Page 1: Analysing double page spread+draft

Analysing a Radio Times double page spread

Page 2: Analysing double page spread+draft

Title. Large font and exclamation mark to make it stand out. Colour contrasts against background

Name of magazine in bold and page number

Sub title in larger font than main article so reader is drawn to read that first. Same font as article.

Drop cap

Cut out looks effective and realistic. Adds variety from normal photos

Times New Roman font in black makes article look professional and is clear and easy to read.

Sub headers in red to show different paragraphs. Easy to read and navigate

Lots of pictures from making of Doctor Who. Shows backstage view and interesting as the reader can see how show is made and characters that are being discussed in the article.

Image captions

One large, main image. Connotes this is the most significant one and draws readers attention to it straight away

White background which works well as it doesn’t distract from the many pictures and the article. Contrasts well with black font

Name of series that the magazine runs weekly. Will be familiar to readers. Red used which matches the colours used throughout. Colours used are red, black and white.

Red could connote danger, linking to the programme which is very action and danger filled

Page 3: Analysing double page spread+draft

Final draft and analysis of our double page spread

Page 4: Analysing double page spread+draft
Page 5: Analysing double page spread+draft

Title. Capital letters to make it stand out. Bold colours. ‘Britain’ in the colours of the British flag, links to title and topic of documentary. Rhetorical question which audience can only answer after viewing the documentary, this could make them want to watch it. New Times Roman.

Sub title, outlines content of documentary and introduces article. In New Times Roman to fit with rest of article.

Article written in New Times Roman because this font is clear and easy to read. Creates professional look. Written in interview style. Names of interviewer and interviewee in bold and blue and red colours to compliment title.

Bold pull quote in larger font than article to make it stand out and draw the reader in

Drop cap

Page number for navigation purposes and logo next to it for professional look and corporate identity.

Screen shot from documentary. Gives audience a little glimpse at what the documentary contains and shows face of interviewee/presenter which makes the article more personal.

‘TV Choice’ logo made in PhotoShop to avoid


Collage of faces used in documentary which are representative of young people who the documentary focuses on. Screen shots. Links to documentary and interesting as it is quite ambiguous- doesn’t state the peoples sexuality. Audience is likely to read if interesting images are used.

Red font stand outs and states times, channel and website.