  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Golf Subdivsion CCR's


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    "RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR ALLYS ONNOW, THEREFORE, for the purpose' of providing an orderly developmentof ALLYSON ACRES- GOLF ADDITION and for the further purpose of, protection of ourselves and our. successors in title to any property .

    therein, and for the, further purpose of preserving the character of dev-elopment arid cons.truction therein and for the protection and safety ofthe general public, and to insure a pleasant .neighborhood appearance, wedo hereby declare, establish and impose certain restrictive covenantsupon ALLYS ON ACRES- GOLF ADDITION,which are outlined herein below,which restrictive covenants shall be adhered' to by our successors in titl~to properties in ALLYSON ACRES- GOLF ADDITION ,and shall be ad-heredto:) by any person, or persons, \.;ho ,shall reside of make use of, anyproperty therein, and any persori,persons, firm, or corporation, acceptin~title or conveyances to, r-esidingin, or having any interest , of any kindor type whatsoever, .in ALLYSON ACRES-, GOLF ADDITION, , sl1all strictl~adhere to such restrictiye covenants i and by accepting such title or 'con-veyance, either directly or remotely, to any property in ALLYSON ACRES-.. GOLF ADDITION. ,shall b~ deemed to have assented and. agreed to, andbe bound by, such restrictive tovenantsand shall be entitled to all thebenefits thereof , and shall assume all the responsibilities thereof.1. For the purpose of maintaining values for themselves and their succes~ors in title , and for the purpose of public health and safety, and to en-hance the property, and to insur~ a pleasant neighborhood appearance andcharacter and for" the purpose of controlling the de./elopment of ALLYSONACRES- GOLF ADDITION , the undersigned owners, to-wit: STUDEBAKERLAD CO~WANY, AN OKLAHO~ff CORPORATION, or their designees, shall retainarchitectural control of all construction, or any installation therin.Therefore, no residence, buildingJ walli fence, drainage structure, drive"wy, parking area, etc., shall, be initiated, onstructed, installed, main"tained, altered, placed or permitted on any property .therein, withoutfirst submi tting the plans, plot-plan, and/or,the speci fica tions, detailsor other satisfactory informa tion to the undersigned, or their designees,for their examination, and writteri approval, and such construction andinstallationi etc., shall not be initiated until such written approvalhas been ,executed and granted., In, passing upon such plans, etc., theundersigned owners, or their designees, may take into consideration, thesuitabilitiy' of cons.tructioI' and installation, and materials used, to thegeneral area, to. the general property values , to the specific buildingsite, to the outlook and view to and from the adjacent sites and the gen-eral area, to the general property values, to the susceptibility of suchconstruction to fire and/or other hazards~ including but not limited to,public health, and traffic hazards, and may take into consideration th.eblocking of view and the flow. of air from and to other properties in thearea. The unders igned owners may, when in theiropiriion, title to enoghof the, properties has been transferred to Others , or wl:en, in their opin...ion, enough construction has been completed,appoint, or cause to beelected,a. committee of at least three of the theriowners in ALLYSONACRES-'GOLF ADDITION to serve in.the capacity of the undersignedowners insofar as' this restrictive tovenant concerning ar'chi tectural con,-'7JcaDA.; iLl93.

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    Restrictive Covenants.... Page 2.troi is concerned. "Should such plans, specifications, etc., for construction andinstalla tion besubmi tted to the undersigned Owners, their desig-nees i of such corni ttee, and no wri ttenaction ,is taken within 30 daystherefrom, then such construction and installation shall be deemed to havebeen approved.

    , 2. No single residential dwelling containing less thah"'a'2i:n:'~;sdI'Urei"feet,of floor space, exclusive of garags~ carports, porches, or patios, shallbe placed or permitted to remain, on any lot and all building shall beplaced on permanent and solid type foundations, footings, or piers ofconcrete or masonry.3. No vehicle, or machinery, that is in salvage condition or is in theprocess of being torn down or repaired, or is in a state of junk, nor anyother type salvage or junk material, is to be placed, or kept, or permitedto remain, on any tract in such marmer that it may be seen from any ofthe neighboring properties or from any road in qradjacent to .the sub-division., Owners of any tract, or tracts , in ALLYS ON ACRES- GOLFADDITION , shall not permit any pile of dead foliage or brush or any deadtrees or shrubbery to remain on their property but shall dispose of sa~ein a reasOnable time and in such a manner that is not offensive, or insuch a manner to cause a fire hazard to any property, and all owners, rent'ers, lessors, occupants, and parties with interest in ,properties inALLYS ON ACRES- GOLF ADDITION shall, out of respect to their neigh-bors and in order to maintain and enhance property values, shall keep theirproperty in reasonable repair, and shall rnowthe property at, regular rea-sonabl intervals and should grass be allowed to grow to a height greate~than 18" the undersigned owners, may enter upon such property and mow sameand such owner or lessor shall be liable for the cost of such mowing andthe eo~t of such mowing shall become a lien upon the property."4. Nohouset:ral:r,tent, shack, garage, barn, outbuilding or, any tem-porary or movablesttu~ture, shall at any time be used for re~identialpurposes on any tract nd no structure ,of any description shall be movedfrom any other location into this sub~division ~5. Each dwelling unit constructed on any tract shall have modern sanitaryfacilities, and septic systems shall be constructed and installed in acc-ordancewith .the regulations and standards of the Oklahoma S~ate Depart-ment of Health. No outdoor privies shall at any time. be permitted on anylot, nor shall anyno~ious, offensive, cinsightly, ,malodorous or unhealthyactivity or condition ,be carried on, or be permitted to remain, upon anylot, nor shall any horse , cow, swine, sheep or goat be kept or permittedto remain on any tract.6. No building, nor any part thereof,' shall be placed nearer to any roadline than the building set back lines of l5 "fee"t and no structure otherthan fencing, shall be placed on any easement area outlined on, the aboveplat nor nearer than 5 'to any propertyownrship line, except that tt,isrestrictive covenant shall not be deemed to prohibit installation of util-ity lines, water wells ,and their appurtenances on 'such easements. '

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    Restrictive Covenants. ... .Page 3.7" The exterior or any dwelling" including installation of windows anddoors, shall be completed and finished, not later than l2 months afterinitiation of the foundation, or initiation of any construction, thereforor thereon. Should the exterior not be completed and finished wi thin sai12 months, then the undersigned shall have the right to enter upon theproperty and to complete and finish the exterior of any building initiatewhereupon the grantee of the property shall immediately pay to the under-signed the full costs of such completion and finishing or shall automat-ically grant lien rights for such.8. No garbage or trash cans, trash burners, butane or propane storagetanks, shall be placed on any tract in such a manner so as to be seenfrom the adjoining lots or by the general public. They may be of thesunken type or may be above ground if hiddert by decorative screening,and no clothes line poles other than one collapsible umrella type, shallbe installed, or permitted to remain on any tract.9. For the Public Safety and to provide for ease of traffic passage ,parking in and along the, road traffic-ways in excess of l-hour is pro-hibited and vehicular traffic in ALLYS ON ACRES- GOLF ADDITIONshall not exceed 25 miles per hour.10. There shall be only one building on a lot unless. written consent frorrowner ,or developer, is obtained.11. No sign of nature will be allowed on any lot unless written consentis gi "en by owner' or developer..12. No addition will be allowed on any home unless written consent isgiven by owner or developer.13. A' fee of $24.00 per year ~iii be charged to all lot owners forupkeeppf roads and beautification of development.IN W~~NESS WHEREOF, we,' the above designated owners, do hereby set ourh~'1 ttri~~'.5,th day of April, 1971., ~.... c: ....,.........- ((',/\ ~Mm . C' '. ) ,AJ.' -l~ ,C' .. -j KE' l D... =.2: 1 .- .. --:y /. - ' ,,.f~~~~~~M:~.=, i ;' /-- e:-yt2.~;;~, :"'" - .' tLt~ St ebaker~" l5 ,F. iDF ',' ','.o 0 , dentdONtr.~t~DA~AWARE. . . . ss

    , "'.,t;;;j.:air,i;:."m~, ,a notary public, in and for said county and state on t~is~~\:h':gaY.(.~,f April 1973 ,personally appeared Robert ~.St';deba~er, President~..' .o,f ISt\ld,e.baker Land Company, tome known to be the identical person \.,ho..P~J~cuteir_'the within and ,foregoing instrument ,and acknowledged to me that

    ,\ ':l~~~~c,~ted the same as his f,ree and voluntary act and deed for the uses6. .. 01~nq ~l~.rposes th~rein set forth."'~'....("'Ho-,~i'tJless my hand and seal the day and year .Jast above ~ri tten., " ',~~;;:C~~ssion expires: ~~,~-1~')... JNovember 22, 1976 Not ry Public- _n,.. _....- _ ,........ -..__. ------.-. _ -- -.-_._... ______.____________.... . ___ __ ___--_._'-___ .... _ .....__'..,.....


  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Golf Subdivsion CCR's



    Dedication. . . . . page 4

    CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYI, Robert J. Hensley a duly registered and competent professional engineerand land surveyor do hereby certify that I have made a survey and plattedinto lots, the property described above and sare to be known and designatedas Allyson Acres-Golf Addition, a subdivision in Delaware County, Stateof Oklahoma, and that this plat is a true and correct representation ofsaid survey. 'Robert J. Hensley, P. E. 6648


    Beforem,e, the undersigned, a Notary PUblic, in and for said Countyand State persOnally appeared Robert J. ,Hensley to me known to be the .denticalp~rson who entered the within and foregoing instrument and ack-nowledged to me that he exe~uted the same as his free and voluntary act,and deed ,for the purposes therein set forth'.Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of June, 1972.My commission expires:NOVemer 7, ,l974 . (SEAL) Mary Bea May,Notary Public.

    FILED: April l6, 1973 at 11: 20 A. M., recorded in Book 263 ,pages. 213-217.
