Page 1: allotme n I of new PRAN' and acceDtance of subscriber

O/o The Director of Treasuries and Accounts,Andhra Pradesh :: Amaravati @ IbrahimDatnam.

Cir. Memo No. F2/13188/2013 Dated 05th seDtember' 2018

Sub:- NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM -Contributory Pension Scheme - Facilitation Center

(CRAIFC) -Intimation -Regarding.

Ref:- This office cir. Memo Even No., Dated 06th August' 2018.

* -* -*

Attention of all Treasury Officers / PAOs / PAO (W&A)s / Nodal Officers of National PensionSystem in the State is invI.ted to this office circular memo cited (Copy annexed herewith for readyreference), wherein they are advised to approach various acceptance centers, viz., KARVY DataManagement Services Ltd., Vlsakhapatnam; Alankit Limited, Seethammapet, Visakhapatnam; andAlankit Limited, Dwaraka Nagar, Visakhapatnam for the services of "acceptance Qf ap_zpJt.catr.on forallotme_n_I of new PRAN' and "acceDtance of subscriber reauest f;or change in signature cmd / orchin_geinirhotoarcol{'.

On request of this office, the NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited authorities have beenappointed one more CRA-FC (Facilitation Centre) in Andhra Pradesh at Vijayawada for performing theactivity of subscriber registration under National Pension System, etc. The details of the said FacilitationCentre (FC) is as follows:-

CRA-FC ID POP-SP City CRA-FC-AC Address Contact details


Integrated Enterprised (India) Pvt.Ltd.,DoorNo.29-13-29,1StFloor,KaleswaraRaoRoad,Suryaraopet,Vijayawada-520002.Mrs. Anitha Devi,

Sri S. ManoharMobile No: 9849912524E.mail lD:[email protected]

Therefore, the Treasury Cfficers / PAOs are advised to approach any of four accaptaitc®centers in future, for above said services.

Encl:- Reference.

Sd/- B.L. Hanumanta Rao,Director of Treasuries and Accounts / State Nodal Officer.

To01). All the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the State (through FTP), with a request to

communicate these instructions to all the Assistant Directors / Assistant Treasury Officers / SubTreasury Officers, under theirjurisdiction.

02). All the Treasury Officers in the State (through FTP), with a direction to disseminate the circular tothe Drawing and Disbursing Officers under theirjurisdiction.

03). The Assistant Treasury Officer, Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Treasury, Amaravati @ lBPM.

Copy to01). the Pay and Accounts Officer, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati for information.02). the Director of Works Accounts, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati for information.03). the Junior Accounts Officer / Drawing and Disbursing Officer of this office.04). the Junior Accounts Officer, 8 -Section of this office.05). all the Resource Persons of NPS at District Treasuries in the State (through FTP), for their personal

attention.06). Stock File / Spare.


Page 2: allotme n I of new PRAN' and acceDtance of subscriber

a/a The Director of Treasuries and A£€ounts,Andhra Pradesh :: Amaravatj @ lbrahimDatTram.

££!±ifefl±ae±!¢?...?l¢. F2£1,3Jfi&£E9£3 Bated 86th A€iadist'' 2oi 8

Sub:- hlAfi®itEAL PENSION SYSTERE -Contributory Pen5jon Scheme - Facilifa*£oriCenters (€RA-Fes} -Intimation -Regarding+


Atteution of ail Treasury Ofifeers / PAOs / PAQ {W.&A)§ / Nedal Offices of NatiGnelPension System in the State is invited t® the subject cited.

They are aware that, in the ifiitial period, the NSDL e~Govern3nce lnfrast"cture Limitedhave been appointed two CRA-FCs (Facilitation Centers) for pefrorming the activit§r Ofsubscriber registration under National Pension System, i.e„ AIankit Limited (AL}; and KanyDan Management Services Limited (roMSL}. Subsequently, basing off increasing the volumeof Subscriber Registration forms received and requests from varioius entities in NationalPersian System, the NSDL a-Gavemanc@ Infrastructure Limited have been appoimed twomare agendes tQ perform the functioris as CRA~Fes ifaciiitation Centers}, viz^, IntegratedEntapriges (India) Pvt. Limifed {lEIL) and Re!igare Brolting Limited (RBL). These four entities,establigfted Br8riche§ (Acceptance Centers) across the Country to provide the followingservices to aH the Stake-halders under State and Central G®vemment, as per present scope ofCRA:-

a.) kecepeaitce Of Apptdec[tian f ion af f lotrneut Of new PRAM;

b.) keceptttnce Of Subser{ber request fur change in siguntwre and / or' changeinphotogr`aph.


4€} ,... as pf .nets£..Jcaes!g§ngraa£RfrEfs. They are:-

S. No, CRA-FC ID POP.SP City CRA-FC-AC Address Contact etails

1+ 52025 V sakhapamam

RARW Data Management Mr. Ud8y Humar,

Services Ltd., 48-8-7, Ground Floor, Mr. M. Sudhakar

Dwaraka Diamonds Srinagar, Mobile No: 7382411982Visa apatnam-530016, E-mail 'D:Andhra Pradesh. [email protected]

2.3+ 51022 Visakhapatnam

Al8nkit Limited, Flat No, 2C4, Mr. Shaik Jilani,

11 FIQor, GVK Plaza, Mr. J. Srinivasa Rao

Behifld: Central Bank of India, Mobile No: 9676186976Sesthammapet, E.mail lD:

Visakhapetnam - 530 016, DMRAO.CO@REDIFFMAIL

Andhra Pradgsh. .COM

51062 Visakhapetnam

Alankit Limited, 47-3-10,GroundFloortSriNivasApartment,BlockNo.23,DwarakaNagar,Visakhapatnam~530016,iAndhrapradesh.Mr. G. Rajagapa! ReddylvlobileNo:9676186976AltMobileNo:9949682782,9848633556I-mail'D:[email protected]

(Contd ... 02)

Page 3: allotme n I of new PRAN' and acceDtance of subscriber

= ®2 ::

Therefore, the Treasury Officers / PAOs are advised &ei .... a¢pproai€fr.+a,!±±f..:¢±£±!±±±!!ffi±E±!!::±±!!±

fflrm.ue ¢entife for above Said services. Further, they are also advised to scmtmz. the!mndrfui¥fmds .rulEEun.enEsfuplp±rae I D} )n esRF-Veralon 1,a. bqfro attestingand.feHafarding_.i£,_..tq..€RA-re..£ C.E4, so a5 to minimize the rejection of CSRF-Version 12.


Sd/* N. Mohana Rao,Director of Treasuries and A€€Qunts {FAC}

/ State Nodal Officer.

the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the State (through FTP}, with a requestto communicate these instructions to all the Assistant Directors / Assistant Treasury

Sieets / SUB Treasury Officers, under thejrjufisdictiGn.i tthe Treasury Officers in the State {fflrougha FTP}, with a direction to disseminat8 the


RE . .",


the Drawing and Disfaursing Officers under theirjufisdiction.#e Assistant Treasury Gffjcer, Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Treasury, Amaravati ©brahimpatnam {ttrrough FTP).

copy to01}, the Pay and A€counts Officer, Andhra Pradesh, Am3raveti fc!r infofmatiQn.0£). the Director of Works Accounts{ Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati for information,03). the Junior Accounts Cifflcgr / Drawing and Dishursing Officer of DTAs Sffi€e.

#£t#n:::oAucrcc°eupn::s:#:C:fr'NBpi::3::tnri:#;::sour:::.inthestate{thr#ug„personal attention.

06}, StQ€k File / Spare.

Persons Gf NPS at District Treasuries in the State {thrffugh FTP), for their

