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Analysing My Own Magazine

By Manraj Gill

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Front Cover

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The music genre is dance music. You can tell because the faces on the magazine, half of them have got headphones which DJs have when they are on the ‘desks’ playing dance music.

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The target audience is for people who love to go to parties and who love to go to concerts. The audience are attracted to the magazine by famous DJ faces on the front cover which immediately will bring the audience to read what's in it and where their next gig is.

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The main images are the DJs faces. The image relates to the music genre because EDM (Electronic Dance Music) is all about DJs performing in a concerts and gigs and DJs/producers creating EDM music which these famous DJs on the front cover. The props that the DJs mostly have are headphones which relates to playing music in a live audience. The colours they have used are yellow, red and green. This contributes to the mood of the image because these colours are good and bad because the connotations of red is evil, blood and dangerous whilst the connotation of yellow and green is vibrant, bright and a breath of fresh air. This might illustrate that EDM music is good and bad in the terms of people liking in it or not.

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The magazine is called mixmag. This reflects the target audience because the magazine is trying to attract a wider audience to read the magazine and listen to EDM music more. The word ‘mix’ may reflect a more diverse audience to read the magazine. The font they have used are childish font size which you would use to make your work look untidy which could relate to dance music. Random music being put together to make people dance. The type of language they have used are very basic English plus their isn't much writing on the front cover. Which could illustrate that this magazine could be just all about looking at the images and just reading when the next gig is for a specific DJ.

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Contents Page

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The target audience is to people who love to go to nightclubs and who love to go to parties in general. You can tell this because on the contents page it says the pages include ‘night people’ and ‘Ibiza Closing Parties’ which could only mean that their target audience is for party lovers. The audience are attracted to this magazine by the attractive lady on her knees and being seductive to someone or something.

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The main image is the attractive woman on her knees. This image relates to the music genre because Dance Music is about being seductive in the clubs sometimes when the beat gets the better of you which this woman is doing. The clothes that the woman is wearing is very bright and outrageous which could reflect her as a character and what dance music is. The amount of make-up that she is wearing you could say it’s a bit to much.

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The typefaces they have used is ones that you can understand when reading. The text at the bottom of the page, the typefaces are small. The colours they have used is white for the text so it can stand out when reading it. The language they have used is informal to reflect people partying and using informal language.

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DoublePage Spread

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The music genre is Electronic Dance Music. You can tell this because the 1st page is about a DJ who held parties under a motorway which EDM is all about having parties and making the crowd dance.

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The target audience is party lovers and who follow DJ’s in general. You can tell because the page is all about a DJ talking about his life as a DJ.

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The main image is a guy in a waistcoat with his chest out. This image relates to the music genre because he looks like someone important in the music genre, for example a DJ. The guy has very little clothes on which could also reflect that EDM is revealing sexually and generally in terms of music. The colours they have used are dark colours such as black. They do contribute to the mood of the image because it makes feel dull and sad.

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The font they have used for the title is italics and for the rest they have used normal font so the reader can see what's being said. The title size was big compared to the rest the size was small. The effects of that could be that they want to fit everything in. The language they have used is basic English so the reader can understand.