  • 1. An exploratory analysis of effec2veness of milk market in Odisha, India Braja Bandhu Swain and Nils Teufel Introduc:on v Livestock sector in Odisha is highly livelihood intensive and over 80% of livestock popula:on holds by small and marginal farmers (Odisha Livestock Policy, 2002). v Dairy is the important product in livestock sector whose share has increased from less than 50% to 65% in the 2000s. v However, due to dominance of smallholder and failure of ins:tu:ons, this sector could not achieve high produc:vity and growth. v Low percentage (8% of total milk produc:on) of milk sold in formal market compared to other states. v To bring the growth in this sector, there is need to strengthen milk market and link the farmers into market. v This study would like to examine the milk market channel and the prices in different market zone. Materials and methods v Two districts (Puri and Bhadrak) were selected based on milk produc:on and marke:ng from coastal Odisha, India: Bhadrak =Low market site and Puri = high market site v Randomly 130 villages were selected, 65 villages from each district v Data were collected through focus group discussions with different categories of dairy farmers (small, medium and large) and also milk trader v Descrip:ve sta:s:cal analysis was used to analyse the survey data Fig 2: Milk buying share of different channels and price Pictures Results 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fig-1: Dairy products and sold in high and low market site High Low High Low High Low avg share % product sold % hh selling share product 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 High %wmnSelin 100 80 60 40 20 Low %wmnRPym nt v Farmers in low market site use higher propor:on of milk for processing at home compared to high market site v High percentage of milk sold in high market site compared to low market site v Middlemen buy higher propor:on of milk followed by milk co-opera:ve in high market site while it is the household consumer followed by middlemen in low site v Farmers in high market site get beOer price of their milk compared its counterpart v Women play an important role in delivering and buying milk in low market site compared to high v Need to increase the share of formal market in buying milk tends to increase the milk produc:on in the economy Braja Bandhu Swain Interna:onal Livestock Research Ins:tute (ILRI) Aggarwal Corporate Tower, 9th Floor, Rajendra Place New Delhi-110012, India Email: [email protected] and [email protected] Acknowledgements: Cereal System Ini:a:ve for South Asia (CSISA) and the Interna:onal Livestock Research Ins:tute (ILRI) This document is licensed for use under a Crea:ve Commons AOribu:on Non commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License September 2014 September 2014 v The survey results indicated that high percent of milk sold in the market in high market site compared to other while milk society plays a major role (Fig 1 & Fig 2). Women play a major role in delivering milk and receiving payment in low market site (Fig 3). Conclusion Milk Curd Ghee Cheese 0 govt milk- cop:ve pvt milk- cop:ve middle man tea/swt shop hh consumer share channels High Share High Price Low Share Low Price 0 g High %wmnBying High %wmnRPym nt Low %wmnSelin g Low %wmnBying Fig 3: Women and Milk Market middle man pvt milk-cop:ve hh consumer tea/swt shop govt milk-cop:ve
