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A productive animated video production is far more different than any other form of promotional video or an ad that has real people.

As a matter of fact, it is entirely different from a regular template animated video.

The concept behind an informative animated explainer video involves a lot more different ingredients than in the template animated video


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First of all how do you differentiate an animated explainer video from a template animated video?

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A template animated video can be made in less a day. The characters are hand drawn and have a common

white background which is less attractive. Even a single person can complete the job. But the

quality will not be so good. A poor quality means ineffective marketing which also

means poor sales. Whereas, a custom animated explainer video needs a

team of experts to work on the various aspects like the script, storytelling, graphics, visuals, voice over etc.

All this will ultimately create one successful and potential animated explainer video for your business.

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There are no hand drawn images Video nails down the message clearly Less lecturing and more sales If you look for ways to create a competent

animated explainer video or if you are on the look-out for companies that advertise themselves as credible animated explainer video specialists, then you might probably have to consider the following factors to judge the capacity of the video to promote sales and profit via a good animated explainer video that is part of a successful marketing campaign.


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CREATE THE BASE LINE Your customers are the sole beneficiaries that

determine the success of your business which is the same with any other business.

If you want to create a successful video then your video must increase your client’s sales.

This can be done only by conducting a survey. Study the products and services of your client.

Spend a couple of days in chatting and brainstorming in order to target the ideal audience.

Question the consumers on their daily problems related to the products and services of your client.

This way you can create a video that assures those customers of a solution to their problem which will definitely grab their attention to move on to an immediate purchase.

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CUSTOMER CENTRIC CHARACTERS Bland characters cannot successfully communicate with

the ideal customers. After targeting the potential audience, the next step in

creating successful videos is to create ideal characters that resemble the customers.

For example, if your client is dealing with food products, then you have to create a video that has healthy vegetables and fruits that expresses the benefits of your product.

If your client is dealing with mobile apps, then you can create a video that resembles the service of your client in such a way to point out the supremacy of your client’s services over others.

Similarly the background and graphics must sync with the characters and not dominate them.

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After successfully creating the characters it would be a waste to display still images with no movements.

Animation is the only means of beautiful transition that you can give your characters to grab the customer’s attention.

Concentrate on the animation part and provide a smooth transition to the characters through each step.

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The shorter the video, the more will be the sales. You can’t expect the audience to purchase after a

long video watch. The truth is nobody has the time to watch a lengthy

video in their busy routine. If they don’t watch, how will they know about the

product and how will they purchase? Keep the video as short as possible, nothing more than 90 seconds on the maximum.

Don’t try to explain everything about the company, product and services. Just keep it short with the main idea.

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GIVE AN ACCOUNTABLE VOICE After the main outlines of the video, now is the

turn to give the correct voice to the characters. Select the voice over artists whose voices and

accents will match the characters in the video. You can choose native voice actors if you think

that is what will be perfect to relate with your target audience.

But you really don’t have to waste your time on this, because you can get better results with non-native speakers as well.

Especially, if your video goes online in the international English, then there are more affordable and talented non-native speakers around the world who are well trained with multiple accents in English and they can do the job at cheaper rates than other native voice artists that charge more.

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Let the music be reviving the spirits of your issue-stricken audience.

Don’t keep the music in one tone and one genre. Just make a pleasant transition with music too.

A same type of music will not be applicable to the characters throughout the video.

Especially when you start by describing a sad character dealing with a need or problem, your opening music can be a solitary melancholic kind of slow music.

But that is supposed to transit to a happy, soothing melody or something that is more vibrant to match with the happy ending of the character after finding the right solution or service to the problem.


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Don’t expect your normal audience to understand a complex technical language or vernacular words in your video.

You cannot expect sales when your customers are confused as they don’t understand what you mean. Keep it simple and use phrases which convey a straightforward message.

The more clear the message is, the faster it spreads among the audience as online videos have high rates of sharing among audiences through a lot of free video uploading sites like YouTube.

More views eventually result in increased sales, don’t they?

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You must place a clear call to action in your video. Whether it is direct sales or a direction to the

website or an e-mail subscription, you have to lead the customers through the next step with the corresponding link in the video.

The video by itself must be a compelling one that the viewers cannot resist from making a purchase.

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After you complete everything, it is now time to review your work.

Don’t let it go online unless you are satisfied with your work.

After all, every work needs corrections. If you think it needs changes, certainly will your client.

So check it to make everything based on the client’s requirements and the requirements of the viewers as well.

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After reviewing it yourself, it is screening time. Share it with your reliable colleagues or friends to know the success rates of the animator explainer video you have created.

If it excites them, then it surely will impress your client and the viewers.

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All the aforementioned steps will definitely end up in creating a successful animated explainer video.

But the fact is, to do all these single-handedly is not easy at all.

Even it is a team it might take at least 3 – 4 weeks to create a potential video.

Here, it is reasonable to go for a professional help. A group of qualified and experienced professionals could take care of all these things that go into creating an ideal animated explainer video that you can trust for the success of your business.


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