



Arnee Nicole Patrick, Plaintiff( s) AFFIDAVIT OF DEFENDANT

ANDREW SCOTT PATRICK 2013 -DR-07-0971 vs.

Andrew Scott Patrick, Defendant( s ).

PERSONALLY appeared before me, Andrew Scott Patrick, who being duly

sworn, deposes and says as follows:

1. I am Andrew Scott Patrick, Defendant in the above captioned matter. I am

currently a citizen and resident of Beaufort County, South Carolina.

2. The Plaintiff and I are husband and wife as the result of our marriage on

June 27, 1998 in the State of Pennsylvania.

3. There are Four (4) minor children of this marriage, H Patrick,

bom November 17, 1999, E Patrick, born August 29, 2001,

S Patrick, bom September 3, 2005 and V Patrick,

bom January 29, 2006. No other children are expected.

4. As the result of long standing marital problems, to include the Plaintiff's

adulterous affairs, the Plaintiff and I separated on or about May 9, 2013.

5. The Plaintiff left the marital home on that date and moved into her

mother's home. When the Plaintiff left our horne, she left the four children

in my care. The children stayed with me and the Plaintiff cared for the

children when I was required to be in Columbia for my legislative duties.


6. The Plaintiff is a trained firefighter and has other education and job

training. She refuses to work to provide for herself and our children.

7. Since our separation I have continued to provide a cell phone for the

Plaintiff, I have provided gasoline for her automobile, I have provided her

automobile, I have given her money upon request and provided for all of

the children's needs.

8. Shortly after leaving the marital home, the Plaintiff moved into a Condo

owned by her father with two other men. This home was completely

unsuitable for our children so when the Plaintiff kept the children she

would return to the marital home while I was away.

9. I have included a lengthy email chain for the Court's review. The Plaintiff

began to demand money to care for the children. "She would say if you

don't give me "X: amount of money, I will not keep the kids or I willonly

keep 2 of the kids."

10. For the last month of the legislative session, I had to take 1 or more of the

children with me to Columbia each week because the Plaintiff refused to

keep some or all of the kids.

11. The Plaintiff and I lived separate and apart fi:om May 9, 2013 until

October 21, 2013 when I was on my way to Columbia and recieved a text

message from the Plaintiff that said "Andy have a good trip. I'm home.

For good. This text was received at 5:15 a.m.

12. At 6:08 a.m. I received a text f·om H that said "I think it is a good

idea that we tly to work things out.".


13. At 6:08a.m. I received a text from E that said "I really want mom

home please don't ask her to leave."

14. Upon my return to Hilton Head, I did not return to the marital home and I

have been staying in the guest house of a close friend.

15. After the Plaintiff left in May, 2013 she gained employment and in fact at

one point had two jobs. After she moved back into the marital home, she

quit both jobs and is again unemployed.

16. After I had her served with this Motion, the Plaintiff moved out of the

marital home. When she moved out she completely emptied the home.

There are no beds left in the home, no dishes, nothing other than my office

furnishings. She did leave the dinning room table, but she took the chairs.

17. The Plaintiffs father is publishing slanderous information about me on

facebook. Her father is trying to end my political career.

18. I ask for custody of my children, I ask for the home furnishings to be

returned to me so that the children can have a home to live in. I ask for a

Restraining Order to prevent any further posts on internet cites or

disparaging remarks made by either party and any 3rd parties.

19. I ask that the Plaintiff be required to pay my attorney's fees for this


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

05/08/13 6:31am Amee:Payroll did not go in . Amee: l 'm assuming payroll is coming from your private account

7:03am Amee:Can I have a few q tips. Amee:Would you be sure to leave payroll check on counter before you leave. I 'm overdrawn and have a doctor apt today. Tk u .

10:13am Amee:l am short $ 1 00 due to overdraft. I assume you are doing payroll tm.

10:32am Andy:There is no more payroll . I have not paid myself in 6 weeks and I do not have the funds necessary to pay anyone else. Your withdrawal from the business account last week of more than $ 1 200 and the week before of more than $600 is not money I had to spend on anything more than what I had budgeted for. I wil l write another check for $ 1 00 and leave it on the counter.

2:06pm Amee:Reminder to pick up Non since I 'm gone

2:31pm Amee:Reminder : H Andy:Got it

4:11pm Andy:lt has been brought to my attention by investigators at suntrust that you used my personal debit card to make purchases at heritage fine jewelers and zappos. Is this true? Amee:Girls mothers day earring, clinical clothes. I got nothin Andy:lt was more than $600 of nothing? This is unbelievable. "Girls Mothers Day earring"? What does that mean . Amee:Their ear rings Andy:You give them eat rings that I pay for and nobody says anything no thank you, nothing. Amee:Dude. I don't have that many more mothers days so t Andy: I have to find out from a fraud investigator from Sun Trust. You will absolutely j ustify your actions no matter what and ultimately blame me for every thing wrong in your life. I am tired of it. Andy:No need for you to reply, I have nothing more to say anyway.

Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

2:44pm I provided the contact information for Heather Rier (T 's Mom)

3:22pm Andy:Were you able to work everything out? Amee:Yes Andy:Weather is extremely bad

3:48pm Amee:Hm. Not here yet Andy:Think it is outer bands of the system

6:1 6pm Amee:H needs picked up at seven Amee:E was done at six

6:30pm Amee:Pis confirm your in receipt and will pick up

9:09pm Andy:Leaving me with two days of soiled pants from V is not right. Making excuses for why the house is not clean is not right. I got four kids off to school on Tuesday and left on time to be in Columbia and did not leave the house like this for you . If our son poops his pants while he is in your care, you clean it. If you want me to do the right thing by you , then you do the right thing by me. Amee:Andy the house has been a mess both weeks now and I have cleaned and cleaned. Ill photograph from now on if this is how you choose to be Amee:l recall bags of soiled underwater left in house time and time before while you were in residence . Lets not go here Amee:Have a decent night Amee:Not to mention the pool Amee:of which there seems to be total neglect. Amee:So if you want to do this go head. I recommend not. Andy: I cannot afford to fix the pool because of all the other obligations I have. It is cal led priorities. You have absolutely no idea what it is I actually do. I have a car with bald tires that needs brakes and a mirror. Amee:Thank you

06/07/13 7:48am Amee:Recommended that I apply to ICE. Checking to see if you have any established contacts

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Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 -06/27/1 3

06/05/1 3 6:37am Amee sends two pictures of her chiropractic bill. Amee:You could call payment in to Chantal at office. When is 71 Widewater being sold Andy: You mean could I please call payment in? Please do not go in the future without being able to pay cash for the visit. There are a lot of mornings I wake up and could use an adjustment but I forgo the expense because of another priority. Andy:l wil l call Chantal today and pay

1:38pm Amee:l need to go to Wayne for office visit for Welbutrin prescription. Do you want to leave a check of calling in payment.

2:04pm Andy: Please see Scott Cummings instead. It will cost $ 1 50 just to get a visit. I do not have the money. Amee:l cannot do that. Scott is too close to you for me to have a visit effective. Wayne has always been my doctor Andy : l 'l l do it, but this will be the last time. I understand the convenience but I can no longer afford convenience. You have been asking and I am trying, but I have little income and multiple expenses. I am not trying to prevent you from seeking care, but you have consider the cost since your not having to pay for it. Have them call me for payment.

06/06/13 10:04am Andy:Can you provide the updated mileage on the Honda? I need to get Honda to release the title and need the updated mileage. Andy:Need ASAP so that I can fax from here

11 :13am Amee :Leaving E graduation. Yes Amee:Just a min Amee:1 0071 3

12:59pm Andy:Thank you

1:59pm Amee:E was beautiful

2:18pm Amee:Can I get T 's number from you Amee:What time do you think you 'll reach the island Amee:Aiso confirming V hair cut 1 tm


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

05/09/13 8:03am Amee:Pis leave a check on the counter for groceries. Amee: l'l l be going this am Andy:l'll take care of getting groceries. I can no longer afford to write checks and assume that the money will be spent wisely. Amee:You do not know what to get and it is unthinkable that you would take away such fundamental need Amee:You need to be earning a living not grocery shopping Amee:Leave a check on the counter Andy: Not taking anything away, just not blindly giving you money to be wasted unnecessarily. I am working on earning a l iving and it is now time for you to focus on the same. Amee:You have been clearly been galavanting. Andy:Galavanting?

8:15am Amee:l will leave a detailed grocery list weekly Andy:l need all receipts from doctors visits or the name of the doctors office you visited for me to obtain . Amee: l'm sorry I don't trust you Andy:You can leave whatever you want, I wil l be purchasing what we can afford. I don't trust you either. Amee::) this should be fun Bo Amee:Put on your party hat! Andy:Accept responsibil ity, and move on. You brought this on yourself by being untruthful and deceitful.

Amee sent a picture of a note I wrote to her, the note said the following: "Amee, I am hypocrite, I am one person in public and someone else in private. I am sorry for the way I have treated you."

Andy :And so are you. Use it however you wish to hurt me. I do not care. You have made some awful choices yourself that have damaged this relationship as much as I have. I have to be someone else publicly because my private relationship with my wife is pitiful. Amee:lndeed. It's the time wasted (or not wasted) on the rose that made all the difference huh;) Amee:You l ive for the public. Go head Amee:That will be your great legacy dear Andy:Say whatever you want. Your going to anyway. When you don't get exactly what you want the way you want it. Your needs are beyond my ability to satisfy. I have always thought that but also thought I could overcome it. I know you will do anything to hurt me regardless, so it no longer matters what I say or what I do. You will always justify your actions, for your own wellbeing. Amee:Well l'm a survivor. Fault me;)


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

Amee:That money you took with out my joint signature . . . Just remember that A ndy:Again justifying your actions as being a survivor .

8:32am A ndy: You agreed to borrow the money from your father, you helped spend the money and I am paying it back. what would you l ike me to remember. Amee: lt was i l legal without my signature Andy:Whatever Amee: lf you'd l ike to dispute that call my dad Andy: l will Amee:Hm. whatever. i think the public would find that interesting Andy:Have you contributed one penny to paying it back? No. I am done now, nothing more to discuss. Amee: l never touched it Amee: l am done now:) Andy:Oh you touched it, everytime you used a credit card to purchase something Amee:Well your move now

3:18pm Amee: l will l ikely be staying at my moms FYI

5:05pm Amee:l wi l l not be available Tues - Thurs any longer Andy:What does this mean? You 're no longer going to be a mom to your kids on the days that you know I am not available? Amee:When you take care of their mother than I won't have to be unavailable working elsewhere Amee:Until then I am not available Amee:l will be living at my moms unti l then Amee:Get a normal job and place your priorities back at home

05/10/13 9:56am Amee:Anthony Robbins: The Secret to Handling Upset. It's l ikely you won't listen but congratulations if you do

3:39pm Amee:At school waiting for E to find you sent her home with someone other than Chantal. Who Andy:! d id not "send her home" with anybody. T s mom called last night to ask if she could sleep over. I did not know you would be picking her up. I called Chantal to let her know. Sorry for any inconven ience.


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

05/12/13 5:46am Amee:l l l be picking up H 8:40, E ill get direct from S E at 9:00 for church at Central. Boys can be dropped off after church for lunch and to swim. ld prefer you didn't come in -its Mother's Day. I'll bring them home to you at 1 :00.

7:54am Andy:Ok Andy:l sincerely hope you have a good Mother's Day. Amee:Thank you sincerely Amee:Would u leave a few dollars so I can make my mom a dinner with the girls

8:35am Andy:Do you think $40 is enough? I have $69 Amee:Sure

1:16pm Amee:This obviously was not meant for me. randy Looman: Hey Andy ... It was great to chat with ya this morning. Thanks for feeling like you can share with me. Again if you ever just wanna hang for coffee or lunch please give me a holler my friend ! ! ! Andy:Ok, thanks

1:38pm Amee:Church needs food Andy: Yes, I fed him the last bowl full this morning and planned on stopping on my way home to get more.

2:05pm Amee:H Andy:Ok

2:46pm Andy:Are the girls eating dinner with you at your moms? Amee:Yes Andy:Ok thanks

3:29pm Amee:Let me know date/time when we can sit down to work out stuff Andy:Tomorrow at 1 0 :30? Amee:9 Amee:Where Andy: Your moms Amee:No Amee:l want none of that here Andy:We need a witness Amee:After you and I talk you can write something up. I'll sign it in front of a witness


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

6:34pm Andy:Ballroom was scheduled for 5 not 6, so we missed that opportunity and E is pretty adamant about performing Thursday evening at her school. She bel ieves that once she gets past this week she will have a lot more time to practice for the showcase.

05/14/13 2:52pm Amee:Would you provide contact for Beaufort Application to PD please Andy:Sheriffs office?

Andy provided contact information to Todd Calhoun

6:30pm Amee :Andy in a very simple way I need to ask you to not buy so much junk food. This will make the girls fat : ( Thank you:) Andy: Ok

05/16/13 9: 55am Andy: You wrote another check for $421 .84 at publix after you told me you did not have any left. My account is overdrawn again . You lied to me!

10:57am Andy :Aiso it is clear that something other than fuel is being purchased at Parker's. I go not have the money to cover these expenses. I gave you that card to make it convenient for you . It appears as though that convenience has been abused to purchase items other than fuel. Please stop.

12:18pm Amee:Ok Amee: Ok re Parker's Amee:Check was to cover no pay. I th ink we've reached an agreement since then Amee:Food at Parker's Amee:Will use for gas only Andy:But you told me specifically that you did not have any more checks Amee:And you told me I 'd get paid when I gave them to you Amee: l applied at PD Outfitters boating today FYI Amee:E has play tonight 6:30 Amee:What time wil l you be on island? Andy:We are talking thousands and I did and you still used the checks. Finally putting me in a place where there was no more money. We are talking about thousands of dollars over the last few months. I have had to now close that account entirely. Andy: I do not know what time yet. Hopefully by 5 Amee:Ok. Let me know if you can't get V Andy: Ok Amee:One last thing, Are you coming to E play?


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

Amee:l'm using the shotgun. $600. Pis leave tower manual on counter Andy:Tower manual?

10:45am Andy:You may use the shotgun, but please do not sell . I would l ike to have it back one day. I will give you the 20% when I receive pay from the job. Did you mean rower manual? Amee:lt is joint Andy:What is joint? Amee:Yes. Rowing matching manual Andy:The rowing machine manual will be on kitchen counter in purple hanging folder.

1:58pm Andy:Would you l ike me to drop off the rowing machine folder? And am I picking up H or are you ? I am happy to do so just let me know. Amee:H text me this am saying you were picking her up. That's fine. I am studying. So passing folder onto H would be helpful . Probably getting E direct from school before 3 good so you can make 1 direct trip down. Also V was invited to a beach birthday party tomorrow at 1 2. I can pick him up after my am haircut. Would you send $20 so I can purchase gift. I 'm assuming party will last 2-3 hrs. Do you have any conflicts?

7:38pm Amee:Would you pis grill chicken again . That's something I really appreciate Amee:Next Sat in case girls forget to mention Savannah Ballroom comp

8:55pm Amee:V soccer is ----?

10:20pm Andy:9:1 5 Andy: I will take him and bring him back home for you to pick him up prior to party

05/18/13 10:13am Andy:l have to be at Barnes and noble with S by 1 1 for a fundraiser for his school. If V game runs late Chantal and Ken will bring h im home for you to pick up. I am leaving him because he is suppose to get a trophy if they win and they are up 2-1 now. Both girls are home cleaning . Amee:Ok

10:49am Andy:His team won and came in 1 st place Amee:That's great. So how long will it be? Andy:Ken and Chantal bringing him home now


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

2:12pm Amee:Bringing V home now

05/19/13 5:17pm Amee:l am confirmed for a 1 2:30 apt in Savannah. It will cost 350.00. Please leave a check and I will provide a receipt. Also check for $ 1 75. I u nderstand you and V are leaving Mon-Thurs and I will stay at the house Monday thru Sat and get S Fri at 6 .

6:16pm Andy:l do not have enough to give you a check for $350 and $ 1 75 . I am going to need all past receipts to have processed through BC/BS. I just spent $ 1 50 getting H ready for camp. You will have to use the money from the sale of the rowing machine and once I have all the receipts I will reimburse you for this visit. I j ust cannot do it all, the money just is not there. I am still having to pay for your teeth which I gave you all the money for up front and was spent on something else. Amee:You will need to leave a check for medical tm and I will need check for week. These are items you agreed to. They do not come out of other sources. I will not agree to anything else civil if you go back again on your word. Period . Wage attachments will begin immediately otherwise. Andy:l cannot do both ! If you will pick up the phone we can discuss civilly. I do not have any wages to attach. We are civil as long as you get what you want. It is not lost on me that you are getting the same amount of money before you left without any other responsibility. So I am sure your personal life has not changed and you are still spending the same amount on yourself. I cannot do it all and am certainly not going to just because you tell me I have to. I want all receipts for all doctors visits tomorrow. Amee:l would strongly suggest you honor your word. If I cannot expect you to do that than I cannot work with you. Period.

6 :33pm Andy:lt has nothing to do with honoring my word. You are getting more per week than I have and I am left with taking care of this family. You do not use one penny of that money on anyone but yourself. I cannot do it all! I am not doing anything unless you pick up the phone. Amee:You cannot NOT do anything else. That's humorous. You can expect attorney bills to begin unless you support your word as indicated. Andy:Call me Amee:l am trying to study. If you cannot honor your word then I cannot be available Friday Andy:My word was $ 1 75. I said I would reimburse you for the $350 once I had all receipts. You have the $600 from the rowing machine. I am not going back on my word , you just cannot demand money after all you have taken and expect it to just be there. If you refuse to come and care for your children so that I can earn a living, I would call that neglect. Don 't threaten mel Amee:Your last word was $800. You went back on that. You said medical. You 're now back on that. Stop going back and there will be no problem.


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

Amee:Check tomorrow or I will be pressed to contact Susan immediately, nor wil l I be home for you're extra trip Friday

6:51 pm Andy:Amee, contact whoever you want. You took more than the $800 which got us to this point to begin with. I wil l find someone else to care for the kids if that is the way you want to be. I have given you plenty and you have squandered it. I wil l give you the $ 350 snd the $ 1 75 tomorrow, but do not expect one dime more without all the receipts. No receipts no more money period.

05/20/1 3 3:59pm Andy:lt wi l l not be necessary for you to watch the children on Friday. I have made other arrangements. Amee:Ok who Amee:l'l l need their name and number Amee:The girls will be with me

4:43pm Andy: I cancelled the trip

8:1 4pm Andy:You spent $ 1 00 on fuel today? How is this at a l l possible? Amee:TWO times to savannah/clinic/class-one very far. I 'm in CLASS pis let me think

05/24/1 3 1 2:27pm Andy:l plan on picking up kids from school unless you have other plans

1 2:46pm Amee:Thanks for letting me know. You can drop the girls off at my moms if you don't have plans with them. Andy:Ok

4 :58pm Amee:What are your plans Andy:H is at the Staff's, E is with Veronique and I am going with V to get S

05/25/1 3 9 :44am Amee:Picking up girls

1 0:47am Andy:Ok

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Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

1 1 :47am Amee:You can drop boys off til l 3 if you l ike

1 2 :36pm Andy:We're good, just leaving sun city now Amee:Boys would l ike to swim in sure Amee:Drop them off and I'll bring them home.

1 2 :5 1 pm Andy:Ok

3:26pm Andy:Shall I come and get the kids, I have to go out anyway Amee:That will work Amee:After your errand If possible Andy:Ok

05/26/1 3 7:33am Amee:l'll be picking the girls up for church at 9. You can give this weeks check to H for me

8:1 6am Andy: E spent the night at the Horups and is going to church with them, I did not know until just now about your plans. Amee: It's ok Amee: l'll get H then .

1 2 :1 2pm Amee:Question is: are you (Andy) employed by Beaufort County as Rep? Andy:No Andy:What is this for? Amee:PD Andy:Sheriffs office? Amee:Yes Andy:l thought they were not accepting applications Amee: l found otherwise Andy:Great, do you need some help Amee:Are you offering Andy:You should also try Bluffton PD. once you have completed and submitted application, I would be happy to make a call on your behalf. Amee:l will do that. As well as Colleton Andy:Colleton? Amee:Co. Andy:Ok

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Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

1 2:58pm Amee:lf you could just grill chicken for me you can take chicken cost out of payment. It's j ust one thing I really value Amee:lf you could just gri l l chicken for me you can take chicken cost out of payment. It's j ust one th ing I really value Amee:Tm 1 1 -2 is Memorial Day pic nix at Jarvis for central. Your welcome to come. Is l ike to take girls if no conflict

2:1 0pm Andy:! wil l gri l l the chicken for you this evening. I am going to memorial service at shelter cove at 1 0, the girls can go with you .

3:28pm Amee:Would you l ike to meet at Jarvis after?

3:48pm Andy: No, thank you

05/27/13 7:22am Amee:Mom invited boys over to swim later

8:23am Andy:Ok Andy:l have to take S to bus today, what time should I drop them off Andy:Memorial Day service should be over no later than 1 1 :30 Amee:Hm. The picnic is from 1 1 -1 ... I was incorrect thinking he returned tm. I don't want to make him sad if I were to say drop off V at Jarvis ... But that's all I can come up with . . . Amee:Well Andy:Well I can take them both to bus and then drop off V at your moms at 2:30. That would probably be better for everyone Amee:Ok Amee:My "well" was the beginning of another thought. But your thought was better. It was not an "impatient" well Amee:l'll pick up girls just prior to 1 1

2:09pm A ndy:Did you pick up your chicken? Do you need me to drop it off with V

2:59pm Amee:Thank you I did get my chicken and am sorry mom is not well. A ndy:No problem A ndy:l am sorry she is not feeling well Andy:Do I need to come get the girls

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Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

Amee:We stayed at the picnic till 1 :30 then took Std home ... so we got here only a little bit ago. 1 111 touch base with you in a bit. If your out and want to get them fine , I can also drive them Andy:Ok just let me know when Amee:H and I trying to get gas. Can you tell me why it1s not working Andy: I don1t know, it should work Amee:Ok 1111 go in to check with cashier Andy:When was the last time you got gas Amee:Thank you for responding Amee:Last week Amee:l don 1t recall what day Amee:H gave me 5$ Amee: l111 just pump cash Andy: I won1t be able to figure it out until tomorrow, their customer service is closed. Amee:l got 5. lt1S ok

05/28/1 3 6:1 8am Amee:Before you leave for Columbia I am looking for a label maker with stick tape. If you can locate ours and leave on counter that will a search. Tks.

6 :33am Andy: I have searched my office and it is not here. Have not seen in a long time.

9:27am Amee:Department and Position. Can you provide for BCSO

9 :45am Amee:Can you look up all the states I 've been licensed in and year?

1 :46pm Amee:Deputy Sheriff is that correct

2:43pm Amee:Are you busy or purposely not responding. Andy:Sorry, d id not see until now. Have not felt it vibrate at al l . Andy:Not sure I understand all questions. Yes to Deputy Sheriff. Not sure about looking up state licenses Andy:l am busy but also did not see texts until now Amee:Ok. Tks

3 : 1 8pm Amee:Would you check on gas card. Sav tm Andy:Yes in a meeting but will do as soon as I an

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Text Transcript 05/08/13 - 06/27/1 3

5:52pm Amee:Cannot submit application until I know dates of locations l ived for Drivers Lie

8:36pm Andy:Lived in Harleysville until 1 1/99, Egg Harbor Twp. , NJ 1 1/99 - 01/02 , Spotsylvania, VA 0 1/02 - 02 /06, Hi lton Head Island, SC 02 /06- Present. Amee:Tks for getting back Andy:Have finally gotten to review business checking account and to try and figure everything out with Parker's. to put it mildly, everything is a mess! I have talked to the Sun Trust Branch Manager and she will try to get everything worked out tomorrow. Amee:Appreciated Andy: I really do not need this added stress

05/29/13 6:52am Amee:That part of the refrigerator you told E you cleaned when looking for the photo's of Joel and myself apparently grew the dirt and drips back underneath the newly relayed photo's without us. Funny;)

7:1 6am Andy:l did not clean the refrig, I just moved stuff around. You'll find that I also moved stuff from the other side of the frig. I probably should have dusted, but was just moving the pictures around. Not meant to insult anyone. Sorry if you see it d ifferently.

7:54am Amee:l'm sure you can understand when the grouping that was removed was entirely Joel and I how that could be misconstrued under these circumstances.

1 :1 6pm Amee:Would you let me know if I will be able to get gas for class

1 :34pm Andy:l am going to transfer some money to your account. My business account is all screwed up which is where the Parker's card is connected to. Andy:$60 is being transferred now Amee:My account is closed due to issues with repetitive bi l l ing from Proactive

1 :45pm Andy:The transfer took place and you now have a balance of $46

2:08pm Amee:l have no account? How can that be? I have the account close out slip in my car. Unless it went into joint account of Joel's Amee:They cut my debit card in bank Amee:South end Sun Trusy Amee:Trust


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

Amee:So I don't know who has that $

05/30/1 3 1 0:45am Amee:Are you able to acquire a certified driving record for my application from DOT from all states licensed over past six years Andy:You can do online Amee:Can you help me Amee:l'm not at my computer. Could you email to mom so she can print Andy:Cannot right now, I am in session Amee:When you out please Andy:Yes Amee:Tk u Amee:Trying to get everything in and notarized today so appreciated

11 :19am Andy :DMV is saying that the quickest way is for you to go into the DMV in Bluffton. The application requires your signature. They call it a quick h it request, which means when you explain to the receptionist you go to the front of the l ine. Amee:Ok Amee:Tk u Andy :Sorry I could not do more, they were jerks

12:21pm Amee:The fact you wanted to enough

12:31pm Andy:l may have a problem this afternoon. We are sti l l on the floor and am not sure what time we will conclude. S comes home ton ight at 6 and V will also need to be picked up. I will try my best, can you help me out. Amee:Yes. Let me know closer to 5 your whet about a and if I need to get S or just V Andy:Ok Andy:Thank you

1 :06pm Amee:Got records Andy:Good Amee sent picture of closing withdrawl slip. Amee:Ciosing Withdrawal Ticket from Sun Trust on 08/25/1 3

1 :1 8pm Amee:Parker's said to call this number 1 8774032222 and reference card#

and they can correct it

1 5

Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

3 :03pm Amee:Why is S coming home on a Thursday? Amee:Will need to ask mom if he is returning tonight, Thurs at 6. Conflict E dance/ low fuel level Andy:This is his last day of school. Andy:l am not going to make it in time

3 :22pm Andy:Probably will not be home until 7 :30 Andy:Leaving now, I may make it for Sash a Amee:My mom and George are going to get him for us Andy:Should I ask them if they would l ike for me to get him? Should I offer the option Amee:lf you are sure your be to the stop by six I will let them know their pick up no longer needed. Are you sure traffic is favorable? Andy:Not sure, lets play it by ear for right now Andy:Who is getting V Amee: I will be Andy:Ok

5 :06pm Andy:Shall I pick everyone up from your moms? Andy:l am getting S and have let your mom know Amee:They will be at home Andy:Ok

8 :12pm Andy:What is in the small crackpot Amee:Spicy chicken Amee:Probably too hot for boys but you m ight light on garlic bread Amee:Like* Andy:Ok thanks

8 :40pm Amee:l will have BCSO paperwork notarized tm and need to drive to submit. I really wi l l need gas so please call to update Parker's card 1 st thing. I 'm spell ing this out in case you forgot today. Amee:Thanks Amee:Tried to clean house. Especially girls bedrooms. Put laundry in your place.

05/31/1 3 7:48am Andy:Would you mind watching S while George and I go to our meeting. Amee:That's fine. Would you please fix the Parker's card Andy:Will try right now Amee:How long is your meeting. Andy:Drop him off at 9:50 and probably pick up no later than 1 2

1 6

Text Transcript 05/08/13 - 06/27/13

8:15am Andy:Your Parker's card is active Amee:Ok. FYI, I gave H $20 for her year book that was allocated for my upcoming hair cut. Could you send with S pis Andy:Ok, two friendly recommendations for your hopeful upcoming interviews with either Beaufort or Colleton. Remove the lip piercing and grow out your hair on the sides. I know you want to be you and I can respect that but the person you interview with will probably not appreciate your sense of fashion. They are generally very conservative, and big on first impression appearances. Andy:There is really nothing else holding you back Amee:Tk u

9:28am Andy: I appreciated the patient receipt from the skin doctor. Unfortunately it is not sufficient for reimbursement. Can you please contact the doctors office and have them provide a detail receipt outlying the procedure and treatment you were given, so that I can get reimbursed. Amee:Left message for Cris Carr for public notary of doc's but no reply. Where else can I get notary done? Andy:Bank

1 1 :51 am Amee:Eta? Have 1 2:1 5 Andy: 1 0 min

1 2 :05pm Amee: lt's l ikely I will be late. Are you in long cove Andy:Yes Andy:! wil l get girls from school

4 : 1 3pm A mee:Evac and recharge on Honda tomorrow am for air conditioning Andy:Ok

4:56pm A mee:Was HHIFR starting salary 36,000. Yr A mee:Was HHIFR starting salary 36,000. Yr

5 : 1 5pm Andy:Sounds right, but cannot say for sure Andy:30 something

06/0 1 / 1 3 4: 1 8p m Andy:Call please A mee:Very interesting


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 -06/27/1 3

Amee:Have a good night Andy:Don't use our girls against me Amee::)

4 :44pm Andy: Please remember that S wil l be home from school th is week and I will be in Columbia. I am asking that you please care for h im. Amee:l cannot do that with finals Andy:So your saying I have to take him to work with me. When are your finals? Amee:That's correct Andy:When are your finals Amee:3, 5, 1 2 and 1 5

6:15pm Andy: l apologize for getting frustrated, I don't want to seem petty but I am so upset by our financial situation. I am a little angry about the money that has been spent and feeling l ike I have nothing. I am not sure if you received my text about the medical receipt, I need something more to get reimbursed. Please help me by obtaining that do that I can turn into insurance.

6:51pm Amee:When nice so much more accomplished. Good of you to apology. I will be going back on the 25th and will see to retrieving further payment info. Wil l drive girls home shortly. I will not be coming in. Please send envelope and weeks pay out with E Girls and boys invited over tomorrow after your church.

7:00pm Andy:Ok

9:25pm Amee:E asked to sleep over with me. Letting you know Non home alone

06/02/13 2:33pm Andy:Wi ll be mowing lawn and may not catch phone if you try to reach me Amee: l ll bring them home Andy:Ok thanks

06/03/13 7:46am Andy: E has been invited to a graduation party on Thursday. They should be done at school around 1 1 . T mom will transport her from school to party. She has ballroom from 4-6 and is invited to go back and sleepover if you are ok with it. I will pick her up on Friday morning from house. Amee:Ok

1 8

Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

10:53am Andy:l will be picking up H from school today at 1 :30 for orthodontist appointment Amee:Got it

1:55pm Andy: ls your mom picking up E as normal Amee:lf you were going to spend any money on me from the kids for my birthday I could really just use money for a bathing suit. If your wil l ing to leave 1 00 now il l take the girls with me to get it and thank them/you. The elastic in mine disintegrated and I 'd l ike to enjoy swimming with them now rather than later. Thanks ! Amee:Yes she is

06/04/13 9:09am Amee:http :// Five_ Things_ You Can_Do_Right_Now_to_Protect_ Your _Kids.aspx

12 :55pm Andy:Amee, I asked you before to refrain from using the Parker's card for anything but fuel. You indicated that you understood and promised to no longer make mise purchases. I left you a check for $ 1 00 as requested yesterday for the girls to purchase you a birthday gift. I am acting in good faith and asking that you do the same. Amee: l am. Completely. Amee:Thank you Andy: Then what was the $5.07 purchase yesterday Amee:Emergent Tampons. I'm happy to comply Amee:Application mailed btw Andy:Good, I left a message for PJ and will try following up with him today Amee:Ok thank you:)

06/04/13 2 :45pm Andy:Piease check your email Amee:Don't respond. Ill handle. I'm not sure how it changes thi ngs if kids and I your family. Would you take out that relationship on us? Just wondering. Best to move forward

3 :15pm Andy: l did respond and then I thought to forward to you . I tried to do something nice by extending the invitation to he and Ryan for the girls showcase. I paid for your mom and George's tickets as a thank you for all they have done in helping transport the girls back and forth . My point is very simple, he is getting the impression from someone about this situation and I don't appreciate it. lan not sharing with people my perspective and if that is your and you are than that changes things.

1 9

Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

06/08/13 7:24am Amee:E good morning:) Grammie will pick up Fiesta Fresh lunches for you and H at 1 1 :00 then come to pick you up at 1 1 :30 and take you to VPAC. H you need to be.there at 1 0 so i l l come get you:) It's your special day girls ! Have a wonderful time! Andy: Did you send this to the girls as well . It looks l ike it was only sent to me. I can let them know if not Amee:l did. Just forwarded out of ease to not re text a book. Tks. And I am happy for you Andy:l can take H if you l ike. E and I were going to get snacks for the trip afterward and I was going to get your chicken. Amee:Ok Amee:Piease help the girls keep their weight down. Veggies, fruit, rotisserie chicken pulled apart, or pre made salads .. less boxed items. please. It really will make a difference. You too. Because I want everyone's health I hope you will receive it the way it's intended. Amee:Would you please pick up Nuevo prescription at Burke's before you leave and place in fridge. Tks

6:06pm Amee:E asked for you to bring her phone please

6:39pm Andy:Cannot find Andy:Found it

06/09/13 12:01am Andy:This evening did not go as planned. I did not get to do all the things I wanted to and the house is messy. I am sorry! Amee:l 'm not g iving you a hard time. No worries. Drive safe. I l l take care of it. Andy:Thanks, not a grat way to start Amee:FYI, E got her period tonight. I 'm telling you so if she takes longer at rest stops you have prior understanding

2:31pm Amee:How are u? Andy:Ok, about 1 5 min from NY border Amee:Ok. Amee:Ok.

4:47pm Andy:Arrived safely


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

06/10/13 4:52pm I sent a picture of S to Amee with his right arm in a cast and the following text:

Andy:Day one of vacation, S breaks his arm. Minor fracture in both bones close to wrist. Has a water proof cast for the next 4-5 weeks. Andy:Fell from climbing tree Amee:Jeez. Thank you got tel l ing me. Amee:For

06/11/13 10:17am Amee:FYI two trips to Coll iton Co re: Fuel want you to know so not surprised. Working on P D and ICE app. Hope your enjoying your time. Mom and I cleaning today. Amee:Aiso is the pool part in so George can help me repair pool? Andy:No, I have not been able to order part. Amee:ls it something George could order for us Andy:No, I will take care of it when I return home. I will order this week and make arrangements to have installed

12:32pm Amee:V glasses left on kit counter if your searching for them Andy:Thank you , I meant to leave them Amee:Why Andy:Only needs them for reading Amee:Ok well he should be reading while out of school too. Just a thought. Andy: I agree, just thought we would take a break Amee:Well with everyone there hopefully someone reads to him if he's not reading h imself:) Amee:Nice . . . Maggots in indoor trash. Reminds me of NJ. Fun times:/ Andy:Oops! Meant to empty the trash . Sorry, must be from chicken. Amee:Yup Amee:Talk to you later

06/12/13 8:09am Amee:Good morning. Would u forward Tim Santini 's number to me pis Andy:Sent requested contact info Amee:Have a good day Andy:You too

9:37am Amee:Cheryl said no payment called into Horup. Spoke with Chantal. Told her you probably forgot with travel. Pis call


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

10:50am Andy:Paid

4:13pm Amee:While claims made that cast water proof it is as best water resistant and water WILL cause it to smell horribly. Pis trust me. Water is not a casts friend. Shower, bath, pool . .. Not a good idea despite how labeled

06/15/13 7:52am Amee:Quite comical. I met a friend of yours last night who made a valiant effort to h it on me. His face priceless when he put the pieces together and realized I was Mrs. Andy Patrick. Amee:Or at least for now;) Amee:Hope your having fun . Working clinicals Thurs-Mon. Test Fri . Practical Sat

9:13am Amee:Q: Which of these do you use when marinating chicken

9 :53am Andy:Garlic powder, and any two of the other made for gril l ing chicken spices. Amee:Great

2:17pm Amee:FW: Moving Forward Moving Forward- Moving forward is a continual process of ups and downs. A bui lder of character and faith. It teaches us that where there's no valleys there can be no peaks. If there's no fai lure there can be no triumphs. Most of all it teaches us the will and purpose of God for our lives. As God shifts us we are to press towards, do not grow weary, and know that we can do ALL things through Christl So on today don 't back down from the challenges of life, but continue "Moving Forward" !

3:16pm Andy:That was inspirational

06/16/13 7:00am Amee:Happy Fathers Day!m

11:09am Andy:Thank you

06/18/13 9:52am Amee:Do you have any idea why XM radio is no longer working in Honda?


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

10:34am Andy:Subscription must have expired Amee:When u can take a moment would u update. Tk u

06/19/13 11:23am Amee:Leaving seared chicken/bacon rolls for sandwiches and salad upon your return in fridge Andy:Thank you

12:59pm Amee:lt's so fortunate your returning home! Saturdays practical exam is $ 1 50. Honestly not being able to test would have sucked! Would you leave cash or a check pis. Whatev u want. . Tks !

4:43pm Amee:You guys home? Andy:Not yet Amee:l 'm sure your ready

5:04pm Andy:2,390 miles, yes I am ready Amee:Sorry I couldn't leave a refrigerator full but tonight well taken care of Amee:Hope u had a good time. Glad your back

5:52pm Andy:House looks nice, thank you

06/20/13 6:59am Amee:Good morning, just to let you know 1 . I need to take the Honda to Island Tire for patch on tire this am. Will call from there. 2. Following I need to go to RTI to take written class exam & pay for Saturday's National Registry Practical exam. So if I can come by this am for 1 50 to pay for exam that'd be helpful . What is on your schedule for today? I can either come over to help the unpacking process when done or other. Let me know.

8:30am Andy:Ok, no need to help unpack, got it covered. What time do you anticipate stopping by. Need to go out this am and will leave a check for you. Amee:l l l be over 1 5 min. Are boys going to camp? I 'd l ike to get girls little later if ok. What is your schedule? Andy:Boys are not going to camp unless absolutely necessary. Cannot afford it. You can discuss with girls their plans, S spent the night. Not completely sure what their schedule is. I am just going to try and get organized after being away.

2 6

Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3


9:21am Andy:You even took my shaving cream, body lotion, mouthwash and Q-tips? Amee:Dude I have nothing. Amee:After 1 7 yrs, really? Amee:l l l bring it back :) Andy:Could you please, just extend the courtesy of letting me know so that when I get ready I have what I need. Don 't bother brining it back, just extend a little courtesy, especially if that is what you will be expecting from me. Even in a separation and pending divorce I am not going to be driving down a one way street. Amee:l did. The note is down stairs Amee:So much for your one way street. By the way how was the dinner I left for you? Amee: ; )

10:03am Andy: l thank you for the dinner, I am simply asking for some courtesy. The note you left did not indicate to me that you had taken the items for yourself. I thought you were letting me know what the needs were in the bathroom used by the girls. I am done now and no further need for discussion we still fail to understand each other. Amee:There were two Amee:Have a good day Andy:Have island tire check tail lights. Someone just called that was driving behind you to let me know. Amee:Got it

10:23am Amee:Nail removed, bulb out

1:39pm Andy:l can no longer afford your use of the cross island parkway. You used it a total of 1 1 7 times, compared to my use of 5 time during the same period of 5/07 - 06/08.

2:27pm Amee:l'm testing sti l l . Please refrain from issues when u know I need to think:) . Thanks for the courtesy Andy:Sorry, thought your test was tomorrow. Did not mean to interrupt. I know it's important

2:46pm Amee:Mentioned today in 0700 text:) Saturday practical.

4:11pm Amee:81 % m Andy:Congratulations! I know that probably is not good enough for you, but nobody will care what your score is except you .


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

5 :54pm Amee:Just getting back on island. Will study tn for Sat practical. But if girls avail and want to come over tm great. Amee:lf u and boys want to come too welcome

8 :1 2pm Andy: H is spending night tonight at S . you may want to try texting her see what her plans are for tomorrow. I am sure E and boys would l ike to spend time with you. I could use the time to get done things done. I have a meeting at 1 2:45 and was asking E to watch boys for an hour. Amee:Would you l ike E & boys by 1 2 :30 Amee:To bring* Andy: lf that works for you, I can pick the boys up at 2 :30 if that1s ok with you .

8 :32pm Amee:Ok

06/21/13 12 :20pm Amee:Do you need a pass Andy:No Andy:Thank you Amee:When is yours good they Amee:Thru Andy:George just renewed it Amee:Ok Amee:When you come back would you bring cash for my next week. I will be home studying thru to tm morning1s test time at 8:30 and will miss the banks. Thank you. Kids having fun : )

2 :01 pm Amee:Let me know your eta. Boys still in pool

2 : 1 5pm Andy:Going to bank now to get you cash

2:30pm Andy:Be there in 2 mn Amee:Ok. Can u take a minute to look at garbage disposal. Not working for some reason Andy:Ok


Text Transcript 05/08/13 - 06/27/13

4:25pm Andy:l have to be back in Columbia this next wed-Fri to take care of vetoes. I will be done for the most part after that. I am asking that you please plan to care for all 4 of our children during this time. I am hoping that because you will be finished with testing th is will not present a problem. Amee:l am not done. The National Registry test will be one day that week. Which day will be determined by online application after practical Sat. yes i will watch them but the boys will need to go to camp Andy:That will cost me $ 1 50 extra, which I really do not have. Amee: l 'm sorry. I need to complete and pass. In order to do this since my testing average is below the Nat'l pass rate it is absolutely going to require undecided attention. There's been enough upset to put my testing abilities far below my norm. This week critical.

5 :03p m Andy:Can we compromise? I f your test i s o n Wed o r thurs, send them to camp for only the days needed. Amee:Yes. Andy:Great, thank you

5 :58pm Andy:Did you by any chance take the garlic salt and other seasonings for chicken? Amee:Yes. Are you planning to make chicken. I can return tm Andy:Yes and I was making spaghetti tonight. If I had known I could have gotten more I have only been to store three times in last two days. Amee:l l l return tm

8 :43pm Andy:No need to return spices. I am at store. Amee:Ok Amee:5-6 hr clinicals. Will text when en route home if kids want to come over

06/22/1 3 1 2 :46pm Amee:Done :) Passed all:)

1 :1 3p m Andy :congratulations

06/23/1 3 7:24am Amee:Good morning. If u would l ike to bring the kids over from 1 1 :30-1 :30 pis do. can bring them home after

9 :45am Amee:Do u plan on bringing the kids over after church?


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

Andy:Did not go to church this morning, girls woke up not feeling well . Just got your message. I will bring them over, I have a meeting at church after the second service. Thanks! Amee:Great: ) Amee: . . lf you made some chicken would you share?! Andy:l have not yet made the chicken, but when I do I wi l l . I wi l l tell you that i t was a little frustrating to find my change dish empty again . I give you everything I have and you take more, I know you don't see it that way but that is the way it feels. Amee:l will be happy to return it to you . Maybe you can focus on how much less your doing for me a find happiness Amee:Or maybe not. Thank you for the use of your borrowed changed at a time when I needed it Andy:No need to return it, j ust know that I am already doing more than I am financially able to sustain . Still looking for a job. Amee:Best wishes

10:13am Amee:lf your in a mtg and can pick them up following good

1:28pm Andy:On my way to pick up kids Amee:Ok. Andy:Entering long cove now

06/24/13 8:18am Amee:Gram had wanted to take girls to see Jack. I can pick them up from house 1 1 :45 Andy:That should work. We need to run some errands this morning. Both girls need a schedule change at school. E needs a few things for her trip. And I need to try and get an appointment for H with orthodontist. Since we will be out I will just drop them off. Amee:Ok

9 :26am Amee:Send me a text when you have an appointment time for H We'll adjust schedule if needed for Gram/Jack. H will l ikely need an antibiotic

9 :47am Andy:H has appointment at 1 1 :20 in Bluffton. It should not take long and we wil l get everything else done prior to that. I will let you know.

11 :43am Amee:Andy i l l pick up girls from house. I 'm on north end Andy :Still at orthodontist Amee:Just text me once SW road Andy:K


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

Amee:Ok. I guess best u drop off as orig planned. Andy:K

12:14pm Andy:Leaving orthodontist, Bluffton office now Amee:Ok. At Moms

1:36pm Andy:You took the knife and tenderizer too ! Amee:Well i l l needed to tenderize. I l l give it to girls upon return Amee:Lol, You took my years! Haha. Andy: You took mine too ! ! ! Haha. Amee:No man I gave to you years. And you have me tears. Lol Amee:Not anymore;) Amee:My doctor apt as I told you is tomorrow. $350. Wil l drop off receipt. Andy:Will need a more detailed receipt for all visits . Please have them call me today. Cannot give you $350 for tomorrOW1S visit unless I have detailed receipt they can email me for submission to insurance. Amee:l cannot get that u ntil tm.

1:45pm Andy: I have been asking for more than 1 month now. I pay for insurance and don1t have an extra $350. Amee:l already told you this. Amee:lf you choose to not pay for my apt tm I will not be available for your trip away Wed thru Fri Andy:And I already told you . No receipt that I can use for insurance reimbursement, no more money. If you choose not to care for your children then fine. Amee:l told you Pd get receipt tomorrow Andy:Have doctors office call me today. Amee:l will get you receipt tomorrow Andy:l am not giving you $350 until I talk to the doctors office. Amee:They do not do that. Sorry. Amee:H IPPA Andy:You111 have to convince them. I have given you thousands of dollars for medical treatment. The $6,000 I gave you for Dr. Shelly never went to pay for that treatment. Have them call me today Amee:They would need me to sign at office. I cannot do that today Andy: l have talked to every doctor you have seen to make payment over the phone. H ave them call me today. Amee: lt doesn1t happen here that way

2 : 09pm Andy:lf I do not receive a receipt that can be submitted to insurance for reimbursement for all treatments I will have no other choice but to withhold all future weekly payments. You knew what I was asking for last time and you have dragged this out long enough. I


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

will enclose a check along with an agreement for our d ivorce. Please review and return. The exterminators will be here tomorrow morning at 8:30. You can pick it up at 9 :30. Amee:l wil l not sign anything Andy that is not fair and equitable. Andy: You can choose to do what ever you like it is both fair and equitable based on our current circumstances. Amee:lt will need to be based on future earnings since you have let most income dissolve during this time Andy:Cannot anticipate future earnings, get a job that is what I am trying to do. Amee:You cannot withhold future weekly payment. Andy: l cannot afford to j ust g ive you whatever you want when you want it. I have a limited income and have 5 kids to care for. Amee:ln laughing . After 1 7 yrs you also have a wife to pay for Amee:l 'm done. Going to spend time with girls Amee:Be over 9:30

4:1 7pm Andy: I am headed out shall I pick up girls? Amee:l am driving them home

06/25/1 3 9 : 16am Andy:Check is on Kitchen counter. I was unable to print agreement, will try to have it ready by the end of the week. Girls are home, I am taking boys to clean storage unit. Andy:Chlcken is in the frigde Amee:Why are u unable to print it. Email it then . Amee:l will not be picking up your check Andy:How are you going to get it? Amee:Email what you 've drawn up. That's it.

1 2 :53pm Amee:The boys will need to be at camp Wed-Fri. Pis ensure they are signed up. I both test Friday and have doc apt Fri

1 :30pm Andy:Congratulations! Your father has turned to Facebook in an attempt to "smear" me. He claims that I left you with 5 kids, what a joke. Andy:Apparently based on a text message you sent h im, fueling the fire. So much for your earlier statement about not communicating with him about this.

1 :46pm Amee: l know nothing about this Amee:But certainly have grounds to add to it if nee Amee:lf your leaving tomorrow I will need to know when. Also confirmation of boys to rec Andy:Who has grounds to add to it? I am leaving at 7:30 and am headed to rec center to sign them up.


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

2:14pm Andy: You texted him about "me serving you with Divorce papers"

2 :42pm Amee:That is what you told me to come over for at 9:30.

3 :58pm Andy:Piease ask your dad to cool it. We agreed that we would not do it l ike this and as far as I am concerned by allowing him to go public in the way he has chosen you have breached your part of the agreement. You are obviously talking to him and if you don 't think that by tarnishing my public image he is affecting my ability to earn a living you are wrong. How am i suppose to care for anyone financially if I can't get a job and with the s he is saying it could make it d ifficult. You deal with it, or I will have to. The boys are registered for camp. Amee:Need $40 for wound care for my back's skin sores that are not healing. Please leave envelope in mailbox so I can go to pharmacy Amee:l have breeched nothing. He does what he does separate. from me Andy:Bulls . How dare you let h im go l ike this th inking I have thrown you out with 5 child ren to care for and no money. And then you ask for more money. You are fuel ing his flame now take care of it. Amee:lf you can't take care of would care I cannot help u out tm Andy:You take care of your father and have him retract what he said on Facebook and there will be an envelope with $40 in the mai lbox. Andy : I 'm done take care of it Amee:Dads giving me 40 for medical Amee:l will not be helping you tm . Andy:Great! Amee::) Andy: l 'll be taking all the kids with me then Amee:Bc u use the girls to bb sit Amee:E is due to go to G thurs Amee:So she can't go Andy : l ' ll bring her back Amee: l have her mtg Tanya Thursday. Ill keep her with me

4 : 1 9pm Andy: I 'll bring her back, Craig is picking her up I talked with him today. Amee:Why don't u ask her if she'd l ike to stay


Text Transcript 05/08/1 3 - 06/27/1 3

On 07/05 Amee removed the following property from the residence:

Queen size mattress and box spring (H 's Room) 36" flat screen TV (Master Bed Room) N ight Stand (Master Bed Room) Sofa Table (Dining Room) End Table (Family Room) Green Clothe Chair and Ottoman (Family Room) Various Pictures, Art Work and two lamps (Family Room) Mirror (1 st floor hallway) Lamp (Master Bedroom)


November 26, 2013

I am calling on the South Carolina GOP Leadership to do an audit of the Andrew S . Patrick campaign account. (Original Post)

Michael J. Stefonick Some may ask why? He is my son in law and owes me $170,000.00 that needs to be found. Dollar trail needed. (5:46pm)

Michael J. Stefonick Whom is owed money by Mr. Patrick? My daughters cell phone VM is filled by those owing the family money. Call Andy Patrick if you are owed money. Leave my daughter Amee alone. Lets bring in the big boys, the Peds. That should work. Andy leave town and do not come back. My family will be ok without you and your lying friends . Truth prevails . Don't try to bmmw any more money from my x wife Ruth to s ave you ass from ? . She now knows the truth. (6:24pm)

Michael J. Stefonick S happens sometime in life. Time to flush it away. (6:43pm)

This is what my son in law, state Rep Andrew S Patrick give to his wife Amee ( My Daughter) for a Thanksgiving day greeting this morning. Such class . (Original Post Includes photo of Court Document)

November 25, 2013

Been very busy helping my daughter and 4 grand kids rebuilding their lives . I'm suppose to be retired;-) life is all about helping others , or should be;-) Happy Thanksgiving Facebook friends . I sure am thankful. (Original Post)

Michael J. Stefonick It appears that her husband has lost his mind. He just served her and wants 3 things . Remove her from the Defendants rental home in which he never paid any rent, 2. custody of the 4 children and 3 . Pay for his legal fee's .The home is up for foreclosure so that is no problem. She now has a very nice 3 bedroom condo for she and the kids to move into. Would someone please pony up and run against state Rep Andrew Patrick for Hilton Head Island. (9:19am, Novem�er 26, 2013)

November 19, 2013

What would Vice President Cheney think of his formal personal Security Guard and now elected State Rep for Hilton Head Island, SC told his daughter that he will not support his wife finically unless the courts ordered it. Is there a con-elation between he and the disgraced SS agent booted by President Obama.? To my friends on Hilton Head Island you have no idea who you have elected. Is it personal . Yes . My family is suffering. My bank account is suffering. My grand children are suffering. Next to come is a video. Dirt bags need to go, The supporting of his attorneys need to go. They gave my money intended to provide for a down payment to a home on Spanish Wells on Hilton Head Island is now gone. Am I p yes . I don't life theft, fraud, deceit. Lies will be told but know body will ever believe his lies . His law frm gave him

November 10, 2013

Will be helping my daughter this morning by working on my condo she will be living in once divorced. It needs paint and new carpet. The good news is she and the 4 kids will have a debt free 3 bedroom condo to live in . Now all she needs is a job. (Original Post)

November 9, 2013

There is something foreboding in this photo. My son in law, state Rep in Hilton Head Island, SC attacking my daughter Amee who he is now divorcing. Photo's are staged but is there a hidden meaning? Amee is destitute and I am sueing his attorney who give him my $ 170,000.00 in the law firms escrow account to help them buy another home. The money is gone and my son in low is moving on to higher political positions. Where is the justice. Hilton Head deserves better. I will and can take his place. Nikkie do an audit of his campain funds . (Original Post)

August 22, 2013

My law suit against one of my former attorneys Mr. Deeb will be moving forward at a faster clip. Discovery phase under way. It is in the Beaufort County Public Record. (Original Post)

Michael J. Stefanick The Dots are connecting. 22 at 10 :29am

July 21, 2013

My incredible daughter Amee training on Hilton Head Island. (Original Post)

Michael J. Stefanick She is in a remake over. Remember she like most women like change. She is getting even more secure since her life is now needed to be adjusted.

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Michael J. Stefanick By the way James I am watching the movie on my iPad. 2 1 at

Michael J . Stefanick No bounds when committed. 2 1 at

Michael J. Stefanick Her husband is walking away. People will not forgive him and God will not allow him access . 2 1 at

Michael J . Stefanick Would anyone like to see her take his place in leadership in SC. I know I would and will . 2 1 at

July 15, 2013

I'm watching my daughter Amee snap back from a terrible divorce. She is an inspiration. Starting a new business takes her mind off what she has endured. The lows get replaced with higher highs . Go Amee Go. Today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than today because you will make it that way. (Original Post)

July 6, 2013

We all have had rough patches along our journey. It causes us to look back in time and appreciate all the good times and success we enjoyed. The obstacles we encounter can be dealt with if we just focus on where we really want to be. There lies the question, where do you want to be? (Original Post)

Michael J. Stefanick Right now my concern is for my daughter who is being treated with total disrespect by her husband. He cut off all funds for Doctors, Prescriptions and even food. She knows I have her back. For Gods sake know who you are marrying.

6 at ! 0:3 1 am

June 24, 2013

Any one on Hilton Head Island want to run for SC state house? It will be a shoe in:-) Change is needed. (Original Post)

Well i was having a nice dinner when my cell phone text me. Dad Andy is serving me with divorce papers tomorrow at 9 AM. I said honey you are better off. Never trust a freaking Politician. Look at all those who have left their supportive wives . S anford look alike wannabes never last long. Hilton Head Island will survive. You are a respected member of the community that loves you. We will talk tomorrow. God Bless Amee Patrick. (Original Post)