Page 1: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and


!Amazon Teacher Plants

!fall / winter retreats

!November 18 - 30, 2015

January 6 - 18, 2016


Page 2: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and


The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and transformation. To enhance and deepen the effects of the Ayahuasca we are given additional teas on a daily basis made from freshly picked plants and herbs. We also benefit from the ritual use of plant and flower baths to support the cleansing our energy bodies and to assist in opening us more fully to the world of plant spirit medicine. These baths are prepared by our maestros using specially chosen plants and flowers which are selected based on their particular spiritual, cleansing or empowering effects. We will also receive instruction in the use of traditional Shipibo plant perfumes.

This retreat focuses on the detoxification and clearing of the mind and body, both physically and energetically, in preparation for receiving the sacred medicine and deep teachings of Ayahuasca. We participate in the preparation of all of our plant teas and baths as well as the Ayahuasca we will be using in ceremony - this is an important aspect of the program as it allows us to connect energetically with the plants and share our intentions with the medicines we will be working with throughout the retreat.


Page 3: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and

!On an emotional and spiritual level the effects of drinking Ayahuasca can be quite profound. Release from traumas, guilt, depression, anxiety and fear are quite common. Participants often feel an exquisite connection and communion with the earth, humankind and the natural world. A greater sense of clarity and purpose in one’s life as well as explorations into the nature of love, compassion and forgiveness are commonly experienced. The synergistic combination of plants we use throughout this retreat in combination with the strict diet provide deep detoxification and balancing within the physical body.

Depending on a person’s commitment to the process and degree of openness to the spirits of the plants, direct and experiential knowledge of a revelatory nature can be accessed in ceremony and during dieta. This is why in the jungle these plants are universally acknowledged to be master teachers or plantas maestras.

The effects of these experiences continue to integrate long after each participant returns home. On a personal level, healing, recalibrating and balancing of the physical, mental and emotional bodies are the main benefits of this work. Collectively, the trans-personal nature of this sacred medicine gives us access to realms of visionary insight that can help to support our evolution towards a future of greater peace, harmony and balance.


Page 4: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and


The entire program is overseen by maestro Reshin Soi and his brother and fellow maestro Biri Sani, who are experienced and traditional Shipibo curanderos. They work together with a high degree of integrity and heart. Their medicine is pure and they are very authentic in their approach to this work as they come from an extended family lineage of Shipibo healers. As young boys both maestro Reshin Soi and maestro Biri Sani were chosen for this path by their grandfather, a well-respected Shipibo curandero from the village of Paoyan. They were mentored throughout their lives by their grandfather, who gifted these ancient teachings to his grandsons in the tradition of this beautiful and fascinating culture.

Both maestro Reshin Soi and maestro Biri Sani have spent years studying the plants of their region and have devoted their lives to this path, spending much time in dieta with these teacher plants and trees. Reshin Soi completed his first dieta at the age of 12. The dieta tradition is a vital part of the training of a Shipibo shaman - it is how an apprentice learns how to heal and acquires power, forming alliances with the spirits of the plants and the jungle. It is also how a shaman comes to receive his or her icaros, which are the unique tools with which a shaman guides a ceremony and calls in the healing energy of various plants to help people with their specific needs.


Page 5: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and

The Shipibo are one of the largest indigenous groups of the Peruvian Amazon and they are widely acknowledged to be the masters of Ayahuasca. There is archaeological evidence that suggests the Shipibo have existed in this region for well over 3,000 years and there are also indications that they experienced direct contact with the Inca. We are fortunate to be working with these two curanderos as they are passionate about sharing the history and knowledge of their culture and medicine.


Page 6: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and


$2,200 USD

What is included in the program fee:

• 5 Ayahuasca ceremonies

• Daily medicinal teas chosen by our curanderos

• Plant and flower baths

• Small group size limited to 8 participants

• Personal guidance and consultations with the curanderos

• Introduction to the traditions of Shipibo plant medicine

• Group integration work

• Jungle walks and river trips

• All transportation to and from comunidad San Francisco

• All food and medicine, including purified drinking water

• Private rooms

• Daily laundry service



Page 7: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and

!What is not included in the program fee:

• International and domestic travel to Pucallpa, Peru

• Accommodations / food in Pucallpa, Peru if necessary


* There are no travel visas required for travel to Peru *

* There are no vaccinations required for travel to Peru *


We will be staying in the Shipibo settlement of San Francisco, which is accessed by river boat from Pucallpa, Peru. During our time in the village of San Francisco we are cared for by maestro Reshin Soi and his family in their home. This is a very special and intimate experience of Shipibo family life.

Sleeping accommodations are simple but comfortable. Private rooms are furnished with single beds and mosquito nets. Food is fresh and pure to enhance the effects and the integration of the plant medicine, and laundry service is provided daily.


Page 8: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and


I have been working consistently with Ayahuasca and Amazon plant medicines since 2012, when I traveled to Peru with a small group and stayed in the jungle with a Shipibo family. This was an intense initiation with Ayahuasca, and I have since felt very motivated to provide a safe space in which others may experience this extraordinary teacher plant.

This trip will be my sixth journey to Peru for medicine work. It is with much gratitude and joy that I offer support to both guests and hosts alike to ensure that everyone is cared for throughout these retreats. I am honoured to be of service both in and out of ceremony.

I am happy to assist with organizing itineraries and booking any necessary hotel or hostel reservations, and I am always available for post-trip integration support.


Page 9: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and


These retreats are very intimate and unique in that we benefit greatly from ongoing guidance and feedback from our maestros. I am very grateful for the dynamic working relationship I have with these extraordinary Shipibo curanderos and their families. Access to these authentic traditions in a protected space and the heart with which they are shared are probably the greatest gifts I can offer as an organizer of these expeditions.

Please note that this is not a commercial retreat center and we do not accept new people joining in from one ceremony to the next. We experience the medicine work from start to finish as a coherent group. This standard allows for a very safe and stable ceremonial space which enables us to go very deep, very fast.

There is an application process for this program which ensures that everyone chosen for the group is healthy, grounded and prepared for the experience.

Ayahuasca tourism in the jungle is growing rapidly and it is of paramount importance that safe and authentic plant medicine is available to those who seek out this experience.

If you are interested in participating in this retreat please submit the attached application to:

[email protected]

Bendiciones! !!!

Page 10: Amazon Teacher Plants · The heart of these retreats is our work with Ayahuasca, the powerful, holistic medicine of the jungle capable of gifting experiences of great healing and


This is an opportunity to stay on after the retreat to complete an introductory dieta under the guidance of maestro Reshin Soi. There will be a maximum of 4 people accepted for this dieta. If you are interested in doing a plant diet please specify this on your application and I will send you more detailed information.

With the great surge of interest in shamanic training happening world-wide, the ancient Amazonian tradition of dieting plants is a special experience that can offer the revolutionary potential of deep transformation within oneself. The plant dieta is an invaluable tool for self-discovery and empowerment and a vital component of Amazonian shamanic apprenticeship.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any additional questions about this program.
