Page 1: Animal Cloning By David, krystal, and luis


History and facts about animal cloning!!!

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• Cloning is a creation of an organism that is an exact copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two!

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• Everybody knows about Dolly the cloned sheep, but few people know all the details about cloning, including the fact that scientists have been working on it for over 100 years.

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• Scientists have successfully cloned a calico cat named rainbow. The scientists named the cat cc which stands for carbon copy.

To produce cc, scientists took several cells from Rainbow and removed the DNA-containing nucleus from each cell. The scientists then transferred each DNA-containing nucleus into an egg that had been stripped of its DNA. The resulting embryos were then implanted in surrogate mother cats. One of those embryos grew into cc. Some scientist believe it is wrong to clone pets because they will never come out as the same animal. Animal activists are against it also saying people should go to an animal shelter and get a new pet.

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• Cloned animals age faster than normal animals!!!

• The first cloned animal was a tadpole!!!

• A calf was cloned from a side of beef!!!

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• Scientist are working on more cloning research every day

• Cloning gives opportunity for new jobs for young people who want to help save lives by cloning organs

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Cloning, Good Or Bad?

• The offspring of cloned animals are often born deformed

• It is against religious beliefs

• Pets that are cloned often do not come out having the same personality and can look different

• People can get an animal that looks the same as the pet they had

• Scientists can clone organs and help people live longer

• Scientists can also clone body parts such as ears to surgically attach to a person

• Cloned animals are safe to eat

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Although there is no proof scientist have cloned human beings, some companies are claiming to have done so.

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Ralph the rat

• On March 3, 2004 the first rat was cloned in France. They named it Ralph. Cloning a rat was different, in terms of genetic research, than other animals such as mice, sheep, cows, worms, and cats.

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Cloning can later lead to genetic diseases in cloned animals. Cloned

organisms are less healthy than there parent organism.

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The End

By: David Perry, Krystal Canales, and Luis Castillo