Page 1: Analyzing possible impacts of REDD+ initiatives on the ground: lessons from São Félix do Xingu, Brazil

   Interna(onal  Society  for  Ecological  Economics  –  ISEE  

Maria  Fernanda  Gebara,  Amy  Duchelle,    Giselle  Monteiro,  Leonala  Guimarães  

June  2012  –  Rio  de  Janeiro    

Analyzing  Possible  Impacts  of    REDD+  Ini9a9ves  on  the  Ground  

Lessons  from  São  Félix  do  Xingu,  Brazil      

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THINKING beyond the canopy

REDD+ in Brazil


“Compensated  Reduc(on”  



Voluntary  Regime  


Zero  Deforesta(on  



JUMA   Amazon  Fund  

2009 2010 2011

Na(onal  Plan  for  Climate  Change  

Interagency  Task  Force  

Na(onal  Policy  for  Climate  Change  


“Principle  and  Criteria”    


Sub-­‐na(onal  Ini(a(ves  

REDD+  and  PES  Bills    

More  than  50  projects  

Na(onal  REDD+  Strategy  

Brazil and REDD+ - Timeline

FIP  PPCerrado  

ABC  Plan  

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GCS Projects

Credits:  Ahmeed  

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Methods B-­‐A-­‐C-­‐I  

§  Total  of  246  households  (124  interven(on/122  control)    

2010   2013   Humaitá  

São  Félix  do  Xingu  

§  Household/Village  Data  §  Land  and  Forest  Use  §  Income  Genera(on  §  Land  Tenure    §  Climate  Change  Percep(ons    §  REDD+  Percep(ons  

4  villages/each  

§  Proponent  Appraisal  §  Survey  of  Project    Implementa(on  (SPI)      

3Es+  §  40  large-­‐landholders  

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Research Objective

Main  ques9ons:    

§  Are  interven(ons  in  line  with  the  site  context?    §  Which  process  and  structures  are  in  place  for  REDD+  implementa(on    in  SFX?    §  Who  are  the  main  actors?    

Governance  Structures    


Social  Priori(es    

Human  Coordina(on  Conflicts  

Vatn  and  Vedeld,  2010    

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Context Pará  

§  Aug  2010  -­‐  July  2011  –  6.418km2  (Amazon)  /  3.008km2  (Pará)                50%  of  total  deforesta(on  in  the  Amazon  (INPE)  §  Aug  2009  –  July  2010  –  41%  of  total  deforesta(on  in  the  Amazon    (SAD/Imazon)  

§  The  State  Plan  for  Preven(on,  Control  and  Alterna(ves  to  Deforesta(on  (PPCAD/2009)  

§  MoU  –  California  (2010)    

§  More  than  10  pilot  REDD+  projects      

Challenges  of  REDD+:      

§  Land  tenure    §  Law  Enforcement    §  Elite  capture      

§  Transac(on  and  transi(on  costs      

Main  Ac9ons:    

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THINKING beyond the canopy Source:  Imazon  

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São Félix do Xingu

§  June  2011  –  7/10  most  deforested  municipali(es  were  located  in  Pará  –  SFX  in  first  place  (SAD/Imazon)  

§  Historically  high  rates  of  deforesta(on  (2001-­‐  2007:  1.70%/year,  INPE)        

§  CIAT  (2008):  REDD+  0.8  million  ha  in  10  years  -­‐  440  million  tons  of  CO2    

§  Total  area  deforested  (2009)  –  16.621km2  –  20%  (INPE)  

Main  causes:  

General  Informa9on  

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Source:  TNC,  2010  

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SFX REDD+ Pilot Program

Partners:     Funders:    

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SFX REDD+ Pilot Program


§  Land  Management    

§  Deforesta(on  Emissions  Reduc(on  (440  million  tones  CO2/10  years)  

§  Sustainable  Income  Genera(on    

§  Environmental  Co-­‐benefits    

§  Program  Sustainability    

§  Capacity  Building    

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THINKING beyond the canopy Source:  TNC,  2010  

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Private  Proper9es  

SIMLAM  (CAR)      

Improve  Produc(on  Models        

Large-­‐scale  Reforesta(on        


Indigenous    Lands  

Sustainable  Income  Genera(on      

Capacity  Building  

Improve  Border  Protec(on  

Improve  Monitoring  

Conserva9on  Units  

Management  Council  /APA  Triunfo    

Management  Plan  /  APA  do  Triunfo    

Improve  Protec(on  

Improve  Monitoring  

Carbon  Accoun9ng  Program  

Determining  Appropriate  Standards  

Establishing  a  Reference  Emissions  Level  (REL)  

Es(ma(ng  Expected  Emissions  

Monitoring  and  Repor(ng        

SFX  Pilot  Program  Strategies    

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Results §  Main  causes  of  deforesta(on  in  all  villages  are:  slash/burn  agriculture,              fire  and  ranching    

Subsistence  and  Income  Genera9on  

What  is  wellbeing?    §  Educa(on    §  Health  §  Energy    §  Technical  Assistance    §  Alterna(ves  for  Sustainable  Livelihoods    §  Security  §  Communica(on  

All  villages  are  beder-­‐off  than  2  years  ago    Main  reasons:    Beler  roads  (2)                                                          Increase  on  income  (1)                                                        Increase  on  animal  prices  (1)      

Land  and  Forest  Use  

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Decreased  90%  

Stayed  the  same  10%  

Decreased  87%  

Stayed  the  same  10%  

Increased  3%  

Decreased  81%  

Increased  10%  

Stayed  the  same  6%  

Respondent  does  not  know  3%  

Decreased  74%  

Stayed  the  same  23%  

Respondent  does  not  know  3%  

Opportuni9es  to  Clear  the  Forest    

Main  reason:  Government  restric(ons  

Tenure  Security    §  2/4  villages  feel  insecure    

Main  reasons:  Lack  of  (tle  and  land  conflicts      

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Results Causes  of  Deforesta9on  X  Interven9ons    

Causes     Interven9ons    

Ranching     Improvement  of  Produc(on  Models    

Agriculture   SAFs  

Fires   Monitoring    

Land  Grabbing     SIMLAM  (CAR)  

Illegal  Logging     Restora(on/SFM  

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§  No  investment  on  social  benefits  like  health,  educa(on  and  energy    

Early  to  say,  but…  §  Interven(ons  reflect  the  local  reality      

§  Good  partnerships  

§  No  interven(ons  on  market  access  and  prices    

High  opportunity  and  transac9on  costs    

Technology  Transfer,  Capacity  Building  and  Involvement  of  Local  Actors    

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Obrigada! Maria  Fernanda  Gebara,  Phd  Candidate    Fundação  Getulio  Vargas  [email protected]  

“I  am  used  to  deforest  and  I  was  incen9vized  by  the  government  for  doing   it   for  more  than  40  years  and  at  that  9me  if  we  did  not  open  new  areas  we  would  be  excluded  from  our  lands.  I  need  to  learn  how  to  act  differently.”    
