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Research Articles: Behavioral/Cognitive

Amphetamine reverses escalated cocaine intake via restoration ofdopamine transporter conformation

Cody A. Siciliano1,2, Kaustuv Saha3, Erin S. Calipari1,4, Steve C. Fordahl1, Rong Chen1, Habibeh

Khoshbouei3 and Sara R. Jones1

1Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC 271572The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA 021393Department of Neuroscience and Department of Psychiatry, McKnight Brain Institute, University of FloridaCollege of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida 326114Fishberg Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029

DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2604-17.2017

Received: 11 September 2017

Revised: 14 November 2017

Accepted: 17 November 2017

Published: 24 November 2017

Author contributions: C.A.S., E.S.C., R.C., H.K., and S.R.J. designed research; C.A.S., K.S., S.C.F., and R.C.performed research; C.A.S. analyzed data; C.A.S., E.S.C., and S.R.J. wrote the paper.

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no competing financial interests.

This work was funded by NIH grants R01 DA021325, R01 DA030161, P50 DA006634 (SRJ), R01 DA026947,NS071122, OD020026 (HK), T32 DA007246, F31 DA031533, K99 DA042111 (ESC), and F31 DA037710, T32AA007565, F32 MH111216 (CAS) as well as support from the McKnight Brain Institute (KS) and the Brain andBehavior foundation (ESC).

Corresponding Author: Sara R. Jones, Ph.D., Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, WakeForest School of Medicine, Medical Center Blvd., Winston-Salem, NC 27157, Tel: 336.716.8533, E-mail:[email protected]

Cite as: J. Neurosci ; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2604-17.2017

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Amphetamine reverses escalated cocaine intake via restoration of dopamine 1 transporter conformation 2 Cody A. Siciliano1,2, Kaustuv Saha3, Erin S. Calipari1,4, Steve C. Fordahl1, Rong Chen1, 3 Habibeh Khoshbouei3, Sara R. Jones1* 4 5 1Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, 6 Winston-Salem, NC 27157 7 2The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Department of Brain and Cognitive 8 Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA 02139 9 3Department of Neuroscience and Department of Psychiatry, McKnight Brain Institute, 10 University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida 32611 11 4Fishberg Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New 12 York, NY 10029 13 RUNNING TITLE: Amphetamine reverses escalated cocaine taking 14 *Corresponding Author: Sara R. Jones, Ph.D. 15 Department of Physiology and Pharmacology 16 Wake Forest School of Medicine 17 Medical Center Blvd. 18 Winston-Salem, NC 27157 19 Tel: 336.716.8533 20 E-mail: [email protected] 21 22 Words in abstract: 248 23 Words in introduction: 650 24 Words in discussion: 1,571 25 Figures: 7 26 Acknowledgements: This work was funded by NIH grants R01 DA021325, R01 27 DA030161, P50 DA006634 (SRJ), R01 DA026947, NS071122, OD020026 (HK), T32 28 DA007246, F31 DA031533, K99 DA042111 (ESC), and F31 DA037710, T32 AA007565, 29 F32 MH111216 (CAS) as well as support from the McKnight Brain Institute (KS) and the 30 Brain and Behavior foundation (ESC). 31 Financial Disclosure: The authors declare no competing financial interests. 32

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Significance Statement 33 Tolerance to cocaine’s subjective effects is a cardinal symptom of cocaine addiction, and 34 a DSM-V criterion for substance abuse disorders. However, elucidating the molecular 35 adaptions that produce tolerance and determining its behavioral impact have proven 36 difficult. Using cocaine self-administration in rats we link tolerance to cocaine effects at 37 the dopamine transporter (DAT) with aberrant cocaine taking behaviors. Further, 38 tolerance was associated with multi-DAT complexes which formed after cocaine 39 exposure. Treatment with amphetamine deconstructed DAT complexes, reversed 40 tolerance and decreased cocaine seeking. These data describe the behavioral 41 consequence of cocaine tolerance, provide a putative mechanism for its development, 42 and suggest that compounds that disperse DAT complexes may be efficacious 43 treatments for cocaine addiction. 44 45 46

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Abstract 47 Cocaine abuse disrupts dopamine system function, including reduced cocaine inhibition 48 of the dopamine transporter (DAT), which results in tolerance. Although tolerance is a 49 hallmark of cocaine addiction and a DSM-V criteria for substance abuse disorders, the 50 molecular adaptations producing tolerance are unknown, and testing the impact of DAT 51 changes on drug taking behaviors has proven difficult. In regard to treatment, 52 amphetamine has shown efficacy in reducing cocaine intake; however, the mechanisms 53 underlying these effects have not been explored. The goals of this study were two-fold; 54 we sought to: 1) identify the molecular mechanisms by which cocaine exposure 55 produces tolerance, and 2) determine if amphetamine-induced reductions in cocaine 56 intake is connected to these mechanisms. Using cocaine self-administration and fast-57 scan cyclic voltammetry in male rats we show that low-dose, continuous amphetamine 58 treatment, during self-administration or abstinence, completely reversed cocaine 59 tolerance. Amphetamine treatment also reversed escalated cocaine intake and 60 decreased motivation to obtain cocaine as measured in a behavioral economics task, 61 thereby linking tolerance to multiple facets of cocaine use. Finally, using fluorescence 62 resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging we found that cocaine tolerance is 63 associated with the formation of DAT-DAT complexes, and that amphetamine disperses 64 these complexes. In addition to extending our basic understanding of DATs and their 65 role in cocaine reinforcement, we serendipitously identified a novel therapeutic target: 66 DAT oligomer complexes. We show that dispersion of oligomers is concomitant with 67 reduced cocaine intake, and propose that pharmacotherapeutics aimed at these 68 complexes may have potential for cocaine addiction treatment. 69 70 71 72

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Introduction 73 Drug addiction is one of the most damaging public health problems, resulting in 74

close to 600,000 deaths per year and a societal cost of over $500 billion in the United 75 States alone (McGinnis et al., 1999; O’Connor et al., 2014). Cocaine use results in 76 disrupted neuronal function, especially of dopaminergic systems (Volkow et al., 1996, 77 1997; Dackis and O’Brien, 2001), which can lead to escalated and uncontrolled drug 78 intake. In particular, studies in cocaine-dependent humans have revealed that cocaine 79 addiction is associated with a reduction in the ability of cocaine to inhibit the dopamine 80 transporter (DAT), increase dopamine levels, and produce euphoric effects (Volkow et 81 al., 1996, 1997, 2014). Preclinical literature has identified the DAT as the main site of 82 action for cocaine, necessary for both the euphoric effects and self-administration 83 behavior (Ritz et al., 1987; Roberts et al., 1977; Chen et al., 2006; Thomsen et al., 84 2009); thus changes in cocaine effects at the DAT have been hypothesized to be a 85 major component in the development of addiction. Despite the implications of cocaine 86 tolerance and DAT alterations in addiction, the molecular changes that underlie 87 tolerance have remained elusive, and directly testing the effects of tolerance on drug 88 taking and seeking behavior has been a long-standing challenge. 89

Amphetamine (AMPH) has shown efficacy in reducing cocaine intake in human 90 addicts in multiple clinical trials (Grabowski et al., 2001, 2004; Rush and Stoops, 2012; 91 Nuijten et al., 2016). Currently AMPH is categorized as an agonist replacement therapy 92 (i.e. a medication that acts on the same primary target as the abused compound), which 93 typically must be administered indefinitely on a daily maintenance schedule to be 94 effective (Rush and Stoops, 2012); however, there have been no investigations of the 95 cellular mechanisms underlying AMPH’s efficacy in reducing cocaine intake. Here we 96 hypothesized that AMPH’s therapeutic effects may be due to interactions with the DAT 97 that result in changes in cocaine potency and dopamine neurotransmission. Thus we 98

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sought to 1) identify the molecular alterations to DATs that underlie cocaine tolerance, 2) 99 determine the behavioral impact of cocaine tolerance, and 3) determine if AMPH 100 interferes with these mechanisms. To address these questions, we utilized the long- and 101 short-access cocaine self-administration procedure in which animals are given daily 102 access to cocaine for 1 (short-access; ShA) or 6 (long-access; LgA) hours per day. LgA 103 conditions result in cardinal sequelae of addiction including escalation of cocaine intake, 104 compulsive cocaine seeking, and increased motivation to administer cocaine (Ahmed 105 and Koob, 1998; Grimm et al., 2001; Patterson and Markou, 2003). This is in contrast to 106 animals allowed to self-administration under ShA conditions which do not develop 107 aberrant cocaine taking behaviors over time. Comparisons of these two conditions 108 provides a powerful model for determining the molecular underpinnings of cocaine 109 addiction pathology. By combining drug self-administration with fast-scan cyclic 110 voltammetry (FSCV), and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging, we 111 systematically identify the molecular alterations in the DAT that may underlie drug 112 seeking. 113

We found that LgA cocaine self-administration produces neurochemical tolerance 114 to cocaine effects concomitant with dysregulated cocaine intake. AMPH, when 115 administered via mini-pump at a low dose during or after cocaine self-administration 116 ameliorated cocaine tolerance, prevented escalation of cocaine intake and reduced 117 maladaptive drug seeking long after cessation of treatment. Using behavioral economic 118 analyses we found that the increased motivation to administer cocaine after LgA was 119 also prevented by AMPH treatment, thus linking DAT alterations to multiple aberrant 120 cocaine taking behaviors. Importantly, we show that cocaine exposure produced 121 tolerance to cocaine effects concomitantly with the formation of DAT oligomer 122 complexes, and that AMPH both reversed cocaine tolerance as well as returning DATs 123 to a monomer configuration. Thus, AMPH’s ability to reduce cocaine intake likely results 124

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from more complex mechanisms than previously hypothesized. This suggests that 125 compounds aimed at altering cocaine-induced DAT oligomerization may be efficacious 126 in treating cocaine addiction. These finding provide a putative molecular mechanisms 127 underlying cocaine tolerance and provide a link between dopamine system dysfunction 128 and aberrant cocaine taking behaviors. 129 Methods and Materials: 130 Animals: Male Sprague-Dawley rats (350–400g at start of experiments; Harlan 131 Laboratories, Frederick, Maryland), maintained on a 12:12 hour reverse light/dark cycle 132 (3:00 am lights off; 3:00 pm lights on) with food and water ad libitum. All animals were 133 maintained according to the National Institutes of Health guidelines in Association for 134 Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care accredited facilities. The 135 experimental protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use 136 Committee at Wake Forest School of Medicine. 137 Self-Administration Surgery and Training: Rats were anesthetized and implanted with 138 chronic indwelling jugular catheters as previously described (Siciliano et al., 2015). 139 Animals were singly housed, and all sessions took place in the home cage during the 140 active/dark cycle (9:00 am–3:00 pm). After a 2-day recovery period, animals underwent 141 a training paradigm within which animals were given access on a fixed ratio one (FR1) 142 schedule to a cocaine-paired lever, which, upon responding, initiated an intravenous 143 injection of cocaine (0.75 mg/kg, infused over 4 s). After each response/infusion, the 144 lever was retracted and a stimulus light was illuminated for a 20 second timeout period. 145 Training sessions were terminated after a maximum of 20 infusions or 6h, whichever 146 occurred first. Acquisition occurred when an animal responded for 20 injections for two 147 consecutive days and a stable pattern of infusion intervals was present. 148

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Osmotic Mini-Pumps: Following completion of the final acquisition session, animals 149 were anesthetized briefly with isoflurane and osmotic mini-pumps (ALZET, Cupertino, 150 CA) containing AMPH (5 mg/kg/day) or saline were implanted subcutaneously just 151 posterior to the shoulder blades. This dose was selected as it is well below doses shown 152 to have neurotoxic effects on dopamine neurons (Jonsson and Nwanze, 1982). 153 Extended Access Cocaine Self-Administration: Following acquisition, animals were 154 allowed to administer cocaine on an FR1 schedule of reinforcement (0.75 mg/kg, infused 155 over 4 s) with unlimited injections for a total of six (LgA) or one (ShA) hours per day for a 156 total of 14 day. Animals were treated with mini-pump delivered AMPH or saline 157 throughout the 14 days of self-administration. 158 A separate group animals were allowed to self-administer under LgA or ShA 159 conditions for 14 days before undergoing a 7-day abstinence period. In this group, 160 animals were treated with mini-pump delivered AMPH or saline throughout the 7-day 161 abstinence period. In all groups, pumps were removed following the final self-162 administration session, approximately 18 hours before being sacrificed for voltammetric 163 recordings. 164 Threshold procedure: In a separate group of animals, the threshold procedure was 165 used to determine LgA-induced changes in cocaine self-administration. The threshold 166 procedure was performed before LgA, again following 14 days of LgA with saline or 167 AMPH mini-pump treatment and a final assessment was made 7 days following 168 cessation of LgA and treatment. The threshold procedure is a behavioral economics 169 approach to assessing drug taking/seeking and reinforcing efficacy. Using behavioral 170 economic analyses first requires generating a demand function, or in other words, 171 measuring the consumption of a reinforcer across varying prices. Here, price was 172

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defined as responses required to obtain 1 mg of cocaine; thus, price can be manipulated 173 in two ways: 1) by changing the response requirement per infusion, or 2) by changing 174 the amount of cocaine received with each infusion. Both approaches have been used to 175 generated demand functions for drugs (Oleson and Roberts, 2012; Wade-Galuska et al., 176 2007). The threshold procedure, used here, consists of generating a demand curve by 177 giving rats access to a descending series of 11 unit doses of cocaine (421, 237, 133, 75, 178 41, 24, 13, 7.5, 4.1, 2.4, and 1.3 μg/injection) available on an FR1 schedule of 179 reinforcement. Each dose is available for 10 min, with each bin presented consecutively 180 across the 110-min session. Animals performed this procedure for 3 consecutive days 181 and responding was averaged to derive the values used. Completion of the procedure 182 produces a within-session dose–response curve, depicted in Figure 2B. Shifts in 183 responding across the dose–response curve can be analyzed using behavioral 184 economics principles, as described below. 185 Behavioral economic analysis was used to determine the maximal price paid (Pmax) for 186 cocaine (Oleson and Roberts, 2012; Oleson et al., 2011). Briefly, Pmax was derived 187 mathematically using a demand curve. Demand curves were generated by curve-fitting 188 individual animals’ intake using an equation: log(Q)=log(Q0)+k × (e−α × Q0 × C−1)43. In 189 this equation, Pmax was determined to be the unit price at which the first derivative point 190 slope of the function = −1. The value k was set to 2 for all animals, whereas Q0 and α, 191 which represent the acceleration of the function in response to changing price, were 192 estimated to achieve best fit (Hursh and Silberberg, 2008; Bentzley et al., 2013). This 193 measure is explained in detail below. 194 Q0: Q0 is a measure of the animals’ preferred level of cocaine consumption. This can be 195 measured when the dose is high and cocaine is available at low effort, or a minimally 196

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constraining price. This preferred level of consumption is established in the early bins of 197 the threshold procedure. 198 Pmax: Price is expressed as the responses emitted to obtain 1 mg of cocaine, thus as the 199 dose is decreased in each consecutive bin of the threshold procedure, price increases. 200 During the initial bins of the procedure, when the price is low, the animal is able to obtain 201 a preferred level of cocaine intake with minimal responding. As the price is increased 202 across bins, the animal must increase responding to maintain consistent intake. Pmax is 203 the price at which the animal no longer emits enough responses to maintain intake and 204 consumptions decreases. Thus, animals with higher Pmax will increase responding to 205 maintain cocaine levels farther into the dose–response curve; in other words they will 206 pay a higher price for cocaine. 207 Ex Vivo FCSV: Animals were sacrificed for FSCV experiments, as previously described 208 (Siciliano et al., 2014a), the morning following the final self-administration session 209 (approximately 18hrs), when no drug was present. FSCV was used to characterize 210 presynaptic dopamine system kinetics, the ability of cocaine to inhibit dopamine uptake 211 in the NAc core. A vibrating tissue slicer was used to prepare 400 μm thick coronal brain 212 sections containing the NAc core. The tissue was immersed in oxygenated artificial 213 cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) containing (in mM): NaCl (126), KCl (2.5), NaH2PO4 (1.2), 214 CaCl2 (2.4), MgCl2 (1.2), NaHCO3 (25), glucose (11), L-ascorbic acid (0.4) and pH was 215 adjusted to 7.4. Once sliced, the tissue was transferred to the testing chambers 216 containing bath aCSF (32°C), which flowed at 1 ml/min. A carbon fiber microelectrode 217 (100–200 μM length, 7 μM diameter) and bipolar stimulating electrode were placed into 218 the core of the NAc. Dopamine release was evoked by a single electrical pulse (350 μA, 219 4 msec, monophasic) applied to the tissue every 3 minutes. Extracellular dopamine was 220 recorded by applying a triangular waveform (−0.4 to +1.2 to −0.4V vs Ag/AgCl, 400 V/s). 221

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Once the extracellular dopamine response was stable, cocaine (0.3–30 μM) was applied 222 cumulatively to the brain slice. 223 Data Analysis: For all analysis of FSCV data Demon Voltammetry and Analysis 224 software was used (Yorgason et al., 2011). Recording electrodes were calibrated by 225 recording responses (in electrical current; nA) to a known concentration of dopamine 226 (3 μM) using a flow-injection system. To evaluate drug potency, evoked levels of 227 dopamine were modeled using Michaelis-Menten kinetics as described previously 228 (Siciliano et al., 2014b). 229 [3H]Dopamine Uptake: DAT was stably expressed in neuroblastoma N2A cells (N2A-230 DAT) as described previously (25). N2A-DAT cells were treated with vehicle or freshly 231 made cocaine (10 μM) every day for 3 consecutive days. On Day 4, culture medium 232 was replaced with KRH buffer composed of (in mM): 25 HEPES, 125 NaCl, 4.8 KCl, 1.2 233 KH2PO4, 1.3 CaCl2, 1.2 MgSO4, and 5.6 glucose. AMPH (10 μM) or vehicle was 234 added to the cells for 1 hr followed by extensively washing with cold KRH three times. 235 Dopamine uptake was initiated by adding 10 nM [3H]dopamine (specific activity: 23.5 236 Ci/mmol; PerkinEler Life and Analytical Sciences) with or without cocaine (0.01 -10 μM) 237 in KRH for 10 min at 22°C as previously described (Chen et al., 2005). The reaction 238 was terminated by washing cells twice with cold KRH and cells were dissolved in 0.1% 239 triton. The amount of [3H]dopamine accumulated in the cells were determined by 240 scintillation fluid in a liquid scintillation counter (Topcount, Packard Instrument Company, 241 Meriden, CT, USA). All experiments were performed in triplicate. A sigmoidal curve of 242 cocaine competition for [3H]dopamine binding was generated using three-parameter 243 non-linear regression analysis. The IC50 values were extrapolated from the curve. 244

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Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET): Parental N2A cells were plated on 245 poly-d-lysine coated glass bottom dishes (Mattek No 1.5) at around 20–30% confluency. 246 When the cells reached 40-50% confluency they were transfected with YFP-DAT (yellow 247 fluorescent protein tagged DAT), CFP-DAT (cerulean fluorescent protein tagged DAT), 248 using Calcium Phosphate transfection kit (Life Technologies, K2780-01). After 12–15 249 hours the cells were gently washed thrice with warm external solution (146 mM NaCl, 5 250 mM KCl, 30 mM dextrose, 5 mM HEPES, 1.2 mM MgCl2·6H2O and 2.5 mM 251 CaCl2·2H2O, pH 7.4, and osmolarity 290–300mOsm) and then again thrice with warm 252 media. This was followed by cocaine (10μM) or vehicle treatment for three days in the 253 incubator with media change containing fresh cocaine daily. On the day of imaging, the 254 cells were treated with external solution or external solution containing amphetamine 255 (10μM) for 30min at 37ºC. The cells were then washed once in external solution and 256 fixed with 3.7% PFA for 5 min at room temperature followed by three 5min washes with 257 DPBS and imaged using the Nikon Eclipse Ti confocal microscope. Similar experimental 258 approach was used for positive and negative control experiments where FRET8 plasmid, 259 or empty plasmids expressing either YFP, or CFP were expressed in the cells. FRET8 is 260 a plasmid encoding tandem YFP-CFP and a generous gift from Dr. David Piston, 261 Washington University in St. Louis. 262

FRET measurements were done using the method called acceptor 263 photobleaching as previously described (Butler et al., 2015). The “de-quenching” of the 264 donor fluorophore was evaluated in the presence of an acceptor fluorophore by 265 measuring the intensity of the fluorescence of the donor fluorophore in the same cell, pre 266 and post acceptor photobleaching. FRET was considered as positive when there was an 267 increase in fluorescence intensity of donor fluorophore post photobleaching of the 268 acceptor fluorophore. The microscope was configured to detect emission from the donor 269

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cerulean fluorescent protein (CFP) (at 464–499 nm after excitation at 457 nm) and 270 emission from the acceptor yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) (at 552–617 nm after 271 excitation at 514 nm). After an initial baseline image acquisition, the acceptor (YFP) 272 photobleaching was obtained using the 514-nm laser at 100% power for 2 s followed by 273 another acquisition phase. Changes in the fluorescence of the donor (CFP) were 274 quantified by subtracting post-bleach images from the prebleach images after 275 subtraction of background intensities. Quantified FRET efficiencies were calculated 276 using the mean fluorescent intensity in the region of interest covering the plasma 277 membrane of the cells. 278 The FRET efficiency was calculated at the plasma membrane using the following 279 formula: 280 FRET efficiency = {(Donorpost – Backgroundpost) – (Donorpre – Backgroundpre)} * 100 281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 282 (Donorpost – Backgroundpost) 283 The Donorpost is the intensity of the fluorescence of the donor (CFP) after photobleaching 284 of the acceptor (YFP) and Donorpre is the intensity of the fluorescence of the donor 285 before photobleaching of the acceptor. 286 Statistics: Graph Pad Prism (version 6, La Jolla, CA, USA) was used to statistically 287 analyze data sets and create graphs. Escalation data, behavioral economics data, burst 288 frequency response curves, and concentration response curves for cocaine and 289 quinpirole were subjected to a two-way repeated measures ANOVA with session, burst 290 frequency or concentration as the within subjects factor and experimental group as the 291

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between subjects factor. Dopamine uptake data and FRET efficiencies between groups 292 were compared using one-way ANOVAs. Differences between groups were tested using 293 a Bonferroni post hoc test. All p values of < 0.05 were considered to be statistically 294 significant. 295 Results 296 AMPH treatment during cocaine self-administration prevents escalation of intake 297 and augmented reinforcing efficacy of cocaine 298 We first assessed the effects of AMPH treatment during LgA (6 hr access / day) 299 and ShA (1 hr access / day) cocaine self-administration (Figure 1A). Increased intake 300 over days occurred only in LgA animals treated with saline (LgA+saline), but not ShA 301 treated with saline (ShA+saline). Intake was decreased by AMPH treatment (5 302 mg/kg/day, delivered continuously via subcutaneous osmotic mini-pump) in LgA animals 303 (LgA+AMPH), but not ShA animals (ShA+AMPH) (Figure 1B: repeated measures two-304 way ANOVA (treatment group X session), group (F3, 20 = 45.31, p < 0.0001), interaction 305 (F39, 260 = 1.572, p = 0.0216)). Escalation, as defined by last session minus first session 306 infusions, was greater than zero only in the LgA+Saline animals, demonstrating that 307 AMPH selectively blocked escalation in LgA animals (Figure 1C: LgA+Saline vs 0, p = 308 0.01). 309

We then used a behavioral economics approach to assess drug taking and 310 seeking longitudinally across multiple points in the animal’s self-administration history: at 311 baseline, after LgA, and after an abstinence period (Figure 2A). This approach, termed 312 the ‘threshold procedure’, allows for the assessment of an animal’s motivation to obtain 313 cocaine (maximal price paid [Pmax]) (Figure 2B,C). In LgA+saline animals, the motivation 314 to administer cocaine was increased, which is a critical component of addiction in 315 humans (Figure 2D: repeated measures two-way ANOVA (treatment group X time), 316

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group (F1, 26 = 7.762, p = 0.0098)). Amphetamine treatment, delivered by osmotic mini-317 pump during LgA self-administration, blocked the increased motivation to administer 318 cocaine (Figure 2D,E). Importantly, AMPH mini-pumps were removed 18 hours prior to 319 the assessment of reinforcing efficacy; thus, these results are a consequence of prior 320 AMPH treatment, rather than an acute AMPH effect. Also, in animals treated with AMPH, 321 the reinforcing efficacy of cocaine did not rebound even one week following cessation of 322 treatment (Figure 2D), prompting us to hypothesize that AMPH effects go beyond 323 replacement therapy. We then aimed to determine the neurochemical mechanism by 324 which 1) cocaine altered neuronal function to induced aberrant cocaine taking and 2) if 325 amphetamine were able to reverse these deficiencies. 326

327 AMPH treatment during cocaine self-administration prevents cocaine-induced 328 DAT alterations 329

To determine how the development of addictive behaviors and reversal by AMPH 330 relates to cocaine effects at the DAT, animals were sacrificed for ex vivo FSCV 331 recordings in the NAc core 18 hours following cessation of the final cocaine self-332 administration session and AMPH (or saline) treatment (Figure 3A). Prior to examining 333 cocaine effects, we first determined whether basal dopamine terminal function was 334 altered. To probe differences in dopamine release magnitude, we used 5 pulse 335 stimulations and varied stimulation frequency to mimic the within-burst firing rates of 336 dopamine neurons (Schultz, 1986; Hyland et al., 2002). LgA reduced phasic dopamine 337 release (i.e. 20 or 100 Hz stimulations) (Figure 3B,C) and this decrease was selectively 338 prevented by treatment with AMPH (Figure 3B, repeated measures two-way ANOVA 339 (treatment group X burst frequency), burst frequency (F4, 136 = 49.46, p < 0.0001)). 340 Phasic / tonic ratios (100 Hz / 5 Hz) revealed that LgA reduced the contrast between 341 tonic and phasic signaling, and that all other groups were unaffected (Figure 3D, one-342

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way ANOVA (F3, 34 = 2.416, p = 0.0834); Bonferroni posttest: ShA+Saline vs LgA+Saline 343 p < 0.05)). Importantly, we saw no effect on maximal rate of dopamine uptake (Vmax) in 344 any group (Figure 3E), and alterations in dopamine release were not driven by changes 345 in D2-type autoreceptor activity (Figure 3F). 346

Despite basal dopamine uptake being unaltered, bath application of cocaine to 347 brain slices (Figure 3G,H) revealed that LgA resulted in marked tolerance to the ability of 348 cocaine to inhibit the DAT as compared to ShA animals; however, the development of 349 tolerance was completely prevented by AMPH treatment (Figure 3I, repeated measures 350 two-way ANOVA (treatment group X concentration), group (F3, 19 = 4.168, p = 0.0199), 351 concentration (F4, 76 = 144.6, p < 0.0001), interaction (F12, 76 = 2.732, p = 0.0040)). The 352 fact that there was no effect of cocaine self-administration or AMPH treatment on 353 dopamine uptake rate under drug free bath conditions suggests that alterations in 354 cocaine potency, and rescue by AMPH treatment, occur independently from canonical 355 DAT function. These results prompted us to hypothesize that AMPH-induced decreases 356 in cocaine intake are due to reversal of cocaine tolerance. 357

358 AMPH treatment during abstinence reverses the effects of chronic cocaine on the 359 DAT 360 If AMPH’s actions as a pharmacotherapeutic agent are indeed due to a selective 361 amelioration of cocaine-induced dopamine deficits, it should reverse cocaine effects 362 when given during abstinence, in addition to blocking cocaine effects when given during 363 use. To test this hypothesis, animals were allowed 14 days of cocaine self-364 administration without treatment, and were treated during a 7-day abstinence period 365 (Figure 4A). Following treatment, identical voltammetry experiments were performed to 366 determine the ability of AMPH treatment during abstinence to reverse cocaine-induced 367 dopaminergic deficits. Surprisingly, in contrast to decreased phasic dopamine signaling 368

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induced by LgA, following abstinence phasic dopamine signaling was increased (Figure 369 4B,C). Importantly, treatment with AMPH during abstinence selectively attenuated LgA-370 induced increases in phasic signaling while having no effect on ShA animals treated with 371 AMPH (Figure 4B, repeated measures two-way ANOVA (treatment group X burst 372 frequency), burst frequency (F4, 104 = 38.18, p < 0.0001)). Calculation of phasic / tonic 373 ratios revealed that LgA and withdrawal increased the dynamic range that can be 374 encoded between tonic and phasic signaling, and that all other groups were unaffected 375 (Figure 4D, one-way ANOVA (F3, 26 = 2.879; p = 0.0552); Bonferroni posttest: 376 ShA+Saline vs LgA+Saline p < 0.05)). Similar to animals treated during cocaine self-377 administration, we found no effects on dopamine uptake rate (Figure 4E) and no 378 changes were observed in dopamine autoreceptor sensitivity (Figure 4F). 379

We then sought to determine if AMPH treatment during abstinence reversed 380 cocaine tolerance at the DAT. Following cocaine self-administration and abstinence 381 (Figure 4A), concentration-response curves for cocaine (Figure 4G,H) revealed that LgA 382 animals remained tolerant to cocaine’s effects during abstinence. In support of our 383 hypothesis, this effect was reversed by AMPH treatment (Figure 4I, repeated measures 384 two-way ANOVA (treatment group X concentration), concentration (F4, 64 = 152.5; p < 385 0.0001), interaction (F12, 64 = 2.472, p = 0.0101)). Together, these results demonstrate 386 that AMPH selectively prevents or reverses cocaine-induced plasticity of DATs and 387 ameliorates aberrant cocaine taking behaviors. 388

389 Cocaine tolerance is concomitant with formation of DAT oligomers 390 Our data demonstrate a surprising effect of AMPH whereby both the 391 neurochemical and behavioral deficits induced by escalated cocaine self-administration 392 are prevented or reversed by AMPH treatment. We next sought to determine the 393 molecular mechanisms underlying this amelioration. Previous studies have shown that 394

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DAT can be present at the membrane in complexes containing multiple DAT molecules, 395 or DAT oligomers (Torres et al., 2003; Hastrup et al., 2001). Interestingly, these 396 complexes may display altered inhibition by uptake inhibitors as compared to DAT 397 monomers (Chen and Reith, 2007), and thus may underlie the cocaine tolerance 398 observed in the current study. Given that AMPH interacts with multiple signaling 399 cascades that affect DAT and could alter its conformation (Moritz et al., 2015; Fog et al., 400 2006), we hypothesized that the development of cocaine tolerance and restoration by 401 AMPH may be due to the formation/dispersion of DAT oligomer complexes. 402

To test this hypothesis, we first confirmed that the phenomenon of cocaine 403 tolerance and reversal by AMPH could be observed in a reduced preparation where it is 404 possible to detect DAT-DAT interactions. We exposed the N2A-DAT cells to cocaine (10 405 μM) for three days before measuring cocaine-induced inhibition of [3H]dopamine uptake. 406 We found that, indeed, pretreatment with cocaine markedly reduced the ability of 407 cocaine to inhibit DAT uptake activity without changing baseline uptake rates (Figure 5A), 408 mirroring our findings following self-administration of cocaine. Further, the addition of 409 AMPH to the buffer fully reversed this effect back to control levels (repeated measures 410 two-way ANOVA (treatment group X concentration), concentration (F5, 30 = 664.1; p < 411 0.0001), group (F2, 6 = 11.42; p = 0.009, interaction (F10, 30 = 9.453; p < 0.0001). 412 Calculation of IC50 concentrations for effects of cocaine on uptake revealed large 413 cocaine pretreatment-induced increases (i.e. decreased potency) and restoration by 414 AMPH (Figure 5B, one-way ANOVA (F2, 6 = 104.6, p < 0.0001)). 415

To test the hypothesis that cocaine tolerance and its reversal by AMPH is 416 associated with an oligomeric form of DAT complexes, we used a similar tolerance-417 inducing protocol in DAT-expressing cells. Here however, we used FRET microscopy, a 418 quantitative microscopy approach that allows examination of interactions between 419 proteins that exist in close proximity to each other (Figure 5C) (Schmid et al., 2001; 420

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Biener et al., 2005; Sorkina et al., 2003). We investigated the FRET efficiency between 421 CFP-DAT, the donor molecule, and YFP-DAT, the acceptor molecule at the stacked 422 membrane. This FRET pair has been extensively used and characterized in the literature 423 (Rizzo et al., 2006; Grabowska et al., 2014; Butler et al., 2015; Oliveria et al., 2003). As 424 shown in Figure 5D, we measured a positive FRET signal between YFP-DAT and CFP-425 DAT at or near the membrane. No FRET signal was detected in control experiments 426 (Figure 4D). The control experiments were performed in cells that: 1) co-expressed YFP 427 empty vector and CFP-DAT or 2) co-expressed CFP empty vector and YFP-DAT. 428 Furthermore, consistent with the literature, (Rizzo et al., 2006; Grabowska et al., 2014), 429 we measured a large FRET signal in cells expressing a tandem YFP-CFP (FRET8) 430 (Figure 5D), which served as a positive control group. 431

YFP-DAT/CFP-DAT expressing cells were subjected to cocaine exposure 432 followed by AMPH treatment as described in the [3H]dopamine uptake assay. We found 433 that 3 days of cocaine exposure significantly increased the FRET efficiency between 434 YFP-DAT and CFP-DAT (Figure 5E,F), which suggests increased YFP-DAT/CFP-DAT 435 oligomers. AMPH treatment following the 3-day cocaine exposure, decreased cocaine-436 induced increase in FRET efficiency back to control levels (Figure 5E-F, one-way 437 ANOVA (F2, 76 = 24.16, p < 0.0001)). These data are consistent with the interpretation 438 that AMPH disperses cocaine-induced DAT oligomers and reverses cocaine-mediated 439 tolerance. 440 441 AMPH Treatment Reverses Escalated Cocaine Use 442 Thus far, our data suggested that AMPH effects on self-administration of cocaine 443 are due to AMPH-induced reversal of complex formations of the DAT, which produce 444 functional alterations in signaling and resulting behavior. Further, these results are in 445 opposition to proposed hypotheses stating that AMPH’s efficacy as a 446

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pharmacotherapeutic agent are due to simple elevations in extracellular dopamine (13). 447 If AMPH effects are in fact due to reversal of plasticity, AMPH treatment should 1) 448 reverse escalated cocaine consumption back to initial levels and 2) have lasting benefit 449 beyond the treatment period. We tested for these qualities by allowing animals to 450 escalate their cocaine intake over a 14 day self-administration period (initial escalation) 451 before receiving AMPH treatment during an additional seven days of self-administration 452 (treatment period). Finally, animals were allowed to self-administer cocaine for seven 453 more days following the cessation of treatment (post-treatment period) (Figure 6A). We 454 found that AMPH treatment was able to reverse escalated cocaine intake back to pre-455 escalation levels. Remarkably, intake remained low during the seven day post-treatment 456 period (Figure 6B,C) (two-way ANOVA (treatment group X epoch), treatment group (F1, 457 23 = 16.41, p = 0.0005). Together, these data show AMPH-induced reversal of cocaine-458 evoked plasticity on a molecular, physiological, and behavioral level (Figure 7). 459 460 Discussion 461 462

Here we outline molecular adaptations to the DAT produced by chronic cocaine 463 exposure, and define their physiological impact on dopamine signaling and behavioral 464 actions of cocaine. We show that escalated cocaine self-administration produces 465 neurochemical tolerance to cocaine effects that lasts at least seven days. Further, using 466 AMPH to reverse tolerance, we show that preventing or reversing cocaine tolerance 467 prevents or reverses escalation of cocaine intake, respectively. We provide a putitive 468 molecular mechanism for tolerance to cocaine effects which has broad implications for 469 the cocaine addiction field. Finally, we outline an unexpected mechanism for AMPH’s 470 pharmacotherapeutic actions which may lead to the development of more targeted 471 therapeutics, potentially avoiding the abuse liability associated with AMPH. 472

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Specificity of AMPH effects and Methodological Considerations 473 One important finding of the current study is that the LgA model of cocaine self-474

administration accurately models the dopaminergic profile of human cocaine addicts. 475 Indeed, PET imaging studies of cocaine dependent individuals have revealed that they 476 exhibit decreased dopaminergic responsiveness and tolerance to the dopamine 477 elevating effects of cocaine (Volkow et al., 1996, 1997, 2014), effects which were both 478 observed following LgA in the current study (but see Ahmed et al., 2003). It is 479 hypothesized that decreased cocaine potency is an integral component of the 480 neurochemical consequences of cocaine use which underlies maladaptive behaviors of 481 cocaine addicts such as increased intake in order to compensate for decreased effects 482 (Dackis and O’Brien, 2005). Our data support these hypotheses by providing a 483 mechanistic link between cocaine potency at the DAT and the motivation to administer 484 cocaine. We show that AMPH regimens that ameliorate cocaine-induced changes to the 485 DAT also prevented escalation of intake, and suppressed LgA-induced increases in the 486 reinforcing efficacy of cocaine. It is important to note that these changes are likely 487 specific to cocaine reinforcement, as responding for food has been showed to be 488 unchanged by AMPH using the same dose as in the current study (Chiodo et al., 2008). 489 Additionally, studies in non-human primates have shown that AMPH treatment either 490 does not affect, or transiently decreases food consumption while decreases in 491 responding for cocaine are consistent and long-lasting (Negus et al., 2003a, 2003b, 492 Czoty et al., 2010, 2011). In the current study, neither cocaine self-administration nor 493 AMPH treatment produced changes in basal dopamine uptake rate, demonstrating that 494 changes in cocaine potency are independent of alterations to orthosteric function of the 495 transporter (i.e. interactions with native substrates are unchanged). This is supported by 496 previous work demonstrating that genetically increasing expression of the DAT has no 497 effect on cocaine potency (Calipari et al., 2014; Salahpour et al., 2008), and is 498

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particularly important as it demonstrates that AMPH can modulate cocaine potency 499 without disrupting basal DAT function. Further, this led us to hypothesize that cocaine 500 tolerance induced by cocaine self-administration, and reversal by AMPH, were acting 501 through an allosteric mechanism. 502

The observation that changes in cocaine potency are independent of orthosteric 503 DAT function led us to explore possible conformational changes that could affect 504 cocaine binding without altering basal uptake. Previous literature in cultured cells has 505 suggested that the formation of DAT complexes can alter the effects of DAT blockers on 506 uptake (Chen and Reith, 2007). Based on these studies, we explored the possibility that 507 cocaine may affect the preferred conformation of the DAT, and found that cocaine 508 exposure increased formation of oligomeric DAT complexes as indicated by increased 509 FRET efficiency between the YFPDAT/CFP DATs. It is important to note that while 510 FRET microscopy reliably identifies close association of FRET pairs (~ 100 Å), it does 511 not distinguish the number of molecules within the oligomers and cannot tell us whether 512 dimers, trimers, tetramers or other groupings are formed, or whether there are additional 513 proteins complexed with the DATs. In addition, our reported cocaine-induced increased 514 in YFP-DAT/CFP-DAT FRET efficiency likely underestimates cocaine-induced DAT 515 oligomerization because FRET does not occur between other combinations of oligomers 516 such as YFP-DAT/YFP-DAT or CFP-DAT/CFP-DAT oligomers. Unfavorable orientations 517 of the two fluorophores (CFP and YFP) will not result in FRET occurrence, thus further 518 underestimating the actual number of DAT-DAT interactions. 519 Mechanisms of DAT Oligomerization 520

This is the first demonstration that chronic cocaine exposure can stimulate the 521 formation of DAT oligomers. Importantly, these oligomers were dispersed by brief 522 exposure to AMPH, similar to the restoration of cocaine effects observed in vivo. It is 523 possible that AMPH is altering cocaine-induced oligomerization of DAT via mobilization 524

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of intracellular signaling cascades or proteins that could ultimately affect DAT 525 conformation. For example, AMPH is known to interact with a number of different 526 proteins that can also affect DAT, including α-synuclein (Butler et al., 2015, Mortensen et 527 al., 2003; Wersininger et al., 2006) and dopamine D2 autoreceptors (Chen et al., 2009, 528 2015; Sevak et al., 2007; Owens et al., 2012; Bowton et al., 2010), as well as alter 529 signaling pathways including calmodulin kinases, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, Rho, 530 and protein kinase A and Cβ (Fog et al., 2006; Wheeler et al., 2015; Saunders and Galli, 531 2015; Wei et al., 2007; Carvelli et al., 2002; Lute et al., 2008). Given that these 532 pathways/proteins can result in differential phosphorylation, palmitoylation, and 533 conformations of the DAT (e.g. inward- vs outward-facing DAT) and differential AMPH-534 induced DAT efflux (Moritz et al., 2015; Gaffaney et al., 2014; Cervinski et al., 2005; 535 Foster et al., 2006, 2008, 2012; Robertson et al., 2009; 67. Khoshbouei et al., 2004), it is 536 possible that these alterations may result in restructuring of DAT-DAT interactions and 537 return them to monomer conformation. 538 Alterations to Presynaptic Dopamine Release 539

It is important to note that cocaine self-administration also resulted in changes in 540 presynaptic dopamine release, which may play an important role in cocaine seeking 541 behaviors. Phasic dopamine release is involved in encoding the salience of rewards as 542 well as the encoding the probability that they will occur, given particular environmental 543 cues (Phillips et al., 2003; Waelti et al., 2001; Tolber et al., 2005; Steinberg et al., 2013; 544 Nicola, 2010). As such, phasic dopamine signaling is integral to selecting goal-oriented 545 behaviors that produce advantageous outcomes and its dysregulation by abused drugs 546 has been hypothesized to be a critical component of maladaptive decision making in 547 drug abusers. Here we show a time-dependent and biphasic effect of cocaine-induced 548 alterations to phasic signaling at the level of the dopamine terminal. Initially, cocaine 549 self-administration results in a reduction of dopamine terminal responsivity to phasic-like 550

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stimulations. This is consistent with previous results showing that phasic dopamine 551 release decreases over the course of LgA proportionally with escalated cocaine intake 552 (Wiluhn et al., 2014). Combined with reduced postsynaptic dopamine receptors (Volkow 553 et al., 1990; Nader et al., 2006), reductions in dopamine release are likely to result in a 554 greatly decreased range of dopaminergic modulation of striatal outputs during decision-555 making in the acute withdrawal period. Conversely, following a longer abstinence, phasic 556 signaling was increased. Increased activation of NAc core output neurons by cocaine 557 associated cues is thought to underlie cocaine craving and seeking (Hollander and 558 Carelli, 2007), which may be mediated, in part, by increased cue-elicited phasic 559 dopamine signaling (Phillips et al., 2003). Thus, augmented phasic signaling during 560 abstinence may contribute to the time-dependent increase in cocaine seeking behaviors, 561 termed “incubation”, that occurs following extended access cocaine self-administration 562 (Grimm et al., 2001). It will be interesting to see if the observed increase in phasic-like 563 release potential ex vivo will translate to increased dopamine release to cocaine-564 associated cues in vivo. We found that low dose continuous AMPH treatment 565 ameliorated both decreases in phasic signaling observed immediately following LgA, and 566 increases in phasic signaling during abstinence. 567

The mechanisms governing cocaine-induced changes in release are currently 568 unknown. One possible explanation is that release changes are also downstream of 569 cocaine-induced alterations to the DAT. Because the DAT is responsible for reuptake 570 and repacking of dopamine into vesicles, DAT function is tightly linked to vesicular 571 dopamine content and storage, and changes in dopamine uptake often results in 572 changes in dopamine release magnitude (Ferris et al., 2014). Although we did not see a 573 change in uptake rate following LgA or AMPH treatment, vesicular repackaging also 574 relies on membrane-bound formations of multiple proteins including DAT, vesicular 575 monoamine transporter-2 (VMAT-2), and scaffolding proteins such as synaptogyrin-3 576

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(Eriksen et al., 2010; Egana e al., 2009; Cartier et al., 2009). Thus it is possible that the 577 formation of DAT oligomers may disrupt normal docking to VMAT-2, thereby altering 578 dopamine repacking and release. If this is the case, it would also explain why AMPH 579 treatment rescued cocaine self-administration-induced changes in dopamine release. 580 Clinical Implications and Concluding Remarks 581

Here we delineate a mechanistic link between cocaine-induced dopaminergic 582 deficits and addictive behaviors. We show that escalation and increased motivation are 583 associated with alterations in cocaine potency, and by reversing this tolerance, normal 584 behavioral function is restored. A key aspect of the AMPH-induced restoration of 585 dopamine system function is that cocaine self-administration remained attenuated even 586 7 days after cessation of treatment, suggesting that AMPH may have long lasting 587 benefits in human cocaine addicts after short treatment periods, rather than daily 588 maintenance, which has been employed with replacement therapies for heroin (Tressell 589 and Gollance, 1970). An additional benefit of this treatment regime is that the doses 590 used are low, and continuous treatment delivery (similar to transdermal patch or 591 subcutaneous implant) have limited abuse liability. Further, we demonstrate that the 592 formation of DAT oligomers and subsequent restoration to monomers underlies the 593 development of cocaine tolerance and AMPH reversal. Finally, one major reason that 594 AMPH has not been approved for use in cocaine addicts despite extensive evidence of 595 its efficacy Grabowski et al., 2001, 2004; Rush and Stoops, 2012; Nuijten et al., 2016; 596 Chiodo et al, 2008; Negus et al., 2003a, 2003b, 2006; Czoty et al., 2010, 2011; Banks et 597 al., 2015) is its inherent abuse liability (Negus and Henningfield, 2015). However, by 598 elucidating the therapeutic action of AMPH, these findings may lead to the development 599 of novel therapeutic compounds that have similar properties to AMPH in regard to 600 stabilization of the dopamine system, but without abuse liability. 601


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956 957 958 959 960 961

Figure 1. AMPH treatment prevented escalation of cocaine self-administration. (A) 962 Timeline showing conditions across days (top) and within days (bottom). (B) Total 963 infusions per session were lowered by AMPH treatment during long, but not short-, 964 access self-administration. (C) Session 14 minus session 1 infusions reveal that 965 LgA+Saline animals escalate intake over time while all other groups do not. Error bars 966 indicate ±SEM. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, **** p < 0.0001 vs LgA+Saline; #, p < 0.05 vs 0. 967 ShA+Saline, n = 6; ShA+AMPH, n = 4; LgA+Saline, n = 7 (5 for threshold experiments); 968 LgA+AMPH, n = 7. 969 970 Figure 2. AMPH treatment prevented increase in motivation to administer cocaine. 971 (A) Experimental timeline showing when assessment of motivation to obtain cocaine 972 (threshold procedure) was performed. Representative data from LgA+Saline (B) and 973 LgA+AMPH (C) animals showing that the reinforcing efficacy of cocaine (Pmax) is 974 decreased by AMPH treatment. (D) LgA-induced increases in reinforcing efficacy are 975 prevented by AMPH treatment during LgA. Importantly, reinforcing efficacy stays 976 depressed for up to 7 days following cessation of treatment. Similar results were seen 977 with Omax (E), but not Q0 (F). Error bars indicate ±SEM. * p < 0.05, vs LgA+Saline; 978 LgA+Saline, n = 5; LgA+AMPH, n = 7. 979 980

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Figure 3. AMPH treatment prevented cocaine-evoked alterations to rapid 981 dopamine signaling and cocaine potency. (A) Timeline showing conditions across 982 days (top) and within days (bottom). (B) Dopamine release elicited by phasic-like 983 stimulations (5 pulse, 100 Hz) is reduced in LgA animals, and this effect is prevented by 984 treatment with AMPH during cocaine self-administration (C) Representative traces 985 elicited by 100 Hz stimulation trains indicating that phasic dopamine release is 986 attenuated in LgA+Saline animals, and that this effect is prevented by AMPH treatment. 987 (D) Phasic/tonic ratio (100 Hz/5 Hz) are reduced in LgA animals, and this effect is 988 prevented by AMPH treatment. (E) Maximal rate of dopamine uptake (Vmax) is unaffected 989 in all treatment groups when AMPH treatment is given during cocaine self-administration. 990 (F) Quinpirole concentration response curves show no change in autoreceptor sensitivity 991 across all treatment groups. (G) Representative traces following bath application of 30 992 μM cocaine. (H) Pseudo-color plots for LgA+saline (top panel) and LgA+AMPH (bottom 993 panel) animals following bath application of 30 μM cocaine. (I) Group data demonstrating 994 that LgA cocaine self-administration results in a reduction in the ability of cocaine to 995 inhibit the DAT and that this effect is selectively prevented by AMPH treatment. Error 996 bars indicate ±SEM. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 vs ShA+Saline. ShA+Saline, n 997 = 6; ShA+AMPH, n = 4; LgA+Saline, n = 6; LgA+AMPH, n = 7. 998 999 Figure 4. AMPH treatment reversed cocaine-induced changes to dopamine 1000 signaling. (A) Experimental timeline depicting 14 days of cocaine self-administration 1001 (LgA or ShA) followed by a 7 day abstinence period. During the abstinence period 1002 animals were treated with either saline or AMPH delivered via osmotic mini-pump. (B) 1003 Dopamine release elicited by tonic-like frequency stimulations (5 pulse, 5 or 10 Hz) is 1004 unchanged in any treatment group. Dopamine release elicited by phasic-like frequency 1005 stimulations (5 pulse, 100 Hz) is increased in LgA animals after a 7 day abstinence 1006

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period, and this effect is reversed by treatment with AMPH for seven days following LgA. 1007 (C) Representative traces indicating that phasic dopamine release is augmented in LgA 1008 animals after an abstinence period, and that this effect is reversed by AMPH treatment. 1009 (D) Phasic/tonic ratio (100 Hz / 5 Hz) are increased in LgA animals after a 7 day 1010 abstinence period, and this effect is reversed by AMPH treatment. (E) Maximal rate of 1011 dopamine uptake (Vmax) is unaffected in all treatment groups when AMPH treatment is 1012 given during abstinence. (F) Quinpirole concentration response curves show no change 1013 in autoreceptor sensitivity across all treatment groups. (G) Representative traces 1014 following bath application of 30 μM cocaine indicating that cocaine is less effective at 1015 inhibiting dopamine uptake following LgA cocaine self-administration and abstinence. 1016 (H) Pseudo-color plots for LgA+Saline (top panel) and LgA+AMPH (bottom panel) 1017 animals following bath application of 30 μM cocaine. (I) Group data demonstrating that 1018 LgA cocaine self-administration animals remain tolerant to cocaine’s effects following a 7 1019 day abstinence period, and that this effect is reversed by AMPH treatment during 1020 abstinence. Error bars indicate ±SEM. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 vs 1021 ShA+Saline. ShA+Saline, n = 6; ShA+AMPH, n = 5; LgA+Saline, n = 4; LgA+AMPH, n = 1022 5. 1023 1024 Figure 5. DAT oligomers are concomitant with cocaine tolerance. (A) N2A cells 1025 were treated for 3 days with cocaine (10μM) followed by AMPH (10μM) on the 4th day 1026 before assessing cocaine-induced inhibition of [3H]dopamine uptake. We found that 1027 cocaine exposure produced marked tolerance to cocaine effects, that this effect was 1028 ameliorated by AMPH. Inset: baseline uptake rate for 10 nM [3H]dopamine was 1029 unchanged in any group. (B) IC50 values for cocaine effects on dopamine uptake across 1030 groups. (C) Schematic describing the use of FRET imaging to measure DAT-DAT 1031 interactions. Cells were transfected with YFP-DAT and CFP-DAT or appropriate control 1032

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constructs as described in the Materials and Methods. (D) Control conditions for FRET 1033 measurements. (E) Group data showing that cocaine exposure increases FRET 1034 efficiency and this was decreased by AMPH treatment. (F) Representative computed 1035 FRET images generated by Nikon’s NIS Elements software using the FRET efficiency 1036 equation described above, showing effects of cocaine exposure and AMPH treatment on 1037 FRET efficiency between YFPDAT/CFPDAT. Error bars indicate ±SEM. * p < 0.05, ** p < 1038 0.01, *** p < 0.001 vs Vehicle+Vehicle. Δ p < 0.05, Δ Δ p < 0.01, Δ Δ Δ p < 0.001 vs 1039 Cocaine+AMPH. A-B: n = 3 per group; C-H: YFPDAT-CFP, n = 15; CFPDAT-YFP, n = 1040 15; FRET8, n = 29; Vehicle+Vehicle, n = 26; Cocaine+Vehicle, n = 28; Cocaine+AMPH, 1041 n = 25. 1042 Figure 6. Cocaine reverses escalated cocaine intake. (A) Experimental timeline of 28 1043 days of cocaine self-administration split into 3 epochs: 1) 14 days of self-administration 1044 with no treatment (initial escalation period), 2) 7 days of AMPH treatment during cocaine 1045 self-administration (treatment period) and 3) 7 days of self-administration after cessation 1046 of treatment (post-treatment period). (B) Average infusions per day over the 28 days of 1047 self-administration. Dotted line marks average intake across groups on day 1. Shaded 1048 area denotes the AMPH treatment period. (C) Cocaine intake was decreased by AMPH 1049 treatment during the treatment and post-treatment periods. Error bars indicate ±SEM. * 1050 p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, vs LgA+Saline; LgA+Saline, n = 5 LgA+AMPH, n = 5. 1051 1052 Figure 7. Summary of findings. Model of the molecular underpinnings of the 1053 development of cocaine tolerance and restoration by AMPH (top). Model of cocaine-1054 induced changes to phasic dopamine signaling, cocaine potency and reinforcing efficacy 1055 of cocaine over the course of LgA and abstinence (bottom). All 3 measures are 1056 normalized to control levels by AMPH. 1057 1058

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