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Page 1: Alice Monologues


Disney’s Alice in Wonderland Monologues

Alice/Small Alice Monologue #1

(Alice followed the White Rabbit to the edge of the Rabbit Hole) Should I or shouldn’t I? You know what they say: “If you don’t explore, you’ll never discover.” But my sister Mathilda always says, “Look before you leap.” Well, I’m looking and it looks pretty deep and dark and I can’t see the bottom and maybe it goes all the way to the center of the earth and I’ll be burnt to a crisp in the molten core like the bad marshmallow we’ve all heard so much about! (Pause) Or not. (Pause) Ok, I looked. Now it’s time to leap!

Alice/Small Alice Monologue #2

(Holding a small bottle with the label “Drink Me.” Talking to herself) Remember, Alice: Look before you leap. I really don't know what's in this bottle, but it looks so pretty. But it could be poison, or mayonnaise, or floor polish, or a frothy combination of all three! But I have to find the White Rabbit. Oh well, if you don't explore, you'll never discover. Bottom's up!

Alice/Small Alice Monologue #3

Who am I? Well, I'm not a silly pair of Tweedles who get all bent out of shape and tied up in knots if you don't know the proper way to say hello! And I'm certainly not a bunch of snooty flower girls who act like they're better than everybody else and whose only ambition in life is to look pretty. And I'm not some party animal Mad Hatter who likes to cheat at games and break other people’s things just because he thinks it's funny. I’m also not a crazy white rabbit who never has time to visit and play and get to know me, when all I wanted to do was be his friend. And I’m absolutely, positively, categorically, NOT a big old nasty Queen of Hearts who bosses people around. QUIET! I’ll tell you who I am. I’m Alice.

Cheshire Cat Monologue #1

Alice is about to discover that Wonderland is nothing like she expected! It’s a land filled with racing Lobsters, singing Flowers, painting Cards, and even a Cheshire Cat, that’s me! First, Alice meets a pallid, long eared, carrot munching quadruped known only as…The White Rabbit!

(Gesture offstage, setting up a big entrance. Nothing. Smile at the audience) Ahem, I saiiid, first she meets... The White Rabbit!! (Nothing) Oh, he’s always late. (Yelling off stage) Yo, White Rabbit, you’re on!

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Cheshire Cat Monologue #2

Alice left the Tweedles to sort out their late-onset identity crisis and acute co-dependency, and chased after the White Rabbit. She trailed him through the woods to his house-

(like a real-estate agent) A comfy little velveteen 2-up, 3-down, one-man-on-third, A-frame, watership-down hideaway warren just perfect for such an innnnteresting rabbit!

Cheshire Cat Monologue #3

Alice grew back to a more medium size, but she was still confused….until she meets me. Us. We! Aloha, Alice. I – We are the Cheshire Cat. What? You have a cat just like us? Hmmm. Can your cat roll on the ground like this? Yes? Can your cat play with a ball of yarn like this? Oh, she can! But can your cat do…..THIS???

(does an amazing magic trick) I didn’t think so. What’s wrong? Somebody having a bad day? Can’t find something? You might ask the Mad Hatter for help. He knows where everything is. Trouble is, he keeps it all under his hat.

White Rabbit Monologue #1

Oh Dear! Oh dear, dear, dear! (speaking to ALICE) Mary Anne, Mary Anne, hurry, I can’t find my gloves! What? Oh, Mary Anne, Ginger, Gilligan, I don’t care what your name is, don’t argue with me, you’re making me later than I already am. Hurry, hurry, my gloves, somewhere in my house, I’m late!!!

White Rabbit Monologue #2

Attention, attention, inhabitants and subjects and all other direct or indirect objects of Wonderland: fall to your knees and tremble before her majestic majesty, her royal regality, yes, folks, your favorite monarch of mean and mine, The One, The Only, Queen of Hearts!!! (King of Hearts pokes around the curtain. “And, umm, well, let’s not forget the King

of Hearts.”) Oh yeah, him too.

Mathilda Monologue

..…and during the American Revolution, King George the Third, or Old Mad George, as some have so called him, was so angry at General George Washington, that he made all his own royal soldiers dress in bright red uniforms. Of course, these bright red uniforms made them look just like giant walking lobsters that went……

(looking up into Alice’s huge face in the magnifying glass) Eeeeeek!!!

(taking the magnifying glass away from Alice)

Page 3: Alice Monologues


Alice, honestly, when are you ever going to grow up? You are not a lion. You are just a silly little girl pretending to be a lion. Remember what the Immortal Bard said: “To thine own self be true.” Oh, let me find that book and I’ll show you….

Caterpillar Monologue

(Talking to Small Alice) Oh, don't let those dried out little annuals get you down, kid. Sweetiepie, lambchop, honeydew – they're just gonna wind up sitting around in somebody's imitation cut glass vase for three days 'til they wither and die, then it's "thanks a lot" and out with the garbage! But enough about them. Whooooo, pray tell, are youuuuuuu? Who am I? Why, I am whoever you want me to be, if I, in fact, am indeed whoever I say I am or someday hope to be. You dig?

(snapping his/her fingers) I'm the Caterpillar, kiddo, your wonder of wonders, your miracle of miracles, your happy, happy day! And Alice, I’m going to share two magical, hyphenated little words with you that are guaranteed to make even your very worst day simply absolutely fabulous! Ready? Repeat after me. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah……..Zip-a-dee-ay!

Flower Monologue

We know we’re pretty! Everybody loves us because we're The Girls of the Golden Afternoon! That's the name of our very exclusive garden club. If you want to be cool, you have to be one of us! But no one gets in unless we say. And we don't let in just anyone. Why, we’re positively swarmed by wanna-bees. And all the weeds that we’ve excluded are the ones we love to tease – Thistle, Hedgerow, Poison Ivy! Eeuuuuuu! You say you wanna be one of us? Keep dreaming, crabgrass! You're just a silly little uncool weed. What? Hey Violet, she says she's a little girl! Eeeeeuuuuuuuuuu! Whatever! You're way too uncool to become a Girl of the Golden Afternoon. Beat it slug, before you wind up on the bottom of somebody's shoe. Look girls, I think she has bugs! Eeeeeeeeeeuuuuuu!

Doorknob Monologue

Yeeooowwww! Leggo my schnazzola already! Who taught you to go around pulling on people's proboscises

(ALICE says: “You're not a person, you're a piece of housing material.”) Well, doorknobs have feelings too. Anyway, you're far too big to enter Wonderland.

(ALICE starts to cry.) Don't cry, please don't cry. Maybe if you drank some of the magic potion in that convenient, floating-nearby bottle, you might fit in.

(ALICE shrinks) Happy now? Hmmmm. I believe someone forgot about the key waaaaaay up there on that shelf.

(ALICE starts to cry again.) Please try to suppress your emotional outbursts. Have a cookie.

(ALICE grows to 14 feet tall) Sorry kid, you'll never fit in Wonderland now. Try Pittsburgh.

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(ALICE starts to cry again.) Please, stop crying. Seriously, STOP CRYING! We’re all going to drown in your tears! Hurry, take another drink from the bottle. It's our only hope!

Mad Hatter/March Hare Monologue

Did you say you were late? Well, your watch is slow, silly. Here, let me fix it for you. (Puts the watch on a table and “operates” on it) Scalpel!! Forceps!! Axel Grease!! Peanut butter!! Hurry, we're losing him!! Bring me the liverwurst!

(like a mad scientist) Live, live, I command you to liiiive!!!!!

(The CHESHIRE CAT makes the flatline sound: dead!) Oooops. You might want to get a new watch. I sorta broke this one. Wasn't it fun? Let's do it again!!

Queen of Hearts Monologue

Oh, I loathe that song! Stop singing, before my ears explode! (holding her ears) My anvils! My stirrups! Did you hear me? I said stop that singing! Royal Cardsmen, drag her away!!!! You may have won the match, but you’ve just lost your head! Royal Cardsmen, Off with her…….what? A Trial? Well, all right, but make it fast. I want to see her head rolling around like a bowling ball. (weeping like a distraught witness) Because…she beat me. She ADMITS she beat me! Do you hear? She confesses, she beat me, she beat me….(suddenly happy again) So let’s hurry and get to the good part where we cut off her head!

King of Hearts Monologue

The prisoner is charged with enticing her majesty, the Queen of Hearts, into a game of Simon Says, and thereby willfully and with Alice of forethought, didst put a bee in her royal bonnet and cause our beloved Queen to lose her royal temper! Please call to the stand The Girls of the Golden Afternoon. Now, girls, did you observe any incredibly suspicious behavior on part of the incredibly guilty party? I see, I see..….and do you have anything else to add to the already rock solid evidence against the soon-to-be-decapitated usurper?