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  • AM Assessment Report

    for Off The Vine

    Compiled by: Christopher Robinson [email protected] +55 79 8000 900 January 2015

  • AM Assessment Report



    1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 32. Executive summary .............................................................................................................. 33. AM maturity detail per KPA .................................................................................................. 4

    3.10 Work Planning and Control ....................................................................................... 43.10.1 KPA matrix ..................................................................................................... 53.10.2 Best practices ................................................................................................. 53.10.3 Key performance indicators .......................................................................... 10

    4. Sign-off ................................................................................................................................ 11

  • AM Assessment Report Introduction


    1. Introduction The ACRG conducted an Asset Management Improvement Assessment at Off The Vine in January 2015. The purpose of the assessment was to assess the current asset management maturity of the business unit. The current maturity level was compared to the desired maturity target. This will enable a set of activities to be defined in support of improving asset performance towards the desired maturity. The purpose of this document is to outline the current maturity level. It will be used as basis for the development of a future maturity model and the enabling action plan.

    2. Executive summary

    Figure 1: Best practice and KPI maturity scores

  • AM Assessment Report AM maturity detail per Key Performance Area (KPA)


    Figures 2: Barriers to performance vs best practice sustainability

    3. AM maturity detail per Key Performance Area (KPA) This section provides the details of the Asset Management Assessment and the scores for the January 2015 Assessment.

    3.10 Work Planning and Control Definition

    The structured process to manage the identification, planning, scheduling, execution and feedback activities of all tactical and non-tactical work in an effective and cost-efficient way.

    Summary The work planning and control cycle is largely functioning well. Planning and scheduling of work could improve as well as the quality control of the execution. Failure information is not being filled in and is at such a high level, not permitting good data mining.

    Positive Findings A functional system exists to identify and execute tactical and non-tactical work.

    Areas of Concern Lack of planning and scheduling Work order feedback is limited

  • AM Assessment Report AM maturity detail per Key Performance Area (KPA)


    Improvement Opportunities Implement an effective planning and scheduling process Strengthen the over inspection function Redesign the job card (and may need to reconfigure EAMS) to improve the recording

    of failure information

    3.10.1 KPA matrix Target Average Maximum Minimum

    BP 3 2.1 3 1 KPI 3 2.0 3 1


    Maturity Level 5 Maturity Level 4 Maturity Level 3

    Target Score

    Maturity Level 2 Average Score

    Maturity Level 1 Maturity Level 1

    Maturity Level 2

    Maturity Level 3

    Maturity Level 4

    Maturity Level 5

    Best Practices

    3.10.2 Best practices Summary

    Best Practice Actual Target 1 2 3 4 5 1. Non-Tactical Work Identification 3 3 . . . . . 2. Tactical Work Identification 3 3 . . . . . 3. Maintenance Planning 1 3 . . . . . 4. Maintenance Scheduling 2 3 . . . . . 5. Daily Work Allocation 2 3 . . . . . 6. Maintenance Quality Assurance 2 3 . . . . . 7. Feedback on Work 2 3 . . . . . 8. Work Review and Control 2 3 . . . . . 9. Rotable Tracking 2 3 . . . . .

  • AM Assessment Report AM maturity detail per Key Performance Area (KPA)


    Non-Tactical Work Identification

    Definition The organisation should establish a structured process to identify and log all non-tactical maintenance requirements (reactive maintenance requests and breakdowns) in a formal system. The goal is to have a consolidated maintenance work load, consisting of both tactical and non-tactical work, for planning and scheduling purposes.

    Actual and target maturity

    Non-tactical work requests are captured in a CMMS/EAMS. A formal process is in place to request non-tactical work and

    address urgent breakdowns All non-tactical work requests are managed as work orders (WOs)

    in the CMMS/EAMS The problem or requested work is clearly described The WO refers to the applicable asset number More than 75% of work requests conform to the formal process

    Tactical Work Identification

    Definition All tactical maintenance tasks from the asset care plans should be triggered at the right time, as the starting point of the formal maintenance planning and scheduling process. This includes fixed interval maintenance (calendar or usage based), as well as condition-based tasks.

    Actual and target maturity

    Tactical tasks are triggered by the CMMS or EAMS. Tasks are linked to a specific asset or equipment in the asset

    register. Tactical tasks are triggered automatically based on set calendar

    intervals. Meter readings (eg running hours, kilometres travelled) are used

    to trigger some tactical tasks. A WO details the work to be done, resources required and due

    date. The WO defines the asset motion type for scheduling purposes. Duplicate/Repeat WOs are identified for analysis.

    Maintenance Planning

    Definition The organisation should establish a formal process to identify and plan all resource requirements (eg labour, special tools, spares and permits) for the maintenance work to be done. The process should also cover estimated durations and costs for approval before the work is scheduled.

    Actual maturity Maintenance work is not planned before it is allocated to specific people. Artisans receive work orders with no planning details or supporting information and planning is therefore done in parallel with work execution.

    Target maturity

    All tactical tasks are planned before the work is scheduled. The maintenance planning process and procedures have been

    documented. Manpower requirements are defined and work durations


  • AM Assessment Report AM maturity detail per Key Performance Area (KPA)


    Spares and material are ordered or reserved via WOs. Special equipment and other preparatory work are arranged in


    Maintenance Scheduling Definition

    The organisation should establish a formal process to prioritise and schedule all maintenance work to be done within the existing operational environment.

    Actual maturity

    Maintenance work is scheduled informally. Supervisors schedule maintenance based on a list of all due and

    outstanding WOs. Work prioritisation is ad hoc and based on personal preferences. The operational plan provides for maintenance windows. Maintenance is scheduled in the maintenance windows or in

    weekend overtime.

    Target maturity

    All tactical maintenance is scheduled formally via the CMMS or EAMS. A formal process is in place for maintenance scheduling. The asset motion type is displayed on WOs and used for

    scheduling Maintenance work is prioritised according to agreed rules. Large operational stoppages are used for opportunistic

    maintenance. The maintenance schedule is agreed with Operations at a weekly

    meeting. Schedule attainment is monitored weekly via the CMMS/EAMS.

    Daily Work Allocation

    Definition The organisation should establish a formal process for the daily allocation of tactical and non-tactical work to resources.

    Actual maturity

    The maintenance supervisor manually allocates maintenance work to resources.

    The list of outstanding work is updated manually, frequently with errors.

    Maintenance work is allocated every morning during team meetings.

    These morning meetings are informal without an agenda.

    Target maturity

    Daily work allocation is formal and effective. The process to allocate maintenance work is formally documented. The scheduling board is updated before the start of the day/shift. It provides sufficient information to manage schedule attainment. A structured daily management system is in place with L2

    meetings. Urgent non-tactical work is allocated in this meeting. Work allocation is based on resource availability.

  • AM Assessment Report AM maturity detail per Key Performance Area (KPA)


    Maintenance Quality Assurance Definition The organisation should establish a formal process to ensure that all maintenance work comply with the agreed quality standards.

    Actual maturity

    The quality of work is checked informally. Supervisors check the quality of maintenance work on an ad hoc

    basis during walkabouts. Operations complain if problems are experienced during asset

    start-up or operation. Some over-inspections are done when new staff members are


    Target maturity

    Maintenance quality assurance is formal. A formal process is in place for over-inspections by supervisors. A fixed size of WOs is checked, regardless of asset criticality or

    resource competence. Over-inspection results are recorded manually. The operational supervisor checks asset performance before

    signing off the WO. Poor maintenance quality leads to coaching or disciplinary action.

    Feedback on Work

    Definition The organisation should ensure that all relevant information about the maintenance work, such as the work performed, time taken, spares and materials used and specific asset conditions are properly recorded and stored for reference purposes.

    Actual maturity

    Some maintenance work is recorded manually. Basic work details are recorded on job cards, which are filed. Feedback is limited to confirmation that the work was done. Equipment history cards or spreadsheet are updated from the

    work orders.

    Target maturity

    All WO feedback is recorded in the CMMS/EAMS. Artisans/Operators record work done, spares used and time taken

    on the WO. Administrative staff captures the WO details into the

    CMMS/EAMS. The maintenance history for each asset is available in the

    CMMS/EAMS. WO details are captured within a week of the work being done.

  • AM Assessment Report AM maturity detail per Key Performance Area (KPA)


    Work Review and Control

    Definition The organisation should establish a formal process to review work order feedback in order to approve the work performed, identify follow-up work, confirm the accuracy of the information and identify any areas requiring improvement.

    Actual maturity

    WO feedback is reviewed on an ad hoc basis by the maintenance supervisor.

    Completed work is signed off, but the feedback is not always reviewed in detail.

    Breakdowns during the previous day is reviewed to determine the reason

    Supervisors review the reasons for high costs or long downtime. Supervisors also review KPIs like backlog, schedule attainment or

    top 10 breakdowns.

    Target maturity

    The supervisor approves the feedback on tactical and non-tactical WOs.

    A formal review process for completed WOs is in place. The supervisor discusses some WOs in detail with the

    maintenance team Work performed and actual durations are reviewed to note

    exceptions. WO feedback is used to identify follow-up work or changes to

    tactical tasks. Incomplete WO feedback is recorded and used for performance

    management. Breakdowns during the past 24 hours are reviewed to ensure

    complete failure information

    Rotable Tracking


    The organisation should establish and maintain a formal process to track all repairable sub-assemblies or components (rotables) to enable traceability, as well as to monitor vendor performance and warranties. This process should cover both the replacement of rotables by the Maintenance department and the refurbishment and issuing of rotables by the Material Management department. (Also refer to the Material Management KPA.)

    Actual maturity A manual rotable tracking system is used.

    A manual list of rotable items exists. Significant rotable items are identified with a unique number. Fitting and removal activities are recorded manually.

    Target maturity

    A formal rotable tracking system is in place. All rotable items are identified with a unique number. Fitment information is recorded on WOs with the maintenance

    feedback. Functional location functionality in the CMMS is used to manage

    rotables and record costs.

  • AM Assessment Report AM maturity detail per Key Performance Area (KPA)


    3.10.3 Key performance indicators Summary

    KPI Actual Target 1 2 3 4 5 Maintenance Backlog 2 3 . . . . . Weekly Schedule Attainment 2 3 . . . . . Artisan Utilisation 3 3 . . . . . Contractor Utilisation 1 3 . . . . .

    Maintenance Backlog

    Definition (Total Hours of Maintenance Work on Due and Overdue WOs)/(Total Available Artisan Hours Per Week) Actual maturity 4-6 weeks (based on supervisor approximation) Target maturity 3-4 weeks (based on tactical work requirement from EAMS) Responsibility Maintenance planner: S. Booysen

    Weekly Schedule Attainment

    Definition (Number of completed Scheduled Work Hours in the Week)/(Total Number of Work Hours Scheduled for the Week) Actual maturity 50-75% (based on manual count of tactical work requirement) Target maturity >75% (based on tactical work requirement from EAMS) Responsibility Maintenance supervisors: D Coyle, S. Goldstone, J. Muller

    Artisan Utilisation

    Definition (Total Artisan Time Logged on AM WOs)/(Total Paid Artisan Hours) Actual maturity 55-59% (based on standard man hours available) Target maturity 55-59% (based on standard man hours available from ERP) Responsibility Maintenance supervisors: D Coyle, S. Goldstone, J. Muller

    Contractor Utilisation

    Definition (Total Contractor Time Logged on AM WOs)/(Total Paid Artisan Hours)

    Actual maturity Indicator not measured or performance below 45% (based on standard man hours available) Target maturity 55-59% (based on standard man hours available from ERP) Responsibility Maintenance supervisors: D Coyle, S. Goldstone, J. Muller

  • AM Assessment Report Sign-off


    4. Sign-off Signed at ............. this ... day of .... 20 .. In my capacity as an authorised signatory for and on behalf of ACRG, I hereby acknowledge and agree compliance with the documented standards and procedures for the service. Signed at ............. this ... day of .... 20 ..
