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    Angels & Devils

    Organizers: Animesh Nayan (B-tech 5th


    : Anurag Prasad (B-tech 5th sem)

    For any queries contact: [email protected]

    [email protected]

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    All the facts and figures mentioned in this book are product of the authors imaginationor are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or

    dead is purely coincidental. The author does not hold himself responsible for violation ofany copyrights. The author warns presence of explicit contents in this book which may

    cause severe anxiety, psycho neurotic depressions and disorders, nausea and similarsymptoms of mental illness subject to medical treatment in non-mathematician races and

    hence recommends readers discretion. There is no copyright to the content and anyone

    can modify, distribute and destroy the contents of this book as long as it does not destroycommunal harmony and raise genocide. The author wishes you all the fun and joy

    reading the book.


    A debt of gratitude to Dan Brown, one of the greatest story-tellers of this century whosework has been brutally modified throughout this book

    To the team of Effervescence MMVI, for showing trust in me.

    And last but not the least to all the great mathematicians Fermat, Euler, Newton, Millerand others for enlightening the world with their discoveries.

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    The Prologue

    If you have the vision unborrowed,

    To save the humanity sorrowed...

    If you can plan shrewd strategies,,

    To win over orthodox algorithms..Be a part of this endless contest of light and dark,,

    Where fear cripples faster than any implement of war.

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    Chapter 1: An Introduction

    Sunday, October 22, 2006. World-renowned Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon issummoned to the worlds largest scientific research facility CERN, where something far

    too unexpected has happened tonight. Physicist Leonardo Vetra has been brutallymurdered, his chest branded with a terrible burn, imprinted with an ambigram of a

    centuries old underground organization- the Illuminati.

    Leonardos scientific discovery of the millennium, the most powerful energy source

    known to man antimatter has been stolen and made a lethal weapon to destroy theancient and the holy city of Vatican which is holding Il Conclave-the sacred ceremony

    to elect the most powerful religious leader in the world-Pope. A mans quiet genius was

    being used as a tool of destruction, potent and unstoppable, and the entire power structureof the Roman Catholic Church was sitting on a time bomb.

    Vittoria Vetra, Leonardo Vetras daughter was a scientist in CERN and was latelyinvolved in the discovery of antimatter with her father. A woman of tremendous personal

    strength, an expert numerologist and a computer science graduate from Stanford,Vittroria was an exceptional ten pointer throughout her academic career. She joins handwith Langdon and together they launch themselves for a mission failing which the faith

    of humanity in divine power would be lost.

    Robert Langdon realized today was going to be a day of endless surprises for him.

    Vittoria Vetra looked nothing like the bookish physicist he had expected. Lithe and

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    graceful, she was tall with chestnut skin and long black hair that swirled in the backwind

    of the rotors. Her face was unmistakably Italian-not overly beautiful, but possessing full,earthy features that even at twenty yards seemed to exude a raw sensuality. As the air

    currents buffeted her body, her clothes clung, accentuating her slender torso and small


    The X-33 space plane roared into the sky and arched south toward Rome. On board,

    Langdon sat in silence. The last fifteen minutes had been a blur. Now that he had finished

    briefing Vittoria on the Illuminati and their covenant against the Vatican, the scope ofthis situation was starting to sink in.

    "Thanks for coming," Vittoria said, her voice quiet.

    Langdon emerged from his daydream and looked up. Even in the stark fluorescent lightof the cabin, there was an aura of composure about her-an almost magnetic radiance of

    wholeness. Her breathing seemed deeper now, as if a spark of self-preservation had

    ignited within her . . . a craving for justice and retribution, fueled by a daughter's love.

    Chapter 2: The Path of Illumination

    Whole world sat in a state of paralyzing dismay as all the major News channels in the

    world were broadcasting a tape in which a person who claimed him self to be a memberof some ancient organization illuminati had threatened to destroy Vatican in six hours.

    They were also telecasting an image which was taken from a remote camera hiddensomewhere inside Vatican City, the CERN authorities already having confirmed it as the

    antimatter canister. An LCD display on the canister showed5: 47: 12, which possibly

    was the time after which the batteries will expire leading to mankind witnessing aninconceivable disaster, a loss irreparable in centuries.

    But how could it possibly be true?

    Despite the archaic appearance of Vatican, every single entrance, both public and private,was equipped with the most advanced sensing equipment known to man, the sacred

    fortress being guarded by theRoyal Swiss army , one of the deadliest armed forces in the

    world. If someone tried to enter with any sort of incendiary device it would be detectedinstantly by the most advanced metal detectors and radioactive isotope scanners. The

    faintest chemical signatures of combustibles could be detected by olfactory filters

    designed by theAmerican DEA.

    The man in the tape didnt look like Osama Bin Laden or a militant fromLashkar-e-

    taiyaba but employed terror. He was a European, his voice startlingly calm as he spoke in

    accented English,

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    I represent men of science. Men who are searching for the answers. Answers to mans

    destiny, his purpose, his creator. For two millennia the church has dominated the questfor truth. You have crushed your opposition with lies and prophesies of doom. You have

    manipulated the truth to serve your needs, murdering those whose discoveries did not

    serve your politi. Vatican is nonnegotiable. We have waited four hundred years for this

    day. At midnight, your city will be destroyed. The only way you can save your city is,follow thepath of illumination, a path that passes through the four Altars of Science, a

    path that only few very enlightened souls in the history of mankind have traversed. You

    have less than six hours in your hand and youve got two alternatives, either seek thesupport of best of your brains and reach the church of Illumination or ask your God to do


    Chapter 3:Galileon Melodrama

    Robert Langdon, a historian and a professor of religious symbology at Harvard

    University, a soul who had spent his life studying, researching and writing books on

    Illuminati history, knew what path of illumination was being referred to here. He had nominutes to waste. He threw a glance at hisMickey Mouse wrist watch, five hours and ten

    minutes left; he needed a miracle, a Goddamn miracle.

    Vittoria had no idea what the path of illumination could possibly be, but what she knewfor sure was that the claim couldnt be hoax

    We need to act fast, said Langdon to a puzzled Vittoria.But we hardly have any clue, said Vittoria.

    The clue has already been given to us. All I need is a book written by a guy namedGalileo, said Langdon, his voice marked by confidence.

    She sounded surprised. "You don't mess around. What's in it?"

    "It is supposed to contain something called il segno."The sign?

    "Sign, clue, signal . . . depends on your translation."

    "Sign to what?"

    Langdon picked up the pace. A secret location. Galileo's Illuminati needed to protect

    themselves from the Vatican; so they founded an ultra secret Illuminati meeting placehere in Rome. They called it The Church of Illumination. The clue to the path of

    illumination is hidden in a famous Gallileos work very few people know about. The path

    of illumination was designed by Gallileo, the master himself.

    In a matter of minutes, the duo was seen rushing to the Vatican archives which preserved

    the most secret codices of Christianity and the access to which was permitted only by a

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    written decree of the curator and the board of Vatican librarians. The archive was

    rumored to hold such treasures as Leonardo da Vinci's missing diaries and evenunpublished books of the Holy Bible. Langdon had petitioned seven times for access to

    the library but was denied all the time. Crisis always overpowers orthodox rules.

    Father Jaques Tomaso, the curator of Vatican museum was the toughest librarian on thisearth. Since Jaqui Tomaso's reign had begun, Langdon had never met a single non-

    catholic American scholar who had been given access to the Secret Vatican Archives.

    As they entered the library, Tomaso gave Vittoria an awkward look. What disrespect did

    she intend by coming into Vatican City in short pants?

    Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra had the official recommendation, so he couldntpresume the authority to question them.

    Langdons mind was barely able to accept that he had been granted access to this everwanted treasure. In the very next moment he was busy scanning the indexes of the

    library. Vittoria was at his side, keeping pace effortlessly.

    Chapter 4: The clue

    Langdon wasted only a few restless minutes before he found the famous work he was

    looking for. It was a manuscript in a Folio bin and the label in its front read


    Galileo Galilei, 1639

    Langdon didn't need any encouragement. With his academic life's dream right in front of

    him and the thinning air in the Library, he was in no mood to dawdle.

    "It'll take some time to read all the pages. said Vittoria.

    "Time's something we don't have. We'll have to split the work" replied Langdon.

    He cut the stack like a deck of cards and lay the first half-dozen pages in front of Vittoria.

    "It's in here somewhere. I'm sure."

    Only essay. No math or diagrams Vittoria said, scanning the pages of her half.Langdon flipped again. Nothing. He kept flipping through a dozen or so pages.

    Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

    "I thought this guy was a mathematician," Vittoria said. "This is all text."Langdon's hands began to sweat inside his gloves.

    Show yourself, damn it! Show yourself!

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    "Any luck?" asked Langdon to an already busy Vittoria.Vittoria shook her head. "Nothing that looks purely mathematical. I'm skimming...but

    none of this reads like a clue.


    Have you ever seen numbering of this kind on the pages of a book? said Vittoria. Shewas scowling, squinting at something on one of her folios.

    Langdon looked at the invisibly small page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the

    sheets. He could barely trust his eyes. They were not numbers but lower case Englishalphabets.

    What purpose could these alphabets serve in an ancient Italian manuscript? Langdon

    argued to himself.Vittoria shrugged. She too was looking tipsy.

    Langdon asked her to write down all the alphabets on a piece of paper and form a

    concatenated string and while doing so Vittoria found that some of the pages didnt havean alphabet. She applied simple logic to leave a white space for each such page.

    The text still doesnt make any sense said a frustrated Vittoria.Scientists always study things that make sense? Dont they? You are no exception Miss

    Vetra. What if this is a ciphered text? said Langdon.Vittoria Vetra felt her senses were not as free as Langdons.

    Robert, she said Do you intend to hit and try all possible ciphers when we are already

    running short of time.Nobody travels on the road to success without a puncture or two and let me tell you my

    dear young lady. Experience is like a comb that life gives you when you are bald.

    Vittoria was in no mood to share Siddhuism with Langdon, but she knew he doesnt

    joke too often. Langdon continued, We need not try all of them, but only some of themwhich were discovered till 16


    It means, this must be a mono-alphabetic or a poly-alphabetic substitution cipher or a

    transposition cipher chuckled Vittoria.Fortunately the answer is even more precise said Langdon Do you see anything

    special about the last 8 letters of the ciphered text.

    Not that I noticed. Why?

    Its v, i, g, e, n, e, r, e Vigenere.Blaise de Vigenre?. a 16

    thcenturyFrenchDiplomat and Cryptographer who had

    invented a trivially unbreakable autokey cipher Vigenre cipherwhich had earned the

    moniker le chiffre indchiffrable, meaning unbreakable in French.

    Langdon glanced up. "That was fast. Please don't tell me you're an Illuminata."

    "Hey," she said, "you're talking to an Italian scientist who has invented some of the mostefficient algorithms to break such ciphers and guess what; I do not even need a key to

    break this cipher.

    The Ciphertext was:




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    A 16th

    century cipher was not supposed to pose much challenge to a 21st

    century Miss

    Vetra, soon she was busy applying some algorithm to the ciphered text and in a matter of

    two or three minutes and some interpretations, the decrypted text was lying naked in front

    of them. The duo shared a smile of victory.


    [Angels Clue:A brief description of the cipher here is to guide you on the right track.

    An autokey vegenere cipher encrypts a plain text by shifting each plain letter by the valueof corresponding letter in the key. The first n letters are encrypted by the n letters of a

    keyword (referred to as key in general) and then the key is generated by appending the

    plain text to it.

    Conventionally, a=0, b= 1 z=25.

    If c=2 is shifted by e=4, we get g=6.A modulo by 26 is taken in case the value is

    greater than 25. Let us consider an example to explain things in detail. If the keyword is

    war and the plain text is Attack an enemy now, the key will be



    Ciphertext: WTKAVD AP ONRQL RAU ]


    [Devils Signature: Welcome all the desperate and vehement souls to the first level ofyour errand. As you might already have anticipated, your job is to decipher the Galileos

    Clue, the indizio and find out the key.

    If you already have tried some trivial attacks, done some frequency analysis and got some

    result, I congratulate you. If you have not, Id say, Dont loose hope. It is possible to fail

    in many waysbut to succeed is possible only in one way. Go on. Read the story. Thereis always light at the end of a dark tunnel.]

    Chapter 5: Mersenne mystery

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    Robert Langdon was glad he had a company, and that too of a beautiful young scientist

    who inspired more of aesthetic admiration than intellectual appreciation. Langdons

    female colleagues often ribbed him that his collection of Museum-quality artifacts wasnothing more than a transparent attempt to fill an empty home, a home they insisted

    would benefit greatly from the presence of a woman. Langdon always laughed it off,

    reminding them he already had three loves in his life-symbology, water polo, andbachelorhood-the latter being a freedom that enabled him to travel the world, sleep as late

    as he wanted, and enjoy quiet nights at home with a brandy and a good book. But

    sometimes emotions overflow and Langdon might never have guessed in his sweetest ofdreams that hell fall in love with an Italian physicist.

    What if he doesnt survive today? Langdon felt mocked by his own destiny.Robert, his thought was interrupted by Vittoria.

    You wont believe this but key to this cipher has a unique inherent property. The sum ofthe letters in the key is not an ordinary number.

    Langdon now looked intrigued.

    Its aMersenne prime, said a delighted Vetra allowing herself a rare moment of pridein her work.

    Langdon closed in on her with surprise. Let me see that thing.

    She was perfect. Just bloody perfect. Marin Mersenne was a 16th

    century Frenchmathematician and music theorist who was least distrusted as illuminata by the church.

    Even today most of the historians know that Mersenne was a French monk. He had

    discovered a unique property in numbers which were known as Mersenne prime after his

    name. It actually made perfect sense.

    [Devils signature:

    I must be cruel only to be kind,

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    Thus worse begins; and bad remains behind.

    At this stage, if you have exhibited some keen discernment and know what to do next, I

    still encourage you, else if you are a person of subnormal intelligence or if your mental

    acumen is well below what can fairly be described as average, I insist not to give up your

    ardent desire to read the story but at your own risk.]

    Chapter 6: An out-swinger

    The Galileos clue was a poem having four lines in all and Langdon had deciphered the

    segno in the very first reading. For a moment, hearing the verse aloud, Langdon felt

    transported in time . . . as though he were one of Galileos contemporaries; listening tothe poem for the first time . . . knowing it was a test, a map, a clue.

    Langdon exhaled. There was no doubt in his mind. You found it, Ms. Vetra.

    She smiled tightly. Good, now can we get the hell out of here?

    Not till we are done, said Langdon The poem references illuminati markers disguisedas religious sculptures and I certainly need some help regarding that from the Vatican


    Father Jaques Tomaso didnt really look pleased by the undeserving presence of a womanin shorts and an American inside the Vatican museum handling some ancient manuscript

    without his consent if permission was a word far too derogatory.

    Excuse me Father! Could I ask you a favor? asked Langdon with a degree of politenessin his voice.

    A Harvard scholar is asking me a favor? I feel honored, replied Tomaso with a surge of


    I know what quest has brought you here Mr. Langdon. I wonder why impertinentAmericans have a superficial that they owe the world more than any other race and try to

    establish themselves as the self-proclaimed protectors of humanity while for over

    hundred years the greatest acts of terrorism and brutal genocides have been committed bythe government and the military of the United States Of America and not by some furtive

    gang of masked desperados. You are responsible for leading the world into a techno-

    fascist future where religion is not allowed to question the moral course of an action. Youhave always tried to prove you were the first to discover and not to mention your ugly

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    tools to secure your inhuman corporate plutocracy. You are guilty of such larcenies as

    stealing the theories and therapies from ancient works like Vedas and getting thempublished in your name through your patent laws. I am not a mass-media programmed

    dweeb Mr. Langdon and you might be wondering why the hell am I dictating this all to

    you? This is because the indizio you have worked out had been deciphered two decades

    ago during the reign of then Pope John Paul I and so unfortunately you are not the firstman in this century to decipher the clue to the Path of Illumination.

    Langdon was a genuine soul and not a morally retarded pro-government American patriot

    but he had never expected such a violent remark against America by a European.Nevertheless, what concerned him most at this moment was that if the church of

    illumination had already been found two decades ago whatpath of illumination was the

    man in the tape talking of.Did we just kill all those brain cells for kicks? said a frustrated Vitorria.

    Langdon could hear his father speaking the old New England aphorism: If it wasnt

    painfully difficult, you did it wrong. To hell with the path of illumination, today hellmiss the very first episode of the new season of his favorite series Lost. He now himself

    felt lost in some plane crash on a deserted island striving to get rescued.

    Chapter 7: The mail

    Robert Langdon was an illuminati scholar and all he could think of in this chaotic and

    jumbled state was that why illuminati would be involved in Leonardo Vetras death?Langdon expressed his concern to Vetra. The illuminati may have believed in the

    abolition of Christianity, but they wielded their power through political and financial

    means, not through terrorist acts. Furthermore, the Illuminati had a strict code of moralityregarding who they saw as enemies. They held men of science in the highest regard.

    The expressions on Vittorias face changed all of a sudden.

    There is something I need to tell you Robert.My father was a catholic priest who considered Physics Gods natural Law and

    through science he hoped to prove Gods existence to the doubting masses. He was a

    Theo-physicist.Theo-physicist? Langdon thought it sounded impossibly oxymoronic.

    And the discovery of antimatter is conclusive evidence to the Theory of Genesis.

    The comment hit home. Langdon suddenly found himself thinking of the antireligiousIlluminati.

    Vittoria, he said, You told me none other than you and your father knew of it, not

    even the director of CERN. I fear you were wrong. There indeed is a third person and hemust have communicated with your father in some way or the other.

    Vittoria nodded, still looking troubled, I hope so.

    And what better way to communicate in this electronic age than an e-mail?

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    Robert Langdon was a man who possessed exceptional clarity and agility of intellect andVittoria couldnt resist herself from admitting he was a genius. But a new drama had

    begun now. To access the mail account of her father she needed the password, the

    Goddamn password. Vittoria now looked worried. At CERN confidentiality of research

    and conversation was ensured by highest possible degree, the network encryption beingso secure that a million computers doing a billion operations per second would require a

    trillion years to decrypt it.

    After a moment of pause Langdon said, You look troubled Miss Vetra. I thought CERNcould provide us the password for investigation in this state of emergency.

    If only they could Robert, replied Vittoria.

    CERN has some strict protocols so as how to restrict eavesdroppers trying to gainunauthorized access to the private affairs of a scientist. An eavesdropper may be a sick

    and psycho scientist well within its walls or the network administrator himself. There is

    no such thing as Kith and Kin in the scientific community. So the password isencrypted by an encryption algorithm chosen by the user of the mail account himself. All

    we can do then is ask for the encrypted password and decrypt it ourselves for I do not seeanother way out.

    And what encryption algorithm you think your father had used? asked Langdon tocontinue the conversation.

    Robert, she said The encryption algorithm he used was discovered in the year 1985 by

    an Egyptian American cryptographer ElGamal which has these days become the basis ofDigital Signature Algorithm (DSA) and has been adopted as digital signature standard

    by almost all the major security agencies in the World including National Security

    Agency, USA.

    Chapter 8: Elgamal Encryption

    Robert Langdon knew all his knowledge of History and Geography is not going to workhere. He once again threw a glance at his wrist watch. 3 hours and 46 minutes left. No

    passion as effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear and

    Langdon at this moment was pondering over this rightly said quote. Meanwhile Vittoriawas busy extracting some sensitive piece of information from CERN through a

    telephonic conversation.

    As she finished her call, there was an expression of relief on her face.

    We still have hope Robert

    In the next few minutes Vittoria was busy explaining the encryption algorithm toLangdon.

    Elgamal encryption is a public key algorithm which is based on the intractability of

    discrete logarithm problem.

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    The keys are generated by choosing a cyclic group (Zp), where p is a large random safeprime and g, a generator ofZp. A random numberx is selected such that 1

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    Vittoria now was busy writing some code on her notebook PC while Langdon sat andpitied his disability to help her.

    [Angels clue:

    Lets have a better understanding of the encryption algorithm through an example:

    Let p=2357, g=2

    Let x=2006 is chosen as the private key

    Then y=1449 2^2006 (mod 2357)

    Now, say M=28 is to be encrypted using public keys (p, g, y)

    To encrypt say we choose k=416 (1

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    [ Devils Signature: You may be a victim of insane teaching techniques of youralgorithm teacher or you may have passed all your programming labs through unfair

    means, but believe me or Miss Vetra if you are not able to write a program you may not

    get through this level. This is the level 2 of your errand and I want you to find out the

    password to the mail. If you are frightened of calculations involving big numbers anddont know how to play with them, I feel sorry for you.]

    Chapter 10: Devils Angle

    Vittoria Vetra, despite her being a scientist had faith in divine power unlike Langdon who

    was a follower of apathetic agnosticism. She felt herself guided by an unknown source ofpower. Once she had recovered the password she logged into the account of her father

    and they were now busy scanning the mails in Inbox and Sent folders to carve out some

    clue. There was one mail in the Inbox which caught Langdons attention. Langdon asked

    Vittoria to check the mail. It read

    Subject: Novus Ordo

    Date: Wed, October 18,2006, 10:00 PMFrom: percorso

    To: [email protected]

    To the church of illumination one reaches,

    Who is sharp and wise..

    In the mystery of Devils angle,

    The holy path lies.

    Attachment:Map.jpeg [ Download]

    Langdon jumped up high into the air after reading this mail.

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    Vittoria, he said I am damn sure that this is what we were looking for and I am glad

    our intuition has worked perfectly right.How could you be so sure? asked Vittoria.

    Do you still have a question? Look at the illuminati symbol- The All-Seeing Eye. Its

    damn perfect. The illuminati are highly fascinated by symbolism and numerology andtheir favorite tactic is to leave blueprints to their plans hidden in plain view.

    Architecture around the globe is laid out to represent their occult icons or structures based

    on occult numerology. The subject of this mail Novus Ordo means New Order whichis an illuminati slogan through which they virtually show their power and omnipresence.

    And what do you think is the message? I mean the rhyme

    Not that I can guess. Lets download the attachment and see.

    Vittoria Vetra now downloaded the attachment which was an image file.

    Is it a map? Looks more like a geometrical puzzle. Vittoria now looked confused.

    What if the path of illumination has been changed and this is a clue to it? asked

    Langdon, his voice had a certain degree of confidence.

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    Vittoria by now had understood that this guy doesnt arrive at a conclusion without

    proper reasoning. If the illuminati still exist, there still exists the path of illumination.What do you think is the Devils angle? she asked.

    All I know is that this is a map of Vatican and the geometrical correlation among the

    ancient architectures is damn perfect. replied Langdon

    After a moment of pause he said, Its all so obvious. The Devils angle is the unknownangle and the unlabelled point in the map is the first altar of science. We have to find

    out a church that lies on the line joining St.Peters Palace and the Villa of Pius IV bycalculating the Devils angle in what looks to me an isosceles triangle formed by three

    famous architectures. There are dozens of churches in Vatican. This is like finding a

    needle in a haystack. All the calculations have to be perfect.No more conversation but a simple geometrical calculation and it was all crystal clear.

    The first altar of science was the church of St. Stephen and the duo now rushed to the

    location to find out the next clue, the clue to the second altar of science.

    ************************************************************************[Devils Signature:

    When I Play the Devil, I go by the wind,

    Thus I clothe my naked Villainy, with old odd ends.

    I am glad you have reached the Level 3 of your errand, but to get past the Devils door I

    want you to give me the Devils angle. A wrong answer at this level and youll loose your

    life. No mercy. I know the angels are guiding you.]


    Chapter 11: The Sundial

    At the church of St. Peter, the two desperate souls were scratching their heads to find aclue to the second altar of science.

    Suddenly Langdon said, Vittoria, I have heard that there is a sundial somewhere here at

    St. Stephen which is a secret chamber. There are two dials in it. It will open only whenthe smaller dial is aligned at a particular angle with the bigger dial. May be this angle is

    the Devils angle.

    It took Robert and Vetra some time before they found the sundial which was in a much

    deserted corner of the obelisk. To their extreme satisfaction as Vittoria aligned the dialsat the Devils angle it slid open. Inside was a stone chamber on which were engraved

    some English alphabets and symbols.

    Goddamn Italian perfectionist, murmured Langdon.Langdon again asked Vittoria to write down all the symbols on a piece of paper.

    The concatenated string read something like,


    Vittoria knew what to do next. Two more minutes and the text had been decrypted.

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    Now this time it was too easy. Its a simple cipher in which the letters of the plaintext

    are jumbled in some fixed pattern. We should better rush to the second altar of scienceSaid Vittoria once she was done.

    [Devils Signature:

    O my beloved Angel, to whom are you so kind?

    The path is all lightened but not for the blind.

    Welcome O Angels messenger to theLevel 4.

    I want you to give me the name of the second altar of science. While you are busy

    decrypting the cipher Ill go and watch a Mithun movie Gunda. Its damn superb Iveheard. ]


    Chapter 12: Get to the roots

    Once again, at the second altar of science the duo was busy carving out possibilities and

    clues. Success doesnt come cheap and if at all it does, it comes to only those who

    deserve. Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra were carefully examining all the

    architectural masterpieces to see whether there was some hidden pictorial message or textthat could be of their interest. Vittoria heard some passer by calling an iron pillar in the

    garden as the Devils Pillar and all of a sudden her instinct aroused.The Devil. Weve got him. She exclaimed with joy. She caught Langdon by his armsand led him to the pillar.

    On the pillar were imprinted these mystic words:

    Heaven and Hell is a story of symmetry,Get to the root and unfold the mystery.

    What does it mean? Isnt there any Cipher? Vittoria was least comfortable solving

    riddles and such clues hidden in poems from her early childhood days. All she was

    interested in was mathematics and science.

    This is not all of It. Replied Langdon, Look at these numbers imprinted along thecircular cross section of the pillar. Vittoria closed in on Langdon.

    Amazing she said So, what do you think should we do next?

    Write down the numbers and then try to find out a solution.The number read:


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    [Angels clue:

    In the Matrix Hill ciphers we use the enciphering transformation

    C AP (mod n)Where A is an m*m matrix (called the enciphering matrix), P is a column vector of

    numbers corresponding to a block of plaintext letters of length m.

    In the given problem n=26 where 0 to 25 map to letters a, b, c..z.]


    [Devils Signature:Welcome to the Level 6 of your errand. Give me the name of thefourth

    altar of science and take away the keys with you.]


    Chapter 14: The Final gateway

    The fourth altar of science was a church located somewhere in the northern outskirt of

    Rome and was the most mystic of all. It was a very old church, a typical example ofilluminati occult architecture. It looked less like a church and more like a mathematical

    synagogue. On its pillars were carved various numbers and symbols. It was all so

    confusing for Vittoria and Langdon to get a clue here, the clue to the Church ofIllumination.

    What are these symbols? asked Vittoria to Langdon.

    Landon was studying the symbols very carefully. He replied,These are not symbols but ancient scripts and on these walls are written the glory of

    great mathematicians of ancient world.

    So what do you think is the clue?

    The numbers

    The numbers? But how do we know?Its just that a historian knows more than a mathematician. Langdon looked naughty.

    Oh really! sniggered Vittoria.Jokes apart Vetra! I think its your job to do it next.

    Langdon showed Vetra some mathematical equations written on the pillars. In fact theywere all linear congruence relations written one on each pillar and Vittoria guessed it

    quite easily that she had to solve a system of linear congruences. The relations were

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    X 7729136 (mod 10000223)

    X 9397530 (mod 10006721)

    X 8692034(mod 10010101)

    X 8693574 (mod 10153331)

    Vittoria looked at these numbers and smiled.Robert ! What time it is? she asked.

    20 more minutes left replied Langdon.

    Get ready to board the X-33. Weve found the church of illuminationThey rushed to the Church Of illumination where they found the antimatter canister lying

    in the basement. They wasted no time and the X-33 arched towards CERN. On the plane,

    as Vittoria looked into the eyes of Langdon she felt emotions pouring out of her heart, abinding she couldnt explain. She had often heard that intense situations could unite two

    people in ways that decades together often did not. She now believed it.

    [Angels comment:

    Once you solve the linear congruences and generate X, convert this X to base 26where a=0, b=1z=25 and get the name of the church of Illumination]

    [Devils Signature:

    Welcome to the Level 7.To Finish up and grab the flag give me the name of

    the Church Of Illumination. ]


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