
OMG…it’s the end!! It’s the end of the world!! Naw, just the last two babies

of a very long, tedious, stress-inducing, insanity raging, annoying FFS

interactions cancelling, skilling, money making, glitches and crashes.

*deep breaths*

Okay, I’m good. Well settle in folks this is going to be a long one. We have to

see the last two babies, Whimsy’s final vacation, and of course an All My

Children Revue of Who Fathered Who. Current date: Thursday, the 26th of

March, 2015. Current time: 9:04 pm. Let’s see how long this takes me to

write up.

Let’s go.

Whimsy: Must haz baybee…

All set for your final trip dear baby machine? Well you had better enjoy it

since I don’t know if I’ll ever come back and play you again after I see

Baby Z.

Whimsy: Baybee, needs one nao…

Whimsy: I can haz baybee?

Generic Carpool/Shuttle Driver Jonathan Curtain: You’re one of them

challenge people aren’t you? I’m so glad Eaxis made me an object rather than

a person…

Whimsy: You haz baybee for mee??

GCSD: Just get in freak.

Whimsy: Baby baby bee, baby baby boo…

Isaac Bigfoot: She is a strange one, only says one word over and over…

She’s lost her marbles, don’t mind her just play along.

Isaac: Who said that?

I am the Great and Powerful Banette, and congratulations Mr. Bigfoot you just

became my one person to talk to for this chapter. And Baby Daddy Y.

*throws confetti*

Isaac: What was that last part?

Which part?

Isaac: The baby daddy part. I can’t have any romantic interactions or father offspring.

Well technically you don’t, you just provide the other half of the DNA. I do the


Isaac: Do I have to?

Yes. You are the required Baby Daddy for Three Lakes I mean Snowpoint City *cough*. And as an

added bonus, make friends with Crazy Cathy here and you’ll be the only baby daddy besides

Tucker and the A-Twins to actually live with their offspring.

Isaac: Well…I suppose… if it means I can actually die perma-plat.

Oh? And what do you need to get that?

Isaac: I want 20 Best Friends.

Is that all? Pshh, easy-peasy lemon-squeezy. We have like 120 family friends already.

Isaac: She’s singing that thing again…

Well I didn’t take a lot of pictures and I basically gutted and rebuilt this vacation

home like the other two. It has a nice pond with cute CC water plants and

everything. Just enjoy it.

Anyway, she did learn everything for Snowpoint City including the Slap Dance thanks to

Isaac here. And this is when I realized I missed a tour in the Orange Islands, and never

got the room service memento or the Tai Chi for Ecruteak City. *cries* That means I

have to go back to them AGAIN…

Ooh, she’s telling the tale of the Hoenn region Primal Awakening of Groudon and

Kyogre from the Delta Episode in ORAS. Neat!!

Isaac: Fascinating…

Indeed. That was a pretty awesome story if you have played ORAS. Gave me chills as I

read what Zinnia was telling my characters about it as I chased her up the Sky Pillar.

Isaac: I have no idea what she’s talking about.

Hey it’s Mega Rayquaza coming to save the Lore Keepers of Ancient Hoenn!! Hooray!

Isaac: I’m glad I live in Sinnoh then. Massive flooding or severe droughts are not cool.

I know right? I almost wish that had been in the original Hoenn games but the remakes

are a lot better and cooler.

Isaac: Is it time for her go yet?

Yeah…see you back home then.

Isaac: Be still my racing heart.

And once more in the spell room, we get to see Baby Y!! I am excited to use

this Pokemon, he’s so cool…

Whimsy: Baybee!! Hurtee!!

Yes dear. *pat pat* We know, we know.

Meet Baby Y, Yveltal The Destruction Pokemon. A Dark/Flying type with the Dex

number 717 (Kalos). It has one of my favourite Gen. 6 moves, Oblivion Wing. See the X

description for what it does. It really does suck them dry, guess they couldn’t call this

Pokemon the Death Pokemon, that would be morbid… (but so true)

X: When this legendary Pokémon's wings and tail feathers spread wide and glow red,

it absorbs the life force of living creatures.

Y: When its life comes to an end, it absorbs the life energy of every living thing and

turns into a cocoon once more.

And these are for the X twins. Volcanion was the cutie in blue behind Whimsy

during Yveltal’s birth since he grew up before she left for Snowpoint City. I

pick and choose the pics to show in the chapters but they turned out

gorgeous. For the kids of an elf of course they would right? Anyway, moving


Xatu Scott



Xerneas Scott



Absolutely Mean, a first for me I think (in this challenge anyway). But being the twins of

Mr. Big what did you expect? I may just plop them down in Duality B to see if any of the

future generation five spares might want them…hmm.

Xerneas: Wait, what? I felt like we’re missing some time here.

Xatu: Yeah me too.

Oh stow it you two, it’s the final chapter and I want to move things along.

Be thankful you got even this much screen time. Also I want you all outta

here so I can get my medal.

Why are the two pictures of Yveltal’s toddlering? Well that’s part of what I was

talking about in the opening slide. Crashing. You see I first had Isaac toss his son

into toddlerhood and then went to change his horrid hair and down the game

went. I was pissed. So I had to redo it with Whimsy, fearing that Isaac would kill

this right at the end. Also I sold Whimsy’s Whims because it was annoying me

with the pathetic earnings from the incompetent manager Christy. So yeah…

See? Horrid hair.

Yveltal Scott



Turns out Isaac has black hair…despite being brown all over.

Xerneas: Okay, so you’re the Destruction Pokemon and I’m the Life Pokemon. This is a

conflict; I feel that we are meant to be enemies since we represent opposing forces. I

give life, you take it. Only there’s two against one since I wouldn’t leave my twin out

of causing some awesome mayhem and madness.

Yveltal: Fairy…

Xerneas: Yes, I am supposed to be a Fairy type.

Xerneas: So basically what I’m saying is that you lose before you even begin because

you were born a singlet. We have the numbers.

Just teach him the rhyme…I’ll rectify the fact he’s only a singlet and not a

twin…that means picking something I didn’t want to choose again…

Xerneas: Please, Banette I’m trying to show him the futility of resistance.

*mutter mutter* Dex entries aren’t everything you know.

Weavile: Hey what about me?

What about you? I’m here aren’t I?

Weavile: I can be mean and interesting too you know. I have one nice point.

Yes so do many others that I haven’t seen in forever…

Huh, apparently the TSS pajamas can now be everyday wear if you make it on the FT

sewing machine. Good to know.

Weavile Scott FO/K



LTW: Own 5 Top Businesses

Better than what she had the first time, Have 6 Pets Top Careers. Since AL is borked and

pets can’t be promoted or paid past level 2, that ain’t happening. I am not putting M&G

back on to fix that.

And now, the moment of truth, the big finale, the final frontier; Baby Z is about to be

born. Who was Baby Daddy Z you ask? Well you see part of the WYD challenge is to have

an alien baby and while I am still going to punish Malamar for mouthing off at me way

back when with repeated probings, the Sim Blender can enable female alien

impregnation too. I THINK I have the mod that allows it, it’s on my desktop but I can’t

be sure it was in here too. So Baby Daddy Z is Pollination Technician Eric Sinclair, one

of the new default replacements and the one I really wanted to win the toss to get

Whimsy implanted…

Tucker: Oh thank Arceus!! It’s finally over!!

Weavile: The sooner they come out, the sooner I can leave and join the U Trips

in college…

Yes, we already know there’s going to be more than one since Yveltal had to

be a singlet…and I need four per house.

Yes, they are blue!! And I finally got

different eye colours with two of

them. All three are girls which is

ironic since my other triplet set were

all male. In Isaac’s arms is Zygarde,

with Weavile is Zoroark, and with

Whimsy is Zweilous. See next pages

for their namesakes.

Zygarde, the Order Pokemon. A Dragon/Ground type with

the Dex number 718 (Kalos). Zygarde is the keeper of

Xerneas and Yveltal, their balancer, much like Rayquaza is

for Groudon and Kyogre in Hoenn.

X: When the Kalos region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it

appears and reveals its secret power.

Y: It's hypothesized that it's monitoring those who destroy

the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives.

Zoroark, the Illusion Fox Pokemon. A pure Dark type with the

Dex number 571 (Unova).

X: Each has the ability to fool a large group of people

simultaneously. They protect their lair with illusory


Y: Bonds between these Pokémon are very strong. It

protects the safety of its pack by tricking its opponents.

Zweilous, The Hostile Pokemon. A Dark/Dragon

type with the Dex number 634 (Unova).

X: The two heads do not get along. Whichever

head eats more than the other gets to be the


Y: After it has eaten up all the food in its

territory, it moves to another area. Its two

heads do not get along.

Whimsy: Baby?

Hell no! You’ve had 44 kids and you STILL want more? I only needed 27 but


Whimsy: But…baby?

Just get Yveltal into the next stage.

Yveltal: Hey, I’m big now!! Maybe I can convince the Z trips to side with me against

Xerneas and Xatu now.

Yeah, Zygarde maybe but not sure about the other two.

Yveltal: I should live up to my Dex entry. Xerneas said so.

They don’t have to be the…oh forget it. Just do whatever Banette needs to use Rest.

And pretty soon, the final babies are becoming useful.

Tucker: Just two more birthdays, just two more birthdays.

Aww, Tucker’s been the world’s most patient hubby. I will even break out my Infinite

Elixer of Everything just for you (the one that takes up to 10 days off at once). Since I

planned it so Whimsy and the Z trips will teen and elderize on the same day. Also

Tucker’s bar was looking frightfully full and he needs a mega dose of Elixer so he doesn’t

die like 20 days before Whimsy.

Zweilous Scott (with Tucker)



Zoroark Scott (with Weavile)



Zygarde Scott (with Whimsy’s eyes)



Final traditional picture is final.

Xatu and Zygarde

Yveltal and Zweilous

Xerneas and Zoroark

Almost over, I can hardly wait till they

all teen and get the hell out of here. I

have a full house of 10 again with them.

The teaching to talk less traditional picture. Also space filling.

Weavile: I thought I could take it easy now…

HAHAHA!! You wish. Triplets, need triple the care and teaching. You are

the current teenager.

Xatu: What is this? No cake? We demand cake!!

Yeah…no. Grow up so Weavile can leave.

Xerneas: I don’t like cake, I’ve had it way too much and I’m sick of it.

Xatu: Fine. I’ll deal with not getting cake.

Xatu Scott R/FO

LTW: Have 20 Lovers

Get in the Disappointment Line with the other Romancers who will never get that


Xerneas Scott FA/K

LTW: Be Head of SCIA

He MAY be getting that if I feel so inclined to play him…

An extreme overhead shot since the Z Trips decided to spread out instead of

staying in a nice, neat little triangle so I could get them all close up shots… there

are not many outfits that won’t clash horribly with their skin colour that I can

use, but I will make due I suppose.

Xatu: No fair, he got cake!!

Xerneas: We went over this remember? We can go now to see the V twins and

leave him all alone with the other trips.

Yveltal Scott FA/PO

LTW: Graduate 3 Kids

Whimsy: No more babies…*cries*

Uggh, you had 44!! Arceus help me.

Whimsy: Grandbabies?

Already have six of them, no more.

Whimsy: Animal babies?

I give up. >_<


Zygarde Scott FA/GC (far end)

LTW: Be Captain Hero

Zoroark Scott R/PL (middle)

LTW: Be Celebrity Chef

Zweilous Scott R/K (foreground)

LTW: Be Pro Party Guest

And since Whimsy is a witch, she ages up in her robes and bald for some

reason despite her hair being binned right and with a grey mesh…oh well.


Or not…this is my next task: twelve houses with four in each to play through

college. Why? Because I’m insane. *Farnsworth crazy laugh*

I will do it…they drove

me to it.

And now for the last part: The All My Children Who Fathered Who Revue

Bab(ies) A: Absol and Articuno

Father: Tucker Gray

Bab(ies) B: Blaziken and Breloom

Father: Victor Aspir

Baby C: Clamperl

Father: Hayden Long

Baby D: Deoxys

Father: Herbert Goodie

Baby E: Eevee

Father: Helios Cross

Baby F: Forretress

Father: Herbert Benton (I never had a pic of him)

Forretress: Yeah, how is that fair?

Not my fault!!

Bab(ies) G: Golbat and Gallade

Father: Count Cliff Beckett

Bab(ies) H: Haunter, Haxorus,

Heatran, Houndoom

Father: Shelby Chapman

Bab(ies) I: Igglybuff and Ishizumai

Father: Blake Stephenson

Baby J: Jellicent

Father: Solander White

And the only picture I have of him

is from my Alpha hood in Duality

A…this was the best one of his


Jellicent: Should I even ask who

that woman is with my father?

Probably not, but that’s my plant-

simmed Simself.

Bab(ies) K: Keldeo, Klang, Kadabra,


Father: Unsavoury Charlatan

Baby L: Lilligant (seen here with her pod baby Manectric)

Father: Ideal Plantsim

Baby M: Malamar

Father: Genie

Baby N: Noivern

Father: Cooper Seifert

Baby O: Omanyte

Father: Eddie Sharpe

And I still love this one most of all,

Eddie is just so sweet and


Eddie: Thank you Voice, or Banette.

That means a lot to me to hear you


Bab(ies) P: Pyroar and Pachirisu

Father: Sorrento Gothique

Baby Q: Quilladin

Father: Sad Old Guy

(a.k.a. Matthew Smith)

Baby R: Roserade

Father: Silver Sparrow

Bab(ies) S: Spiritomb and Swirlix

Father: Shirley Mills

Bab(ies) T: Treecko and Trevenant

Father: James Russell

Bab(ies) U: Uxie, Unown,


Father: Ninja(sk)

Bab(ies) V: Volcanion and Vullaby

Father: Elric Corax

Baby W: Weavile

Father: Jace Ruswicz

Bab(ies) X: Xatu and Xerneas

Father: Jamison Draper

Baby Y: Yveltal

Father: Isaac Bigfoot

Bab(ies) Z: Zygarde, Zoroark, Zweilous

Father: PT Eric Sinclair

It’s the end of the long-ass final chapter of All My Children, a WYD


I lost track of points long ago so not going to put anything in here. And I

probably failed more than once throughout this whole thing anyway. Final

writing/editing time: Date Friday the 27th of March, 2015. Time: 3:18 am.

Yes it took me six hours to write this. I hope it’s been worth it.

Tucker: Finally, we can enjoy our golden years together. No more kids around.

Whimsy: And hey, I got my sanity back. Ironic isn’t it?

I’ll say. Adios everyone.