Page 1: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

Lazy Loading Techniques

Page 2: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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Nir [email protected]

AngularJS infrastructures - lazy loading techniques:

1. Introducing the lazy loading challenges with AngularJS

2. Review a working demo project

Page 3: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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AngularJS encourage us to break our code into smaller pieces.




filters constants



Page 4: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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Separating your code into multiple files considered a best practice when building large apps with angular.

❖ js/■ controllers.js■ services.js■ directives.js■ filters.js

❖ partials/■ partial1.html■ partial2.html

Angular seed project:

angular.module('myApp.controllers', []).

controller('MyCtrl1', function() {


.controller('MyCtrl2', function() {



Page 5: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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We can define our modules as dependencies:











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but we must load all of our resources ahead:

<script src="lib/angular.js"></script>

<script src="lib/angular-route.js"></script>

<script src="js/app.js"></script>

<script src="js/services.js"></script>

<script src="js/controllers.js"></script>

<script src="js/filters.js"></script>

<script src="js/directives.js"></script>


<script src="lib/angular-resource.js"></script>

<script src="lib/angular-bootstrap.js"></script>

<script src="lib/underscore.js"></script>


Page 7: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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All components must register against our module on bootstrap. otherwise we can't use them.

Error: Argument ‘myController’ is not a function, got undefined

Lazy Loading Angular componentsregister


Page 8: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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We need to answer those 3 questions in order to solve this challenge:

● How to lazy load scripts async ?

● How to register our components against

our module after bootstrap?

● When & where the actual loading occurs?


Page 9: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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RequireJS provides a clean way to load and manage dependencies for our applications.

<script data-main="main" src="require.js"></script>

define(function () {

// module code} )

require([‘module’], function (module) {

// use this module} )


Page 10: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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Components register against the module in the config phase using providers.For instance, we can register our controller manually using the ‘$controllerProvider’:

angular.module('moduleName', [])

.config(function($controllerProvider) {

$controllerProvider.register('Ctrl', function () {// controller code



Page 11: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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All components can be registered with their matching provider methods:

// services can register with $provide

$provide.service() $provide.factory(),$provide.value(),$provide.constant(),

// other components use specific providers



Page 12: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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we need to hold a reference to this provider in order to use it later in our code:

var app = angular.module('moduleName', [])

.config(function($controllerProvider) {

app.loadController = $controllerProvider.register;



app.loadController(‘someCtrl’, function ($scope) {})


Page 13: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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Where in the application should the actual loading take place?

● when routing to a view - $routeProvider

● when loading content - <ng-include>

● in response to event - like click or hover

when to load

Page 14: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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The route object contain a ‘resolve’ property that can accept a map of promises and wait for them to resolve before performing the route

angular.module('moduleName', [])

.config(function($routeProvider) {

$routeProvider.when('/', {templateUrl: 'view.html',controller : 'controller.js',resolve : // promise




Page 15: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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If every view managed by a controller we can reflect that in our project structure by packing them together & come up with naming conventions:

❖ views

➢ view-name■ view-name.html■ view-name.js

➢ another-view■ another-view-name.html■ another-view-name.js

.controller(‘viewNameCtrl’, ….


Page 16: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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We can load our dependencies as a reaction to an event.we can be creative and load our resources depending on the user behaviour:


● load only when a user start to fill a form● load by mouse position ● load when a response comming back from

the server

Page 17: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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What about module loading? ocLazyLoad is probably the best solution for lazy loading angular modules (for now):

● Dependencies are automatically loaded

● Debugger like (no eval code)

● The ability to mix normal boot and load on demand

● Load via the service or the directive

● Use your own async loader (requireJS, script.js ...)


Page 18: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

[email protected]

Lazy loading in Angular can be achived today with minimum keep our loading infrastructure flexible:

1. keep the loading logic in separated services this will make our life easier when this feature will be officially supported

2. use naming conventions this way developers can integrate more easily when moving between projects


Page 19: Angularjs - lazy loading techniques

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Thank You!Demo project source code:
