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Describe a setting in which you have collaborated or interacted with people whose experiences and/or beliefs differ from yours. Address your initial feelings, and how

those feelings were or were not changed by this experience.

At age 14, I underwent a grave ordeal that helped me view and appreciate

the beauty of life instead of its negativity. Many of the people I know today believe

that what I endured was nearly impossible, yet I proved them wrong. On May 8,

2012, I was privileged to receive a heart transplant, ensuring me a longer and

healthy life. Those who viewed my situation to be miraculous didn’t understand that

maintaining an optimistic outlook in doing everything it takes to survive is how I

ultimately persevered. In order to better myself, I decided to step up to the plate and

take swings at my circumstances. I worked harder than ever before and never

allowed to let my deadly condition to get the best of me. As a result of my hospital

experience, my perspective on life has become significantly brighter and my

determination has significantly made me mentally stronger.

During my prolonged stay at Texas Children’s Hospital, I encountered many

children who faced circumstances so frightening, that they caused me to reconsider

the severity of my situation. Although my disease of dilated cardiomyopathy was

severe and deadly, it became clear that others were coping with life-threatening

diseases as well, especially when I shared life stories with other patients. One day, as

I completed one of many walks around the Pediatric Cardiology floor of the hospital,

a beautiful, angelic baby, gestured to his mother to stop his wagon so that he could

look more closely at me. He abruptly pulled down his shirt to show me his battle

scar running down his chest. Instinctively, I did the same, and from that point

forward, Linus and I became blood brothers. As a young man of fourteen, I had

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never been impacted by anyone or anything more than this eighteen month-old

miracle named Linus.

Even though Linus and I both battled heart disease, our backgrounds, and

subsequently, mindsets were completely different. As starting quarterback and

guard for my middle school football and basketball teams, the need for a heart

transplant came as shocking news to me. Although my diagnosis came completely

out of the blue, Linus never knew any different since he was born with his heart

malady. Prior to meeting Linus, I didn’t know anyone who had faced a situation like

mine, which made me feel out of place. I discovered that my “brother from another

mother” had underwent five open-heart surgeries in his short lifetime, yet I could

relate to him and was more inspired by him than anyone else I had ever met.

After I received my priceless, beating gift, I had a special opportunity to give

back. A retired NFL player named Andy suffered from heart disease, and had

received the same mechanical implant that I had worn prior to my transplant. We

both endured life or death experiences, which prevented us from pursuing certain

passionate activities, but we were different in terms of our outlook and motivations.

I felt that I wanted to continue making the best out of every situation and to prove to

myself that I could reach my potential. Losing faith could’ve been the easy route, but

that was never an option for me.

As for Andy, his motivation to get better was non-existent. When I met Andy

at St. Luke’s Hospital, he did not want to get out of bed to walk with me because he

said it was too painful. I determined that if I, a scrawny fourteen-year old, could beat

the odds, so could this gentle giant. As a professional athlete, Andy was passionate

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about working hard when it came to sacking quarterbacks but surprisingly, he

wasn’t as passionate about battling his health situation. Eventually my

determination won out as the slightly built teenager blitzed the ex-pro footballer

and persuaded him to get up and walk the hospital floor. As we walked, we shared

our life stories and challenges in great detail. As the result of our visit, Andy vowed

to walk everyday to improve his physical and emotional health.

In the course of fighting and ultimately surviving heart disease, I was

inspired by a two year-old who, in turn, encouraged me to motivate a man three

times my age. Despite our respective differences in age, experiences, and attitudes,

we each learned important lessons from one another. To an important extent, the

interactions between Linus, Andy, and myself improved our collective outlook,

determination, and drive to overcome our respective life threatening illnesses.
