
An Improved Parallel Algorithm using GPU for Siting Observers onTerrain

Guilherme C. Pena1, Marcus V. A. Andrade1, Salles V. G. Magalhaes1,W. R. Franklin2 and Chaulio R. Ferreira1

1Departamento de Informatica, Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV), Vicosa, MG, Brazil2Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA

guilherme.pena, marcus, salles, [email protected], [email protected]

Keywords: Siting, Terrain Visibility, Viewshed, GPU parallel algorithm

Abstract: This paper presents an efficient method to determine a set of observers (that is, where to site them) suchthat a given percentage of a terrain is visually covered. Our method extends the method proposed in (Franklin,2002) including a local search heuristic efficiently implemented using dynamic programming and GPU parallelprogramming. This local search strategy allows to achieve a higher coverage using the same number ofobservers as the original method and thus it is possible to obtain a given coverage using a smaller number ofobservers. It can be an important improvement since an observer can represent an expensive facility such as atelecommunication tower. The proposed method performance was compared with that of other methods andthe tests showed that it can be more than 1200 times faster than the sequential implementation (with no useof dynamic programming and no GPU parallel programmming) and, also, more than 20 times faster than aprevious parallel method presented in (Magalhaes et al., 2011).


A large amount of high-resolution geographic datahas become available because of the recent ad-vances in remote sensing. Thus, the developmentof advanced techniques to process these data hasbeen required by Geographic Information Science(GIS) (Laurini and Thompson, 1992). The Earth sur-face elevation (terrain) data are usually representedapproximately by a digital elevation matrix (DEM)that stores the elevations of regularly sampled terrainpoints. Elevations of intermediate points are usuallyapproximated using some interpolation process (Liet al., 2005).

An important group of GIS applications concernsvisibility, i.e., determining the set of points that arevisible from some particular point, called observer.The observer can be located at some height abovethe terrain. These applications include telecommu-nications, environmental planning, autonomous vehi-cle navigation and military monitoring (Franklin andRay, 1994; Li et al., 2005; Nagy, 1994; Andrade et al.,2011). One important related problem is the sitingof a given number of observers in order to optimally“cover the terrain”. These observers may representradio, TV, Internet or mobile phone towers, or mon-

itoring cameras or towers (Ben-Moshe, 2005; Ben-Shimol et al., 2007). As described in (Nagy, 1994),this is an NP-Hard problem and, therefore, there is noknown efficient algorithm to find its optimal solution.

However, even obtaining approximate solutionsfor this optimization problem demands a long pro-cessing time, particularly when processing largequantities of data. One way to reduce this processingtime is to design parallel algorithms based on generalpurpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs), whichare present in most current graphics cards.

This paper deals with an instance of the multipleobservers siting problem where the goal is to deter-mine a set of observers on a terrain represented byan elevation matrix such that these observers togethercan achieve a given visual coverage of the terrain. In(Franklin, 2002), the author presented a solution forthis problem based on greedy strategy and, in this pa-per, we extend that method including a local searchheuristic based on a swapping strategy to achieve abetter terrain coverage using the same number of ob-servers. As the main contribution of this paper, thisheuristic was implemented in parallel using GraphicsProcessing Units (GPUs) and dynamic programming.

The extended method proposed in this paper,named SiteGSM (from Site using GPU’s shared mem-

ory), was compared with some other methods forsiting observers on terrain such as (Franklin, 2002;Franklin and Vogt, 2006; Magalhaes et al., 2010a;Magalhaes et al., 2011) and, as the tests showed,our method achieves a better performance than all ofthem: it is faster than (Magalhaes et al., 2010a; Ma-galhaes et al., 2011) (in some cases, more than 20times faster than both) or it can use a smaller num-ber of observers than (Franklin, 2002; Franklin andVogt, 2006) to cover the terrain (which may representan important improvement since the observer can bean expensive facility as, for example, a communica-tion tower).


2.1 Terrain Visibility Definitions

A terrain represents a region of the earth surfacewhere the terrain’s value at any point is the elevationof the corresponding point of the earth surface abovea reference ellipsoid called the geoid that representssea-level. For this paper, a terrain is represented by amatrix of elevation posts on a square grid, whose ver-tical and horizontal spacing is uniform either in dis-tance, e.g., 10m, or in angle, e.g. 1 arc-second.

An observer is a point in the space that “wants”to see or communicate with other points in the space,called targets. As usual, the notations for observerand target are O and T . The base points of O and Tare the points on the geoid directly below O and Trespectively, which are denoted as Ob and Tb. BothO and T are at height h ≥ 0 above Ob and Tb. Allsymbols that appear in this work are shown in table 2.

The radius of interest, R, of O is the radius of thecircle centered on Ob that contains all points that canbe seen by the observer in the absence of obstructions.E.g., if O is a radio transmitter, R is a function of thetransmitter power and receiver sensitivity. For con-venience, R is usually compared to the distance be-tween Ob and Tb rather than between O and T , whichis equivalent when h is much smaller than the radiusof the earth.

A target T is visible from O iff |Tb−Ob| ≤ R andthere is no terrain point blocking the line segment,called the Line of Sight (LOS), between O and T ; seeFigure 1. In this Figure, T1 is visible from O but T2 isnot.

The viewshed, V , of O is the set of base pointswhose corresponding targets are visible from O. Ingeneral, V is stored as a bit matrix where 0 representsa non-visible point and 1 represents a visible point.

Figure 1: Visibility queries using a line of sight.

The visibility index, ω, of O is the number of tar-gets that are visible from O. Points with a large ω areusually good candidate places to site observers in or-der to maximize the area of the terrain that is seen byat least one observer (Franklin and Ray, 1994).

The joint viewshed, V , of a set of observers S =Oi is the union of the individual viewsheds Vi, i.e.,the bitwise-or of their bit matrices.

The joint visibility index, Ω, of S is the number oftargets in the terrain that are visible from at least oneobserver in S . Usually, Ω is normalized as a percent-age of the terrain area.

Multi-observer siting means optimizing the loca-tions of a set of observers such that Ω is as large aspossible. This is an NP-Hard problem (Nagy, 1994)and has important practical facilities-location applica-tions, such as siting mobile phone towers, fire moni-toring towers, and radar systems.

In this paper we will consider the following equiv-alent multi-observer siting problem: to obtain a set ofobservers whose joint visibility index Ω is, at least, agiven percentage of the terrrain.

2.2 Parallel Programming UsingGeneral Purpose GPU

The programming architectures that allow usingGPU units’ parallel computing power (as, for ex-ample, the Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA) (NVIDIA, 2013)) have led to the develop-ment of many algorithms that achieve high computa-tion performances.

CUDA has made possible the development of al-gorithms to solve time-consuming problems using thelarge number of parallel multiprocessors as well asthe high memory bandwidth provided by GPUs. Toaccomplish high-performance computing, it is neces-sary to develop parallel algorithms that are totally orpartially executed on the GPU.

The CUDA-enabled graphics cards are composedof multiple processors, more specifically, Single In-struction Multiple Data (SIMD) processors calledStream Multiprocessors (SMs), which allow the ex-

ecution of multiple parallel threads. Thus, GPU pro-cessors can efficiently execute instructions involvingmany operations with data parallelism, i.e., when thesame operation is applied to different data.

According to NVIDIA, GPUs can provide greaterprocessing power than CPUs because they are special-ized in performing parallel tasks involving many cal-culations. On the other hand, the CPUs are designedto perform tasks involving execution flow control anddata cache. The physical difference between both ar-chitectures can be visualized in Figure 2: GPUs dedi-cate most of their area for processing units (in green),while CPUs dedicate most of their area for executioncontrol and data cache (in yellow and orange, respec-tively).

Figure 2: Comparison between GPUs and CPUs structures.Source: (NVIDIA, 2013)

A CUDA application consists in code that is exe-cuted on CPU and functions (called kernels) that areexecuted on GPU. The GPU is able to do parallel pro-cessing by creating threads such that each thread mayexecute the kernel operations in different data. Thus,the GPU is used as a coprocessor that is able to per-form certain tasks more efficiently than the CPU.


There are some important work related to the problemaddressed on this paper. In (Ben-Moshe, 2005), theauthor presented an algorithm to site facilities usingan approach based on radio locator, frequency alloca-tion and connectivity. The input includes a weightedset of demand locations, a set of feasible facility lo-cations and a distance function that measures the costof travel between a pair of locations. In (Ben-Shimolet al., 2007), the authors described an algorithm tosite a minimal set of fixed-access relay antennas ona given terrain to generate the communication linksbetween multiple base stations. Although the goal ofthese two works is not to achieve a given coverage ofthe terrain, they are related to the problem addressedon this paper because they use some important con-cepts related to our approach.

Other papers describing solutions to site observerson terrains are (Franklin and Vogt, 2004a; Franklin

and Vogt, 2004b; Franklin and Vogt, 2006). They arebased on the method Site proposed in (Franklin, 2002)which is described in section 4 and, as mentioned be-fore, this method uses a greedy strategy to site ob-servers on a terrain. In (Magalhaes et al., 2010b),the method Site was extended to process huge ter-rains stored in external memory where the main ideais to subdivide the terrain in smaller pieces (subre-gions) and process each piece in the internal memory.In order to consider the influence of observers sitednear to the borders of the subregions, each subregionis augmented with a band of width R (the observer ra-dius of interest) around it. Additionally, the viewshedrepresentation used in the original method Site wasimproved to require a smaller amount of memory.

In (Magalhaes et al., 2010a; Magalhaes et al.,2011) were presented two additional methods to siteobserver on terrains. They are described in section 5and both are based on the method Site. In (Magalhaeset al., 2010a), the original method Site was extendedincluding a local search heuristic to try to reduce thenumber of observers selected to achieve the desiredcoverage. In (Magalhaes et al., 2011), some routinesused in the method proposed in (Magalhaes et al.,2010a) were implemented in parallel using GPU.

In this paper, we present a more efficient paral-lel implementation of the method described in (Ma-galhaes et al., 2010a) that uses a faster implementa-tion (in parallel) of the local search. In section 5, wepresent a better description of the method proposed inthis paper and also, the differences with the methodpresented in (Magalhaes et al., 2011).


Considering that the observer siting problem isNP-Hard, Franklin (Franklin, 2002; Franklin andVogt, 2006) proposed an approximate heuristic solu-tion, called Site, to find a set of observers to cover theterrain. More precisely, this method uses a greedy ap-proach to obtain a set S of observers such that a givenpercentage of the terrain is covered. Initially, S = and a set P = Pi of candidate observers is selected.Then, at each step, the Pi that will most increase thecurrent joint visibility index of S is inserted into S .As described in (Franklin, 2002), the details are asfollows.

1. Estimate the visibility index of each point in theterrain M. More precisely, determine the pointsthat have a certain minimum visibility index witha certain confidence level. This may be achievedby sampling random targets.

2. Compute P = Pi as the set of points with thelargest visibility indices. However, do not se-lect two points that are too close together, sincetheir viewsheds will probably overlap consider-ably, and hence, some of them will be redundant.

3. Compute Vi, the viewshed of each Pi.

4. Initialize S = . This will accumulate the set ofactual observers S ⊆ P .

5. Initialize V , the joint viewshed of S , that is, theunion of the viewsheds of all Pi in S .

6. Repeat the following until a termination condi-tion is satisfied. Typical conditions require |S | toachieve a certain maximum, or V to achieve a cer-tain minimum of visible points.

(a) Iterate through P to find the Pi that will causethe joint visibility index Ω to increase the most.That involves repeatedly counting the numberof 1 bits in the union of the joint viewshed Vand Vi.

(b) Insert that Pi into S and update V .


In (Magalhaes et al., 2010a) was presented an ex-tension of the method Site, named Site+, wheresome heuristics were included to achieve a sameterrain coverage using fewer observers. In orderto make these heuristics more efficient, the methodSiteGPU (Magalhaes et al., 2011) implemented thefollowing operations in GPU: (1) computing the vis-ibility index of viewsheds; (2) finding the candidateobserver that will most increase the visibility indexof a joint viewshed; and (3) computing the union ofviewsheds. In this implementation it was used thefollowing strategy: all data (the viewsheds and jointviewsheds) were kept in the GPU global memory andthe heuristics were executed on CPU. Thus, the GPUwas used as a coprocessor to efficiently perform oper-ations requested by the heuristics.

Also, to accelerate the viewshed operations, inSiteGPU the viewsheds were represented as a smallpiece of the terrain matrix. More precisely, each view-shed was represented by a (2R+1)× (2R+1) matrixwhere R is the radius of interest of the observer whichis sited on this matrix center. That strategy improvesthe algorithm efficiency because the points outside theobserver’s radius of interest are not considered, sincethey are, by definition, not visible.

The main operation performed by Site+ is theswap heuristic that tries to increase the joint visibilityindex of the current partial solution without changing

the number of observers selected. The basic idea isto check whether swapping a selected observer (in thecurrent partial solution) with another observer didn’tselected yet will increase the joint visibility index.This checking step considers all pairs composed byone observer in the partial solution and another onenot in that solution and selects the pair that causes thehighest contribution for the joint visibility index.

Notice that increasing the joint visibility indexof a partial solution can reduce the number of stepsrequired by the greedy strategy to achieve the finalsolution and, thus, the required coverage could beachieved using a smaller number of observers (thatcould be an important improvement since the observercan be an expensive facility, such as a cellular tower).But, on the other hand, this local search performs sev-eral viewshed operations and it is often the bottleneckof both Site+ and SiteGPU.

In this paper we propose a more efficient method,named SiteGSM, to site observers on terrain. It isbased on Site+ and includes a faster implementa-tion of the local search using dynamic programmingand GPU’s shared memory which is much faster thanthe GPU’s global memory (used by SiteGPU). It isimportant to mention that both methods Site+ andSiteGSM obtain exactly the same solution, that is,the same number of observers (sited on same terrainplaces) and, of course, the same terrain coverage. Thedifference is that SiteGSM is much faster than Site+.

5.1 The Local Search - Swap

Given a set with n candidate observers, let A =V1, · · · ,Vn be the set with their corresponding view-sheds, that is, Vi is the viewshed of observer i and let Sbe a subset of A with k viewsheds representing an ini-tial solution for the observer siting problem. The goalof the swap heuristic is to iteratively change S in or-der to increase the joint visibility index while keepingconstant the number of observers in S.

The local search method is based on the conceptof neighborhood of a solution which can be defined asfollows: given a solution S =

Vi1 , · · · ,Vik

, a neigh-

bor of S is a solution S′ where an element of S is re-placed by another element not in S. See Figure 3. Ineach iteration the current solution is replaced by itsbest neighbor (the one with highest visibility index).

The process of replacing the current solution withits best neighbor is repeated until it is obtained a so-lution having no better neighbor, which is a local op-timum.

To simplify the notation, a solution S =Vi1 , · · · ,Vik will be written as S = i1, · · · , ik in-dicating that the solution is, in fact, correspond to

Figure 3: Given A= V1,V2,V3,V4,V5, S′ are the neighborsof the solution S = V1,V2,V3.

the joint viewshed of the observers whose indices arei1, · · · , ik. Thus, the heuristic may be implemented(sequentially) as follows: given the set of candidateviewsheds A = V1, · · · ,Vn, let S be a solution com-posed of k viewsheds, i.e., S = i1, · · · , ik such thatthe joint viewshed of S is Vi1 ⊕·· ·⊕Vik where ⊕ rep-resents the union operation between two viewsheds.

Furthermore, let Vr be the joint viewshed of allviewsheds in S except Vir . In each iteration, the neigh-bors of S are generated in order to find the best solu-tion for the next iteration. The visibility indices of theneighbor solutions are calculated by computing thenumber of visible points in Vr ⊕Vj for r = 1 · · ·k andj = 1 · · ·n with j 6= r.

The most time-consuming step in this heuristic iscomputing the joint visibility index for each neighborsolution. Algorithm 1 presents the code for this stepthat computes the number of visible points in Vr ⊕Vj(for all r = 1 · · ·k and j = 1 · · ·n; j 6= r) and storesthem in the element Vix[r][ j]. In the next step, thismatrix will be used to find the best neighbor of S.

For efficiency improvement, in this work the view-sheds are packed in 64-bit words (where each wordrepresents the visibility of 64 points). Thus, the view-shed unions and visibility indices can be computedusing, respectively, bitwise-or operator and bit pop-ulation count functions, which are available in thehardware of most current computers.

5.2 An Efficient Swap HeuristicImplementation

Notice that, to generate Vr, for r = 1 · · ·k, Algo-rithm 1 performs Θ(k2) union operations ⊕, whereeach union operation involves Θ(vsize) positions inthe viewshed matrices. But, as described below, thisstep can be improved considerably using dynamicprogramming.

Given a solution S = i1, · · · , ik, i.e., Vi1 ⊕ ·· ·⊕

Algorithm 1 Calculate the Vix matrix where vsize isthe number of points in each viewshed, k is the num-ber of observers in the solution S and n is the num-ber of candidate observers. The output is matrix Vix,where Vix[r][ j] is the joint visibility index of a solu-tion replacing observer r with j.

1: Vix[k][n]←02: V [k][vsize]←03: for r← 1to k do4: for m← 1to k do5: if r 6= m then6: for w← 1to VSize do7: V [r][w]← V [r][w] or V [S[m]][w]8: end for9: end if

10: end for11: end for12: for r← 1to k do13: for j← 1to n do14: for w← 1to vsize do15: Vix[r][ j]←Vix[r][ j]+(V [r][w] orV [ j][w])16: end for17: end for18: end for19: return Vix

Vik , for each r ∈ 1, · · · ,k, we have Vr = (Vi1⊕·· ·⊕Vir−1)⊕(Vir+1⊕·· ·⊕Vik). Doing λ−r =Vi1⊕·· ·⊕Vir−1and λ+

r =Vir+1⊕·· ·⊕Vik we can observe that both λ−rand λ+

r can be obtained by the following recurrencerelations:

λ−1 = /0 and λ

−r = λ

−r−1⊕Vir−1 for all r ∈ 2, · · · ,k

λ+k = /0 and λ

+r =Vir+1 ⊕λ

+r+1for all r ∈ 1, · · · ,k−1

For example, Figure 4 illustrates Vr computationfor k = 5: in this figure, each row r represents thevalue of Vr where the elements in the left of the r-th column represents λ−r and in the right, λ+

r . Noticethat λ

−4 can be computed by joining the viewsheds Vi1

and Vi2 (which is the value of λ−3 ) with viewshed Vi3 .

On the other hand, the λ+ values can be computed insimilar way using the reverse order.

Based on these recurrence relations, Algorithm 2uses dynamic programming to compute a matrix Vthat stores Vr, for r = 1 · · ·k. Notice that this algo-rithm performs only Θ(k) viewshed unions and canreplace the piece of code composed by lines 2 to 11in Algorithm 1 where are performed Θ(k2) viewshedunions.

In SiteGSM, the Algorithm 2 was implementedin GPU using the following strategy: the viewshedswere kept in GPU’s global memory and, then, the

Figure 4: Matrix illustrating Vr in a solution with k = 5observers.

union of viewsheds (loop in lines 3, 9 and 15 of Algo-rithm 2) were performed using GPU’s threads, that is,each thread performs a bitwise-or operation with oneelement of a viewshed and the corresponding elementof another viewshed.

Algorithm 2 Compute the matrix V that stores Vr,for r = 1 · · ·k using a dynamic programming strategy.

1: V1[k][vsize]←02: for r← 2 to k do3: for w← 1 to vsize do4: V1[r][w]← V1[r−1][w] or V [S[r−1]][w]5: end for6: end for7: V2[k][vsize]←08: for r← k−1 to 1 do9: for w← 1 to vsize do

10: V2[r][w]← V2[r+1][w] or V [S[r+1]][w]11: end for12: end for13: V [k][vsize]←014: for r← 1 to k do15: for w← 1 to vsize do16: V [r][w]← V1[r][w] or V2[r][w]17: end for18: end for

After computing Vr, the next step is to computethe joint visibility index of the neighbor solutions, asperformed by lines 12 to 18 in Algorithm 1. A staight-forward implementation of this step in GPU was pre-sented in (Magalhaes et al., 2011), where all view-sheds are kept in the GPU’s global memory and, then,each element of matrix Vix (that stores the joint vis-ibility index) is computed using a parallel algorithmto overlap a pair of viewsheds followed by a parallelreduction operation to determine the number of visi-ble points. However, this strategy does not take ad-vantage of the GPU performance efficiently becauseit requires too many accesses to the global memory,

which is much slower than other memories such asthe shared memory.

In order to make a better use of the GPU mem-ory hierarchy, we propose a new strategy based ona fast GPU matrix multiplication algorithm. Noticethat the joint visibility index, that is, the Vix matrix,is obtained in lines 12 to 18 of Algorithm 1, wherethe matrices V and V are overlapped using a bitwise-or operation. In this case, the two matrices are sweptin a row major order, but the matrices could be reor-ganized such that the overlapping could be computedusing an access pattern similar to matrix multiplica-tion. More precisely, line 15 in Algorithm 1 can bereplaced with

Vix[r][ j]←Vix[r][ j]+V [r][w] or V T [w][ j]

where V T is the transposed matrix of V .Thus, the Vix matrix can be computed using a sim-

ple adaptation of some very fast algorithm for matrixmultiplication in GPU. In particular, we adapted thealgorithm presented in (NVIDIA, 2013), replacing themultiplication operation by a bitwise-or followed bya binary population count operation. This algorithmsubdivides the matrices into blocks, which are loadediteratively in the GPU’s shared memory as the multi-plication process is performed. Therefore, most of thealgorithm accesses are to the shared memory which ismuch faster than the global memory.

Additionally, since the viewsheds matrices are,usually, sparse (the points outside the observer’s ra-dius of interest are always non visible), we adaptedthe matrix multiplication algorithm to avoid loadingand processing matrix blocks where all the elementsare 0.


The method SiteGSM was implemented inC++/CUDA and compiled using nvcc 4.0 withmaximum optimization level (-O3). It was comparedagainst SiteGPU (Magalhaes et al., 2011) and againstSite+ (Magalhaes et al., 2010a), a sequential CPUversion with no use of dynamic programming. Thetests were executed on a computer with Dual IntelXeon E5-2687 3.1GHz, 128GiB of memory andGPU NVidia Tesla Kepler K20x with 6GiB of globalmemory, 48KB of shared memory per block and2688 CUDA processing cores running Ubuntu 12.04LTS.

The tests used different datasets obtained fromNASA SRTM webpage: a terrain with 1201× 1201points (90-meter resolution SRTM3 terrain) repre-senting a region of the Minas Gerais state in Brazil

and another terrain with 3601×3601 points (30-meterresolution SRTM1 terrain) representing a region ofthe New Jersey state in USA.

The initial set P of candidate observers for eachterrain was computed using steps 1 to 3 of the Sitemethod proposed by (Franklin, 2002) and describedin section 4. The Site was set up to select 1000 candi-dates for the smaller terrain and 3000 candidates forthe larger one, as in (Magalhaes et al., 2011). Also,the viewsheds of all candidate observers were com-puted using the same viewshed algorithm used bySite, with the observers and target points sited 30 me-ters above the terrain. This value was chosen because,in general, it is the height of real towers, as for exam-ple, communication antennas (Delmellea et al., 2005).

The observer siting methods were tested usingradii of interest 100, 200 and 300 points for the firstterrain; and 200, 300 and 400 points for the secondterrain. For each terrain, the desired coverages (jointvisibility indices) were 75%, 85% and 95% of the ter-rain area. Figure 5 shows three examples, with radiiof interest 100, 200 and 300 and desired coverage of25%, indicating how observers were sited on the ter-rain.

Table 1 presents the processing time (in seconds)spent by each method. Column #Obs shows the num-ber of observers sited in each case and the SiteGSM’sspeedup is shown in parentheses. The symbol * repre-sents a case for which the set P of candidate observersis not enough to achieve the desired coverage. Thesymbol ∞ indicates those cases where the processingtime is greater than 7 hours.

As the tests showed, in all cases, the methodSiteGSM proposed in this paper was faster thanSiteGPU (Magalhaes et al., 2011) - in some cases,more than 20 times - and, as expected, much fasterthan the Site+ (more than 1200 times). Notice that,in almost all cases, the higher the desired coverage,the higher the speedup. This can be explained by thefact that higher coverages require more observers andconsequently more viewsheds must be processed.

While much faster than Site+, SiteGSM obtainsthe same solution as the former and, as presented in(Magalhaes et al., 2010a), the Site+ can achieve sim-ilar terrain coverage as the original Site using about10% less observers. This can be an important (eco-nomic) improvement since the observers can repre-sent some expensive facility, as for example, a com-munication antenna.

Figure 5: Observers sited in terrain 12012 with desired cov-erage 25% and radii of interest: 100 (a), 200 (b) and 300 (c).The observers are indicated by yellow triangles and visiblepoints are showed in red.


We presented an efficient implementation of a heuris-tic to site observers on terrains to achieve a given cov-erage of this terrain. The method is based on an exten-sion of Site (Franklin, 2002), where it was included alocal search strategy that tries to improve the cover-age obtained by a fixed number of observers. This lo-

Table 1: Processing time (in seconds) of three methods: two parallel methods using GPU (SiteGSM and SiteGPU) and asequential one (Site+) to site observers on terrains with different sizes considering different radii of interest (R) to achievesome desired coverages (Ω).

Ter. R Ω #Obs. Processing Time (in sec.)SiteGSM SiteGPU Site+



10075% 162 12 180 (15.0) 11010 (917.5)85% 299 33 545 (16.5) ∞ (-)95% * * * (-) * (-)

20075% 55 3 35 (11.7) 1304 (434.7)85% 97 6 104 (17.3) 4020 (670.0)95% 323 48 888 (18.5) ∞ (-)

30075% 34 2 19 (9.5) 479 (239.5)85% 62 4 70 (17.5) 1826 (456.5)95% 216 28 566 (20.2) 19408 (693.1)



20075% 81 76 422 (5.6) ∞ (-)85% 97 110 708 (6.4) ∞ (-)95% 125 183 1341 (7.3) ∞ (-)

30075% 36 28 160 (5.7) ∞ (-)85% 42 41 276 (6.7) ∞ (-)95% 54 66 523 (7.9) ∞ (-)

40075% 20 14 81 (5.8) 14867 (1061.9)85% 24 19 124 (6.5) 22869 (1203.6)95% 30 30 270 (9.0) ∞ (-)

cal search was implemented in parallel using graphicsprocessing units and also dynamic programming.

As the tests showed, the method described in thispaper is more efficient than a previous method pre-sented in (Magalhaes et al., 2011) and, in some cases,more than 20 times faster. Also, it is up to 1200 timesfaster than the corresponding sequential implementa-tion.

This is an interesting contribution since the ex-tended method Site+ using local search heuristic canachieve a desired coverage using a smaller number ofobservers than the original Site and thus, better solu-tions can be generated faster.

As a next step, to improve the proposed methodperformance even more, we will try to reduce theviewshed matrix size using only a bounding box con-taining the observer radius of interest. Thus, it will bepossible to reduce the volume of data to be processedand, in this case, it seems that we could compute thejoint visibility indices adapting a GPU sparse matrixmultiplication algorithm.


This work was partially supported by FAPEMIG,CNPq, CAPES and NSF IIS-1117277.


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Table 2: Table of notations.

Symbol DescriptionO ObserverT TargetOb Observer’s base pointTb Target’s base pointh Height of an observer or target above terrainR Radius of interest of an observerV Viewshed of an observerω Visibility index of an observerS Set of observersV Joint viewshed of a set of observersΩ Joint visibility index of a set of observersP Set of candidate observersn Number of candidate observersA Set of candidate observersS Subset of Ak Number of observers in SS′ Neighbor solution of S

i1, · · · , ik Observers Indices⊕ Union operation between two viewshedsVik Viewshed of the observer k in SVr Joint viewshed of all viewsheds in S except Vir

vsize Number of points in each viewshedVix[r][ j] Joint visibility index of a solution replacing observer r with j

λ−r Union between the viewsheds Vi1 · · ·Vir−1

λ+r Union between the viewsheds Vir+1 · · ·Vik
