Page 1: Am I a Candidate for Dental Veneers?

Am I a Candidate for Dental Veneers?

Am I a candidate for dental veneers? Are

dental veneers good for you? These are the

top questions regarding getting your teeth

fixed. There are two different types of

dental veneers that can be added to your

existing teeth. The two veneers are

porcelain or composite. Porcelain veneers

can be custom made to fit your teeth

perfectly. Porcelain is also more adorable so

that they can usually tend to last more than

any type of other material. You usually have

to come back to have them applied to your

existing teeth. Composite veneers, on the

other hand, are created often on this game day after your x-rays are completed. After your x-rays are

completed, you can get it fixed to your teeth within one to two hours.

Are you unhappy with your smile today? Porcelain veneers can be excellent for you if you have teeth

gaps or chipped teeth. This is also considered a cosmetic procedure since you are getting dental veneers

for cosmetic reasons. Good luck in getting this covered by your dental insurance however. Before you

completely give up, it is a good option to check in with your insurance company to see if they do cover

this procedure.

Have you ever heard the phrase that your smile can light up the room? A beautiful smile not only will

have everyone taken second looks, but it also enhances your overall appearance. How many people like

to hang around those that frown all of the time? Not many… People like to hang around others that

smile because it has an overall positive effect. Smiling can also improve your confidence and it is

important to note that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. Perhaps getting porcelain

dental veneers can encourage you to smile more.

Don't rush into getting dental veneers into youth considered all dental crowns on the market. Porcelain

crowns have a very different process versus the silver crowns in affecting your overall appearance. The

Page 2: Am I a Candidate for Dental Veneers?

porcelain options are custom-made for your existing teeth and can be colored or brightened to enhance

your existing teeth.

Getting one or more porcelain veneers requires multiple visits at a cosmetic dentist. The first visit

usually involves a consultation about the desired effect, a dental exam and perhaps an X-ray and

impression of your mouth. The impression, however, is usually made during the second visit after the

dentist removes about 1/2 millimeter of tooth enamel. The impression is sent to a dental lab where the

veneers will be made. Each veneer is custom made in order to fit the tooth perfectly. You will see your

dentist after about a week or two, depending on when he or she will receive the veneers from the lab.

When you have a special problem such as an issue with the surface of your teeth, dental veneers can be

very helpful. It is important to understand that this is an option that covers the outer surface of the

tooth but is different from dental crowns. Dental veneers are fitted to the individual tooth and glued in

place. Dental veneers will then be trimmed to fit perfectly with the other tooth. The color of the dental

veneers is controlled by the glue which is used to attach it to the actual tooth surface.

Every person looks different and every smile is different. Some people have crooked teeth and others

have straight teeth. Some teeth are big and some are small. Some people have bright white teeth and

others have stained teeth from food and beverages. Some people have cracked teeth and other have

missing teeth. The point is that over time most people do not have the same smile as they did when

they were younger. If there is something wrong with your smile, you can fix it with veneers.
