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Page 1: Ali Baba & 40 thieves[1]
Page 2: Ali Baba & 40 thieves[1]

In a small town in In a small town in Persia live two brothers. Persia live two brothers. Their names are Ali Baba Their names are Ali Baba and Cassim. Ali Baba is a and Cassim. Ali Baba is a woodcutter. Cassim is a woodcutter. Cassim is a Merchant.Merchant.

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One day Ali Baba is in One day Ali Baba is in the forest. He sees forty the forest. He sees forty men on horses. They men on horses. They stop at a big rock. Ali stop at a big rock. Ali Baba climbs up a tree to Baba climbs up a tree to watch the the men.

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““Open, Sesame,” says Open, Sesame,” says the captain. A big door in the captain. A big door in the rock open! The men go the rock open! The men go in the cave and the doc in the cave and the doc closes. “How strange,” closes. “How strange,” thinks Ali Baba.thinks Ali Baba.

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Ali Baba watches the Ali Baba watches the men come out of the cave. men come out of the cave. They have big sacks. The They have big sacks. The men put the sacks on their men put the sacks on their horses adn gallop away.horses adn gallop away.

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Ali Baba is curious. He Ali Baba is curious. He goes to the cave. “Open, goes to the cave. “Open, Sesame,” he says. The rock Sesame,” he says. The rock door opens and he goes in! door opens and he goes in! The cave is full of treasure! The cave is full of treasure! “the men are theves” thinks “the men are theves” thinks Ali Baba.Ali Baba.

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Ali Baba puts some Ali Baba puts some gold in a sack. “Open, gold in a sack. “Open, Sesame,” he says to Sesame,” he says to the rock. The rock the rock. The rock opens, he puts the sack opens, he puts the sack on his mule and goes on his mule and goes home.home.

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““Look” Ali baba says to Look” Ali baba says to his wife. He tells her about his wife. He tells her about the cave, and the thieves. the cave, and the thieves. “We are rich!” he says, “but “We are rich!” he says, “but it is a secret!”it is a secret!”

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Ali Baba’s wife buys Ali Baba’s wife buys dresses and shoes. Cassim’s dresses and shoes. Cassim’s wife is jealous. “Your brother wife is jealous. “Your brother isn’t poor,” she shouts at isn’t poor,” she shouts at Cassim. “He has a lot of Cassim. “He has a lot of money.”money.”

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Cassim follows his brother to Cassim follows his brother to the cave. Ali Baba goes away with the cave. Ali Baba goes away with a big sack. “Open, Sesame,” says a big sack. “Open, Sesame,” says Cassim. The rock door opens and Cassim. The rock door opens and cassim goes in the cave. “Gold, cassim goes in the cave. “Gold, silver and jewels, fantastic!” He silver and jewels, fantastic!” He puts them in four sacks.puts them in four sacks.

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“Open flower…open book…opencat,” says Cassim, buy the rock door doesn’t open! “oh no,” he caries, “I can’t remember the secret word! Open window … open dog … open teapot.” The rock doesn’t open!!!

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The thives arrive at the The thives arrive at the cave! “Who are you?” shouts cave! “Who are you?” shouts the captain. “I’m Ali Baba’s the captain. “I’m Ali Baba’s brother. He wants your treasure, brother. He wants your treasure, not me.” The theves are very not me.” The theves are very angry and they kill poor Cassim!angry and they kill poor Cassim!

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“We must kill Cassim’s brother,” says captain. That evening they g oto Ali Baba’s house. In the garden there are some big empty oil vases. “we can hide in the vases,” says the captain.

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Morgana is Ali Baba’s Morgana is Ali Baba’s beautiful slave. “It is dark,” beautiful slave. “It is dark,” she says. “There is no oil in she says. “There is no oil in the lamp.” Morgana goes to the lamp.” Morgana goes to the garden and sees the the garden and sees the thieves in the vases. thieves in the vases.

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The beautiful slave pours oil in a big saucepan. She puts in on the fire. When it is boiling hot, she pours it in the vases. “AHHHH,” shoult the thives and run away!

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“Thank you, thank you,”says Ali Baba, and frees Morgana. “you are not a slave now. You can go away or stay here. Morgana stays, and marries Ali Baba’s son.

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