Page 1: Alterboys With Attitude Behind the Music

Alter boys With Attitude behind the music

MC/N.A.P.P.I/New/Age/Preacher/Profit/Ireland/(ABWA founding member)“Were not ashamed of where were from”

Alter boy rap song clip over narrative“I say fuck the church and fuck the police to

Who turned a blind eye and let the peedo’s slip throughThe cracks of are system but now it’s time for folks to listen”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member)“I know it’s blasphemy but this is who we are, it’s where were from and it’s what were gonna talk about”

Alter boy rap song clip over narrative“Cause I got this gat pointed at your ass and all the untaxed cash

Ain't gonna stop the blast”

Narrator: “They were alter boys who came right of a priest boarding school in county Kerry Ireland and they called themselves Alter boy with Attitude”

Alter boy rap song clip over narrative“Cause even though my but may hurt,

I still don’t give a fuck homeboyI say fuck the church”

Henry Gilligan/(Former ABWA manager): “They wanted to shock rural Ireland into seeing what these boarding schools were really like”

A/C/After/Christ/(ABWA founding member) : “The church wanted to portray this image of priests being this spiritual hierarchy over everyone else. And when alter boys reported

crimes of buggery they were ignored. It was completely unjust”

St Mary ’s student : “ABWA were the voice for the voiceless”

John Mulligan/(Writer/Director of Boys In The Church Documentary)“They were like this is a catholic boarding school, this is where were from, this is what were about”

Alter boy rap song clip over narrative“Here’s a little something from the boy A/C

The baddest motherfucker in his elementary”

Dr Rory Vesey/(St Mary ’s Psychiatrist) : “And with that voice they said I don’t give a fuck. It was just aggressive nihilistic repressed rage and suppressed emotion brought to

the surface”

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Narrator: “With a message inspired by Catholicism and buggery ABWA pushed a new type of alter boy power into the underground rural Kerry music scene”

Alter boy rap song clip over narrative “I’m not a catholic who’s gonna stay silentI’m a gangster who’s about to get violent”

Bishop: “They were just angry youths making up fables and stirring up shite. I’ll tell you

right now that I have never heard of priests getting up to such shenanigans”

Narrator: “They were condemned as obscene liars by the church and grounded by there parents”

Bishop 2: “This is nothing but filth and down right lies”

Narrator: “They were also targeted by the Kerry Garda”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member):“We caught the attention of the Garda”

Stephen O'Riordan/(St Mary’s Alter Boy Hip Hop Writer):“They wanted to shut em down”

Narrator:“But nothing could stop the on-slot of ABWA alter boy gangster rap”

St Mary’s Student:“They were the ones who exposed the priest buggery to the rest of the community”

Narrater: “And the warnings could no longer be denied. This is the story of ABWA the church’s most dangerous group”

A/C/(ABWA founding member);“The school can be shut down”

Alter boy rap song clip over narrative“Why do I call myself a sinner ya ask me?

Cause it’s what priests say when they harass me”

Dr Rory Vesey/(St Mary’s School Psychiatrist)“The guys now on the lowest scale of the church were now on the mike”

Alter boy rap song over narrative“I guess I’ll be a sinner for life”

Dr Rory Vesey/(St Mary’s School Psychiatrist)“Everybody better pay attention to what they have to say”

Alter boy rap song clip over narrative

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“It’s plain to see they won’t change meCause I’m gonna be a sinner for life”

Narrater: “St Mary’s Catholic Boarding School County Kerry the mid eighties, priests are buggering boys left right and center and there superiors are ignoring the victims compliant’s and relocating the priests to different parishes all over the world”

St Mary’s Priest 1: “Alter boy gangbangers have stolen a significant amount of collection money from this Parish aswell as attacking numerous priests with stationary objects”

St Mary’s Priest 2: “Were outnumbered, we just don’t have enough clergy to manage the situation”

DJ Cecil/(ABWA founding member):“I mean you had these priests doing this sort of shite in plane daylight and getting away with it. The police didn’t even do anything to stop it,

you ended up seeing the likes of these priests ruining communities and families”

Mother of victim “If my son doesn’t stop doing this he’s gonna end up getting expelled”

Dr Rory Vesey/(St Mary’s School Psychiatrist): “You often had situations where the parents of the victims didn’t believe them”

N.M.C/No/More/Communion/(Alter boy gangster rapper): The priests were nearly untouchable and they just swept through the education system. And as time went by the

alter boys got more and more angry”

St Mary’s school reporter: “A priest was giving confession to an alter boy last night when another alter boy came from behind and stabbed him repeatedly in the neck with a

sharpened pencil. The assailant who was wearing a balaclava has yet to be identified, the priest is in critical condition”

Dr Rory Vesey/(St Mary’s School Psychiatrist):“Alter boys all over St Mary’s school started setting up gangs, they started stealing wine and money from the church collection basket. They stole ordainments that they found lying around and hawked them in pawn

shops. They broke into nearby farmers houses and stole jewelry, money and shotguns.They used the money they made to buy influence and protection within certain

factions. And with all those factors involved it brought about allot of violence and everybody had to protect there territory”

Narrator: “Little Peaty was one of those gangbangers”

Little Peaty/(ABWA founding member):“You know before I was in the group I was into everything, the gangs, the stealing, you name it”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member): “He was out there man he was someone everyone knew. Well at least I thought so”

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Narrator: “Little Peaty was brought into the alter boy gang scene by his cousin who was an alter boy gangbanger from St Joesph’s a different Catholic Boarding School in Kerry. But when that cousin was expelled and sent to a foster home Little Peaty decided it was

time for a change”

Little Peaty/(ABWA founding member):“Ya know I thought if I don’t do something different I could end up seriously hurt and I had a little money so I started a record label


Narrator: “Little Peaty reached out to his childhood friend N.A.P.P.I. N.A.P.P.I had become a well known singer around the church circuit fronting a four piece barber shop

singing group called (Jesus says no)”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member): We wanted to stir up controversy so sometimes when we were singing out passages from the bible we’d put are own words in


DJ Cecil/(ABWA founding member):“N.A.P.P.I was in another group I wont say the name”

Little Peaty/(ABWA founding member):“Jesus says your shite”

DJ Cecil/(ABWA founding member):“We were all in some weak groups at some point and it was a different type of music. Even the things we wore and the things we said were different but you know we were appealing to are parents back then. We certainly weren’t

hardcore by any stretch of the imagination”

Narrator: “MC/N.A.P.P.I wanted to move away from the quire and barber shop singing and start doing something a little more raw like the (Vatican Enemy) and N/M/C

Vatican Enemy song over narrative“No more like before close the door”

who were rapping about the reality of what was going on in these boarding schools”

Vatican Enemy song over narrative“Got a gun hidden in the sock drawer”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member):“I wasn’t happy with where I was and I wanted to do something different and their were a couple of people I knew that had the money I

needed to do what I wanted to do and Little Peaty was one of those people”

Narrator: “With Little Peaty’s money and N.A.P.P.I’s producing skills they decided to make their own label. So they started looking for local talent and there first recruit was a teenage rapper named Arron Collins who called him self A/C but he was currently in a

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group called (Vatican Lies)”

A/C/(ABWA founding member):“Next thing you know I’m skipping confession and going to meet N.A.P.P.I to try and come up with ideas and songs. He liked me as a writer

and as a rapper”

A/C song over narrative“I’ll break curfew but that’s alright

I’ll go home late if I like”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member):“We became real close friends, we started hanging out allot. So what he would do is come to where I was singing and start rapping

over the hymns”

A/C/(ABWA founding member):“We’d take a familiar hymn and flip to make it violent and aggressive”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member):“For instance I remember taking that hymn (Be not afraid). You know it would go (“Be not afraid I come before you always, come follow

me and I will give you strength”) A/C would get on the mike and flip that right around and be like (“Be now afraid for death will surround you always, come follow me and I

will shoot you dead”)

A/C/(ABWA founding member):“You could see how popular these hymns were becoming around the boarding schools and Little Peaty was like I want to turn those

violent hymns into violent raps and have those raps in my group”

Narrater:“One of A/C’s first assignments was to write a song for (Vatican Enemy). He came up with the sodomy manifesto called (Boys in the church)”

A/C/(ABWA founding member):“I gave it to them and they didn’t know what to do with it, they were all like we can’t rap this”

MC/N.A.P.P.A/(ABWA founding member) “Everybody started leaving and I looked at Little Peaty and said hey why don’t you say it. And he was like man I don’t know how to

rap I haven’t done it before, this isn’t what I’m here for”

A/C/(ABWA founding member):“I was like your crazy and N.A.P.P.I was like no I’m not turn down the lights. So I’m like dam your all some mad scientists in here”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member):“I turned the lights down, he parted his hair out of his eyes and he was super embarrassed to do it even though it was only the two of us

their. It was funny though, I remember punching in each line. (“Walking into church with my combed hair. God dam priests given a stair)” It took around eight to nine hours to

finish the entire song.

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A/C/(ABWA founding member):“I had my doubts but when I saw the finished product I was like dam your gonna turn this guy into a rapper”

Boys in the church song over narrative “Cause the boys in the church are always scarred,

now coming around there fight-en hard. A mistake in life to become a priest but too late now your all dead meat”

DJ Cecil/(ABWA founding member):“His voice was just so original and different, it just started a bond”

Narrator: “A clean version of (Boys in the church) made it onto the first ever Kerry Alter Boy hip hop radio station (Revelations Radio)

Craig Murphy (former music director/Revelations Radio): I put it on the radio and within twenty four hours it was are most requested song”

Boys in the church song over narrative A priest gives a mass sermon only to see,

That the wine he’s been drinkin ain't cyanide free. He freezes in terror just to catch his breath, It’s all about paying that pedophile debt”

St Mary’s school journalist: “It was a huge record and everything that they said on the record is what was happening in the boarding schools. The stealing, the bootlegging, the

buggery, the priest assaults and no else around was speaking the truth like that”

Narrator: “With (Boys in the church) they created a formula that would help establish a new genre of music called (Alter boy gangster rap) and put St Mary’s hip hop on the


John Mulligan/(Writer/Director//Boy in the church movie) “It was a whole different thing. They were saying this is St Mary’s Boarding school this is what were about and we

don’t give a fuck. And they gave alter boys an outlet for there anger”

Narrater: “The success of the single inspired them to form a group so they recruited another up and coming alter boy gangster rapper named MC Marcus and formed a group

with a name to match there hardcore image”

A/C/(ABWA founding member):“So I was like what are we gonna call this group and Little Peaty’s like ABWA. And I said what does that mean and he says (Alter Boys With

Attitude) and I was like hell ya. Alter boys now taking there situation and using it to empower themselves instead of being abused by it”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member):“We thought we were the business at that point

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because we were all the best at we did in are school. So we were gonna put this all star group together and show everybody what the story is on the schoolyard”

Narrater: ABWA were born out of St Mary’s sodomy epidemic and in 1986 priests had overrun the schools with buggery.

Rap song over narrative Diddler, Fiddler, stop given me shit,

Diddler, Fiddler, find a woman to hit, Diddler, Fiddler, dam ya just don’t quit,

Diddler, Fiddler, suck on this bitch”

Narrator: “And the church was taking an increasingly aggressive approach to corporal punishment”

A/C/(ABWA founding member):“With all the alter boy gangbanging going on we felt an increasing pressure from the priests”

John Mulligan/(Writer/Director/Boy in the Church Documentary): The priests had an answer to the alter boy gang problem called (Sin Intolerant). If you missed confession,

skipped mass or didn’t learn your Bible passages they would find you by yourself beat ya down and gang bugger ya. They would just creep up on any alter boy in the school for

any reason at any given time”

A/C (ABWA founding member): “The church wanted to portray this image of priests being this spiritual hierarchy over everyone else. And when alter boy reported crimes of

buggery they were ignored. It was completely unjust”

DJ Cecil/(ABWA founding member): “It was terrible man, they’d just get you on your own take ya round the back of the church and bugger ya.”

Goup of alter boys being interviewed/ Alter boy 1: They’d bugger you on the assumption that you were a sinner without ever having any evidence”

Alter boy 2: “They’d just assume you were gangbanging but looks can be deceiving”

John Mulligan (Writer/Director(Boys in the hood movie): “It was a very harsh and crazy environment to grow up in and it was extremely difficult for a young boy to deal with”

Alter boy caught on camera: All my rights have been violated, they’v threated me with buggery and told me no one will ever believe a word I say”

John Murphy/(St Mary’s School Journalist): So it was only a matter of time before the boarding schools would start talking about these subject matters and (ABWA )were the

outlet to do it”

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Narrater: “Then in mid 86 (ABWA )started turning there school yard experiences into songs with a line up of the best rappers and DJ’s”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member): “We were designed to be an all star group that no one could match in are school yard”

MC/Marcus/(ABWA founding member/talking on old VHS video recording): It’s MC Marcus the fearless clergy nemesis “

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member): “MC/Marcus was a great rapper and he was gonna be one of are frontmen”

A/C/(ABWA founding member/talking on old VHS video recording): “A/C the gangster prankster”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member): “A/C of course was gonna be another frontman for the group”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member/Talking on old VHS video recording): “MC/N.A.P.P.I the one and only producer”

A/C/(ABWA founding member:)“of course N.A.P.P.I was the one with the production skills and the good music”

“ DJ Cecil/(ABWA founding member/Talking on old VHS recording) : “DJ Cecil in the yard”

A/C/(ABWA founding member):“DJ Cecil would help N.A.P.P.I mastermind the music”

Little Peaty/(ABWA founding member/Talking on old VHS recording): “I’m Little Peaty and everything I say is true”

MC/N.A.P.P.I/(ABWA founding member):“Little peaty was the character of the group, he would come out wearing a Devils outfit or dress up as the Pope and wear an upsidedown


Narrater: “In 1986 Little Peaty paid a friend for an introduction with Kerry music veteran Henry Gilligan who managed some of the most popular underground Kerry acts like

(Mary Cack), (Seamie Mac’Donal), and Kerry boy-band sensation (No Direction)

Henry Gilligan Former ABWA Manager: “He walked in with his hair nicely parted, a bran new woolly jumper and I was taken back by just how innocent he looked but noticed straight away that the kid had church smarts. I asked him have you got something for me

to hear? He said yea and played me (Boys in the Church). It just blew me away and I thought it was the most important song that I had heard in the last 20 years. I just thought

the power of it and the rebellion of it was like nothing I had ever heard before and that

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day on the 28th of November 1986 we started (Blasphemy Records)

Narrater: “Little Peaty would own (Blasphemy Records) and Henry would manage it. They went to the station that day and started recording ABWA’s debut album (Straight out

of Church) and it was finished in 8 weeks for just 8 thousand pounds”

A/C/(ABWA founding member): We wanted to do what ever we wanted to do and be able to say whatever we wanted to say. We were doing it purely for the underground alter boy

hip hop scene
