



In the early part of the 20th century, terrorism got its starting point of development. It was also internationally regarded an acceptable and effective means of politics realization and likewise considered as the very attractive solving mechanism of all the accumulated and complicated problems.

International terrorism is the frightening method of the countries by the international extreme nationalistic movements, religious fanatic associations by means of terrorist acts against governmental and society figures, officials of international organizations and civil population as well. As a rule, the material basis for international terrorism are criminal business structures including human traffic, drug business, organization of illegal migration, different crimes in the financing sphere and others.

The international terrorism is the 1.) Manifestation of national and religious intolerance; 2.) Generating of profound inner social-economic, religious and national contradictions in the countries with unstable political regimes; 3.) Manifestation of increasing disappointment in disability of international society to solve complicated interstate conflicts; 4.) Result of the cold-war, in the process of which the participants used service extreme nationalistic or religious structures for the organization of explosive works, sabotages, terrorist acts or even military actions against their opponents.

The Declaration and Program concluded on the World UNO Conference on Human Rights on the 25th of July 1993 in Vienna, defined that the acts, methods and practice of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is an activity directed to the destruction of human rights, main freedoms and democracy threatens territorial integrity and safety.

Notably, terrorism appeared on the global scenario, beset with various tensions, conflicts and global changes brought about by significant increase in industries, active involvement of mass communications and informational technologies and systems, variety of social relationships and several modes of political organizations. Politician murders, kidnapping, sabotage of transport, operation of riot, and destabilization of inner environment of the country were some of the reportedly result of national terrorism from among all countries. This was due to profound economic crisis, cultural disorientation, and social despair and political discontentment, to mention a few.

Terrorism and extremism in all their manifestations have threaten more and more the safety of many countries and their citizens, draw huge political, economic and moral losses, have great pressure on the large quantities of people and with each day deprive more and more peoples lives. In effect, terrorism in all its manifestations and forms, results in a myriad of dangerous problems due to its great variety, unpredictability, and socio-political and moral effects.

The significant particularity of modern terrorism is well-structuralized and organized character. The terrorist organizations establish the unique leading authorities, management system and planning subdivisions. There were noted negotiations and meeting of the most significant groups, organization activity coordination of diverse nationalities.

The present terrorism can serve not only as an addition and organic element but also as detonator of military conflicts and hinder peace processes. Nowadays, the international terrorism is an integral part of spreading process of transnational criminal organizations that are supported by the corrupted state officials and politicians. The political terrorism is assimilated to criminality (drug business, illegal weapon turn-over, smuggling, etc.). Very often, the criminality is disguised by political aims and by disguising themselves as terrorists to claim, once imprisoned, the same treatment given political prisoners.

Officials of different countries support the passage and implementation of the Anti-terrorism law because they believe this will effectively deter, if not prevented, the commission of heinous crimes and bombing attacks by criminals and terrorist organizations. Likewise, the anti-terrorism law shall serve as a primordial tool to improve the peace and orders conditions of the world and not deteriorate the worse.

It is not surprising as external policy of the State to extend assistance and support in fighting terrorist activities and cooperate with special forces to suppress terrorist organizations. It should be recalled that the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty were highlighted in international law.

Unpredictability and severity of the threat of the modern terrorism compel to more flexible use of existing law.

Systemizing the existing practice of world societys efforts coordination in the matters of counteracting to the terrorism, it should be noted that there are several universal international conventions in the basis. They are the following: The convention on combat with the illegal acts directed against safety of civil aviation (1971); the convention on preventing and punishment of the crimes against figures with international protection including diplomatic agents (1973); the convention on combat with hostage seizures (1979); the convention on protection of nuclear material (1980); the convention on combat with illegal acts directed against safety of sea navigation (1988); the convention on combat with bombing terrorism (1997); the convention on marking plastic explosives with the purpose of their detection (1999); the convention on the combat with financiering of the terrorism (1999); and others.

Terrorism preventing is extremely complicated task, because this phenomenon is generated by many social, political, psychological, economic, historic and other causes. Accordingly, these causes should be the subject of preventive interference, but it is not easy to fulfill this because considerable part of these causes is connected with governmental power and its seizure, property division, triumph of own ideology, change of national and social structure and so on. By all the factors, the terrorism is ineradicable, because it is the form of internal mankind companion that is MURDER.

Eradication of international terrorism is a long lasting process presupposing creation of objective and subjective conditions for reaching the goal. International terrorism cannot be destroyed only by force methods: violence inevitably generates violence. The most IMPORTANT premise for international terrorism eradication is the stabilization of economic and political situations in the countries, fortification of democracy in socio-political life. Likewise, it is indispensable for the countries to form political stable structures, mechanism of civilized political dialog and power rotation. The elaboration of high political and legal culture, distinct establishment of the legal sanctions for terrorist acts are needed to counteract terrorism. Moreover, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of diverse ethnos and provide their interests realization of being the members of that country will prevail over the ethnic factor in the process of the self-identification of the citizens.

All countries especially its governmental authorities are recommended to activate their efforts to eliminate the movements of terrorist groups and their members with stricter border control and rules of ID Documents and visa registration to intensify borders security, control of foreign organizations activity in order to minimize the extremism import possibility from other countries.

It is worth appealing to all State to take control of all governmental and nongovernmental organizations that can be shelter for terrorist activity. Significant attention should be paid to the latest communication means which terrorists use for the propaganda of their own ideas and for communication with each other. Dedicated legislative aspects of more effective control over manufacturing, trade and export of weapon and explosives shall be given utmost preference. Measures directed to decrease the level of unemployment and socio-economic problem solutions are able to reduce social tension and neutralize the main source of possible social excesses.

The success of international terrorism combat directly depends on real operating cooperation between special services of every State. The efforts of one country are not enough or even the group of developed countries. It is obvious that for the combat with this human threat and global problem, it is necessary and crucial to UNITE the attempts of all governmental and non-governmental law enforcement authorities, as well as the socio-political structures, power branches and mass media. Suppressing international terrorism as the global problem requires COLLECTIVE EFFORTS of most countries and peoples of the whole world.
