Page 1: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SO-4

Annotated Bibliography

of the Carpenterworm,

Prionoxystus robiniae J.D. Solomon and C.J. Hay

Southern Forest Experiment Station Forest Service

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Page 2: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, Prionoxystus ro b i ~ ~ i a e

J, D* Solomon' and 6, J. Way2

This bibliography has been prepared for en- tomologists, foresters, pest control personnel, and other-s who wish to refer to Literature on the carpenter\%-orm, Prionox yst us r o biniae Peck (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) .

The insect, the larvae of i+rhich cariise severe economic loss by tunneling in the trunks of hard~nrood timber trees, was originally described in 1818 a n d named Cossus robinine. The generic name was subsequently changed to XyleuCes Harris, then to iYyst?cs Grote, and finally to Prionctxyst?ts Grote. Common names include locust moth, locust cossus? locust carpenter moth, goat moth, carpenter moth, carpenter borer, ls- cust tree borer, ash tree borer, and oak carpen- terworm.

The carpenterworm is a native of North America and is widely distributed throughout the United States and southern Canada. In the Eastern and Southern U.S. the oaks are its prin- cipal hosts, Here and elsewhere, however? green ash, black locust, elm, maple, willow, cotton~vood, and occasionally fruit trees and ornamentals are attacked.

The larvae hatch frorn eggs laid in erevices on the bark and promptly enter first the inner bark and then the sapwood. The larval stage may be completed within 1 or 2 years in the South, but may continue for 3 or 4 years elsewhere. The adult is a large grey moth. Fully grown larvae may be 12 mm in diameter, and their tunnels in the sapivood cause much loss frorn degrade when infested trees are sawn into lun~ber,

Over the years, eonsideraMle literatrrre has de- veloped, Early con"cributions were primarily de- scriptive, and dealt mostly with systematics and

IEntomofo~ifit n t the Southern Hardwoori.: Laboratory, which is main- tained a t Stoneville, Mississippi, by the Southern Forest Experiment Station, TiSDA Forest Service, in cooperation with the Mississippi Agricutturnt and Forestry Experiment Station and the Southern Hardwood Forest Research Group.

"nseet Ecolonist, Northeastern Forest Exper iment Station, USDA Forest Service, Delaware, Ohio.

with damage and control in shade trees. Only \%~ithin the past few decades has the carpenter- worm's great importance in hardwood forest stands been recognized,

No rsrevisus attempt has been made to compile a complete bibliography, but Munro and Fox (1934) included 48 references in their paper on biology and control, The present bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order by author and is intended to cover all technical literature through 1972. Most annotations summarize the salient information in each publication but for litera- ture that presents only brief or general treat- ment the annohation consists of a few keywords to characterize the eon te~ t . Citations fro= USP)A Cooperative Economic Insect Reports a r e presented in abbreviated form on page 2.

Readers \vho are beginning a study of the car- penlerivorm are particularly directed to papers by Hay, gIorris, Xlunro, and Solomon. Older pub- lications deserving attention are those by Burke, Doten, Felt, Fetch, Grote, and Paekard. Infor- mation on specific aspects of the insect may be located through the subject index.

The initial sources of reference were the au- "chors' files and the various forestry and ento- mological journals. Other important sources were Biological A bs tmcts , Forestry A bstmets , Reviepc of Appl ied Entomology, Zoological Rec- ord, and Index f o the Literature o f A m e r i c a n Economic E n f o ? ~ ~ o k o g y , Citations in specific pub- lications pi-ovided additional f;i"cles. Though con- siderable care was taken, there probably are omissions; notification of these will be appreci- ated,

Some of the references deal with uses of pesti- cides no longer. approved by the dT. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Before any pesticide is applied, its current registration should be checked \\riLL? responsible State or Federal au- thorities,

Page 3: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Tabulated annotationrr from U S D A Cooperative Economic Insect Reports

Turkey oak Fla. Oaks N. Car. Oaks Va,

Death of several trees Damaging trees Dead and dying trees,

most infested Damaging trees Light to medium infestation Becoming of economic

importance Damaging trees Extremely serious damage


Oaks Pecan S h e l h r k l t trees

Miss. & Va, Tex. Mont.

Oaks Miss. Pecan S. Car. Ash, cottonwood, elm

boxelder, Chinese elm Mont. Pecan S. Car.

Attacks noted 15-20 large holes noted

in some trees A local problem Severe damage and killing Medium infestation Attacks noted Medium infestation Heavy infestation Killing trees in 7-year-old

shelterbelt Severe damage Moderate 20A infestation Locally heavy Severe infestations Male moths taken a t

light t rap Increase in infestation

during 1962 Medium infestation Some damage in shelterbelts

Elm Calif. black oak Oak Elm Elm Chinese elm Ash

Calif. Calif. Calif. S. Dak. Calif. Calif. N. Dak.

Shelterbelt trees Pecan Calif. live oak Ash

Mont. Ala. Calif. N. Dak. N. Dak.

Coast live oak Calif.

Peaches Poplar and oak Shade trees and

ornamentals Ash Cherry

Calif. N. Dak.

Colo. N. Dak. Wash.

Noted as a pest Attacks noted Attacking winter-injured

trees Considerable damage Attacks noted Damaging winter-injured

trees Damage and degrade severe Pupae heavy locally in t runks Larvae heavy locally in

trunks Serious log and

lumber degrader Abundant Damage noted Heavy infestations Destructive pest of

deciduous trees Increasing number Severe larval damage Heavy damage

Oaks Elm Cherry

Ind. Colo. Wash.

Oaks Ash Boxelder

Central States Calif. Calif.

Hardwoods Mo.

Mont. Calif. Ga. Xont.

Cottonwood, walnut, ash Pecan Deciduous trees Shade trees

Mont. Neb. Calif.

Elms Willows Shelterbelt plantings and

ornamental trees Hardwoods Green ash and Siberian elm

Major pest Most destructive borer Heavy damage

Mont. Mo. S. Dak.

Page 4: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Anonymous. 1971. CONTROL OF BORERS IN P L A N T E D TREES IN THE PRAIRIE PROV- I N C E S . Can. Dep, Agric. TN Pam. 2, 15 p. T h e carpc?tterwor.m. i s a serious pest of trees p l a ~ z fed f a r shade, orna?~zental, and wi~zdbreak purposes . I-nJol=mation 012 hosts, damage, signs o f a t t a c k , stages, l i f e cycles, prevention, and control. Abrahamson, L. P., and XcCraeken, F. I. 1972. INSlECT AND DISEASE PESTS OF SOUTH- E R N HARDWOODS. I n Proc., Southeast. Hard- wood Symp, (197l), p. 80-89. USDA For. Serv., SouCheast. Area State and Priv. For., Atlanta, Ga. I n t h e Midsouth, carpenterworms spend u p t o 2 y e a r s co7~structing 6-inch long galleries in the t ~ u ? t k s o f oaks. T h e female sex pheromone i s be- irzg i~ zves t i ga t ed a s a potential control.

Anderson, R. F. 1960, FOREST AND SHADE T R E E ENTOMOLOGY, p. 325-327. Wiley & Sons, N.-Y. Bio logy , damage, and control.

Bailey, J. S. 1883. ON SOME OF THE NORTH AMERICAN COSSIDAE, WITH FACTS IN T H E LIFE HISTORY OF COSSUS CENTER- E N S I S LINTNER. In USDA. Div. Entomol. Bull. 3, y. 49-55, plates I, 11. P. robiniae a t tacks oak , wil low, and locust f r o m Ca l i f o rn ia east t o N e w Y o r k . F o r m s o f P, robiniae are discussed.

Baker, W. L. 1972. EASTERN FOREST IN- SECTS, p. 388-389. USDA Misc. Pub. 1175. BioEogg, damage, control. Barnes, W,, and Benjamin, F . H. 1923. PRIO- NOSYSTUS ROBINIAE. Contrib. Nat, Hist. Lepid. N. Am. 5 : 94-95. S p e c i m e n s v a r y little in appearance w i t h i n a local- i t g b u t show remarkable var ia t ion among geo- g r a p h i c areas. Three races are described: mixtus, subnigrus, and flavotinctus. Barnes, W., and McDunnough, J. H. 1911. REVI- S ION OF T H E COSSIDAE OF NORTH AMER- ICA. Contrib. Nat. Hist. Lepid. N. Am. l ( 1 ) : 3-35. T w o sub families of Cossidae, Nypopt inae and Zeuzer inae , a re g i ven and P. robiniae i s placed i n Zeuzer inae . Sy s t ema t i c s of t he Cossidae are discussed and a k e y t o t h e genera of t h e t w o sub- f ami l i e s i s presented.

Beal, J . A. 1957. INSECT RESEARCH TO IN- S U R E AND MAINTAIN TIMBER QUALITY. I n Proc. Timber Quality Conf., p. 1-12. USDA For. Serv. For. Prod. Lab., Madison, Wis. T h e greates t impact of trunk-boring insect8 o n qz4ality mater ia l i s among t h e hardwoods in the easte?*~z half of t h e cou~z t r y , especicrllg in t h e W8-

siss ippi V a f l e g . Research o n controls i s urgent lg needed.

Beal, J . A., Haliburton, W., and Knight, F . £3. 1952. FOREST INSECTS OF T H E SOUTH- EAST: With special reference to species occur- ring in the Piedmont Plateau of North Carolina, p. 64-66, plate 12. Duke Univ. Sch. For. Bull. 14.

T h e carpenterworm has attracted most a t t en t i on a s a pest of shade and op-numentat. t r ee s , bu t it also does m a c h damage irz forest stands. Br i e f l g desc?-ibes life stages, biology, hosts, and d a m a g e ,

Blickenstaff, C. C. 1970. COMMON NAMES O F INSECTS, p. 4. Entomol. Soe. Am. Cornm, on Common Names of Insects. T h e approved common ?tame o f P. robiniae i s "carpenterw om..'"

Boisduval, J. A. 1852. LEPIDOPTERES D E LA CALIFORNIE. Ann. Soc, Entornol., ser. 2, 10: 323. Deserip fro??, hosts. Borror, D. J., and DeLong, D. 31. 1954. INTRO- DUCTION TO THE STUDY O F INSECTS, p. 533. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, N.Y. Biology, k ey .

Borror, D. J., and White, R. E. 1970. A F IELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M . 1945. INJURIOUS INSECTS O F NEW JERSEY NURSERIES, p. 138-139. N. J. Dep. Agric. Circ. 355. Biology, damage. Boyd, W . M. 1953. INSECTS OF IMPORTANCE IN NEW JERSEY NURSERIES, p. 167-168. N. J. Dep. Agric. Cire. 390. Biolo gy , damage, control. Brimley, C. S . 1938. THE INSECTS OF NORTH CAROLINA, p. 313. N. C. Dep. Agric. Div. Entomol., Raleigh. &loth emergence, d is t r ibz t ion . Britton, W. E. 1926. BORERS IN RELATION TO CAVITIES IN TREES. Tree Talk 7: 11-13. P. robiniae m a k e s Large cglindrical galleries in the t r u n k s of ash , e lm, oak, maple , and locust . W o u n d s should be dressed promptly t o promote healing and prevent decay. Britton, W . E. 1933. PLANT PEST HANDBOOK FOR CONNECTICUT, I. Conn. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 344, p. 126. Damage, hosts. Bromley, S. W. 1944, CONTROLLING BORERS IN TREES. Horticulture 22: 412. Can be co?~trolled b y "cut t ing out," "fumigation o f galleries, a ? ~ d wrapping t runks . Brown, H. P., and Panshin, A. J. 1940. COMMER- CIAL TIMBERS OF T H E UNITED STATES, p. 283-285. McGraw-Hill, N.Y. Impaot . Brown, L. R., and Eads, C. 0. 1965. A TECHNI- CAL STUDY OF INSECTS AFFECTING T H E OAK TREE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, p. 60-63. Calif. Agrie, Exp. Stn. Bull. 810. I l lustrated description of carpenterworm Life s f ages w i t h notes o n l i fe history. Control measures i??el?~de mecha?zical methods ( such a s poking i n t o funnels w i t h a w i re ) , application of a chemical or spray , and injection of a f umigan t i n t o t h e tunnels.

Page 5: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Browne, F. G , 1968. PESTS AND DISEASES O F FOREST PLANTATION TREES, an anno- tate$ list of the principal species occurring in the British Commonwealth, p, 585-588, Ctarendon Press, Oxford. Distributio?~.

Bryan, W. 6. 1958. DEFECT IN PIEDXONT HARDKiOODS. USDA For. Serv., Southeast, For. Exp. Stn. Res. Notes 115, 2 p, F?.om 55 to T6 percent of oaks sampled had defects cazcsed by borers. T h e percent of incidence o f bore?*-damaged trees on variofns sites w a s a s fol- l ows : ridge 26, slope 40, cove 32, and lowla~zd or bot tom 39.

Bryan, W, C. 1960. LOSSES FROM DEFECT IN PIEDMONT HARDWOODS. USDA For. Serv., Southeast. For. Exp. Stn., Stn. Pap. 109, 31 p. Exclusive of g rowth defects, the mos t common source of hardwood defect w a s insect borers. Losses f r o m insect-caused defects were least in cove sites, i n s tands of h igh basal area, and i n t rees o f h igh vigor.

Burke, H. E. 1921. NOTES ON THE CARPEN- TERWORM (PRIONOXYSTUS ROBINIAE PECK) AND A NEW METHOD OF CONTROL. J. Econ. Entomol. 14 : 369-372. T h e carpenterworm i s one of the wors t pests o f nat ive live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and intro- duced elm (Ulmus campestres) in California. For protection, placing a "knock down9' screen cage around the t r u n k of shade trees f rom May through Jzdy i s suggested,

Burns, D. P. 1971. INSECTS THAT HURT T H E BOURBON STAVE INDUSTRY. Wooden Bar- rel 38 (6) : 6-9,12,13. Insect damage in whi te oak c a w e d the rejection o f 1.3-11.4 percent of the staves and stave blanks cu t a t three mills in Ohio. Grubs were most detri- mental to logs of small dia-meter.

Charnberlin, W. J. 1953. INSECTS AFFECTING FOREST PRODUCTS AND OTHER MATERI- ALS, p. 29-31. Coop. Assoc. Rep., Oregon State Coll,, Corvallis. Systemat ics , description.

Chapman, J . TitT'. 1911. THE LEOPARD MOTH AND OTHER INSECTS INJURIOUS TO SHADE TREES IN THE VICINITY OF BOS- TON, p. 41. Bussey Inst,, Harvard Univ., Contrib. Entomol. Lab. Habi ts of carpenter m o t h and leopard moth are compared. Chellmann, C. W. 1971. INSECTS, DISEASES AND OTHER PROBLEMS O F FLORIDA'S PREES, p. 21-29. Fla. Dep, Agric. Bull. 196. T h e carpenferwornz i s not considered a serious forest pest i?z Florida. Habi ts , signs o f a t tack , control.

Childs, L. 1914. OAK PESTS-THE CARPEN- TERWORM. Mon. Bull. Calif. State Comm. Bort. 3 : 259-264. California live oaks, poplars, willows, locusts, and e lms are badlg damaged. The adul t i s known in

malzy places as the goat moth , so rtamed because of i t s odor, L i f e hislorg, distribution, alzd control, Chu, H, F, 1949. HOBr TO KTu'OXT THE IMMA- TURE INSECTS, p. 156. IVm. C. Brown Co,, Du- buque, Iowa, Pictorial: keg ,

Cornstock, J. H, 1966, AN INTRODUCTION TO ENTOXOLOGY, p. 601-604. Comstoek Pub. Asso- ciates, K.Y. Bz'ofogg, damage, distributiolz, systematics. Comstock, J. H., Comstoek, A. B., and Herriek, G. Ki. 1938. A MANUAL FOR THE STUDY O F INSECTS, p. 194, 196-191. Comstock Publ, Co,, Ithaca, N, Y. Description.

Cotton, E, C. 1906. THE LOCUST TREE CAR- PENTER-XOTH (PRIONOXYSTUS ROBIN- IAE PECK), p. 12-14. Ohio Nurs. Orch. Suppl. Bull. 7. il.;fmhch of the damage attributed to the locust borer is actually t ha t of t he carpenterworm.

Craighead, F. 6, 1950. INSECT ENEMIES O F EASTERN FORESTS, p. 366, 497-502. USDA Nisc. Pub. 657, Biology, damage, key , control.

Dean, G. A. 1920. INSECT ENEMIES O F SHADE TREES AND ORNAMENTALS. I n Kans, Hort. Soc. Bien. Rep. 35: 159-160, L i f e history, control.

Doane, R, W. 1912. SOME INSECT PESTS O F CALIFORNIA LIVE OAKS. J. Eeon. Entomol. 5 : 346-348. Introduction of carbon bisulphide in to t he galler- ies controlled the larvae,

Doane, R. W., Van Dyke, E. C., Chamberlin, W. J., and Burke, H. E. 1936. Forest Insects, p. 319-329. McGraw-Hill, N.Y. Biology, damage, distribution. Dolphin, R. E., Mouzin, T. E., and Cleveland, M. L. 1972. INSECTS ASSOCIATED WITH PEACH WOOD IN EASTERN UNITED STATES. Can. Entomol. 104: 1593-1608. Host.

Donley, D. E., Hay, 6. J., and Burns, D. P. 1969. BORERS IN OHIO OAKS. Ohio Woodlands 7 : 17-18. Cuttses degrade in both red and wltizfe oaks. Gal- leries s tar t a t a wound or a n old borer gallery, T h e y m a y be 1 inch in diameter and are a lways stahzed dark brown or black.

Doten, S, B. 1900. THE CARPENTERWORM. Kev. Agric, Exp, Stn. Bull. 49, 13 p. A nat ive of t h i s country and very common .in willow and wild cotto.~zwoods in Nevada. In for - mat ion on the appearance of the insect , recogni- t iom of damage, biology, and control. Woodpeckers devozcr t he larvae,

Duncan, C, D,, and Pickwell, G, 1939. T E E WORLD OF INSECTS, p. 75-76. XcGraw-Hill, N.V. Biology.

Page 6: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

DWrban, W, S. M. 1860. A SYSTEMATIC LIST O F LEPIDOPTERA COLLECTED IN THE t 'ICIbTITY OF MONTREAL. Can. Nat, and Geol, 5 (4 ) : 247. L i s t s Cossus plagiatus Walker in the fami ly Zezcxe.i*idae. Rare, collected in July .

Dyar, H. 6. 1902. LIST OF NORTH AMERI- CAN LEPIDOPTERA, p. 362-363, U,S. Idat. Mus, Bull. 52. L i s t s Prionoxystus robiniae and a var ie ty quercus. Also L k t s a s synonyms plagiatus Walker , erepera Gro te , reticulatus Lintner , and zabolicus Strecker.

Dyar, H. G. (rev. W. Schaus). 1937. FAXILY: COSSIDAE. MACROLEP. (ed. A. Seitz), p. 1263-1287. A. Kernen, Stuttgart. Sys t emat i c s . Includes list o f the original descrip- t ions of the American f o

Ebel, B. H. 1967. PIEDMONT HARDWOODS- W H I C H DO WOOD BORERS DANAGE? South. Lumberman 215 (2680) : 113-114. I n a mill-yard s tudy in the Georgia Piedmont, 25 to 47 percent o f the log ends o f several species o f oak showed insect-caused defec ts t ha t were attrib- u ted Largely t o carpenterworms and cerambycid

Ebel, B. H., Merkel, E. P., and Kowal, R. J. 1972. KEY TO DAMAGE OF SOUTHERN FOREST T R E E S BY INSECTS. For. Farmer 31 ('7) : 31- 36. K e y t o insect damage.

Edwards, H. 1891. INGUROMORPHA SLOS- SONTI BY. EDWARDS. Entomol. News 2 : 11-72. Discusses the sgnonymy of several cossid species and s t a t e s t ha t Cossus plagiata i s a synongm o f Prionoxystus robiniae.

Ehrrnann, G. A. 1893. VARIETY OF PRION- OXYSTUS ROBINIAE. Can. Entomol. 25: 257. P. robiniae var. quercus i s based largely on the following description: ' T h e whole o f the sub-cen- t ~ a l i n n e r space of the secondaires (edging o n the discoidal cell) in the female i s semi-transparent orange, similar to t h a t in the male."

Essig, E. 0. 1926. INSECTS OF WESTERN NORTH AMERICA, p. 753-754, MacMillan Go., N.U, Biologg.

Essig, E. 0, 1931, A HISTORY O F ENTOXOL- OGY, p. 732, 926. MaeMillan Co., N.Y, Hos t s ,

Essig, E. 0, 1942. COLLEGE ENTOXOLOGY, p. 444-445, 3facMillan Co., N.Y. Biology.

Essig, E. 8. 1958. INSECTS AND MITES OF WESTERN NORTH AXERICA, p. 753-554. MacMillan Co., N.Y. Biology, control.

Felt, E. P. 1905, INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES, p, 79-84, N, U, State Xus. Xern. 8, vol. 1. The carpenf e rworm produces serious deformi t ies anct th?ts peenders t rees ;ltnsightly. In format ion on

early history o f the insect, habits, description, dis- tribution, hosts, and remedial measures.

Felt, E. P, 1930. MANUAL OF T R E E AND SHRUB INSECTS, p. 33-35. XaeXillan Co., N.Y. Biology, damage, control.

Felt, E. P. 1912. BORERS OF SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. Trees 5 ( 3 ) : 6, 8. T h e carpenterworm, a serious pest on t h e W e s t Coast, i s credited w i t h killing more oaks t h a n ang other insect. Practical control consists o f e i ther cutti?tg the borers out or injecting a n insecticide in to t he gallerg.

Felt, E. P., and Rankin, W. H. 1932. INSECTS AXD DISEASES OF ORNAMENTAL T R E E S AND SHRUBS, p. 154-155, 295, 325-326, 359. Mae31illan Co., N.Y. BioEogg, importance, control.

Fenton, F . A. 1939. CONTROL OF SHADE TREE BORERS, p. 22-24. Okla. Agric. Exp. Stn. Circ, 84. I n Oklahoma, the carpenterworm has been re- corded ortlg f r o m Payne County , but i s probably distributed throlcghout the eas tern hal f of t h e S ta te . T h e insect and i t s damage are described and control procedures are given.

Fernald, H. T. 1942, APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY. p. 231-233. McGraw-Rill, N.Y. Danzage, habits.

Filmer, R. S . 1945. WHAT ABOUT BORER CONTROL? Home Gard. 6 (3) : 91-95. Symptoms , control.

Fiteh, A, 1859. REPORT ON THE NOXIOUS INSECTS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORE;, p, 4-11. Fifth Rep., Trans. N. Y. State Agric. Soc. T h e locust cossus, Cossus robiniae, bores large holes in the solid wood of oaks and other trees, admit t ing air and moisture and causing the i r de- cay. T h e earlg systematics are discussed and t h e common name "locust cossus"is proposed. General in format ion on i t s biology and control are given.

Forbes, W. T. M. 1923. THE LEPIDOPTERA O F NEW YORK AND NEIGHBORING STATES, p. 516-520, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp, Stn. lyfern. 68, Sgstt??naties,

Fowells, H, A. 1965. SILVICS OF FOREST TREES OF T H E UNITED STATES, p. 579,594- 595, 601, 613, 617, 624, 630, 639. USDA Agric. Handb. 271. Hosts ,

Fox, A. C. 1933. EFFECTS OF TEE CARPEN- TERWOR&l OON THE ASH TREE. Masters9 thesis, K. Dak. Agric. Coll., Fargo, 59 p. Green a s h and several other hosts aue damaged. E g g s are laid singly o r i?z masses and hatch in 11- 14 days . Birds aid in natural control, Fumigat ion of the galleries is the most practical co.lztro1.

Fraeker, S. B. 1941. THE CLASSIFICATION O F LEPIDOPTEROTSS LARVAE, p. 39, 78-79. Contrib. Entomoi. Lab. Univ. Ill. 43. Svs temat ics .

Page 7: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Fraser , J. P. 1928. DEFECTS IN TIMBER. T i n ~ b e r Trades J. 104: 87-88,137. Defi?zes de fec ts re ferred t o i-iz the grading rule book o f the National Hardfctood L z ~ m b e r Associa- t iot t . Fros t , S. W. 1942. GENERAL EXTOMOLOGY, p. 218,381,385. McGraw-Hill, N.Y. Tzcnneting habits. Frost , S. W. 1959. INSECT LIFE AND INSECT NATURAL HISTORY, p. 380-385. Dover Publi- cations, N.Y. Tz~-i.tneling habits , f rass, damage. Garinan, H. 1916. THE LOCUST BORER (CYL- L E N E ROBINIAE) AND OTHER INSECT ENEMIES O F TH BLACK LOCUST, p. 122-123. Ky. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 200. C a ~ p e n t e r w o r m s were found in the bztrrows o f the locus t borer. Habi ts are brief ly described.

Gass, R. D. 1967. INSECT AND DISEASE P E S T S OF EASTERN COTTONWOOD IN MISSOURI, p. 10-11. Mo. Dep. Conserv., For. Div. Rep. T h e r e i s no sa t i s fac tory control for t h e carpenter- w o r m under plantation conditions.

Gass, R. D. 1971. For. Div. Mo. Conserv. Comm. For . Pest Rep. 10, p. 3. Borer s , primarily t h e carpenterworm and red oak borer , Enaphalodes rufulus, cause a n annual loss o f $328,000 in Missouri hardwood t imber.

Genaux, C. M., and Kuenzel, J. G. 1939. DE- FECTS WHICH REDUCE QUALITY AND YIELD OF OAK-HICKORY STANDS IN SOUTHEASTERN IOWA, p. 437-441. Iowa Agric. Exp. Stn. Res. Bull. 269. Hos t s , importance.

Gesell, S. G. 1954. INSECT PESTS OF DECIDU- OUS SHADE TREES AND THEIR CONTROL, p. 14-15. Pa. Agric. Ext. Serv. Circ. 427. Biology, i n ju ry , control.

Gilbertson, G. I. 1915. A SERIOUS TREE PEST. Dakota Farmer 35 : 1048. T h e insect i s a serious pest o f S o u t h Dakota's shade trees.

Gillette, C. P. 1905. INSECTS OF THE YEAR IN COLORADO, p. 59. USDA Bur. Entomol, Bull. 52. Importance , hosts.

GilIette, C. P., and List, G. M. 1918. NINTH AN- NUAL REPORT O F THE STATE ENTOMOLO- GIST, p. 13. Colo. Circ. 26. Predic ts t ha t black locust wil l be destroyed in Denver and Boulder Count ies by P. robiniae. 1Vurserymen in the in fes ted sections have been forbidden t o sh ip black locust.

Girault, A. A. 1913. FRAGMENTS ON NORTH AMERICAN INSECTS-IT. Entomol. News 24: 195, An incubation period of 15 d a y s w a s required f o r eggs deposited b y a female m o t h captured June 2 n f a l ight i?? Blacksb~crg , V i rg in ia .

Graham, S. A. 1939. PRINCIPLES O F FOREST ENTOMOLOGY, p. 254-256. McGraw-Hill, N.Y, Biology, damage, control. Graham, S. A., and Knight, F. B. 1965. PRIN- CIPLES OF FOREST ENTOMOLOGY, p. 356- 357. MeGraw-Hill, N.Y. Biology, clamage, distributiorz. Grote, A. R. 1874. LIST OF T H E XORTH Xiv1ERICAN PLATYPTERICES, ATTACI, HEMILEUCINI, CERATOCAMPADAE, LACE- NEIDES, TEREDINES, AND HEPIALI, WITH NOTES, Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 14: 256-264. T h e insect ( t y p e species: Cossus robiniae) i s placed in the genus Xystus. T h e genus n a m e Xyleutes of Hubner cannot be used, because it w a s origi-i.tallg applied t o none o f these species. R a n g e of the insect iyzcludes Canada, eas tern a n d middle U.S., and Galif ornia. Grote, A. R. 1882. NEW CHECK LIST O F NORTH AX. MOTHS, p. 21. N.Y. Entomol. Club. Sys temat ics . Grote, A. R. 1896. NOTE ON PRIONOXYSTUS ROBINIAE. Can. Entomol. 18: 98-99. S y s t e m ~ t i c s , habits . Hamilton, C. C. 1933. THE CONTROL O F IN- SECTS BORING IN ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS AND TREES, p. 70. I n Proe. Ninth Natl. Shade Tree Conf. Control by in jec t ing a fumigant in to t h e bztrrows. Harnpson, G. F . 1892. THE MOTHS O F INDIA. Vol. I, p. 304. Francis & Taylor, London. E n t r y no t seen, t aken f r o m lLlunro and Fox (2 98-41. Description. Harris, T. W . 1835. A CATALOGUE O F T H E ANIMALS AND PLANTS OF MASSACHU- SETTS, p. 71-73. Adams & Adams Publishers, Amherst. E n t r y no t seen, t a k e n f rom Ltintner (1875). Sy8- tematics. Harris, T. Mr. 1841. INSECTS O F MASSACHU- SETTS INJURIOUS TO VEGETATION, p. 294- 297. Folsorn, Welk, and Turston, Printers to Univ. of Cambridge, Mass. Biology, description, systematics. Haseman, L. 1936. CONTROLLING BORERS O F FRUIT, FOREST, AND SHADE TREES, p. 21- 22, Mo. Agric. Exp, Stn. Bull. 373. The earpenterworm i s one o f the largest borers in i l i l i ~ s o ~ r i ' ~ t imber , bu t seems t o be less impor tan t t h a n the cerambgeid borers. Notes on biology and co~ztrol . Hay, C, J. 1968. FRASS OF SOME WOOD-BOR- I N G INSECTS IN L I V I N G OAK (COLEOP- TERA : CERAMBYCIDAE : LEPIDOPTERA : COSSIDAE AND AEGERIIDAE), Ann. Ento- mol. Soc. Am. 61 :255-258. Hantl-lens tlescriptions of extruded d r y f ra s s are give21 for five species. Excrement pellets o f t h e carpe?zter.tcrorm are brow32 and cgEi;.ldrical, reach- ijtg a maximzrm length of about ?' m m . Eihen t h e 13ellets attail% a le??gth of 4-7 m m i n fall o r spr ing , emergence ca7~ he erpected in Ma?/, June , o r Jqtly.

Page 8: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Hay, C. J., and Morris, R. C. 1961. (rev. 1970) CARPENTERWORN. USDA For. Serv., For. Pest Leafl. 64,8 p, Hosts , evide?lce of i b z f estation, description, l i fe h is tory , habits, and Tzatural, preve~ztative, and applied control. The 1970 revision omits the recommended use of DDT and chlordane for eon- trol. Hay, 6. J., and Wootten, J. F. 1955, INSECT DAMAGE IN HARDWOOD SAWLOGS. 'CSDA For. Sam. Cent. States For. Exp. Stn., Tech. Pap. 148, 14 p. A b o z ~ t (98 percent of the oak logs sampled a t 1 9 sawn?ills in Kenfttcky had internal insect damage, and 73 percent of the oak boards showed borer i ~ j ~ ~ g . Amount of damage increased w i t h size of the tree. Borer tunnels were more numeyous in but t t h a n in zcpper logs. Herbert, F . B. 1919. INSECT PROBLEMS OF WESTERN SHADE TREES. J. Econ. Entomol. 12: 333-337. Hosts , injurg. Herbert, F. B. 1936. INSECT PESTS OF WEST- E R N OAKS AND THEIR CONTROL. I72 Proc. Third Western Shade Tree Conf., p. 37-38. T h e ca~pen terworm mines in the heart and sap- wood of the trunks and larger limbs of coast live oaks and valley oaks, probably causing the death of more oaks than a n y other insect. Herrick, G. W. 1935. INSECT ENEMIES OF SHADE TREES, p. 165-167, 188, 280. Comstock Publ, Co., Inc., Ithaca, N. Y. Hosts. Holland, W. J. 1968. THE MOTH BOOK-A GUIDE TO T H E MOTHS OF NORTH AMER- ICA, p. 375-379. Dover Publications, N, Y. Descriptio?~.

Hollister, W. 0. 1920. DISTRIBUTION OF SHADE TREE INSECTS IN 1919. J. Econ. Entomol. 13 : 143-147. Damage, distribution.

Hopkins, A. D. 1894. DEFECTS IN WOOD CAUSED BY INSECTS, p, 289-306, West Va. Agric. Exp, Stn. Bull. 35. Description, damage.

Hopkins, A. D. 1910. INSECT INJURIES TO T H E WOOD OF LIVING TREES. USDA Bur. Entornol Cire. 126,4 p. Damage,

Houser, J, S, 1918, DESTRUCTIVE INSECTS AFFECTING OHIO SHADE AND FOREST TREES, p. 329-330, Ohio Agric, Exp. Stn. Bull. 332. Life history, habits, damage, hosts, distribution, rzatu?*aL e?zemies, and control.

Howard, L. O., and Chittenden, F. H. 1916. THE LEOPARD XOTH: A DANGEROGS IMPORT- ED IXSECT ENEMY OF SHADE TREES, p, 9. USDA Farmers' Bull. 708. Includes notes on biology and control of P , robin- iae.

Hutchings, C. B. 1924. A STUDY O F T H E PUPAL CASE OF PRIONOSYSTCS MAC- MURTREI, p. 63-67. Ont. Entomol. Soe. 54th Ann, Rep. Gepzeric keg to the pupae of Cossidae in N o r t h Anzerica. Imms, A. D. 1957, A GENERAL TEXTBOOK O F ENTOMOLOGY, p. 518,543. Methuen & Co., Ltd., N. Y. Systematics. Jaques, H. E. 1947. HOW TO KNOW THE IN- SECTS, p. 30. W, C. Brown Co. Publishers, Du- buque, Iowa. Description. Jaynes, R, A. 1969. HANDBOOK OF NORTH AMERICAN NUT TREES, p. 95. W. F . Humph- rey Press, Inc., Geneva, N. Y. Damage, hosts. Johnson, C. W. 1896. THE OAK CARPENTER WORM OR BORER. I n Pa. Dep. Agric. Ann. Rep. 7, p. 353-355. Biology, control. Keen, F . P. 1938. (Rev. 1952) INSECT ENE- MIES OF WESTERN FORESTS, p. 198-200. USDA Misc, Pub. 273. Biology, importance. Kellogg, V. L. 1905. AMERICAN INSECTS, p. 385-386,594. Henry Holt & Co., N. Y. Description. Kirby, W. F. 1892. A SYNONYMIC CATA- LOGUE OF LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA: Vol. 1. Sphinges and Bombyces, p. 867. Gurney and Jackson, London. E n t r y not seen, taken f r o m Barnes and McDon- nough (1 91 1). Sgnonymy. Kotinsky, J. 1921. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES AND THEIR CONTROL, p. 69-70. USDA Farmers' Bull. 1169. Although carpenterworms rare Ey kill trees, thew cause unsightly deformities. Information on recognition of the insect, damage, seasonal his- tory, prevention, and control. Kowal, R, J., and Ebel, B. H. 1972. INSECTS ATTACKING FOREST TREES IN T H E SOUTH. For. Farmer 31 (7) : 24-30. Importance. Lauderdale, J. L. V. 1952. INSECT PESTS OF ORNAMENTALS, p. 17-22. Ariz. State Entomol. Rep. 1950/1951. Habits, hosts, c o ~ t r o l . Leonard, M . D , 1926. A LIST OF THE INSECTS OF NEW YORK, p. 570. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. Mem. 101. Distribution. Levison, J. J. 1908. HOW TO EXTERMINATE TREE BORERS. Gard. Chron. Am. 7 (2) : 35-36. Co?zt?.ol.

Lintner, J. A. 1815. ON SOME SPECIES O F COSSUS. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 242-248. Dese.1-ibes Cossus retieulatus ( a new species), C. plagiatus Walker , and C. crepera Harris.

Page 9: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Lockard, 6. R., Putnam, J. A', and Carpenter, R. D. 1963. GRADE DEFECTS IN HARDWOOD TIMBER AND LOGS, USDA Agr, Eandb, 244, 39 p. G m b holes are gradi~rg defec ts in factory logs be- caztse dheg Eirnz't the length of eult ings, T"ng are less important i~ consdructica?i: and local-use logs.

Mecealf, 6. L., and Flint, FV, P, 1932. FUNDA- 3IEPL"TALS O F INSECT LIFE, p. 268. MeGraw- Hill, N. Y. S ~ s f e m n f i c s .

&letcalf, C. L., Flint, t?;. P., and Metcalf, R, L, 1962. DESTRUCTIVE A S D CSEFUL IX- SECTS, p. 850-851. %lo~cGra\%v-Ilill, N. Y. Biology, danzage, control. Lutz, F. E. 1921, FIELD BOOK OF INSECTS,

p. 203, G. P. Putnam" Sons, N, Y, Hos t s , s y s t e m t i c s , ;LIiller, W. E. D. 1967. AN ANNOTATED BIBLT-

OGRAPHY O F SOL'THERK HARDWOODS, Pi. 6, Agr. Exp. Stn. Tech, Bull. 176, 368 p. MacAlone), H, J., and Ewan, H, 6. 1964. LDEN-

TZFTCATION O F IIARDFFTOOD INSECTS BY TYPE OF' TREE IKJURU, Xortk Central Re- gion, p. 61, USDX For. Serv. Res. Pap. LS-11. Lake States Far, Exp, Stn., S t . Paul, Minn, T h e carperzterworm and i t s i j t jurg t o trees are dese~i l ted a?zd hosts arc? given. The report is de- signed t o help the f ieldma~i: %*ithotel specialized t?*ail;ling i;.t entornologg t o idelzlifg the i?t'?.tsects eausirzg tree damage.

Cu~r )e~~ terwor . kn references.

Millers, I. 1991. HARDWOOD BORERS. In For- rest Insect Conditions in the United States, 1970, pi, 39. CSDA For. Serv, Wash,, D. C, A s tudy in i%fissouri revealed that borers of l iving h a ~ d w o o d trees cause annual losses o f nearlg $500,008. S i x t y perce?zt o f the damage w a s a t - tributed to the carpe~zterworm.

MeDaniel, E. I. 1933 (rev, 1936). SOME WOOD BORERS ATTACKING THE TRUNKS AND LIXBS OF D,ECIDUOUS TREES AND SHRUBS, p. 35-36. Mich. Agrie, Exp. Stn. Spec. Bull, 238.

Milligan, R, 11. 1970, OVERSEAS WOOD- AND BARK-BORING INSECTS IKTERCEPTED AT NEW ZEALAND PORTS, p. 68. For. Res. Inst. N. Z. For. Serv. Tech. Pap. 57. Dis tributiort,

Biology, damage, control. Mills, H, B, 1941. SHELTER BELT INSECTS, p. 19, Mont. State Ext. Dep. Bull, 194. Biology, hosts, eontrol, importance.

McParland, N. 1968. A REARING TECHNIQUE FOR SPEEDING U P THE LARVAL STAGES O F SOME ROOT OR STEM BORING LEPID- OPTERA. J. Res. Lepid. '9 : 166, Reared newly hatched e a r p e n t e ? - o r to adults o n r a w potatoes irt less t han 4 year.

Mitchell, R. T., and Zirn, H. S. 1964. BUTTER- FLIES AND MOTHS-A GUIDE TO T H E MORE COMMON AMERICAN SPECIES, p. 147. Golden Press, N, U. Biology, damage. MeKnight, J. S. 1964. HARDWOOD RESEARCH

I N THE SOUTH. J. Soil and Water Consesv. 19 (2 ) : 77-78. Researchprogram,

Morris, J. G . 1862. I n Synopsis of the Described Lepidoptera of North America, p. 123-1225, P a r t I. DIURNAL AND CREPUSCULAR LEPIDOP- TERA. Smithsonian Misc. Collwt., Srnithsonian Inst., Wash., D. C. Deserip t ion, hosts, range.

McKnight, M. E., and Tagestad, A. D. 1972. MEGACHILE CENTUNCULARIS I N GAR- PENTERWORM GALLERY. J. Kans. Entomol. Soe. 45 : 51-53. Carye?z t e ~ w o r m;sries prow ide nesting si tes fov leafcut ter bees.

Morris, R, C. 1955. INSECT PROBLEMS IN SOUTHERN HARDWOOD FORESTS. South. Lumberman 191 (2393) : 136-139, L i f e stages of t he carpenterworm are i l lustrated, and a table outlines the tgpe o f damage, t ree spe- cies attacked, and economic importance.

Maisenhelder, L. C. 1951. PLANTING AND GROWING COTTONWOOD ON BOTTOM- LANDS, p. 20-21. Miss. Agric. Exp, Stn. Bull. 485, Carpe.kzterworms d e f o r m the t ree, weaken small s tems, and degrade lumber, Ixfestaliores are heav- iest o n poor si tes and in the weaker trees o f the s tartd.

Xorris, R. 6. 195'7. HARDWOOD INSECT PROBLEMS IN THE DELTA, 1% Proe. La. State liniv. Sixth Annu, For, Symp., p. 100-103, Carpenterworms belong to 1 of 2 major groups o f Crvd~k-Fiori~g insects. Notes on the biology and habits.

Maldais, J. 13, 1930. MESUEATIONS DE LA CAPSULE GRANIENNE BU VER CHARPEN- TIER, PRIONOXYST'G'S ROBINIAE PECK. Nat. Can, 5'9 : 138-145, [email protected] of a large number o f larvae yielded a coeff icient of 0.88 mm 621 Lfgar" method, .A to- ta l of 14 molts were calculated f ~ o m these data,

Morris, R, C, 1957, LUXBER DEFECT-WHAT IS THE INSECTS' SHARE? South, Lumberman 195 (2341) : 26-21. In oak logs f r o m Mississippi River bottoms, de- fec ts caused bg carpe?-tterworms and other t m n k - boring insects reduced the value of lumber a n average o f $22 per ilif BF. Losses averaged $28 per M f o r overcnp oak but t and zhpper lags, $2 9 f o r all N ? ~ t l a l l oak logs, and $28 f o r all willow oak logs,

Matheson, R. 1948. ENTOMOLOGY FOR IN- TRODUCTORY COURSES, p, 286-285. Cornstock Publ. Go., Inca, Ithaea, N, U. Life hb lorg .

Page 10: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

135, Morris, R. C. 1959. INSECTS CAUSE DE- GEADE IN OZARK OAKS. USDA For. Serv. South. For. Exp. Stn., South. For. Notes 120, p. 2-3. Poteltt ial values of lumber f rom Oxark red oaks w e r e reduced as much arz $19 per iM B F by degrade caased f.rorn borer attacks on the living trees.

136. Morris, R. C. 1962. CARPENTERWORMS GfEOW FAST IN XISSISSIPPI. Miss. Farm Res. 25 (4 ) : 8. Biology, damage, and control. Shade trees can be protected by spraying the t m n k s in early June w i t h a residual insecticide.

137, Morris, R. C. 1964. VALUE LOSSES IN S O U T H E R N HARDWOOD LUMBER FROX DEGRADE BY INSECTS, USDA For. Serv. Res. P a p . 80-8, 6 p. South. For. Exp. Stn., New Or- leans, La. I n mill-scale studies, insect-caused defects in the t r u n k s of living southern oaks resulted in lumber degrade and value loss averaging about $20 per M B F . O n this basis, losses would represent a reduc- tion of $60 million in potential value o f the 9 bib- l i o n board feet o f oak lumber sawn annuallg in the South,

138. Morris, R, C' 1965. CONTROLLING INSECT DAMAGE TO SOUTHERN HARDWOOD FOR- ESTS. I n Proe. La. State Univ. Fourteenth Annu. For. Symp., p. 114-124. T h e ea?-penterworm i s the most important pest o f oaks in the Midsouth. Insecticides mag be used to protect high-value trees during their f inal g r o w t h for veneer logs, especiallg when drought or other adverse factors make trees susceptible to a t tack .

139. Morris, R. C. 1970. WHAT ABOUT HARDWOOD INSECTS? I n Proc. Fif th For. Insect and Dis. Work Conf., p. 197-201. USDA For. Serv., State a n d Priv. For., Atlanta, Ga. Importance, research program. - -

Mosher, E. 1969. LEPIDOPTERA PUPAE, p. 28-29, 148, Entomol. Reprint Specialists, East Lansing, Mich. Llescription and key .

141. 3Iunns, E. N. 1940. A SELECTED BIBLIOGRA- P H Y OF NORTH AMERICAN FORESTRY, p. 465-485. USDA Misc. Pub. 364. References.

142, Munro, J. A, 1931, GARPEMTERWORX IN- JURY TO ASH IN NORTH DAKOTA. J. Econ. Entomol. 24 : 682-685. T h e carpenterworm causes serious i x jurg to green ash arofcnd Fargo. IzcEudes notes on l i fe habits and control; Arkansas kingbird and the common kizgbird are v a l ~ a b l e predators.

Munro, J. A., and Fox, A. C. 1934. CARPENTER- WORM BIOLOGY AND CONTROL. N. Dak. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 278,23 p. l n f o m a t i o n on elassification, including early de- scriptions, common names, distribution, and hosts. Detailed review o f l i fe history and control. Munro, J, A., and Riddle, H. W. 1930. INSECT PESTS O F TREES AND GARDENS, p. 8, N. Dak. Agrie, Exp. Stn., Circ. 42. Damage and control. Neumoegen, B., and Dyar, H. G . 1894. PRELIM- INARY REVISION OF THE BOMBYCIDAE NORTH OF MEXICO. J, N. Y. Entomol. Soe, 2: 160-166. Sgstem,atics, O'Dell, J. H. 1927. INSECT PESTS PRE'VA- LENT DURING 1923 AND 1924, p. 61. 15th and 16th Annu. Rep. Ariz. Comm. Agric, and Hortic. Impact. Osborn, H. 1916. AGRICULTURAL ENTOMOL- OGY, p. 210-211. Lea & Febiger, Phila. and N. Y. Biolog y, description. Packard, A. S. 1864. SYNOPSIS OF T H E BOM- BYCIDAE OF THE UNITED STATES. I n Proe. Am. Entornol, Soc. Phila. 111, p. 388-389. Sgstematics. Packard, A. S. 1881. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FOREST AND SHADE TREES, p. 6-12. U.S. Dep. Inter., Entornol. Comm. Bull, 7. T h e locust carpenter moth, Xyleutes robiniae Harris, i s common throughout the Uni ted S ta tes and bores large galleries in the t runks o f oaks including pin oak. Paekard, A. S. 1890. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FOREST AND SHADE TREES, p. 53-58. USDA Fif th Rep. U. S. Entomol. Comm. From N e w England southward to Texas , oak lumber and cordwood i s commonly honeycombed by the large black burrows of the carpenterworm. Biology, habits, and control. Peek, W. D. 1818. SOME NOTICE O F T H E IN- SECT WHICH DESTROYS THE LOCUST TREE. Mass. Agric. Repos. and J. 5: 67-73. This i s the original description of the carpenter- worm. Peck assigns the common name, locust moth, and scientific name, Cossus robiniae.

153. Peirson, H. B. 1927. MANUAL OF FOREST IN- SECTS, p. 87. Maine For. Serv. (Augusta) Bull. 5\: Hosts.

154. Peteh, C. E., and Maltais, J. B. 1932. T H E CAR- PENTER WORM, (PRIONOXYSTUS ROBI- NIAE) PECK, AND ITS CONTROL, p. 131-136. Que. Agrie, Dep., Rep. Que. Soc. Prot. Plants. Bionomics alzd control were investigated in a n i?-tfestation of silver nzaple a t S te . Anne de B e l l e vue and S t . Laurent, Quebec,

143. Munro, J. A,, and Fox, A. 6. 1933. NOTES ON 155. Peterson, A. 1962. LARVAE OF INSECTS. I. BORERS OF TREES AND SHRUBS, N. and S. LEPIDOPTERA AND PLANT INFESTING Dak. Hortic. 5 (8) : 91-93. HYMENOPTERA, p. 132-133. Edwards Brothers, T h e carpenterworm i s a serious borer of ash in Ine., Ann Arbor, Mieh. lu"orth Dakota. Detailed larval description.

Page 11: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Peterson, A. 1967. SOME EGGS O F MOTHS FROM SET'ERAL FAMILIES O F XICROLEPI- DOPTERA. Fla. Entomol. 50 : 125-132. Carpcnter?r~o~m fpmnfes rfeposif eggs s i ~ g 2 y or in irreyzclar clusters. The egg rlzeasures approxi- matelg 2.3x1.5 '1)2m, The surface of the chorion is covered with co?tspicuous itdregtclar indenta- tiorts. Peterson, L. 0. T. 1964, IXSECT BORERS I N A S H TREES. Can. Dep. Agric., T N Pam. 2, 10 p. The ca rpe~te rworm is a serious pest of green ash in the prairie region of southeastern Galzada. The Life cycle is 3 or more yeam. l%foths emerge from ear tg June to ea?-Ey A?~gztst a ~ d deposit QOO or more eggs. Additional i?tformatio?t is given on life history am? control.

Pirone, P. P. 1951. NAINTENANCE O F SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, p. 255. Oxford Univ. Press, N. U. Biology, control. Pirone, P, P., Dodge, B. 0., and Rickett, H. W. 1960. DISEASES AND P E S T S O F ORNA- MENTAL PLANTS, p. 360, 601, 623. Ronald Press Co., N. Y. Hosts, co-rttrol. Portman, R. W., and Mannis, H. C. 1958. IDAHO RECOMMEKDATIONS FOR INSECT CON- TROL, p. 10-11. Idaho Agric. Ext , Serv. Bull. 216. Description, damage, control.

Prentice, R. M. 1965. Irt Forest Lepidoptera of Canada, Voli. 4. Microlepidoptera, p. 740-741. Dep. For. Can. Pub. 1142. P. robiniae has been recorded from New Bruns- wick to interior British Columbia (map shows collection points). Hosts include trembling aspen, black cottonwood, willow, and eastern cotton- wood. Putnam, J. A., Furnival, G. M., and McKnight, J. S. 1960. MANAGEMENT AND INVENTORY O F SOUTHERN HARDWOODS, p. 17-18. USDA Agric. Handb. 181, Holes, bark pockets, stains, and other blemishes caused by borers and bark scarrers greatly lower the value of hardwoods by limiting the number and sixe of defect-free pieces that can be cut from lumber. Rivas, A. M. 1964. T H E CARPENTERWORM I N MISSOURI. M.S. thesis, TJniv. No., 76 p. Life history in Missouri, and economic loss.

Rivas, A. X., and Buchanan, W. D, 1958. A N E W TECHNIQUE FOR REARING CARPENTER- SVORXS. J. Econ. Entomol. 51 (3) : 406-407. Describes a n artificial diet, container, and proce- dures fo r rearz'ng partially grown larvae. Roberts, E. 6. 1956. GRUBS I N T H E TRUNKS O F LIVE GREEN A S H TREES. J. For. 54(12) : 846-841. D~SCICSSPB p ? ( b damage to green ash near S ta te College, filississippi, and gives meas?cremen ts o f

galleries and sixe of trees infested.


Natl. Mus, 39, p. 224-225. A primary hyme~zopterous parasite, Amersibia prionoxysti, of the carpenterworm is described from Fal ls Chzlreh, Virginia. Ruggles, A. G. 1941. S O X E T R E E BORING IN- SECTS. Minn. Hort. 69 : 68-69. Biology, description, controb Schuder, D. L. 1959. T R E E BORERS AND E F - FECTIVE CONTROL MEASURES. I n Proc. Natl. Shade Tree Conf., p. 98-104. Damage and control. Schuder, D. L. 1962. INSECT PESTS OF SHADE T R E E S AND SHRUBS, A GUIDE FOR COM- MERCIAL NURSERYMEN AND ARBORISTS, p. 8-9. Indiana Ext. Serv.. Purdue Univ., Mimeo E-41. Habits, co.iztrol. Severin, H. C. 1946. INSECT PESTS OF SHEL- T E R BELTS. I n Agricultural Research in South Dakota, p. 15-16. S. Dak. Agric. Exp. Stn. Fifty- Ninth Annu. Rep. P. robiniae is so destructive in the central portion of South Dakota that ash can hardly be grown.

Shenefelt, R. D., and Benjamin, D. M. 1955. IN- SECTS O F WISCONSIN FORESTS, p. 91-92. Wis. Agric. Exp. Stn. Circ. 500. Biology, damage, control. Smith, J. B. 1896. ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, p. 286-2237. J. B, Lippincott Co., Phila. Description, damage.

Smith, J. B. 1899. INSECTS O F NEW J E R S E Y , p. 497. MacCrellish & Quigley, State Printers, Trenton, N. J. Distribution. Smith, R. C. 1943. INSECTS I N KANSAS, p. 214. Kans. State Board Agric. Rep. 62 (255). Description, control.

Snyder, T. E. 1927. DEFECTS I N TIMBER CAUSED BY INSECTS. USDA Bull. 1490, 47 p. Classifies defects caused by carpenterworms and other insects,

Solomon, J. D. 1966. ARTIFICIAL REARING O F T H E CARPENTERWORM, PRIONOXYSTUS ROBINIAE (LEPIDOPTERA: COSSIDAE), AND OBSERVATIONS O F ITS DEVELOP- MENT. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 59: 1197-1200. A diet of oak sawdust, agar , water, and nutrients was developed. Adults erzterged in 9 to 25 months, ztjith peaks duriizg the 11th and 19th months. Of the larvae, '59 percent pupated, and 88 percent of the pirpae produced adults.

Solomon, J. D. 1966. T E P A FOR STERILIZING MALE CARPENTERWORMS. J. Econ. Entomol. 59 : 1528-1529. Males were sterilized by topical application of tepa a t dosages that neither affected their mating vigor nor redzcced their longevity.

Solonlon, J. D. 1967, CARPENTERWORM OVI- POSITION. J. Econ. Entomol. 60: 309. Individual females deposited u p to 1,500 egg8 i n bark crevices on the tree trunk. Moths that re-

Page 12: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

q u i r e d 2 gears t o develop f r o m egg t o adul t were m a r e fecund t h a n 1 -year moths . Incubation period i?t i2the forest w a s 10 to 11 dags.

173. So lomon , J. D. 1967. R E A R I N G T H E C A R P E N - T E R W O R M , P R I O N O X Y S T U S R O B I N I A E , IN 186. T H E F O R E S T ( L E P I D O P T E R A : C O S S I D A E ) . Ann. Entoniol. Soc, Am. 60 : 283-285. E g g s roere pla.itted itz bark wounds and caged on I tos t trees or youfzg larvae were started on a n a r t i f i c ia l diet a?zd t hen t rans ferred t o drilled ho l e s . Surv ival averaged about 60 percent in t h e o a k s and about 2 13 less in green a s h and Amerd- c a n elm.

180. So lomon , J . D. 1967. R E G E N E R A T I O N OF A M A N D I B L E I N A L A R V A OF T H E C A R P E K - T E R W O R M , P R I O N O X Y S T U S R O B I N I A E , ( L E P I D O P T E R A : C O S S I D A E ) . A n n . Entomol. 187. Soc . A m . 60 : 481-482. L o s s attd almost perfect rege?zeration of a man- d i b l e is reported. Mandible Losses occurred in laboratorg cultures w h e n mol t ing larvae were un- d u l y disturbed by other larvae.

181. Solonion, J . D. 1968. G A L L E R Y C O N S T R U C - T I O N B Y T H E C A R P E N T E R W O R X , PRIO- N O X Y S T U S R O B I N I A E , I N O V E R C U P O A K ( L E P I D O P T E R A : C O S S I D A E ) , Ann. Entomol. Soc . A m . 61 : 72-74. L a r v a e began feeding in the camb ium area and t h e t ~ tu?~neLled 3 inches obliquely upward in to the 188. sapwood fo r about 4 months , whe?z t hey turned we?-tically upward f o ~ 4.3 inches. Gallerg diam- etey-s averaged 0.6 in.

182. Solonion, J. D. 1969. W O O D P E C K E R P R E D A - T l O N O N I N S E C T B O R E R S I N L I V I N G H A R D W O O D S . Ann. Entomol. Soc. A m . 62 : 1214- 1215. F o z ~ r t e e n species of insect borers, inc tudizg t he carpet t terworm, were preyed upotz bg woodpeckers 189. i n iwississippi.

183. Solomon, J, D. 1971. E M E R G E N C E A N D RE- P R O D U C T I V E S T V D I E S OF T H E C A R P E N - T E R W O R M M O T H , P R I O N O X Y S T U S ROBI - N I A E P E C K ( L E P I D O P T E R A : C O S S I D A E ) . Ph. D. thesis, Miss. S ta t e Univ. , 101 p. M o t h elnergenee zcs2~allg begins in late Apr i l , p e a k s in late Mag or earLy J m e , and ends d u r k g 190, la te Jwze or early JzcEy. Males emerge most ly dur- i?ig t he ?norning, f e ~ n a l e s alnzost entirelg dur ing t he a f ternoo?~. ~ V a t i n g and ov iposition are dig- czcssed irt detail.

184. Solomon, J, D., Doolittle, R , E, , and Beroza, M. 1972. I S O L A T I O N A N D A N A L Y S I S OF T H E G A R P E N T E R F V O R M S E X P H E R O M O N E . Ann. Entomol . Soc. A m , 6 5 : 1058-1061. A s e x pheromone w a s extracted f r o m v i rg in fe - 191. laales and bioassay procedures were developed.

185. Solomon, J . D., and Morris, R . C. 1966. S E X A T - T R A C T I O N OF T H E C A R P E W T E R W O R M X O T H . J . Econ. Entomol. 59 : 1534-1535. F i ~ e t raps baited w i t h virgiyz feqrcales captured a n 192. aveyage of 270 +~mEes ( range 38-666). Females t0es.e most a t t rac t ive dur ing t he f irst 2 days . F r o m

20 t o 25 pertest of the makes marked a n d released 1/4 t o 3 / 4 Tniles f r o m female-baited t r a p s were reeaptzcrcd. S e v e n percent of those released 2 mik f r o m the t raps were recaptured, Solomon, J. D., and Morris, R . C . 1971. W O O D - P E C K E R S I N T H E ECOLOGY O F S O U T H E R N HARDFvOOD B O R E R S . I n Tal l T i m b e r s C o n f , o n Ecological Aninla1 Control b y Habi ta t Manage- m e n t Proe. 2 ( 1 9 7 0 ) , p. 309-315. Ta l l T i m b e r s Res. Stn. , Tallahassee, Fla. lY oodpeckers signif icantlg reduced popu lations of several insect borers, i~zclzcding carpenterworms, Predatiort w a s greatest d zc~ ing Januarg and February . I?z a rearing program, 1,424 carpenter- woym moths or 20 percerct o f the total w e r e t a k e n by woodpeckers. Solomon, J. D., and Ned, U'. W. 1972, E M E R - G E N C E B E H A V I O R A N D R H Y T H M S I N T H E C A R P E N T E R I V O R M M O T H , P R I O N O X Y S T U S R O B I N I A E ( L E P I D O P T E R A : C O S S I D A E ) . A n n . Entomol. Soe. A m . 6 5 : 1296-1299. 112 west-ce~ztral &fississippi, m o t h emergence be- ga?z in Apri l , peaked in late M a y or ear l y June , a?zd ended in late June or ear ly July . Tempera ture summat ion provided a good predictiotz of seasonal patterns. i'Moths emerged earliest f rom trees of small diameter. Emergence r h g l h m s w e r e related to sex and generation t ime. Solomon, J . D,, Newsome, L., and Darwin , Mi. N . 1972. C A R P E N T E R W O R M X O T H S A N D C E R - A M B Y C I D HARDUTOOD B O R E R S C A U G H T IN L I G H T T R A P S . J . Ga. Entomol. SOG. 7 : 76-79. A portable, battery-operated l ight t r a p placed in hardwood s tands of Plississippi captured 1 O spe- cies of borers. Carpen te rworm mo ths w e r e t a k e n ipz t he greatest numbers , females more f requent ly t h a n males. Solomon, J . D., and Too fe , E. R. 1968. C A R P E N - T E R W O R M P U P A E T R A P P E D IN G A L L E R - I E S B Y F U N G U S M Y S E L I U M . J . Eeon. Entomol. 61 : 880-881. Pupae were trapped irt the ir galleries b y spongy myce l ium of wood-decag fungi. I rpex mollis , a fast-growing wh i t e ro t fungzcs, w a s t he principal species. Solomon, J. D., and T o o k , E . R . 1971. S T A I N A N D D E C A Y A R O U N D C X R P E N T E R W O R B I G A L L E R I E S IN S O U T H E R N H A R D W O O D T R E E S , U S D A For. Serv . Res , Note SO-120, 4 p. South . For. E x p . Stn. , N e w Orleans, La . T h e zcood w a s stained around 60 galleries ercam- tked i l z Nut ta l l oak, A.i?leriean e lm, and green ash- Decay w a s visible around 20 percent of the galler- ies, most ly in NattalE oak.

Spaid ing , P. 1905. A DISEASE OF B L A C K O A K C A C S E D B Y P O L Y P O R C S O B T U S C S B E R K . Rep. Mo. Bot . Gard. 16: 109-116. Sporopfio?-es were o u ~ z c l g~oznlivg ozct of carpen- fewoorm f?t??ne2s.

S te in , J . D., and Kennedy , P. C. 1972. K E Y T O S H E L T E R B E L T I N S E C T S I N T H E N O R T H - E R E G R E A T P L A I N S . U S D A For. Serv . Res.

Page 13: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Pap. RM-85, 153 p. Rocky Mt. For, and Range Exp. Stn., Fort Collins, Cofo. Description, key.

Strecker, H . 1898. f r t New Species of Lepidoptera. LEPIDOPTERA: RHOPALOCERES AND HETEROCERES (INDIGENOUS AND EXOT- IC) . Supplement No. 1, p. 5. Owen's Steam Book and Job Printing Office, Reading, Pa. A n e w species, Cossus zaboficus, is compared t o 6. robiniae. T h e mark ings i~r. C, robiniae z a r g ; In t w o dozen females, t h e reticulations and striae o f t h e W Z ' T L ~ S in n o t w o are alike. Suraine, J . M. 1915, SHADE TREE INSECTS IN QUEBEC. I n 7th Annu. Rep, Que. Soc. Prot. Plants from Insects and Fungi, p. 110-111. T h e carpenterworm i s a serious enemy of ash , maple, and black locztst t rees in eas tern Canada. Damage i s described, and controls given. Thatcher, T. 0. 1961, FOREST ENTOMOLOGY, p. 195. Burgess Pub. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Biology , damage, control. Tietz, H. M. 1945. THE LEPIDOPTERA OF PENNSYLVANIA, A NANUAL, p. 152-153. Pa. Agrie. Exp. Stn., State College. References t o earlg descriptions, faunal zones, Life h is tory , and hosts. Toole, E. R., and Morris, R. 6. 1957. INSECT AND DISEASE PROBLEMS IN SOUTHERN HARDWOOD FORESTS. I n Proe. Soe. Am. For. 1956: 65-67. Insect de fec ts causing lumber degrade, especially t he large g ? * ~ b holes made by carpenterq~iorms, are amottg the ma jor problems. Von Dalla Torre, K. W. 1923. COSSIDAE. I n Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pars 29, ed. Ernbrik Strand. W, Junk. Berlin W. 15, 63 p. Lel ig thy catalog of t h e genera and species. i%Iany re ferences t o t he ear ly a t t e m p t s a t c lass i fy ing P. robiniae. Walker, F. 1856. LIST OF LEPIDOPTERA OF T H E BRITISH MUSEUM, p. 1514-1515. Cat. Lepid. Heterocera. British Museum, London. Descr ip t io~?, distribution. Walsh, G. E. 1913. INSECT-RIDDEN TIMBER AND THE LUMBER DEFECTS. Wood Craft 20 : 36-37. Borers annually destrog a n est imated $200 mill ion ?uorfh. sf t imber in t h e Un i t ed S ta tes . I n eome cases 40 t o 50 percent o f t h e commercial va lue of t he lumber cut f r o m in f e s t ed t rees i s lost. Wood- peckers are impor tan t predators of borers. Ward, J. C., Horn, R. A,, Balks, R. C., and Bul- grin, E. H, 1972, HONEYCOMB AND RING FAILURE I N BACTERIALLY INFECTED RED OAK LUMBER AFTER KILN DRYING. USDA For. Sev. Res. Pap, FPL-165, 36 p. For. Prod. Lab., Madison, Wis. Carpenterworms and other borers apparent ly provide in fec t ion cour ts for bacteria responsible for rancid heartwood. T h i s association contribute8 t o honegcomb and deep sur face checking u n d e ~ accelerated k i l ~ d m i n g .

202, Wester, El. V, 1968, OTHER CONTROLS FOR DISEASES AND INSECTS THAT ATTACK TREES AKD SHR'CBS, p, 41. U. S. Dep. Inter. Natl. Park Serv., Tree Preserv. Bull. 6. Species of the whi t e oak group are most suscep- tible t o carpenter.t190rm damage. Control bg h- jecting a f t {izsecticide i n to holes.

203. Wollerman, E. H. 1963. BARRENNESS IS TOOL l K BORER CONTROL. South, Lumberman 207 (2585) : 119-120. Disc2tsses the zcse of ehemosleritants and a t t rac- talzts for potential eontrfiE of the Eocztst borer and earpen terzoorm.

204, Wolley Dod, F . H. 1906, PRELIMINARY LIST O F THE XACRO-LEPIDOPTERPP OF ALBER- TA. Can. Entomol. 38 : 266. The e a ~ p e l ? t e ~ - w o r m w a s reared f rom a f r e s h l ~ l bzrilt cofCo?~wood log building.

205. IVygant, N. D. 1938. THE RELATION O F IN- SECTS TO SHELTERBELT PLANTATIONS IN THE GREAT PLAINS. J. For. 36: 1011-1018. Borers are the most seriozts insect problem in shelterbelt trees. The carpenterworm, one o f t h e pri??cipal b o r e ~ s of green, ash , enuses considerable mortali tg.


(Numbers correspond to those on the entries)

Bibliography 126, 141, 144, 196

Biology 2, 9, 12, 15, 28, 29, 31, 32, 38, 41, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 69, 78, 82, 86, 87, 89, 99, 104,129, 133, 136,142, 151, 154, 157, 158, 167, 195

Feeding and tunneling 14, 34,40, 42, 67, 68,110, 120, 121, 143, 151, 165, 181

Life and seasonal history 1 ,3 ,5 ,21 ,30 ,35 ,36 ,50 ,52 , 54, 73, 74, 79, 98, 105, 108, 117, 123, 130, 143, 144, 148, 163, 171

Mating behavior 183 Moth emergence 16, 88, 183, 187 Oviposition 14, 64, 77, 105, 156, 178, 183

Chemosterilants 177, 203

Control and prevention 1, 3, 15, 29, 36, 41, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78, 87, 89, 98, 100, 104, 108, 110, 117, 125, 129, 142, 143, 144, 145, 151, 154,157, 159, 160, 167, 168, 169, 171, 174, 194, 195

Fumigants 19, 21, 37, 64, 83, 112, 158 Insecticides 21, 56, 89, 136, 138, 202 &feehanical 19, 21, 25, 56, 112 Natural 5, 64, 98, 142, 166, 182, 186, 189, 200

Description 3, 5,11,13,27, 33,35, 36,38,41,50, 52, 54, 55, 51, 58,84, 89, 94,96,98,106,116,117,131, 136,148,160, 171,152, 174,194,195, 199

Identification 108, 116, 130, 155 Keys 3, 7 , 12, 35, 62, 65, 100, 102, 103, 140, 192 Stages 1, 9, 21, 31,132, 167

Distribution 3, 4, 5, 16, 22, 30, 32, 35, 38, 50, 54, 58, 59, 80, 95,98,111,128,130,131,144,151,154,157,161,1~3

Frass 68, 88

Page 14: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Hosts 1 , 3, 5, 9, 11, 18, 35, 39, 50, 54, 55, $9, 93, 98, 115, 125, 129

Shade and ornamental 1 ,9 ,60 , $4,108,150,194 Shelterbelt 1, 110, 192, 205 speci&s 4, 11, 11, 25 , 26, 30, 31, 41, 51, 57, 63, 64, 72,

75, 16, 91, 92, 103, 110, 130, 131, 132, 142, 143, 144, 15q, 3153,159,161,194,204

Impact 8, 162,163,175 Log defects 23, 24, 46, 90, 114 Lumber defects 20, 26, 40, 66, 90, 121, 137, 162, 175,

197 Tree mortality 92, 147, 170, 205 Value iosses 3, 20, 71, 129, 134, 135, 13'3, 200

Importance 50, 56, 57,63, 72, 74, 75, 87, 105, 109,125,129, 132, 138, 139, 171, 197, 205

Injury 1, 2, 3,5,18,32, 34, 38, 41, 5 4 5 9 , 68, 73, 78, 91, 95, 96,97,117,125,130,132,145,165,168,171

Bark scars 14, 114,162 Evidence of infestation 58, 60, 89 Key to insect damage 47 Wound treatment 17

Eight t r aps '37, I88

Rearing 118,164,176,179

Regeneration 180

Research 2, 119, 139

Sawmill studies 46, 90, 134, 135, 131

Sex pheromone 2, 184, 185, 203

Site 23, 24, 121

Stain and decay associated with galleries 61, 79, 162, 190, 191,201

Stand conditions 121

Systematics 27, 45, 61, 81, 82, 86, 101, 103, 116, 140, 144, 146,198

Common names 10, 30, 52, 61, 152 Family and subfamily 7, 32, 45, 62, 124 Genus and species 7, 80, 100, 149, 152 Races and forms 6,34,45,114,193 S y n o n y t ? ~ ~ 33, 44, 48, 85, 101, 113

Page 15: Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, …A FIELD GUIDE TO THE INSECTS OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO, p, 242-243, plate 12. Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston. Description. Boyd, W. M

Solomon, J. D., and Hay, C. 5. 1971. Annotated bibliography of the carpen-

terworm, Pr ionoxys tus r o binine. South. For. Exp. Stn., New Orleans, La. 13 p. (USDA For. Serv. Gen, Tech. Rep. SO- 4)

About 200 references, with subject index.

Additional keywords: Cossidae, hardwood borer.
