Page 1: An introduction to the Institute of Advanced Leadership (and its Chairman, Tony Lenart)

The Institute of Advanced Leadership

Creating billions of dollars of additional profits for their clients…, [email protected], Ph. +1-202-6810008, +61(0)2-80055969, +256(0)772-788000

Page 2: An introduction to the Institute of Advanced Leadership (and its Chairman, Tony Lenart)

Let me start by giving you a very brief introductionto who I am.

Tony Lenart

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I’m the International Chairmanand Senior Trainer / Consultantfor the Institute of Advanced Leadershipand a Founding Director of the MUBS (Makerere University of Business School) Leadership Centre

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Work Experience Senior Consultant & Trainer (and International Chairman)


C.E.O. - – ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY (1990 – 92) From 25yrs old

One of Australia’s largest 150 corporations —with 10,000 staff, 1200 branches, 46 divisions, and $ 1/3 billion in net assets. Pictured is the Head Office

  Business Manager – B.O.C. HEALTH CARE (1987 – 1990) 22 - 25yrs

Responsible for 5000 products. Previous positions included Sales & Marketing Manager & National Marketing Services Mgr.

Managing Partner – LENART / WOOSTER CONSULTING SERVICES (1985 – 1986) 20 - 21yrs

Trainee Manager – T.N.T. RAILFAST (1984 – 1985) 19 - 20yrs

Sales Manager – MACMILLAN PUBLISHERS (1982 – 1984) 17 - 19yrs Previous Positions: Field Manager / Senior Sales Rep / Sales Rep

Proprietor – LENART PHOTOGRAPHY (1977 – 1980) From 12 - 16 years of age

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Let’s start by looking at the Institute of Advanced Leadership…

These are our failures… We’re not aware of any company who did a lot of work with us

and went badly afterwards. - However one company that did a single training with us did go bankrupt due to asbestos claims.

We incorrectly scheduled one training

Two clients doing One on One Leadership Development didn’t receive all we’d promised them.

On 5 occasions we failed to raise the necessary funding to do training that could have prevented violence re-erupting. - As a result many thousands died who might otherwise have lived.

Numerous times, companies failed to make the necessary investment in our training, or to utilise our expertise in overcoming conflict or changing staffs’ thinking, attitudes and approach.

Some staff from IAL-Uganda sought to take over IAL-U from IAL International and managed to get me (Tony ) thrown in jail overnight.

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The Institute of Advanced Leadership have…

Helped Commonwealth Bank become the top company in Australia

The graph shows the 1000% increase in its share price since we trained thousands of their staff.

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Cisco Systems to briefly become the top company in the world

IAL provided a million dollars of Trainingand One on One Leadership Development (& Consulting) to Cisco Systems.

Over this time their Market Capitalisation increased from $8 billion to $400 billion.Afterwards their Mkt Cap rose to $550 billion.

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MTN to become the top company in Uganda and Rwanda

This graph shows the massive increase in MTN’s subscribers in Uganda since our trainings in 2000

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Orient Bank to increase its profits by 80% And to avoid massive losses which they could have faced

if we didn’t help protect them from negative publicity.

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And NSSF to increase its assets by almost $1billion

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Managers vs. Leaders

A manager creates results.

A leader creates the conditions

in which great results occur.– Tony Lenart

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Management is about creating results. Leadership is about creating the conditions in which great results occur.

Most MD’s are good at management, but this keeps them so busy that the vague intangible area of leadership is often neglected.

This is where IAL shine. We work behind the scenes, with our Chairman working kind of like a “Director of Leadership” for our key clients, creating a great environment in the company where people excel. This allows the MD to do all the massive work he needs, while knowing that IAL are creating fantastic leadership results for him. And part of this is developing the rapport with, and understanding of key staff

so that important opportunities and non-standard interventions to avert unseen threats can be shepherded (supported) through – and the negative impacts of bureaucracy can be minimised.

What we do when we’re working with an MD or HRM

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What we do when we’re working with an MD or HRM

We partner with an MD (or HRM) and support them as a: Mentor Virtual Deputy

Achieving the results of a Deputy MD, or “Leadership Director”, but working from outside the organisation

Advisor (and Expert) Problem solver Fix-it guy Friend of the workers Friend of management Conflict resolver Catalyst of change

Sounding board (& friend) to the MD / HRM Supporter of the MD / HRM Intelligence provider Implementer of “The Unfair Advantage” Market researcher Undercover customer Undercover worker Employee engagement and mood barometer And a trainer & coach who can transform

the organisation and the thinking, attitudes and approach of all staff.
