Page 1: Analysis And Evaluation Of Thriller Opening Through Screen

Analysis and Evaluation of Thriller opening through screen shots

Sweet Agony

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The text used is purposely chosen as it is of complete opposites. The ‘AMGR’ is in a rough and angry text font were as the ‘production presents’ is in a conflicting font, this there

for imitates and reflects on the title of the film.

The photos shown of two girls, but mostly of the brown haired girl. This continuation of the focus on the ‘brown haired girl’ which we later on find out her name is Amie

The two girls shown are also look very

different this therefore makes it

easier for the audience to identify

who is who.

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The use of a hand stroking the photo’s adds a eerie, chilling and disturbing tone right at the beginning, this therefore sets the atmosphere and ambience of the rest of the film.The hand used is not either overly masculine or feminine, this therefore adds to the enigma of ‘what's going on?’

The continuation of the photographs, begins to look more suspicious as they become more distorted and additionally

unclear. This adds to the mystery of the meaning behind the pictures.

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In the wall of pictures and other objects there is also a viewing of a ‘facebook’ page, (networking site) this is crucial to the

appeal of our target audience as most teenager between the age of 14-18 have a facebook account. This sense of familiarity will create a recognizable aspect, which the target audience

will find them selves relating more.

The persistence of the hand stroking across the precessions and photos, furthers the

creepy tone of the film

The collection of different objects shows the detail and the

extent of fascination that someone may have, objects shown are; Train tickets, Bus

Tickets, Photographs, Gloves , and Websites

Through out the pictures the same girl featured in the different photos, is wearing different clothing, this shows to some extent a longer period of time.

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The title of the film is an oxymoron and the

antithesis of the words is also reflected in the

chosen text.

In the moving clip the ‘swirls’ continue to move and grow, they also separate into different

directions. This has been chosen to represent the developing and complication that will later

develop in the film.

The choice of using red for the word agony has been chosen to

have connotations of both danger and blood, this therefore

foreshadows later events.

The background, has a rustic and dirty look, this unclean appearance is shown to represent the ‘unclean’ events that

follow later in the film

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The main character, is left standing on the corner of the

street, to the audience she looks like any other person you may pass in the street, that once again helps the audience to relate to the


The character is left alone, also the setting looks fairly open, this

adds a sense of vulnerability as the open surroundings

could have anything or anyone there.

The keep clear and no entry signs marked around location

is somewhat ironic and it gives clues and hints of

possible dangers. They could also be seen as subtle

subliminal instructions to the girl.

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The audience finds them self looking at the character through a window, this therefore

shows to the audience that someone is coming or watching, but this is still unclear, this begins

to create questions in the audiences mind.

On the floor the audience can see the printed word ‘SCHOOL’ this therefore

shows a sense of vulnerability and innocence towards the character.

The location has a very recognisable red and white


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The use of cars driving pass has three effects, firstly it shows the fact that the street is a public street that anyone can approach or be near, the car also supplies digetic sounds so muffles out slightly and clues the hooded figure maybe given. Finally, the car’s driving past can suggest another danger, as the hooded figure

maybe involved with someone driving a car. It adds more questions and possibilities for the audience to consider.

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The pedestrian on the street adds another possible dangerous suspect, it also adds a

more realistic setting as It is a public street, once again adding the hazard of anyone can

be around

As the hooded figure continues to move towards the girl, the audience

become continuously curious and anxious to find out who is hiding be

hind the hood.

As the man walks past it distracts the girl therefore leaving the hooded figure the perfect opportunity to approach. The audience can see this and therefore feels a slight feeling of helplessness for the girl, as

they can see what’s happening.

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The picture of the bomb on the hooded jumper as connotations of warning and danger, the irony of it all is that the explosion represents the hooded figure making the girl jump. The picture of the bomb also foreshadows

the future explosive events that latter follow.

The audience is continuously left waiting a moments longer, still seeing what the girl can’t.

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The angle of the camera is now changed, and the audience can now see both the girl and the

hooded figure.

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This is now the first time the audience fully meets the main character, the girl looks again

like any girl the audience may know, this therefore adds to increasing familiarity for the

target audience .

The way in which the girl reacts, the audience is aware that the girl knows the hooded figure, which is actually the girls friend, grace. This is therefore confusing for audience and

leads them in to a false sense of security.

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We also now meet ‘Grace’ this therefore shows to the audience who the hooded figure was all along,

this consequently adds a comical feature to the opening sequence as the audience was made to

panic for what they think is for know reason

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Both ‘Grace and Amie’ are looking in direction of window, which from earlier had a view of

Amie, this therefore re creates the enigma and mystery for the audience.

There is once again a picture of a bomb on the front of the jumper, so this hints to the

audience that the danger hasn't stopped.

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The girls both walk of together and both still seem vulnerable, also seeing the picture of the

bomb again gives clues to the audience the danger still wont stop.

The fact that the camera stays in the same place still hints to the audience that something is still

yet to happen in this specific location. If this wasn't to happen it would of been more likely

for the camera to follow.

The road ahead of both the girls is physically a long road, this then mirrors the long road

ahead the girls have meteorically; as in through out the film.

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There are lots of windows that may be what the girls where looking at, this once more generates

ambiguity of what window it may be. But the main window the camera is focused on there

are lights on .

The camera then shows into the direction of where the girls where looking .

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Red pillar appears again, once again a recognisable figure for the audience to

remember from earlier.

Another hooded figure?This therefore confuses the audience as they

were led into a false sense of security believing the hooded figure had already resolved.

The audience is able to see the same blinds as earlier, therefore they would be able to recognise and begin to piece together the prior event.