
American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 1. Hurricanes

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. d 3. c 4. b

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. F 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. stream 2. blow 3. toward 4. system 5. warning 6. quickly 7. devastate 8. completely

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. As soon as 2. As 3. Though 4. is

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. A hurricane is a tropical low-pressure system with strong winds that can turn into a violent

storm. As warm water near the equator evaporates, energy moves into the air. When warm air

rises quickly and forms clouds and strong winds blowing faster in a spiral shape, we call it a


2. It can grow bigger and stronger when it is above water. As soon as a storm moves over land, it

loses energy and dies out, but the damage on land can be devastating.

3. We call what is in a hurricane’s center the eye. The weather in the eye of the hurricane is clear

and calm because the air moves downward. Around the eye is the eye wall. The air in the eye wall

moves up and forms a tall ring of cumulonimbus clouds. In the ring, heavy rain pours down, and

winds blow at enormous speed.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

4. It can cause heavy rains to make rivers and streams overflow, which floods the surrounding

land. Winds are so strong that they can pick up cars and pull trees out of the ground. Because it

also pushes a huge amount of ocean water onto the land, homes and roads near the shore may

be almost completely destroyed.

5. When hurricanes get closer and strike within 24 hours, a warning is issued. People can have

enough time to move far away from the hurricane.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


Hurricanes cause a lot of

damage to people.

Detail: How Hurricanes Occur

As warm water near the

equator evaporates, energy

moves into the air and forms

clouds and strong winds

blowing faster in a spiral


Detail: Damage by Hurricanes

A hurricane can move to the

shore and cause a lot of

damage by heavy rains and

winds. It pushes a huge

amount of ocean water onto

the land. Homes and roads

near the shore may be almost


Detail: Hurricane Warnings

Within 36 hours of a hurricane,

the National Hurricane Center

puts out a hurricane warning.

When the danger gets closer

and a hurricane might strike

within 24 hours, a warning is

issued. People can be saved by

moving away from the


B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

As warm water near the equator evaporates, energy moves into the air and forms clouds and

strong winds blowing faster in a spiral shape. We call it a hurricane. It can move to the shore and

cause a lot of damage. Heavy rains can make rivers and streams overflow, and winds are so

strong. It also pushes a huge amount of ocean water onto land. Homes and roads near the shore

may be almost completely destroyed. The National Hurricane Center monitors when a hurricane

will strike. People can be saved by hurricane warnings from the center, so they can move far

enough away from the hurricane.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 2. The Rock Cycle

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. b 2. a 3. d 4. a

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. T 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. explain 2. gem 3. classify 4. sediment 5 type 6. compress 7. expose 8. morph

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. compacting 2. extremely 3. basically

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. Though there are hundreds of different types of rocks on the Earth, they can be classified into

three main types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

2. Cooling, heating, pressing, and compacting keep the cycle moving. By knowing the type of rock,

we are able to make use of the rocks around us.

3. Igneous rocks are formed when magma cools and hardens. Then, after millions of years of

weathering and erosion, igneous rocks can be transformed into high mountains.

4. Sediment, including small pieces of rocks and dead animals and plants under water, piles up,

and the weight compresses the sediment. Eventually, the sediment becomes rocks. Chalk and coal

are sedimentary rocks.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. Metamorphic rocks are igneous and sedimentary rocks that have changed forms due to a lot of

heat and pressure. Gems and marble are types of metamorphic rocks.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


Rocks can be classified into

three main types.

Detail: Igneous Rocks

Igneous rocks are formed

when magma cools and

hardens. They can be

transformed into high

mountains after millions of

years of weathering and


Detail: Sedimentary Rocks

Sediment is material that

gathers at the bottom of a

liquid. As more and more

material is added on top, the

weight compresses the

sediment and finally becomes

rocks. Chalk and coal are

examples of sedimentary rocks.

Detail: Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphic rocks are

igneous and sedimentary rocks

that have changed forms due

to a lot of heat and pressure.

Gems and marble are

metamorphic rocks.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

Rocks can be classified into three main types. There are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic

rocks. Igneous rocks are formed when magma cools and hardens. They can be transformed into

high mountains after millions of years of weathering and erosion. Sedimentary rocks are formed

from sediment that gathers at the bottom of a liquid. As more and more material is added on

top, the weight compresses the sediment and finally becomes rocks. Chalk and coal are examples

of sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic rocks are igneous and sedimentary rocks that have changed

forms due to a lot of heat and pressure. Gems and marble are metamorphic rocks.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 3. Similarities between Wolves and Modern Dogs

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. T 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. evidence 2. pup 3. characteristic 4. territory 5. howl 6. instructions 7. domestic 8.


B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. otherwise 2. otherwise 3. angered 4. see

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. Today, wolves live in the wild while dogs live in people’s homes

2. The strongest dog in the group is the leader and pulls the sled in the front. The leader gives

instructions to the other dogs pulling the sled. Because teamwork is the only way to pull the sled,

the other dogs must follow the leader.

3. The leader of a wolf pack is usually stronger than the others in the pack, and all the other

wolves follow him.

4. Wolves must travel and hunt in packs in order to survive. This is called social order. Without

social order, wolves will fight each other. Wolves need to work together in the wild; otherwise,

they will not be able to survive.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. Dogs fight to protect their territory like wolves. They even kill other animals that threaten their

territory. Humans have been able to train dogs to use this behavior. Dogs are trained to protect

their homes from strangers and to be guard dogs.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


Dog and wolves have many

common characteristics

Detail: Wolves Are Group


Both species hunt as a team to

kill animals. The leader of a

wolf pack is stronger than the

others in the pack. Without

social order, they would not be

able to survive.

Detail: Dogs’ Social Order

Dogs have a social order in

their families. It can be seen

with sled dogs. The strongest

dog in the group is the leader

and pulls the sled in the front.

Detail: Territory and


Both animals will fight to

protect their territory. Dogs are

trained to protect their homes

from strangers and to be guard

dogs. Dogs show the same

signs of aggression when

angered as wolves.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

Dogs and wolves have many common characteristics. Both species hunt as a team to kill animals.

The leader of a wolf pack is stronger than the others in the pack. Without social order, wolves will

fight each other. Wolves need to work together in the wild. Dogs also have a social order in their

families. The leader is the mother or father. It can be seen with sled dogs, too. The strongest dog

in the group is the leader and pulls the sled in the front. Both animals will fight to protect their

territory and will even kill other animals. Dogs are trained to protect their homes from strangers

and to be guard dogs. Dogs show the same signs of aggression when angered as wolves.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 4. Photosynthesis

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a

B. Check True or False.

1. T 2. F 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. reaction 2. take place 3. release 4. variety 5. prevent 6. molecule 7. waterproof 8.


B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Whether 2. Whether 3. when 4. when

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. Photosynthesis is important to plants because they need to make sugar. They store sugar in

their tissues and use it as energy. Animals can use the stored sugar when they eat plants. Then,

bigger animals can use the stored sugar by eating those animals.

2. Plants make sugar through photosynthesis. They use the sun to make energy, which is the

plants’ food. They are able to combine water and carbon dioxide to make sugar and then release

oxygen into the air.

3. Chloroplasts in plant leaves are the structures that contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs the

sunlight and uses its energy to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

4. There are chloroplasts, the epidermis, and veins in a leaf.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll that absorbs the sunlight. The epidermis has a waterproof

coating that prevents too much water from escaping, small holes that allow carbon dioxide to

enter and oxygen to leave, and cells with many air sacs where carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water

can flow. The veins carry food from the leaf to the rest of the plant.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


Photosynthesis is an important

process in plants.

Detail: The Process of


Plants combine water and

carbon dioxide to make

sugar and release oxygen

into the air. Plants store

sugar in their tissues and

use it as energy. Animals

can use the stored sugar

when they eat plants.

Detail: A Chemical Reaction

Caused by Chloroplasts

Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll,

which absorbs sunlight and uses its

energy to split water into hydrogen

and oxygen. After the hydrogen

makes a chemical reaction with the

carbon, the oxygen is released into

the air, so humans and animals

breathe it.

Detail: The Parts of the Leaf

The epidermis of a leaf has a

waterproof coating and small

holes. Under the epidermis

are cells with many air sacs

where carbon dioxide,

oxygen, and water can flow.

The veins on a leaf carry

food from the leaf to the rest

of the plant.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

Photosynthesis is an important process in plants. Plants combine water and carbon dioxide to

make sugar and release oxygen into the air. Plants store sugar in their tissues and use it as energy.

Animals can use the stored sugar when they eat plants. Chloroplasts are the structures that contain

chlorophyll, which absorbs sunlight and uses its energy to split water molecules into hydrogen and

oxygen. After the hydrogen molecules make a chemical reaction with the carbon, the oxygen

molecules are released into the air, so humans and animals then breathe them. The epidermis, the

outer layer of a leaf, has a waterproof coating that prevents too much water from escaping. Small

holes in the epidermis allow carbon dioxide to enter and oxygen to leave. Under the epidermis are

cells with many air sacs where carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water can flow. The veins on a leaf

carry food from the leaf to the rest of the plant.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 5. A Spider Is Not an Insect

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. b 3. b 4. d

B. Check True or False.

1. T 2. F 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. thread 2. difference 3. paralyze 4. compound 5. purpose 6. contact 7. wrap 8. pierce

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. called 2. used 3. whereas 4. stuck

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. While spiders belong to an animal group called arachnids, insects belong to the insect family.

There are many differences between the two.

2. Insects have six legs and three body parts. The body parts are the head, thorax, and abdomen.

Insects have compound eyes. Insects have jaws that can be used to chew and wings used to fly.

3. Spiders have eight legs and two body parts. The head and thorax are combined into one part

called the cephalothorax, and the other part is the abdomen. They also have jaws that pierce their

prey when eating.

4. Spiders use webs for many purposes. They make webs over their eggs to protect them. Young

spiders use their webs to float through the air. The main purpose of spider webs is to catch prey.

When an insect lands on a web, it gets stuck. Then, the spider wraps the insect with more



American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. There are many species of spiders. Some of them are poisonous to humans. The black widow,

the wolf spider, and the brown recluse spider are a few spiders that are so poisonous that we

should avoid them.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


Spiders are different from

insects in many ways.

Detail: Body Parts

An insect has six legs, a head, a

thorax, and an abdomen. Many

insects have wings used to fly.

Spiders have eight legs, a

cephalothorax, and an

abdomen. Spiders do not have

wings and cannot fly.

Detail: Spider Webs

Spiders can make webs over

their eggs to protect them.

Young spiders can use their

webs to float through the air.

The main purpose of spider

webs is to catch prey. When

an insect lands on a web, it

gets stuck, and the spider

wraps the insect with more


Detail: Poisonous Spiders

The spider also injects its prey

with venom, which paralyzes it.

A few spiders are so

poisonous that we should

avoid them.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

Spiders are different from insects in many ways. An insect has six legs, a head, a thorax, and an

abdomen. Many insects have wings used to fly. Spiders have eight legs, a cephalothorax, and an

abdomen. Spiders do not have wings and cannot fly. Spiders can make webs over their eggs to

protect them. Young spiders can use their webs to float through the air. The main purpose of

spider webs is to catch prey. When an insect lands on a web, it gets stuck, and the spider wraps

the insect with more webbing. The spider also injects its prey with venom, which paralyzes it. A

few spiders are so poisonous that we should avoid them.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 6. The Tragedy of Pluto

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. d 2. c 3. c 4. a

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. F 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. gravitational 2. definition 3. mainly 4. neighborhood 5. dispute 6. dwarf 7. atmosphere

8. criteria

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Compared 2. was discovered 3. Since 4. Even though

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. Terrestrial planets are close to the sun and have layers. The terrestrial planets are Mercury,

Venus, Earth, and Mars.

2. The gas giant planets are the larger planets, and they orbit the sun like the terrestrial planets.

But, unlike the terrestrial planets, these gas giant planets are made mainly of gas. They have a

huge gravitational force that pulls the gases to the center, which makes dense atmospheres. They

are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

3. An object has to meet three criteria to be considered a planet. It needs to orbit the sun and

has to have enough gravity to pull the shape into a circle. Lastly, it has to clear the neighborhood

in its orbit.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

4. Compared to the other planets, Pluto is tiny. Pluto was discovered to be part of the Kuiper Belt.

The Kuiper Belt has about 70,000 objects just like Pluto. Pluto was the largest object in its orbit,

so it was accepted as a planet. But a group of astronomers discovered an object that was bigger

than Pluto, Eris, so Pluto is not considered a planet anymore.

5. Pluto meets the first two criteria but not the third one, so it is now considered a dwarf planet

instead of a planet. Since the definition of a planet was agreed on, no one disputed the issue of


Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


Pluto used to be the ninth

planet but is considered a

dwarf planet now.

Detail: Two Groups of Planets

Terrestrial planets like Earth are

close to the sun and have

layers. The gas giant planets

are made mainly of gas and

have a huge gravitational force

that pulls the gases to the


Detail: Criteria for Planets

Astronomers discovered that

Eris in the Kuiper Belt was

bigger than Pluto. The

definition of a planet is

determined by three


Detail: The Issue of Pluto

Pluto does not meet the third

criterion that a planet has to

clear the neighborhood in its

orbit. Pluto is now considered

a dwarf planet instead of a


B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

The planets are divided into two groups. The terrestrial planets like Earth are closer to the sun and

have layers. The gas giant planets are made mainly of gas and have a huge gravitational force

that pulls the gases to the center. Pluto used to be the ninth planet, but it is not considered a

planet anymore. Some astronomers discovered an object that was bigger than Pluto in the Kuiper

Belt: Eris. There are three conditions that determine that an object is a planet. It needs to orbit the

sun and have enough gravity to pull the shape into a circle. It also has to clear the neighborhood

in its orbit. Pluto does not meet the third criterion, so it is now considered a dwarf planet instead

of a planet.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 7. Alternative Energy

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. b 2. d 3. a 4. b

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. F 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. renewable 2. alternative 3. coal 4. blade 5. panel 6. install 7. generate 8. burn

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. to turn 2. to make 3. Since 4. Because

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. We can get energy from burning them. But burning these resources is harmful to all living

things on the Earth. In addition, these resources are nonrenewable.

2. The sun, wind, and water are alternative forms of energy.

3. We have to install solar panels on the rooftops of homes and buildings to collect sunlight and

to turn it into energy.

4. Wind power is generated by giant towers with spinning blades. These wind towers can make

energy that people can use. Because wind power needs the wind, giant towers have been built

along the coast, across plains, and on the tops of mountains.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. Hydropower is another clean source of energy that is also renewable. Hydropower is generated

by flowing water. Dams are built with turbines that turn when water passes through them. The

result is electricity.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


The sun, wind, and water are

alternative forms of energy for

fossil fuels like coal, oil, and


Detail: The Sun

The sun provides people with

a source of energy. We can

use solar panels to collect

sunlight and to turn it into

energy. It can be used to heat

homes, to power light bulbs,

and even to run cars.

Detail: Wind

Wind power is generated by

giant towers with spinning

blades. These wind towers can

make energy that people can


Detail: Hydropower

Hydropower is generated by

flowing water. Dams are built

with turbines that turn when

water passes through them.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

People have long used coal, oil, and gas to get energy, but burning these resources is harmful to

all living things on the Earth. So scientists have researched alternative forms of energy like the

sun, wind, and water. The sun provides people with a source of energy. We can use solar panels to

collect sunlight and to turn it into energy. It can be used to heat homes, to power light bulbs, and

even to run cars. Wind power is generated by giant towers with spinning blades. These wind

towers can make energy for people to use. Hydropower is generated by flowing water. Dams are

built with turbines that turn when water passes through them.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 8. Electricity

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. c 3. b 4. a

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. T 3. F

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. scale 2. particles 3. rub 4. loop 5. flip 6. generator 7. brass 8. static

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. have noticed 2. might 3. Burning 4. reading

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. When we flip a switch in a room, a light turns on. A room becomes warm when you turn on a

heater. With the touch of a button, a fan will turn on to cool you down.

2. Static electricity is an electric force between objects that are not moving. Liquid in a battery

makes electricity flow through a path for electrons. A generator is a machine that turns to make


3. If we rub a balloon on hair and put it on a wall, it will stick to the wall for a minute. Rubbing

our feet on a carpet and touching a metal doorknob can make us feel a shock or see a spark.

4. Liquid in the battery makes electricity flow through a path for electrons. When the brass wires

inside the remote control touch the battery, electricity flows.

5. A loop of wires inside an electric generator turns rapidly to make energy.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


We can do so many things

thanks to a power called


Detail: Static Electricity

Static electricity is an electric

force between objects that are

not moving. Lightning is a kind

of static electricity on a bigger

scale. Static electricity is a lot

of energy, but it only lasts a

short time.

Detail: Batteries

A battery can make electricity.

Liquid in the battery can make

a path for electrons to flow. As

long as the electrons are

moving, there is power. We

can see batteries in TV remote


Detail: Generators

The power for a house is made

by electric generators in a

power plant. An electric

generator is a machine that

turns to make electricity. There

is a loop of wires inside an

electric generator that turns

rapidly to make energy.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

We can do so many things thanks to a power called electricity. There are three main sources of

electricity. Static electricity is an electric force between objects that are not moving. Lightning is a

kind of static electricity on a bigger scale. Static electricity is a lot of energy, but it only lasts a

short time. A battery can also make electricity. Liquid in the battery can make a path for electrons

to flow. As long as the electrons are moving, there is power. We can see batteries in TV remote

controls. The power for a house is made by electric generators in a power plant. An electric

generator is a machine that turns to make electricity. There is a loop of wires inside an electric

generator that turns rapidly to make energy.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 9. The Dead Sea

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d

B. Check True or False.

1. T 2. T 3. F

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. scroll 2. salinity 3. float 4. manufacture 5. maintain 6. discovery 7. attraction 8.


B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. it 2. why 3. why 4. it

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. The Dead Sea is located between Jordan and Israel, and it is the saltiest body of water in the

world. The shore of the Dead Sea is 396m below sea level, making it the lowest point on the


2. The water flowing into it gets trapped and cannot flow out. The area is so hot and dry that

evaporation happens very quickly. And, as water evaporates, the salty minerals are left. This makes

the water that has not evaporated maintain its saltiness.

3. It got its name because its saltiness makes it impossible for animals to survive.

4. They are a collection of texts that were written by a group of Jews and hidden in caves along

the shores of the Dead Sea. Though the origin of the scrolls has not been proven, translators of


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

the scrolls have discovered that they consist of almost all the books of the Old Testament of the


5. The weather in the area of the Dead Sea is warm all year round, and people find it fascinating

to see that they can actually float without even trying.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.

Cause Effect

The Dead Sea has a salt content level

of about 28 to 38 percent.

The saltiness makes it impossible for animals to

survive, and that is why it got its name. The

water’s salinity is so high that people can float in it

even though they do not know how to swim.

The water in the Dead Sea gets

trapped, and the area is so hot and


As evaporation happens very quickly, the salty

minerals are left. This makes the water that has not

evaporated maintain its saltiness.

A collection of texts in scrolls was

found in caves along the shores of

the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea became more famous after the

discovery of some scrolls that were written by a

group of Jews and hidden in the caves. The scrolls

consist of almost all the books of the Old

Testament of the Bible.

Products are made out of the salt

and other minerals from the Dead

Sea, and the weather in the area is

warm all year round.

The Dead Sea is famous for its products and as a

popular tourist attraction.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

The Dead Sea got its name from its saltiness, which makes it impossible for animals to survive.

The water’s salinity is so high that people can float in it even though they do not know how to

swim. The Dead Sea became more famous after the discovery of some scrolls written by a group

of Jews living in Jerusalem that were hidden in the caves. Translators of the scrolls have

discovered that the scrolls consist of almost all the books of the Old Testament of the Bible. In


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

addition, cosmetics and healing products are made out of the salt and other minerals from the

Dead Sea. The weather in the area is warm all year round, which also makes the Dead Sea a

popular tourist attraction.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 10. Pyramids

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. T 3. F

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. bury 2. chamber 3. mobilize 4. tomb 5. ramp 6. archaeologist 7. estimate 8. fascinate

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. where 2. when 3. have built 4. have taken

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. The pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs. Each pharaoh had his own pyramid.

2. The tallest pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is

the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that is still standing.

3. Sometimes there were smaller rooms in pyramids, where the pharaoh’s family members and

servants were buried. There were also fake burial chambers to trick thieves who tried to steal the

treasures. Still, almost all the pyramids were robbed.

4. Archaeologists were able to gain some information about the young king and the lifestyle of

the ancient Egyptians.

5. Scientists believe that tens of thousands of slaves were mobilized to build the pyramids since

there was not any machinery at that time. They must have built some kinds of ramps to move the


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

large blocks up each level of the pyramid. Scientists also estimate that it must have taken over 20

years to build one pyramid.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


The ancient Egyptian pyramids

are magnificent and mysterious


Detail: The Fascinating Size

and Time When the

Pyramids Were Built

The pyramids were built in

ancient times and are still

fascinating. The tallest pyramid

is the Great Pyramid of Giza,

which was built for the

pharaoh Khufu.

Detail: The Pyramids as


The pyramids were built as

tombs for the pharaohs, and

the pharaohs were buried with

all kinds of treasures. Although

almost all the pyramids were

robbed, King Tut’s pyramid was

intact when discovered.

Detail: The Mystery of How

They Were Built

Since there was not any

machinery at that time, tens of

thousands of slaves were

mobilized to build the

pyramids. They must have

built some kinds of ramps to

move the large blocks up.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

The pyramids were built in ancient times and are still fascinating. The tallest pyramid is the Great

Pyramid of Giza, which was built for the pharaoh Khufu. The pyramids were built as tombs for the

pharaohs, and the pharaoh’s burial chamber was located deep inside the pyramid with all kinds of

treasures. Although almost all the pyramids were robbed, King Tut’s pyramid was intact when it

was discovered. How the ancient Egyptians built the enormous structures still remains a mystery.

Probably tens of thousands of slaves were mobilized to build the pyramids, and they must have

built some kinds of ramps to move the large blocks up to the pyramid.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 11. Captain Cook

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. F 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. botanist 2. exploration 3. fascinated 4. set out 5. mysterious 6. expert 7. route 8. goal

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. as 2. for 3. on 4. as

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. Although he was raised on a farm, he became fascinated with the sea. He became interested in

sailing as a teenager and wanted to explore the seas.

2. He joined the Royal Navy and was involved in the Seven Years’ War. During that time, he

became an expert cartographer and made maps of Newfoundland.

3. His first voyage in 1769 was to observe the planet Venus as it passed in front of the sun.

Astronomer Charles Green and botanist Joseph Banks were on board to make scientific

discoveries. But the actual goal was to search for a southern continent that was believed to exist.

4. He continued the search for the mysterious southern continent. He became one of the first

people to cross the Antarctic Circle, and he continued on his voyage and charted a chain of

islands, including the Friendly Islands and Easter Island.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. His explorations increased Europe’s knowledge of the world, and Cook’s skills as a cartographer

filled many gaps on the world map. In addition, the scientists on board his ships made a lot of

scientific contributions.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.

Time Incidents

When young James Cook was raised on a farm but became interested in sailing as a

teenager. During a war, he became a cartographer and made maps.

First voyage in 1769

He was appointed lieutenant and commander of the Endeavour. He made

a map of the coastline of New Zealand and Australia. He was the first

European to travel through the eastern coastline of Australia.

Second voyage

Cook was promoted to the position of captain of the Resolution and

became one of the first people to cross the Antarctic Circle. He was given

the highest honor for his geographic explorations.

Third voyage He continued to map waters and coastlines, and his explorations increased

Europe’s knowledge of the world.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

James Cook was raised on a farm but became fascinated with the sea and sailing. He joined the

Royal Navy and was involved in the Seven Years’ War. During the war, he became a cartographer

and made maps. He was appointed lieutenant and commander of the Endeavour and set off on

his first voyage. He made a map of the coastline of New Zealand and Australia. He was the first

European to travel through the eastern coastline of Australia. On his second voyage, Cook was

promoted to the position of captain of the Resolution. He became one of the first people to cross

the Antarctic Circle and was given the highest honor for his geographic explorations. On his third

voyage, he continued to map waters and coastlines, and his explorations increased Europe’s

knowledge of the world.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 12. Harry Houdini

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. a 2. c 3. a 4. d

B. Check True or False.

1. T 2. F 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. trick 2. handcuffs 3. correction 4. perform 5. pursue 6. flexible 7. effort 8. audience

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. filled 2. which 3. made 4. What

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. He was born in Hungary, but his family immigrated to the United States when he was a child.

Then, as a young teenager he became interested in magic and took the name “Harry Houdini.”

2. He was a small man and had a high-pitched voice. In addition, he wore dirty, old clothes and

had poor grammar.

3. Harry Houdini made a great effort to make his acts better. He wrote down what he wanted to

say and made corrections to his grammar. He spent a lot of time exercising his hands and feet to

be fast and flexible. He also made his lungs stronger by holding his breath under water.

4. A large metal milk container was brought on stage, and it was filled with water. He stepped

into the container while handcuffed. Then, the lid of the container was locked with chains. The

audience started to worry that he might have drowned, and that was when he appeared



American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. Harry Houdini’s magic tricks used illusions. What the audience did not know about the milk

container was that there was another lid under the lid that was chained up. In other words, the lid

was never locked.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.

Time Incidents

March 24, 1874 Harry Houdini was born in Hungary, and his family immigrated to the

United States when he was a child.

His teenage years He became interested in magic and took the name “Harry Houdini.”

His start as a


At first, neither his appearance nor his magic tricks impressed people. In

addition, he had poor grammar. He made a great effort to make his acts

better. He made corrections to his grammar, exercised his hands and feet

to be fast and flexible, and made his lungs stronger.

Having his own


His popularity continued to rise, and he performed an escape trick using a

milk container. His magic tricks used illusions.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

Harry Houdini was born in Hungary, and his family immigrated to the United States when he was

a child. As a young teenager, he became interested in magic and took the name “Harry Houdini.”

At first, his magic tricks did not impress people. In addition, he had poor grammar as well as a

poor appearance. But he made a great effort to make his acts better. He made corrections to his

grammar, exercised his hands and feet to be fast and flexible, and made his lungs stronger by

holding his breath under water. Before long, his popularity began to rise, and he performed an

escape trick using milk container filled with water. He stepped into the container while

handcuffed, and the lid of the container was locked with chains. His magic tricks used illusions.

Harry Houdini was a skilled performer and a master of illusions.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 13. Cotton and Slavery

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. d 3. c 4. b

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. T 3. F

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. plantation 2. machine 3. owner 4. peace 5. raw 6. tension 7. inhumane 8. status

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. to 2. on the other hand 3. need to 4. On the other hand

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. They had to take care of the cotton plants, pick the cotton, and get it ready to be sent to

factories in the northern states.

2. The large amount of flat land available in the South made it possible for people to own

plantations, and the growing number of factories in the North needed more raw materials. The

factory owners wanted to make a lot of money without spending too much on labor. That was

why the demand for slavery increased.

3. Plantation owners in the South were becoming rich because they did not have to pay their

slaves. But factory owners in the North were paying their workers for labor. People in the rich

South enjoyed lives of wealth with peace and quiet. The industrializing North, on the other hand,

was loud and busy.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

4. The plantation owners purchased slaves and exploited them without payment. Besides not

being paid, slaves did not have any rights. They were forced to work extremely long hours and

had to live in poor conditions.

5. The North blamed the South for its inhumane slavery, which increased the tension between the

two regions. The North urged the South to stop using slaves, but the South was already used to

the lifestyle.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.

Cause Effect

Cotton must be cleaned by hand before it is

used. Then, in 1793, the cotton gin was


The cotton gin was a machine that could

clean as much as 50 pounds of cotton a

day. Still, many workers had to take care of

the cotton plants and pick the cotton.

The demand for slavery increased.

The plantation owners purchased slaves and

exploited them without payment. Owning

many slaves became a symbol of social


People in the South did not have to pay

their slaves, but people in the North were

paying their workers for labor.

Plantation owners in the South were

becoming rich and enjoyed lives of wealth.

But the industrializing North was loud and


The North blamed the South for its

inhumane slavery.

The country was divided, and a long,

devastating war broke out.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

Although the cotton gin was invented in 1793, many workers had to take care of the cotton

plants and pick the cotton. As the demand for slavery increased, plantation owners purchased

slaves and exploited them without payment. Even smaller farm owners strived to own slaves.

Owning many slaves became a symbol of social status. People in the South did not have to pay

their slaves, but people in the North were paying their workers for labor. Plantation owners in the

South were becoming rich and enjoyed lives of wealth. But the industrializing North was loud and


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

busy. The North blamed the South for its inhumane slavery. The North urged the South to stop

using slaves, but the South was already used to the lifestyle. Eventually, the country was divided,

and a long, devastating war broke out.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 14. The Industrial Revolution

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. b 2. c 3. c 4. c

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. T 3. F

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. abundant 2. steam 3. terrible 4. colonize 5. economic 6. proper 7. ventilation 8.


B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. which 2. which 3. in order to 4. in order to

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1700s when steam power and machines

were invented.

2. Britain was able to bring in cotton and wool from the colonies. The steam engine and coal

gave factories the power to run the machines.

3. With farming machines, more food was produced faster, which enabled the population to grow.

As there were more people, labor was abundant, so many people worked in factories. Great

Britain enjoyed an economic advantage over the rest of the world.

4. As there were a lot of people in both Great Britain and the United States who needed jobs in

factories, the factory owners did not have to pay their workers a lot. The working conditions and


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

lifestyles of factory workers were terrible, and factories operated for long hours. Machines were in

rooms with poor ventilation, and safety was also an issue.

5. The working conditions and lifestyles of factory workers were terrible. So they formed unions to

fight for proper treatment. Unions still exist today to protect workers’ rights.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.

Cause Effect

In the 1700s, steam power and machines

were invented.

British sea power allowed them to transport

the raw materials from many colonies back

to Great Britain.

Machines first began to show up on farms.

As smaller farms could not compete with

big ones, their owners had to sell their

farms and move to find other work.

With farming machines, more food was

produced faster.

The population began to grow, and labor

was abundant. Many people worked in

factories, and Great Britain enjoyed an

economic advantage over the rest of the


The working conditions and lifestyles of

factory workers were terrible.

Factories operated for long hours, and poor

ventilation and safety was an issue. Later,

workers formed unions to fight for proper



American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1700s when steam power and machines

were invented. British sea power allowed them to transport the raw materials from many colonies

back to Great Britain. As farming machines began to be used, small farm owners had to sell their

farms. The steam engine and coal gave factories the power they needed to run the machines, and

textile factories began to grow because they were able to bring in cotton and wool from their

colonies. As more food was produced faster, the population began to grow. Many people worked

in factories, and Great Britain enjoyed an economic advantage over the rest of the world.

Although there were a lot of people in the factories, the working conditions and lifestyles of the

workers were terrible. Later, workers formed unions to fight for proper treatment and their rights.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 15. Stay Connected without Wires

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b

B. Check True or False.

1. T 2. T 3. F

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. communicate 2. device 3. traditional 4. transfer 5. information 6. frequency 7. wireless

8. invisible

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. that 2. that 3. much 4. that

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. A long time ago, if people wanted to make a phone call, they had to go to a place that had a

phone. People now can communicate by using devices from almost anywhere they are thanks to

wireless technology.

2. It is the capability to use a wireless device to connect to the Internet. With a large number of

satellites available, a person in one part of the world is able to communicate with someone on

the opposite side by using the Internet.

3. It is a place where a device that can connect to Wi-Fi can provide power for another device to

connect to Wi-Fi. It is sort of like sharing an umbrella with your friend. Hot spots make it easier

for people to communicate when they are outside.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

4. The cost of installing Wi-Fi is much cheaper than the traditional method because Wi-Fi does

not use any cables.

5. It has changed the way we do business. Information is available faster. Because we can

communicate from almost anywhere, we can do business faster. And people can easily keep in

touch with family members who are far away. Wi-Fi also makes staying connected easier and


Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


People can communicate by

using devices from almost

anywhere they are.

Detail: Wireless Technology

People send information by

using a network. Satellites and

radio towers make it possible

to send and receive data.

Radio towers can send out

information by using radio


Detail: Wi-Fi and Hot Spots

Wi-Fi enables us to connect to

the Internet by using a wireless

device. A hot spot is a place

where a device that can

connect to Wi-Fi can provide

power for another device to

connect to Wi-Fi.

Detail: Wi-Fi Technology

The cost of installing Wi-Fi is

cheap because it does not use

any cables. Thanks to Wi-Fi, we

can communicate from almost

anywhere, use information

faster, and stay connected

cheap and easily.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

Wireless technology enables people to communicate by using devices from almost anywhere they

are. People send information by using a network. Satellites and radio towers make it possible to

send and receive data. Radio towers can send out information by using radio frequencies. Wi-Fi

enables us to connect to the Internet by using a wireless device. A hot spot is the place where a

device that can connect to Wi-Fi can provide power for another device to connect to Wi-Fi. The

cost of installing Wi-Fi is cheap because it does not use any cables. Thanks to Wi-Fi, we can

communicate from almost anywhere, use information faster, and stay connected cheap and easily.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 16. Ramadan

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. b 3. d 4. b

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. T 3. F

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. message 2. worship 3. devote 4. historian 5. follower 6. pillar 7. angel 8. fast

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. that 2. that 3. that 4. it up

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. In the 600s, a new religion appeared. It is believed that an angel appeared to Muhammad and

told him to write down the words of God. In 613, Muhammad started to talk about the messages.

The new religion was based on the belief of one God, who was called Allah in Arabic.

2. After Muhammad’s death, the Muslims wrote down his teaching and made them into a book

called the Qur’an.

3. These are known as the five pillars of Islam. There is only one God, and Muhammad is his

prophet. Muslims must pray five times a day. They must show mercy to the poor and needy.

Muslims must fast. All Muslims must travel to Mecca at least once in their lives.

4. The practice of fasting takes place during Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

For one month, Muslims do not eat from dawn to dusk. Muslims pray more and devote


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

themselves to the teachings of Islam during Ramadan. Those who are ill or traveling do not have

to fast, but they have to make it up later.

5. After Ramadan, Muslims celebrate by having festivals, and it also marks the start of the new

lunar year.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


Ramadan is a time of spiritual

reflection for Muslims.

Detail: The Beliefs and

Practices of Islam

Muslims believe that God

spoke to a person named

Muhammad through an angel.

The beliefs and practices of

Islam are based on the

messages Muhammad received

from God. Islam was based on

the belief in one God, called

Allah in Arabic.

Detail: The Five Pillars of


The Qur’an includes the first

five duties of Muslims. There is

only one God, and Muhammad

is his prophet. Muslims must

pray five times a day. They

must show mercy to the poor

and needy. Muslims have to

fast. All Muslims must travel to

Mecca at least once in their


Detail: Ramadan

Ramadan is the holy month

during which God began to

give his messages to

Muhammad. Muslims do not

eat from dawn to dusk for one

month. Muslims pray more and

devote themselves to the

teachings of Islam during

Ramadan. After Ramadan, they

celebrate by having festivals.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

Muslims are the followers of Islam and believe that God spoke to a person named Muhammad

through an angel. The beliefs and practices of Islam are based on the messages Muhammad

received from God. The Qur’an includes the first five duties of Muslims. There is only one God, and

Muhammad is his prophet. Muslims must pray five times a day. They must show mercy to the

poor and needy. Muslims have to fast. All Muslims must travel to Mecca at least once in their lives.

According to the fourth pillar, Muslims all over the world fast during the ninth month of the

Islamic calendar, Ramadan. Muslims do not eat from dawn to dusk for one month. Muslims pray

more and devote themselves to the teachings of Islam during Ramadan. After Ramadan, they

celebrate by having festivals.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 17. The Champion Pumpkin

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. d 2. c 3. b 4. d

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. F 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. combine 2. wheelbarrow 3. definitely 4. cottage 5. load 6. stable 7. squire 8. champion

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. much 2. more 3. straight 4. troubled

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. The poor farmer lived in the smallest cottage in the village, and he had a small field, but the

soil was very poor.

2. He lived a kilometer away from the poor farmer and was wealthier than anyone in the village.

His house was bigger than three average houses combined. He had many servants but no friends.

He owned big stables and large fields that yielded plenty of crops each season.

3. The poor farmer noticed a pumpkin that was much bigger than any other pumpkin he had ever

seen. He and his poor wife loaded the champion pumpkin onto a wheelbarrow, and they went off

to the palace.

4. He gave the king one of his horses because he wanted more gold than the poor farmer had



American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. The king took the pumpkin and filled the farmer’s wheelbarrow with gold in exchange. He was

impressed to see the handsome horse and gave the squire the champion pumpkin in exchange.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.

The Poor Farmer The Old, Greedy Squire

Where he lived He lived in the smallest cottage in

the village.

His house was bigger than three

average houses combined.

What he owned He had a small field, but the soil

was very poor.

He had many servants but no

friends. He owned big stables and

large fields that yielded plenty of

crops each season.

What he gave to the


He gave his champion pumpkin to

the king.

He gave the king his best horse.

What he got from

the king in exchange

The king took the pumpkin and

filled the farmer’s wheelbarrow with


The king gave him the champion


B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

There lived a poor farmer and a greedy squire in the village. One day, the poor farmer noticed a

pumpkin that was much bigger than any other pumpkin he had ever seen. Since even poor

farmers had to their champion crops to the king, he took the pumpkin to the king. The king was

delighted and filled the farmer’s wheelbarrow with gold in exchange. When the greedy squire

heard about the pumpkin, he decided to give his best horse to the king in order to get much

more gold than the poor farmer. The king was impressed and gave the squire the champion

pumpkin in exchange.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 18. Why Do Trees Lose Their Leaves in the Winter?

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. T 3. F

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. grumpy 2. needle 3. injure 4. surely 5. heal 6. shelter 7. kindness 8. hopelessly

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. otherwise 2. or 3. that 4. that

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. Sparrow was injured and could not fly. He had to send his family off and find shelter. He asked

the trees to let him stay among their leaves until the spring.

2. Oak told Sparrow to go somewhere else to spend the winter. Maple was a nice tree, but she

did not want a guest either. Both refused to let Sparrow stay among their leaves during


3. Pine told Sparrow that he would share everything he had even though his leaves were like

needles and he did not have so many branches. So Sparrow spent the cold winter with Pine.

4. When the Creator saw what had happened between Sparrow and the trees, he let Pine stay

green all year round. But he made all of the leaves of the other trees die during the cold season

from that day on.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. When we help someone who is in need even though we do not have much, we will be

rewarded someday.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.


Why are pine trees green all

the time?

Detail: The Injured Sparrow

In the winter, Sparrow was

injured and sent his family off.

He had to find shelter;

otherwise, he would surely die.

Detail: Asking the Trees for


Sparrow asked Oak and Maple

to let him stay among their

leaves, but they refused. Only

Pine shared everything with

Sparrow. By springtime,

Sparrow was completely healed

and went to greet his family

when they returned.

Detail: Why Pine Trees Stay

Green All Year Round

The Creator let Pine stay green

all the seasons for his kindness

but made the leaves of the

other trees die during the cold


B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

A long time ago, the trees and animals were able to talk to each other. In winter, Sparrow was

injured and could not fly. He had to send his family off and find shelter; otherwise, he would

surely die. Sparrow asked Oak and Maple to let him stay among their leaves, but they refused.

Only Pine shared everything with Sparrow. By springtime, Sparrow was completely healed and

went to greet his family when they returned. The Creator saw what had happened, so he let Pine

stay green all the seasons for his kindness while he made the leaves of the other trees die during

the cold season.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 19. Number Patterns in Nature

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d

B. Check True or False.

1. T 2. F 3. F

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. row 2. mathematics 3. randomly 4. pattern 5. introduce 6. pineapple 7. survival 8.


B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. taken 2. have 3. named 4. are

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. The Fibonacci numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on. If you add the first two numbers,

you get the next number. The numbers continue in that pattern. That is the Fibonacci sequence.

2. Flowers are the most obvious objects in nature that follow the Fibonacci sequence. Most

flowers have 3, 5, 8, 13, or 21 petals. The rows of seeds in sunflowers and pine cones also follow

the Fibonacci sequence.

3. Spirals are the most efficient way to fit the most rows in a small space. Instead of drawing

straight lines, drawing spirals on a piece of paper will allow you to fill up the paper with more


4. Pine cones are an example of objects with rows that go around in spirals. The number of those

spirals will add up to a Fibonacci number. A pineapple is another example of spirals adding up to


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

a Fibonacci number. Artichokes, cauliflower, and some other vegetables also follow the same

spiral sequence.

5. Nature is brilliant and beautiful, and it has found patterns for different types of plants to make

survival more efficient.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.

Main Idea We can see some regular patterns in nature.

Major Supporting


1) The Fibonacci numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.

2) The Fibonacci numbers are seen in most flowers and the rows of

seeds in sunflowers and pine cones. Plants are formed this way

because it is the best way to fit as many seeds as possible into a

small space.

Minor Supporting


1) Spirals are the most efficient way to fit the most rows in a small


2) We can see spirals in pine cones, pineapples, artichokes,

cauliflower, and other vegetables.

Conclusion We can find patterns for different types of plants, which makes

survival more efficient in brilliant and beautiful nature.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

We can see some regular patterns in nature, such as in flowers and leaves. The patterns use

numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.

The Fibonacci sequence was introduced by a mathematician who was known as Fibonacci. The

Fibonacci numbers are seen in most flowers and the rows of seeds in sunflowers and pine cones.

Plants are formed this way because it is the best way to fit as many seeds as possible into a small

space. We can also see spirals in pine cones, pineapples, artichokes, cauliflower, and other

vegetables. Spirals on a piece of paper allow us to fill up the paper with more lines than using

straight lines does. Fibonacci numbers are not just randomly found in nature. We can find

patterns for different types of plants, which makes survival more efficient in brilliant and beautiful



American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

Unit 20. Building a House

(Study Book)

Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answers.

1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b

B. Check True or False.

1. F 2. F 3. T

Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1. excited 2. actually 3. finally 4. calculate 5. measurement 6. conclude 7. excellent 8.


B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. had 2. would 3. would 4. would

Writing & Speaking

Answer the questions and speak with your partner.

1. He got too old to live in his parents’ house. He was a lazy man and did not prepare for his

future. He had a job, but he did not make a lot of money.

2. The man was so excited that he decided to build his own house on the land. He started to

draw pictures of different houses. Even though building a house was very difficult, he did not give


3. He measured that the space he had was 250 meters long and 100 meters wide.

4. He calculated that his house would be 180 meters long and 80 meters wide, which left 10

meters on each side for grass and trees.


American Textbook Reading 4-3 (SB)

5. When the young man told his parents about his plan, his mother praised him and said that the

measurements were excellent. But his father asked him where he would get the money to buy all

the materials for the house.

Organize & Summary

A. Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.

Main Idea The young man was lazy and did not prepare for his future. His parents

told him to move out and gave him a small piece of land.

Major Supporting


1) He decided to build his own house on the land.

2) He began to take measurements of the space, which was 250 meters

long and 100 meters wide.

Minor Supporting


1) His house would be 180 meters long and 80 meters wide.

2) The garden would be a fifth of the house’s length.

Conclusion Those measurements were excellent, but he was not able to buy all the

materials for the house.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

There was a lazy man who did not prepare for his future. His parents told him to move out and

gave him a small piece of land. He decided to build his own house on the land. He took

measurements of the space, which was 250 meters long and 100 meters wide. To make the

garden be a fifth of the house’s length, his house would be 180 meters long and 80 meters wide.

He left 10 meters on each side for grass and trees. His mother said that those measurements

were excellent but his father asked him where he would get the money to buy all the materials

for the house. The son was disappointed and went back to planning.

