Page 1: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration





































































Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and Submissions Received

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Disclaimer:Roads and Title Boundaries - State of Victoria, Knox City CouncilPlanning Scheme Information - DPCD, Knox City CouncilAerial Photography - AAM (Flown January 2013 - unless otherwise stated)Melbourne Water Drainage Information - Melbourne Water1. Whilst every endeavour has been made to ensure that the mapping information is current and accurate, no responsibility orliability is taken by Knox City Council or any of the above organizations in respect to inaccuracy, errors, omissions or for actions based on this information.2. Planning information should be used only as a means of preliminary investigation. For accurate overlay information pleaseobtain a Planning Certificate from the Department of Infrastructure.3. This print contains information from Vicmap Property (Copyright State of Victoria). The State of Victoria does not warrant theaccuracy or completeness of information in this product. Any person using or relying on this information does so on the basis that the State of Victoria shall bear no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors, faults, defects or omissions in the information.4. Drainage and flood extent information has been provided to Council on a yearly basis by Melbourne Water for indicativepurposes only. Where the latest Melbourne Water drainage and flood extent mapping is critical, please contact Melbourne Water.

Bush Suburban

Knox Neighbourhood

Local Living

Activity Area

Proposed residential areas:

Submissions categories:

Appendix A

Page 2: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

1 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Strategic Site 12

Kingston Links Golf Club supports the decision to identify their site as a Strategic Site. They also support the Draft Housing Strategy and Amendment C131 in its entirety.

Noted. No change

2 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Supports Rowville Plan; believes it isintegral to keeping Rowville a competitive and attractive suburb to live. B) Opposed to 9m/3 storey height limit inActivity Areas , suggests it should be higher.

A) Noted. B) No change. Draft Strategy is considered to strike the right balance betweenproviding opportunities for different housing types to meet the current and future needs of Knox residents and protecting areas with special local character and significant environmental values. A three story height limit in proposed Activity Areas is considered adequate. In addition, the current recommendation is to reduce the maximum height limits in Local Living areas to 8m/2 storeys from 9m/3 storeys. This change provides additional differentiation between the scale of development supported in Local Living and Activity Areas. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

A) n/a. B) Nochange.

3 Recommends current controls requiring carports to be setback behind dwelling facades to be changed for safety reasons, related to reversing longer distances (particularly in relation to driveway accidents involving small children).

It is Council's current policy to require that garages and carports do not dominate the streetscape and this is articulated in Knox's existing Neighbourhood Character Policy. More broadly this is considered to be good design practice in many municipalities across Melbourne. It is not recommended that this requirement be changed.

No change.

4 The strategy is too restrictive. Need more development to allow for affordable housing options. Restrictions are promoting urban sprawl. The Local Living and Activity Areas are far too small and there is no justification for the Bush Suburban area in Knoxfield.

Proposed Local Living areas and Activity Areas are considered adequate to provide smaller housing types to address the housing needs of the Knox community, based on Knox's undertanding of how its community is growing and changing. The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which, as identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, is of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood. In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Knox Neighbourhood areas support single dwellings and dual occupancies on lots less than 1000sq.m in direct response to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox.

No change.

Appendix B

Page 3: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

5 The strategy is acceptable however, A) reduce congestation in streets from parking; and B) don’t plant trees under power lines – damages the trees when needs to be trimmed.

A) The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking occurs, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions, which may include parking restrictions. B) Where trees are planted under overhead power or telecommunications, species have been selected on a basis that there will be minimal interference. Alternatively, trees are set back from overhead wires in order that the chance of interference is minimised. The current guidelines followed by Knox require that trees be planted no closer than 3 metres to electrical poles or wires, subject to tree type and other infrastructure such as transformers.

No change.

6 The Local Living area in Wantirna South should be larger given the services (medical centre, shopping precinct etc. can support more residents). Subject property is currently proposed Knox Neighbourhood.

Proposed Local Living areas are considered adequate, at this time, to meet the needs of the Knox community. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

No change.

7 Recommends the Egan Lee Reserve, Knoxfield be rezoned to PPRZ.

Noted. Egan Lee Reserve is (partly) incorrectly zoned Residential 3 and proposed to be rezoned to General Residential Zone. The current use for a public park is not intended to change; however Amendment C131 only deals with residential zoning. The Reserve will be correctly rezoned to a Public Park and Recreation Zone in full as part of Amendment C134 to the Knox Planning Scheme (a 'fix-up' amendment to correct existing errors in the Knox Planning Scheme).

Change. Refer to Change 3 in Appendix C.

8 Strategic Site 13

Opposes rezoning of Waverly Golf Course as residential. However, if rezoned,should be considered Bush Suburban to limit development and reduce traffic on surrounding roads.

The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration for future residential development, subject to inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary, and resolution of a number of factors outlined in the draft Housing Strategy. Should these issues be resolved, a separate public rezoning process would still need to occur. No change to the status of the ‘Strategic Site’ is recommended, however internal review of the draft Housing Strategy has identified that Bushfire Risk and Sites of Biological Signifance should be added to the matters to be considered in any future proposal.

Change. Refer to Change 23 in Appendix C.

9 Opposes restriction of subdivision in many parts of Knox. Investment in public transport and general public infrastructure is below the level it should be.

The draft Strategy and more restrictive planning controls directly respond to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox, while directing new subdivision and development to smaller areas around existing infrastructure. Council continues to advocate for better public transport and other infrastructure.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

10 Supports Amendment C131 on grounds of protection of environmental resources.

Noted. No change

11 ‘Court’ addresses should have no new development due to increased traffic brought about by more dwellings.

Noted. Most courts are in the more restrictive Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban areas as these areas cover the majority of Knox. Some courts, as with surrounding streets, are included in some Activty Areas and Local Living areas.

No change.

12 Supports the housing strategy. Sent additional comment 3 days later: opposes apartments construction on corner of Boronia Road and Marie Street due to the danger of a traffic accidents occurring due to parking on both sides of the street.

Support for the strategy is noted. Council monitors the speed and volume of traffic on local roads. Council may consider traffic engineering means (e.g. speed humps) to manage traffic conditions such as speed if warranted. In the cases of excessive speed, Council liaises with the police and requests enforcement of the speed limit. The development at this site in Boronia is guided by the Boronia Structure Plan and associated planning controls.

No change

13 A) Opposes Bush Suburban classification of Dixon Court, Boronia. B) Disagrees with past 25 years of planning decisions.

A) The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood. In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Refer to Section 2.1.3 of report. B) Noted.

No change.

14 Supports the Strategy. Comments included a) design guidelines regarding setbacks and premeable surfaces should be enforced; b) more parking should be provided – streets are already overcrowded with parked cars.

A) noted; B) the Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking occurs, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions.

No change.

15 Allowing 4, 6, or 8 townhouses on large blocks in Wantirna South is a mistake (example given: Pach Road). Set backs are not large enough. The character that informed the choice to live in Wantirna South has now changed. Council has not listened to residents enough in the past.

Noted. The majority of residential areas, including Pach Road, are Knox Neighbourhood areas. The proposed Guidelines and planning controls for these areas will reduce the amount of future development in these areas.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

16 Submitter objects to reclassification of their land as NRZ (Schedule 2). Will affect development potential and subsequently value. Requests the land be zoned GRZ with the VPO4 to protect native trees.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Refer to Section 2.1.3 of report.

No change.

17 Supports the Strategy in its entirety. Noted. No change

18 Supports the subdivision of lots over 1000sq.m to accommodate new residents.

Noted. No change

19 Supports the subdivision of lots over 1000sq.m to accommodate new residents.

Noted. No change

20 It was a mistake to approve the 3 and 4 storey units in Bayswater. The small streets can’t handle the extra traffic.

Approvals of 3 and 4 storey development in defined areas of the Bayswater Activity Area is consistent with the Bayswater Structure Plan and associated planning controls, which have been in place for several years and are not subject to this process.

No change

21 Opposes the proposed increased density in Bayswater. Will result in significant parking problems.

Increased density in defined areas of the Bayswater Activity Area is consistent with the Bayswater Structure Plan and associated planning controls, which have been in place for several years and are not subject to this process.

No change

22 Supports the classification of areas as Bush Suburban . Concerned about a street tree that was recently removed from Allister Avenue and seeking an explanation for its removal.

Noted. Council's Parks department has contacted the submitter directly regarding the removal of these trees.

No change

23 Agrees with the overall Strategy. Considers it is too late to be effective though.

Support for the strategy is noted. Design requirements are proposed to improve the quality of design overall, and to respond to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox.

No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

24 The 1000sq.m rule for subdivision in Bush Suburban should be changed as there are many properties that are just under this size and now are devalued.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox. Refer to Section 2.1.11 of Report.

No change.

25 Supports the specified address being designated Bush Suburban .

Noted. No change

26 A) Opposes designation of the specified address as Bush Suburban as it reduces property value. Requests Local Living or Knox Neighbourhood . The Bush Suburban border should be one street earlier; B) Vegetation removal rules are too strict – some tree removal is needed for safety reasons.

A) The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox. B) Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Council has a process in place whereby the health of a tree can be assessed to determine whether it should be removed.

No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

27 Amendment


Disagrees with restrictive nature of the planning controls for the Boronia Activity Centre, particularly regarding height. Views the inconsistent height requirements around Erica and Genista Avenues as an impediment to development.

The Boronia Activity Centre has specific planning controls which guide development. Amendment C131 does not propose to review these controls. Development within these areas will continue to be largely guided by adopted Structure Plans and the accompanying existing planning controls for Activity Centres. Amendment C131 proposes zones which apply limited changes to support and enhance the performance of these current controls.

No change.

28 Strategic

Site 5

The submitter considers that the proposed Bush Suburban controls are not sufficient to support the 'environmental significance of the area'.

The proposed Bush Suburban requirements support existing vegetation and landscape planning controls (eg Vegetation Protection Overlays). It is considered that the combination of existing and proposed planning controls meet the objectives of the Bush Suburban areas.

No change

29 Strategic

Site 5

Supports the Strategy and requests that the sports ovals at Boronia Heights Secondary College be retained; and that future residential development requires adequate garden space to blend in with the surrounding area.

The draft Housing Strategy identifies the site as a Strategic Site and states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved." In addition to the existing Foothills planning controls, the proposed zone requirements will support the achievement of adequate garden space.

No change

30 Disagrees with 3 storey townhouses. A) Concerned about resulting privacy impacts. B) Concerned about setbacks and blank walls. C) Concerned about impact of traffic and parking near schools. D) Cites existing restrictive covenants.

A) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. B) Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as setbacks. C) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving transport and reducing impacts of traffic congestion, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such as Simon Avenue near Rowville Primary School. D) Proposed zoning changes will not affect existing covenants; those restrictions will continue to apply unless removed by the landowner through a separate process.

A) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. B), C), D), No change.

31 Disagrees with changes to zoning. A) Concerned about resulting impact on traffic near school zones. B) Concerned about privacy impacts of 3 storey residential buildings. C) Concerned about impact of development on trees and open space.

A) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving transport and reducing impacts of traffic congestion, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such as Simon Avenue near Rowville Primary School. B) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. C) Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and adequate space for tree planting.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. C) No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

32 Supports stricter controls. Cars travel too fast in the residential estate (Forest Oak Drive, Upper Ferntree Gully).

Council monitors the speed and volume of traffic on local roads. Council may consider traffic engineering means (e.g. speed humps) to manage traffic conditions such as speed if warranted. In the cases of excessive speed, Council liaises with the Police and requests enforcement of the speed limit.

No change.

33 Supports the Strategy. Noted. No change.

34 Strategic

Site 5

Supports the Strategy. Further comments relating to future development of Boronia Heights Secondary College: A) Sports facilities should be retained ; B) there should be no public housing; C) Ronald Crescent, Boronia should not be extended.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy identifies the site as a Strategic Site and states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved." The draft Strategy encourages the provision of more social housing to meet the needs of Knox's most disadvantaged residents. It is not known whether the State Government has plans for social housing on this site.

No change.

35 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Strongly opposes 3 storey housing in Rowville B) Cites existing restrictive covenants. B) Concerned about impact of traffic and parking near schools.

A) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 in report. B) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving transport and reducing impacts of traffic congestion, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such as Simon Avenue near Rowville Primary School. C) Proposed zoning changes will not affect existing covenants; those restrictions will continue to apply unless removed by the landowner through a separate process.

A) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. B), C) No change

36 Supports the entire Strategy. Noted. No change

37 Covenants should be retained. No changes to existing covenants are proposed. No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

38 The controls associated with Bush Suburban areas are too strict, it will limit development.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Refer to Section 2.1.3 of report.

No change.

39 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Concerns regarding the removal of restrictive covenants. B) Opposes 3 storey height limit, should be reduced to 2 storeys.

A) Proposed zoning changes will not affect existing covenants; those restrictions will continue to apply unless removed by the landowner through a separate process. B) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

A) n/a. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

40 Strategic

Site 5

Supports the Strategy. Values the Bush Suburban area of Boronia. Supports the Boronina Heights Secondary College as a strategic site for well-designed housing.

Noted. No change

41 Requests that all covenants remain. No changes to existing covenants are proposed. No change

42 Disagrees with the proposed changes (Bush Suburban ). Controls on subdivision reduce the value of land.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is a fact that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox. Refer to Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.11 of report.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

43 Disagrees with the restrictive nature of the Strategy as more affordable housing is needed.

The Strategy is considered to strike the right balance between providing opportunities for different housing types to meet the current and future needs of Knox residents and protecting areas with special local character and significant environmental values. The Strategy supports more social housing to meet the needs of Knox's most disadvantaged residents.

No change.

44 Recommends maximum one dwelling per lot. Supports the increase in private open space to 100sq.m. Two storey heights impact privacy, views, natural light etc. Parking will become more difficult. What is Council policy with cars parking on nature strips? How will rubbish collection be managed?

In most areas of Knox, the strategy support development and subdivision of large lots only. It is considered appropriate that large lots can accomodate more than one dwelling. Two storey height limit is reasonable and generally well accepted. Rubbish collection for unit developments is managed differently depending on the size of the proposal. Victorian road rules prohibit parking on nature strips and Council has no authority to change these rules. With regard to waste, proposals of up to 5 dwellings are assessed by City Planning to ensure issues such as space, amenity and OH&S relating to waste management are adequately addressed. Proposals of 6 or more dwellings are referred to Waste Management and in most cases, a detailed Waste Management Plan is required. In most cases (and unless specific permission is granted for reasons such as safety or practicality), bins and in some cases, hard and green waste, must be collected within the development to avoid overcrowding nature strips with bins.

No change.

45 A) Disagrees strongly with past decisions made by Council regarding the planting of gum trees on nature strips. B) Llewellyn Park should never be sold to a developer. C) Disagrees with residential lots less than 1000sq.m as it is a 'money grab' for more rates.

A) Council is currently reviewing its Streetscape Policy, the draft Green Streets Policy. B) Noted. Work is currently underway to prepare a Masterplan for Llewellyn Park, to facilitate improvements to the park. There are no plans to sell Llewellyn Park. C) The Strategy seeks to provide for a balanced approach allowing for a variety of lot sizes in different locations to meet the different housing needs of the Knox community.

No change.

46 Requests restriction to be placed on all types of housing except detached dwellings – mainly on traffic/parking grounds.

It is Council and State Government policy to encourage a diversity of housing types to meet the changing needs of the community. The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking occurs, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

47 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Against 3 storey development; cites existing restrictive covenants. B) Believes Rowville lacks public transport infrastructure and services to accomodate growth. C) Concerned about impact of traffic and parking near schools. D) Concerned about impact of development on trees and open space. E) Concerned about privacy impacts of 3 storey development.

A) Proposed zoning changes will not affect existing covenants; those restrictions will continue to apply unless removed by the landowner through a separate process. B) Rowville Plan contains objectives and strategies for improving public transport infrastructure, including support for Rowville Rail and improved bus services. C) The Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for reducing impacts of traffic congestion, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such as Simon Avenue near Rowville Primary School. D) The Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and trees. E) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

A), B), C), D) No change. E) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

48 Supports the stricter rules. Emphasises the importance of enforceability of the rules.

Council reviews completed developments for compliance with the approved planning permit and conditions.

No change

49 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Disagrees with changes to zoning. A) Concerned about resulting impact on traffic near school zones. B) Concerned about privacy impacts of 3 storey residential buildings. C) Concerned about impact of development on trees and open space.

A) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving transport and reducing impacts of traffic congestion, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such as Simon Avenue near Rowville Primary School. B) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. C) Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and trees.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. C) No change.

50 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Disagrees with changes to zoning. A) Concerned about resulting impact on traffic near school zones. B) Concerned about privacy impacts of 3 storey residential buildings. C) Concerned about impact of development on trees and open space.

A) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving transport and reducing impacts of traffic congestion, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such as Simon Avenue near Rowville Primary School. B) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. C) Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and trees.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. C) No change.

51 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Disagrees with changes to zoning. A) Concerned about resulting impact on traffic near school zones. B) Concerned about privacy impacts of 3 storey residential buildings. C) Concerned about impact of development on trees and open space.

A) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving transport and reducing impacts of traffic congestion, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such as Simon Avenue near Rowville Primary School. B) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. C) The Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and trees.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. C) No change.

52 Supports growth in specific areas and protection of the Foothills area.

Noted. No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

53 Clyde Street, Ferntree Gully should be Activity Area or Local Living instead of Bush Suburban due to proximity to Mountain Gate Shopping Centre.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban. In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Local Living areas have been designated around Moutain Gate shopping centre, to the south of Ferntree Gully Road. These are areas with easy walking access to the shopping centre, which are not affected by major roads and intersections as barriers, or subject to other environmental protection controls.

No change.

54 Believes Somerset Street, Wantirna South could support Activity Area classification. Is currently proposed Local Living .

Somerset Street does not meet Activity Area criteria as property is not located on the SmartBus route.

No change.

55 Disagrees with aspects of the draft Strategy in the Boronia area including: A) Subdivision should be allowed on large hard-to-manage blocks; B) vegetation protection is important, this needs to be balanced with reducing bushfire risk.

A) Policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills to protect its environmental and landscape significance has been in place for several years. Most large blocks within the Boronia Activity Area can be subdivided, subject to the relevant planning controls. B) The suite of controls in the Foothills seek to achieve a balance between landscape protection and management of bushfire risk.

No change.

56 Disagrees with the restrictions placed on subdivision in the Bush Suburban area.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

57 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Disagrees with 3 storey buildings next to existing houses. A) Concerned about increased traffic from development in already congested areas and lack of good public transport options. B) Concerned about privacy impacts of 3 storey residential buildings. C) Concerned about impact of development on trees and open space. D) There is nothing for young people to do in Rowville.

A) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving walking, cycling, and public transport as well as reducing impacts of traffic congestion. B) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. C) Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and trees. D) Rowville Plan also provides objectives and strategies for increasing activities and services for people of all ages, with a specific focus on young people as guided by community input.

a) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. C) No change. D) No change.

58 Disagrees with increasing development in Knox as people choose to live in the area because of the environment and nature. Opposes indented car parking, specifically along Marie Street, Boronia

The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas of the majority of areas in Knox while allowing some higher scale development in defined areas, to meet the changing needs of our community. Council has a Retrofitting of additional on-street parking infrastructure on narrow residential streets policy that assess the requests of indented bays. The policy considers factors such as nature strips, streetscape, street trees, utility services etc. Where it meets the policy, additional parking bays are funded jointly by Council and residents.

No change.

59 Objects to the changes as will devalue land.

Property is located in a proposed Knox Neighbourhood area that supports single dwellings and dual occupancies only on lots less than 1000sq.m in direct response ot community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Knox Neighbourhood areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

60 A) Disagrees with townhouses and apartments in Simon Avenue, Rowville. B) Concerned about increased traffic from development in already congested areas and lack of good public transport options. C) Concerned about impact of development on trees and open space.

A) Apartments are prohibited in Local Living areas, and the recommendation is to reduce height limits in these areas to 8m/2 storeys from 9m/3 storeys. B) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving walking, cycling, and public transport as well as reducing impacts of traffic congestion. C) Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and trees.

a) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. B), c) No change

61 Disagrees with allowing 3 storey buildings in Rowville

Agree. It is recommended that the proposed 9m/3 storey height limit for Local Living areas be reduced to 8m/2 storeys. The other requirements (such as private open space, vegetation requirements) contribute to greater housing diversity and density being acheived in these areas.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

62 Opposes the Strategy as it will reduce the scope of potential buyers and lower property values across Knox.

The Knox Neighbourhood area is a fundamental part of the draft Housing Strategy that responds to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

63 Generally agrees with the Strategy. Suggest adding the control of limiting dwellings in Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban to single storey.

Noted. Development up to two storeys is considered reasonable and a generally accepted built form outcome in the metroplitan area.

No change.

64 Supports the rules in general. Noted. No change

65 Supports the rules in general. Noted. No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

66 Agrees with limiting development in Knoxfield. Additional comments: A) Additional development increased street congestion due to on-street parking; B) development is detrimental to trees.

Noted. A) The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking occurs, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions; B) A key component of the draft Strategy is to require existing canopy trees to be protected and new trees to be planted.

No change.

67 There should be more Local Living areas rather than Knox Neighbourhood . This would enable older Knox residents and people who don't drive to walk to local convenient shops. Local Living areas increase social connections and provide opportunities for small businesses.

Proposed Local Living areas are considered adequate at this time, to meet the needs of the Knox community. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

No change.

68 Supports Bush Suburban but dual occupancy should not be allowed.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas.

No change.

69 St Joseph’s Primary School in Boronia should be designated Bush Suburban , not Activity Area, because of issues such as amenity, privacy, security and safety.

St Joseph's Primary School is located within the Boronia Activity Centre. Amendment C131 does not include a review of the boundaries of the Boronia and Bayswater activity centres.

No change.

70 Supports the restriction of development in Knoxfield (specifically Kathryn Road) to restrict future traffic congestion and retain local character.

Noted. No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

71 Concerns about how the new controls (General Residential Zone 5) will impact future development of the Harcrest site as it imposes additional controls.

Agree. The approved Development Plan for the Harcrest site guides development and the site is underway based on the requirements of this plan. It is agreed that a General Residential Zone without extra requirements is appropriate for the site. The General Residential Zone, Schedule 5 is also proposed to be applied to the Stamford Park residential estate, affected by Development Plan Overlay 9 (DPO9). DPO9 provides the objectives of the Development Plan for Stamford Park being: water sensitive urban design; sustainable design; integration with open space; a diversity of housing stock; affordable housing. DPO9 sets out how this should be demonstrated in a development plan to guide future development, including throuhh a landscape concept plan. It is considered appropriate that the Development Plan guide development in line with these principles and that the zone schedule should not include extra requirements.

Change. Refer to Change 6 in Appendix C.

72 Opposes the Stategy: A) Maximum dwelling density should be 1 per 600sq.m.; B) Canopy trees should be protected; C) No two storey houses.

A) Restrictions on density are currently applied where warranted, i.e. The Dandenong Foothills, because of its unique landscape character. Some additional restrictions are proposed in Bush Suburban areas outside the Foothills. The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. B) A key componont of the draft Strategy is to require existing canopy trees to be protected and new trees to be planted. C) Two storey development is considered reasonable and a generally accepted built form outcome in the metropolitan area.

No change.

73 Supports the Strategy. Noted. No change

74 Too restrictive on development (Bush Suburban). Unfair to people who were planning to develop their land for their retirement.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

75 Strategic Site 13

Opposes designation of Waverley Golf Club as a strategic site for future housing.

The Waverley Golf Club and adjoining sites are designated as a Strategic Site in the draft Housing Strategy and are considered to be possibly suitable for residential development, subject to inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary, and resolution of a number of issues articulated in the draft Housing Strategy. Should these issues be resolved, a separate public rezoning process would still be required. No change to the status of the ‘Strategic Site’ is recommended, however internal review of the draft Housing Strategy has identified that Bushfire Risk and Sites of Biological Signifance should be added to the matters to be considered in any future proposal.

Change. Refer to Change 23 in Appendix C.

76 A) The land on the east side of Stud Road, Rowville south of Wellington Road is Activity Area but is not close to transport. It should be changed to Bush Suburban . B) The word ‘preferred’ (in reference to housing types) can be misconstrued.

A) No change to Activity Area designation. The subject properties are located on the SmartBus route which provides good links to nearby regional infrastructure, consistent with the criteria for 'Activity Areas'. No change to 'preferred' housing types. B) This language deliberately sets Council policy for the housing types that are 'preferred' for each area. Housing types that are 'permissable' are allowed, but not encouraged, in each area.

No change.

77 Greater emphasis needs to be placed on car parking as cars parked on both sides of streets obstruct traffic.

The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking occurs, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions, which may include parking restrictions.

No change.

78 Disagrees with this address being designated Bush Suburban (Knoxfield).

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Refer to Section 2.1.3 of report.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

79 Speeding traffic is a problem in Iris Crescent, Boronia and surrounding streets.

Council has a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) program to implement traffic control devices (e.g. Speed humps) where warranted. Sundew Avenue, Iris Crescent and Herbert Street in Boronia are part of this program; however implementation in each area is ranked according to priority and this area is currently ranked near the middle of the priority list. Refer to Council meeting minutes of 26 November 2013 for details. With regard to visibility, all vehicles must park a minimum of 10 metres from the intersection to allow for adequate sight distance. Council officers can enforce this road rule. A formal pedestrian crossing is not warranted in this location as pedestrian and vehicle numbers do not meet the numbers required at this stage. See Section 2.1.7 of Report.

No change.

80 Agrees with his area being classified as Bush Suburban (Boronia).

Noted. No change.

81 Against dual occupancies in Knox Neighbourhood .

Dual occupancies are only supported in Knox Neighbourhood areas if they meet the design requirements.

No change.

82 Supports the Strategy. Noted. No change

83 Some suggestions for Knox Neighbourhood Design Guidelines: allow subdivision into areas of 250-350sq.m depending on block size; ensure double storey dwellings to have no direct view into existing adjoining properties and have minimum visual impact.

Knox Neighbourhood areas propose a series of design requirements that directly respond to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. Development is permitted if it meets these requirements. Through the planning permit application process, overlooking into adjacent prpoperties is assessed against the requirements of the Knox Planning Scheme (Clause 54 & 55).

No change.

84 Strategic Site 13

Doesn't support the development of Waverley Golf Course for housing. Reasons - Traffic & infrastructure, removal of an important 'lung', powerlines a concern, area of important habitat, and loss of views.

The Waverley Golf Club and adjoining sites are considered to be possibly suitable for residential development, subject to inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary, and resolution of a number of issues articulated in the draft Housing Strategy. Should these issues be resolved, a separate public rezoning process would still need to occur. No change to the status of the ‘Strategic Site’ is recommended, however internal review of the draft Housing Strategy has identified that Bushfire Risk and Sites of Biological Signifance should be added to the matters to be considered in any future proposal.

Change. Refer to Change 23 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

85 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Rowville Plan does not represent views of community expressed in workshops. B) While controls for lots look good, no prohibition of developers combining lots and sidestepping controls. Against the Rowville Plan - leaves too many loopholes for developers.

A) Noted. Rowville is a diverse and dynamic community with many competing viewpoints and opinions among its residents, traders, students, and visitors. While not all views can be reflected exactly in plans for the future, the Rowville Plan attempts to balance issues to reach the best overall outcomes. B) Planning controls apply equally to lots of all sizes, including combined lots. While larger, combined sites may allow for different housing types or built form than single lots, all developments must follow the guidance of the Rowville Plan,Knox Housing Strategy and Residential Design Guidelines and must meet the associated requirements in the Knox Planning Scheme that will be applied via Amendment C131.

No change.

86 Supports classification of their area as Knox Neighbourhood (Bayswater).

Noted. No change

87 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C .

88 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

89 Concerned that Bush Suburban restrictions will reduce property values. Important for retirement funds.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

90 Located in Low Density Residential Zone and is in favour of preferred housing types for Bush Suburban areas. Would like to be able to subdvide to provide a house for their children and keep green and leafy character.

Noted. In a Low Density Residential Zone, subdivision into lots of at least 2000sq.m is only permitted if there is a connection to reticulated sewerage.

No change.

91 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas. Cites increased traffic and impact on green and leafy character

Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C .

92 Bush Suburban classification doesn't make sense for Wellington Road (Taylors Lane to Silkwood Way) because there is already a lot of development. The Wellington Village Shopping Centre can support a greater intensity of development. Makes more sense for this area to be classified 'commercial' rather than residential.

Subject land and precinct is located in a Low Density Residential Zone. Changes to the residential zoning and low scale nature of these areas is not proposed to be changed as part of Amendment C131.

No change.

93 Supports protection of the environment. Suggest further protecting by allowing only native species.

Noted. It is reasonable to allow some exotic vegetation, however environmental weeds are discouraged. Council's Landscape Guidelines require that 90% of vegetation be indigenous/native in significant areas including the Foothills and Sites of Biological Significance; and 80% indigenous/native in other areas of Knox.

No change.

94 2 and 3 storey developments (particularly on main roads) will not fit in with the established landscape of Knox. Sees the need for more housing but doesn't want views to the Dandenong Ranges spoilt.

The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas, including views, of the majority of areas in Knox while allowing some higher scale development in defined areas. Development up to three storeys is proposed for main roads with direct frontage to SmartBus routes only.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

95 Woodvale Road, Boronia is covered by three Residential Areas (Activity Area, Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban) . The area that is higher density has already resulted in traffic and parking issues. Makes four suggestions relating to car parking: a) more space off-street for car parking in new developments; b) allow residents to park on nature strips; c) more car parks to be cut into nature strips and no parking on at least one side of the road.

a) The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking occurs, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions, which may include parking restrictions. There is no law to enforce the compulsory use of private car parking space/s. b) Victorian road rules prohibit parking on nature strips and Council has no authority to change these rules. c) Council has a Retrofitting of additional on-street parking infrastructure on narrow residential streets policy that assess the requests of indented bays. The policy considers factors such as nature strips, streetscape, street trees, utility services etc. Where it meets the policy, additional parking bays are funded jointly by Council and residents.

No change.

96 Clendon Road, Ferntree Gully, has undergone too much development already. Problems with car parking in the street.

Noted. This area of Ferntree Gully is proposed to be included in a Knox Neighbourhood area, which will reduce future development. The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking occurs, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions, which may include parking restrictions.

No change

97 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas, cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of the report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

98 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas, cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of the report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

99 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas, cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of the report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

100 Aged Care Provider

Knox Village, Wantirna Village and Salford Park Village should enjoy flexible planning controls that do not restrict the height or scale of residential housing development for the aged population.

The draft Housing Strategy supports the expansion and diversification of aged care facilities and provides guidelines to ensure that this is acheived in an appropriate way. The zone schedules have been drafted to provide flexibility to aged care land uses, particular regarding building height. It is recommended that the drafting of the zones be reviewed to make this flexiblity more explicit. Refer to Section 2.1.5 of the report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

101 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas. Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of the report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

102 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Disagrees with 3 storey apartments and townhouses on Simon Avenue B) Concerned about increased traffic from development in already congested areas and lack of good public transport options. C) Concerned about impact of development on trees and open space.

A) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. B) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving walking, cycling, and public transport as well as reducing impacts of traffic congestion. C) Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and trees.

a) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. B) No Change. C) No change

103 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas. Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of the report.

Change. Refer to Change1 in Appendix C.

104 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Generally happy with the Rowville Plan : however object to the 9m/3 storey height limit because it is out of character with existing neighbourhood.

Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of the report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

105 Agrees with the Strategy in general but not the 9 metre height.

Recommended that the proposed 9m/3 storey height limit for Local Living areas be reduced to 8m/2 storeys. It is considered that a reduction in the height limit will not negatively impact on the objectives of the strategy. The other requirements (such as private open space, vegetation requirements) contribute to greater housing diversity and density being acheived in these areas.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

106 The existing planning controls are enough to protect Knox from overdevelopment. The new rules will devalue houses.

Knox Neighbourhood areas propose a series of design requirements that directly respond to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. Some development is permitted if it meets these requirements. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

107 Supports protection of suburbs from overdevelopment. Car parking, especially around trains stations, is a major problem.

Council continues to monitor the commuter parking on streets surrounding Bayswater Station. Some parking restrictions have been implemented to better manage the level of on-street parking on several streets. As public transport use increases, monitoring will continue and further parking restrictions may be warranted.

No change.

108 It is a mistake to allow more development in the Mountain Gate area. It is already very busy there.

A small area of Local Living has been designated to the south of Mountain Gate shopping centre, as this meets the criteria for Local Living articulated in the draft Housing Strategy. This represents a reduction in the level of development encouraged around this area currently, as a larger area is currenlty zoned Residential 1 Zone, which supports medium density housing.

No change.

109 Canopy trees must remain. Would like all future development plans for the south side of Bambury street to be abandoned.

The draft Residential Design Guidelines provide stronger requirements for the retention of existing and planting of new canopy trees. Amendment C133 to the Knox Planning Scheme is running concurrently with C131 and will provide more certainty for development on the south side of Bambury Street. This amendment will result in a lesser scale of development being allowed, as it explicitly discourages apartment style development in this location. Future permit applications will be assessed under the new planning controls provided by both of these amendments. However, Council cannot retrospectively stop permits that have already been granted.

No change.

110 The proposed Strategy is excellent. Protects the environment but still allows development.

Noted. No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

111 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Object to a recycling facility at 1060 Stud Road. B) Ensure the community is made well aware of development proposals at Stud Park and surrounding areas.

A) Agree. Maintain the position in the Rowville Plan and Amendment C131 to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density residential uses. B) Development on the commercially zoned land within the Rowville Activity Centre, including the Stud Park Shopping Centre and adjacent shops, will require a Development Plan that sets out key aspects of future development on the site. The local community will be notified and have the opportunity to respond to any proposed Development Plan before it is considered by Council for approval. However, once a Development Plan is approved, individual permits for development on the site will generally be exempt from notification requirements as long as they are in accordance with the Development Plan. It is important therefore that community members take the opportunity to engage and participate at the Development Plan stage.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

112 Concerned about the requirements of Schedule 2 to the General Residential Zone including open space, building height and landscaping requirements, arguing that they are too onerous and are not justified strategically. They contain elements of the most restrictive Neighbourhood Residential Zone. There should be one zone schedule over the allotments in common ownership in this location and the sites should be considered a strategic development site. The draft Housing Strategy lacks research and analysis; Knox Neighbourhood areas are too large and broad brush and do not account for different neighbourhood character elements or site contexts. The subject sites should be considered a strategic site. The proposal fails to address the recommendations of a Planning Panel relating to Amendment C54.

The submission relates to a number of contiguous lots in common ownership which are considered by the owner to be one redevelopment site. The sites currently stradle the boundary of the Bayswater Activity Centre and are zoned accordingly as Residential 1 and 3 zone. The proposed General Residential zone schedules 2 and 4 have been assigned in accordance with the draft Housing Strategy, which aligns with the existing boundary of the Bayswater Activity Centre. General Residential Zone Schedule 4 has been applied to the Bayswater and Boronia Activity Centres to support the objectives of the respective Design and Developmet Overlays for the centres, which are to be retained. Within the draft Housing Strategy , the large area to the south of the Bayswater Activity Centre is Knox Neighbourhood and is accordingly zoned General Residential Schedule 2. Amendment C131 does not include a review of the boundaries of these activity centres. The submission expresses concern with the requirements of Schedule 2 to the General Residential Zone (affecting the lots currently zoned Residential 3 zone). This zone schedule, applying to Knox Neighbourhood areas, supports single dwellings and dual occupancies only on lots less than 1000sq.m in direct response to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. Open space and canopy tree cover are considered by Council to be the unifying character element across Knox. In this context, the size and breadth of the Knox Neighbourhood areas is considered appropriate. The zone provisions are drafted do not propose to control density through mandatory provisions such as minimum subdivision size or maximum number of dwellings on a lot and as such can support and encourage site reponsive design. With reference to Amendment C54, the panel's recommendation was that no change be made through that amendment in relation to the subject land but that a further amendment should be prepared proposing the rezoning of the land to Residential 1 and its inclusion in the Bayswater Activity Centre boundary. A subsequent amendment was considered by Council in July 2012, at which time Council resolved not to seek authorisation to prepare and exhibit the amendment. This Council resolution also reaffirmed Council's position on maintaining the existing boundaries of the Activity Centre. Amendment C131 reflects Council's position on this previous amendment request and position on reviewing the boundary of the AC.

No change.

113 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas. Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of the report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

114 Supportive of the Bush Suburban designation but disagrees with the dual occupancy and subdivision provisions, especially for lots under 1000sq.m. Townhouses are suitable near main roads.

Noted. Dual occupancies and subdivision is reasonable, as it is considered that with the associated canopy tree requirements, site coverage and open space requirements, the objectives for these areas can be met.

No change.

115 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Supports the Strategy but: a) should have been written with regard to the Knox Open Space Strategy . Remiss not to plan for more public space in combination with more development (in key areas). b) Local Living areas are too small.

a) The relationship between the Knox Open Space Plan 2012-2022 and the draft Housing Strategy is acknowledged in both documents. The Open Space Plan acknowledges the change in population and built form that Knox has experienced over the last 30-40 years, and will continue to experience. The plan defines how Council will prioritise actions for open spaces, and establish integrated management practices for all open spaces. This process will be influenced and supported by a series of Council plans were appropriate, including the Housing Strategy . b) The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas of the majority of areas in Knox while directing most new development to small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas. The extent of proposed Local Living areas is considered adequate.

No change.

116 Large houses are a waste of space, energy and resources. Downsizing to more energy efficient, modern houses in old age is the ideal. Recommendations: Areas affected by DDO1 should allow one dwelling per 500sq.m. Dual ocupancies should be allowed in all DDO affected areas. Allow extensions to exisiting properties in DDO5.

Dual occupancies are not considered appropriate in most of the Dandenong Foothills, consistent with Foothills policy. Policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills to protect its environmental and landscape significance has been in place for several years.

No change.

117 Amendment


Regarding Amendments C131 and C133, confused about Activity Area versus Established Residential. Doesn't want to pay more rates than he should be based on what the land is worth. Regarding C133 - requests that the site be Dispersed Residential

The designation of Activity Area applies to the whole of the Boronia Activity area, however development within this area is guided by the Boronia Structure Plan and planning controls which implement elements of this plan. The Structure Plan and associated planning controls provide specific guidance within the Activity Centre. Consideration of the 'dispersed residential' will be given through the Amendment C133 process. Refer to Section 2.3 of Report.

No change.

Page 27: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

118 The principal of higher density along transport corridors is sound. Dual occupancy should be allowed everywhere in Knox. Ferntree Gully and Upper Ferntree Gully should be Activity Areas as they are on the trainline.

Dual occupancies are not considered appropriate in most of the Dandenong Foothills, consistent with Foothills policy. Ferntree Gully and Upper Ferntree Gully do not meet the criteria for residential development (Activity Areas) beyond the commercial areas. Their location in the Foothills outweighs an Activity Area designation.

No change.

119 The change from Residential 3 Zone to a Neighbourhood Residential Zone is too restrictive. The prescriptive controls do not allow flexibility to respond to individual sites.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban, rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas.

No change.

120 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Objects to designation of the area between Bridgewater Way and Stud Park Reserve as an Activity Area , requests Local Living instead.

Council's position is that these lots which either back onto community facilities or are directly across from Stud Park Reserve have uniquely strong walking connectivity to activities and services in the core of the Activity Centre, and thus can support higher density development than surrounding areas.

No change.

121 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Support rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to support residential uses and/or aged care facilities. B) Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

A) Noted. Maintain the position in the Rowville Plan and Amendment C131 to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density resdiential uses. B) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

122 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas. Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

123 Supports the Strategy in general but has some further recommendations regarding rezoning of various sites and introduction of different overlays. a) Bateman Street Bushland from Knox Neighbourhood to parkland or similar. b) Knox Community Gardens/Boronia Vineyard from Activity Area to parkland or similar. c) Address the lack of successful mechanisms to ensure the establishment of Canopy Trees on development sites, particularly with site frontages to minimise the appearance of residential and commercial property bulk. Council will need to increase its commitment to acheiving 'green and leafy' outcomes. Suggests the following strategies: pest plant strategy; street tree management plan; resourcing to address street tree deficit; review council's landscape guidelines; green wedge management plans; specialist and skilled staff to manage above. Consider the introduction of 'environmental living zone' overlay in selected locations where strategic sites may exist up against Sites of Biological Significance. Address lack of landscape compliance.

a) It is agreed that the Bateman Street Bushland should be reclassified as Bush Suburban and the Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 2 applied. This site (covering several lots) is Knox's most important site of biological signifance and is affected by an Environmental Signficance Overlay. It is considered appropritate that the objectives of the overlay be supported by the Neighbourood Resdential Zone in line with Knox's other Bush Suburban areas. b) It is noted that the land which accomodates the Knox Community Gardens and Boronia Vineyard are denoted as being Activity Area , as the site sits within the Knox Central Principal Activity Centre. It is recommended that this and other similar sites (such as Lewis Park) are marked 'white' on the Housing Strategy map to represent their status as "Other non-residentially zoned land (eg parks, creeks, quarries)". This approach is consistent with how these land uses have been represented in other areas (eg Boronia Activity Centre). c) Council's Green Streets Plan was recently exhibited for public comment and Council's Landscape Guidelines are currently under internal review. With regard to Green Wedge Management plans, it is not directly relevant to Amendment C131, however has been identified as a priority for future strategic work to be undertaken. Additional staff and resources to manage landscape and vegetation issues are subject to future budget allocation.

a) Change. Refer to Change 20 in Appendix C. B) Change. Refer to Change 15 in Appendix C. C) n/a

124 The Strategy may help with all the traffic problems caused by over development to date.

Noted. No change

125 Thank you for listening to the residents. Very pleased with the Strategy.

Noted. No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

126 Rowville

Plan Study Area

General support of the amendment but with several considerations: A) Residential zoning in surrounding neighbourhoods B) Expansion prior to a permit or new development plan C) Expanded Rowville Library D) Public Transport Interchange E) Land Allowance for future Rowville Rail Station

A) No change. Proposed zones are considered adequate balance between accomodating growth and preserving neighbourhood character at this time. B) Clarified requirement to allow no more than 10% expansion of leasable floor area prior to permit or new development plan C) Officers are currently working with owners to explore options to achieve Council’s requirement for a larger library. D) Officers are currently working with owners to explore options to achieve Council’s requirement for a public transport interchange. E) Officers are currently working with owners to explore options to achieve Council’s requirement for accomodation for future Rowville Rail line, in coordination with Public Transport Victoria.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 11 in Appendix C . C), D), E) Pending ongoing discussions with shopping centre owner

127 Strategic Site 13

Very supportive of Strategic Site 13 (1331 Stud Road, Rowville - Waverley Golf Club precinct) being used for future housing.

The Waverley Golf Club and adjoining sites are considered to be suitable for consideration for residential development, subject to inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary, and resolution of a number of issues articulated in the draft Housing Strategy. No change to the status of the ‘Strategic Site’ is recommended, however internal review of the draft Housing Strategy has identified that Bushfire Risk and Sites of Biological Signifance should be added to the matters to be considered in any future proposal.

Change. Refer to Change 23 in Appendix C.

128 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Supports green and leafy image of Knox and agrees with many provisions of Knox Housing Strategy , including protections in Bush Suburban and Knox Neighbourhood areas. B) Concerned about impact of subdivision on trees and open space. C) Concerned about potential for traffic in Local Living and Activity Areas . D) Concerned about management of street trees.

A) Noted. B) There are no provisions to limit the number of lots with the same zone that can subdivided in a given neighbourhood. However the specific provisions for each zone provide requirements for minimum levels of private open space and trees in order to protect green and leafy open spaces. Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on the expectations for development in the different areas and how these requirements may be met for different types of dwellings. C) Knox Housing Strategy defines Local Living and Activity areas as a few key locations - including Bayswater, Boronia, Rowvville, and Knox Central and the SmartBus route - where infrastructure and services are best suited to accomodate additional development. Some of these areas are guided by Structure Plans, like the Rowville Plan , that acknowledge and respond to important issues in greater detail, such as traffic and community services, and provide guidance on how to best balance growth and development in that particular area.

No change.

Page 30: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

129 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Disagrees with suggestion in Rowville Plan that public consultation process with limited participation represents wider community views, suggests adjusting the language to reflect limitations of engagement. B) Rowville does not need to accomodate population increase of wider Melbourne area. C) Rowville does not need to seek to achieve average level of social housing for wider Melbourne or affordable housing locally. D) Insufficient demand for apartments in Rowville. E) Opposes rezoning of 1060 Stud Road away from commercial uses. F) Opposes emphasis on native and indigenous vegetation. G) Opposes zoning of site at Stud/Kelletts as Activity Area. H) Suggests less 9m/3 storey development and more 8m/2 storey development. I) Opposes additional signalised pedestrian crossings of Stud Road. J) Supports proposed Henderson Road Bridge

A) Noted. Will qualify text accordingly. B) Primary driver for increased residential densities in appropriate areas that Rowville Plan and Knox Housing Strategy respond to is shrinking average household sizes and increased demand for smaller housing locally, not large increases in population as these are not projected for Rowville over the next 20 years. C) Council has identified a specific shortage of affordable housing in southern Knox, which can be addressed with a combination of social and affordable housing through increased diversity of dwelling types and costs. D) See response to B above. E) No change. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density resdiential uses. F) The focus on indigenous and native vegetation is consistent with a number of Council's policies and strategy related to biodiversity, landscape values and neighbourhood character. G) Maintain Council's position of designating all lots with direct access to the Smart Bus route as Activity Areas , including along Stud Road. H) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. I) Noted. Any future crossings of Stud Road will involve coordination with VicRoads to ensure that impacts on traffic flow are minimised. J) Noted. Outside area of Rowville Plan area.

a) Change. Refer to Change 13 in Appendix C. B), c), d), e) No change. F) No change. G) No change H) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. I) n/a. J) n/a.

130 "High Architectural Merit" does not mean flat roof townhouses. These developments are ruining the liveability of Knox.

Agree. Apartments are allowed in Activity Areas only. Several design requirements seek to improve the quality of design.

No change.

131 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Wants to retain the green and leafy neighbourhood. Suggests Local Living should be 8m maximum.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

132 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Support rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to support residential uses and/or aged care facilities. B) Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas, cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

A) Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density residential uses. B) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

a) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

133 Strategic

Site 5

Boronia Heights Secondary College campus should not be developed for housing. The grounds are used by local sporting groups after school hours.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy identifies this site as a strategic site and sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change.

134 Strategic Site 13

Supports the Strategy and Rowville Plan, specifically the inclusion of the Waverley Golf Club as a Strategic Site.

Noted. No change

135 The changes should come into affect ASAP to stop developers cutting down trees and getting permit applications in preparation. There should be interim controls in place to prevent this.

Knox City Council is committed to following a public process for Amendment C131 to be fair to all affected. Amendment C136 has been submitted to the Minister for Planning - if approved, this amendment will introduce the new zones for the Rowville Plan Area only, as of 1 July 2014.

No change

136 Strategic

Site 5

Boronia Heights Secondary College campus should not be developed for housing. The grounds are used by local sporting groups after school hours.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy identifies this site as a Strategic Site and sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change

Page 32: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

137 Strategic

Site 5

Boronia Heights Secondary College campus should not be developed for housing. It is a resource for the community.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy (and as per Amendment C136) sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change

138 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to allow uses other than recycling.

Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density residential uses.

No change.

139 The process is flawed as the amendment is being exhibited concurrently with draft Housing Strategy which the submitter considers to be incomplete and flawed. The submitter is of the view that the draft Strategy should include more exploration of alternative approaches. The submitter states that Schedule 2 of the GRZ is onerous and unnecessarily restrictive and appears to be a defacto Neighbourhood Residential Zone. The submission requests that 431 Scoresby Road be considered a Strategic Site. There should be transitional provisions, as landowners have made decisions based on the existing planning rules. The submitter considers that the proposed schedule would limit the site to development of three dwellings only.

Noted. The draft Strategy is a direct response to Council's comprehensive Knox@50 community engagement program and seeks to respond to the aspiration of the Knox community. Knox Neighbourhood areas, through the provisions of the General Residential Zone Schedule 2, support single dwellings and dual occupancies on lots less than 1000sq.m in direct response to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. However, these provisions do allow for multiple dwellings on large sites, balanced with open space and canopy tree planting. The zone schedule does not specify a maximum number of dwellings per lot. It is not considered that 431 Scoresby Road warrants designation as a Strategic Site as it is zoned residential, while Strategic Sites in the draft Strategy are sites not currently used for residential purposes and would require a residential rezoning . Future strategic work is required for all strategic sites to assess the suitability for more intensive development. No strategic sites are being rezoned or 'upzoned' as part of Amendment C131. Transitional arrangements for some elements of the General Residential Zone have been included in the zone as drafted by the State Government. Further transitional arrangements, specific to Knox's zone schedules, are not considered necessary. A full and transparent public amendment process has been undertaken for Amendment C131.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

140 Requests that 5a Reservoir Crescent, Rowville be considered for inclusion within the Urban Growth Boundary to enable it to be partly developed for a retirement village, and partly 'gifted' to Council for open space to form part of the existing Heany Park.

The site is extremely sensitive given that it is a 'Site of Biological Significance' and has several land use and development constraints. The site is outside the Urban Growth Boundary and is zoned Green Wedge Zone 2, meaning the policy intent for the land is to recognise, protect and conserve it for green wedge land including purposes such and environmental and agricultural uses. It has a minimum subdivision area of 4 hectares and the proposed development of a retirement village is currently prohibited. The site is not located near services and infrastructure. In addition, several restrictive planning controls apply because of its location and significant environmental values, including an Environmental Significance Overlay, Significant Landscape Overlay and Wildfire Management Overlay.

No change.

141 Supports protection of trees and less development.

Noted. No change

142 Supports encouragement less over development and large blocks with room for gardens.

Noted. No change

143 Knox Neighbourhood provisions allow for too much development. The roads can't cope with the extra traffic. Children needed space in backyards.

Knox Neighbourhood areas propose a series of design requirements that directly respond to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. Some development is permitted if it meets these requirements, including a minimum of 100sq.m of private open space which retains the backyard. Development does inevitably result in increased traffic. The majority of development encouraged by the Strategy will be directed towards areas which provide multiple transport choices.

No change.

144 The strategy will devalue the land. It is limiting their retirement options. (Bush Suburban area).

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Property values are not a planning consideration. That said, it is a fact that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

Page 34: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

145 Strategic

Site 5

Boronia Heights Secondary College campus should not be developed for housing. The grounds are used by local sporting groups after school hours. Requests that future housing be built around the existing oval so it can be retained.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy identifies this site as a Strategic Site and sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change

146 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to support residential and community uses.

Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density residential uses.

No change.

147 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Boundary of the Local Living area in Rowville should be expanded from Mantung Crescent to Taylors Lane.

Boundaries of Local Living areas to remain as exhibited. These boundaries have been set with community input to represent a balance between accommodating future growth and protecting existing neighbourhood character that is considered adequate to meet the changing needs of the community at this time. Future expansion of these areas may be considered as part of future reviews of the Rowville Plan.

No change.

148 Opposes the Strategy for the following reasons a) Local Living areas will be crowded as 3 storeys are too high. b) Knox Neighbourhood design requirements are not restrictive enough (e.g. should not have more than 2 units if land is under 1500sq.m, need large backyards for children, additional stormwater runoff). c) Carports should not be preferred over garages for security reasons. d) Visitor parking spaces should be provided in villa unit guidelines. e) Townhouses and apartments do not belong in local streets.

A) The draft Strategy and more restrictive planning controls directly respond to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox by directing most development into small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas with good infrastructure. It is recommended to reduce the Local Living height limit from 3 storeys to 2 storeys. B) It is considered reasonable that a dual occupancy development for lots under 1000sq.m and villa unit development for lots 1000sq.m+ is appropriate as they must meet the Knox Neighbourhood design requirements, including a minimum of 100sq.m private open space to retain the backyard. C) It is agreed that specifying carports over garages is unneccessarily prescriptive. It is recommended that reference to the preference for carports be removed from the Design Guidelines. D) The need for visitor car parking is assessed during the planning permit application process. E) Townhouses are restricted to defined Local Living and Activity Area locations (apartments also).

A) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. B), C) Change. Refer to Change 18 in Appendix C. D), E) No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

149 Strategic Site 13

On behalf of Waverley Country Club Retirement Village. Oppose Waverley Golf Club designation as a Strategic Site suitable for residential development because: outside Urban Growth Boundary, provides peaceful outlook for Village residents, is affected by high voltage power lines.

The Waverley Golf Club and adjoining sites are considered to be suitable for consideration for residential development, subject to inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary, and resolution of a number of issues articulated in the draft Housing Strategy. Should these issues be resolved, a full public rezoning process would still be required. No change to the status of the ‘Strategic Site’ is recommended, however internal review of the draft Housing Strategy has identified that Bushfire Risk and Sites of Biological Signifance should be added to the matters to be considered in any future proposal.

No change.

150 Opposed to 3 storey buildings at 1852 Ferntree Gully Road, Ferntree Gully.

1852 Ferntree Gully Road is proposed to be within a Local Living area. The proposed zone as exhibited is the General Residential Zone Schedule 3. It is recommended that the proposed 9m/3 storey height limit for Local Living areas be reduced to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

151 Subdivision should be allowed in the Dandenong Foothills. Single storey detached dwellings would not ruin the character.

The Foothills provide a scenic backdrop to Knox and across much of metropolitan Melbourne, they are a major defining element for the character and image of Knox. It is a well established principle of the Knox Planning Scheme that urban consolidation imperatives do not outweigh the need for protecting the landscape and environmental sensitivities of the Dandenong Foothills. The relevant policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills have been in place for several years and were found in the 2010 review of the Knox Planning Scheme to be appropriate to acheiving the objectives sought for this area.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

152 Strategic

Sites 1 & 2

Regarding Wantirna Caravan Park. It is premature to rule out residential development at the strategic sites (in favour of aged care facilities) until further work is undertaking to establish the feasibility of medical precinct. The submitter requests that the following text be deleted regarding Strategic Sites 1 & 2: "Private dwellings are not supported in this location".

This site has been identified as a site which could be suitable for mix of complementary uses where residential development is not necessarily the main driver, potentially at a greater intensity than exists, given its strategic location. Council's Municipal Strategy Statement states that "like new housing, new health and community facilities should ideally be located close to existing public transport networks and hubs of activity that provide essential goods and services. The establishment of a medical precinct near the new Wantirna Health centre (opened in 2007) will provide a clustering of like services for the convenience of users." (Clause 21.08-2) Knox's MSS also identifies that an economic analysis to determine the future potential for a medical precinct in Wantirna should be undertaken (Clause 21.07-3). The designation of the site in the draft Housing Strategy supports these outcomes. However, in order to avoid pre-empting the outcome of future work, wherein residential development may be seen to support the precinct, it is agreed that the following text should be deleted from the draft Housing Strategy in relation to the sites in this precinct: Private dwellings are not supported in this location.

Change. Refer to Change 8 in Appendix C.

153 Against the apartments that have been approved to date in Bambury Street. The Housing Strategy needs to retain the low-density, green character of the area.

Amendment C133 to the Knox Planning Scheme is running concurrently with C131 and will provide more certainty for development on the south side of Bambury Street. This amendment will result in a lesser scale of development being allowed in this location. Future permit applications will be assessed under the new planning controls provided by both of these amendments. However, Council cannot retrospectively stop permits that have already been granted.

No change

154 The Knoxbrooke facility should receive alternate zoning (specifically higher height limits) to allow future growth. The site is located within the Foothills.

The Foothills provide a scenic backdrop to Knox and across much of metropolitan Melbourne, they are a major defining element for the character and image of Knox. It is a well established principle of the Knox Planning Scheme that urban consolidation imperatives do not outweigh the need for protecting the landscape and environmental sensitivities of the Dandenong Foothills. In this contex and consistent with other sites in the Foothills, it is not recommended that greater flexibilty in the planning controls be provided for this site. Refer to Section 2.1.5 of report.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

155 Dual occupancy should not be allowed in The Basin. Currently this is not allowed and those rules should remain.

The Foothills provide a scenic backdrop to Knox and across much of metropolitan Melbourne, they are a major defining element for the character and image of Knox. It is a well established principle of the Knox Planning Scheme that urban consolidation imperatives do not outweigh the need for protecting the landscape and environmental sensitivities of the Dandenong Foothills. The existing policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills (including The Basin) has been in place for several years and is not proposed to change through Amendment C131.

No change

156 Supports 656 Mountain Highway remaining within the Bayswater Major Activity Centre.

Noted. No change

157 Referral Authority Submission - The Minister for Environment has no objection to the amendment.

Noted. No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

158 Strategic

Site 6

A) The identification of the Norvel Road Quarry as a Strategic Site is strongly supported. B) The submission recommends some wording changes to Clause 21.05 to indicate that larger redevelopment sites can accomodate housing growth. The submission states that if the GRZ2 were to be applied to the site in the future (in line with the surrounding area) that the height limit would be inappropriate for a strategic site. Strategic Sites should have flexibility to respond at the boundary to existing residential areas, but create different outcomes internal to the site. C) There should be no requirement for a central area of open space within the site (as recommended in the draft Housing Strategy).

A) Support is noted. B) It is agreed that strategic sites should be designed in a way which integrates with surrounding neighbourhoods, while accomodating a diversity of housing styles. A comprehensive design process would be involved to determine the best built form outcomes for the site; part of this work involves developing the appropriate planning controls (including zones) to acheive the desired outcomes. C) It is acknowledged that the northern area of the site which contains significant vegetation is likely to be sought as public open space through any future rezoning process. This may satisfy the statutory requirements for public open space provision in the Knox Planning Scheme. However, it is considered a positive design outcome to provide some open space within the site, particularly if more intensive development were to occur in that location. It may not be the case that this land would be 'handed' to Council as public open space but may function as common property or similar. Similarly, a pedestrian link through the site to the creek corridor to the north is considered to be an optimal design outcome, which would assist in integrating the new neighbourhood with its surrounds.

No change.

159 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to support residential uses and/or agedcare facilities.

Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density resdiential uses.

No change.

160 The Amendment will reduce the value of land (Foothills ).

The submitter's site is located within the Dandenong Foothill and is therefore already subject to limitations on subdivision. Amendment C131 does not proposed to make any changes to the existing restrictions on subdivision within the Foothills.

No change.

Page 39: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

161 Agrees with the principles of retaining the look and feel of the area but disagrees with the restrictive Bush Suburban requiremets, particularly the min. 1000sqm subdivision size.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Refer to Section 2.1.3 of report.

No change.

162 Bush Suburban classification will reduce the value of property (Knoxfield). Disagrees with the boundaries.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox. Refer to Section 2.1.11 of report.

No change.

163 Objects to Bush Suburban in Gertonia Ave, Boronia. Raises issues of historical context reagrding petitions against development. There is no need for minimum 500sq.m per dwelling and the 40% site coverage.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Refer to Section 2.1.3 of report.

No change.

Page 40: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

164 Strategic Site 13

Supportive of the use of this site for a retirement village or nursing facilities (site adjacent to Waverley Golf Course).

The Waverley Golf Club and adjoining sites are considered to be suitable for consideration for residential development, subject to inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary, and resolution of a number of issues articulated in the draft Housing Strategy. Should these issues be resolved, a separate public rezoning process would still be required. No change to the status of the ‘Strategic Site’ is recommended, however internal review of the draft Housing Strategy has identified that Bushfire Risk and Sites of Biological Signifance should be added to the matters to be considered in any future proposal.

No change.

165 Activity Area border is on the north fence of their properties. Apartments might affect their winter sun in the backyard. Request that the Activity Area boundary be moved to address this.

Development in the Bayswater Activity Area is guided by planning controls based on the Bayswater Structure Plan that have been in place for several years. The Residential Design Guidelines seek to address impacts on neighbouring properties.

No change.

166 The submission states that Glengolan Village aged care facility should be granted a 9m height limit even though it is in the Foothills.

The draft Housing Strategy supports the expansion and diversification of aged care facilities and provides guidelines to ensure that this is acheived in an appropriate way. However, the Strategy maintains that the objectives sought by the suite of Foothills planning controls take precidence over providing flexibility for aged care sites. The Strategy states that Council will support housing for older people that: 'Complies with the built form and landscape policies and requirements that apply to the Dandenong Footills and Bush Suburban areas (eg height limits, minumum subdivision sizes). The Foothills provide a scenic backdrop to Knox and across much of metropolitan Melbourne, they are a major defining element for the character and image of Knox. It is a well established principle of the Knox Planning Scheme that urban consolidation imperatives do not outweigh the need for protecting the landscape and environmental sensitivities of the Dandenong Foothills.While flexibility is afforded to other locations in Knox, it is not recommended that this be extended to sites within the Foothills.

No change.

167 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to support residential and community uses.

Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density residential uses.

No change.

168 Bambury Street address. In favour of trees and protection from overdevelopment. Strongly opposed to 3 storeys, apartment and 1 metre setbacks.

Amendment C133 to the Knox Planning Scheme is running concurrently with C131 and will provide more certainty for development on the south side of Bambury Street. This amendment will result in a lesser scale of development being allowed in this location, by discouraging apartment style development.

No change.

Page 41: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

169 Strongly opposed to Bush Suburban classification on property devaluation grounds.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Property values are not a planning consideration. That said, it is a fact that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

170 Strongly opposed to Bush Suburban clasification on property devaluation grounds.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Property values are not a planning consideration. That said, it is a fact that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

Page 42: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

171 Strategic Site 13

In favour of developing Strategic Site 13 (Waverley Golf Club and surrounds) for housing. Recommends provision of a service road.

The Waverley Golf Club and adjoining sites are considered to be suitable for consideration for residential development, subject to inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary, and resolution of a number of issues articulated in the draft Housing Strategy. Should these issues be resolved, a separate public rezoning process would still be required, which would address issues such as this. No change to the status of the ‘Strategic Site’ is recommended, however internal review of the draft Housing Strategy has identified that Bushfire Risk and Sites of Biological Signifance should be added to the matters to be considered in any future proposal.

No change.

172 Supports the Boronia Structure Plan. Is against apartments, townhouses and villa units in Marie Street.

Support for the Boronia Structure Plan is noted. Amendment C133 to the Knox Planning Scheme is running concurrently with C131 and will provide more certainty for development in areas in including Marie Street. This amendment will result in a lesser scale of development being allowed in this location, by discouraging apartment style development in this location. Future permit applications will be assessed under the new planning controls provided by both of these amendments. However, Council cannot retrospectively stop permits that have already been granted.

No change

173 Opposes all future apartment development in Boronia Activity Area .

Building heights and built form within the Activity Centre are guided by existing planning controls, which are not being reviewed under Amendment C131. Amendment C133 is running concurrently with Amendment C131. Amendment C133 will introduce greater guidance for development within the Boronia Activity Centre, particularly regarding the location of apartment style development.

No change

174 The Mountain Gate area should be Activity Area given the infrastructure and services in place.

Mountain Gate does not meet the criteria for an Activity Area , that is, there are few public transport options, it is not located on the SmartBus route and cannot easily access regional infrastructure without a private car.

No change.

175 A) Opposes parking on nature strips. B) Council should oppose removal of restrictive covenants. C) The building designs should be more creative. D) Bush Suburban is good in theory but not reality. E) Boronia should have some heritage protection.

A) Victorian road rules prohibit parking on nature strips and Council has no authority to change these rules. B) Council cannot prevent landowners from seeking to remove restrictive convenants at the Supreme Court or through the planning permit application process. C) The draft Residential Design Guidelines seek to improve the quality and creativity in design of new development. D) Bush Suburban areas seek to protect special environmental values of these areas. E) In 2012, Council considered a number of sites within the Boronia Activity Centre and resolved not to apply heritage overlays to these sites.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

176 Strategic

Site 5

Against Boronia Heights Secondary College being used for residential development in particular social housing.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved." The draft Strategy encourages the provision of more social housing to meet the needs of Knox's most disadvantaged residents. It is not known whether the State Government has plans for social housing on this site.

No change

177 Rowville

Plan Study Area

The submitter (and landowner) objects to the rezoning of 1060 Stud Road.

Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density residential uses. It is considered that the rezoning will provide opportunities for increased housing diversity, protect adjacent residential areas from adverse amenity impacts from potential industrial uses, and promote a use that is compatible with a contextually sensitive entry to the major community asset of Council’s Stamford Park Masterplan area.

No change.

178 The area around Underwood Road, Boronia should be designated something with higher development potential.

Underwood Road is located within the Dandenong Foothills area. It is a well established principle of the Knox Planning Scheme that urban consolidation imperatives do not outweigh the need for protecting the landscape and environmental sensitivities of the Dandenong Foothills. The draft Housing Strategy does not propose to change the strategic role of this area.

No change.

179 The submitter opposes the requirement for 100sq.m of private open space for Knox Neighbourhood areas, as this will limit development of their site for two dwellings.

Property is located in a proposed Knox Neighbourhood area that supports single dwellings and dual occupancies on lots less than 1000sq.m in direct response to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character. Two dwellings are still possible if all the the design requirements can be met.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

180 Feedback from the Knox Affordable Housing Reference Group, raises three key matters regarding the Strategy that may negatively impact on housing affordability: A) The Strategy cannot provide the necessary levels of housing diversity. Local Living areas should be expanded. B) Recommends specifying preferred locations for social housing in Knox. C) The Strategy focusses too greatly on aged care facilities in addressing the needs of an ageing population. Diversity of housing stock is more important to address this need.

A) The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy character of the majority of areas in Knox while directing most new development to small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas. These boundaries are considered adequate to provide for a mix of smaller housing types, including villa units, townhouses and in some areas, apartments. B) The Strategy does not specifically address social housing, other than articulating general support for more supply. C) It is agreed that a diversity of private housing stock is a significant factor in providing for the housing needs of the ageing population. Smaller dwellings for older people wishing to downsize are supported in both Activity Areas and Local Living areas. The purpose of the policy position regarding 'housing for older people' as articulated in the draft Strategy is to provide specific guidance for formal and/or institutional uses which may seek to expand or diversify. This seeks to manage the amenity impacts of such uses in residential areas. It is recommended that greater emphasis be given in the Housing Strategy to the benefits of older people remaining independent, in private housing, within their communities; and that as a result a diversity of housing is important for this segment of the community.

A) No change. B) No change. C) Change. Refer to Change 10 in Appendix C.

181 Supports the Strategy on the grounds of protection of neighbourhood character in Knoxfield.

Noted. No change

182 It is a mistake to have Bush Suburban directly next to Activity Area (Bambury Street). Recommends that it be Knox Neighbourhood.

Amendment C133 to the Knox Planning Scheme is running concurrently with C131 and will provide more certainty for development on the south side of Bambury Street. This amendment will result in a lesser scale of development being allowed in this location, and a transition of built form at the edge of the activity centre. The boundaries of the activity centre are not subject to review through the current processes.

No change.

183 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Objects to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead. B) Cites only one public transport option at Stud Park. C) Concerned about increased traffic from development in already congested areas of Stamford Crescent and intersections with Stud Road.

A) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report. B) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for increasing transport choice by improving options for walking, cycling, and public transport. C) Rowville Plan also provides objectives and strategies for reducing impacts of traffic congestion, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such as Stamford Crescent.

a) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C . B) No change. c) No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

184 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to support residential and community uses.

Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density resdiential uses.

No change.

185 Supports the Strategy. Suggestions: A) improve industrial look of some buildings; B) a 'star rating' approach to design; C) higher density should only occur where there is good public transport; D) re-name Knox Neighbourhood ' Garden Outlook' and Local Living 'Green Village'.

Noted. a) The Residential Design Guidelines aim to improve the quality of all new design, with retention and enhancement of tree canopy a major focus. b) The idea of a 'star rating' is interesting but would be difficult to acheive through the planning system. c) A key principal of the Strategy is to support higher density housing only in areas with good public transport. d) The suggestions for the area names are worth consideration, particularly as Knox Neighbourhood is often confused with the Neighbourhood Residential Zone. It is recommended that Council consider refinement of area names upon adoption of the final Strategy and Guidelines.

No change.

186 Strategic

Site 5

The Boronia Heights Secondary College campus shouldn't be developed for housing. The ovals and surround at the campus are used by a variety of individuals and groups for recreation and sporting purposes.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change

187 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to allow uses other than recycling. B) Suggests 8m/2 storey height limit for townhouses and apartments.

A) Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density resdiential uses. B) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys, but maintaining 9m/3 storeys in Activity Areas . Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

a) No change. B) Change in part. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

188 The private open space requirements in Knox Neighbourhood areas will limit development potential and consequently devalue properties.

Knox Neighbourhood areas propose a series of design requirements that directly respond to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. Some development is permitted if it meets these requirements, including a minimum of 100sq.m of private open space which retains the backyard. It is understood that this will restrict development on smaller lots. The Knox Neighbourhood area is a fundamental part of the draft Housing Strategy that responds to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Knox Neighbourhood areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

189 Objects to: a) the requirement for carports and garages to be set back and b) the canopy tree requirements, particularly the requirement for 3-4 canopy trees in front yards. Considers that one large tree in the front setback and two overall per site is a more reasonable minimum. If the definition of canopy tree was a tree above 3 metres in height, the submitter would be less concerned.

a) It is Council's current practice to require that garages and carports do not dominate the streetscape and this is articulated in Knox's existing Neighbourhood Character Policy. More broadly this is considered to be good design practice in many municipalities across Melbourne. It is not recommended that this requirement be changed. See Section 2.1.9 of the Report. b) Council's Landscape Assessment Officers use the industry standard definition of a canopy tree: "a perennial woody plant that reaches more than five (5) metres in height". Council's Landscape Assessment officers recommend that the requirement for canopy trees within the front setback be amended to specify: one canopy tree within the front setback per 5m of the width of the site (excluding one driveway). Excluding driveway space from this calculation would result in appropriate ratio of canopy trees for the front setback. It is recommended that this amendment is made to the Residential Design Guidlines and zone schedules. The overall site requirement for canopy trees of 1 tree per 175sq.m of the site in Knox Neighbourhood areas, is not considered unreasonable. On a typical lot of 800sq.m, this would result in a requirement for 4-5 trees across the whole site.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 14 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

190 A) Concerned about the type of development that has occurred in some areas of Knox, in terms of design quality, lack of vegetation and infrastructure provision. B) Seeks lower building heights for all areas - 5m for 2 storeys and 7.5m for 3 storeys. C) Seeks greater restriction on subdivision in Bush Suburban areas.

A) Several design requirements seek to improve the quality of design, particularly for apartment style developments. The guidelines also place a greater emphasis on requirements for landscaping and canopy trees. B) It is considered that the proposed building heights are appropriate for contemporary residential buildings. C) The existing subdivision requirements for the Dandenong Foothills are proposed to be retained. New Bush Suburban areas, outside of the Foothills, are proposed to have a minimum subdivision size of 500sq.m. This requirement (along with other planning controls to protect and enhance vegetation) is considered appropriate for these areas.

No change.

191 There are concerns about VCAT. The Strategy must be written in a way that it can withstand scrutiny at VCAT.

Noted. The draft Strategy, Guidelines and proposed planning controls in Amendment C131 specifically aim to clarify Council policy on residential development in each area to provide more certainty to applicants and the broader community.

No change.

192 The dual occupancy allowance on blocks under 1000sq.m will not create 'big backyards'.

Noted. Allowing dual occupancies subject to meeting design requirements such as the 100sq.m minimum private open space will ensure that useable backyards are retained.

No change.

193 Strategic Site 13

Supports rezoning of 1351 Stud Road, Rowville.

The Waverley Golf Club and adjoining sites are considered to be suitable for consideration for residential development, subject to inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary, and resolution of a number of issues articulated in the draft Housing Strategy. No change to the status of the ‘Strategic Site’ is recommended, however internal review of the draft Housing Strategy has identified that Bushfire Risk and Sites of Biological Signifance should be added to the matters to be considered in any future proposal.

No change.

194 The Strategy is not going far enough. It's dividing Knox down Dorset Road. Bush Suburban should be extended.

Land east of Dorset Road (outside of the Boronia Activity Centre) is currently within the Dandenong Foothills policy area. The Bush Suburban designation reflects this and does not represent a new 'division' of the municipality. Additional Bush Suburban areas have been identified, outside of the Foothills, that reflect Knox's Sites of Biological Significance.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

195 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Opposed to Local Living in Rowville. A) 3 storey units do not cater to ageing population. B) Suggests 8m/2 storey height limit for Local Living . C) Concerned about impact of development on green and leafy character. D) Opposes designation of 1144 and 1146 Stud Road as Activity Areas. E) Supports Opportunity Sites but suggests a 9m/3 storey mandatory height instead of 13.5m. F) Support consideration of community views.

A) Rowville Plan includes objectives and strategies for improving choices housing for all ages and needs by increasing the diversity of housing types available in Rowville rather than limiting development to a specific type for a specific group. B) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report. C) Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and trees. D) Maintain Council's position of designation all lots with direct access to the Smart Bus route as Activity Areas, including along Stud Road. E) Maintain 13.5m height limit on Opportunity Sites, along with additional controls to limit impacts on surrounding areas through DDO9 (residential zones) and DPO12 (commercial zones). F) Noted.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. C), D), E), F) No change.

196 The Strategy should address large pockets of industrial land that abut residential areas (Phyllis Street, Bayswater).

Noted. The draft Strategy does not address industrial land. No change.

197 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

198 Supports the four area types as it is mix of everything, the balance is right.

Noted. No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

199 Strategic

Sites 1 & 2

Regarding 750 Boronia Road, Wantirna. The submitter argues that there is no strategic justification to include the site within the 'Wantirna Health Precinct'. The submitter does not support the proposed zoning for the site, arguing that it does not support the site's existing and on-going indentification as a strategic site. The submitter seeks the designation of the site as a strategic site for housing only, and seeks a less restrictive zone.

The site is currently residentially zoned (Residential 1 Zone). The proposed zone for the site is General Residential Zone Schedule 2 (Knox Neighbourhood), which seeks a lower scale of residential development. This is consistent with the draft Housing Strategy and designation of residential areas. A key difference in Council's proposed approach is to encourage higher density development along the key smartbus routes, rather than all routes identified in the Principal Public Transport Network. However, the site has been identified as a site which could be suitable for mix of complementary uses where residential development is not necessarily the main driver, potentially at a greater intensity than exists, given its strategic location. Specifically, the site has been identified as being suitable primarily for health related uses, with some ancilliary residential development such as aged care or disability care facilities. As with all strategic sites, it is expected that a future process be undertaken to assess the suitability of the site to accomodate a more intensive use/development. Council's Municipal Strategy Statement states that "like new housing, new health and community facilities should ideally be located close to existing public transport networks and hubs of activity that provide essential goods and services. The establishment of a medical precinct near the new Wantirna Health centre (opened in 2007) will provide a clustering of like services for the convenience of users." (Clause 21.08-2) Knox's MSS also identifies that an economic analysis to determine the future potential for a medical precinct in Wantirna should be undertaken (Clause 21.07-3). The designation of the site in the draft Housing Strategy supports these outcomes. However, in order to avoid pre-empting the outcome of future work, wherein residential development may be seen to support the precinct, it is recommended that the following text be deleted from the draft Housing Strategy in relation to these sites: Private dwellings are not supported in this location.

Change. Refer to Change 8 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

200 Opposes the Strategy: A) There is nothing stopping 'area creep', i.e. Adjoining areas also being developed in a similar way; B) Increased development will lead to parking problems; C) Street trees should always be replaced if removed or damaged.

Noted. A) The draft Strategy defines clear boundaries for each area so that 'area creep' does not occur. B) The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking issues occur, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions, which may include parking restrictions. There is no law to enforce the compulsory use of private car parking space/s. C) Street trees are required to be replaced if damaged or removed during the construction process.

No change.

201 The new rules do not differ significantly from the current. They should specify 1 house per 700sq.m.

The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas of the majority of areas in Knox. Development of dual occupancies can occur in Knox Neighbourhood areas if they meet the design requirements.

No change.

202 Supports the strategy and hopes the rules will withstand VCAT.

Noted. The draft Strategy, Guidelines and proposed planning controls in Amendment C131 specifically aim to clarify Council policy on residential development in each area to provide more certainty to applicants and the broader community.

No change

203 We need to provide housing within the existing areas to stop sprawl into farmland and national parks. The controls included in overlays is too restrictive. A 2200sq.m block should be able to have at least be able to accommodate a dual occupancy.

The property is located in a Low Density Residential Zone (within the Foothills), which has a minimum subdivision area of 2000sq.m if connected to reticulated sewerage. No changes to the Low Density Residential Zone are proposed through Amendment C131.

No change.

204 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Supports considerations in Rowville Plan of community's wishes. B) Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas, cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas. Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

A) Noted. B) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

a) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

205 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Supports considerations in Rowville Plan of community's wishes to maintain green and leafy neighbourhood. B) Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; citing not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead. C) Objects to Local Living along east side of Deschamp Crescent.

A) Noted. B) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report. C) Recommend maintaining boundaries for Local Living. The recommended reduction in maximum heights for Local Living will result in a reduced built form and a more appropriate transition from Knox Neighbourhood to Activity Areas.

a) n/a. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. C) No change.

206 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Supports considerations in Rowville Plan of community's wishes to maintain green and leafy neighbourhood. B) Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to allow residential and aged care uses. C) Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas, cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas. Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead. D) Objects to Local Living along east side of Deschamp Crescent.

A) Noted. B) Noted. Recommend maintaining Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density resdiential uses. C) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report. D) Recommend maintaining boundaries for Local Living. The recommended reduction in maximum heights for Local Living will result in a reduced built form and a more appropriate transition from Knox Neighbourhood to Activity Areas.

a), b) No change. C) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. D) No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

207 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Objects to Local Living along east side of Deschamp Crescent, suggests reducing area by moving boundary to Stamford Crescent. B) Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living area;, cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas. Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead. C) Opposes designation of 1144 and 1146 Stud Road as Activity Areas . D) Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to allow residential and aged care uses.

A) Recommend maintaining boundaries for Local Living. The recommended reduction in maximum heights for Local Living will result in a reduced built form and a more appropriate transition from Knox Neighbourhood to Activity Areas. B) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. C) Maintain Council's position of zoning all lots with direct access to the Smart Bus route as Activity Areas,including along Stud Road. D) Noted. Recommend maintaining Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density residential uses.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. C), D) No change.

208 The Strategy is well thought out. Activity Areas near bus lines not just rail is a good idea. A mix of housing types is needed for the future. Council should address the traffic issues of residents as in the short-term Knox is still very car dependent. Would like a variety of 'well-thought out' developments so opposes mandatory height limits.

Noted. Height limits in Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban areas are generally considered important to achieving the preferred future character for these areas. Some variety can occur in Activity Areas and to a lesser extent, Local Living areas. However, it is recommended that allowance for architectural features be included, to allow for some innovation in design.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

209 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Supports considerations in Rowville Plan of community's wishes to maintain green and leafy neighbourhood. B) Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to allow residential and aged care uses. C) Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas, cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

A) Noted. B) Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to Residential Growth Zone Schedule 3 to support higher density residential uses. C) Agree. Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Refer to Section 2.1.2 of report.

A), B) No change. C) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

210 The Activity Area in Bayswater should be expanded. Objects to 100sq.m private open space. These changes will cause financial loss to residents.

The boundary of the Bayswater Activity Area is not subject to review at this stage. The 100sq.m private open space minimum is considered integral to the objectives for Knox Neighbourhood areas, e.g. to retain useable backyards. The Knox Neighbourhood area is a fundamental part of the draft Housing Strategy that responds to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

211 The current 60m2 of P.O.S should be retained.

The 100sq.m private open space minimum is considered integral to the objectives for Knox Neighbourhood areas, e.g. To retain useable backyards. Council's Landscape Assessment Officers advise that the proposed requirement for 100sqm of private open space (60sqm secluded) is essential to acheiving canopy tree planting that that can prosper over time.

No change.

212 Submission from Tabulum and Templar Home for the Aged (TTHA). TTHA aged care facilities that are zoned Knox Neighbourhood should be Activity Area or Local Living. If Knox Neighbourhood is to remain, seeks exemptions from height limits.

The designation of Activity Areas and Local Living areas in the draft Housing Strategy has been based on a number of criteria, which the location in question does not satisfy. The draft Housing Strategy does however support the expansion and diversification of aged care facilities and provides guidelines to ensure that this is acheived in an appropriate way. The zone schedules have been drafted to provide flexibility to aged care land uses, particular regarding building height. It is recommended that the drafting of the zones be reviewed to make this flexiblity more explicit.

Change. Refer to Change 9 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

213 Advisory


Feedback from the Knox Active Ageing Advisory Committee , raising matters relating to: A) the need for more community activities to be provided in Activity Areas and Local Living areas (e.g. community gardens); B) the need for more diverse housing types to allow for older people to remain in their neighbourhoods; and a need to shift the underlying assumption that older people will move to aged care facilities; C) greater focus on universal design elements in the residential design guidelines; D) the need for a greater focus on affordable housing.

A) With regard to community activities, this beyond the scope of the draft Housing Strategy , however Structure Plans for large and small activity centres can identify opportunities for strengthening and enhancing opportunities for community interaction. This is evident in the recently developed Rowville Plan and Ferntree Gully Structure Plan . B) It is agreed that a diversity of private housing stock is a significant factor in providing for the housing needs of the ageing population. The purpose of the policy position regarding Housing for Older People as articulated in the draft Strategy is to provide specific guidance for formal and/or institutional uses which may seek to expand or diversify. This guidances seeks to manage the amenity impacts of such uses in residential areas. The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy character of the majority of areas in Knox while directing most new development to small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas. Activity Area and Local Living boundaries are considered adequate to provide for a mix of smaller housing types, including villa units, townhouses and in some areas, apartments. Officers recommend that greater emphasis be given in the Housing Strategy to the benefits of older people remaining independent, in private housing, within their communities; and that as a result a diversity of housing is important for this segment of the community. C) Universal design elements are included in the Residential Design Guidelines; D) The Strategy provides a link to the Knox Affordable Housing Action Plan , which articulates Council's role in supporting affordable housing, beyond the limitations of the Planning Scheme.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 10 in Appendix C. C) No change. D) No change.

214 Protection of heritage properties in Boronia ignored in Boronia Structure Plan . Canopy trees should be mandatory between existing houses and where above 1 storey. Internal noise issues in newer developments. Should limit density so there is open space. This is outer Melbourne, not city living.

The proposed design requirements include greater emphasis on canopy trees, including within activity centres. The design requirements in general propose to improve design quality more broadly. Heritage protection of properties in Boronia has previously been considered by Council. At the 26 June 2012 Council meeting, Council resolved not to pursue the application of a heritage overlay within the activity centre.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

215 Strategic Site 13

Support Strategic Site.13 (Waverley Golf Club and surrounds). Access issues need to be addressed with future development (service road and traffic signals at Police and Stud Rds, upgrading Police Rd).

The Waverley Golf Club and adjoining sites are considered to be suitable for consideration for residential development, subject to inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary, and resolution of a number of issues articulated in the draft Housing Strategy. No change to the status of the ‘Strategic Site’ is recommended, however internal review of the draft Housing Strategy has identified that Bushfire Risk and Sites of Biological Signifance should be added to the matters to be considered in any future proposal.

Change. Refer to Change 23 in Appendix C.

216 Requirement for indigenous canopy trees for dual occupancies is not practical as they are too large. Impact negatively on houses and surrounding infrastructure. Smaller trees should be required instead. The submitter highlights a number of very large indigenous canopy trees that are included in Knox's 'Preferred Local Replacement Plants' list, some of which may reach a maximum height of 25m or more.

Council's Landscape Assessment Officers use the industry standard definition of a canopy tree: "a perennial woody plant that reaches more than five (5) metres in height". All applications for multi-unit developments require the approval of a landscape plan, which is assessed by Council's Landscape Assessment Officers. Through this process, officers assess the appropriateness of proposed canopy trees, in the context of the size of the open space available, proximity to buildings and impervious surfaces, etc. In most unit developments, a medium sized canopy tree (10-13 metres) is deemed appropriate. A proposed landscape plan that includes an inapriopriately large tree for its context will not be approved, and more appropriate planting negotiated with the permit applicant. Council's Landscape officers advise that the most important aspect of successful canopy tree planting is obtaining sufficient space for a tree, then the assessment as to which tree is most appropriate can be made. Officers advise that the proposed requirement for 100sqm of private open space (60sqm secluded) is an effective benchmark for accommodating a medium sized canopy tree that can prosper over time. Council officers advise that it is not Council's practice to allow large trees (eg 25m) on development sites. As such, Council's 'Preferred Local Replacement Plants' list and Landscape Guidelines are currently under review. It is recommended that the definition of canopy tree noted above be included in the Residential Design Guidelines and Knox Housing Strategy.

Change. Refer to Change 14 in Appendix C.

217 Strategic Site 11

Support the designation of Boral Quarry as a strategic site, however, seek removal of text in Strategy: "Council does not support access being provided via George St".

Council does have some concern about the use of George Street, however further investigation is required. It is recommended that the wording in the draft Housing Strategy be amended as follows: "Council's preference is that primary access to the site is not via George Street. Access via George Street will only be supported if sufficient evidence is provided that this would not result in a loss amenity in existing residential areas."

Change. Refer to Change 7 in Appendix C.

218 Bush Suburban /Dandenong Foothills controls unfairly limit development of the property. Rates are high but property value is decreased.

Policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills to protect its environmental and landscape significance has been in place for several years. Amendment C131 does not propose to change the existing requirements.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

219 Bush Suburban area in Timbertop Estate, Rowville is not restrictive enough. Should have a minimum subdivision size of at least 800sq.m. This and requirements such as site coverage should be mandatory.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. The proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. It is considered that the proposed mandatory requirement for a 500sqm minimum subdivision size is sufficient to acheive the outcomes sought in these areas.

No change.

220 Strategic

Site 5

Strategic Site 5 (Boronia Heights Secondary College). Ensure parkland is retained for community use. Any development should reflect surrounding Foothills character.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change.

221 Property is adjacent to proposed Activity Area on Stud Road, Scoresby. Oppose possible 3 storey apartments being built as it would overshadow backyard. High rise should be confined to inner suburbs, not Knox.

Three storeys is considered appropriate for an Activity Area. The Residential Design Guidelines include design requirements to address impacts on neighbouring properties where possible. Amenity impacts, such as overshadowing, are also assessed in detail through the planning permit process.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

222 Strategy and Guidelines are too restrictive, especially 'Knox Neighbourhood' areas. Design requirements for dual occupancies in particular are too restrictive. Do not allow innovation or flexibility of design. 'Silent majority' not aware of restrictive nature of controls and their impacts. The submitter makes several specific suggestions for Knox Neighbourhood and dual occupancy guidelines, with the view that they should be more aligned with the approach taken in the City of Monash.

No change. The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas of the majority of areas in Knox while directing most new development to small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas. Activity Area and Local Living boundaries are considered adequate to provide for a mix of smaller housing types, including villa units, townhouses and in some areas, apartments. Design requirements are proposed to improve the quality of design overall. Building heights are the only propose mandatory requirement in Knox Neighbourhood areas and it is proposed to provide some allowance for architectural features to exceed this limit. It is considered that the majority discretionary design requirements will not stifle good design and innovation. The discretionary approach will allow for site-responsive design, whilst addressing the important elements of Knox's 'green and leafy' character. It is noted that the proposed design requirements may differ from that of surrounding municipalities. The tools provided by the State Government, in the form of the new zones, allows local councils to apply locally specific guidelines for development.

No change.

223 Strategic

Site 5

Boronia Heights College - ensure parkland is retained for community use. Any development should reflect surrounding Foothills character.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change

224 Supports draft Strategy overall as it will protect Knox from overdevelopment. Would prefer the current system of rubbish collection.

Noted. No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

225 Strategy will not provide enough housing choice for small households. 100sq.m private open space is excessive. Approach is not 'scaled' as is promoted. All controls should be discretionary, not mandatory, to achieve better outcomes. Need more housing choices for older people to stay in the local area and out of retirement villages if they choose to. Increase Local Living areas in the northern part of Knox and along the remainder of the PPTN. Allow more flexibility for housing types in Local Living areas. Allow more flexibility for retirement villages, especially in Bush Suburban areas. Introduce provision where developments in Local Living contain 50%+ single storey dwellings have to provide less private open space. More dual occupancies = more 2 storey. Reduce private open space requirement if dual occupancy. Views of people wanting different housing types underepresented in Strategy.

The draft Strategy is considered to strike the right balance between providing opportunities for different housing types to meet the current and future needs of Knox residents and protecting areas with special local character and significant environmental values. Proposed Local Living areas and Activity Areas are considered adequate to support and cater for the changing needs of the Knox community. The northern part of Knox contains several Activity Areas and Local Living areas. Smaller dwellings for older people wishing to downsize are supported in both Activity Areas and Local Living areas. Smaller housing types are generally more affordable. The draft Strategy supports a more flexible approach for retirement villages. The proposed 100sq.m of private open space per dwelling in Knox Neighbourhood areas will help achieve its preferred future character. A mix of mandatory and discretionary controls are proposed to achieve a balance between certainty and flexibility in designing new development.

No change.

226 Oppose 6m setback in Boronia Activity Area. ResCode is not adhered to because it is not mandatory. Mandatory heights should apply to the Boronia Activity Area. The Boronia Structure Plan should be reviewed.

The proposed 6m front setback is considered appropriate within a major activity centre. Consideration of appropriate setbacks is given in the context of the streetscape and other requirements of the planning scheme. In particular, the proposed zones now specify canopy tree requirements within the front setback. Development proposal will therefore need to balance these requirements and have regard to the context of the site. Building heights within the Activity Centre are guided by existing planning controls, which are not being reviewed under Amendment C131. The request for a review of the Structure Plan is noted, however this is beyond the scope of Amendment C131.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

227 Development opportunities reduced with increase in Bush Suburban and Residential 3 zoning, and reduction of Activity Centre and Residential 1 zoning (areas). This will: reduce land values by limiting development, make entry in the housing market more difficult, redirect affordable housing to the urban fringes where there is limited access to jobs, public transport and community facilities, direct high density to inner city, reduce ability for people to downsize in their community.

The draft Strategy is considered to strike the right balance between providing opportunities for different housing types to meet the current and future needs of Knox residents and protecting areas with special local character and significant environmental values. Proposed Local Living areas and Activity Areas are considered adequate. The northern part of Knox contains several Activity Areas and Local Living areas. Smaller dwellings for older people wishing to downsize are supported in both Activity Areas and Local Living areas. Smaller housing types are generally more affordable. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

228 Requirement for indigenous canopy trees for dual occupancies is not practical as they are too large. Impact negatively on houses and surrounding infrastructure. Smaller trees should be required instead.

Council's Landscape Assessment Officers use the industry standard definition of a canopy tree: "a perennial woody plant that reaches more than five (5) metres in height". All applications for multi-unit developments require the approval of a landscape plan, which is assessed by Council's Landscape Assessment Officers. Through this process, officers assess the appropriateness of proposed canopy trees, in the context of the size of the open space available, proximity to buildings and impervious surfaces, etc. In must unit developments, a medium sized canopy tree (10-13 metres) is deemed appropriate. Large canopy trees are not approved. A proposed landscape plan that includes an inapriopriately large tree for its context will not be approved, and more appropriate planting negotiated with the permit applicant. Council's Landscape officers advised that the most important aspect of successfull canopy tree planting is obtaining sufficient space for a tree, then the assessment as to which tree is most appropriate can be made. Officers advise that the proposed requirement for 100sqm of private open space (60sqm secluded) is an effective benchmark for accommodating a medium sized canopy tree that can prosper over time. Council officers advise that it is not Council's practice to allow such large trees on development sites. As such, Council's 'Preferred Local Replacement Plants' list and Landscape Guidelines are currenlty under review. It is recommended that the definition of canopy tree noted above be included in the Residential Design Guidelines and Knox Housing Strategy.

Change. Refer to Change 14 in Appendix C.

229 Government

Authority Rowville

Plan Study Area

Comments from Environment Protection Authority (EPA) - 1060 Stud Road - a desktop environmental assessment should be carried out before any further action.

A further site assessment is proposed to be undertaken to determine whether an environmental audit or other measures are required.

No change

230 Oppose Knox Neighbourhood /General Residential Zone 2 provisions as they are excessively restrictive to large properties and do not provide flexibility to respond to characteristics of individual sites. Subject property is 7 Pach Road, Wantirna and 2607sq.m in area.

No change. The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas of the majority of areas in Knox. Development of villa units can occur in Knox Neighbourhood areas on lots 1000sq.m+ and if they meet the design requirements.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

231 3 storey/11m height control adjacent to St Joseph's Primary School, Boronia, should be reduced.

The question of building heights within the Boronia Activity Centre is beyond the scope of Amendment C131, as the amendment does not propose to change the existing planning controls which guide development within the Boronia Activity Centre.

No change.

232 Oppose Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 2 provisions, as they are too restrictive and will result in financial loss (Bush Suburban) . Long-term residents purchased large lots thinking they could be developed in the future to assist with retirement. Oppose minimum 500sq.m lot size in particular: unfair, no justification, very different from current provisions, trees are not particularly valuable. No parking issue in Knoxfield outside peak times and can provide adequate parking on-site. Council should provide compensation for financial loss.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . The subject site which relates to this submission is affected by both a Vegetation Protection Overlay and an Environment Significance Overlay (Schedule 3). The site is of particular significance in its own right within the broader context of the Bush Suburban area in Knoxfield. In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. While parking/traffic issues may be reduced through less intensive development, this is not the reason for the designation of the proposed Bush Suburban areas. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

233 Cannot complete a substantial submission until a detailed map of the proposed new residential zones is provided.

Noted. Zoning maps have been available online from the beginning of the public exhibition period.

No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

234 Aged Care Provider

Proposed RGZ does not provide enough flexibility for future land use and development of Villa Maria site in Wantirna South (Knox Central): 3 storey/9m height control, limited non-residential uses allowed too restrictive. Proposed a Mixed Use Zone instead. Overall Strategy is supported, including policy for housing for older people.

It is considered that the Mixed Use Zone (MUZ) for this site would be more compatible with the Knox Central Urban Design Framework (UDF) than the Residential 1 Zone. The UDF recommends building heights of 3-5 storeys in this location denotes this location as being suitable for Institutional/Educational//Complementary Office/Residential/REcreation/Leisure uses. It is recommended that the MUZ be applied to 355-357 Stud Road but that the Residential Growth Zone be retained for the site at 13 White Road. This site is located within an area desoted as Medium Density Residential in the Knox Central UDF. Its context is that of a residential neighbourhood (as opposed to an commercial/insitutional), which has not been identified as being suitable for a more intensive built form. For the purposes of consistency and correct reference to the Knox Central UDF, it is considered that the Mixed Zone should also apply to 343 Stud Road (Cavalier site).

Change. Refer to Change 2 in Appendix C.

235 A) Proposed planning rules for Rowville do not address transport issues (poor frequency and availability of bus services, congested roads, especially at peak hour and school hours, absence of rail services, poor pedestrian access to SmartBus terminal) or other supporting infrastructure. B) Negative impact on property values. C) Will radically change green and leafy character of area. D) Infrastructure should be provided before more housing.

A) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving walking, cycling, and public transport as well as reducing impacts of traffic congestion. It supports Council's advocacy to State Government for public transport improvments including the Rowville Rail, as well as inform future studies to address specific issues related to traffic congestion and pedestrian connectivity in and around the Activity Centre. B) Property values are not a planning consideration. Property values are influenced by many factors including location, amenity, proximity to services and development potential. Property issues are not a planning consideration. C) Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as private open space and trees. D) Rowville Plan aims to provide guidance for both land use and infrastrucutre planning to progress together toward a balanced outcome.

No change.

236 Group of landowners in Le John Street, Ames Street and Wellington Road, Rowville requesting rezoning from Low Density Residential Zone to General Residential Zone or Neighbourhood Residential Zone. Current zone is too restrictive. Area has good access to local services and infrastructure. Early investigation indicates ability to be serviced as required by a more intensive zone.

No change. The Low Density Residential Zone is not subject to Amendment C131. No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

237 Support proposed tree protection controls in Knoxfield Bush Suburban area. This must be enforced (the submitter notes a number of street trees that have not been replaced).

Noted. The submitter's query has been forwarded to Council's Park's Services department for investigation.

No change.

238 Property should be included in a Local Living or Activity Area . Proposed Knox Neighbourhood is too restrictive and a major change from the current Residential 1 Zone. Property is close to SmartBus route on Stud Road, Studfield shops, Knox City. Many surrounding properties already developed. Will restrict development and therefore property value. Lists several reasons why property should be Local Living or Activity Area .

Agree. It is recommended that the site be re-designated Local Living rather than Knox Neighbourhood as it meets the criteria for Local Living and is currently zoned Residential 1. It does not meet the criteria for Activity Area.

Change. Refer to Change 4 in Appendix C.

239 Knoxfield character has already been negatively affected by development. Should be a maximum of 2 dwellings on land less than 1000sq.m and rear dwelling single storey.

Noted. Bush Suburban areas propose a 500sq.m minimum subdivision area, meaning a maximum of 2 dwellings for lots of at least 1000sq.m. The Residential Design Guidelines support low scale dwellings in Bush Suburban and Knox Neighbourhood areas.

No change.

240 Proposed Boronia Bush Suburban area is inaccurate as there is no difference between it and Knox Neighbourhood . There are many properties that have already been subdivided in lots less than 500sq.m and with fewer than 1 tree per 150sq.m.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Refer to Section 2.1.3 of the Report.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

241 Property in Knoxfield Bush Suburban area should not be in this area. The boundary should follow a physical feature like a road or creek.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . Individual properties are included where together they form a 'site' of biological significance. Often, but not always, this follows a physical feature boundary such as a creek. In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas.

No change.

242 Opposes DDO1 requirements in Foothills. Strategy is misleading as it implies 1:500 development ratio, not 1:1000 in DDO1. If DDOs are to remain, they should follow a more logical boundary.

Noted. No change is proposed to the Foothills Policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills to protect its environmental and landscape significance, which have been in place for several years. The minimum lot sizes in the Foothills vary depending on each policy area between 500 and 2000sq.m. These policy areas are based on contour lines established in the original Foothills study. The Strategy and Guidelines documents will be updated to better communicate the content of the Foothills policy and how it works with the Housing Strategy, Guidelines and new zones.

Change. See Change 17 in Appendix C.

243 The 8m height limit in the Foothills is a formula for bad designs and is inappropriate for the Foothills. Residents want the lower height limits because they don't understand how planning guidelines work. Small dwellings for ageing or disable residents are not provided for the Foothills.

The current 7.5m height limit within the Foothills area is specified in the local policy (Clause 22.01) as a discretionary requirement; and some schedules to the Design and Development Overlay (including as a mandatory requirement in DDO4). The proposed zone to be applied to the Foothills area is the Neighbourhood Residential Zone, which has a default height limit as follows: "the height of a building must not exceed 8 metres unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than 8 metres of the site of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the height of the building must not exceed 9 metres". It is considered that this mandatory requirement provides enough flexibility (beyond policy guidance provided) to respond to the topography of the Foothills and facilitate good design. It is noted that the existing planning controls do not facilitate increased housing diversity in the Foothills area, due to subdivision restrictions. It is a well established principle of the Knox Planning Scheme that urban consolidation imperatives do not outweigh the need for protecting the landscape and environmental sensitivities of the Dandenong Foothills.

No change.

Page 65: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

244 The DDOs in the Foothills are far too restrictive.

Noted. No change is proposed to the Foothills Policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills to protect its environmental and landscape significance which have been in been in place for several years. It is a well established principle of the Knox Planning Scheme that urban consolidation imperatives do not outweigh the need for protecting the landscape and environmental sensitivities of the Dandenong Foothills.

No change.

245 Amendment


Bambury St should be taken out of the Activity Area.

Amendment C133 to the Knox Planning Scheme is running concurrently with C131 and will provide more certainty for development on the south side of Bambury Street. This amendment will result in a lesser scale of development being allowed in this location. It is a well established principle of the Knox Planning Scheme that urban consolidation imperatives do not outweigh the need for protecting the landscape and environmental sensitivities of the Dandenong Foothills. Future permit applications will be assessed under the new planning controls provided by both of these amendments. The boundaries of the activity centre are not subject to review through the current processes.

No change.

246 Marie Street, Boronia has a range of traffic and parking problems. Opposes indented parking on nature strips.

The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking occurs, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions, which may include parking restrictions. There is no law to enforce the compulsory use of private car parking space/s. Council has a Retrofitting of additional on-street parking infrastructure on narrow residential streets policy that assess the requests of indented bays. The policy considers factors such as nature strips, streetscape, street trees, utility services etc. Where it meets the policy, additional parking bays are funded jointly by Council and residents. Regarding the 2 indented bays at 66 Boronia Road, Boronia, this decision was approved at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

No change.

Page 66: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

247 Their property will lose value under the changes. Property located near a bus stop on Boronia Road and should be designated something other than Bush Suburban . They and none of their neighbours want big backyards.

The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood. In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox.

No change.

Page 67: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

248 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Supports consideration of different population groups in planning for future housing. B) Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to allow residential uses. C) Supports protection of green and leafy character of Knox. D) Objects to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas. Believes 3 storey development does not do enough to respect existing neighbourhood character or deliver appropriate housing for aged and disabled residents. Cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead. E) Objects to Local Living along east side of Deschamp Crescent; suggests reducing area by moving boundary to Stamford Crescent. F) Submission contains several appendices including research to support views on appropriate housing for aged residents and families with children.

A) Noted. B) Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to RGZ3 to support higher density resdiential uses. C) Noted. D) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. E) Recommend maintaining boundaries for Local Living. The recommended reduction in maximum heights for Local Living will result in a reduced built form and a more appropriate transition from Knox Neighbourhood to Activity Areas. F) Noted.

a), b), c), No change. D) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. E), f) No change.

249 Dual occupancy should not be listed as a preferred housing type in the Foothills. The exact wording should be clarified at several points in the Strategy.

Noted. No change to Policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills to protect its environmental and landscape significance has been in place for several years. The proposed new zone is consistent with the Foothills Policy, however the Strategy and Guidelines documents will be updated to better communicate this.

Change. Refer to Change 17 in Appendix C.

250 No apartment buildings should be allowed in Ferntree Gully.

Noted. The Strategy does not support apartments in residential areas in Ferntree Gully. Subject to height controls, apartments may be allowed in some commercial areas if they meet the height controls proposed in the Ferntree Gully Structure Plan/Amendment C129 to the Knox Planning Scheme.

No change

Page 68: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

251 Apartment buildings create too many parking issues. Other issues relating to past planning decisions. Concerns about quality of design of new dwellings.

The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking occurs, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions, which may include parking restrictions. Design requirements are proposed to improve the quality of design overall, and to respond to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox.

No change.

252 Amendment

C133A) The submitter notes that the southern side of Bambury Street will be zoned General Residential Zone – Schedule 4 under Amendment C131; and the northern side (affected by Foothills DDOs) will be Neighbourhood Residential Zone – Schedule 2. The submitter submits that the private open space requirements for the GRZ4 will not be consistent with the provision of canopy trees consistent with the Foothills character of the area. B) The submitter requests that a minimum height of a canopy tree be specified. The submitter recommends 7m.

Each change area and corresponding zone specifies the number of canopy trees required on the site (e.g. at least 1 per 175sq.m of site area), which brings landscaping to the forefront of the design process. The balance between canopy tree planting and private open space requirements will be managed through the permit process, guided by the additional direction added to the Planning Scheme through Amendment C133. Council's Landscape Assessment Officers use the industry standard definition of a canopy tree: "a perennial woody plant that reaches more than five (5) metres in height". It is recommended that this definition be included in the Residential Design Guidelines.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 14 in Appendix C.

253 Local Living should be maximum of 2 storeys, not 3.

Agree. It is recommended that the proposed 3 storey height limit in Local Living be reduced to 2 storeys.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

254 Strategic

Site 5

Supports careful planning and design of the Boronia Heights Secondary College site.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change

Page 69: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

255 Aged Care Provider

Supports aged care policy direction more broadly, but requests that Tabulam & Templer Homes for the Aged site be re-classified as an Activity Area or Local Living . The submission expresses concern that future Council infrastructure and services will be directed to Activity Area and Local Living areas (eg community bus).

The designation of Activity Areas and Local Living areas in the draft Housing Strategy has been based on a number of criteria, which the location in question does not satisfy. The draft Housing Strategy does however support the expansion and diversification of aged care facilities and provides guidelines to ensure that this is acheived in an appropriate way. The zone schedules have drafted to provide flexibility to aged care land uses, particular regarding building height. It is recommended that the drafting of the zones be reviewed to make this flexiblity more explicit.

Change. Refer to Change 9 in Appendix C.

256 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to support residential and community uses.

Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to Residential Growth Zone Schedule 3 to support higher density resdiential uses.

No change.

257 Opposes Dandenong Foothills controls. Noted. The policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills to protect its environmental and landscape significance have been in place for several years. New policy and associated zoning is consistent with the Foothills Policy. It is a well established principle of the Knox Planning Scheme that urban consolidation imperatives do not outweigh the need for protecting the landscape and environmental sensitivities of the Dandenong Foothills.

No change.

258 A) Allow building of backyard bungalows. B) Provide flexibility for parking: it doesn't matter if cars are under cover or not.

Noted. A) If the design requirements can be met, a second dwelling is possible in Knox Neighbourhood areas. 'Backyard bungalows' or 'granny flats' continue to be able to be built in residential zones without a planning permit, provided they meet the required conditions (e.g. the occupant is dependent in some way on the occupants in the main house). The conditions are to ensure that permanent second dwellings are not constructed without a planning permit. B) The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. This is not necessarily required to be under cover. It is agreed that specifying carports over garages is unneccessarily prescriptive. It is recommended that reference to the preference for carports be removed from the Design Guidelines.

A) No change. B) Change. Refer to Change 18 in Appendix C.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

259 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Supports considerations in Rowville Plan of community's wishes to maintain green and leafy neighbourhood. B) Opposes designation of 1144 and 1146 Stud Road as Activity Areas . C) Concerned about increased traffic from development in already congested areas of Stamford Crescent and intersections with Stud Road. D) Object to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead. E) Objects to Local Living along east side of Deschamp Crescent; suggests reducing area by moving boundary to Stamford Crescent.

A) Noted. B) No change. Maintain Council's position of designating all lots with direct access to the Smart Bus route as Activity Areas ,including along Stud Road, as these areas are considered to be well served by services and infrastructure. C) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for reducing impacts of traffic congestion, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such the areas as Stamford Crescent. D) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. E) Recommend maintaining boundaries for Local Living as it is considered these areas are adequate to support the growth and change anticipated into the future. The recommended reduction in maximum heights for Local Living will result in a reduced built form and a more appropriate transition from Knox Neighbourhood to Activity Areas.

A) n/a B) No change. C) n/a. D) Change. Refer to Change1 in Appendix C. E) No change.

260 Large trees in the area have already been removed and will continue to be in danger and unsafe due to development pressures.

Noted. The proposed Bush Suburban planning controls seek to manage development in a way which supports the retention of significant canopy trees. Development in these areas will be less intensive than in the past. It is therefore expected that any possible conflict between development and the retention of large trees will be reduced.

No change.

261 Rowville

Plan Study Area

A) Objects to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas. B) Supports approach to Opportunity Sites.

A) Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. B) Noted.

a) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. B) No change.

262 Supports proposed Bush Suburban area in Knoxfield.

Noted. No change

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

263 Supports proposed Bush Suburban areas and controls. Suggests more single storey housing be provided for older people, car parking be provided on site. Details of public information sessions should have been included in brochure and local papers.

Smaller dwellings, including single storey dwellings, are encouraged in Activity Areas and Local Living areas. The draft Residential Design Guidelines require that, in developments of three or more dwellings, that the rear dwelling is single storey. The Knox Planning Scheme requires adequate off-street parking to be provided in new development. In some cases where on-street car parking issues occur, Council will investigate the concerns and carry out traffic assessments to determine suitable actions, which may include parking restrictions. The information sessions were advertised in the Knox Leader and all local community newspapers. Details of all sessions were also available on Council's website.

No change.

264 Against 3 storey height in Local Living . Recommend reducing height limit in Local Living areas from 9m/3 storeys to 8m/2 storeys. Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

265 Amendment


Bambury Street, Boronia should be Local Living not Activity Area . Should be 2 storeys only and no apartments. Causes rubbish, traffic problems.

Amendment C133 to the Knox Planning Scheme is running concurrently with C131 and will provide more certainty for development on the south side of Bambury Street. This amendment will result in a lesser scale of development being allowed in this location, by discouraging apartments. Future permit applications will be assessed under the new planning controls provided by both of these amendments. The Activity Area designation has been assigned to the whole of the Boronia Activity Centre, and the boundaries of the centre are not subject to review through the current processes.

No change.

266 Opposes designation of 2-8 Ainsdale Avenue, Wantirna (adjacent to Knox Private Hospital) as Activity Area . Should be Knox Neighbourhood .

2-8 Ainsdale Avenue, Wantirna are owned by Knox Private Hospital and are likely to form part of a broader hospital development. It is considered appropriate that any future development of the hospital should take into account the low scale residential interface of Ainsdale Avenue. It is therefore agreed that these sites should be Knox Neighbourhood .

Change. Refer to Change 5 in Appendix C.

267 Opposes designation of 2-8 Ainsdale Avenue, Wantirna (adjacent to Knox Private Hospital) as Activity Area . Should be Knox Neighbourhood .

2-8 Ainsdale Avenue, Wantirna are owned by Knox Private Hospital and are likely to form part of a broader hospital development. It is considered appropriate that any future development of the hospital should take into account the low scale residential interface of Ainsdale Avenue. It is therefore agreed that these sites should be Knox Neighbourhood .

Change. Refer to Change 5 in Appendix C.

268 Oppose 3 storey/9m height limit in Local Living area in Mountain Gate. Would result in: overlooking and overshadowing, parking difficulties, traffic. Should be Knox Neighbourhood .

It is recommended that the proposed 3 storey height limit in Local Living be reduced to 2 storeys. Recommend that the area remains Local Living as it meets the criteria for this category.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

Page 72: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

269 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to support residential and community uses.

Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road to Residential Growth Zone Schedule 3 to support higher density residential uses.

No change.

270 A) Opposes Bush Suburban area in Boronia. 500sq.m minimum lot size will unfairly reduce development potential and value of blocks when surrounding area has already been developed. B) Rates should be adjusted accordingly. C) Fix overpopulation of possum issue.

A) The proposed Bush Suburban areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills reflect land which has been identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as being of biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban , rather than Knox Neighbourhood . In this context, the proposed zone and planning controls seek to manage residential development so as to support existing planning controls which seek to protect significant vegetation and habitat. Existing and proposed planning controls also seek to encourage new planting to enhance significant areas. B) Property values are not a planning consideration. It is the case that development potential will be reduced by the proposed planning controls for Bush Suburban areas. This is a deliberate outcome of the Housing Strategy which seeks to preserve and enhance features which are valued by the Knox community. It is difficult to predict the long term effects on property values, particularly as residential development in the suburban context with high amenity; large backyards in a landscaped setting may become more scarce across Melbourne. There is still a very strong market for this housing type in Knox. C) Not a relevant planning consideration.

No change.

271 Strategic

Site 5

Strategic Site 5 (Boronia Heights College). Ensure parkland is retained for community use by local football club.

The draft Knox Housing Strategy sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change

Page 73: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

272 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Opposes Local Living areas west of Stud Road. A) Concerned about privacy impacts of 3 storey residential buildings and impact of development on trees and open space. B) Concerned about increased traffic from development in already congested entry points to estate west of Stud Road. C) Objects to 9m/3 storey discretionary height limit in Local Living areas; cites not enough difference compared to Activity Areas . Suggests 8m/2 storey mandatory limit instead.

A) Recommended reducing maximum heights from 9m/3 storeys discretionary to 8m/2 storeys mandatory to reduce potential amenity impacts. Residential Design Guidelines provide additional guidance on design issues such as overlooking and overshadowing, private open space and trees. B) Rowville Plan provides objectives and strategies for improving transport and reducing impacts of traffic congestion and on-street parking, and will support more detailed studies in key areas such as the intersections of Stud Road with Lakeview Avenue and Avalon Road. C) Agree. See response to (A) above.

A) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C. B) No Change. C) Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

273 Rowville

Plan Study Area

Oppose 3 storey/9m height limit in Local Living area in Rowville. This area is too large, particularly around Stamford Crescent.

Maintain boundaries for Local Living areas as they are considered adequate to address anticipated growth and change into the future, but reduce maximum heights from 9m/3 storeys discretionary to 8m/2 storeys mandatory to reduce potential amenity impacts.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

274 Oppose 3 storey/9m height limit in Local Living area in Mountain Gate.

It is recommended that the proposed 3 storey height limit in Local Living be reduced to 8m/2 storeys.

Change. Refer to Change 1 in Appendix C.

275 Not enough flexibility in Strategy, especially where Bush Suburban are close to Activity Areas or are close to transport and services.

The proposed Bush Suburban include the Dandenong Foothills areas and areas outside of the Dandenong Foothills identified through Council’s adopted study, Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Second Edition, 2010, as having biological value. It is for this reason that these areas have been designated Bush Suburban. In cases where these may be close to Activity Areas, it is considered that the environmental values overide the need for urban consolidation.

No change.

276 Proposed controls too restrictive (Knox Neighbourhood area) as it will not allow development potential.

The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas of the majority of areas in Knox while directing most new development to small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas. Development of dual occupancies can occur in Knox Neighbourhood areas if they meet the design requirements.

No change.

Page 74: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

277 Supports high density residential uses at 1103 Stud Road. Cites Rowville currently lacks 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartment options in Rowville. Site is suitable being next to Stud Park Shopping Centre.

Noted. The Rowville Plan and Housing Strategy seeks to enable a diversity of housing choices, including apartments, in appropriate defined locations.

No change.

278 Disagrees with subdivision limitations in the Dandenong Foothills. Building a second dwelling would enable him to care for his elderly father.

Policy and associated planning controls restricting development in the Dandenong Foothills to protect its environmental and landscape significance has been in place for several years. 'Granny flats' continue to be able to be built in residential zones without a planning permit, provided they meet the required conditions (e.g. the occupant is dependent in some way on the occupants in the main house). This may be an option for the submitter.

No change.

279 - 367 Rowville

Plan Study Area

(individual but proforma letters from residents of Peppertree

Hill Retirement


Supports rezoning of 1060 Stud Road to support residential and community uses.

Noted. Maintain Council's position to rezone 1060 Stud Road, Rowville from a Business 3 Zone to a Residential Growth Zone 3 to support higher density residential uses. Given its location, this could include housing suitable for older people.

No change

368 Amendment


A) Activity Centre boundaries too large. B) No apartments amongst single storey residential areas. C) Villa units and townhouses acceptable if look like a house, not an apartment.

A) Amendment C131 does not include a review of the boundaries of the Boronia and Bayswater activity centres. The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas of the majority of areas in Knox while directing most new development to small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas. These boundaries are considered adequate to provide for a mix of smaller housing types, including villa units, townhouses and in some areas, apartments. B) Apartments are considered appropriate in Activity Areas only. C) Design requirements are proposed to improve the quality of design of all housing types. Townhouses and apartments are both clearly defined in the Residential Design Guidelines.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

369 Amendment


A) Activity Centre boundaries too large: should be around commercial areas and station only. Schools should not be included. B) Residential areas should be capped at 2 storeys. C) Townhouses should look like houses, not apartments. D) 3 storeys should not be allowed along the Boronia western ridge line.

A) Amendment C131 does not include a review of the boundaries of the Boronia and Bayswater activity centres. The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas of the majority of areas in Knox while directing most new development to small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas. These boundaries are considered adequate to provide for a mix of smaller housing types, including villa units, townhouses and in some areas, apartments. B) The majority of areas are capped at 2 storeys (Bush Suburban and Knox Neighbourhood ); C) Design requirements are proposed to improve the quality of design of all housing types. Townhouses and apartments are both clearly defined; D) Buidling heights within the Boronia Activity Centre are directed through existing planning controls specific to the centre. These controls are not subject to review through Amendment C131.

No change.

370 The Strategy should allow only detached, double-storey dwellings and shouldn't encourage large trees. They are unsafe and unrealistic on the size of blocks. Carports/garages can be in front of houses. Ban 'office block type homes'. Large minimum front setback. Need laws to address vacant properties not being maintained.

The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy areas of the majority of areas in Knox while directing most new development to small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas. Local Living, Knox Neighbourhood and Bush Suburban areas proposed 2 storey maximum building height limits. Additional dwellings can be built in these areas if they meet the design requirements. Design requirements are proposed for all areas to improve the quality of design overall. The requirement to set carports and garages behind the dwelling is to minimise the impact of the building's bulk on the street. A 9 metre front setback is proposed for all areas except Activity Area (6m) to support planting of canopy trees in the front yard. Encouragement of large trees is a direct response to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. With regard to maintenance of properties, Council has a Local Law that requires that the owner/occupier of land must not allow or permit their property to become unsightly, or detrimental to the general amenity of the neighbourhood. In addition, an owner or occupier of land must ensure that their property does not constitute a danger to a person’s health or another person’s property.

No change.

Page 76: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

371 Strategic

Site 5

A) Multi-storey housing should be good quality construction and in keeping with the immediate vicinity. B) Boronia Heights site should restrict development to no more than 2 houses per lot. Keep oval for public use. Keep existing green spaces for flora and fauna.

A) The Residential Design Guidelines include several design requirements to improve design quality across all areas for all housing types. B) The draft Knox Housing Strategy sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change.

372 Strategic

Site 5

A) Multi-storey housing should be good quality construction and in keeping with the immediate vicinity. B) Boronia Heights site should restrict development to no more than 2 houses per lot. Keep oval for public use. Keep existing green spaces for flora and fauna.

A) The Residential Design Guidelines include several design requirements to improve design quality across all areas for all housing types. B) The draft Knox Housing Strategy sets out Council's preferred outcome for the site, in the event that a rezoning is undertaken. The draft Strategy states that "The site is considered to be appropriate for residential development that is consistent with surrounding low scale of development and consistent with what is allowable under the relevant Foothills planning controls. Areas of biological significance which must remain intact are affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO3). It is recommended that the existing school oval be retained for use as public open space and that integration with the surrounding area be achieved."

No change

Page 77: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

373 Government

Authority Strategic Site 11

Strategic Sites 1 & 2

Submission from VicRoads - A) Does not support land within the Healesville Freeway reservation being designated as strategic sites. B) Requests change to DPO12 (Stud Park), to facilitate VicRoads' involvement in review of traffic impact assessments and Bush Boulevard treatment of Stud Road. C) Provides comment re access to Boral Quarry - suggests that opposition to George Street for access to the site is premature.

A) With regard to the sites within the Healesville Freeway Reservation, Council's Municipal Strategy Statement states that "like new housing, new health and community facilities should ideally be located close to existing public transport networks and hubs of activity that provide essential goods and services. The establishment of a medical precinct near the new Wantirna Health centre (opened in 2007) will provide a clustering of like services for the convenience of users." (Clause 21.08-2) Knox's MSS also identifies that an economic analysis to determine the future potential for a medical precinct in Wantirna should be undertaken (Clause 21.07-3). However, in order to avoid pre-empting the outcome of future work, wherein residential development may be seen to support the precinct, it is recommended that the following text be deleted from the draft Housing Strategy in relation to these sites: Private dwellings are not supported in this location. The designation of the site in the draft Housing Strategy supports these outcomes. This does not preclude the use of the land as a road if this plan were to eventuate. B) With regard to DPO12, add dot point to requirement for Traffic Managment Plan as follows: "Traffic management and traffic control works on the land and affected roads as required by VicRoads and/or Knox City Council to mitigate the expected traffic impacts of the proposed development." C) With regard to the Boral Quarry site, it is recommended that the wording in the draft Housing Strategy be amended as follows: "Council's preference is that primary access to the site is not via George Street. Access via George Street will only be supported if sufficient evidence is provided that this would not result in an unreasonable loss of amenity in existing residential areas."

A) Change. Refer to Change 8 in Appendix C. B) Change. Refer to Change 12 in Appendix C. C) Change. Refer to Change 7 in Appendix C.

375 Advisory


Feedback from the Knox Multicultural Advisory Committee, raising the following issues: A) access to public transport is important for migrants, so recommend more Local Living areas; B) affordable housing is an issue in Knox, which affects the ability of migrants/refugees to move to the area.

A) and B) Smaller housing types, which are generally more affordable, are supported in Activity Areas and Local Living areas which are best placed in terms of transport and other services. These areas are considered adequate to respond to the needs of Knox's changing community.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

376 Advisory


Feedback from the Knox Environment Society raising the following issues: A) concern that most of Knox is Knox Neighbourhood and that this will allow for dual occupancies in many areas including those not well served by public transport; B) concern that the Strategy has been drafted in isolation of other policies such as street trees; C) concern that the Strategy does not address the importance of Green Wedge areas. D) Applauds the designation of Bush Suburban areas and stresses that the maximum protection must apply in these zones. Supports the designation of Activity Areas for more intense development but states that these areas need extra attention regarding streetscape outcomes.

A) The draft Strategy seeks to strike a balance between protecting the green and leafy character of the majority of areas in Knox while directing most new development to small, defined Activity Areas and Local Living areas. These areas are considered adequate to provide for a mix of smaller housing types, including villa units, townhouses and in some areas, apartments, to respond to and meet the needs of our changing community. Knox Neighbourhood areas support single dwellings and dual occupancies only on lots less than 1000sq.m in direct response to community aspirations to retain and enhance the 'green and leafy' and 'open' character of Knox. It is not considered unreasonable that sites larger than 1000sq.m could potentially be developed for more than two dwellings, outside of environmentally significant areas. The importance of street trees in more densely developed areas is acknowledged. B) The draft Green Streets policy has recently been released for comment. Internal consultation has been undertaken to ensure consistentancy between this plan and the draft Housing Strategy. C) Green Wedge Management plans are not directly relevant to Amendment C131, however have been identified as a priority for future strategic work to be undertaken. D) Support for Bush Suburban areas is noted. The Neighbourhood Residential Zone is proposed for these areas, which is the most restrictive of the new zones available to Council.

No change.

Page 79: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

377 Advisory


Feedback from the Knox Disability Advisory Committee, raising matters relating to: A) structural considerations of new developments; B) the importance of considering 'affordable living' (utility costs etc); C) challenging assumptions of the housing pathways of older people into aged care; D) the need for dwelling types that facilitate co-habitation (e.g. multi-generational).

A) Specific structural considerations (eg retrofitting buildings, handrails, etc) are beyond the scope of the Housing Strategy, however the draft Guidelines reference the Livable Housing Design Guidelines 2010, in order to encourage more accessible design. B) It is acknowledged that housing affordability goes beyond the cost of purchasing/renting a dwelling. The Strategy and Guidelines encourage more sustainable design, with a view to minimising running costs; and encourages more development within areas that are well-served for transport choices and services, in order to minimise car-dependance. C) It is agreed that a diversity of private housing stock is a significant factor in providing for the housing needs of the ageing population. Officers recommend that greater emphasis be given in the Housing Strategy to the benefits of older people remaining independent, in private housing, within their communities; and that as a result a diversity of housing is important for this segment of the community. D) Knox's housing stock is currently dominated by large family dwellings, which could accomodate multi-generational households, however more flexibility is required in the Building Regulations to facilitate more flexible households. This is beyond the scope of Council's Housing Strategy .

a) No Change. B) No Change. C) Change. Refer to Change 10 in Appendix C. D) No change.

Page 80: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Submissions

1 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsLocal Living

Design Guidelines 19 Change 'roof' height to 8m and denote as mandatory. Change 'storeys' to 2 and denote as mandatory

Rowville Plan 41 Change Building Heights in Local Living section of table to read 'Up to 2 storeys (8 m)'

GRZ Sch_3 1 3.0 Amend the text in Clause 3.0 as follows: A dwelling or residential building must not exceed a height of 8 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than 8 metres of the site of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the height of the building must not exceed 9 metres. Architectural features designed to the satisfaction of the responsible authority may exceed the maximum building height.

Zone ChangesZoning Map 1 Amend the map to show site as Mixed Use Zone (MUZ).Zoning Map 2 Amend the map to show site as Mixed Use Zone (MUZ).

3 Retain current Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ) for two parcels of Egan Lee Reserve. (Incorrectly mapped in original)

Submissions Zoning Map 6 Amend map to show land as PPRZ.

Zoning Map 2 Amend zoning map to show zoning as General Residential Zone Schedule 3 (GRZ3).

Design Guidelines 8, 14, 18

Change Guidelines maps to show site as Local Living, not Knox Neighbourhood.

Housing Strategy 17,19,20

Change Guidelines maps to show site as Local Living, not Knox Neighbourhood.

Housing Strategy 7, 19, 21

Change Guidelines maps to show sites as Knox Neighbourhood, not Activity Area.

Design Guidelines 8, 14, 22

Change Guidelines maps to show sites as Knox Neighbourhood, not Activity Area.

MSS 05 6 Amend Residential Policy Map to show sites as Knox Neighbourhood

Zoning Map 1 Amend zoning map to show zoning as General Residential Zone Schedule (GRZ2).

4 Apply Local Living designation (instead of Knox Neighbourhood) and General Residential Zone Schedule 3 to 3 Moonah Road, Wantirna South


5 Apply Knox Neighbourhood designation and General Residential Zone 2 to 2, 4, 6 & 8 Ainsdale Avenue, Wantirna, in place of Activity Area as these sites do not meet Activity Area criteria.


1 Local Living height limit reduced to mandatory 2 storeys (8m) to provide greater clarity between Activity Areas and Local Living


2 Change proposed zoning of 343 and 355-357 Stud Road, Wantirna South from Residential Growth Zone to Mixed Use Zone (Villa Maria)


Appendix C

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Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Submissions

2 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsStrategic Sites

GRZ Sch_5 1 2.0 Delete text from table at Clause 2.0 - Landscaping B13 and replace with "None specified".

GRZ Sch_5 2 4.0 Delete text from Clause 4.0 and replace with "None specified".

7 Strategic Site 11 Boral Quarry - revise language regarding access to the site to allow for possibility of access via George Street

Submissions Housing Strategy 26 Delete dot point 1 and replace with the following: Council's preference is that primary access to the site is not via George Street. Access via George Street will only be supported if sufficient evidence is provided that this would not result in unreasonable loss of amenity in existing residential areas.

8 Strategic Sites 1 & 2 - revise language to allow for possibility of private dwellings on these sites

Submissions Housing Strategy 23 Delete last sentence: "Private dwellings are not supported in this location".

Aged CareGRZ Sch_2 2 3.0 Reword the text in Clause 3.0 and add text as follows: The

requirements of this clause do not apply to a building used for the purpose of a Residential Aged Care Facility or Nursing Home. The requirements of Clause 54 and 55 apply.

GRZ Sch_3 1 3.0 Reword the text in Clause 3.0 and add text as follows: The requirements of this clause do not apply to a building used for the purpose of a Residential Aged Care Facility or Nursing Home. The requirements of Clause 54 and 55 apply.

RGZ Sch_1 1 2.0 Reword the text in Clause 2.0 and add text as follows: The requirements of this clause do not apply to a building used for the purpose of a Residential Aged Care Facility or Nursing Home. The requirements of Clause 54 and 55 apply.

10 Strengthen language around 'housing for older people' to place more emphasis on ageing in place in the broader community, not simply aged care facilities.

Submissions Housing Strategy 28 Revise and strenghthen language to reflect importance of ageing in place in the broader community, not simply in aged care facilities.

6 Remove additional requirements for sites affected by a Design and Development Overlay or Development Plan Overlay (Harcrest and Stamford Park sites).


9 Clarify the exemption on maximum height for buildings used for Residential Aged Care Facilities or Nursing Homes.


Page 82: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Submissions

3 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsRowville

DPO12 - Rowville Comm. Core

1 1.0 Change dot point related to 10% expansion to: 'Minor increases in shop floor space up to maximum leasable floor area for the entire shopping centre of 23,000 square meters (which represents approximately 10% above the level of the shopping centre at the time of this overlay).'

DPO12 - Rowville Comm. Core

1 1.0 Add dot point 'Minor landscape works.'

DPO12 - Rowville Comm. Core

3 3.0 Add dot point 'Traffic management and traffic control works on the land and affected roads as required by VicRoads and/or Knox City Council to mitigate the expected traffic impacts of the proposed development.'

DPO12 - Rowville Comm. Core

3 3.0 Move requirements for Safety by Design principles and Disability Access Audit Report to Section 2.0 under a new heading 'Accessibility Assessments'

DPO12 - Rowville Comm. Core

5 Fig. 1 Delete internal roadway network from map

DPO12 - Rowville Comm. Core

5 Fig. 1 Change legend item from ‘Sensitive Pedestrian and Built Form Interfaces’ to two legend items for 'Sensitive built form interfaces' and 'Safe, high-quality pedestrian connections'.

DPO12 - Rowville Comm. Core

3 3.0 Change ninth dot point in “For all land” to text as follows: ‘Appropriate interfaces to be provided across adjoining property boundaries as shown on Figure 1, including provisions for pedestrian connectivity and provisions to avoid unreasonable detriment to the privacy and amenity of residential areas .’

13 Clarify language regarding public consultation process for Rowville Plan to better represent that views collected represent those of participants and not necessarily the entire community.

Submissions Rowville Plan 19 Amend text in 3rd paragraph of section on 'Key Influences: Community Input' as follows: "...strong opinions expressed by participants in the community engagement process."

11 Clarify 10% for development allowed prior to permit or development plan at Stud Park Shopping Centre in terms of total maximum leaseable floor area

12 Other considerations for DPO 12, providing clarification on queries from owner



Page 83: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Submissions

4 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsOther Minor Changes

Housing Strategy 41 Add the following text to the glossary: Canopy Tree - a perennial woody plant that reaches more than five (5) metres in height.

Design Guidelines 11, 15, 19, 23

Add the following text to the Canopy Trees section of the Guidelines: Note: A canopy tree is a perennial woody plant that reaches more than five (5) metres in height.

Design Guidelines 8, 10, 14, 18,


Change any coloured (housing area) land that is non-residential to 'white'.

Housing Strategy 17-21 Change any coloured (housing area) land that is non-residential to 'white'.

Housing Strategy 8 Add text below 'Residential Area Types' matrix as follows: some sites are affected by restrictive covenants which limit development. Covenants overide planning requirements.

Design Guidelines 17 Add text below 'Residential Area Types' matrix as follows: some sites are affected by restrictive covenants which limit development. Covenants overide planning requirements.

Housing Strategy 8 Add text below 'Bush Suburban' in matrix as follows: Minimum subdivision size requirements apply and may limit opportunities for dual occupancy.

Design Guidelines 17 Add text below 'Bush Suburban' in matrix as follows: Minimum subdivision size requirements apply and may limit opportunities for dual occupancy.

18 Remove reference to preference for carports over garages .

Submissions Design Guidelines 26, 27, 28, 29,


Remove reference to preference for carports over garages.

19 Require that the rear dwelling is single storey in developments of three or more dwellings in Knox Neighbourhood areas.

Submissions LPP 07 - Res. Devel. / NC

3 22.07-4 Add an additional dot point under Design Guidelines as follows: In developments of three or more dwellings, ensure that the rear dwelling is single storey in height.


14 Specify Council's definition of 'canopy tree'

15 Amend map to show all non-residentially zoned land as 'white', e.g. Knox Community Garden.

16 Note that covenants continue to apply to land and overide planning requirements

17 Add note in 'Residential Area Types' matrix referring to subdivision restrictions in the Dandenong Foothills




Page 84: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Internal Review

Page 5 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsZone Changes

Housing Strategy 17, 18 Amend Residential Policy Map to show sites as Bush Suburban Design Guidelines 8, 10 Amend Residential Policy Map to show sites as Bush Suburban

Zoning Maps Amend zoning maps as required, to show sites as Neighbourhood Residential Schedule 2

MSS 05 6 Amend Residential Policy Map to show sites as Bush Suburban

21 Rezone additional parcel of land comprising 55 Burwood Highway (adjacent to Eastlink) from Residential 3 Zone to General Residential Zone (Schedule 2) due to a mapping error.

Internal Review Zoning Map 1 Amend the map to show site as General Residential Zone 2 (GRZ2).

22 Retain all existing non-residential zones that have inadvertantly been mapped for a new residential zone.

Internal Review Zoning Maps Amend zoning maps as required, to show retention of existing non-residential zones (eg Public Park & Recreation Zone; Urban Floodway Zone; Public Use Zone).

Strategic Sites23 Strategic Site 13 Waverley Golf Club and

adjoining sites - note additional considerations.

Internal Review Housing Strategy 27 Add two dot points, as follows: - Sites of Biological Significance; - Bushfire Risk

Housing Strategy 25 Amend address as follows: 1201-1211 High Street Road and Lot 12 Pumps Road, Wantirna South

MSS 05 6 Amend address in Housing Framework map as follows: 1201-1211 High Street Road and Lot 12 Pumps Road, Wantirna South

Housing Strategy 25 Amend address as follows: 609-621 Burwood Highway, Knoxfield

MSS 05 6 Amend address in Housing Framework map as follows: 609-621 Burwood Highway, Knoxfield

25 Amend address for Strategic Site 7: DPI Site, to reflect the accurate address.

Internal Review

20 Apply Bush Suburban designation and Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 2 to additional sites which are affected by an ESO or VPO4 as specified in Appendix D (as these sites were erroneously omitted at exhibition).

Internal Review

24 Amend address for Strategic Site 10: Jenkins Orchard, to reflect the accurate address.

Internal Review

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Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Internal Review

Page 6 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsRowville

Rowville Plan 7 Change reference to 'Stamford Park Historic Homestead' in third point of 'Culturally Rich and Active Communities'

Rowville Plan 8 Delete 'large new public spaces' and change reference to 'Stamford Park Historic Homestead' in Direction for "Create a public 'heart'..."

Rowville Plan 11 Change '1864' to 'the mid 1860s' and delete 'Scoresby/' from 'Rural Settlement'

Rowville Plan 13 Change reference to 'Stamford Park Historic Homestead' and delete 'at Stamford Park' in Community Services'

Rowville Plan 43 Change reference to 'Stamford Park Historic Homestead' in third point of 'Vision for Rowville'

Rowville Plan 43 Move reference to 'Stamford Park Historic Homestead' from first paragraph to second paragraph of 'Parks, Recreation & Open Space'

Rowville Plan 44 Change references to 'Stamford Park' and 'Stamford Park Historic Homestead' in first paragraph of 'Stamford Park'

Rowville Plan 22 Add paragraph related to urban heat island effect to 'Healthy, Active Lifestyles'

Rowville Plan 38 Add 'other construction' to Strategy 14.1Rowville Plan 38 Change Strategy 14.2 to 'Implement Integrated Water Cycle

Management (IWCM) principles, including Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) principles techniques in public and private buildings, landscapes and construction works within the Activity Centre'

Rowville Plan 38 Correct typo in Strategy 15.1Rowville Plan 38 Add 'particularly in response to a changing climate' to the end of

Stragegy 15.2Rowville Plan 38 Change 'pollution' to 'stormwater runoff and pollutants' in Stragegy

15.3Rowville Plan 39 Change 'coordination' to 'partnership work' and add 'flood modelling'

and 'flood mitigation' to Strategy 15.5Rowville Plan 39 Add 'in collaboration with Melbourne Water' to Strategy 15.6Rowville Plan 39 Add new Strategy 15.7 related to educating stakeholders on roles

and responsibilities related to flood risk and mitigation

27 Edits related to Stormwater Management, providing clarification on current approach

Internal Review

26 Update references to Stamford Park and Stamford Park Historic Homestead in line with updated masterplan to ensure consistency across documents

Internal Review

Page 86: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Internal Review

Page 7 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsOther Minor Changes

RGZ Sch_1 1 1.0 Add text in table at Clause 1.0 - Private Open Space B28 - "Private open space consisting of a minumum area of 15 square metres which may include: a balcony with a minimum area of 8 square metres, and minimum width of 1.8m; or a rooftop with a minimum area of 10 square metres and minimum width of 2m."

RGZ Sch_2 1 1.0 Add text in table at Clause 1.0 - Private Open Space B28 - "Private open space consisting of a minumum area of 15 square metres which may include: a balcony with a minimum area of 8 square metres, and minimum width of 1.8m; or a rooftop with a minimum area of 10 square metres and minimum width of 2m."

GRZ Sch_4 1 2.0 Add text in table at Clause 2.0 - Private Open Space B28 - "Private open space consisting of a minumum area of 15 square metres which may include: a balcony with a minimum area of 8 square metres, and minimum width of 1.8m; or a rooftop with a minimum area of 10 square metres and minimum width of 2m."

GRZ Sch_2 2 2.0 Delete dot points 2 and 3 from Private Open Sapce B28 in the table at Clause 2.0

NRZ Sch_1 1 3.0 Delete dot points 2 and 3 from Private Open Space A17 and B28 in the table at Clause 3.0

NRZ Sch_2 1 3.0 Delete dot points 2 and 3 from Private Open Space A17 and B28 in the table at Clause 3.0

29 Remove reference to balconies and rooftop private open space for Bush Suburban and Knox Neighbourhood areas, as these types of open space should not be provided in place of 100sq.m at ground floor.

Internal Review

28 Include Private Open Space requirements for Activity Areas in all relevant zone schedules, in accordance with the requirements in the Residential Design Guidelines (in order to provide more clarity for permit applicants).

Internal Review

Page 87: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Internal Review

Page 8 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsOther Minor Changes

GRZ Sch_2 2 3.0 Amend the text in Clause 3.0 as follows: A dwelling or residential building must not exceed a height of 8 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than 8 metres of the site of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the height of the building must not exceed 9 metres. Architectural features designed to the satisfaction of the responsible authority may exceed the maximum building height.

GRZ Sch_3 1 3.0 Amend the text in Clause 3.0 as follows: A dwelling or residential building must not exceed a height of 8 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than 8 metres of the site of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the height of the building must not exceed 9 metres. Architectural features designed to the satisfaction of the responsible authority may exceed the maximum building height.

NRZ Sch_2 2 5.0 Amend the text in Clause 5.0 as follows: A building used for the purpose of a dwelling must not exceed a height of 8 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than 8 metres of the site of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the height of the building must not exceed 9 metres, except for architectural features designed to the satisfaction of the responsible authority.

30 Allow for architectural features to exceed maximum building height in all areas except the Dandenong Foothills (in order to provide constency across residential areas).

Internal Review

Page 88: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Internal Review

Page 9 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsOther Minor Changes

GRZ Sch_2 1 3.0 Amend the text in Clause 3.0 as follows: A dwelling or residential building must not exceed a height of 8 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than 8 metres of the site of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the height of the building must not exceed 9 metres. Architectural features designed to the satisfaction of the responsible authority may exceed the maximum building height.

GRZ Sch_3 Amend the text in Clause 3.0 as follows: A dwelling or residential building must not exceed a height of 8 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than 8 metres of the site of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the height of the building must not exceed 9 metres. Architectural features designed to the satisfaction of the responsible authority may exceed the maximum building height.

RGZ Sch_1 1 2.0 Amend the text in Clause 2.0 as follows: A dwelling or residential building must not exceed a height of 9 metres, unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than 8 metres of the site of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which case the height of the building must not exceed 10 metres. Architectural features designed to the satisfaction of the responsible authority may exceed the maximum building height.

LPP 07 - Res. Devel. / NC

4 22.07-5 Add additional text to dot point 8 under Design Guidelines, as follows: At least one dwelling should contain a bedroom, kitchen, bath or shower, and a toilet and wash basin at ground floor level.

LPP 07 - Res. Devel. / NC

5 22.07-6 Add additional text to dot point 10 under Design Guidelines, as follows: At least one dwelling should contain a bedroom, kitchen, bath or shower, and a toilet and wash basin at ground floor level.

LPP 07 - Res. Devel. / NC

6 22.07-7 Amend text in dot point 5 under Design Guidelines to read: In developments of three or more dwellings provide at least one dwelling with a bedroom, kitchen, bath or shower, and a toilet and wash basin provide at least one dwelling with one bedroom and facilities on the same level as the entrance to the dwelling.

31 Allow buildings to exceed maximum building heights where there is a slope to the land (in order to provide consistency across residential areas).

Internal Review

32 Provide more direction for accessible dwellings in developments of 3 or more dwellings, to provide consistent language with other parts of the Planning Scheme.

Internal Review

Page 89: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Internal Review

Page 10 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsOther Minor Changes

Design Guidelines 11, 15, 19, 23

Add the following text to point 4 in the Canopy Trees section of the Guidelines, in brackets: (this does not include the width of one driveway)

Design Guidelines 12, 16, 20, 24

Amend text for the 'Landscaping' diagram as follows: 1 canopy tree per 5m width for front yards (this does not include the width of one driveway)

GRZ Sch_2 1 2.0 Amend text in the table to Clause 2.0, dot point 2 for Landscaping B13 as follows: a minimum of one canopy tree within the front setback per 5 metres of width of the site (excluding the width of one driveway)

GRZ Sch_3 1 2.0 Add text to sentence one in the table to Clause 2.0 for Landscaping B13 as follows, in brackets: (excluding the width of one driveway)

GRZ Sch_4 1 2.0 Add text to sentence one in the table to Clause 2.0 for Landscaping B13 as follows, in brackets: (excluding the width of one driveway)

NRZ Sch_2 1 3.0 Amend text in the table to Clause 3.0, dot point 2 for Landscaping B13 as follows: a minimum of one canopy tree within the front setback per 5 metres of width of the site (excluding the width of one driveway)

RGZ Sch_1 1 1.0 Add text to sentence one in the table to Clause 1.0 for Landscaping B13 as follows, in brackets: (excluding the width of one driveway)

RGZ Sch_2 1 1.0 Add text to sentence one in the table to Clause 1.0 for Landscaping B13 as follows, in brackets: (excluding the width of one driveway)

NRZ Sch_1 2 4.0 Delete 'none specified' and add 'one dwelling'.

NRZ Sch_2 2 4.0 Delete 'none specified' and add 'one dwelling'.

35 Amend Economic Framework Plan (this plan was redrawn with no changes as part of this amendment and one error has been identified).

Internal Review MSS 07 10 Amend map to update references to Bayswater Industrial Area and former Nutrimetics site.

36 Include the definition of 'Sites of Biological Significance', as this term is used in the Housing Strategy.

Internal Review Housing Strategy 41 Include the definition from the Sites of Biological Significance Study in the Glossary.

33 Width of the site to exclude the width of one driveway, for the purpose of calculating number of canoy trees within the front setback, to reflect advice from Council's Landscape Assessment Officers.

Internal Review

34 Specify that a maximum of one dwelling on a lot is permitted in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone, in order to minimise confusion relating minimum lot sizes and development potential.

Internal Review

Page 90: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Internal Review

Page 11 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit Details37 Replace the plan view image of 'apartment'

with a pitched roof image to match perspective view (rectifying layout error).

Internal Review Design Guidelines 30 Replace the plan view image of 'apartment' with a pitched roof image to match perspective view.

Page 91: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Amendment C131 - List of Recommended Changes - from Internal Review

Page 12 of 12

No. Change Reason Document Page Section Edit DetailsOther Minor Changes

38 Change heading from 'Front Setbacks' to 'Setbacks' to reflect front and rear, to provide greater clarity.

Internal Review Design Guidelines 11, 15, 19, 23

Change heading to reflect 'Setbacks'.

39 Add action that Council is preparing 'Access and Movement for All' Guidelines for new development of 5+ dwellings (work recently commenced since drafting of the Housing Strategy).

Internal Review Housing Strategy 37 Add action that Council is preparing 'Access and Movement for All' Guidelines for new development of 5+ dwellings.

40 Updates relating to State Government's release of the final Plan Melbourne strategy and new Planning Policy Framework (released since drafting of the Housing Strategy).

Internal Review Housing Strategy tbc Add role and context of Plan Melbourne strategy and Planning Policy Framework, and how the Housing Strategy seeks to implement it in Knox. May include key statistics, opportunities and initiatives relevant to Knox and future residential development.

Housing Strategy 4, 5, 12, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54

Replace current population and household data with latest Victoria in Future data (released in June 2014). The projections are similar to the current data so the discussion in the Strategy will be fairly similar.

Rowville Plan tbc Replace current population and household data with latest Victoria in Future data (released in June 2014). The projections are similar to the current data so the discussion in the Strategy will be fairly similar.

41 Replace existing population forecast data with latest Victoria in Future population projections (released in June 2014).

Internal Review

Page 92: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Additional Bush Suburban Sites Changes recommended as a result on internal review - identified sites erroneously left out at exhibition. Affected landowners will be notified.

Map No.

Map Addresses Current Zone

Incorrectly Exhibited Zone

1 733 Boronia Road

8 Ashley Street

50 Bateman Street

48 Bateman Street

46 Bateman Street

44 Bateman Street

42 Bateman Street

19 Bateman Street

Bateman Street

57 Clarence Road

Ashley Street

Addresses are in Wantirna, VIC,3152

NB: Any land zoned Road Zone is not proposed to change.











Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2)

Activity Area (RGZ1) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2)


Appendix D

Page 93: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Additional Bush Suburban Sites Changes recommended as a result on internal review - identified sites erroneously left out at exhibition. Affected landowners will be notified.

Map No.

Map Addresses Current Zone

Incorrectly Exhibited Zone


30 Armstrong Road 5 Neal Court (part) 6 Neal Court

Addresses are in Bayswater, VIC,3153


Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2)


Page 94: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Additional Bush Suburban Sites Changes recommended as a result on internal review - identified sites erroneously left out at exhibition. Affected landowners will be notified.

Map No.

Map Addresses Current Zone

Incorrectly Exhibited Zone


151 Napoleon Road 149 Napoleon Road

Addresses are in Lysterfield, VIC,3156


Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2)


Page 95: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Additional Bush Suburban Sites Changes recommended as a result on internal review - identified sites erroneously left out at exhibition. Affected landowners will be notified.

Map No.

Map Addresses Current Zone

Incorrectly Exhibited Zone


23 Reservoir Crescent (part) 17 Reservoir Crescent (part)

Addresses are in Rowville, VIC,3178


Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2)


Page 96: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Additional Bush Suburban Sites Changes recommended as a result on internal review - identified sites erroneously left out at exhibition. Affected landowners will be notified.

Map No.

Map Addresses Current Zone

Incorrectly Exhibited Zone


Ash Grove 10 Ash Grove 8 Ash Grove 42 Elm Street 40 Elm Street 38 Elm Street 36 Elm Street 1/14 Ash Grove 2/14 Ash Grove 3/14 Ash Grove 12 Ash Grove 1/33 Birch Street 2/33 Birch Street 3/33 Birch Street 1/7 Ash Grove 2/7 Ash Grove 9 Ash Grove 1/9 Ash Grove 2/9 Ash Grove


Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2)


Page 97: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Additional Bush Suburban Sites Changes recommended as a result on internal review - identified sites erroneously left out at exhibition. Affected landowners will be notified.

Map No.

Map Addresses Current Zone

Incorrectly Exhibited Zone

3/9 Ash Grove 4/9 Ash Grove 5/9 Ash Grove 13 Ash Grove 43 Birch Street 45 Birch Street

Addresses are in Bayswater, VIC,3153


Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2) Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2)


Page 98: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration

Additional Bush Suburban Sites Changes recommended as a result on internal review - identified sites erroneously left out at exhibition. Affected landowners will be notified.

Map No.

Map Addresses Current Zone

Incorrectly Exhibited Zone


187 Harold Street WANTIRNA 3152 Address is in Wantirna, VIC,3152

R3Z Knox Neighbourhood (GRZ2)


Page 99: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

1 A) The submitter requests alteration tothe preferred maximum building heights for:• 41 Erica Avenue• 3 Genista Avenue• 5 Genista AvenueThe view of the submitter is that if the area between Orchid Avenue and Genista Avenue was of equal height, this would deliver better development outcomes.B) The submitter refers to previousCouncil decisions which have led to confusion and conflict within the community.

A) The question of building heights is beyond the scope of Amendment C133, however isappropriate for consideration when the Boronia Structure Plan is reviewed.In September 2011 Council resolved to: commence a review of the Boronia Structure Plan - Amendment C62 following completion of the Knox Housing Policy Review Project, to assess whether the Scheme provisions have been effective in achieving the objectives. The Housing Review process is likely to be completed by late 2014/early 2015. While the Boronia Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2006, the planning controls which implement the Plan were only introduced into the Knox Planning Scheme in early 2012. It is recommended that the Boronia-specific planning controls (and the proposed Housing Strategy) be allowed to operate for longer, prior to reviewing the Plan. It is recommended that a review of the Boronia Structure Plan be deferred until 2016-17. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs.

No change.

2 The Department of Sustainability and Environment has considered the submission and has no objection.

Submission noted. n/a

3 South East Water as the Water Supply and Sewerage Authority has no objection.

Submission noted. n/a

4 Public Transport Victoria has no comments to make on the Amendment.

Submission noted. n/a

C133 - Summary of Submissions (Boronia Structure Plan Area) and Officer Responses

Appendix E

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

5 The submitter’s area of concern is the ‘Established Residential’ and ‘Dispersed Infill Residential’ areas. The submitter’s site is within the ‘Established Residential’ area. The submitter is concerned that the discouragement of apartments in ‘Established Residential’ areas will negatively affect property values. The submitter requests that the site be designated ‘Dispersed Infill Residential’ in line with surrounding properties.

A review of the Land Use Framework Map in Clause 22.06 has identified some sites that appear to be anomalies, where it would be logical to bring them into line with the surrounding area identified as ‘Dispersed Infill Residential’. The submitter's site is located on the boundary of 'Established Residential' and 'Dispersed Infill Residential' at the south-western boundary of the Activity Centre. It is considered that this is a logical boundary and is therefore not an anomoly. No change to the designation of this site is recommended. Refer to Section 2.3.1 of report.

No change.

6 The submitter’s site designated Established Residential’. The submitter requests that, in the absence of any explanation for this designation, that the site be designated ‘Dispersed Infill Residential’.

A review of the Land Use Framework Map in Clause 22.06 has identified some sites that appear to be anomalies, where it would be logical to bring them into line with the surrounding area which has been identified as ‘Dispersed Infill Residential’. The submitter's site is one of six sites designated 'Established Residential' that are in a broader 'Dispersed Infill' area. It is considered appropriate that these sites be changed to be consistent with the surrounding area. Refer to Section 2.3.1 of report.

Change. Refer to Appendix F.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

7 A) The submitter believes that the Activity Centre boundaries cover too large an area and take in too many residential properties. B) The submitter is of the view that apartments should not be approved among single storey residences in any of the residential areas.

A) A review of the Activity Centre boundaries is beyond the scope of Amendment C133, however would be appropriate for consideration through a review of the Boronia Structure Plan. In September 2011 Council resolved to: commence a review of the Boronia Structure Plan - Amendment C62 following completion of the Knox Housing Policy Review Project, to assess whether the Scheme provisions have been effective in achieving the objectives. The Housing Review process is likely to be completed by late 2014/early 2015. While the Boronia Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2006, the planning controls which implement the Plan were only introduced into the Knox Planning Scheme in early 2012. It is recommended that the Boronia-specific planning controls (and the proposed Housing Strategy) be allowed to operate for longer, prior to reviewing the Plan. It is not recommended that a review of the Boronia Structure Plan be undertaken immediately following the Housing Review process. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs. B) Amendment C133 provides greate direction for where apartment developments can occur within the Activity Centre.

No change.

8 A) The submitter believes that the Activity Centre boundaries cover too large an area and take in too many residential properties. B) Residential building should be capped at one or two storeys and apartment buildings do not belong amongst single storey residences. Townhouses should look like houses, not apartments

A) A review of the Activity Centre boundaries is beyond the scope of Amendment C133, however would be appropriate for consideration through a review of the Boronia Structure Plan.In September 2011 Council resolved to: commence a review of the Boronia Structure Plan - Amendment C62 following completion of the Knox Housing Policy Review Project, to assess whether the Scheme provisions have been effective in achieving the objectives. The Housing Review process is likely to be completed by late 2014/early 2015. While the Boronia Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2006, the planning controls which implement the Plan were only introduced into the Knox Planning Scheme in early 2012. It is recommended that the Boronia-specific planning controls (and the proposed Housing Strategy) be allowed to operate for longer, prior to reviewing the Plan. It is not recommended that a review of the Boronia Structure Plan be undertaken immediately following the Housing Review process. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs. B) Amendment C133 provides greate direction for where apartment developments can occur within the Activity Centre.

No change.

Page 102: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

9 The submitter’s site designated Established Residential’. The submitter requests that, in the absence of any explanation for this designation, that the site be designated ‘Dispersed Infill Residential’, in accordance with the surrounding sites.

A review of the Land Use Framework Map in Clause 22.06 has identified some sites that appear to be anomalies, where it would be logical to bring them into line with the surrounding area which has been identified as ‘Dispersed Infill Residential’. The submitter's site is one of six sites designated 'Established Residential' that are in a broader 'Dispersed Infill' area. It is considered appropriate that these sites be changed to be consistent with the surrounding area. Refer to Section 2.3.1 of report.

Change. Refer to Appendix F.

10 A) The submitter expresses concern regarding the nature of development which has been occurring Boronia, particular with regard to building heights, loss of trees, loss of space on residential blocks, and parking and traffic concerns. B) The submitter queries some of the content of the Boronia Structure Plan and, in particular, why the building height requirements within the Planning Scheme differ to those in the Boronia Structure Plan.

A) Consideration of development that has occurred to date in the Boronia Activity Centre is beyond the scope of Amendment C133.

B) The implementation of elements of the Boronia Structure Plan into the Knox Planning Scheme was undertaken through Amendment C62. This was a lengthy process which resulted in some changes to the final documentation approved by the Minister for Planning in February 2012. The ‘Addendum to the Boronia Structure Plan March 2012’ reflects these changes and replaces the Built Form (Building Height) Framework (Figure 7) between pages 20 and 21. The addendum is available on Council’s website.

No change.

11 A) The submitter supports the discouragement of inappropriate development in the Foothills part of the Activity Centre (south side of Bambury Street). B) However, the submitter also states that Bambury Street should not be included within the boundary of the Boronia Activity Centre.

A) The support for the objectives of Amendment C133 is noted.B) A review of the Activity Centre boundaries is beyond the scope of Amendment C133, however would be appropriate for consideration through a review of the Boronia Structure Plan. In September 2011 Council resolved to: commence a review of the Boronia Structure Plan - Amendment C62 following completion of the Knox Housing Policy Review Project, to assess whether the Scheme provisions have been effective in achieving the objectives. The Housing Review process is likely to be completed by late 2014/early 2015. While the Boronia Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2006, the planning controls which implement the Plan were only introduced into the Knox Planning Scheme in early 2012. It is recommended that the Boronia-specific planning controls (and the proposed Housing Strategy) be allowed to operate for longer, prior to reviewing the Plan. It is not recommended that a review of the Boronia Structure Plan be undertaken immediately following the Housing Review process. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

12A The submitter is of the view that the Boronia Structure Plan is in need of urgent review. The submitter proposes that the Plan could be reviewed before the expiry date of the interim controls brought in through Amendment C95. The submitter raises a number of areas of concern relating to the Boronia Structure Plan, particularly relating to what the Plan does not include: infrastructure considerations; mandatory height limits; building heights designated in ‘storeys’; dwelling density requirements; new subdivision patterns; compulsory acquisition of land.

In September 2011 Council resolved to: commence a review of the Boronia Structure Plan - Amendment C62 following completion of the Knox Housing Policy Review Project, to assess whether the Scheme provisions have been effective in achieving the objectives. The Housing Review process is likely to be completed by late 2014/early 2015. While the Boronia Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2006, the planning controls which implement the Plan were only introduced into the Knox Planning Scheme in early 2012. It is recommended that the Boronia-specific planning controls (and the proposed Housing Strategy) be allowed to operate for longer, prior to reviewing the Plan. It is not recommended that a review of the Boronia Structure Plan be undertaken immediately following the Housing Review process. The issues raised would be relevant when the review of the Boronia Structure Plan is undertaken. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs.

No change.

12B A) The submitter objects to the deletion of the following text from Schedule 7 of the Design and Development Overlay (Clause 1): To provide a transition between more intense building heights within the commercial environs, and lower building forms in adjoining established residential areas. B) The submitter is of the view that Council’s communication that there are no proposed changes to the Boronia Structure Plan is misleading.

A) The text has been replaced with the following objective in Schedule 7 of the Design and Development Overlay (Clause 1.0): To ensure that new residential development provide for transitional built form between changes in building heights as shown at Map 1 of this clause. B) It is the case that no changes are proposed to the adopted Boronia Structure Plan. Amendment C133 proposes changes to the statutory tools which implement the planning aspects of the Plan. The proposed re-wording seeks to improve the way in the which the Knox Planning Scheme represents the objectives of the Boronia Structure Plan, without reviewing the content or intent of the Plan itself.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

13 The submitter is of the view that the south side of Bambury Street should be removed from the Boronia Activity Centre and the boundary should run along the northern boundary of the Boronia K-12 College.

A review of the Activity Centre boundaries is beyond the scope of Amendment C133, however would be appropriate for consideration through a review of the Boronia Structure Plan. In September 2011 Council resolved to: commence a review of the Boronia Structure Plan - Amendment C62 following completion of the Knox Housing Policy Review Project, to assess whether the Scheme provisions have been effective in achieving the objectives. The Housing Review process is likely to be completed by late 2014/early 2015. While the Boronia Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2006, the planning controls which implement the Plan were only introduced into the Knox Planning Scheme in early 2012. It is recommended that the Boronia-specific planning controls (and the proposed Housing Strategy) be allowed to operate for longer, prior to reviewing the Plan. It is not recommended that a review of the Boronia Structure Plan be undertaken immediately following the Housing Review process. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs.

No change.

14 Government


The EPA notes that the Boronia Major Activity Centre may bring more residential development into close proximity to the train station and railway line. They advise that appropriate and fit for purpose noise attenuation measures may be an adequate inclusion in the amendment.

This issue is beyond the scope of Amendment C133, however is appropriate for consideration when the Boronia Structure Plan is reviewed. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs.

No change.

15 A) The submitter is of the view that apartment developments are only suitable for commercial areas, not residential streets. B) The submitter believes the Boronia Progress Hall and heritage identified buildings should be protected.

A) The issues noted in the submission are beyond the scope of Amendment C133, however are appropriate for consideration when the Boronia Structure Plan is reviewed. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs. B) At the 26 June 2012 Council meeting, Council considered a number of heritage buildings within the Boronia Activity Centre and resolved not to apply the Heritage Overlay to these sites.

No change.

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Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

16 A) The submitter notes that the southern side of Bambury Street will be zoned General Residential Zone – Schedule 4 under Amendment C131; and the northern side (affected by Foothills DDOs) will be Neighbourhood Residential Zone – Schedule 2. The submitter submits that the private open space requirements for the GRZ4 will not be consistent with the provision of canopy trees consistent with the Foothills character of the area. B) The submitter requests that a minimum height of a canopy tree be specified. The submitter recommends 7m.

A) All of the zone schedules (proposed through Amendment C131) will specify the number of canopy trees required on a site, which brings landscaping to the forefront of the design process. The balance between canopy tree planting and private open space requirements will be managed through the permit process, guided by the additional direction added to the Planning Scheme through Amendment C133.B) Council's Landscape Assessment Officers use the industry standard definition of a canopy tree: "a perennial woody plant that reaches more than five (5) metres in height". It is recommended that this definition be included in the Residential Design Guidelines through the Amendment C131 process.

No change (refer to Change no. 14 in Appendix C for Amendment C131).

17 A) The submitter supports the designation of the south side of Bambury Street as ‘Established Residential’. B) However, the submitter also states that Bambury Street should not be included within the boundary of the Boronia Activity Centre.

A) The support for the objectives of Amendment C133 is noted.B) A review of the Activity Centre boundaries is beyond the scope of Amendment C133, however would be appropriate for consideration through a review of the Boronia Structure Plan. In September 2011 Council resolved to: commence a review of the Boronia Structure Plan - Amendment C62 following completion of the Knox Housing Policy Review Project, to assess whether the Scheme provisions have been effective in achieving the objectives. The Housing Review process is likely to be completed by late 2014/early 2015. While the Boronia Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2006, the planning controls which implement the Plan were only introduced into the Knox Planning Scheme in early 2012. It is recommended that the Boronia-specific planning controls (and the proposed Housing Strategy) be allowed to operate for longer, prior to reviewing the Plan. It is not recommended that a review of the Boronia Structure Plan be undertaken immediately following the Housing Review process. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs.

No change.

Page 106: Amendment C131 - Proposed Residential Areas and ... · The site is not currently proposed to be rezoned through Amendment C131, however is considered to be suitable for consideration



Submission Number

Summary Officer response Change/No change/No change requested

18 The submitter is concerned that the south side of Bambury Street is within the Activity Area (the submitter refers to the red zone, as per the draft Knox Housing Strategy). The submitter is of the view that it should be Local Living.

The designation of Activity Area applies to the whole of the Boronia Activity area, however development within this area is guided by the Boronia Structure Plan and planning controls which implement elements of this plan. The Structure Plan and associated planning controls provide specific guidance within the Activity Centre. These controls (such as height limits) result in a lower scale of development in some areas of the Activity Centre. C133 seeks to enhance this direction by providing greater certainty particularly for the Bambury Street area, particularly through the discouragement apartments in that location.

No change.

19 A) The submitter expresses concern with development that has occurred within Boronia over the last four years. Apartment style developments are not suitable for the ageing population or for young families. The submitter requests that mandatory height limits be introduced in Boronia and stresses the need to protect vegetation. B) The submitter believes the Boronia Progress Hall and heritage identified buildings should be protected.

A) The issues noted in the submission are beyond the scope of Amendment C133, however are appropriate for consideration when the Boronia Structure Plan is reviewed. All submissions to Amendment C133 that are relevant to the Boronia Structure Plan will be kept on file for consideration and input into the review when it occurs. B) At the 26 June 2012 Council meeting, Council considered a number of heritage buildings within the Boronia Activity Centre and resolved not to apply the Heritage Overlay to these sites.

No change.

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