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Android TechnologyDay Three

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Agenda• Options Menu• Notifications• Designing and Creating Notifications• Shared Preferences• Preference Screens• Media Player

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Agenda• Animation in Android• Tween Animations• Alpha• Scale• Translate• Rotate• Cross Fading Animations• Card Flip Animations

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Options Menu• Above v-2.3 they are shown in Navigation

drawer• Override onCreateOptionsMenu() method to

define your custom menu

Below – V-2.3

Above – V-2.3

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Notifications• Notification is a message that you can

display outside your application UI

• User can expand the notification bar and trigger another activity by clicking on notification.




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Designing Notifications

Source –

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Creating a Notification1. We design our notification with NotificationCompat.Builder


2. Defining the action of notification with PendingIntent

3. Firing the notification with NotificationManager

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Preferences Screen (Easy Way)• Used to save key-value pairs of primitive data types

SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext());

String myNameIs = settings.getString("name", "");

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Shared Preferences (Default Way)

– Saving SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(“details", MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putString(“name", “Whatever”); editor.commit();

– Retreiving SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences("details", MODE_PRIVATE);

String myNameIs = settings.getString(“name", “No name found”);

• You should ask, where should we use this?

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Media Player and Sound Pool• MediaPlayer class can be used

to control playback of audio/video files and streams.

• Use SoundPool when you have media files of very small duration.

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Animations• Android’s Animation Framework provides two types of animations.

• Frame animation• Tween animation

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Frame Animation• An XML based animation that shows a series of

images in order at regular intervals (like a film)

• Steps:

1. Create an XML file inside drawable folder2. Copy all the images inside the drawable folder

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Frame Animation XML Code<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><animation-list xmlns:android="" android:oneshot="false"> <item android:drawable="@drawable/jump1" android:duration="120"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/jump2" android:duration="120"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/jump3" android:duration="120"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/jump4" android:duration="120"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/jump5" android:duration="120"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/jump6" android:duration="120"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/jump7" android:duration="120"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/jump8" android:duration="120"/>


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Tween Animation• An XML based animation that performs transitions such as:

– Rotating– Fading– Moving– Stretching

• Multiple transitions can be performed by using the <set> tag.• <set> is a container of other animations

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FadingImportant attributes:

• android:fromAlpha• android:toAlpha

• Here Alpha represents Opacity of the object whose value can lie:

0.0 < alpha <1.0

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Scaling• Animations to resize the objects.

android:pivotX -The X coordinate to remain fixed when the object is - The Y coordinate to remain fixed when the object is - Starting X size offset, where 1.0 is no - Ending X size offset, where 1.0 is no - Starting Y size offset, where 1.0 is no - Ending Y size offset, where 1.0 is no change.

All values are provided in Float.

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Moving• A vertical and/or horizontal motion. • Supports the following attributes in any of the following three formats:

– values from -100 to 100 ending with "%", indicating a percentage relative to itself; – values from -100 to 100 ending in "%p", indicating a percentage relative to its parent; – a float value with no suffix, indicating an absolute value.

android:fromXDelta -Starting X Offsetandroid:fromYDelta - Starting Y Offset android:toXDelta - Ending X Offset android:toYDelta - Ending Y Offset

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Rotating• Rotating the graphic in clock or anti-clockwise direction

• pivotX and pivotY are the center point of rotation.

android:fromDegrees -Starting Angular Positionandroid:toDegrees - Ending Angular Positionandroid:pivotX -The X coordinate of the center of - The Y coordinate of the center of rotation.

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Set• With <set> you can execute multiple animation simultaneously or in series.

• Nesting of animations<set …> <scale …. /> <set …> <scale …./> <rotate…./> </set></set>

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Interpolators• Interpolators allows your existing animation effects to be accelerated, decelerated,

repeated, bounced, etc. by using the android:interpolator attribute.

• Sample:

<set android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_interpolator"> ...</set>

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