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Page 1: Analysis powerpoint

Picture of band in from of masthead shows the magazines status

Yellow, red and green colour scheme, yellow signifies the beach, red is opposite side of colour wheel. Green is used to back up the nature (hippie) element of the story.

Use of buzz words to help sell the magazine

Freebie, free CD to give the edge on other magazines and give the audience an incentive to buy.

Sub image, to show what is in the magazine and appeal to the audience

Feature headline, written in large font to grab audience attention, draws the readers eye line down the page to the rest of the cover

Plug, ‘bowie writes’ to get the reader to turn to page 40 and read about David Bowie. This makes the audience flip through the magazine and see what else is inside

Barcode with small price, not making obvious how expensive the magazine is.

Advertising the freebie again, so the audience think they’re getting something for nothing

Page 2: Analysis powerpoint

Simple layout showing features clearly

High camera angle shows him looking up giving the audience a sense of power and making them feel like they are looking in on the stories.

Quote to draw the reader into this article and make them want to find out more

Dressed in red to stand out against white background. Sunglasses are in his pocket suggesting that this magazine reveals everything, nothing is covered up.

The cover story is marked out at the bottom by itself so it is easy to find for the audience who have bought the magazine because of the cover.

The artist featured in the stories are in a larger font than the description of the article, the audience’s pragmatic knowledge will make the names instantly recognisable.

Page 3: Analysis powerpoint

Image of live performance directly relates to target audience because they will go to a lot of live concerts and/or perform live themselves.

All in black and white to give a sense of things getting old or fading/ wearing out. Links to ‘it’s getting later than you think’.

Small amount of text compared to the large image used. The target audience will be less interested in reading and more interested in getting the facts they need and the photography.

Very large text to clearly display a message and draw in the reader. It backs up the image used on the right because they look like they’re having fun performing.

Black and white checks a recognisable pattern associated with this genre of music. Used to appeal to the target audience, giving them something they can identify.

The image spills over from the right side to the left. The image represents play and the text/reading resembles work, this portrays that there should be more fun in a work/play balance.

Bright light suggests there’s something ‘God-like’ about these performers. They are well established and looked up to.

All the performers are male, appealing to specifically a white and black, male audience.

Artists are in a slightly larger font and in a bright white so their names stand out. This also backs up the ‘God-like’ bright light theme from the image.

Page 4: Analysis powerpoint

Orange, yellow and blue colour scheme, all on opposite sides of the colour wheel. To grab audience’s attention

The feature band is in front of the masthead showing the magazines high status

Set next to a theatre curtain showing the bands professional status

Use of kicker to further interest the audience guaranteeing they will see the artist they want

Price is very small people will know how much the magazine is or they will decide if they want it before they know the price

Band look relaxed and confident backs up the fact that they have made it, they are professional. They are wearing casual outfits to support the idea that they have come from humble roots to help appeal to the target audience.

Making the audience think they are getting another issue for free. Giving the audience an incentive to buy this ‘special’ issue

Sub heading using alliteration ‘back’ and ‘big’ and contrasting ideas of ‘room’ and ‘stage’

Feature headline in large pastel yellow font, casually grabbing the audiences attention.

Page 5: Analysis powerpoint

Copy of the cover main image but in black and white to maintain that they are the main story.

Sticking to the orange yellow and blue colour scheme to keep the audience interested.Information on

the latest chart music to keep the audience informed and up to date.

Clearly showing the feature story from the cover in yellow so it stands out against the orange background.

Pages that are in every issue, at the bottom in black, there is no need to make them stand out, they are already expected by the target audience.

Picture : text ratio shows more picture that text so the audience is not put off by lots of reading, just short snaps of information.

Advertising more products from Q, their website and event they are holding.

Page 6: Analysis powerpoint

Different instruments and items displayed as ‘A’ and ‘Z’ to represent the variety and creativeness of the Grammys which also reflects the variety and creativeness of the magazine.

There is more image than text which is designed so the reader is not put off reading the article but drawn into it.

White background gives it a sort of clean, professional look to it.

Text is organised into clear sections to make it easy for the reader to find what they want to read.

Red, white and black colour scheme continued from the cover.

The mass amount of instruments practically guarantees that every reader will relate to or be interested in this page.

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Buzz word ‘exclusive’ to draw the audience in.Masthead behind

main image shows that the magazine is well established

Sub heading – use of pun using one of Take That’s well known songs

Main image shows the band smiling and joking around, showing that they are still youthful and reflecting that their music is fun. They are all wearing black so they stand out from the plain white background.

Black, white and red colour scheme. Black and white symbolise how the band is quite old and classic. The red could portray how their audience are passionate about them, they are heart-throbs or it could just be the use of a bright colour to grab the audience’s attention.

Names different bands of many genres to appeal to all members of the target audience.

Barcode and price are close to the middle of the cover, either the price is reasonable or the price doesn’t change in each issue, the audience would already know the price so there is no need to hide it.

Kicker, mentioning a band that most of the target audience will like and making them continue to buy the magazine

Gold is used at either side of the main image to draw the audience’s eye into the centre of the cover. Also shows the wealth that surrounds Take That.

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Picture of the cover to show which issue the contents is for

Features that are usually in the magazine are listed to the side so regular readers can easily find they favourite.

New stories are displayed as pictures so the audience can easily identify and find what they want to read.

Stays with the red, white and black colour scheme established on the cover.

Giving information about which artists are mentioned in ‘Q review’ so the audience can decide if they want to read the article.

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The amount of text and images are equal which shows that the audience will be equally interested in both the information and photography of the article.

The use of ‘meanwhile’ makes it seem like a comic book using storyline to link to the film idea of the article.

Using quotes from the article in larger red font to interest the reader.

Using a band that the majority of the audience will already like. This draws the eye line across the page so the reader sees everything on the double page.