Page 1: and the guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins Golx and G,2a following

Biochem. J. (1995) 306, 525-530 (Printed in Great Britain)

Analysis of the relative interactions between the x2ClO adrenoceptorand the guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins Golx and G,2a followingco-expression of these polypeptides in Rat 1 fibroblastsMorag A. GRASSIE and Graeme MILLIGAN*Molecular Pharmacology Group, Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ,Scotland, U.K.

Rat 1 fibroblasts which had been transfected to express thehuman a2C10 adrenoceptor (clone 1C) were further co-

transfected with a plasmid containing the hygromycin-B-resistance gene and a plasmid containing a cDNA encoding thea-subunit of the rat pertussis-toxin-sensitive G-protein Gol. Inclone 3 the receptor was expressed at some 2.2 pmol/mg ofmembrane protein, and Gola at approx. 100 pmol/mg of mem-brane protein. The interaction of these two polypeptides andthat between the receptor and Gi2a (endogenously expressed atsome 50 pmol/mg of membrane protein) were studied. Agonistactivation of Gola was observed in membranes of thea2CIO-adrenoceptor+-Gola cells (clone 3), but not in ce2C10-adrenoceptor+-Goa- cells (clone 1C), whereas similar agonist-


The family of a2 adrenoceptors represents the prototypicexample of receptors which mediate inhibition of adenylatecyclase via agonist-mediated stimulation of one or more membersof the family of pertussis-toxin-sensitive G-proteins [1]. Thisfunction is transduced, at least in both platelets [2] and NG108-15 neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells [3], by G12. However, a2adrenoceptors are also able to regulate the activity of a numberof other effectors. In a variety of circumstances z2-adrenoceptoragonists are able to inhibit Ca2+ currents [4], and, at least insituations in which a2 adenoceptors have been expressed hetero-logously, reports of the regulation of K+-channel flux [5], ofstimulation of each of adenylate cyclase [6], of phospholipases ofeach of the A2 [7], C [8] and D [9] classes and of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade [10], have been recorded.As fast inhibition of ICa by a2 adrenoceptors is probably theresult of a direct action of activated G a subunits on N-type Ca2+channels both in neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells [11] and inrat sympathetic neurons [12], this pathway may represent themechanism by which presynaptic a-adrenoceptors inhibit neuro-

transmitter release, and may reflect a more important function inthe central nervous system than agonist-mediated inhibition ofadenylate cyclase.The potential interactions of a2 adrenoceptors with G. have

been examined in a number of systems, with somewhat varyingresults. For example, in reconstitution assays Kurose et al. [13],while noting high-affinity interactions of the a2A receptor withG13 and G12, were unable to record a stable interaction of this

dependent activation of G12ac was observed in both cell types.ac2ClO-adrenoceptor activation of Gola and G12a in clone-3membranes was produced with similar agonist-dose-effectcurves. These observations indicate that the receptor interactswith equivalent affinity with each of these G-proteins. Agonist-dependent cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation ofGola was terminated when the a2-adrenoceptor antagonistyohimbine was added subsequent to agonist-induced initiationof the reaction and release of GDP, demonstrating the confor-mational requirement for this reaction to be the ternary complexof agonist-occupied receptor and guanine-nucleotide-denudedG-protein.

receptor with GO' whereas using a co-immunoprecipitationapproach Okuma and Reisine [14] found a strong physicalinteraction between this receptor and Go. Furthermore, Coupryet al. [15] have provided evidence for a selective coupling betweenthe a2C receptor and Go.To study more fully potential interactions between a2 adreno-

ceptors and Go, and the relative affinity of this interaction incomparison with that between the receptor and Gj2, in this studywe have isolated clones of Rat 1 fibroblasts dually transfected toexpress both the a2C10 (pharmacologically defined as the a2A)adrenoceptor and the Gola splice variant. We demonstrateeffective and functional coupling between these two proteins inmembranes of these cells, and also that functional interactionsbetween the receptor and the G-protein (G12) which allows a2-adrenoceptor-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase in thesecells [16] is not disrupted by co-expression of GolIa. These resultsfurther indicate that a single x2-adrenoceptor subtype populationcan concurrently activate both of these G-proteins, a hypothesisoriginally suggested by the ability of an a2-adrenoceptor agonistto mediate both inhibition of adenylate cyclase and inhibition ofCa2+ currents in NG108-15 cells [4].



All reagents for tissue culture were from GIBCO/BRL.[3H]Yohimbine was purchased from Amersham International.Hygromycin B and cholera toxin were from Sigma.

Abbreviation used: NP40, Nonidet P40.* To whom correspondence should be addressed.


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CellsThe generation of clone-IC cells (Rat I cells expressing thea2C0 adrenoceptor) has previously been described in detail [17].Briefly this involved transfection of Rat 1 fibroblasts, usingcalcium phosphate precipitation, with genomic DNA encodingthe human a2ClO adrenoceptor [18] subcloned into the mam-malian expression vector pDOL. Further clones, including clone3, which is analysed in this study, were generated from clone-ICcells by co-transfection in a 10:1 ratio of a cDNA encoding ratGolIa in the mammalian expression vector pcEXV-3 [19] and theplasmid pBABE hygro, which is able to direct expression of thehygromycin-B-resistance marker, by using DOTAP (BoehringerMannheim) according to the manufacturers' instructions. Aftertransfection the cells were maintained in medium containinghygromycin B (200 ,ug/ml) for 7 days, at which point individualcolonies were selected and subsequently expanded. Cells weregrown in Dulbecco's modification of Eagle's medium supple-mented with 5 %O newborn-calf serum, penicillin (100 units/ml)and streptomycin (100 ,ug/ml) in 5 % CO2 at 37 'C. Membranesfrom the cells were prepared by homogenization with a Teflon/glass homogenizer and differential centrifugation as described fora variety of cells [20]. Membranes from a number of independentclones isolated from such transfections were analysed for theexpression of both the a2C 10 adrenoceptor and Go 1 c (results notshown).

Immunological studiesThe generation of antisera SG1 [21], ONI and OC1 [22] has beendescribed previously.

Immunoblotting studiesAfter SDS/PAGE, proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose(Costar) and blocked for 2 h in 500 gelatin in PBS, pH 7.5.Primary antisera were added in 1% gelatin in PBS containing0.2 `% Nonidet P40 (NP40) and incubated for at least 2 h. Theprimary antiserum was then removed and the blot washedextensively with PBS containing 0.2 % NP40. Secondary anti-serum (donkey anti-rabbit IgG coupled to horseradish per-oxidase) (Scottish Antibody Production Unit, Wishaw, Scotland,U.K.) was added (1: 200 dilution in 1 % gelatin in PBS containing0.2 °,' NP40) and incubated with the nitrocellulose for 2 h. Theantiserum was then removed and, after extensive washing of theblot with PBS containing 0.2% NP40, and finally with PBSalone, the blot was developed by using o-dianisidine hydro-chloride (Sigma) as the substrate for horseradish peroxidase aspreviously described [23]. Relative quantification ofimmunoblotswas performed with a Bio-Rad model GS-670 imaging den-sitometer. Quantification of membrane levels of Gola in clone 3cells was performed by quantitative immunoblotting, employingstandard curves constructed with various amounts of purifiedSf'9-cell-expressed GolIa following infection with a recombinantbaculovirus (kindly given by Dr. M. Freissmuth, Department ofPharmacology, University ofVienna, Austria). This recombinantprotein was also used to determine levels of in a preparationof rat brain cortex, and this preparation was then used routinelyin subsequent standardizations. A similar strategy was used toquantify levels of Gj2cx in these cells.

Immunoprecipitation studies

Membranes were suspended in 200,u of 1 % (w/v) SDS con-taining protease inhibitors (0.5 mM phenylmethanesulphonyl

quently 800 ,ul of ice-cold buffer 1 [1.25 % (w/v) Triton X-100,190 mM NaCl, 6 mM EDTA, 50 mM Tris/HCl, pH 7.5] plusprotease inhibitors was added. After 1 h at 4 °C, non-solubilizedmaterial was removed by centrifugation (14000g, 10 min at4 °C). Immunoprecipitation was achieved by addition of between5 and 10 ,ul of the relevant antiserum and incubation for 12 h at4 'C. Subsequently, 50,u1 of Pansorbin (25,l of packed gel)(Calbiochem) was added and the incubation continued for a

further 3 h with occasional mixing. Immuno-complexes were

collected by centrifugation (14000 g, 3 min, 4 °C). These pelletswere washed with 3 x 1 ml of a buffer consisting of a 4: 1 mixtureof buffer 1 and 1 % (w/v) SDS, and once subsequently with50 mM Tris/HCl, pH 6.8. The final pellets were resuspended inLaemmli sample buffer and replaced in a boiling-water bath for5 minutes. Samples were then centrifuged (14000 g, 3 min) andthe supernatant then resolved by SDS/PAGE [10%/ (w/v acryl-amide] at 60 V. Gels were stained with Coomassie Blue, destained,dried and then autoradiographed using Kodak X-O-Mat X-rayfilm and intensifying screens, or were exposed to a phosphorstorage plate and developed with a FUJIX Bio-imaging analyser.

Cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation[32P]ADP-ribosylation of membranes of cells of clones IC and 3was performed in the absence of added guanine nucleotidebasically as in [17]. However, in the immunoprecipitation assays

sodium phosphate, pH 7.0, replaced potassium phosphate,pH 7.0, as difficulties were encountered with the immuno-precipitation protocols in the presence of high concentrations ofK+ ions, due to the relative insolubility of the potassium salt ofSDS. Further additions to the assays were as detailed in the text.Dried gels were autoradiographed for up to 14 days by usingKodak X-O-Mat X-ray film or were exposed overnight on a

Canberra Packard Instant Imager model 2024.

Binding experimentsThese were performed at 30 'C for 30 min in buffer B (10 mMTris/HCl, 50 mM sucrose, 20 mM MgCl2, pH 7.5). In saturationexperiments using [3H]yohimbine, the concentration of ligandwas varied between 0.5 and 20 nM. Non-specific binding was

defined in all cases by parallel assays containing 100,Midozoxan. Non-specific binding increased with 3H-ligand con-

centration in a linear manner. Binding experiments were ter-minated by rapid filtration through Whatman GF/C filters,followed by washing the filter with 3 x 5 ml of ice-cold buffer B.

Curve fitting and data analysisThese were performed by using the Kaleidograph curve-fittingpackage driven by an Apple Macintosh computer.

RESULTSCells of Rat 1 fibroblasts which had been transfected to expressthe human a2C1O adrenoceptor (clone IC) [17] were furthertransfected with a 1:10 ratio of the plasmids pBABE hygro,which expresses the product of the hygromycin-B-resistancegene, and pcEXV-3, into which a cDNA encoding the rat G.lasplice variant had been ligated [19]. Clones which displayedresistance to hygromycin B (200 jig/ml) were selected, expandedand tested for maintained expression of the a2C 10 adrenoceptorand novel expression of G. la. A number of clones co-expressingthese proteins were recorded (results not shown), and clone 3 was

fluoride and 0.15 ,uM aprotinin) and boiled for 4 min. Subse- selected for detailed study. This clone expressed 2.23 + 0.23 pmol

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Interaction of the X2C10 adrenoceptor with G02 and Gol 527

3 -

a)T) 2 -



C 1


(kDa)12588 -65 -56

38 -35



G a45



500 1000 1500 2000[3H]Yohimbine bound

(fmol/mg of membrane protein)


m- - - I Gol(x

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10






t0 -



0*0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5

Clone-3 membranes (pg of protein)

Figure 1 Analysis of levels of the a2C10 adrenoceptor and Go1l inmembranes of clone-3 cells

(a) Quantification of levels of the x2C1O adrenoceptor in clone-3 membranes. Membranes ofclone-3 cells were analysed for the presence of an x2 adrenoceptor in saturation assays usingdifferent concentrations of [3H]yohimbine as described in the Materials and methods section.Data from a representative experiment are presented as a Scatchard plot for visual examination,but all quantitative data were calculated by using a non-linear least-squares curve-fitlingprogram as described in the Materials and methods section. In the example displayed,Bmax = 2.2 pmol/mg of membrane protein and the Kd for [3H]yohimbine was 3.6 nM. (b) and(c) Quantification of Go1l levels. Amounts of Gox in a stock membrane preparation preparedfrom rat cortex were assessed by quantitative immunobloting of these membranes againstdifferent amounts of Gola purified from Sf9 cells infected with a recombinant baculovirusexpressing this polypeptide and calculated to be 3.44 ng/,ug of membrane protein (85 pmol/mgof membrane protein) (results not shown). Immunoblotting various amounts of this membranepreparation (b) [lanes 1-6: 1 = 0, 2 = 5/tg (17.2 ng of Gol), 3 = 7.5 ug (25.8 ng),4 = 10 jig (34.4 ng), 5 = 12.5 /ig (43.6 ng), 6 = 15 t (51.6 ng)] of this membranepreparation in parallel with various amounts of membrane from clone-3 cells (lanes 7-10:7 = 5 jig, 8 = 7.5 ug, 9 = 10 jig, 10 = 12.5 pg) and construction of standard curves fromsuch immunoblots (c) allowed estimation of levels of Gola in clone-3 membranes. Analysisof such immunoblots demonstrated that clone 3 expresses 94.3+13.2 pmol of Go1x/mgof membrane protein (mean + S.E.M., n = 3).

(a) (b)

1 2 1 2


1 2

Figure 2 Cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation of G-proteins inmembranes of clones of Rat 1 fibroblasts: effect of agonist

Membranes (60 /tg) of (a) Rat 1 fibroblasts, (b) clone 1C or (c) clone 3 were incubated with[32P]NAD+ and thiol-activated cholera toxin in the absence of guanine nucleotides and in theabsence (1) or presence (2) of UK 14304 (10 uM) for 2 h as described in the Materials andmethods section. Samples were precipitated, resolved by SDS/PAGE (10% acrylamide) andsubsequently exposed to a phosphor storage plate and developed.

(per mg ofmembrane protein) ofthe a2C10 adrenoceptor (FigureI a), which bound the a2-adrenoceptor antagonist [3H]yohimbinewith high affinity (Kd 2.8+0.5 nM) and 94.3+13.2 pmolof G la/mg of membrane protein (Figures lb and Ic)(means+S.E.M., n = 3 in each case).To assess the possible physical interactions of the a2C10

adrenoceptor with pertussis-toxin-sensitive G-proteins in clone-3 cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation was performedon membranes of clone 3 cells, clone IC cells and parentaluntransfected Rat 1 cells in the absence of guanine nucleotidesand in the presence and absence of the selective a2-adrenoceptoragonist UK 14304 (10 M). Resolution of membrane proteinsfrom each cell type by SDS/PAGE (10 °o acrylamide) andsubsequent autoradiography after such treatment led to theincorporation of radioactivity into the 45 and 42 kDa splicevariants of G.a (Gsa45 and GSA42) in both the absence andpresence ofUK 14304 in all three membrane preparations (Figure2). It is unclear why less labelling of the G,cx isoforms wasobtained in the parental Rat 1 fibroblast membranes in theseexperiments, as immunoblotting studies with a GQx-specificantiserum demonstrated similar amounts of these polypeptidesin each cell line (results not shown). In both clone-IC and clone-3 membranes, but not in membranes of Rat 1 cells, there wasalso incorporation of radioactivity into an apparently singleband of some 40 kDa primarily when the experiments wereperformed in the presence of the receptor agonist (Figure 2), asnoted previously for clone IC [17]. Incorporation of radioactivityinto this 40 kDa polypeptide was greater in membranes of clone3 than in clone IC. Such data define the interaction of theagonist-occupied ac2C 10 adrenoceptor with a 'Gi-type' G-protein(s) [17]; however, as the subtypes of Gia and Golaessentially co-migrate in such gels, this does not allow dis-crimination between interactions of the receptor with Gola andwith other Gi-like G-proteins expressed endogenously. To ex-plore in detail the molecular identity of the pertussis-toxin-sensitive G-protein(s) activated by the a2C10 adrenoceptor inthese clones, we performed cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation of membranes of both clone 1C and clone 3 in theabsence and presence of UK14304, and subsequently immuno-precipitated these samples with antisera which identify Gi2c(antiserum SG) or Go lcx (antiserum ON). SDS/PAGE andautoradiography of these immunoprecipitates demonstratedUK14304-stimulated incorporation of radioactivity into Gja inboth clone I C and clone 3 and also incorporation of radioactivity

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!... 1C 1C 3 3 1C 1C 3 3W..-+ - + - + - +

Gi2a G.la10




Clone ... 1C 1C 3 3 1C AC 3 3UK14304... + + + +

Gi2a Golla

Figure 3 Immunoprecipitation and quantitative analysis of agonist-induced cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation of GP2 and Go1cin membranes from clones of Rat 1 fibroblasts

Cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation was performed in the absence of guaninenucleotides and in the absence or presence of UK14304 (10 ,M) on membranes (60 ucg) ofclone-1C and clone-3 cells as described in the Materials and methods section. Subsequentlysamples were immunoprecipitated with either the anti-Gi2a antiserum SG or the anti-Gxosantiserum ON. Immunoprecipitates were resolved by SDS/PAGE (10% acrylamide), dried, andeither autoradiographed (a) or radioactivity was detected over a 1 7 h period by electron captureand quantified by using a Canberra Packard Instant Imager model 2024 (b) as described inthe Materials and methods section. Data are displayed from a representative experiment.

into Golla in clone 3, but not in clone IC (Figures 3a and 3b). Asmall degree of cholera-toxin-catalysed incorporation of radio-activity into Go la in membranes ofclone-3 cells was also recordedin the absence of UK 14304 (Figure 3). Immunoprecipitation ofsuch experiments with a G,ca-specific antiserum (CS) confirmedthat the 45 and 42 kDa polypeptides radiolabelled by cholera-toxin treatment in both the absence and presence of UK14304were indeed isoforms of Gsa (results not shown).To assess whether it was necessary to maintain a ternary

complex of agonist, receptor and G-protein to allow pertussis-toxin-sensitive G-proteins to act as substrates for cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation, or whether once agonist-induced GDP release had been achieved agonist would no longerbe required, we incubated membranes of clone-3 cells withUK 14304 (1 00 nM), cholera toxin and [32P]NAD+ for 1O minand then added the a2-antagonist yohimbine (10,uM) to half ofthe assays to displace UK14304 from the ligand-binding site.Immunoprecipitations of Gola were subsequently performed atvarious times. Addition of yohimbine to the assays preventedfurther cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation of thisG-protein (Figure 4), demonstrating that the true substrate forthe reaction is the guanine-nucleotide-denuded G-protein a

subunit in a ternary complex with receptor and agonist.


e 1000

_ 0

CLv 500 uo

0. /

0 20 40 60 80Time (min)

Figure 4 UK14304-stimulated cholera-toxin-catalysed [32PJADP-ribosyl-ation of G,1 in membranes of clone-3 cells: effect of antagonist

Cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation was performed in the absence of guaninenucleotides on membranes (60 ,ug) of clone-3 cells as described in the Materials and methodssection. UK14304 (100 nM) was added to all samples at t= 0. At t= 10 min the a2antagonist yohimbine (10 uM) (a) or vehicle (0) was added, and the incorporation of[32P]ADP-ribose into Gola subsequently determined by specific immunoprecipitation, SDS/PAGE and exposure of the gel to a phosphor storage plate. The data displayed are taken fromone experiment which was representative of five experiments performed on separate membranepreparations.

c0 120


x 60E~~~~~~~M 40


o CON 10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4o lUK143041 (M)

Figure 5 Dose-effect curves for UK14304-stimulated cholera-toxin-catalysed [32PJADP-ribosylation of G2P and Go1lc in membranes ofclone-3 cells

Cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation was performed in the absence of guaninenucleotides and in the presence of various concentrations of UK14304 (CON, control), asdescribed in the Materials and methods section, on membranes (60 ug) of clone-3 cells. Thesereaction mixtures were subsequently immunoprecipitated as described in the legend to Figure3, with either antiserum SG (G22a; *) or ON (Gola; 0). Data are displayed as radioactivityincorporated into each G-protein in response to UK14304, as a percentage of the incorporationof [32P]ADP-ribose in the presence of 10 ,uM UK14304, and represent mean values + S.E.M.from four independent experiments performed on different preparations of membranes of clone-3 cells. Lines are computer-generated best-fit analyses using the Kaleidograph curve-fittingpackage.

Analysis of dose-effect curves for the stimulation of cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation of G.lIa by UK14304in membranes of clone-3 cells indicated an EC50 for UK 14304 of34+7 nM (mean+S.E.M., n = 4) (Figure 5), and the measuredEC50 for UK14304 stimulation of incorporation of radiolabelinto Gi2ax (22+6 nM; mean+S.E.M., n = 4) was similar(Figure 5).


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Interaction of the x2Cl 0 adrenoceptor with Gj2 and Gol 529

Table 1 Effect of sustained exposure of clone-3 cells to UK14034 onmembrane-associated levels of G-protein a-subunitsClone-3 cells were exposed to UK14304 (10 uM) for 16 h. Membranes were prepared, and therelative levels of each of a combination of Gqc/G11, of Gi2a and of Gola were measured byimmunoblotting with selective antisera as described in the Materials and methods section. Dataare presented as means+ S.E.M. (n = 3 from individual membrane preparations).

Levels in membranes of UK14304-treated cellsG-protein a subunit (% of that in untreated cells)






, .


95+ 529 + 435 +19

CON i0-9 10-7 10-5[UK143041 (M)

Figure 6 Dose-effect curvesG1O and V2a in clone-3 cells

for UK14304-induced down-regulation of

Clone-3 cells in tissue culture were treated with various concentrations of UK14304 (CON,control) for 16 h; the cells were than harvested and membranes prepared. Quantitative analysisof the relative levels of both G,2x (i) and Gola (0) was performed on individualimmunoblots derived from four separate membrane preparations. Results are presented asmeans+S.E.M., with the lines representing computer-analysed best fit as described inFigure 5.

In many circumstances, sustained exposure of cells expressinga G-protein-coupled receptor to agonist at that receptor resultsin a selective down-regulation of the a subunit of the G-protein(s)activated by the receptor [24]. After exposure of clone-3 cells toUK14304, a marked down-regulation of both Gola and Gi2awas observed (Table 1), whereas membrane-associated levels ofeach of a combination of Gqa+ Gila (Table 1) and Gsa (resultsnot shown) were unaltered by such treatment. Dose-effect curves

for UK14304-mediated down-regulation of both Gola(176+67 nM; mean+S.E.M., n = 4) and Gi2a (58+40 nM;mean+ S.E.M., n = 4) (Figure 6) were similar to each other,although occurring at somewhat higher concentrations thanthose recorded for agonist-induced cholera-toxin-catalysed[32P]ADP-ribosylation.

DISCUSSIONa2 adrenoceptors are classically defined in terms of second-messenger regulation as inhibitors of adenylate cyclase. For boththe ax2A (molecularly defined as the ax2C10) adrenoceptor ofhuman platelets [2] and the a2B adrenoceptor of neuro-

blastoma x glioma hybrid cells [3], this effector function has been

demonstrated to result from a selective activation of the G-protein Gi2. However, it is clear that, in a number of othersystems, expression of an a2 adrenoceptor can result in theactivation of multiple G-proteins and effector cascades. Forexample, in both Rat 1 fibroblasts and CHO cells transfected toexpress the a2C1O adrenoceptor, agonist activation of both G,2and Gi3 has been recorded [17,25], whereas after transfection ofthis receptor into LLC-PKl-O cells a more complex pattern hasbeen reported, with the receptor appearing to be able to interactwith each of Gil, Gi2, G13 and G. [14].The question of potential interactions of ct2 adrenoceptors

with Go is of particular interest, as a2 adrenoceptors in thecentral nervous system are known to be able to inhibit fluxthrough N-type Ca2l channels, and receptor regulation of thesechannels has been established to be mediated via the individualsplice-variant subtypes of Go [26]. Furthermore, regulation ofsuch ionic conductance may be a more significant function in thecentral nervous system than inhibition of adenylate cyclase.Although the potential interaction of a2 adrenoceptors withmultiple G-proteins has been noted above, there is little in-formation on the relative selectivity ofinteractions ofthe receptorwith various G-proteins in a membrane or whole cell. We havetherefore examined the interactions of the ac2C10 adrenoceptorwith GolIa and compared this with the interaction of the receptorwith Gi2a after construction of a Rat 1 fibroblast cell lineexpressing each of these polypeptides.To assess the relative interactions of the a2C10 adrenoceptor

with Golox and G,2a, we performed cholera-toxin-catalysed[32P]ADP-ribosylation on membranes of both clone IC andclone 3 in the presence and absence of the c.2-adrenoceptor-selective agonist UK14304. Selective immunoprecipitationsdemonstrated effective activation of G,2a by the receptor in bothclones, and of Gola only in clone 3 (Figure 3). Although it mayseem from the data of Figure 3 that the a2C1O adrenoceptoractivated more Gol than Gi2 in membranes of clone 3, as thereis greater amount of radiolabel in the Gola immunoprecipitatesthan in the Gi2a immunoprecipitates, such conclusions must bedrawn with caution, as this will be dependent to a large extent onthe immunoprecipitation efficiencies of each antiserum, some-thing which is difficult to assess accurately and which may varyfrom experiment to experiment.We [17,27] and others [28-31] have previously made use of the

ability of agonist to promote cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation to define pertussis-toxin-sensitive G-proteins whichinteract with receptors. This reaction occurs effectively in theabsence ofGTP/GDP and not in their presence. It has thus beenconcluded that cholera toxin is only able to cause ADP-ribosylation of these G-proteins when the nucleotide-bindingpocket is empty. However, as agonist should rapidly lead to therelease of GDP, then it might be expected that the maintainedpresence of agonist would not be required for this reaction tocontinue. To assess if this was true, or whether the target forcholera-toxin-catalysed ADP-ribosylation is actually a ternarycomplex of agonist, receptor and pertussis-toxin-sensitive G-protein, we incubated membranes initially in the presence ofagonist, but then subsequently displaced the agonist by additionof a receptor-saturating concentration of the antagonist yo-himbine. Such treatment prevented further cholera-toxin-catalysed [32P]ADP-ribosylation of Gola (Figure 4), demon-strating clearly that it is insufficient for agonist simply to causerelease of bound GDP, but that the receptor must remainagonist-occupied and presumably physically associated with theguanine-nucleotide-free G-protein a subunit.To demonstrate further the interaction of the receptor with

both G12 and GoI, we took advantage of the growing literature

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which indicates that maintained exposure of a receptor to agonistcan result in down-regulation of the G-protein(s) which areactivated by that receptor without alteration in levels of G-proteins which are not activated by the receptor (see [24] forreview). We noted that maintained exposure of clone-3 cells toUK14304 resulted in a substantial and essentially equal degree ofdown-regulation of membrane-associated levels of G12a andGo l , but that there was no parallel down-regulation of thephosphoinositidase C-linked G-proteins Gqax/Glua. Whereas ithas been noted after transfection that a2 adrenoceptors can insome instances cause the stimulation of a phosphoinositidase Cvia a pertussis-toxin-insensitive mechanism [8], and thus pre-sumably via activation of Gq and/or Gul, we have previouslynoted in clone 1C that UK14304 is unable to stimulate theproduction of inositol phosphates [9]. It is thus not surprisingthat there was no down-regulation of Gq/Glu upon agonistoccupation of the a2C10 adrenoceptor.

Because a2 adrenoceptors have been demonstrated to have thepotential to interact weakly with G, to stimulate adenylatecyclase [6], we wished to examine whether there was a substantialdifference in the efficiency of the a2ClO adrenoceptor in clone-3cells to activate G22a and GoIa. No large difference in dose-effectcurves for the covalent modification of the two G-proteins wasrecorded, indicating that the receptor is able to activate both G-proteins at similar degrees of receptor occupancy and thatactivation ofGola did not occur only at high receptor occupancy.A recent study has reported on the relative affinity of in-

teraction of the a2ClO adrenoceptor with various G-proteinsfollowing transient co-expression in HEK293 cells [32]. Thatstudy, although demonstrating that the a2 adrenoceptor inter-acted more effectively with Gi than with Gs or Gq, was unable toassess, as reported herein, either the levels of expression of thevarious polypeptides or the relative ability of the receptor toactivate two G-proteins when they were co-expressed. It islikely that the absolute stoichiometry of activation of twodifferent G-proteins by a single receptor will be dependent on therelative levels of expression of the G-proteins. In clone-3 cellsGol (approx. 100 pmol/mg of membrane protein) (Figure 1) isexpressed at somewhat higher levels than Gi2a (approx.50 pmol/mg ofmembrane protein) [16]; however, these levels arenot dissimilar to the measured levels of 'GGo and 'Gi' inmammalian adult brain [33], although it is obviously not yetpossible to estimate levels of these G-proteins in individualneurons. This suggests that in the absence of physical constraintsx2 adrenoceptors are likely to be able to activate both G,(2) andGol in individual neurones and that the integration of signalinformation following activation of an a2 adrenoceptor willdepend both on the absolute levels of expression of each G-protein and what mole fraction of the G-protein must beactivated to alter significantly the activity of its effector.

This work was supported by a project grant from the Medical Research Council (U.K.)to G.M.

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Received 18 July 1994/20 October 1994; accepted 28 October 1994
