of or know of a congregant (or you) who

could use some help, please let Jodi know, [email protected] or 401-245-6536, or the Rabbi if

you prefer, so we can help in the most appropriate way. If you would be interested in helping out, also

please let Jodi know.

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Unity with Israel Shabbat

Wine & Dine Friday, April 28 – 6:15pm service with dinner following

Across the political spectrum, we are all Jews, and we each find our own unique way to connect with, challenge and support Israel.

It is incumbent upon us Diaspora Jews to learn all we can about Israel and to find ways to foster our relationship with Israeli Jews.

With our diversity, we uphold Israel’s strength, Israel’s hope, Israel’s future.

Our community is blessed to have Tslil Reichman, our Israeli shlicha (emissary), here in RI for two years thanks to the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island

in partnership with the Jewish Agency for Israel. Tslil’s goal is to impart her love of Israel to us RI Jews in all the ways that she can.

All year Tslil has been working with our Chai school students on Tuesday nights.

Now the THB adult community will have an opportunity to meet and get to know Tslil as well.

During our Wine & Dine service on April 28th, Tslil will share her views about 3 special days on the Jewish calendar following Passover:

Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day – April 24

Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and victims of terrorist attacks – May 1

Yom Haatzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day – May 2

The dates of these special days are intentional, and the three days hold a unique historical connection with its own narrative and story to tell about Israel’s past and future.

Over the last few years, these days are celebrated and memorialized with ceremonies that have taken on very different meanings for different groups in Israeli society.

Tslil will give us her unique view of these days from the perspective of an Israeli with a degree from Ben Gurion University of the Negev in sociology, anthropology and

education, who has lived in England for 6 years, and who has spent several months traveling in South America after her time in the Army.

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Wine and Dine Friday, April 28th at 6:15pmY

Erev Shabbat Service

Special Guest: Tslil Reichman Israeli Emissary to the Jewish Alliance of Greater RI

(see page 12 for details) Followed by a Mediterranean Dinner* ~ Menu includes:

Tuscan Chicken, Rice, Israeli Salad & Roasted Vegetables

Assorted Desserts and Fruit

Nothing to bring except a bottle of wine! (if you choose)

Dinner is $18.00 per person

Please RSVP by Monday, April 24th

Because this is a catered dinner, your RSVP is very important and this deadline is firm!

*Dinner is catered by Leon’s KitchenWorx

Wine and Dine Friday, April 28th $18.00 per person

Return this response form to the Temple office by Sunday, April 24th or you can register through the Temple website @

Name: _________________________________________

No. attending: ______ Amount enclosed: ___________

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Mitzvah Day on April 2nd includes an opportunity to visit Dorcas International Institute of RI to see how that

non-profit agency works welcoming immigrants and settling new refugees while continuing to help the refugees wo

are already in Rhode Island. Sign-up information is located on the back cover of this bulletin. Even if you don’t

visit, please know that:

Dorcas needs our prayers.

Dorcas needs financial help.

And here’s what you can do:

Donate to Dorcas’ Emergency Fund Drive. Send a check to Dorcas, 645 Elmwood Avenue, Providence, RI 02907,

or - even easier - go online to and click the DONATE NOW button or find the donate button on

top of Dorcas’ facebook page ( International/).

Choose Dorcas at ( Make that your automatic start-up page so that when-

ever you shop online at, some money will automatically be given to Dorcas - at no cost to you.

Donate usable clothing and household items to DIIRI, which is conveniently located in Providence. Take Exit 17

off of Route 195 - turn right onto Elmwood Avenue. DIIRI is a short way up on the left at 645 Elmwood Avenue.

There is plenty of parking behind the building, but if you call ahead, 401-461-5940, someone will meet you so that

you won’t even have to get out of the car. Donations are accepted between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm on weekdays, and

you can get a receipt for tax purposes.

Thank you for helping Temple Habonim participate in the HIAS Welcome Campaign! HIAS is a non-profit

Jewish agency that has been helping refugees for over a century. To learn more about HIAS, go to:

Elizabeth Bakst

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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Georgia Marton and her mom, Alyssa, coordinated

a stuffed animal drive at Meeting Street and Temple

Habonim. Many friends and family also generously

shipped stuffed animals for the collection. To date,

they’ve collected over 150 stuffed animals to donate to

newly arriving immigrant and refugee children through

Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island. DIIRI

welcomes all those who are working to overcome

cultural, educational, economic and language barriers,

and empower them to achieve self-sufficiency and to

participate actively in our community. Through their

refugee resettlement program, DIIRI serves over 450

refugees each year from troubled regions all over the

world. The Marton family is thrilled with the outcome,

overwhelmed by the level of generosity, and impressed

with the sense of community generated from this small


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Temple Habonim Bulletin

Todah Rabbah … a Thank You to: Karyn Robbins, Sharon Monsour, Alane Torf, David Kagan, Nicole Jellinek and Candace Baer: for greeting during March Shabbat services Alan Goodis: for inspiring us with his music BCTY: for leading Shabbat Services with Alan Goodis Rabbi Moshe Druin: for maintaining our Torah scrolls and his fascinating classes for both students and adults Seymour Glantz: for organizing the Religious School Art Mural Alyssa & Georgia Marton: for organizing the stuffed animal drive to benefit the children of Dorcas International Roberta Segal: for organizing the new art show in the Bunny Fain Gallery Leslie Katz: for chanting Torah during the month of March Temple Beth-El: for hosting Rhode Island’s Joint Reform Service

Purim Thank Yous: Purim Schpiel: Set painting: Joe Shansky, Victor Lerish, Chai School students, Jennifer Levy & Quinn Sullivan Prop creation: Jason Buka & Graham Rooks Music & Orchestra: Amit Bhatia, Anusha Bhatia, Ellie Blane, Abby Kaplan, Meredith Kaplan, Elana Sheinkopf, Abby Wilhelm, Michael Blane, The Ruach Singers Cast: Tyler Buka, Sydney Duncan, David Fuentes, Rachel Fuentes, Zoe Gerstenblatt, Rabbi Andrew Klein, Max Jellinek-Knight, Talia Jellinek-Knight, Christopher Lane, Gabriel Lane, Gideon Lane, Lisa Littman, Max Littman, Alyssa Marton, Georgia Marton, Lana Melmed, Daniel Monsour, Jenny Monsour, Sharon Monsour, Asher Robbins, Simon Robbins, Rachael Wilmarth, Stephanie Wilmarth Script writing: Joe Shansky & Elana Sheinkopf Directing: Jennifer Levy Costumes: Leslie Lorber & Danielle Zavada (Arts Alive! Barrington) Filming: Andrew Gerstenblatt & Steve Sheinkopf Purim Carnival Volunteers: Jennifer Boylan, Laura Cohan, Janet Fuentes, Heather Glassner, Barbara & Brian Goldner, Michelle Goncalves, Nicole Jellinek, Jason Knight, Heidi & Christopher Lane, Sharon Monsour, Alane Torf, Debbie Weinstein, Stephanie Wilmarth, Our talented Madrichim and Chai School students, BCTY & all of the Parents who pitched in and helped to make this a huge success Hamantashen baking: Michael Porco (coordinator), Lisa Freda, Heather Glassner, Chelsea Goodman, Eric Newton, Max Newton, Roni Phipps, Kathy Rotsky, Alane Torf, Debbie Weinstein, 6th Grade teacher Alyssa Rooks and our culinary 6th grade students David Perolman: for organizing such an amazing schpiel and carnival Emma Freel, Brian Glantz, Talia Jelinek-Knight & David Sheinberg: for taking stunning photographs of all the wonderful events this month

Mazel Tov to: Bunny Fain: in honor of the dedication of the Art Gallery in his name Sarah Jageler: on being called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

Get Well: Ronald Winter Seymour Glantz

Condolences to: June Poses: on the death of her mother, Helene Axelrod Debbie Greenspan: on the death of her brother, Sam Newman

Please keep us informed of all your family’s simchas and celebrations so we can list them in our Bulletin

Art Gallery Fund Liz & Myles Adelman and Richard Segal: in honor of Bunny Fain Eleanor & Harvey Lapides: in honor of Bunny Fain Rabbi Andrew Klein & Adam Mastoon: with gratitude for Bunny Fain

Donations continued on next page ...

In the Temple Family


Page 17: Annual Community Passover Seder Tuesday, April … Community Passover Seder Tuesday, ... Dana Bash, CNN’s Chief ... reminded those who live in fear of our political climate today


Temple Habonim Bulletin

Donations continued ... Endowment Fund Pat & Alan Buff: in memory of Sam Newman Ilene & Richard Jacobs Linda Silverman Levine & Steven Levine: in memory of Helene Axelrod

General Fund To support programming and activities that strengthen our community Rabbi Andrew Klein & Adam Mastoon: in memory of Helene Axelrod and Sam Newman Pat & Alan Buff: in honor of Bunny Fain and Seymour Glantz, and in memory of Helene Axelrod BetteAnn & Norbert Fessel: in memory of Helene Axelrod and Sam Newman Marilyn & Steve Kaplan: in memory of Paul Knopf & Warren Mastoon Leslie & Jerry Katz: in memory of Paul Knopf, Warren Mastoon and Helene Axelrod Karen & Harry Knopf: in memory of Paul Knopf Leslie & Bryan Lorber: in support of the Purim Schpiel Lisa Shea: in memory of Helene Axelrod and Sam Newman Nicki & Malcolm Sockut: in memory of Mike McKeown and Warren Mastoon Edie & Jerry Weinstein: in memory of Sam Newman K. Reulla & Joel Weltman: in memory of Paul Knopf Kristin & David Winoker: in memory of Warren Mastoon

Lesley Lunin Mehlman Religious School Library Fund To honor her lifelong love of education

Linda & Allan Klepper: in memory of Warren Mastoon and Helene Axelrod Brian Mehlman: in memory of Lesley Lunin Mehlman

Library Fund Rosalie & John Franks: in memory of Helen Axelrod Marilyn & Steve Kaplan: in memory of Helen Axelrod Roberta & Paul Segal: in memory of Helene Axelrod Janet & Joe Shansky: in memory of Helene Axelrod

Music Fund Erica McKeown: with gratitude to Diane Minasian and David Perolman for a joyful memorial service Andrea & Jay Schachne Ilse Schaler Tina & Jordan Sheff: in memory of Larry Sheff

Religious School Fund Erica McKeown: with gratitude to David Sheinberg for providing a beautiful video of Mike’s memorial service Cathie & Gary Perolman: in honor of David Perolman, Rabbi Andrew Klein, Jodi Sullivan and all of the volunteers who made “Purim Pride” such a success Ronald Urso

JNF - Trees for Israel Elena & Ronald Winter: in memory of Rhoda Gran and in honor of Temple Habonim

Rabbi Klein Discretionary Fund To fund tzedakah, educational and professional development and Temple Habonim programming Candace Baer & Mark Ehrlich: in memory of Helene Axelrod Santina & David Fortunato: in memory of Warren Mastoon Lisa Freda & David Hruska: in memory of Warren Mastoon Madeline & Stanley Kanter: in memory of Helene Axelrod Eleanor & Harvey Lapides: in memory of Helen Lapides Heather MacLeod & Bruce Ruttenberg: in memory of Laurie Ruttenberg Fortin and Warren Mastoon Erica McKeown: in memory of Mike and with gratitude for a beautiful memorial service Linda, Bernie & Syril McNally: in memory of Warren Mastoon Dr. Norman Medow (father of Julie Gerstenblatt): in support of THB Sharon & Michael Monsour: in memory of Warren Mastoon Ruth Oppenheim: in memory of Helene Axelrod Ilse Schaler: with gratitude for Rabbi Moshe Druin’s visit to THB Myra Shays: in memory of Helene Axelrod Kristin & David Winoker: in memory of Kristin’s parents, Robert & Patricia Engle

Page 18: Annual Community Passover Seder Tuesday, April … Community Passover Seder Tuesday, ... Dana Bash, CNN’s Chief ... reminded those who live in fear of our political climate today


Temple Habonim Bulletin

Board of Trustee Meetings

Temple Habonim Board of Trustees’ monthly meetings are

usually held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, beginning

at 7:00pm (dates are listed below). Board meetings are open

to all THB members in good standing, and all are welcome to

attend. On a very few occasions, there may be some

confidential information that needs to be discussed, but

generally meetings are open.

April 5, 2017 May 10, 2017 June 14, 2017

Temple Habonim 165 New Meadow Road Barrington, RI 02806 Phone: 401-245-6536

website: Rabbi Andrew Klein [email protected] David Perolman, Education Director/Songleader [email protected] James Rosenberg, Rabbi Emeritus

[email protected] Jodi Sullivan, Temple Administrator [email protected] Nicole Jellinek, Temple President [email protected] Alane Torf, Vice President [email protected] Michael Blane, Treasurer [email protected] Education Committee: [email protected] Youth Group: [email protected] Membership Committee: [email protected] Art Gallery: [email protected]

Because of privacy laws, THB is not notified when someone enters or is discharged from the hospital. Please call the Temple to let us know if a member of the THB community is

hospitalized or in need of assistance.

If you need assistance at a time when the office is closed, please call the THB office and leave a

message on Rabbi Klein’s line,

401-245-6536, ext. 13.

Save the date ...

Please join us for Shavuot, Yizkor &

the Confirmation of:

Samuel Ehrlich Meredith Kaplan Daniel Sheinberg Ryan Silverman

Samuel Valk Tamar Wolfson

Tuesday, May 30th at 7:30 pm

Page 19: Annual Community Passover Seder Tuesday, April … Community Passover Seder Tuesday, ... Dana Bash, CNN’s Chief ... reminded those who live in fear of our political climate today


Temple Habonim Bulletin

26 March 9:30 am Religious School 9:30 am Worship Service 9:30 am “Conversations with Andy”

27 March

28 March 7:15 pm Chai School

29 March 3:40 pm/5:00 pm Hebrew School 7:00 pm Mussar Class

30 March 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 7:00 pm Annual Congregation Meeting

31 March 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service With special musical guest Jodi Blankstein, accompanied by Adam Dehner

1 April 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service

2 April Mitzvah Day 9:30 am Worship Service 9:30 am - 12:00 noon Sisterhood Passover Gift Shop open

3 April 7:00 pm Caregivers Support Group

4 April 7:15 pm Chai School

5 April 3:40 pm/5:00 pm Hebrew School 7:00 pm Board Meeting

6 April 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn

7 April Kehillah Kedoshah Freedom Shabbat 6:00 pm Pizza dinner 6:45 pm Erev Shabbat Service (See page 7 for details)

8 April 9:00 am Tot Service 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service

9 April 9:30 am Religious School 9:30 am Worship Service

10 April First Seder

11 April Office Closed 6:00 pm Second Night Seder (See front cover for details) NO Chai School

12 April 3:40/5:00 pm Hebrew School 7:00 pm Mussar Class

13 April 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn

14 April 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service with Torah reading & Yizkor Service

15 April

16 April NO Religious School

17 April

18 April NO Chai School

19 April NO Hebrew School 7:00 pm Mussar Class

20 April 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn

21 April 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service with Torah reading

22 April

23 April NO Religious School 4:00 pm Yom HaShoah remembrance service at Temple Emanu-El (See page 18 for details)

24 April

25 April 7:15 pm Chai School

26 April 3:40 pm/5:00 pm Hebrew School

27 April 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn

28 April 6:15 pm

Wine & DIne Erev Shabbat Service with Special Guest Speaker Tslil Reichman, Israeli Emissary to the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island (See pages 12 & 13 for details)

29 April 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service 6:30 pm BCTY Open Mic Night (See page 15 for details)

30 April 9:30 am Religious School 9:30 am Worship Service 9:30 am - 12:00 noon RS Enrollment Day Lego Program

1 May 7:00 pm Caregivers Support Group

2 May 7:15 pm Chai School

3 May 3:40 pm/5:00 pm Hebrew School

4 May 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn

5 May Kehillah Kedoshah Rockin’ Shabbat 5:30 pm Tot Service 6:00 pm Pizza dinner 6:45 pm Erev Shabbat Service (See page 15 for details)

6 May 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Schaerf

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

April/May 2017 ~ Nisan/Iyar 5777

Page 20: Annual Community Passover Seder Tuesday, April … Community Passover Seder Tuesday, ... Dana Bash, CNN’s Chief ... reminded those who live in fear of our political climate today


Temple Habonim Bulletin





BARRINGTON, RI 165 New Meadow Road

Barrington, RI 02806

Ph. 401-245-6536

Return Service Requested

Spring Mitzvah Day is Sunday, April 2nd

This year, under the leadership of the Jewish Alliance, many RI congregations and communi-ties will participate in Good Deeds Day on April 2nd, a global day that unites people from over 75 countries to do good deeds for the benefit of others and the planet.

Temple Habonim’s Social Action Committee, under the leadership of Lisa Denny,

has three choices for how you can participate on April 2nd.

Osamequin Nature Preserve Clean-up, County Road (northbound side of Route 114) in Barrington ~ 10:15 am to 12:00 noon Human Rights Day ~ Temple Habonim, 165 New Meadow Road, Barrington ~ 10:15 am to 12:00 noon Rhode Island Welcomes Refugees ~ Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island, South Campus, 645 Elmwood Avenue, Providence ~ 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

Please join us at 9:30 am for a Worship Service in the Sanctuary

To sign up, go to the home page of the Temple website ~ ~ and click on the Mitzvah Day flyer

or go to:
