Page 1: American global university school of medicine   malik soudah

The journey towards becoming a good medical practitioner is truly a long one. It has several steps

involved and you ought to be disciplined to survive through long chapters and midnight study. Malik

Soudah, President of AGUSM (American Global University School of Medicine) says that medical

students often have to bury themselves in books ignoring all the distractions around them. And with

good medical schools like the AGUSM and learned and experienced mentors like Malik Soudah things

often fall in place. Because learning medicine isn’t simply restricted to college and school but it is a life-

ling process and one ought to keep a very open approach in life.

Joining a medical school is often thought to be a huge investment, owing to the money you put in and

the effort that is required. But if you are wise enough to take the right decisions in the very beginning,

you will see how medicine study changes your life and you forever. This decision mainly entails choosing

a good and reputed medical school because this is where the real struggle begins.

One needs to put in a good enough time in researching and finding a medical school that guarantees you

a good and secured future. People often recommend AGUSM as one of them because the school is

priced rightly and offers a great learning experience to the students. The authorities strive at providing

quality education and a great environment so that the students not only learn theory in class but also

turn out to be better human beings
