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Communication with Tillikum

Date: 11 March 2015

Start Time: 700pm(PT) End Time: 740pm(PT) 

Hello thank you for allowing me to speak through you. I am grateful for this. (Tilikum

has a very deep voice and it is steady. It is the voice of a wise being that is in anguish as

I sense and feel it). I have been trying to talk to you for some time. Today is the right

time for you as you have been going through some changes in your body/mind. Today is

the right time. I want to tell the humans what it is like for me to be in this body and in

this state. My time on the planet is marked. What I mean by this is that I am not going to

 be here on the planet for long. I have so much sadness. There is sadness in my body and

in my boney fins. I have had this deep sadness that has lodged deep in my body, it is a

grief that I can’t explain to you as humans. The connections between me and my family,

my Orca family is very strong. The day I was taken from my family was the day I

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actually died inside. That day when I was removed from my Mother and my family was

the day I died. It has been since that time that I have had this sadness, this very big

sadness that I am holding inside. I am filling with water on the inside. I am crying on the

inside. I am crying on the inside. Humans look at me and they say that they are sorry for

me and they see me as I am not moving in the area I am. It is too small for me. It is too

small. The water is too warm for me and I cannot move. I am tired. I feel so very tired.

I am tired of being in this small place. I feel like I am in a place that does not let me

 breathe. I cannot breathe. I want connection. I need connection with my family but I

cannot find this connection. The connection that I really want. The one that I lost, that

connection. Do you think you can help me connect with my family?

Thank you Tillikum. It is indeed, an honor and priviledge to be here with you and to be a

conduit for your message to humanity about your beingness. Yes, I am able to assist you

to connect with your family. May I ask you is this your Orca family in the physical.

Yes. They will connect me to the Over Soul of the Orca’s as we do that naturally. This

is my wish. Will you help me?

Yes. Thank you Tillikum I will help you (I have to say the tears are flowing here for me.

When I connected to the pod that Tillikum came from I heard what sounded like sirens in

my head. And all the Orca’s in that pod were fully alerted to my call. They all came

forward. There was darkness on the ocean and I found myself in the middle of the deep

sea with all of them lined up in front of me. I have a feeling they know why I am here. I

am here to be a conduit for their family – Tillikum. He wants to connect with them. As I

type these words Tillikum comes strongly to my right side and then in front of me and he

is talking to his family who are now surrounding me. Beneath me and on all sides of me.

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He seems a very large being at the same time his energy seems low, it feels like there is

low vitality. He is lacking in his vital self. It feels like it has been ebbing away. It

comes and goes. They are communing now. There is a light around us. It is a light that

they have created around us. The color of the light is golden. A light golden color and

they are surrounding Tillkum with it. He is going down into the water now. Straight

down. He had his head out the water and the rest of his body was vertical below him so

he was able to just to go down. He is under water with his family now. They are

communing. The light is coming from their circular motions around each other and also

from just above their noses (forehead?). This I have not seen before. It is from just

above the nose and their blowholes. The blowholes produce a different type of light. It

is more than a single strand of light it is rather a multitude of strands all one top of the

other forming a large waveform. As it wraps around Tillikum he seems to be relishing in

all of this. The word that came through was wallowing in it. He needed this, his whole

 body needed this he is relishing it so very much. He felt better for this experience).

You don’t understand what they are doing. We are connecting to Over Soul of the Orca

and they are placing Orca light. Light that is known by your bodies also into my body to

 bring me in alignment with my Divine self. So that I am able to find my true self. The

one that I am inside again. It is what I have needed all these years. Thank you.

Although it is better if in the physical I cannot do that anymore as I am not an Orca the

way they are and this is the best way because I would not be able to keep up with them. I

would not live in the wild again. My body is not good enough to do that. This is what I

need. Thank you.

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My Dear Tillikum I thank you for allowing me to be of service to you. I want to share

with you what I know many humans would like to tell you. Would this be alright with


Yes. I am happy to hear what humans are saying. The humans have a great deal to learn.

It is our contract that we teach them about Orca life but the humans do not want to learn

about real Orca life and they do not understand what Orca life is. They think very small

humans. They think very small. Because they think very small they see only a small part

of us. Of me. They do not see the whole. They do not understand and they give me only

one small thing that they want me to do. Jumping out the water. It was too much, it was

the same over and over and over again. I did not want to do it. It is not Orca. I did not

have a place for me to let go, to be free. I was only feeling under pressure. I wanted real

food. Real play. Real hunting. Real Orca life. I lived a small life, the life of a human

mind. Not an Orca mind. The life of a human mind. (At this point he shudders and lets

air out of his blowhole. The others are now showering him with light from all directions

again. And he is able to find some sense of calm again. He is quiet. Oh I can feel and

sense that dullness that he feels now in captivity. It’s a catatonic state that he goes into.

He feels like he is dissociating out of the body to cope with the small space. This is what

he feels like at this time to me. He feels catatonic. As he comes out of it his Orca family

are with him. Let me see if he will accept my message from all humans or if he wants to

cherish this time with his family for now).

I am ready to listen now.

Tillikum on behalf of all humans I ask for forgiveness for any and all transgressions that

we have inflicted upon you, your family and your Orca ancestors. On behalf of all

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humans we sincerely apologize for any and all harm done to you, your fellow

companions (wild and captive) and to your family and Orca ancestors. We thank you for

all that you show us. For bringing understanding to all humanity about Orca life and for

the understanding that you are better with your family. I honor you Tillikum. We all

honor you and your Orca family. Thank you. (The tears are flowing again here.

Tillikum turns to me and all I can see is his eye looking at me and what looks like a tear

that is falling from this eye. This is so very hard for me, but I will keep my promise I

will sit and type what I sense and see for him as he asked for it. For him. He is not

sharing any words or pictures with me. All I see is that eye with a tear falling down and

if I go deep into that eye the depths of sadness that he has felt and is feeling from his life

time in confinement. The deep sadness. Just being with that is enough. He cannot

express anything else but that sadness. The moment closes down and now I have zoomed

out and see his family all around him. They are holding him up so to speak. He is tired

and he is not fighting, he is resigned. He is resigned. At the same time there is a deep

cherishing of this meeting energetically with his family. A deep cherishing. Filling that

void that was seeking deep connection. Re-connection to himself. And with that I heard

a thank you and then the encounter was complete. My service was complete).

Thank you Tillikum.

Tillkum (via Chiara)

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