Page 1: ANCIENT EGYPT Malika Cuyler Social Studies. SOCIAL PYRAMID The social pyramid of Egypt was divided into groups of different jobs and responsibilities


Social Studies

Page 2: ANCIENT EGYPT Malika Cuyler Social Studies. SOCIAL PYRAMID The social pyramid of Egypt was divided into groups of different jobs and responsibilities

SOCIAL PYRAMIDThe social pyramid of Egypt was divided into groups of different jobs and responsibilities. It

was structured into 6 levels.

PHAROAHPharaoh’s were political, religious and economic leaders. The job of

a Pharaoh was to lead prayer ceremonies, to inspect irrigation

projects and to also hold meetings with foreign merchants and



Government officials were loyal assistants to help carry out the

Pharaoh's orders. The vizier had a variety of responsibilities . The vizier was in charge of the food supply, repairing malfunctions

while supervising conservational industries.

PRIESTThe priest was very important in

Egyptian society. Egyptians believed that only gods lived in the temples. The job of a priest

was to take care of the god/goddess needs. The priest

were the only ones allowed in the sacred temple .

Page 3: ANCIENT EGYPT Malika Cuyler Social Studies. SOCIAL PYRAMID The social pyramid of Egypt was divided into groups of different jobs and responsibilities


SCRIBESScribes were usually men who

learned how to read and write. A scribe writes books or documents by hand as a profession and helps

keep track of records.

ARTISANSArtisan is another word for a

craftsman, or someone in a skilled trade who makes things by hand. Artisans specialized in painting,

pottery, furniture, making clothes and much more.

PEASANTSPeasants were the farmers,

construction workers, and the unskilled laborers. Even though they were low class the pharaoh depended on them because they

supplied the food.

Page 4: ANCIENT EGYPT Malika Cuyler Social Studies. SOCIAL PYRAMID The social pyramid of Egypt was divided into groups of different jobs and responsibilities


A theocracy is a form of government in which the government claims to rule on behalf of a god or deity. They used their religious beliefs to stay

pharaoh. You did not own your home or your jewelry or your food or anything else. The

Pharaoh owned everything. The pharaoh had an army, a police force, and a huge number of

ministries and government officials to help him rule the country.

Page 5: ANCIENT EGYPT Malika Cuyler Social Studies. SOCIAL PYRAMID The social pyramid of Egypt was divided into groups of different jobs and responsibilities


The Ancient Egyptians created housing and one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramids. They

say, “It took over 20 years to build. Ancient Egypt invented, beer, a drink that was made of barley bread soaked in sweetened date water and then fermented.

the astronomers of Ancient Egypt created the calendar with 365 days the same as we have today.

Page 6: ANCIENT EGYPT Malika Cuyler Social Studies. SOCIAL PYRAMID The social pyramid of Egypt was divided into groups of different jobs and responsibilities


The innovations of Ancient Egypt contributed greatly to their civilization. The calendar helped them know when

the floods would come, so they could prepare. The bricks made better and more stable houses. The

papyrus helped them write the law down, and the law helped keep the people in order. The shadof made it easy to get water for all the things that they needed.

Page 7: ANCIENT EGYPT Malika Cuyler Social Studies. SOCIAL PYRAMID The social pyramid of Egypt was divided into groups of different jobs and responsibilities


Ancient Egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals which were an integral

part of ancient Egyptian society. It centered on the Egyptians' interaction with many deities who were

believed to be present in, and in control of, the forces and elements of nature.The Pharaoh was believed to be

descended from the gods.

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Temples were considered dwelling places for the gods. They were everywhere. Each city had a temple built for

the god of that city. The purpose of the temple was to be a cosmic center by which men had communication with the gods. As the priests became more powerful, tombs

became a part of great temples.

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The Ancient Egyptian has many aspects to there economy that makes there lives successful. Egyptians

use the ways of trading, farms and there educated minds to make their everyday lives strive. The ancient

Egyptians depend on the way of trading as there way of money. They had many farms and growing livestock to

trade for their tools to make their food.

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As in all ancient societies, agriculture was the main economic activity. The harvests in Egypt were richer. Goods were exported to and imported from countries

around the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea and the Red Sea.

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RANDOM FACTS1.Ancient Egypt stood as one of the world’s most advanced civilizations for nearly 3,000 years

2.Christianity was the main religion in Egypt between the Fourth and Sixth Centuries.

3. The Statue of Liberty was intended for Egypt.

4. Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh of Egypt, was actually Greek, not Egyptian.

5. Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stones.
