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Page 1: Analysing other manga

Analysing other manga

The first manga I’m going to analyse is attack on titan; this is one of the most popular manga’s to date and is still on going. This is a traditional style manga set in black and white and is read from back to front. Each style of manga has its own art style although some are copied; this one in particular has its own unique style of character design and eye shape.

The story line of the manga is progressive and linear, in fact it very rarely flash’s back with is sometimes a common trait among manga’s at they go back and forth through its time line. I would say a strong point of it would defiantly be its drawing of the cities, also if I was to take away anything away from this manga it would be its landscape design.

Another manga that is popular is death note; this manga is f a different genre to attack on titan but tailors to the same audience. Although it’s also known as a gate way manga which means people who have never read one before will read this because of its popularity and then read others.

The same can be said for attack on titan. Both manga’s are pretty dark which is consistent with most but there plot is what makes them stand out above the rest. Death note is one of the reasons I chose to make my final project as a short manga.

A brief synopsis of their stories will show you have differently they start of but in the end have very similar outcomes, usually death. Although this is common, so when designing my manga I would probably stay down the same track but with less gore. Also in these manga’s there is a lot of dialogue between pages, I will most likely have the bare minimum as it will take a lot of time to draw the images, so unlike these manga’s my art will come first instead of the plot.

Page 2: Analysing other manga

Unlike the other two dragon ball z is bet less dark but in a way also more violent, which like I stated before seems to be a common theme among manga’s. Although this was the original manga that helped bring anime over to the UK, as there wasn’t many on TV but when this became so popular in japan it was realised in the UK on television and instantly became as popular, especially during the 90’s, that’s why it’s considered to be the inspiration a lot of the other manga’s today.

Some of its strong points, par the story line as I won’t be focusing on that too much, is its art and style. This manga is traditional black and white and back to front but some of the newest versions that are in the UK have coloured pages and some even read from front to back. Even though this is one of my favourite manga’s I probably will reframe from using and of its styles or use of text because it would take to make time for me to do.
