Page 1: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers 



A. Household Particulars 1. Name _______________________________ S/o ___________________________________ Age _____________ Years Education ______________________________ Village _____________ Taluka ________________ District ______________ Cell __________________ Size of Family : Adults ___________________ Children _________________ Total __________________ B. Landholding Particulars (In Acres)

1. Category Marginal Farmer (< 2.5 Acres of land)

Small Farmer (< 5 Hectares of land)

Medium Farmer (> 5 Hectares of land)

2. Land Leased Out of Own Landholding and Rate at Which Leased Out

Tenant Share Cropper Self Owner

3. Years of Experience in Farming

4. Irrigated Area

Semi-irrigated Area Un-irrigated Area

5. Area Irrigated by



Tanks Well Tubewell

River Dam

6. Details of Crop Cultivated Name of the Crop Insured

2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008



S.I. Prem ium



S.I. Prem ium



S.I. Prem ium

7. Yield in Quintals per acre 8. Cost of Cultivation per acre

C. Average Annual Income

1. From Crop Farming (Quantity / year) ________________________________________________

2. Net Cost (Rs. / year)(Sale of crop yield) ______________________________________________

3 Livestock (Rs. / year) ____________________________________________________ 4. Hired Labour (Rs. / year) ____________________________________________________

Page 2: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers 


5. Others (Rs. / year) (a) Agricultural Wages ________________________________________________ (b) Non Agricultural Wages ________________________________________________ (c) Business ________________________________________________ (d) Services ________________________________________________ (e) Others (Specify) ________________________________________________ D. Finance 1. Did you borrow any money last year or before for agricultural related activities Y / N 2. If yes, the amount borrowed, interest rate and period

Amount of Loan

2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008

Kharif Rabi Kharif Rabi Kharif


Interest Rate & Period

3. Loan taken from

a) Bank c) Service Area Bank e) Co-operative Bank g) Relatives b) Nodal Branch d) Primary Agricultural

Credit Society f) Moneylender h) Friends i) Other

4. Source(s) of funds for repayment

a) Sale of agricultural produce

b) Sale of assets

c) Another loan

d) Others (Specify) (Jewellery / Sale of animals / land)

E.(a) Are you aware of the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ? Yes / No (b) If yes, have you availed this National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ? Yes / No (c) (i) What crops are covered ?

(ii) What is the sum insured ? (iii) What is the risk covered ? (iv) How many years you have availed this scheme ? (v) During these many years what is your experience about this scheme ? (vi) What is the premium amount you are paying ? (vii) How many claims you have received ? (viii) Do you remember in some years you suffered loss and you did not receive money or received

the money ? (ix) Do you remember in some years you did not suffer any loss but you received money ?

(d) What motivated you to take National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ?

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Annexure 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers 


i. Banks / Financial Institutions compulsory

ii. Financial Security

iii. Heard of good experience from other farmers

iv. Any other (please specify) _________________________________________________________

F. Have you experienced any crop loss in the last three years Yes / No

Year / Season

Crop (s) Sum Insured

Premium (Rs.)

Cause of Crop Loss (Drought / Flood /

Rains (Heavy) / Rains (Low) / Hailstorm /

Cyclone / Fire / Pest / Diseases)

Total Loss in


Claim Amount (Rs)

if received

G. If not insured, what other measures of loss compensation would you look forward for aid / relief ?

1) Sale of Fixed Assets 4) Bank loan 7) Co-operative Society 10) Others (Specify) 2) Sale of Livestock 5) Money lender 8) Offering land on lease

to others

3) Friends / relatives 6) Government Relief 9) Hypothecation of house / jewellery

H. From which media did you get information about National Agriculture Insurance Scheme?

1) Radio 7) Post Office 13) Bank 19) Road Shows

2) Doordarshan 8) Insurance Agents 14) Implementing Agency 20) Group Discussions

3) NGOs 9) PACS 15) Magazines 21) Agriculture Dept

4) Newspapers 10) SMS 16) Kisan Sabha

5) Mobiles 11) Advertisement Hoardings 17) Village Sabha

6) Moneylenders 12) Exhibition 18) Film Show in Village

I. Which insurance service provider(s) would you prefer for availing National Agriculture Insurance Scheme?

1) Rural agent at your door step 4) Co-operative Bank 7) NGOs 2) Insurance Agent's Office 5) Regional Rural Bank 8) Post Office 3) Commercial Bank 6) Self Help Groups 9) Others (Specify)

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Annexure 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers 


J. Your experience about National Agriculture Insurance Scheme?

1. Satisfactory 2. Not satisfied with

1) Crops


3) Premium Rate 5) Facilities available

at Financial Institution

7) Area Approach 9) CCE

2) Sum Insured 4) Claim


6) Documentation 8) Indemnity Level 10) Others


K. What are your suggestions for improving National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ?

1. Cover more crops 2. Individual assessment 3. Reduce premium 4. Quick settlement of claims 5. Gram Panchayat as unit of loss assessment 6. Insurance Service at your doorstep / at village level 7. Crop Cutting Experiments to be conducted in the presence of villagers / insurance company’s

representatives 8. Others (Specify) _________________________________________________________________

L. Whether the premium you are paying is :

High Low Reasonable Can’t Say M. What extent you are willing to bear agricultural losses (%) ______________________________ (beyond which you want the insurance company pay losses) N. Are you aware of weather based crop insurance scheme. If so, which schemes? What are the

advantages as compared to NAIS and your experience?

AICIL – Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme

AICIL – Varsha Bima ICICI Lombard – Weather Insurance IFFCO-TOKIO – Weather Insurance

O. (a) Live stock holding particulars

1) Cattle – Male 3) Buffalo – Male 5) Sheep 7) Pigs 9) Horse

2) Cattle – Female 4) Buffalo - Female 6) Goats 8) Poultry 10) Others

(b) Are you aware of livestock insurance ? Y / N

1) Cattle Insurance 3) Horse / Pony / Donkey Insurance

5) Camel Insurance 7) Inland Fish Insurance Scheme

2) Sheep & Goat Insurance

4) Pig Insurance 6) Poultry Insurance

Signature : _____________________________ Date : __________________________

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Annexure 2 : English Questionnaire For Non-Loanee Farmers 



A. Household Particulars 1. Name ___________________________________ S/o ____________________________________ Age _____________ Years Education ______________________________ Village _____________ Taluka ________________ District ______________ Cell __________________ Size of Family : Adults ________________ Children __________________ Total ____________________ B. Landholding Particulars (In Acres)

1. Category Marginal Farmer (< 2.5 Acres of land)

Small Farmer (< 5 Hectares of land)

Medium Farmer (> 5 Hectares of land)

2. Land Leased Out of Own Landholding and Rate at Which Leased Out

Tenant Share Cropper Self Owner

3. Years of Experience in Farming

4. Irrigated Area

Semi-irrigated Area Un-irrigated Area

5. Area Irrigated by

Boring Canals Tanks


Tubewell River Dam

6. Details of Crop Cultivated Name of the Crop Insured

2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008



S.I. Prem ium



S.I. Prem ium



S.I. Prem ium

7. Yield in Quintals per acre 8. Cost of Cultivation per acre

C. Average Annual Income

1. From Crop Farming (Quantity / year) ________________________________________________

2. Net Cost (Rs. / year)(Sale of crop yield) ______________________________________________

3 Livestock (Rs. / year) ____________________________________________________ 4. Hired Labour (Rs. / year) ____________________________________________________

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Annexure 2 : English Questionnaire For Non-Loanee Farmers 


4. Others (Rs. / year) (a) Agricultural Wages ________________________________________________ (b) Non Agricultural Wages ________________________________________________ (c) Business ________________________________________________ (d) Services ________________________________________________ (e) Others (Specify) ________________________________________________ D.(a) Are you aware of National Agriculture Insurance Scheme Yes / No (b) If yes, have you availed this National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ? Yes / No

(i) What crops are covered ? (ii) What is the sum insured ? (iii) What is the risk covered ? (iv) How many years you have availed this scheme ? (v) During these many years what is your experience about this scheme ? (vi) What is the premium amount you are paying ? (vii) How many claims you have received ? (ii) Do you remember in some years you suffered loss and you did not receive money / received

the money ? (iii) Do you remember in some years you did not suffer any loss but you received money ?

E. Have you experienced any crop loss in the last three years Yes / No

Year / Season

Crop (s) Sum Insured

Premium (Rs.)

Cause of Crop Loss (Drought / Flood / Rains (Heavy) / Rains (Low) / Hailstorm / Cyclone / Fire / Pest / Diseases)

Total Loss in Rs.

Claim Amount (Rs)

if received

F. If not insured, what other channels / agencies would you look forward for aid / relief ?

1) Sale of Fixed Assets 4) Bank loan 7) Co-operative Society 10) Others (Specify) 2) Sale of Livestock 5) Borrowing from money

lender 8) Lease of land

3) Borrowing from friends / relatives

6) Government Relief 9) Hypothecation of house / jewellery

G. What is / are the reasons for not availing National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ?

1. Not aware of crop insurance 2. No need of insurance 3. Lack of premium paying capacity

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Annexure 2 : English Questionnaire For Non-Loanee Farmers 


4. Not aware of the facilities available 5. Not satisfied with crops covered 6. Not satisfied with area approach 7. Inadequate publicity of the scheme 8. Nearest bank at a distance 9. Complex documentation 10. Lack of service / co-operation from the bank 11. No faith in scheme / agency 12. Delay in claim payment 13. Not satisfied with indemnity level 14. Difficulties in opening bank account 15. Loan has been taken from sources other than banks 16. Others (specify)

H. Which media would you prefer to know about National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ?

1) Radio 7) Post Office 13) Bank 19) Road Shows

2) Doordarshan 8) Insurance Agents 14) Implementing Agency 20) Group Discussions

3) NGOs 9) PACS 15) Magazines 21) Agriculture Dept

4) Newspapers 10) SMS 16) Kisan Sabha

5) Mobiles 11) Advertisement Hoardings 17) Village Sabha

6) Moneylenders 12) Exhibition 18) Film Show in Village

I. Which insurance service provider(s) would you prefer for availing National Agriculture Insurance

Scheme ?

1) Rural agent at your door step 4) Co-operative Bank 7) NGOs

2) Insurance Agent's Office 5) Regional Rural Bank 8) Post Office

3) Commercial Bank 6) Self Help Groups 9) Others (Specify)

J. When can you pay the premium ?

(1) Monthly (2) Bi-monthly (3) Six Monthly (4) Yearly K.(a) Live stock holding particulars

1) Cattle – Male 3) Buffalo – Male 5) Sheep 7) Pigs 9) Horse

2) Cattle – Female 4) Buffalo - Female 6) Goats 8) Poultry 10) Others

(b) Are you aware of livestock insurance ? Yes / No

1) Cattle Insurance 3) Horse / Pony / Donkey Insurance

5) Camel Insurance 7) Inland Fish Insurance Scheme

2) Sheep & Goat Insurance

4) Pig Insurance 6) Poultry Insurance

Signature : ________________________________ Date : ________________________________

Page 8: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 3 : English Questionnaire For Bank / Agencies / Personnel Dealing With Crop Insurance 



1. Name of the person / agency ___________________________________________________________ 2. Designation ___________________________________________________________ 3. Bank / Agency Name ___________________________________________________________ 4. Branch / Agency Address ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 5. Are you aware of the NAIS Yes / No 6. If no, specify the reasons ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 7. How many farmers have taken loan under National Agriculture Insurance Scheme from your bank ?

Farmer Category 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Kharif Rabi Kharif Rabi Kharif Rabi

Marginal Farmer (< 2.5 Acres of land)

Small Farmer (< 5 Hectares of land)

Medium Farmer (> 5 Hectares of land)

8. Difficulties, if any, in servicing National Agriculture Insurance Scheme to

Loanee Farmers Non Loanee Farmers 1) 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) 4) 4)

9. What important role(s) banks can play in awareness and publicity of National Agriculture Insurance

Scheme? a) Display National Agriculture Insurance Scheme posters in bank premises b) Discuss National Agriculture Insurance Scheme with farmers when they visit bank for loan and other

purposes c) Handouts on National Agriculture Insurance Scheme like brochures & pamphlets to farmers during

their visit to bank d) Include, National Agriculture Insurance Scheme as an agenda in various meetings with farmers e) Others, if any

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Annexure 3 : English Questionnaire For Bank / Agencies / Personnel Dealing With Crop Insurance 


10. Do you think servicing non-borrower farmers gives an opportunity to the bank for developing / expanding business relationship ?

Yes No Can’t Say

11. In your opinion what is the reasonable premium a farmer can pay ?

a) Upto 2% b) 2 – 3 % c) 3 – 4 % d) 4 – 5 % 12. Do you think crop insurance provides collateral security to bank loan portfolio ? Yes / No 13. In your opinion which insurance service provider(s) is best suited for non-loanee farmers (If more than

one, please rank them in order of preference) a) Rural agent at door step b) Insurance Agent's Office c) Commercial bank d) Co-operative bank e) Regional Rural Bank f) NGOs g) Self Help Groups h) Post Office i) Any other

14. How do you pay the claims ?

a) Pay order b) Inform the Farmer c) Display on the notice board d) In cash 15. What is your experience in settlement of claims ? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. What are your suggestions to improve the awareness of the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What are your suggestions for improvement in National Agriculture Insurance Scheme ?

a) Cover more crops f) Insurance service at doorstep / at village level b) Individual Assessment g) Making scheme voluntary c) Gram Panchayat as a unit of loss assessment h) CCE’s to be conducted in the presence of

villagers / insurance company’s representatives d) Reduce premium i) Indemnity level from 60% to 80-90% e) Quick settlement of claims j) Others

Signature : ________________________________ Date : ________________________________

Page 10: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 4 – Marathi Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers


rije•} ciEg[le nzqnl `Nq[rNs azkz&m} a]sS@>@ azkz&]mk aiz]fsr p[«e 411 045

fon- 020-25234056 / mo.- 9850042777

~-mel- [email protected] ]d.

Ï]t, ____________________________ ____________________________ ]vûy : qEx]«k s>qo¡n ÏkLpi>tgRt ÏQnp]wki s>dªR : p}.Ac.&}. r]jS@^eqn n> Acad/RRC-23/2008-2009/106 ]d. me. 26, 2008. mhody / mhodyi,

m} nzqnl `Nq[rNs azkz&m}t a]sS@>@ azkz&]mk aiz]fsr yi pdivr nokr}s aihe. m} •}mt} ni˜}bi~ dimodr #ikrs} m]hli ]vüip}# ye {n mi. ÏiÆyipk siE. s[ ûmi keskr, yi>Cyi migRdqRni¦il} &izK@re@ kr}t aihe. miÊyi s>qo¡nici ]vûy ‘S@&} aizf ]d ÏizBleMs azN& ÏizSpeK@s `n ]d >MPl}meN@eqn aizf ƒizp `Nq[rNs Sk}m `n d S@e@ aizf mhiri»@^’ asi aihe. yi s>qo¡nisi#} mli p}k ]vmi s>b>¡}t kih} mi]ht} sobt jo&leLyi ÏQnp]wket ªšn hv} aihe. m} aiQvisn dete k} aip« ]dlel} mi]ht} h} fKt qEx]«k upƒmi>si#} viprl} ji~l. sdr mi]ht} g[Pt ri¦l} ji~l.

aip« ]dleLyi mi]ht} ai]« shkiyiRbdÔdl m} aipl} aiªir} aihe. k¬pyi svR ÏQni>c} u…re üiv}t.

aipl} ]vQvis{,

rije•} ciEg[le

siE. rije•} ciEg[le yi nzqnl `Nq[rNs azkz&m}t a]sS@>@ azkz&]mk aiz]fsr yi pdivr nokr}s aihet. Tyi •}mt} ni˜}bi~ dimodr #ikrs} m]hli ]vüip}# ye {n miÊyi migRdqRni¦il} &izK@re@ kr}t aihet. Tyi>ci s>qo¡nici ]vûy ‘S@&} aizf ]d ÏizBleMs azN& ÏizSpeK@s `n ]d `>MPl}meN@eqn aizf ƒizp `Nq[rNs Sk}m `n d S@e@ aizf mhiri»@^’ asi aihe. Tyi>ni s>qo¡nisi#} ri»@}y k¬û} ]vmi yojne s>b>]¡t mi]ht} sobt jo&leLyi ÏQnp]wket ªšn hv} aihe. aip« ]dlel} mi]ht} h} fKt qEx]«k upƒmi>si#} viprl} ji~l v sdr mi]ht} g[Pt ri¦l} ji~l. siE. rije•} ciEg[le Hi>ni yi kimisi#} svRÏkirce aivQyk shkiyR krive h} ]vn>t}.

&iz. s[ûmi a. keskr

]Ï]Nspizl, az]&qnl cijR azN& ]rscR gi~& As.An.&}.@}. ai@RsÔ aZ& kizmsR kizlej fizr ]vmen p[«e 411038 sobt : qEx]«k s>qo¡n ÏkLpi>tgRt ÏQnp]wki

Page 11: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 4 – Marathi Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers


ÏQnp]wki kjRdir qetk<yi>si#} A. £ric} mi]ht} niv ______________________________ v]&li>ce niv __________________________ vy _____________ vûeR ]qx« __________________________

giv ___________ til{ki __________ ]jLhi ___________ mobi~l________________

Ak{« k[@>{b : mo#e ___________ (+) lhin m[l> ___________ Ak{« _________________ B. qet jm}n}c} mi]ht} (Akr})

1. vg}Rkr« ©o@i qetkr} (2.5 Akr pexi km} jm}n)

mÆym qetkr}(5 Akr pexi km} jm}n)

mo#i qetkr}(5 Akr pexi jiSt jm}n)

2. ko«Tyi drine ªi&etTvivr cilviyli ]dle d[s<yic} jm}n ¦>& deU kr«ire qetkr} Pi}k ªig}dir} Svt:3. qet}ci ]kt} vûiR>ci an[ªv 4. jl]s>cn xewf§ (bigiyt} / ]jriyt}) kor&vih{ p&}k / mi§rin 5. qet}si#} jl]s>cn / pi«} k[#{n hote bor}>>g kilvi tliv ]v]hr pi@ nd} ¡r«6. ]pki>ce vg}Rkr«

k[#Lyi ]pki>ci ]vmi


2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008



]vmi s>r]xt rKkm

]vmi hPti



]vmi s>r]xt rKkm

]vmi hPti



]vmi s>r]xt rKkm

]vmi hPti

7. uTpNn ]Kv>@l Ï]t Akr 8. qet} mqigt kriyli Ï]t Akr ]kt} ¦cR ligli

C. vi]ûRk uTpNn 1 p}k uTpNn (š. / vû}R) 2 p}k ]vƒ}t{n jmi ¥ilele pEse 3 qet mj{r (š. / vû}R) 4 pq[piln (š. / vû}R) 5 `tr (š. / vû}R)

i) qet} rojgir ii) ]bgr qet} rojgir iii) Vyipir iv) sevi v) `tr

Page 12: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 4 – Marathi Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers


D. ai]˜Rk 1. qet}si#} geLyi vû}R ]k>vi ai¡} u¡ir pEse £etle hote ki ? hoy / nih} 2. jr uTtr ho asel tr ]kt} £etle, Vyij dr v ]kt} vûieR>si#} ?

kjiRc} rKkm

2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008

¦r}p rBb} ¦r}p rBb} ¦r}p rBb}

Vyijdr v m[dt

3. kjR k[«ik&{n £etle ?

1) bZk 3) sevi xew qi¦i 5) shkir} bZk 7) nitevi~k 2) no&l qi¦i 4) qetk}y sosiy@} 6) sivkir 8) ]mw 9) `tr

4. pEse prt kelele pyiRy

1) qet}mil ]vk{n 2) milm…i ]vk{n 3) aNy kjR 4) `tr - di]gne, pq[ ]vk{n, jm}n ]vk{n

E.(a) t[Mhili ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojnec} mi]ht} aihe ki ? hoy / nih} b) jr ho asel tr t[Mh} ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni £etl} aihe ki ? hoy / nih}

1. ko«t} ]pke hyit smi]v»# asiyli hv}t ? 2. ]vmi s>r]xt rKkm ]kt} aihe ? 3. jo]¦m Str ]kt} aihe ? 4. ]kt} vûiR>pis{n t[Mh} yi yojnet ªig £et aihit ? 5. yi yojneci ai…ipyRtci t[mci an[ªv kiy aihe ? 6. ai…ipyRt t[Mh} ]kt} ]pk ]vmi hPte ªrle aihe? 7. ai…ipyRt t[Mhili yi yojne pis{n ai]˜Rk n[ksin ªrpi~ ]kt} ve§i ]m§il} aihe ? 8. t[Mhili mi]ht} aihe ki - t[mce n[ksin ¥ile aihe ai]« pEse ]m§ile nih} / ]m§ile aihet? 9. t[Mhili mi]ht} aihe ki - t[mce n[ksin ¥ile nih} ai]« pEse ]m§ile aihet?

c) jr ho asel tr k[#Lyi go»@}>n} t[Mh} ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni £eÓyisi#} Ïe]rt ¥ilit

1) bzZk / ]vTt s>S˜iCyi sKt}ne 2) ai]˜Rk s>rx« 3) `tr qetk<yi>ci ci>gli an[ªv 4) `tr kih} (s]vStr ]lhi)

Page 13: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 4 – Marathi Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers


F. geLyi t}n vûiRt kih} p}k n[ksin}ci an[ªv aili aihe ki ? hoy / nih}

vûeR / h>gim ]pk p}k n[ksin}ce kir«e(d[»ki§ / p{r / piUs (JiSt) / piUs (km}) / giri

/ cƒ}vid§ / aig / aiEû¡ fvir«e / rog )

Ak{« n[ksin

n[ksin ªrpi~ ]kt} ]m§il}

G. jr ]vmi £etli nsel tr t[Mh} n[ksin ªrpi~ si#} kqic} mdt Èyil ?

1) milmTtec} ]vƒ} 4) bZzk kjR 7) ko-aizpre]@Vh sosiy@} 10) `tr (s]vStr ]lhi)2) pq[ ]vk«e 5) sivkir 8) jm}n ªi&etTvivr de«e

3) ]mw / nitevi~k 6) srkir k&{n 9) £r / di]gne / jm}n ghi« H. t[Mhili k[#Lyi miÆymit{n ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojnec} mi]ht} hv} aihe ?

1) re]&ao 6) sivkir 11) ji]hrit bo&R 16) ]ksin sªi

2) d{rdqRn 7) poS@ aizf}s 12) ÏdqRn 17) gÑim sªi

3) An.j}.ao 8) ]vmi AJn@ 13) bzk 18) qet} ]vûy} mi]ht}p@

4) vtRmin pw 9) qetk}y sosiy@} 14) A.aiy.s}.aiy. 19) p˜ ni@y

5) mobi~l 10) As.Am.As 15) mi]sk 20) Akw}t cciR 21) qet} ¦ite (Govt)

I. t[Mh} ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni £eÓyisi#} k[#Lyi ]vmi seveli Ïi¡iNy üil ?

1) gÑim}« AjN@ t[mCyi dirit 4) shkir} bZk 7) ¦ijg} s>S˜i 2) gÑim}« AjN@ t[mCyi givit 5) xew}y gÑim}« bZk 8) poS@ aizf}s 3) Vyipir} bZk 6) bct g@ 9) `tr (s]vStr ]lhi)

J. t[mci ri»@}y k¬û} ]vmi yojne s>dRªit kiy an[ªv aihe ?

1. smi¡in} 2. asmi¡in} asÓyic} kir«e

1) ko«t} ]pke hyit

smi]v»# asiyli hv}t

3) ]vmi hPti 5) ap[<yi uplB¡

s[]v¡i ]vTt s>S˜Iik&{n

7) xew pit§} 9 n[ksin ªrpi~

moj«}ce xew

2) b}mi ri]q 4) n[ksin ªrpi~

]m§Óyic} pÆdt

6) ap[r} mi]ht} (kigd


8 jo]¦m Str 10`tr (s]vStr


Page 14: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 4 – Marathi Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers


K. ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni s[¡irÓyisi#} t[mc} kiy mt> aihet ? 1. jiSt}t jiSt p}ke, p}ke ]vmi ¦il} smi]v»# kriv}t 2. vEy]Ktk pit§}vr phi«} 3. ]vmi hPti km} kr«e 4. n[ksin ªrpi~ lvkrit lvkr kr«e 5. gÑim p>ciyt pit§}vr n[ksin ªrpi~c} moj«} 6. ]vmi mi]ht} t[mCyi dirit / givit 7. p}k kip«} Ïyog - givkr} / ]vmi k>pn} AjN@ hyi>Cyi smor kriv} 8. `tr (s]vStr ]lhi)

L. t[Mh} ªrt asleli ]vmi hPti :

(1) a]¡k Ïmi«it (2) km} (3) vijv} (4) si>g{ qkt nih}

M. n[ksin}ci ]ktpt ªig aip« sos{ qkil JyiCyi p[*e ]vmi k>pn}ne n[ksin ªrpi~ de«e s[š krel _______ @Kke. N. t[Mhili hvimin ai¡i]rt ]pk ]vmi yojne bddÔl mi]ht} aihe ki ? uTtr ho asel tr ko«Tyi yojni ? ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojneCyi

t[lnet v t[mCyi an[ªvin[sir hvimin ai¡i]rt ]pk ]vmi yojnece kiy fiyde aihet ?

hvimin ai¡i]rt ]pk ]vmi yojni vûiR ]bmi aiy.s}.aiy.s}.aiy lo>Mbi&R - hvimin ai¡i]rt ]pk ]vmi yojni

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ O.(a) pq[ piln s>dªiRt mi]ht} :

(1) re&i (3) bEl (5) qe§} / bkr} (7) &[Kkr (9) £o&i

(2) MhEs (4) giy (6) me>*} / bok& (8) ko>b&Yii (10) `tr

(b) t[Mhili pq[ piln ]vMyibddÔl mi]ht} aihe ki ? hoy / nih}

(1) bEl / giy (3) £o&i / gi*v (5) u>@ (7) mise (2) qe§} / bkr} (4) &[Kkr (6) ko>b&Yii

sh} : Niiv : ]dni>k :

Page 15: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 5 : Marathi Questionnaire For Non-Loanee Farmers 


ÏQnp]wki ]bgr kjRdir qetk<yi>si#} A. £ric} mi]ht}

niv ______________________________ v]&li>ce niv __________________________ vy _____________ vûeR ]qx« __________________________

giv ___________ til{ki __________ ]jLhi ___________ mobi~l________________

Ak{« k[@>{b : mo#e ___________ (+) lhin m[l> ___________ Ak{« _________________ B. qet jm}n}c} mi]ht} (Akr})

1. vg}Rkr« ©o@i qetkr} (2.5 Akr pexi km} jm}n)

mÆym qetkr}(5 Akr pexi km} jm}n)

mo#i qetkr}(5 Akr pexi jiSt jm}n)

2. ko«Tyi drine ªi&etTvivr cilviyli ]dle d[s<yic} jm}n ¦>& deU kr«ire qetkr} Pi}k ªig}dir} Svt:3. qet}ci ]kt} vûiR>ci an[ªv 4. jl]s>cn xewf§ (bigiyt} / ]jriyt}) kor&vih{ p&}k / mi§rin 5. qet}si#} jl]s>cn k[#{n hote b>or}>g kilvi tliv ]v]hr pi@ nd}6. ]pki>ce vg}Rkr«

k[#Lyi ]pki>ci ]vmi


2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008



]vmi s>r]xt rKkm

]vmi hPti



]vmi s>r]xt rKkm

]vmi hPti



]vmi s>r]xt rKkm

]vmi hPti

7. uTpNn ]Kv>@l Ï]t Akr 8. qet} mqigt kriyli Ï]t Akr ]kt} ¦cR ligli

C. a>dije vi]ûRk uTpNn

1 p}k uTpNn (š. / vû}R) 2 p}k ]vƒ}t{n jmi ¥ilele pEse (š.) 3 qet mj{r (š. / vû}R) 4 pq[piln (š. / vû}R) 5 `tr (š. / vû}R)

i) qet} rojgir ii) ]bgr qet} rojgir iii) Vyipir iv) sevi v) `tr

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Annexure 5 : Marathi Questionnaire For Non-Loanee Farmers 


D.(a) t[Mhili ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojnec} mi]ht} aihe ki ? hoy / nih} b) jr ho asel tr t[Mh} ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni £etl} aihe ki ? hoy / nih}

1. k[#le ]pke hyit smi]v»# asiyli hv}t ? 2. ]vmi s>r]xt rKkm ]kt} aihe ? 3. jo]¦m Str ]kt} ki ? 4. ]kt} vûiR>pis{n t[Mh} yi yojnet ªig £et aihit ? 5. yi yojneci ai…ipyRtci t[mci an[ªv kiy aihe ? 6. ai…ipyRt t[Mh} ]kt} ]pk ]vmi hPte ªrle aihe? 7. ai…ipyRt t[Mhili yi yojne pis{n ai]˜Rk n[ksin ªrpi~ ]kt} ve§i ]m§il} aihe ? 8. t[Mhili mi]ht} aihe ki - t[mce n[ksin ¥ile aihe ai]« pEse ]m§ile nih} / ]m§ile aihet? 9. t[Mhili mi]ht} aihe ki - t[mce n[ksin ¥ile nih} ai]« pEse ]m§ile aihet?

E. geLyi t}n vûi>eRt kih} p}k n[ksin}ci an[ªv aili aihe ki ? hoy / nih}

vûeR / h>gim ]pk p}k n[ksin}ce kir«e(d[»ki§ / p{r / piUs (JiSt) / piUs (km}) / giri

/ cƒ}vid§ / aig / aiEû¡ fvir«e / rog )

Ak{« n[ksin

n[ksin ªrpi~ ]kt} ]m§il}

F. jr ]vmi £etli nsel tr t[Mh} n[ksin ªrpi~ si#} kqic} mdt Èyil ?

1) milmTtec} ]vƒ} 4) bzk kjR 7) ko-aizpre]@Vh sosiy@} 10) `tr (s]vStr ]lhi) 2) Ïi«} ]vk«e 5) sivkir 8) jm}n ªi&etTvivr de«e

3) ]mw / nitevi~k 6) srkir k&{n 9) £r / di]gne / jm}n ghi« G. t[Mh} ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni n £etLyic} kir«> üi ?

1. p}k ]vMyic} mi]ht} nih} 2. ]vMyic} grj nih} 3. hPti ªrÓyic} tikd nih} 4. ]m§«i<yi soy}bddÔl jigškti nih} 5. p}k ]vmi u…rvleLyi ]pki>Cyi vg}Rkr«ibddÔl t[Mh} asmi¡in} aihit kiy? 6. xew pit§} bddÔl asmi¡in} 7. p}k ]vMyic} km} ji]hrit 8. jv§ bZk nih} 9. smjiyli av£& kigdpwe 10. bZkek&{n sevi v mdt uplB¡ nih} 11. yojne mÆye ]vQvis nih} 12. n[ksin ªrpi~ uq}ri ]m§te 13. jo]¦m Str asmi¡in} 14. bZket ¦ite u£&Óyis wis 15. bZke Vy]t]rKt `tr s>S˜i>k&{n kjR £etle aihe 16. `tr

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Annexure 5 : Marathi Questionnaire For Non-Loanee Farmers 


H. ko«Tyi miÆymi>t{n t[Mhili ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni bddÔl mi]ht} Èyiyli aiv&el ?

1) re]&ao 6) sivkir 11) ji]hrit bo&R 16) ]ksin sªi

2) d{rdqRn 7) poS@ aizf}s 12) ÏdqRn 17) gÑim sªi

3) An.j}.ao 8) ]vmi AJn@ 13) bzk 18) qet} ]vûy} mi]ht}p@

4) vtRmin pw 9) qetk}y sosiy@} 14) A.aiy.s}.aiy. 19) p˜ ni@y

5) mobi~l 10) As.Am.As 15) mi]sk 20) Akw}t cciR 21) qet} ¦ite (Govt)

I. t[Mh} ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni £eÓyisi#} k[#Lyi ]vMyi seveli Ïi¡iNy üil ?

1) gÑim}« AjN@ t[mCyi dirit 4) shkir} bZk 7) ¦ijg} s>S˜i 2) gÑim}« AjN@ t[mCyi givit 5) xew}y gÑim}« bZk 8) poS@ aif}s 3) Vyipir} bZk 6) bct g@ 9) `tr (s]vStr ]lhi)

J. t[Mh} ]vmi hPti k¡} ªš qkti ?

(1) m]hNyili (2) ]tmih} (3) shimh} (4) vi]ûRk

K.(a) pq[ piln s>dªiRt mi]ht} :

(1) re&i (3) bEl (5) qe§} / bkr} (7) &[Kkr (9) £o&i

(2) MhEs (4) giy (6) me>*} / bok& (8) ko>b&Yii (10) `tr

(b) t[Mhili pq[ piln ]vMyibddÔl mi]ht} aihe ki ? hoy / nih}

1) bEl / giy 3) £o&i / gi*v 5) u>@ 7) mise 2) qe§} / bkr} 4) &[Kkr 6) ko>b&Yii

sh} : Niiv : ]dni>k :

Page 18: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 6 : English Questionnaire For Bank / Agencies / Personnel Dealing With Crop Insurance 


ÏQnp]wki - bZk / AjNs} / ]pk ]vmi s>dªiRt kim kr«ire a]¡kir}

1. VyKt}ce niv ______________________________________________________ 2. h[ddÔi ______________________________________________________ 3. bZkece / AjNs} ce niv _____________________________________________________ 4. bZkeci / AjNs} ci pTti ____________________________________________________ 5. t[Mhili ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojne bddÔl mi]ht} aihe ki ? hoy / nih} 6. jr nsel, tr kir«> üi _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. t[mCyi bZke k&{n ]kt} qetk<yi>n} ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojnesi#} kjR £etle aihe ?

qetkr} vg}Rkr« 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008©o@i qetkr} (2.5 Akr pexi km} jm}n)

¦r}p rBb} ¦r}p rBb} ¦r}p rBb}

mÆym qetkr} (5 Akr pexi km} jm}n)

mo#i qetkr} (5 Akr pexi jiSt jm}n)

8. ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojnesi#} qetk<yi>ni sevi deÓyisi#} t[Mhili kiy a&c«} yetit ?

kjRdir qetk<yi>si#} ]vgr kjRdir qetk<yi>si#} 1) 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) 4) 4)

9. ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojnec} ji]hrit v jigškti krÓyisi#} bZkeci ]kt} mo#i vi@i aihe ?

(1) bZkeCyi aivirit ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni c} ji]hrit kr«e (2) qetkr} jeVhi bZket kjR £eÓyisi#} yetit teVhi t[Mh} Tyi>ni ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojnec} mi]ht} deti ki ?

(3) qetkr} jeVhi bZket yetit teVhi t[Mh} Tyini ri»@}y k¬û} ]vmi yojnec} mi]ht} pwk> deti ki ? (4) qetk<yi>Cyi sªemÆye t[Mh} Tyi>ni ri»@}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni mi]ht} deti ki ?

(5) `tr kih}

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Annexure 6 : English Questionnaire For Bank / Agencies / Personnel Dealing With Crop Insurance 


10. t[Mhili ase vi@te ki k} Jyi qetk<yi>n} kjR £etle nih} Tyi qetk<yi>ni sevi ]dLyim[§e t[mCyi uTpNnit vi* ho~l ?

ho Niih} si>g{ qkt nih} 11. t[mCyi mte qetk<yi>ni ]kt} km} hPti prv&{ qkto ?

1) 2 @Kke pyRt 2) 2-3 @Kke 3) 3-4 @Kke 4) 4-5 @Kke 12. t[Mhili ase vi@te ki k} ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni t[Mhili bZkesi#} s[r]xtti de~l ? hoy / nih} 13. t[mCyi mte ]bgr kjR qetk<yi>ni ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni £eÓyisi#} k[#Lyi ]vmi seveli Ïi¡iNy üil ? (u…r Akipexi jiSt} asel

tr Ïi¡iNyƒmine ]lhi) 1) gÑim}« AjN@ t[mCyi dirit 2) gÑim}« AjN@ t[mCyi givit 3) Vyipir} bZk 4) shkir} bZk 5) xew}y gÑim}« bZk 6) ¦ijg} s>S˜i 7) bct g@ 8) poS@ aizf}s 9) `tr (s]vStr ]lhi)

14. t[Mh} nksin ªrpi~ kq} krti ?

1) pe aiz&Rr 2) qetk<yili si>gti ki ? 3) bZkeCyi mi]ht} flkivr livti ki ? 4) ro¦ deti ki ? 15. n[ksin ªrpi~ krtini t[Mhili kiy an[ªv yetit ? _________________________________________________________________


16. qetk<yi>si#} ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojnec} jigškti vi*vÓyisi#} t[mc} kiy mt> aihet ? _________________________________________________________________


17. ri»@^}y k¬û} ]vmi yojni s[¡ir«I>si#} t[Mh} kih} s{cni kš `]C©ti ki ? 1) jiSt}t jiSt p}ki>ci p}k ]vmi yojne a>tgRt smiveq krivi 6) ]vmi sevi t[mCyi dirit / givit 2) vEy]Ktk pit§}vr phi«} 7) yojni Ae]C©k asiv} 3) gÑim p>ciyt pit§}vr n[ksin ªrpi~c} moj«} 8) p}k kip«} Ïyog - givkr} / ]vmi k>pn} AjN@ hyi>Cyi smor kriv} 4) ]vmi hPti km} kr«e 9) jo]¦m Str 60 @Kke všn 90 @Kke>vr ne«e 5) n[ksin ªrpi~ lvkrit lvkr kr«e 10) `tr

sh} : Niiv : ]dni>k :

Page 20: Annexure 1-Questionnaire Loanee - 1 : English Questionnaire For Loanee Farmers ... Discuss National

Annexure 7 – NAIS Scheme 



Background and earlier attempts at Crop Insurance In a country like India, where crop production has been subjected to vagaries of weather and large-scale damages due to attack of pests and diseases, crop insurance assumes a vital role in the stable growth of the sector.

An All-Risk Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme (CCIS) for major crops was introduced in 1985, coinciding with the introduction of the Seventh-Five-year plan and subsequently replaced by National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) w.e.f. 1999-2000. These Schemes have been preceded by years of preparation, studies, planning, experiments and trials on a pilot basis.

National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) Keeping in view the demands of States for improving scope and contents of CCIS, a broad-based "National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS)" was introduced in the country w.e.f Rabi 1999-2000 season. The Scheme is administered by the Ministry of Agriculture and initially implemented by General Insurance Corporation of India on their behalf. The Scheme besides food crops & oilseeds, also covers annual commercial / horticultural crops. During the 1st year, cotton, sugarcane and potato were covered and during the 2nd year, four more crops, viz. onion, chillies, turmeric & ginger have been included and in 3rd year, jute, tapioca, annual banana & pineapple have been added under annual commercial / horticultural crops. Crop Insurance Schemes National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) (Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana - RKBY) Objectives The objectives of the NAIS are as under:-

1. To provide insurance coverage and financial support to the farmers in the event of failure of any of the notified crop as a result of natural calamities, pests & diseases.

2. To encourage the farmers to adopt progressive farming practices, high value inputs and higher technology in Agriculture.

3. To help stabilise farm incomes, particularly in disaster years.

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Annexure 7 – NAIS Scheme 



The Crops in the following broad groups in respect of which i) the past yield data based on Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) is available for adequate number of years, and ii) requisite number of CCEs are conducted for estimating the yield during the proposed season:

1. Food crops (Cereals, Millets & Pulses) 2. Oilseeds 3. Sugarcane, Cotton & Potato (Annual Commercial / annual Horticultural


Other annual Commercial / annual Horticultural crops subject to availability of past Yield data will be covered in a period of three years. However, the crops which will be covered next year will have to be spelt before the close of preceding year.


The Scheme extends to all States and Union Territories. The States / UTs opting for the Scheme, would be required to take up all the crops identified for coverage in a given year.

Exit clause : The States / Union Territories once opting for the Scheme, will have to continue for a minimum period of three years.


All farmers including sharecroppers, tenant farmers growing the notified crops in the notified areas are eligible for coverage.

The Scheme covers following groups of farmers:

a. On a compulsory basis :All farmers growing notified crops and availing Seasonal Agricultural Operations (SAO) loans fromFinancial Institutions i.e. Loanee Farmers.

b. On a voluntary basis: All other farmers growing notified crops (i.e., Non-Loanee farmers) who opt for the Scheme.

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Annexure 7 – NAIS Scheme 



Comprehensive risk insurance will be provided to cover yield losses due to non preventable risks, viz.:

a. Natural Fire and Lightning b. Storm, Hailstorm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane,

Tornado etc. c. Flood, Inundation and Landslide d. Drought, Dry spells e. Pests/ Diseases etc.

Losses arising out of war & nuclear risks, malicious damage & other preventable risks shall be excluded.


The Sum Insured (SI) may extend to the value of the Threshold Yield (TY) of the insured crop at the option of the insured farmers. However, a farmer may also insure his crop beyond value of Threshold Yield level upto 150% of Average Yield (AY) of notified area on payment of premium at commercial rates.

In case of Loanee farmers the Sum Insured would be at least equal to the amount of crop loan advanced.

Further, in case of Loanee farmers, the Insurance Charges shall be an additionality to the Scale of Finance for the purpose of obtaining loan.

In matters of Crop Loan disbursement procedures, guidelines of RBI / NABARD shall be binding.


S.No. Season Crops Premium rate 1 Kharif Bajra & Oilseeds 3.5% of SI or Actuarial

rate, whichever is less Other crops (cereals, other

millets & pulses) 2.5% of SI or Actuarial rate, whichever is less

2 Rabi Wheat 1.5% of SI or Actuarial rate, whichever is less

Other crops (other cereals, millets, pulses & oilseeds)

2.0% of SI or Actuarial rate, whichever is less

3 Kharif & Rabi

Annual Commercial / Annual Horticultural crops

Actuarial rates

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Annexure 7 – NAIS Scheme 


Transition to the actuarial regime in case of cereals, millets, pulses & oilseeds would be made in a period of five years. The actuarial rates shall be applied at District / Region / State level at the option of the State ovt./UT.


50% subsidy in premium is allowed in respect of Small & Marginal farmers, to be shared equally by the Government of India and State/UT Govt. The premium subsidy will be phased out on a sunset basis in a period of three to five years, subject to review of the financial results and the response of the farmers at the end of the first year of the implementation of the Scheme.

The definition of Small and Marginal farmer would be as follows:

SMALL FARMER : A Cultivator with a land holding of 2 hectares (5 acres) or less, as defined in the land ceiling legislation of the concerned State/ UT.

MARGINAL FARMER : A Cultivator with a land holding of 1 hectare or less (2.5 acres).


Risk will be shared by Implementing Agency (IA) and the Government in the following proportion:

a. Food crops & Oilseeds: Till complete transition to actuarial regime in a period of five years takes place, claims beyond 100% of premium will be borne by the Government. Thereafter, all normal claims, i.e., claims upto 150% of premium will be met by IA and claims beyond 150% shall be paid out of Corpus Fund for a period of three years. After this period of three years, claims upto 200% will be met by IA and above this ceiling, out of the Corpus Fund.

b. Annual Commercial / Annual Horticultural crops: Implementing Agency shall bear all normal losses, i.e. claims upto 150% of premium in the first three years and 200% of premium thereafter subject to satisfactory claims experience. The claims beyond 150% of premium in the first three years and 200% of premium thereafter shall be paid out of Corpus Fund. However, the period of three years stipulated for this purpose will be reviewed on the basis of the financial results after the first year of implementation and the period will be extended to five years if considered necessary.

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Annexure 7 – NAIS Scheme 


To meet Catastrophic losses, a Corpus Fund shall be created with contributions from the Government of India and State Govt / UT on 50:50 basis. A portion of Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) will be used for contribution to the Corpus Fund.


The Scheme would operate on the basis of 'Area Approach' i.e., Defined Areas for each notified crop for widespread calamities and on an individual basis for localised calamities such as hailstorm, landslide, cyclone and flood. The Defined Area (i.e., unit area of insurance) may be a Gram Panchayat, Mandal, Hobli, Circle, Phirka, Block, Taluka etc. to be decided by the State/UT Govt. However, each participating State /UT Govt. will be required to reach the level of Gram Panchayat as the unit in a maximum period of three years.

Individual based assessment in case of localised calamities, to begin with, would be implemented in limited areas on experimental basis initially and shall be extended in the light of operational experience gained. The District Revenue administration will assist Implementing Agency in assessing the extent of loss.


a. The broad seasonality discipline followed for Loanee farmers will be as under:

Activity Kharif Rabi Loaning period April to September October to next March Cut-off date for receipt of Declarations

November May

Cut-off date for receipt of yield data

January / March July / September

b. The broad cut-off dates for receipt of proposals in respect of Non-loanee

farmers will be as under :

Kharif season : 31st July Rabi season : 31st December

However, seasonality discipline may be modified, if and where necessary in consultation with State / UT and the Govt. of India.

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Annexure 7 – NAIS Scheme 



The State/UT Govt. will plan and conduct the requisite number of Crop Cutting Experiments CCEs for all notified crops in the notified insurance units in order to assess the crop yield. The State / UT Govt. will maintain single series of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) and resultant Yield estimates, both for Crop Production estimates and Crop Insurance.

Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) shall be undertaken per unit area /per crop, on a sliding scale, as indicated below:

S.No. Unit Area Minimum number of CCEs required to be done

1 Taluka / Tehsil / Block 16 2 Mandal / Phirka / any other smaller

unit area comprising 8-10 villages 10

3 Gram Panchayat comprising 4-5 villages


A Technical Advisory Committee (T.A.C.) comprising representatives from N.S.S.O., Ministry of Agriculture (G.O.I.) and IA shall be constituted to decide the sample size of CCEs and all other technical matters.


Three levels of Indemnity, viz., 90%, 80% & 60% corresponding to Low Risk, Medium Risk & High Risk areas shall be available for all crops (cereals, millets, pulses & oilseeds and annual commercial / annual horticultural crops) based on Coefficient of Variation (C.V.) in yield of past 10 years' data. However, the insured farmers of unit area may opt for higher level of indemnity on payment of additional premium based on actuarial rates.

The Threshold yield (TY) or Guaranteed yield for a crop in an Insurance Unit shall be the moving average based on past three years Average Yield in case of Rice & Wheat and five years Average Yield in case of other crops, multiplied by the level of indemnity.


If the 'Actual Yield' (AY) per hectare of the insured crop for the defined area [on the basis of requisite number of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs)] in the insured season, falls short of the specified 'Threshold Yield' (TY), all the insured farmers growing that crop in the defined area are

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Annexure 7 – NAIS Scheme 


deemed to have suffered shortfall in their yield. The Scheme seeks to provide coverage against such contingency.

'Indemnity' shall be calculated as per the following formula :

Shortfall in Yield _______________ X Sum Insured for the farmer

Threshold yield

{Shortfall in Yield = 'Threshold Yield - Actual Yield' for the Defined Area}.


Loss assessment and modified indemnity procedures in case of occurrence of localized perils, such as hailstorm, landslide, cyclone and flood where settlement of claims will be on individual basis, shall be formulated by IA in coordination with State / UT Govt.

The loss assessment of localized risks on individual basis will be experimented in limited areas initially and shall be extended in the light of operational experience gained. The District Revenue administration will assist IA in assessing the extent of loss.


Once the Yield Data is received from the State/UT Govt. as per the prescribed cut-off dates, claims will be worked out and settled by IA.

The claim cheques along with claim particulars will be released to the individual Nodal Banks. The Banks at the grass-root level, in turn, shall credit the accounts of the individual farmers and display the particulars of beneficiaries on their notice board.

In the context of localised Phenomenon viz. Hailstorm, landslide, cyclone and flood, the IA shall evolve a procedure to estimate such losses at individual farmer level in consultation with DAC/State/UT. Settlement of such claims will be on individual basis between IA and insured.


The A&O expenses would be shared equally by the Central Government & respective State Government on sunset basis [ 100% in 1st year, 80% in

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Annexure 7 – NAIS Scheme 


2nd year, 60% in 3rd year, 40% in 4th year, 20% in 5th year and 'zero' thereafter ].


To meet Catastrophic losses, a Corpus Fund shall be created with contributions from the Government of India and State / UT on 50:50 basis. A portion of Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) shall be used for contribution to the Corpus Fund.

The Corpus Fund shall be managed by Implementing Agency (IA).


Efforts will be made by IA to obtain appropriate reinsurance cover for the proposed NAIS in the international Reinsurance market.


In respect of Loanee farmers, the Banks shall play the same role as under CCIS.

In respect of non-Loanee farmers, Banks shall collect the premium along with the Declarations and send it to IA within the prescribed time limits. However, in areas where IA has requisite infrastructure, a non-loanee farmer will have option to send premium along with Declaration directly to IA within the time limits.

Selection of the Banks will be on the basis of Service Area Approach (SAA) of RBI or at the option of the Banks (where Co-operative Banks have good network). The Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Statistics, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of Co-operation, Revenue Department of the State Government will be actively involved in smooth implementation of the Scheme.

The Scheme will be implemented in accordance with the operational modalities as worked out by IA, in consultation with Department of Agriculture & Co-operation.

During each crop season, the agricultural situation will be closely monitored in the implementing States / Union Territories. The State / UT Department of Agriculture and district administration shall set up a District Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC), who will provide fortnightly reports of Agricultural situation with details of area sown,

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seasonal weather conditions, pest incidence, stage of crop failure (if any) etc.

The operation of the Scheme will be reviewed annually, and modifications as may be required would be introduced. Periodic Appraisal Reports on the Scheme would be prepared by Ministry of Agriculture, the Government of India / Implementing Agency.


An exclusive Organization would be set up in due course, for implementation of NAIS. Until such time as the new set up is created, the 'GIC of India' will continue to function as the Implementing Agency.


The Scheme is expected to:

• be a critical instrument of development in the field of crop production, providing financial support to the farmers in the event of crop failure.

• encourage farmers to adopt progressive farming practices and higher technology in Agriculture.

• help in maintaining flow of agricultural credit. • provide significant benefits not merely to the insured farmers, but, to

the entire community directly and indirectly through spill-over and multiplier effects in terms of maintaining production & employment, generation of market fees, taxes etc. and net accretion to economic growth.

• streamline loss assessment procedures and help in building up huge and accurate statistical base for crop production.


(FIs) :

For the purpose of the Scheme, the Scheduled Institutions engaged in disbursing SAO loans as per the relevant guidelines of NABARD / RBI will be reckoned as Financial Institutions.

Each scheduled Commercial bank shall with concurrence of IA fix Nodal points which would deal with IA on behalf of branches in the division / district / state. The Nodal points for Commercial banks will be minimum one level above the Branch office. The Nodal points for Cooperative banks will be DCC Banks and those for RRBs, their Head Office.

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Nodal points would be designated for implementation and these banks would attend to the following functions:

1. On receipt of the communication on notification of crops and areas from the State Govt./ UT, the Nodal banks will communicate the same to the branch offices under their control.

2. The FIs would advance additional loan to Loanee farmers to meet requirement of Insurance charges / premium as applicable upto the extent of crop loan.

3. Each such Nodal point would submit crop-wise, defined area-wise, monthly Crop insurance Declarations to the Office of IA, in the prescribed format, along with Insurance charges payable on all crop loans coming under the purview of the Scheme in case of Loanee farmers and based on Proposals received in case of other farmers.

4. The Apex FIs shall issue appropriate instructions to Nodal banks as well as crop loan disbursing branches to ensure smooth functioning of the Scheme.

5. For insurable crop loans disbursed under Kissan Credit Card (KCC), the FIs shall maintain all controls and records as required under the Scheme.

Other Responsibilities of FIs will be:

• To educate the farmers on the Scheme features. • To guide the farmers in filing the proposal forms and collecting the

required documents. • Following the guidelines while disbursing crop loans and ensuring

proper end-use of loan disbursed. • To prepare the consolidated statements for Loanee and Non-

Loanee members, forwarding the same to the branch along with the premium amount.

• Maintaining the records of proposal forms, other relevant documents, statements for the purpose of verification by the district committee or representative of the insurer.


• FIs will submit Crop Insurance Declarations to IA on monthly basis, where sum insured is on the basis of amount of loan disbursed and within one month time from cut-off date for receipt of proposals, where sum insured is on any other basis.

• Claims received by the Nodal points, will be remitted to individual branches/PACS with all particulars within seven days and these branches/PACS will in turn credit the Accounts of beneficiary

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farmers within seven days. The list of beneficiary farmers with claim amount will be displayed by the branch / PACS.

• The IA will have access to all relevant records/ledgers at the Nodal point/Branch/PACS at all times.

• The IA will be provided with all the norms / guidelines relating to SAO crop loan disbursements as formulated by RBI / NABARD. Any amendments / simplification of procedures / norms from time to time will be duly made available to IA by the concerned institutions. In the absence of such communication, IA shall be free to not take cognisance of such modifications.

• In case a farmer is deprived of any benefit under the Scheme due to errors / omissions / commissions of the Nodal Bank/Branch/PACS, the concerned institutions only shall make good all such losses.

• If the farmer is adopting mixed cropping, the sum insured of a crop should be on the basis of it's proportionate area in the mixed cropping.


• The State Government / UT will notify crop wise notified areas and premium rates as applicable (in case of commercial/horticultural crops) well in advance of each crop season.

• The State Government / UT administration would, in advance provide to the IA, Unit Area-wise yield data of immediate past 10 years for all crops notified under the Scheme.

• To the extent possible, the State Government / UT administration would notify smaller defined areas for various crops, keeping in mind that smaller areas will be more homogeneous and would be more reflective of all crop losses, including localized perils like hailstorm, landslide etc.

• The State Government shall issue the requisite Notification and communicate to all participating FIs during every crop season. The Notification of the State Government may essentially contain the following information:

• Crops and Defined areas notified in various districts. • Premium rates and subsidy, if and as applicable for various

groups of farmers and crops. • The cut-off dates for collection of proposals and remittance of

premium with Crop Insurance Declarations to IA.

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• The State / UT administration will release it's contribution to Corpus Fund as per the scale and dates fixed by MOA, the Government of India.

• The State / Union Territory administration would ensure that Crop Estimation Surveys (CES) in general, and estimation procedures in case of multiple picking crops in particular be strengthened in order to furnish accurate estimates of yield. Further, the State / UT administration will assist IA in assessing the extent of crop loss of individual insured farmers due to operation of localised perils.

• To set up various monitoring Committees as required. • The final Yield data in the standard format for all Unit Areas

for notified crops for the crop season will be furnished to IA within the stipulated date.

• In case, the State /UT administration fail to furnish yield data based on requisite number of CCEs or fail to furnish yield data within the stipulated date, responsibility of such claims, if any arising out of such data will totally rest with State / UT administration.

• The IA will be allowed unrestricted access to records of CCEs at grass root / District / State level.

• State Government / UT admn. shall set up District Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC), headed by the District Magistrate. The members will be District Agriculture Officer, DCCB, Lead Bank representative and IA. The committee will monitor implementation of Scheme by providing fortnightly crop condition reports and periodical reports on seasonal weather conditions, loans disbursed, extent of area cultivated, etc. The DLMC shall also monitor conduct of CCEs in the district.

• As the Scheme is optional to Non-loanee farmers, adequate publicity will be provided to ensure maximum coverage of farmers through all means available at the disposal of State / UT administration.


• Implementing Agency of the Scheme. • The IA shall open separate Accounts to deal with Corpus Fund and

also premiums received under the Scheme. • Building up crop yield database and preparation of Actuarial

premium rates through a Professional agency. • Underwriting and Claims finalization. • Responsibility for claims to the extent mentioned in the Scheme. • Negotiating Re-insurance arrangement in the international market.

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• Co-ordination in organizing training, awareness, publicity programmes.

• Providing returns / statistics to the Government of India. • Examining and exploring possibilities of setting up separate

agency for implementation of the Scheme.


• 1.As the Scheme is compulsory for all Loanee farmers availing SAO loans for notified crops, it is mandatory for all Loanee farmers to insist on coverage of all eligible loans (as per the Scheme provisions) under the Scheme.

• 2. If the farmer is adopting mixed cropping, the proportion of different crops in a mixed cropping will have to be compulsorily declared.

• In respect of Non-loanee farmers, the Proposals will be accepted only upto stipulated cut-off date, which will be decided in consultation with State Government / UT admn.

The important duties in case of Non-loanee farmers are as follows:

• The farmer desiring coverage should have an Account in the

branch of the designated bank. • The farmer must approach the designated branch / PACS and

submit the proposal form in the prescribed format. • The farmer must provide documentary evidence in regard to the

possession of cultivable land (copy of the pass book, 7/12 / land extract or land revenue receipt should be enclosed).

• The farmer must furnish area sown confirmation certificate, if required.

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The details of participating States / Uts and major crops covered during Kharif & Rabi seasons :

Sr. No. State Crops covered KHARIF (2002) RABI (2002-03)

1 Andhra Pradesh

Paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Ragi, Korra, Black gram, Green gram, Red gram, Groundnut (I), Groundnut (UI), Castor, Sesamum, Sunflower, Sugarcane (Plant), Sugarcane (Ratoon), Cotton (I), Cotton (UI) and Red Chilly

Paddy, Jowar (UI), Maize, Ragi, Black gram, Green gram, Groundnut, Sunflower, Onion and Red chilly.

2 Assam Ahu Paddy and Sali Paddy Boro Paddy, Wheat, Rape & Mustard, Potato and Sugarcane

3 Bihar Paddy, Maize, Banana and Red Chilly

Wheat, Lentil, Gram, Red gram, Rape seed & Mustard, Onion, Potato and Sugarcane

4 Chhattisgarh Paddy (I), Paddy (UI), Jowar, Maize, Kodo-kutki, Red Gram, Groundnut, Sesamum and Soyabean

Wheat (I), Wheat (UI), Gram, Linseed, Rape & Mustard and Potato

5 Goa Paddy, Groundnut, Pulses, Ragi and Sugarcane

Paddy, Groundnut, Pulses and Sugarcane

6 Gujarat Paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Black gram, Green gram, Beans, Red gram, Ragi, Castor, Groundnut, Sesamum and Cotton

Wheat (UI), Wheat (I), Gram, Summer Bajra, Summer Groundnut, Rape seed & Mustard and Potato

7 Himachal Pradesh

Paddy, Maize and Potato Wheat and Barley

8 Jharkhand Paddy, Maize Wheat, Gram, Red Gram, Lentil, and Mustard

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Sr. No. State Crops covered KHARIF (2002) RABI (2002-03)

9 Karnataka Paddy(I), Paddy (RF), Jowar, Bajra, Maize (I), Maize (RF), Ragi, Red gram, Black gram, Green gram, Groundnut, Soyabean, Sunflower, Cotton (I), Cotton (RF), Sugarcane, Potato and Onion

Paddy, Jowar, Wheat (I), Ragi, Wheat (UI), Sunflower, Gram, Safflower, Groundnut, Maize (I), Blackgram, Greengram, Horsegram, Linseed and Potato

10 Kerala Paddy Rabi Paddy and Summer Paddy, Banana and Tapioca

11 Madhya Pradesh

Paddy (I), Paddy (UI), Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Kodo-kutki, Red gram, Groundnut, Soyabean, Sesamum , Cotton, Banana and Chilly

Wheat (UI), Wheat (I), Gram, Linseed, Rape seed & Mustard, Onion and Potato

12 Maharashtra Paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Ragi, Groundnut, Niger, Soyabean, Sesamum, Sunflower, Green gram, Black gram, Red gram, Cotton and Onion

Summer Paddy, Wheat (I), Wheat (UI), Jowar (I), Jowar (UI), Gram, Sunflower, Summer Groundnut, Safflower and Onion

13 Meghalaya Alu Paddy, Sali Paddy, Kharif Potato and Ginger

Boro Paddy, Rape & Mustard and Rabi Potato

14 Orissa Paddy, Groundnut, Maize, Redgram, Niger and Cotton

Paddy, Groundnut, Mustard, Potato and Sugarcane

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Sr. No. State Crops covered KHARIF (2002) RABI (2002-03)

15 Tamilnadu Paddy I, Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Sesamum, Groundnut, Cotton, Red Gram, Turmeric, Onion and Potato

Paddy II, Paddy III, Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Black gram, Horse gram, Groundnut, Cotton (I), Cotton (Rice fallow), Potato, Chilly, Tapioca and Banana

16 Uttar Pradesh

Paddy, Maize, Black gram, Red gram, Groundnut, Soyabean and Sugarcane

Wheat, Gram, Peas, Mustard and Potato.

17 West Bengal

Aman Paddy and Aus Paddy Boro Paddy, Wheat, Mustard, and Potato.

18 Pondicherry Paddy Paddy II and Paddy III

19 A & N Islands

Paddy No crops are notified

20 Sikkim Paddy, Maize, Blackgram, Soyabean and Ragi

Wheat, Rape seed & Mustard, Barley, Urd, Ginger and Potato

21 Tripura Aman Paddy and Aus Paddy Boro Paddy and Potato

22 Uttaranchal Not implemented Wheat 23 Jammu &

Kashmir Not implemented Not implemented

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Unit of Insurance

S.No. State Unit of Insurance

1 Andhra Pradesh Mandal/group of Mandals 2 Assam Distt./Sub-division/Circle/Group of Circles 3 Assam Distt./Sub-division/Circle/Group of Circles 4 Bihar Paddy - Block/Panchayat

Maize - District 5 Chhattisgarh Tehsil 6 Goa Taluka 7 Gujarat Taluka 8 Himachal Pradesh Tehsil/Sub-tehsil/Block 9 Jharkhand Paddy - Block/Panchayat; Maize - District 10 Karnataka Taluka / Hobli 11 Kerala Zone comprising of 4-5 villages 12 Madhya Pradesh Tehsil (planning for Patwari Halka for some

crops for 2003-04) 13 Maharashtra Circle/group of circles 14 Meghalaya Community Development Block 15 Orissa Block 16 Tamilnadu Block 17 Uttar Pradesh Sugarcane - District ; other crops - Block 18 West Bengal Block 19 Pondicherry Commune Panchayat 20 A & N Islands Gram Panchayat 21 Sikkim District 22 Tripura Block 23 Uttaranchal Tehsil-Hills,

Block- Plains 24 Jammu & Kashmir District

Future Plans

National Agriculture Insurance Schemes:

• To bring into its fold all the eligible crop loans. • To cover 50% of crop credit targeted for disbursement by all banks in the

country within two to three years. • Intense publicity to rope in maximum number of non-loanee farmers into

the scheme. • To cover all areas and crops under the scheme within 3 to 5 years.

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