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what is transportation request

Changes made in any object cant be directly attached to Transport. They can be attached to transport via use of Task.Hierarchy is Transport no.-->Task no.-->ChangesIt generally happens in technical side.

how credit control area will get determined

Credit control area determined byCompany code+Customer Risk category+Credit group



Crdit control area is defined by

1. Company code2. Sales area....

You maintain credit control area for both cc and sales area.

More than one CC can have one credit control area, but vice versa is not possible.

Simultaneously, you can maintain 'permitted' credit control AREAS for one company code, so that you in sales area data - billing tab of customer master, you will be having option of choosing another credit control area for that coustomer.

Can we make the delivery from the 2 different plants of thesame items? how?

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Yes, Material Should be extended in both Plants and sales area should be maintained

Yes you can. You have to assign sales organization/distribution channel/division to that plant. Material should be in stock MMBE

for the same sales order line item, 2 separate deliveries need to be created with the 2 different plants. the order quantity wud have to be split up into 2 separate delivery documents.hi im trying to configure FICO settings for my pricing transaction code is FS00 im trying to changes but error msg is coming "company code doesnt assign to field status variant" please if anybody knows just post it asap

In FS00, you do not assign the field status variant but thefield status groups, which are different. Check the Fieldstatus variant assigned to the two company codes, are theysame? If no then the field status group under the fieldstatus variant can be maintained differently.

Navigate as follows:

Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting ->Business Transactions ->G/L Account Posting -> Make andCheck Document Settings

Check the following nodes:

1. Define Field Status Variants2. Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants

Also, the FSG can be varied based on the posting key, checkthe posting key config and navigate to the FSG from there.

what is requirement in pricing proc determinationplz tell in depth with examples


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i faced this prob in an interviw

sales org + Dis channel + Division + Customer pricing procedure + Document pricing procedure + Pricing Procedure

This is the pricing procedure determination

Customer pricing procedure from customer master sales area sales tab, document pricing procedure from sales document over view, pricing procedure we prepared in v/08

Requiremeent is a set of programmes that are written in the back end in the form of routines.These are used with the condition types to fulfill further values.

Requirement is a gateway for access sequesnce to search further for valid condition type in Maintain Pricing Proceudre" If requirement is not fulfilled than access sequence can not further search and access valid condition record to consider in pricing.

e.g. Requirement 24 is to be fulfilled in rebate BO02 means 24 is requirement st Billing so BO02 condition would appear in the billing. It will not be seen in Sales order.

In Transaction code VOFM Copying Requirement is tab throug which ABAPer will access and write programme with a logic condition to fullfilled for Header condition. Same way in VOFM Requirement tab is used for copying item level condition. This is new Business Requirement which is not available in SAP system so ABAPer write code or say one kind of UserExits.

Requirement is nothing but routine it is written by the ABAPers according to the Client for ex we have to maintain 24 for rebates it is display in billing documents

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Many sales orders with single deliveries want only one single invoice. Which components are considered in configuration settings. Explain in details.

many sales orders to have one delivery the following data should be same.

*Ship to party, delivery due date, shipping point, route, incoterms, delivery priority, shipping condition, confirmed quantity date at schedule line.

In XD02 Shipping Tab-->Order combination is tick marked

Check copy control VTLA at Item level Order Requirement 101 (At Item Level) as items control combined delivery.

For combining all delivery into one billing document the following creiteria should be met as same.

[email protected]

*Bill to part, Payment terms, Incoterms, billing date, destination country, currency

Check copy control VTFL at Item level Routine should be 001

If it is 003 then you will get single invopice for each delivery.

If anything above is not same, splitting will incurrr at table field ZRK at VBRK/VBRP which is 40 characteristics string. This is SAP Global settings & you can not change as per client's requirements or by partners in customer master.

we can do many sales order in single delivery using VL10A tcode and using single invoice using vf04 t code

what is the diff. between order type billing and delivery type billing ? how can we identify?

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The order type billing it that where we need to bill with reference from the order not reference to the delivery . Basically we can use this in case of service products where physically delivery will not happen.

and in delivery related billing is that where the billing document will be created with reference to the delivery document. Like when qty will be physically delivered then according to that the billing will be created.

These setting will be customized in the item category for that item ( Billing relevance)

and for that you have to customisez in the order type aslo for the delivery rel Bill type & Order related Billing type. and u need to maintain the copy control also.

If you need to check from the billing document then u have to open the item detail then go the the "item detail" tab and find the reference doc field in the right corner . U will find there as "C" for order reference and "J" for delivery reference for that item.

help me out if any more...

what is difference between item catgory TAB and TASTAB is also used for third party transactions? plz ans Quickly

TAS item category check. It creates automatice PO due to schedule line category CS. Material Group is BANS. Here item is directly delivered from your vendor to customer. When you perform goods receipt of the PO, it will not ask for a storage location, since the product does not enter the your plant premises. Hence the outbound delivery is not required once GR is done. The next step is to enter a vendor invoice followed by customer billing document.

If you check the accounting part of the GR material document it will be

Cost of goods sold DR

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GR/IR clearing account CR

Billing Relevance is F type "Order Related."

TAB is used for individual purchase order from special stock from your plant to customer. Check assignment order type OR/Item Category Group BANC, Item category TAB. This is assigned to Schedule line CB. Check Schedule line CB which has movement type 601, order type NB=Purchase Order required. Here Item category is relevant for billing A Delivery related.

TAB has Special stock indicator "E" type Orders on Hand.SO you require to deliver the goods from your plant, Post Good Issue PGI & then billing.

Hope this will help you.

TAB is used for individual purchase order,in this scenario vendor send the goods to business andbusiness deliver the goods to customer.remaining settings are same

when we create a sales order system should pick up route schedule but system not picked up. i have done all settings like scheduling with route schedule by shipping point, sales doc type and delivery type. maintained the unloading point and goods receiving hours in CMR and created route schedule master data. can anyone explain this process?

Please check whether you have assigned in Customer Master.

What is Roll-Out project in SAP ? And where it will start and What knowledge SD consultant shouled needed ?

implementation is already done for a country the same settings would be setup for the new country for which the roll out is being carried out. Some minor settings specific to that new country are anyway setup again. Major part of the already carried out settings are implemented for the new country based on the previously carried out implementation.

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A roll-out project takes the main customizing/programs done for a company an adapts it to the new company, working only on the small differences between the companies: eg: printouts, logos, company code...

Incase of India additionally you will have to do CIN Settings.

The rollout project usually means upgradation from previous sap system to newer version of sap.Most of the times the business processes remains the same and organisation structure also remain the same.You can tell it is a copy paste job from previous system to new system.But my rollout was more like a implementation with lot of new requirements. Myrollout project started with Business Blue Print or template as it is called. Then once that BBP is signed by the client then you prepare the Config plan document which will combine the organisation structure of all the modules and once it is signed by the client then you start your configuration in development client.The same is moved to quality client later.Then you will unit testing after all the configuration is over for all the relevant business cycles.Then we will have Power User Training with all the documents we have to prepare.You prepare the FS for all the output forms and sometimes you may migrate the old output programs. Then we will have Integration Test 1 & 2.Then from clients side User Acceptance Testing will be there. Once we get the sign off then we plan for data migration activities. In Simple the Roolout Project is like,

Client had already implemented and using SAP.

Ex:- Client is having 6 Plant and purchased / Established New

Plant.It could be at Locally or Globally.

In the New Plant they want to Use / Implement SAP.

This is Called Rollout Project.

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The Difference between Implementation and Rollout Project is

Implementation: As a Funtional Consultant, we have to study the Business of the client and have to do from the Scrath and even if you are creating any New Sales Organisation, We could advise a Code ( Four Digit Code) and Discription to the client.

But In Rollout Project you no need to do all these things.The client will be givng the codes and discriptions etc.,

Means you are doing a new Addition or Extension to the Existing One.hi,can any body let me know whether we can run mrp in third party scenerio.if so what will be its impact or result

I think third party order

1.create a vender master'xk01'2.change the material master and give the materil type "bans3.create a sales order.'va01' and save sales order and chage the sales order here we get the purchege requestion number.4.create purchage order 'me21n.5goods recept'MIG)'6.invoice verficati"miro'

there is no logic in running mrp in 3rd party sale because the material is delivered directly by the vendor to our customer

we can have another process

we can create ordinary sales order process in that we can run mrp to check material availability in our plant if we don't have material we can change the item category to TAS(third party item)

If material is BANS then TAS is item category with Schedule Line CS. CS trigger automatic PO which is by 3rd party. Hence no delivery from our plant, no PGI.

If you go for material type BANC then TAB is item category

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which triggers delivery from Special Stock E in Item category. If you maintain Special Stock for customer order in your plant from 3rd party as a trading goods then you can have delivery & PGI/Billing related to your plant.

how to give absolute amt discount in payment term?in payterm suppose 30days 2% discount discount is there but what i have to do if i want to give rs 1/- cash discount per 1 kg.say the customer has taken 100kgs of material.thanks in advance.

Use Condition Type K029 Calculation Type : Amount/Weight Scale base Type : Weight Scale

what is condition supplement

list of condition type maintained in condition record .in vk11pr00 and other conditions types we use same screen in menupath condition supplement and matins records of list ofcondition s for particular customer who is regular purchaser

plz tell me wat is sales document categoryis it same as sales document type i was asked this q in an interview

sales document type and document category are different

sales documents types are OR, CS, RO, RE, CR etcand sd document category is A for inquiryB for QuotationC for sales orderD item proposalJ deliveryand so onadding to previous ans

the document category determines how system stores and keep track of document data. it enables the system to provide

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you with information about delevery processing. billing and docuemnt that are used for reference such as IN,QT,OR etc

tell me the process of configuring new pricing procedure and asigning it

It is stepwise process I. Create condition table (V/03)II. Create access sequence ( V/07)III. Create Condition (V/06)IV. Create pricing procedure and (V/08)V. Create Condition Record (VK11)

Then assignment will be as follow Sales area (SO+DIS. CHANN.+DIV.)+ Customer pricing procedure +document pricing procedure+ pricing procedure

i dnt have any pricing condition for any material stored in VK11 but when i enter sales order for the same the system automatically determine PR00 as pricing conditioncan any one tell me why it happens

I thing it will take the price from the material master.

when we create the material master all ready given the pricing .

it is not possible without pricing condition it capture the pricing. Please check the pricing condition for the pricing procedure . and found out there is some thing a condition record maintain for this material . it may be by VK 11 or VK31 also. But sure there is a condition record.


wat is core team. wat core team member do plz answer asap thnks

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Core team is team where they handled a particular module related work. ie. Sales, Purchase etc. Normally A core team member will come from a corresponding core department. They can only give the exact information about their department process. Core Team Member will give the as-is ie business process to the consultant. Based on the as-is consultant will give the solution or will fullfil their need. Core team will explain the business scenario of their corresponding department.

how to create new information structure in SAP SD plz ans its urgent

I think the information structure, may be he asked you is the master data, coz it is the only information structure in SD. So,it has 4 steps like : Customer master Data,Material Master Data, customer material information records & condition records. to create t.code is xd01.

I m not sure, about this question but it may b this only plz cross check it again.

what is up/down cross selling? can any one explain me

Upselling: When a sales man sells a customer a similar but more expensive item with the same or higher attributes,this is called upselling.

Downselling: When a sales man sells a similar but a cheaper item with the same or less attributes,this is called downselling.Downselling is mostly done by the companies to sell out their old stock

Differnce between Trade customer and non trade customer?

Trade customer is the one who is involved with your comapnyin trading services the are mostly serivce oriented andthere is hardly any manufacturing process invloved. The ordrtype will be based on serivce and there is no delivery asthere is hardly any service involved .

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In the other type there is delivery invloved and theprocess is regular sales order ___ dlivery---- Billing----posting to G/L Aaccoutns - accounting documents

One more diffrence is in billing type as for tradecustomer the billing will be based on order but not on deliveryIf I created an order for 100 pc of material, also diddelivery for same 100 pc of material. So is it possible tocreate billing for 90 pc of material? If yes, then how?


How we can limit the maximum number of line items in Billing document?Go to IMG -> SD -> Billing -> Billing Documents -> Country Specific Features -> Maintain Maximum Number of Billing Items

Here you can maintain the maximum number of line items in Billing document based on Sales Organization.

yes we can set in SPRO- IMG- SD- Billing _ Billing doc - country specific features- maintain maximum number of billing items.

SO here we can set the maximum number of the line items for that Billing type according to the sales organisation.

here i want to give the discount first 10 sales orders but system should not calculate 11th sales order. How we can configure this

We need to check the Condition update box in the condition update box in the definition of the discount condition type.

Now, as we make condition records for the discount condition type. go to additional functions (thru extras i suppose) andadd the number of sales orders we would like the mentionedcondition type to work till and it would cease as soon as the number of sales orders reaches the designated numbers

once u maintained the condition record VK11,

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then go to the change mode then GO TO ADDITIONAL DATA in that you can find the "MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ORDERS" select some times system does not allow to enter 10 because its already pre-defined by 3 .so you need to consult with ABAP's they will change.other wise go to SE11 under the "DOMAIN" field mention the "ANZAUF" AND executethen go to the "value Range" Tab here we need to mention the value as "10" here you can find the "3" only.ask ABAP's they will change it . I Think its very helpful to u

where is plant determined?Plant is determined at 3 places1) It checks in customer-material info record2) It is determined in customer master data-shipping3) It is determined in material master data-sales org 1.

What is item category and functions of item category ?What is item category group and function of item cate grp ? and what is a difference betwn this 2 ?

Item category is nothing but differentiating a material with an item category... or catogorizing the items of same behavior into one.Ex: TAN Standard items...Item category is determined using sales document type + item category group + usage + Higher lever Item + default Item Category and Manual Item category (in necessary).

Item Category Group: This is the group of Item Catogories i should say in crude way..or grouping of Item categories Ex: NORM

how to transfer material from 1 plant to another.can u make it available in real time no matter the distance between the plants, plz ans quickly

Using 'Stock transfer order' one can transfer stock from oneplant to other.

In SAP the stock availability is real time only as we maysee the stocks in hand at other plants in the same box.

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go to t code migo_tr

What is User Exit and Enhancement ? Can u explain withSpecific eg ?

Enhancement means to add a functionality to the SAP toaddress a business requirement which is not being taken careby the available sap functionality.

User exit is a kind of enhancement only.

In the R/3 system from SAP, a user exit is contrasted with acustomer exit

In computer software, a user exit is a place in a softwareprogram where a customer can arrange for their owntailor-made program to be called.

Customer exit is another form of enhancement by way of whichsap provides coders to access program components and dataobjects within the R/3 system.

Billing Document not released to accounting / Accountsdetermination:To resolve the error, you can analyze account determinationin the billing document. Process:Goto T.Code: VF02 & Enter Invoice numberNext (On the top most strip) goto EnvironmentNext (Select Environment) go to Account determinationNext (In Account Determination) select Revenue AccountDetermination (first option)

This will list all the condition types in the Billingdocument & analyze each condition & check for which G/Laccounts is not determined.

Possible errors:1. VKOA not maintained for required combinationSolution: Maintain the combination in VKOA.

2. Account Assignment of Customer / material not maintainedin Customer / Material Master (If maintained in combinationin VKOA).Solution:

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Option 1 (Standard solution): step 1: Cancel Billing Document --> Reverse PGI --> cancelDelivery --> Cancel Sales Orderstep 2: Maintain Customer master / Material Master correctly.step 3: Recreate sales Order --> Delivery --> PGI --> Invoicing.Option 2: Force the Account Assignment Group of Customer / Materialthrough Debug in change mode of Billing document, which willrelease Billing Document to Accounting.

3. Account Key not maintained in Pricing Procedure:Impact: This may create accounting document, but ifcondition type, which are to be posted to account, but donot have account key maintained in pricing procedure, itwill not be post the relevant condition type to G/L account.

4. Billing Document not being released to accounting --In Material Master, there is some link between Profit Centre& MRP Type. If one of it is not maintained, erratically fewdocuments get stuck while releasing Billing Document toaccounting. Few of course get posted.Solution1: Cancel Billing Document --> Reverse PGI -->Cancel Delivery --> Block the sales Order & Create new salesCycle all over again after rectifying Material master.Solution 2: (Temporary Solution) In Debug mode in Billing,force the Profit Center in Billing Document with the help ofAbaper. But ensure Material master is rectified.

From FI Side, you require to check that all the G/L accounthas been maintained through T.Code: FS00. G/L account beingMaster data has to be created in each client to uploadthrough LSMW / SCATT / BDC.

In Billing Document in change mode (in the first screenwhere we enter Billing Document number), on the top mostleft hand corner, take a dropdown on Billing Document &select Release to accounting. Here you can get the undermentioned possible message:1. G/L account not found2. Cost Element not maintained for G/L account.In automatic invoice posting where do we link the customer account so when entry is released the effect is displyed in the customer account

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In t-code VKOA assignment of gl account

Item category controls whether the item is relevant for pricing, delivery, billing,etc.Automatic account assignment are basically configured in CO module. in case of thirdparty sales account assignment category is assigned at schedule line category level,in case of make to order scenario, it is assigned to requirement that it is assigned to different levels.

Fristly third party doesnot have schdule lines as there isno materila movement from your place ( palnt ) to customerand so no avilability check is done

Secondly the item category controls the condtion typefallowed for the customer in terms of the material and thesales area

Automatic assignment happnes based on your condtion typegiven in your revenus account which is in turn decided byyour item category and genral item category in the materilamaster

What is a valuation class? Can we have alternative items in a sales order? What three sources provide data for the creation of a sales document?

Valuation class it is used in FI and MM integration. Itdetermines the g/l accounts to be posted automatically (ExRaw materail or Finised goods).

In material master we specify valuation class:- for valuation class, we assign g/l accounts based onnature of transaction,- at the time of goods receipt/ issue, stores person entersmovement type, - our a/c's will be updated automatically based on accountassignment to valuation class which is specified in materialmaster.

Valuation classes are linked to valuation class in Tcode OBYC

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2..YES we can enter multiple items in a sales order item level.

3.Three sources what i guess is header level(tableVBAK),Item level(table-VBAP),Schedule line (table-VBEP)

Please Correct me if i am wrong On the Third Section.

How do we Mass update the price of a material in billing docs if the price of item is changed after creation of order, delivery and pgi.

We want the billing to happen at revised rae.

We have to redtermine prices at a time of Billing Document Creation. This will control by setting Pricing Type "B" (Cary out new Pricing) in copy control from Delivery to Billing Document.

From where we get the exact schedule line date.How system take this date. What do u mean by movement type(Definition)

Schedule line as per the definition tells us that ' Something that has Material,Quantity, date'

Two ways of looking at the same

In the orer type configuation we define the lead time for the delivery to happen.

As we confugure the availability check system looks in to the stock in hand, planned orders, prodction orders ( as per the configuration) and the associated lead times to arrive at a date for delivery and thus the schedule line.

Movement type: Each goods movement in the system is associated with a movement type i.e a number, as from purchase to warehouse, free stock to restricted stock or quality.

Apart from document type the lead time will be given in Materia Master.Planned Delivery Time in MRP-2 in material master

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Schedule line gives material quantity at available date. First it will work backward scheduling & if MTL not available, it will do forward scheduling. Also if partial quantity is accepted->As maitained in Customer Master it will work on that & the balance quantity by forward sceduling.

Basic concept of ATP works which has Checking Group, Checking Rule, AV Check activate at Schedule Line category & Item Category, Requirement Type is identified which is associated to Requirement Class041 (Predefined in SD), Plant must be defined, Transfer Of Requirement must be switched on in Schedule Line Category.

Pick Pack is controlled at Shipping Point. But if you define Pick/Pack, Transportation lead-time in Route determination then it will pick from there & work out.This is short summary which includes all topics associated with ATP.

ATP is also on Allocation which is in Make-to order or production order which go through Routing & ATP check as predefined in IMG

hi,what are the configuration setting are necessaryfor SAP SD people while configured the MAKE TO ORDER,tel me the procedure of make to order step by step

Make to order classified into two types1)With Assembly and2)With out Assembly..

Please note for make to order production item category should be TAK.In the item category deliverey relavance shouldn't be activated & Schedule line shoule be permitted.Through schdule lines requireShhedule line catagory should be CV.

make to order sd configuration is create material with high level item category and item category group with 0001 and 0002 sd setting s are sales organisation1,sales organisation 2 and genral plant.and defining and assining enterprise structure of sd part

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common sales area,configuration of item category determinationconfiguration etc.matain master data for customer and document .

How to configure Make-to-order in sd. Tell me the process step by step

SAP provides steps-by-steps configuration forMake-to-Order(MTO) with Variant Configuration(VC), and MTOwithout VC. My answer would be referring to the SAP BestPractices for MTO with/without VC.

Create mm01 with configurable materia type + Item category group should be 0001 + materia group purchasing view + Availability ck shoud be 02.Now create, VA01 n see item category shud be TAK + see requirement shud be KE. schedule line shud be CP.Now do initilize d stock with 561 & stock indicator SHD BE E

Apart from document type the lead time will be given in Materia Master.Planned Delivery Time in MRP-2 in material master

Schedule line gives material quantity at available date. First it will work backward scheduling & if MTL not available, it will do forward scheduling. Also if partial quantity is accepted->As maitained in Customer Master it will work on that & the balance quantity by forward sceduling.

Basic concept of ATP works which has Checking Group, Checking Rule, AV Check activate at Schedule Line category & Item Category, Requirement Type is identified which is associated to Requirement Class041 (Predefined in SD), Plant must be defined, Transfer Of Requirement must be switched on in Schedule Line Category.

Pick Pack is controlled at Shipping Point. But if you define Pick/Pack, Transportation lead-time in Route determination then it will pick from there & work out.This is short summary which includes all topics associated with ATP.

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ATP is also on Allocation which is in Make-to order or production order which go through Routing & ATP check as predefined in IMG

From where we get the exact schedule line date.How system take this date. What do u mean by movement type(Definition)

Schedule line as per the definition tells us that ' Something that has Material,Quantity, date'

Two ways of looking at the same

In the orer type configuation we define the lead time for the delivery to happen.

As we confugure the availability check system looks in to the stock in hand, planned orders, prodction orders ( as per the configuration) and the associated lead times to arrive at a date for delivery and thus the schedule line.

Movement type: Each goods movement in the system is associated with a movement type i.e a number, as from purchase to warehouse, free stock to restricted stock or quality.

Schedule line gives material quantity at available date. First it will work backward scheduling & if MTL not available, it will do forward scheduling. Also if partial quantity is accepted->As maitained in Customer Master it will work on that & the balance quantity by forward sceduling.

Basic concept of ATP works which has Checking Group, Checking Rule, AV Check activate at Schedule Line category & Item Category, Requirement Type is identified which is associated to Requirement Class041 (Predefined in SD), Plant must be defined, Transfer Of Requirement must be switched on in Schedule Line Category.

Pick Pack is controlled at Shipping Point. But if you define Pick/Pack, Transportation lead-time in Route determination then it will pick from there & work out.This

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is short summary which includes all topics associated with ATP.

ATP is also on Allocation which is in Make-to order or production order which go through Routing & ATP check as predefined in IMG

how to create T.CODE

T Code: SE93

Put in a Tcode Name starting with Z and press create

Choose the radio button report trasaction Put in a short text for name and press enterPaste the report name in the programe spaceSave

For what purpose we are maintaining CIN in sap? What is use for that

General ledger for excise duty updation will be assigned in CIN [ IMG ] under Accounting customization .When ever goods are received , Excise G/L will be updated for Modvat credit on inputs , RG 23 A part 1 for quantity and part 2 for Modvat credit amount . This register is used for material other then Capital Items . For Capital Items RG 23 C Part 1 and Part 2 will be Updated . For Depot receipts and sales RG 23 D Part 1 and Part 2 will be updated . CIN Means Country India Version

In Indian Taxing procedure, Excise Duty plays a vital rolein manufacturing cenario’s. Excise related configuration isknown as CIN configuration. CIN Configuration is a topic initself.

Some info on CIN Configuration (it may not appear asunderstandable below, but if you check on screen, it will beunderstood better)

Country Version India comes with four pricing procedures asfollows:

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- JINFAC (Sales from manufacturing plants) - JINEXP (Export sales) - JINDEP (Sales from depots) - JINSTK (Stock transfers

why we use one step and two step in STO. please explain end to end sto process .Don't explain the configuration only process how it starts and where it ends

The process of STO Involves 2 stages

1. The odder is released from the customer to the company( palnt a)from pant a to plant bTHEN PLANT B DELIVERS THE GOODS TO CUSTOMER Now when we do the billing fallowed with PGI we need to godual billing Plant b to pant a( iv is th billing type and is statisticalin nature i.e not posted for profitablity analaysis) Plant A TO Customer ( F2) Generla billing type BASED ONDelivery

The configurations you need to take care is codtion type isPI01 and pr00 and pricing is ica001 and RVA000

Hi Experts, How is revenue account determination done? Do weuse the same account keys provide in SAP Standard or we copySAP Std and customize it to our client’s needs/requirements? If we copy SAP Standard of account keys thenwhat is the logic behind it as we can use the SAP ProvidedStandard account keys?

What do you mean by Alternative Calculation Type &Alternative Base Value in Pricing? Give definition of aboveterms and then Give as many examples as possible from yourreal time project data? Plz give more emphasis onexplanation, procedure and real time examples from yourproject data. Please answer this question asap.... ItsUrgent.... Looking forward for your express reply...I haveinterview within 1-2 days. So, give reply to this queryasap.. I would be very grateful to you for your timelyhelp.Thanks in advance. Regards

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Alt calculation refers to pricing done on delivery or onmateriel cost or with respect to shipping istead of std proo

Need to check on alternative condtion base

Alternative Calculation Type:

Good Question. This answer is 100% correct so please read carefully & you will get 100 marks.

Normally if you want to calculate a value you have to use a calculation type for determination the value. This calculation type is either addition, subtraction or multiplication. Similarly SAP also has got a default calculation type in the control data of the condition type. There you have the options of either Qty based , Fixed Amount Based or Percentage based.

Here what happens is suppose if you define Your condition type that calculates the base price of a material on Qty based. Then the calculation will be done based on the quantity of the material. If the customer orders 10 Nos and you have maintained a unit price of 100 Rs for each material then the value determined is 1000 INR. Similarly if the discount condition type , you maintain the calculation type as %. This means if you maintain the value of 10 % in the condition record. Then this percentage is taken as the calculation type and the condition value is determined.

In some cases you have to forego the default calculation types and use the customer specific method for calculating a value. For ex if you are calculating the Freight charges for a Material . it depends on so many criteria like, the weight, volume and also the minimum amount etc etc, in those cases, you forego the default value and then use the alternative calculation type in calculating the condition value against the particular condition.

Alternative Condition Base value :

0 Rajiv Trivedi

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If you have to calculate any value then you have to have a base value for it. For ex if you want to calculate the discount of 10 % for a material then you have to have a base value on which this 10% is calculated. Normally you take the condition value of the base price of the material to calculate the value.

Now you don't want to take the base value and take other values as base value which are derived on some formulae. So you create a routine which will do the mathematical operations in the routine and derive you a value which is now used as the base value for calculating the condition value for a particular condition type.

[email protected] I am giving best examples to cut above story in short with right examples so you can understand faster. This may be perhaps better explaination which Ifeel

AltCty - Condition formula for alternative calculation type:• It is again a Routine that is written by ABAP Consultant. • It is an alternative formula for the condition type that can be used instead of standard formulas. • For example, let us take the Profit Margin which can be both + / - , so here this routine will help us in generating the value which can be either + or -. Profit margin is not a condition type so it cannot be classified as +ve or -ve in the V/06. • Ex.: 950 0 Profit Margin 11. • So we assign 11 - Profit Margin. • If new routines are to be defined we follow the procedure given below. o Go to T.Code: VOFM. - Maintain Requirements & Formulas • o Click on the "Formulas" and then on the "Condition Values". o We have a list of routines, we can ask ABAP consultant to create new routines based on the client requests. o And we assign the application type.

AltCBV - Alternative formula for condition base value:•

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Formula for determining the condition basis as an alternative to the standard. • It is again a Routine that is written by ABAP Consultant. • It is used as a basis to calculate value of the condition type instead of using it from the "FROM" column. • Ex.: Freight - KF00. • Freight is calculated based on weight, volume etc. and not on the base price. In pricing there is no entry of weight from which the value can be referred like we do for discounts using base price. We have to get the value from the Material master. • In this column we can mention the value as 12 - Gross Weight or 13 - Net Weight. • During pricing, the system will consider the value that is mentioned in this column and determine the freight based on this value. • Suppose we have Net weight: 100 kgs and Gross Weight: 150 kgs. And if we mention 13 in this column then the Freight condition KF00 will be calculated using the weight as 100 kgs.

In Third party if vendor direct deliever the goods to the customer or deliever the goods to the company then what would be the diff in this scenerio bcz of these two situation.

When Vendor delivers it to the customer it is called thirdparty , but when he delivers it to the business it is calledIndividual purchase order.

Differences :

Item category : Tas < third party > , Tab < IPO >Schedule line : CS < Third party > CB < IPO>

The difference in process is since there the goods aredelivered to the business , business has to to the deliveryto the customer . Hence apart from the process of thirdparty you also include the delivery process

this is a concise explanation but the major difference isdefinitely delivery.

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in third party we do migo step only for information purpose but customer wants that it also update the company stock.then how we will do this.

It is done through invoice verification based on which thebillign is raised . When we do invoive verification we cometo know as to how much material is delivered against theorder generated by the third party and secondly when wetake the order from the customer we find as to how muchmaterial is outstanding from the client and his creditcheck and the diffrence between the order taken ( open slaesorder and open billing will give us an idea on the materialdevliverd and updated

At how many places do we do availability check in SD? When the availability check is done in sales order, what is the need to do it again in deliveries?

Avilability check is done in 2 palces in the SD PROCESSone is in MM in SALES ORG2 AND MRP 1 and we also do a atPRODUCT Allocation

We also do it in ATP process SPERATELY WHERE WE INTEGRATEWITH THE MM and pp team . The main reason for this check indleuivery is to reconfirm the routing process and thedelivery time and schulde

Types of availability check in Sales Order1. Check on the basis of the ATP quantities2. Check against Product Allocation3. Check against planning

Checking Group & Checking Rule controls.. Requirments clas & requirement types are controlling features.It must be switched on & assignemtns are to be made here.

Av.Check must be active in Material Master MRP1, Delivery Item Categary tick checkbox, Schedule Line Category checkbox should be ticked so Transfer of Requirements happens at MRP that way its linked.

Plant must be defiend either from customer master or

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material master or Material Typoe.

Its checked at sales order item level & at delivery level as well.

In addition let me tell you the reson for availabilitycheck at DELIVERY Level is to onfirmt eh picking request andschedule the delivery process, More over once the order isconfirmend we need to do tor ( transfer of requirement) atorder levil and here avilability check depends on TOR (REQUIREMENT TYPE + REQUIREMENT CLASS)

Hi Friends, Can any one of you give me /share the difficult/ most challenging High priority / Emergency /medium ticketsas this question is asked more frequently in all SAP SDinterviews. Please provide 2-3 most difficult/ typical rareissues /tickets which can be explained easily in interview.Also give full error , your analysis & your final resolutionto that issue.Plz do not give websites names-- give ticketsdirectly. Based on this question the interviewer isselecting/ rejecting the candidates. So,this question ismore important as it is playing a key role in selection ofcandidate. Please help me in this regard. Many thanks inadvance.

If you are facing a problem with duplicate customer purchase order as your company does not allow a same customer purchase order with the same sales order type. ModerateAns. You can activate the check for duplicate purchase order with "VOV8". In the General Control Section, look for the field Check Purchase Order No and put in "A". 2. If I enter more than 8 items in a sales order and those items get copied into delivery doc then to billing doc. But our client want to restrict number of items to 8 (max) in an invoice. DifficultAns. You can restrict delivery with delivery tolerance, thereby causing invoicing of the desired. or

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Go to SPRO>>>IMG>>>Sales & Distribution>>>Billing>>>Billing Documents>>>Country-specific features>>>Maintain Maximum No. of Billing Items.

This is where you can define a maximum number of items allowed for all billing documents within a given sales organization.

However, maintaining data here is not enough alone to bring about a billing split by number of billing items.

You must also go to copying control for order/delivery to billing document at item level under "Data VBRK/VBRP" and maintain routine 006 "individual invoice limited" or a similar routine that accesses the data maintained here.

When i am raising the sale order.For each and every sale order it is going for credit check.And i have to release it with vkm3 (t.code).Even if the customers credit limit is not exceeded,it is blocking the customer and asking for the credit check.Can any one help in this matter what went wrong

Clear all open sale order then check sales order.

Please check Item category and sales doc type...VoV7 andV0V8, you would have checked the Credit limit box..removeand check it..

The reasof for this could be that you have give credit blockat the customer level too in xd05 . Plese remove the blockthen secondly also check it in vov8 and vov7 ( sales doc anditem category if any block is given and remove it ) thenthere will be no block on the credit

After you mentioned about credit block in xd05, I was surprised as I didnt knew about any "credit" block, so i went to the xd05 screen. I could not find the concept of credit block there.

In XD05, there are order, delivery, pgi, and sales support block.

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Go to credit control area defination SPRo-->Enterprise Structure->Def-->Financial Accounting-->Define Credit Control Area---> in details of Credit Control Area chnage Update to 000015.

And also check

The update in FD32 due to the Credit Active checkbox at the item category level. If the Credit group is assigned to the sales order type and then the item category is marked as Credit Active, this is expected behaviour. So, please remove the credit group assignment to the sales order and ensure that the combination of CCA+CG+RC for the sales order type doesnot apply. In this case, because the order type is not relevant for credit mngt, the update will not happen in FD32.

Please reply if it is not resolved

In the Consignment Process in Consignment Issue (CI)transaction if the customer has consumed some goods from theconsignment stock how does the company know about this?

In the consignment process at first we need to do consignment fill(CF) up by which the material will be delivered to the customer place but still these are property of the company. SO when the customer confirmed that he has consumed or supposed to consume then we make the consignment issue(CI)and then the rest of the material we ll picked up by COnsignment pickup (CP)

So the variation between Consignment fillup ( CF) and the Consignment pickup (CP) will be the Consignment Issue (CI).SO company will bill only the Consignment Issue ( CI) quatity of the product.

Hence you can't hide anything ..

if Anything else anyone have please suggest me..

In Third Party Sales Process how do you know that whetherthe goods sent by third party vendor has reached customer or

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not? Is there any control mechanism to know about it in SAPsystem if so then what is it?

once the vendor create a sales order, as per outputcustomization,the order confirmation generated (BA00)andthis document is sent via email or fax to the company whoraise a PO and assigning these BA00 document to company whoraise a sales order

We have pod in the customer data in the sales area whcihspeaks about the prof of delivery . Once the third party delivers the product at the client the supplier send the document called pod to and in the sales column we pave one tabage for PO ( THIS IS FOR THE THRID PARTY) . Wecreate the sales oder mentining that doc number in te po tabage and then we raise a order and substiquent billing isdone on F1( ORDER RELATED BILLING

In Revenue Account Determination what is the role ofCustomer Assignment Account Group? Explain in detail. Plznote that do not tell it involved in G/L AccountDetermination Procedure.

In revenue account Determination procedure you find five things. 1 :- Chart of accounts2:- Sales organisation3 :- Account assignment group for payer ( Which allow you to divide customers into difference groups , such as domestic of overseas customers)4 :- Account assignment group for material( which allows you to divide materials into difference groups , such as services and retail goods)5 : Account key( The account keys are assigned to condition types inthe pricing , so that conditions such as freight conditions can be posted to special freight revenue accounts)

Explain in detail about the MMR Sales org/ Plant viewAvailability Check field Checking Group options 01-Individual Requirements, 02- CollectiveRequirements—differences between them.

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The availability check option in the MMR specifies whether the individual requirement/collective requirements should takes place.

Individual requirements will be taken care immeditely,collective requirements takes place for 1day,1week.

If it is the individual requirements then the requirements will be transfered immediately.Where as the collective requirements will be transferred as per the 1day or 1 week.Which will be maintained in the requirment classes.

In the availability checking field you find two options1:- Daily requirement 2:- Individual requirement.

Where as in daily requirement the systems give the information of the exact quantity available at that paarticular date (Exa. out of 10 only 4 available on that date and the rest qty available date is ???

But in case of Individual requirement the systems show the date with full qty available. not in split qty.It may be on that date or nearest available date. Where as in Individual check we can check with ATP logic & RLT also.

How is Delivery Plant determined in SAP system?Delivery plant is determined by following methods.

First the system checks the customer master info record,if we did not maintain the delivery plant, then it checks the customer master,here also if it did not maintain,then it checks the material master,here also if it did not maintain.The plant is determining in sales order thatFirst- It will read CMIR (only when if you check read inforecord in VOV8)Second- It will read CMRThird- It will read MMR

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How do you split a delivery? What are the different ways tosplit a delivery Explain them in detail.

Delivery can be splitted.

1. Then first way is to in the customer master shipping tab specify the partial deliveries that u want to deliver(1 to 9 u can give).

Then in the delivery doc mentione the delivery qty that u want to send and do the picking for the same.

This is the way that you are going to split the deliveries.

What is the difference between Post Goods Issue (PGI)Cancellation /reversal and Returns Process?

After doing the post goods issue all the documents in the Finance in (FB03),material from the inventory will be reduced.And the customers record will be credited. And the delivery document is ready for the billing(vf01).

Where as after doing the PGR,the inventory of the material will be updated and simultaneously in Finance(Fb03) the customers record will be debited with the value of the material.

As far as I understand, here's the main difference:

When reversal or cancellation is done, accounting documents are created immediately and the postings are exactly the opposite of what is created during PGI.

In returns process, accounting documents are not generated as soon as the goods are returned.First a RE returns order is created, then a returns delivery a credit memo is created. Accounting documents are created only after the credit memo is created. This is the main difference between the two processes

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explain the process of output determinationOutput determination works on condition technique similar to other SD determination procedures

Step 1: Define condition table (if needed)

Step 2: Define access sequence

Step 3: Deinfe Output types

Step 4: Assign accesss sequence to output type

Step 5: Define output determination procedure

Step 6: Assign output types to output det procedure

Step 7: Assign output det procedure to document headers or items

Output types can be assigned to partner function

Tell me in consignment Fill up (CF) process whether gatepass (to show to security)is required in order to crossfactory precints / premises and billing is carried out ornot? Will there be any difference if it is a foreign projector domestic project? How to answer this question

Billing -In cf billin is nt carried outGate pass- I think it is required pl correct if i m wrongdiff foreign or domestic- pl. let me know

in Consigment fill up yu will only have picking and nopriicng or billing and the and the schdule lines is E1 andmomemtntype is 631.

However incase any product moves from the sotrage location is must be with the gate pass fromthe handling unit and is is an imp docu to be carried in pricing THE DIFF IN DOMESTINC AND foreign is with respect to docemention to be carried

How do you call up G/L accounts? You don't know which G/Laccounts are posted to revenue keys account keys then from

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where can you directly access G/L accounts? Is there anyalternate way to access G/L accounts other than t-code: VKOAtransaction? From which Sales Screen/ Document you can checkwhich G/L accounts are posted to your account keys? Can weaccess G/L accounts from Billing Document? Please providedetailed answer as this question is asked in many interviews?

i think answer for this question lies in vf02 of billing from there select environment menu and select account determination and the revenue account. pls correct me if iam wrong

hi, i have one problem wen i'm practising...we were creating sales order in std doc type OR. the material has mrp type std ND(noMRP) and item category TAN which was assigned to scheduleline category CN (NO CHECK). wat happened is the system automatically propse the material availability date as 31.12.2008, eventhough i havent configured availability check. so tht i cant make delivery for this order.... i ve tried many time with diff customer...but the same error was happened....can u pls tell me y it is happened?

if u maintain any one of these below the availabilitycheck will happen.

statergy group(material master-mrp-3) mrp types (material master-mrp-1) planning group(mrp) schedule line category(availability) requirement class(img) requirement type(img)if u still want to make a delivery goto (vl01n) change thedelivery date 31.12.2008 and try to do the delivery providedif u have the stock in plant.

What does the movement type control?movement types control goods movement from one place to other place

movement type control the type of movement for material like 101 GRN FROM PROD TO STORAGE AND 102 IS REVERSAL OF IT, SIMILARLY 311 FOR ONE STORAGE LOCATION TO ANOTHER AND

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How do you print out documents, such as order confirmations?in short output DeterminationFor this in SAP we have the Condition techniquemeans Maintain Condition table (Tcode-V/57)Maintain Access Sequencemaintain Output types BA00(v/30)Assisign O/P types to Partner Header And item level (V/43 And V/69)define Forms (SE71)Definr Requirements(V/27)Define print parameters(VP01)then maintain the condition record for print (VV11)

what happens if we check 'exclusive' indication in access sequence, and what happens if we do not chec

It Controls whether the system stops searching for a record after the first successful access for a condition type within an access sequence.

If you dont check it , even it finds a record with the first search it checks the with remaining accesss. It is better to use this indicator in view of fine tuning of the condition technique.

suppose if you have 5 access and if tick exclusive indicatorto the 3rd access,then system search with 1 to 3 and willstop after it finds valid conddition or else it will go to4 and 5 accessBatch input sessions enter data non-interactively into anR/3 System. Batch input is typically used to transfer datafrom non-R/3 Systems to R/3 Systems or to transfer databetween R/3 Systems.

This section describes how to manage batch input sessions.

To reach the main menu of the batch input system, selectSystem ® Services ® Batch input. Alternatively, entertransaction SM35.

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For information on the Recording function in the batch inputmanager (transaction SHDB), please see the online guideBasis Programming Interfaces. You can use the recordingfunction to create a batch input session without having towrite or run a program to generate a session\

Can anyone tell about types of free goods ?we have two types of free goods, inclusive and exclusive.example:1)in paste: 25% extra more -its inclusive2)when you buy paste you get a brush freee, its exclusive.

settings:we have asign the sales area to free goods deter: procedure.

and in easy access screenVBN1

See in SAP Free goods are caterogised into two parts.1.Inclusive Free Goods and 2. Exclusive Free Goods.

Inclusive free goods are nothingbut giving the same material as a free of charge item.

Exclusive free goods are nothingbut giving the different material as a free of charge item.

FREEGOODS can be configured in sap by following two methods ;1 .manually 2 .automaticallyManually :By specifying higher level item category for a line item we can determined freegoods as a free ofcharge items during sales order processing .Autometically :System proposes free goods autometically in the sales order .In autometic freegoods configuration system follows two methods :1 .EXCUSIVE2 .iNCLUSIVEEXCUSIVE :System configures freegoods in exclusive option like free goods quantity going to be excluded in order quantity .Ex :for 10 items 1 item is free .then system

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configures free goods as 10+1INCLUSIVE :System configures freegoods in inclusive option like free goods quantity is going to be included in order quantity .Ex: for 10 items 1 item is free ,then system configures freegoods as 9+1 .NOTE :IN exclusive method other items also can be given as a free of charge items for order item .

Two types of free goods exist in SAP. They are

1.Inclusive free goods.2.Exclusive free goods.

Inclusive free goods agreement:

The customer pays only for a part of the goods required. The rest of the goods are for free. This is called inclusive free goods which mean that part of the purchased quantity is designated as free and not billed. The unit of measure for the inclusive free goods is same as the purchased quantity.

e.g.:- of the ten bottles of wine ordered two are designated as free goods. If we order ten bottles of wine then ten bottles of wines are delivered to us as ordered but we are billed only for the eight bottles and two bottles are given as free. We have received inclusive free goods.

Exclusive free goods agreement:

The customer pays for the goods ordered and receives some additional goods. This is known as exclusive free goods and means that free goods is granted for an additional quantity to that in the purchase order. More is delivered than was ordered and the additional quantity is not billed. The goods delivered as free do not have to be the same as the material ordered.

e.g.:- When four coffee machines are ordered, the vendor supplies a packet of coffee as free goods. Therefore, if we order four coffee machines, we receive a free packet of coffee.

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Four Ways:

1. Order Type Delivery Free of Charge, Item Cat.KLN2. Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge, Item Cat. KLN3. Higher Level Item, Item Cat. TANN4. Free Goods Determination: Inclusive: Free goods is part of the Order Quantity Order Quantity 10 = 9+1 free (here Fr.good is Same Item) Exclusive: Free goods is not part of the Order Quantity Order Quantity 10 = 10+1 free (here Fr.good can be Diff)

how to do partical delivery?

Hi for this you have to configure in CMR sales are tab, select Shipping and maintain Partial deliveries in that you maintain Partial delivery per item as you have options to choose like A - Create delivery with qty>0 B - Create one delivery C - Only complete delivery allowed D - No limit to subsequnet delivery Blank - Partial delivery allowed.

Choose one of them according to your requirement, remmember you can do maximum 9 partial deliveries in a sales order.

A part from that you have to configure delivery spli profile in SAP Menu - Logistics--> Logistic execution--> Outbound process--> Goods issue for outbound delivery---> Loading--> outbound delivery split.follow this path you can open Split profile template, in that choose, Shiiping pt and maintain split parametreres, split profile like DS01- Standard delivery split. so that you can do delivery split according to sales order along with handling units. I hope, this would solve issue.

I Recently faced the interview in SAP SD.Interviewer asked the what is the serial no in delivery processing?and also what is the pgi?and what is the configuration for packing?and what is the relation between plant and shipping point?

Plant is place where goods are manufactured or stored and shipping point is a place within the plant from where u ship the goods to the customer. a plant can have n number

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of shipping points. we assign diffrent no. ranges to every document generated in SAP it can be either a manually given no. or it can be system generated no.. PGI(post goods issue) is nothing but confirmetion of delivered quantity and goods actually gets depleted from plant stock when u do PGI.

PGI means Post goods issue i,e; inventory was reduced & thematerial are ready for transportation.after PGI material document will generated as well asfinancial document also generated. Value of the stockreduced & sold material value will increase. Foe packing, material should be packing relevant.In material master packing material gr should maintain.packing material should be created & stock should beinitialize. Material type should be VERP & item categorywill be LEIH. in VL01n after picking & before pGI we have to pack thematerial by clicking the packing iconPlant & shipping point relationship is many to many

The above definition of serial no is incorrect, whats written is actually waht we call 'number assignment'.Serial nos are applicable for delivery when the same is mentioned in the material master record, the purpose is to track the individual materials. As for delivery it can be mentioned while order creation or during delivery. if for a particular material 'serial no' is maintained in material master, it must be mentioned before PGI otherwise PGI wouldn't happen.2.PGI-Post goods issue, is the last step of delivery/shipment processing, its the step where the ownership of the goods transfer to the customer and the stock is updated. it also forms a link with FI via inventory accouting.3.Plant can be defined as per production, manufacturing and SD point of view. The assignment of plant and shipping point is correctly mentioned above

can anybody explain the steps involved in third party sales indetail....

explain how to configure 1) PR----PO----Inbound

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delivery...GR for inbound delivery....invoice... invoice verification.....

thanks in Advance...

this is a perfect example of third party sales.

In third-party order processing, your company does not deliver the items requested by a customer. Instead, you pass the order along to a third-party vendor who then ships the goods directly to the customer and bills you. A sales order may consist partly or wholly of third-party items. Occasionally, you may need to let a vendor deliver items you would normally deliver yourself. The following graphic shows how a third party business transaction is processed.

Process Flow

The processing of third-party orders is controlled via material types. Material types define whether a material is produced only internally, can be ordered only from third-party vendors, or whether both are possible. For example, a material that is defined as a trading good can only be ordered from a third-party vendor. However, if you manufacture your own finished products, you may also want, from time to time, to be able to order the same type of product from other vendors.

Third-party items can be created automatically by the system, depending on how your system is set. However, you can also change a standard item to a third-party item during sales processing manually.

Automatic third-party order processing

If a material is always delivered from one or more third-party vendors, you can specify in the material master that the material is a third-party item. During subsequent sales order processing, the system automatically determines the appropriate item category for a third-party item: TAS. To specify a material as a third-party item, enter BANS in the Item category group field in the Sales 2 screen of the material master record.

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Manual third-party order processing

In the case of a material that you normally deliver yourself but occasionally need to order from a third-party vendor, you can overwrite the item category during sales order processing. For a material that you normally deliver yourself, you specify the item category group NORM in the material master.

If, as an exception, you use a third-party material, change the entry TAN to TAS in the ItCa field when processing the sales document. The item is then processed as third-party item.

If address data for the ship-to party is changed in the sales order in third-party business transactions, the changed data will automatically be passed on to purchase requisition and also to the purchase order ,if one already exists. In the purchase order, you can display the address data for the ship-to party in the attributes for the item. You can only change the address data for the ship-to party in the sales order for third-party business transactions, and not in the purchase order.

Process Flow for 3rd Party Sales Customize the third party sales in summary:

1. Create Vendor XK01

2. Create Material , Material Type as "Trading Goods". Item category group as "BANS".

3. Assign Item Category TAS to Order type that you are going to use.

4. A sale order is created and when saved a PR is generated at the background

5. With reference to SO a PO is created (ME21N). The company raises PO to the vendor.

6. Vendor delivers the goods and raises bill to company. MM receives the invoice MIRO

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7. Goods receipt MIGO

8. Goods issue

9. The item cat TAS or Schedule line cat CS is not relevant for delivery which is evident from the config and, therefore, there is no delivery process attached in the whole process of Third party sales.

10. Billing

SD - 3rd party sales order Create Sales Order VA01 Order Type Sales org, distr chnl, div Enter Sold to PO # Material Quantity Enter Save

SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that is created with a third party sales order VA01 Order Number Goto Item Overview Item ->Schedule Item

SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that is created ME52N Key in the PR number Save

SD - 3rd party sales order Assign the PR to the vendor and create PO ME57 Key in the PR number Toggle the "Assigned Purchase Requisition" Execute Check the box next to the material Assign Automatically button

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Click on "Assignments" button Click on "Process assignment" The "Process Assignment Create PO" box , enter Drag the PR and drop in the shopping basket Save

SD - 3rd party sales order Receive Goods MIGO_GR PO Number DN Number Batch tab , click on classification Serial Numbers tab Date of Production Flag Item OK Check, just in case Post Save

SD - 3rd party sales order Create Invoice MIRO Invoice Date Look for the PO , state the vendor and the Material Check the box Clilck on "Copy" Purchase Order Number (bottom half of the screen) Amount State the baseline date Simulate & Post Invoice Number *Invoice blocked due to date variance

SD - 3rd party sales order Create a delivery order VL01N In the order screen , go to the menu Sales Document , select "Deliver" Go to "picking" tab State the qty and save

SD - 3rd party sales order Create a billing document VF01 Ensure that the delivery document is correct in the Enter Go to edit -> Log Save

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Two types of third party sales are there.1st- with shipping notification2nd- without shipping notification.Notification will always to the customer about the shippmentthat he suppose to receive.notification can be done by company or vendor.Third party sales also depends upon how the company wants todelivery the ordered material to the customer.It will bedecided by normal PO or indivisual PO.In case of special packing it is advisable to go forindivisual PO.

Creation of vendor XK01based on customer ordered material creat sales order VA01save & goto change mode Note down the PR no.raise PO with ref of PR no.vendor will deliver the material to customer & raise theinvoice to the companyMM people will do MIRO- Invoice verification.then MIGO ( Statistical goods receipt) for reporting people will do order related billing.Note- Without MIRO no billing (order related) will possible.Let say qty -1000 in PO.Vendor send 700.then what about the remaining 300 qts.since it is a order related billing......In Tas (item category) billing relevence is 'F'check in the vov4 Manual item category should TAS i,e;-- or+norm+ - + - =tan ,TAS.or else create a trading material HAWAit will trigger item category gr -BANS & item category TAS &schedule line category as CS.

what is Idocs and status?IDOC is an intermediate Document, it is simply a data container used to exchange information between any two processes that can understand the syntax and semantics of the data.

Status is nothing but it will show workflow of inbound and outbouns status.

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IDocs are SAP’s file format to exchange data with a foreign system.Any IDoc consists of two sections:- The control record which is always the first line of the file and provides the administrative information, it's stored in table EDIDC.- The data record which contains the application dependent data, it's stored in table EDID4.

IDoc status: the processing steps and their respective status results are stored in table EDIDS.

IDOC is a intermediate document to exchange data. Two typesof Technologies used for IDOC. ALE & EDI are those tech.ALE used for SAP to SAP & EDI for SAP to non SAP.Idocs are two type INBOUND(2) & OUT BOUND (1)Take a simple example:-Idoc is a data container -- BUSSegment -- SEATSData -- PassengerPort -- BUS DEPORFC Connectivity -- National High wayIDoc has three Layer.1st- Control record,which gives the information about thereceiver as well as sender information.2nd- Data records, which holds the Segment as well as data3rd- Status record. which is generated by systemautomatically on reaching every landmark on its journey.

Status Record For outbound Idoc( 1 to 49)status record for in bound Idoc is ( 5o to 75)

apart from this a lot of configuration are there for Idocs

how to transfer number ranges?

number ranges cannot be transported from one client to another client. It should be created and assigned in the same client. For example, if you want to maintain some number ranges for sales documents, you should create in production client itself using TCode VN01.

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Can We change the account group of customer master?If, for example, a customer who has always fulfilled the function of a payer then takes on the role of a sold-to party, you have to assign the new function to the customer. However, since screen and field selection in the customer master record are controlled by the account group, you can only assign the other function by changing the account group.

Changes to the account group and the accompanying partner functions can only be made from a lower level to a higher level. For example, this means that a sold-to party cannot be assigned the function of a payer as fields which have already been maintained for this sold-to party would have to be masked. However, you can assign the sold-to party function to a payer.

Account Groups Which can be Changed

You can change the account group for the following partner functions:

Ship-to party Bill-to party Payer

The following topic explains how you change the account group for a payer.

StepsTo change the account group of a payer, proceed as follows:

In the SD Master Data Screen, select Business partners - Payer - Change account group. You reach the Change Account Group screen.

Enter the number of the payer whose account group you wish to change and press ENTER. You reach the dialog box Company Codes/Sales Areas by Customer. It shows you which company codes and sales areas for this payer you must maintain after you have changed the account group.

Press ENTER.

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You reach the Change Account Group Customer: Initial Screen dialog box which informs you of the account group of the previous partner function. Here, you enter the account group of the new partner function you wish to assign to the payer.

Enter the required account group in the field New account group and press ENTER. If fields need to be maintained as a result of the new account group, you reach the dialog box Change Account Group: Critical Field Groups, in which the field groups and fields to be maintained are listed.If the window is not displayed, no fields need to be maintained and you can proceed to Step 7.

Press ENTER. You reach the Change Account Group dialog box where you can change the account group if you made an error previously.

Check your entry and press ENTER. You branch to the customer master record where you can maintain the new fields for the new account group.If the customer has been created for several company codes/sales areas, master record maintenance is carried out here for the company code/sales area which was displayed first in the dialog box Company Code/Sales Areas by Customer.

You only branch directly to customer master record maintenance if you have the authorization to change master records. Otherwise, these fields must be maintained at a later point in time by someone who has the authorization to do so.

Maintain all the screens in the customer master record which you feel are important. Maintain all the mandatory fields at least. If you press ENTER after having reached the last screen, a dialog box is displayed in which you can save your data. Select yes and press ENTER to save your data. You receive a message informing you that the account group of the customer master being processed has been changed.

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Press ENTER.You return to the Change Customer Account Group : Initial Screen and you receive a message informing you that the changes have been saved.

You have now completed the maintenance of the new fields in the customer master for the first company code/sales area. If the customer has been created for several company codes/sales areas, maintain the fields for the remaining company codes/sales areas as well. The company codes/sales areas for the customer are displayed in the dialog box Company Codes/Sales Areas by Customer (see Step 3).

It may make sense to block the customer until all the necessary data has been maintained.

How to combine two sales orders in single invioce?For combain the two diff sales orders in One Invoice,below conditions should be meet.1)payer sould be same2)billing date should be same3)payment terms should be same4)inco terms should be same5)billing type6)currencey

SAP SD Transaction codes List I found a way to know hidden customizing Tcodes. Before executing customizing task you desire, point it and go to Edit-Display IMG Activity. Then mark activity. Go to T.Code se16 and type in CUS_IMGACH table. Execute. Paste IMG Activity and run. You will see Tcode that belongs to IMG Activity. SAP SD Tips by: Javier The most frequently used transaction codes are as follows: 1. VS00 - Master data 2. VC00 - Sales Support 3. VA00 - Sales 4. VL00 - Shipping

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5. VT00 - Transportation 6. VF00 - Billing Others as follows: At Configuration: 1. VOV8 - Define Sales documents type (header) 2. OVAZ - Assigning Sales area to sales documents type 3. OVAU - Order reasons 4. VOV4 - Assign Item categoreies(Item cat determination) 5. VOV6 - Scedule line categories 6. OVAL - To assign blocks to relevant sales documents type 7. OVLK - Define delivery types 8. V/06 - Pricing 9. V/08 - Maintain pricing procedure 10.OVKP - Pricing proc determination 11.V/07 - Access sequence Enduser: 1. Customer Master Creation-VD01 and XD01 (for full inclu company code) VD02 - Change Customer VD03 - Display Customer VD04 - Customer Account Changes VD06 - Flag for Deletion Customer XD01 - Create Customer XD02 - Modify Customer XD03 - Display Customer 2. Create Other material ----MM00 3. VB11- To create material determination condition record 4. CO09- Material availability Overview 5. VL01 - Create outbound delivery with ref sales order 6. VL04 - Collective processing of delivery 7. VA11 - Create Inquiry VA12 - Change Inquiry VA13 - Display Inquiry Sales & Distribution Sales order / Quote / Sched Agreement / Contract • VA01 - Create Order • VA02 - Change Order • VA03 - Display Order • VA02 - Sales order change • VA05 - List of sales orders • VA32 - Scheduling agreement change • VA42 - Contract change • VA21 - Create Quotation • VA22 - Change Quotation

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• VA23 - Display Quotation Billing • VF02 - Change billing document • VF11 - Cancel Billing document • VF04 - Billing due list • FBL5N - Display Customer invoices by line • FBL1N - Display Vendor invoices by line Delivery • VL02N - Change delivery document • VL04 - Delivery due list • VKM5 - List of deliveries • VL06G - List of outbound deliveries for goods issue • VL06P - List of outbound deliveries for picking • VL09 - Cancel goods issue • VT02N - Change shipment • VT70 - Output for shipments General • VKM3, VKM4 - List of sales documents • VKM1 - List of blocked SD documents • VD52 - Material Determination

SAP Functional Transaction Codes Customer XD01 Create Customer (Centrally) XD02 Change Customer (Centrally) XD03 Display Customer (Centrally) XD04 Customer Changes (Centrally) XD05 Block customer (centrally) XD06 Mark customer for deletion (centr.) XD07 Change Customer Account Group XD99 Customer master mass maintenance XDN1 Maintain Number Ranges (Customer)Vendor XEIP Number range maintenance: EXPIMP XK01 Create vendor (centrally) XK02 Change vendor (centrally) XK03 Display vendor (centrally) XK04 Vendor Changes (Centrally) XK05 Block Vendor (Centrally) XK06 Mark vendor for deletion (centrally) XK07 Change vendor account groupSales Order

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VA00 Initial Sales Menu VA01 Create Sales Order VA02 Change Sales Order VA03 Display Sales Order VA05 List of Sales Orders VA07 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Order) VA08 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Org.Dt.)Inquiry VA11 Create Inquiry VA12 Change Inquiry VA13 Display Inquiry VA14L Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery VA15 Inquiries ListQuotation VA21 Create Quotation VA22 Change Quotation VA23 Display Quotation VA25 Quotations List VA26 Collective Processing for QuotationsContract VA41 Create Contract VA42 Change Contract VA42W Workflow for master contract VA43 Display Contract VA44 Actual Overhead: Sales Order VA45 List of Contracts VA46 Coll.Subseq.Processing f.ContractsItem Proposal VA51 Create Item Proposal VA52 Change Item Proposal VA53 Display Item Proposal VA55 List of Item Proposals VA88 Actual Settlement: Sales OrdersDelivery (Outbound) VL00 Shipping VL01 Create Delivery VL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref. VL01NO Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref. VL02 Change Outbound Delivery VL02N Change Outbound Delivery VL03 Display Outbound Delivery VL03N Display Outbound Delivery VL04 Process Delivery Due List VL06 Delivery Monitor

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VL06C List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation VL06D Outbound Deliveries for Distribution VL06F General delivery list - Outb.deliv. VL06G List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue VL06I Inbound Delivery Monitor VL06IC Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv. VL06ID Inbound Deliveries for Distribution VL06IF Selection inbound deliveries VL06IG Inbound deliveries for goods receipt VL06IP Inbound deliveries for putaway VL06L Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor VL06P List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking VL06T List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning) VL06U List of Unchecked Outbound Deliveries VL08 Confirmation of Picking Request VL09 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note VL10 Edit User-specific Delivery List VL10A Sales Orders Due for Delivery VL10B Purchase Orders Due for DeliveryCustomer management FD01 Create Customer (Accounting) FD02 Change Customer (Accounting) FD02CORE Maintain customer FD03 Display Customer (Accounting) FD04 Customer Changes (Accounting) FD05 Block Customer (Accounting) FD06 Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctng) FD08 Confirm Customer Individually(Actng) FD09 Confirm Customer List (Accounting) FD10 Customer Account Balance FD10N Customer Balance Display FD10NA Customer Bal. Display with Worklist FD10NET Customer Balance Display FD11 Customer Account Analysis FD15 Transfer customer changes: send FD16 Transfer customer changes: receive FD24 Credit Limit Changes FD32 Change Customer Credit Management FD33 Display Customer Credit Management FD37 Credit Management Mass ChangePricing V/03 Create Condition Table (SD Price) V/04 Change Condition Table (Sales pr.)

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V/05 Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.) V/06 Condition Categories: SD Pricing V/07 Maintain Access (Sales Price) V/08 Conditions: Procedure for A V V/09 Condition Types: Account Determin. V/10 Account Determination: Access Seqnc V/11 Conditions: Account Determin.Proced. V/12 Account Determination: Create Table V/13 Account Determination: Change Table V/14 Account Determination: Display TableBOM CS00 BOM Menu CS01 Create Material BOM CS02 Change Material BOM CS03 Display Material BOM CS05 Change Material BOM Group CS06 Display Material BOM Group CS07 Allocate Material BOM to Plant CS08 Change Material BOM - Plant Alloc. CS09 Display Allocations to Plant CS11 Display BOM Level by Level CS12 Multilevel BOM CS13 Summarized BOM CS14 BOM Comparison CS15 Single-Level Where-Used List CS20 Mass Change: Initial Screen CS21 Mass Material Change: Initial Screen CS22 Mass Document Change: Initial Screen CS23 Mass Class Change: Initial Screen CS25 Archiving for BOMs CS26 BOM deletion CS27 Retrieval of BOMs CS28 Archiving for BOMs CS31 Create class BOM CS32 Change class BOM CS33 Display class BOM CS40 Create Link to Configurable Material CS41 Change Material Config. Allocation CS42 Display Material Config. Assignment CS51 Create standard BOM CS52 Change standard BOM CS53 Display standard BOM CS61 Create Order BOM CS62 Change Order BOM

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CS63 Display Order BOM CS71 Create WBS BOM CS72 Change WBS BOM CS73 Display WBS BOM CS74 Create multi-level WBS BOM CS75 Change multi-level WBS BOM CS76 Display multi-level WBS BOM CS80 Change Documents for Material BOM CS81 Change Documents for Standard BOM CS82 Change documents for sales order BOM CS83 Change documents for WBS BOM CS84 Change documents for class BOM CS90 Material BOM Number Ranges CS91 Number Ranges for Standard BOMs CS92 Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs

Functional and Utilities Codes • 7ke1 - Budgets & Stats • 7ke5 - Stats • S_alr_87012289 - Compact Document Journal • S_alr_87013645 - Budget & Budget Stats • K35z - trial balance SE Codes • SE09 - Workbench Organizer • SE10 - Customizing Organizer • SE11 - Data Dictionary Maintenance • SE12 - Data Dictionary Display • SE13 - ABAP/4 Dictionary - Technical Settings • SE14 - ABAP/4 Dictionary: Database Utility. • SE15 - ABAP/4 Repository Information System. • SE16 - Data Browser. • SE17 - General Table Display • SE30 - ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis • SE32 - ABAP/4 Text Element Maintenance • SE35 - ABAP/4 Dialog Modules Maintenance • SE36 - ABAP/4: Logical Databases • SE37 - ABAP/4 Function Modules • SE38 - ABAP Editor • SE39 - Program Comparison • SE41 - Menu Painter • SE43 - Area Menu editor • SE51 - Screen Painter: Initial Screen. • SE54 - Generate Table/View Maintenance Module

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• SE61 - Document maintenance - initial screen • SE63 - Translation • SE64 - Terminology • SE65 - short text statistics • SE71 - SAPscript - form painter • SE72 - SAPscript - styles • SE73 - SAPscript font maintenance. • SE74 - SAPscript format conversion • SE75 - SAPscript Settings • SE76 - SAPscript Form Translation • SE77 - SAPscript Style Conversion • SE80 - Repository browser • SE81 - SAP Application Hierarchy (Business Application Components) • SE82 - Customer Application Hierarchy • SE84 - ABAP/4 Repository Information System • SE85 - ABAP/4 Dictionary Information System • SE86 - ABAP/4 Repository Information System - Programming • SE87 - Data Modeler Information System • SE88 - Development Coordination Info System • SE91 - Maintain Message Classes and Messages • SE92 - Maintain system log messages • SE93 - Maintain Transaction Codes SM Codes • SM04 - Overview of Users • SM12 - Table lock entries • SM21 - System log for viewing dumps • SM30 - Maintain Table Views • SM31 - Table Maintenance • SM32 - Table maintenance • SM35 - Batch Input - Initial screen • SM36 - Define background jobs • SM37 - View background jobs • SM50 - Process Overview • SM51 - Display system servers, processes, etc. • SM62 - Display/Maintain events in SAP SQ Codes • SQ00 - ABAP/4 Query - Query Initial screen • SQ02 - ABAP/4 Query - Functional areas initial screen • SQ03 - ABAP/4 Query - Maintain User Groups initial screen • SQ07 - ABAP/4 Query: Language Comparison for query

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objects Other Codes • OSS1 - SAP Online Service System • OY19 - Comparisons • S001 - ABAP/4 Development Workbench • S002 - System Administration • SA38 - Execute a program. • SCAT - Computer Aided Test Tool • SCU0 - Compare Tables • SHD0 - Transaction variant maintenance • SNRO - Number range object maintenance. • SPRO - Start SAP IMG • SU53 - Display Authorization Values for Use

tell me the sto process ?STO movements takes place in 2 types of steps.

1. One step procedure.2. Two step procedure.

First we need to extend the material master to the receiving plant/storage location.In all the procedures below mentioned by going to mm01 then mention the material that we want to enter in the copy from,then extend the material.

Scenario 1 (STO between 2 storage locations btwn same plant)1. One step procedure.

In one step procedure stock removal from storage location1 of plant1 and stock replishment in storage location2 takes place simutaneously with movement type(301).by going to MB1b (t.code).In that specify the supplying plant/storage location and the receiving plant/storage location.And enter the material that u want to transfer.

Note: Stock transfer btwn 2 storage locations with same plant happens if they are having the same proximaty.

2. Two step procedure. This step is used if the storage locations of the

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plants are at some distance. In this step first ,go to MBIB T.CODE then mentioned the supplying plant/storage location and then enter the material with quantity to be transfered with movement type (303)the stock will be removed from the storage location.Then again go to MBIB t.code then mention the movement type(305) then mention the supplying plant/storage location and then mention the receiving plant/storage location,then enter quantity of the stock to be received.

The same procedure will be applicable to the 2 plants of the same company code.It depends upon the type of step that the business requires.If the plant to plant it is always advisory to use the 2 step procedure.