
Illustration style:To continue with the visual representation of Oofi and to build on his first appearance (which was a realistic gorilla suit), it might be the best to continue with the realistic appearance of the gorilla. A 3D computer generated, realistic-style illustration could easily translate into TV commercials. The family characters could come alive through computer animation to depict the many adventures of Oofi’s life. While the characters are realistic, there could be a combination of 2D-style photographs of their environments - photos of famous travel places or natural wonders depending on the luggage category. Combination of the realistic 3D style and the photographs 2D is also a cost effective way to animate TV commercials or breathing life into web ads and web product pages.

Gorilla family in collateral:Each family member could be representing most suitable product line.

• Women’s collection - presented by Ali or Ali & Bow• Men’s collection - presented by Oofi and Choko• Single Duffle pieces - presented by Bow• Sporty or school collections - presented by Choko• Durable, rugged collections - presented by Oofi and Choko as a (symbol of double durability quality control)

How is the new story told to the consumer in collateral?Oofi’s family story could be introduced in the existing quality hangtag.

Tagline: (gorilla family as visual)Built to last from generation to generation.
