Page 1: An eyeopener to societal aspects of biotechnology

Biotechnology and Society

2de Ma Biochemistry-Biotechnology

An eyeopener to societal aspects of biotechnology

• Industrial/clinical/agricultural applications

• some Ethics/safety (but mainly other courses)

• Public perception

• Professional fields

Peter Brouckaert Peter Van Damme

Page 2: An eyeopener to societal aspects of biotechnology

Biotechnology and Society

Final result: the student is aware of the societal

aspects of biochemistry and biotechnology,

he/she can reflect on these and deliver an

argued contribution (= evaluation).

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Biotechnology and Society

• Seminars that illustrate the specificity of the industrial, agricultural and clinical approach to biochemical and biotechnological research versus the academic approach.

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Page 5: An eyeopener to societal aspects of biotechnology

OPINNO modules

• Module 1: November 25@UA: the biotech

landscape and industrial thinking

• Module 2: March, 9@HoGent: carreers in


• Module 3 (Knowledge for Growth)-facultative

Job Fair-May 12, 2015

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• Biobizz cafe : informal contact with

researchers-entrepreneurs, biotech-CEO´s and


• Allumni event

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Biotechnology and Society

• Seminars that illustrate the complexity of challenges in society challenges: solutions are often broader than the technology driven approach

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Biotechnology and Society

Bart Gordts, AZ-St Jan

Page 9: An eyeopener to societal aspects of biotechnology

Biotechnology and Society

• Seminars that provide insight into the public debate and the associated ethical and safety issues surrounding biotechnology and its applications (sorry, not everybody likes us)

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Hans HerrenIngo Potrykus

Millions Spent, No One Served: Who Is to Blame for the Failure of GMO

Golden Rice?

August 10, 2016 Biotechnology, Commentaries, Health

by Angelika Hilbeck and Hans Herren

Biotechnology and Society

Page 11: An eyeopener to societal aspects of biotechnology

Biotechnology and Society

• A workpiece on a biotech topic with a socio-economic aspect where students have to reflect on pro’s and con’s and give a personal contribution.

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Biotechnology and Society

Workpiece-option 1:

Write an essay on the socio-economics of your dissertation topic

Workpiece-option 3:Write an essay starting from a socio-economic subject proposed by yourself

Workpiece-option 4:

Write a popular article about your (broad) dissertation topic

Workpiece-option 5:

Something else, proposed by you (even the sky is no limit)

Workpiece-option 2:Write an essay starting from a socio-economic subject given by

The lecturer

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Biotechnology and Society

Workpiece-option 6:

Outreach: have talks in high schools telling about biotechnology and our study program (per 2)

- 30 min ppt presentation

- Presentation, Peer feedback and evaluation(Dec)

- School visits (March-April)

- Feedback (teacher/student) (May)

Page 14: An eyeopener to societal aspects of biotechnology

Biotechnology and Society

Workpiece-option 1:

Write an essay on the socio-economics of your dissertation topic

Workpiece-option 3:Make a presentation starting frorm a socio-economic subject proposed by yourself

Workpiece-option 4:

Write a popular article about your (broad) dissertation topic

Workpiece-option 5:

Something else, proposed by you (even the sky is no limit)

Workpiece-option 2:Make a presentation starting from a socio-economic subject given by

The lecturer

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- 15 socio-economic topics are presented (lecturers)

5 green, 5 red, 5 white

- Groups of 4-6 couples of students chose 4-6 topics

- Each couple prepares a 20 min ppt presentation

- Peer presentation and feedback (Dec)

- Peer presentation, questioning and discussion, evaluation (April)

Biotechnology and Society