
1 Slater

Madison Slater

Mrs. DeBock

English 4

26 February 2016

Essential Question: Why is hearing loss becoming more common in young people?

Working Thesis: Hearing loss is becoming more common in today’s youth because of loud


Refined Thesis: Hearing loss is becoming more common in today’s youth due to loud music, ear

infections as a child, and simply being born with a hearing impairment.

Annotated Bibliography

Mandal, Ananya. “More Young People are Losing Their Hearing: Study.” News Medical, 18

Aug. 2010. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

In the article “More Young People are Losing Their Hearing: Study” a study was done on over

1,200 students who have shown any sort of hearing loss. The Study shows that 90% of students

use an iPod or some sort of music playing device and listen to it at maximum volume, After long

periods of time, this can cause hearing loss that is usually only temporary. This type of hearing

loss causes a loss of high-frequency noise which is linked to exposure to loud noise. This article

is helpful to my research because it gives statistical facts about how many students are suffering

from a hearing loss due to loud music.

“Causes of Hearing Loss in Children” Causes of Hearing Loss in Children. American

Speech-Language-Hearing Association, n.d. Wed. 18 Feb. 2016.

In the article “Causes of Hearing Loss in Children” it focuses on how ear infections can cause

hearing loss in the long run. A frequent term found in this article is Otitis Media, which is an

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inflammation of the middle of the ear. The inflammation is caused by a fluid backup behind the

eardrum which will lead to an ear infection if not treated quickly and correctly. While many

children have ear infections growing up and never see a loss in hearing. it is more common in the

children that have frequent fluid that is not treated properly. The reason the fluid causes hearing

loss over time is because the vibrations that sound make in your ear, cannot properly vibrate.

This article is a great source for research because it shows graphs about how the ear is affected

by fluid and why children are often suffering from it.

“Hearing Loss That Runs in Families” The National HEaring Test. The National Hearing Test.


June 2014. Web, 18 Teb. 2016.

The last article, “Hearing Loss that Runs in Families” talks about how hearing loss, can actually

be genetic and passed down generation to generation. Hearing loss is a gene that a person

inherits but does not always show symptoms of but their child can. For example, a grandmother

suffers from hearing loss, her daughter does not, but the grandchild does. Not only can it be a

gene that can be inherited, but it commonly is found in newborn babies that suffered through

bacterial or viral infections during pregnancy. This article is especially helpful because it shows

that hearing loss is not always an affect from something, you can simply just be born with the
