  • 8/3/2019 Amy J St Eve Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    .4oto ] FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT~ , , . ~ , . 2 o ~ o [ FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 ,~ u .s .c . ,q ,p .~+ IO l- i l l~1. Person Reporting {last oam,:, first, middle imtial) Z. C ourt t:+r t~.~r,g~nizati+m 3. Dale of ReportSI. Eve. A m y J. Dist t+cl (ou~ 511W2010

    4. Title t ~icle II 1 .lu0ges indicate active or senior status: 5a. Report Type tcbeck apprt+l,rta/c type) 6. Reporting Periodmagistraze judges indicate full- or p+rt-timejUSDC.I-~clive ~ h+it,at ~ Annual ~ linal Io12z31.:2009

    5b. ~ Amended Repo;~t7. Chamber~ or Office Addres~ 8. On lhe basis M lhe information onlzlned in Ibis Reporl ~nd anymodif icallons per tain ing lbereto , i t i~ . in m y opin~n, in compliance21g South Dearborn Street ++ilh applicable la~ s and regulalions.Room 1260C hicago. Ill inois 60604 Reviemin~ Offier ........... Date .....

    I M P O R Z 4 N T N O T E S : The instructions accompa~ring this.lbrm mu.~t be fiHIowed_ Complete aH partx,checMng the NONE bax fi*r each part where y+*u have no reportable i~rmatiott Si.z,n on la~tpa~e.

    I . P O S I T I O N S . m+por,i,,.,, inaiviauat ont.; .....pp. 9-13 ,,ilUing i~ NONE (No reportablepositions.)

    POSITION NAM~ OF ORGANIZATION/ENTITYl At~iuncl Professor No~hwestem Law School

    2. Board Member Fcderal Bar Association -- Chicago C~ap~er

    3. Board Member DePaul Universit.,, (.ollege of Lay. -- Intellectual Property Lay, and InformationTechnology Board4. Member Public Safety Commissioner

    - - . . + 7 + : [ 7 I" 2 0 1 { }I X . C E RT I F I C A T I O N .

    I certify that aii information given above ( including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or d ependent children, if anyJ isaccurate, true, and complete to the best of m) knowledge and belief, aod that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable statutor)provisions permitting non-dlsclosure.I forther certify lha! earned income from outside employm ent and honoraria and the acceptauce of gifts ~hich have been reported are incompliance with the provisions of 5 U,S.C. app. 501 el. seq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulati.ns.



    F I L I N G I N ST R U C T IO N SMail signed original and 3 add itional copies to:

    Commitlce on Financial Dis~losureAd~ninistrative Office of the United States CourtsSuite 2-301One Colu mbu s Ci rcle. N.E.Washington. D.C. 20544
