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Algebra of Programming in AgdaDependent Types for Relational Program Derivation

Shin-Cheng Mu, Hsiang-Shang Ko, and Patrik Jansson

To appear in Journal of Functional Programming

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Algebra of Programming A semi-formal approach to derivingfunctional programs from relational specifications.

Agda A dependently-typed functional programminglanguage being actively developed.

Dependent types A family of type systems capable of expressingvarious correctness properties.

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In this introductory presentation

introductory serving as an introduction to a subject ortopic [...] intended to persuade someone to purchasesomething for the first time

— Oxford American Dictionaries

I will (casually) introduce how squiggolists treat algorithm design,

and report an experiment that faithfully encodes AoP-stylederivations in Agda.

By “faithfully” I mean correctness of a derivation is guaranteed byAgda’s type system, while certain degree of readability is retained.

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Inductive datatypes

The most natural datatypes in functional programming areinductive datatypes.

data N : Set where

zero : Nsuc : N→ N

data [ ] (A : Set) : Set where

[ ] : [ A ]

:: : A→ [ A ]→ [ A ]

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Pattern matching

Functions on inductive datatypes can be defined by patternmatching.

+ : N→ N→ Nzero + n = n

(suc m) + n = suc (m + n)

sum : [ N ]→ Nsum [ ] = zero

sum (x :: xs) = x + sum xs

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The pattern of inductive definitions is captured in a higher-orderfunction foldr .

foldr : (A→ B → B)→ B → [ A ]→ B

foldr f e [ ] = e

foldr f e (x :: xs) = f x (foldr f e xs)

Then alternatively sum can be defined as foldr + zero.

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The Fold-Fusion Theorem

It is natural to state theorems about functional programs. One ofthe most useful theorems is the Fold-Fusion Theorem.

Theorem (Fold-Fusion)

Let f : A→ B → B, e : B, g : A→ C → C , and h : B → C . If

h (f x y) = g x (h y),

thenh · foldr f e = foldr g (h e).

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Proof of the Fold-Fusion Theorem

The theorem can be inductively proved by simple equationalreasoning.

Base case.

h (foldr f e [ ])

= { definition of foldr }h e

= { definition of foldr }foldr g (h e) [].

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Inductive case

h (foldr f e (x :: xs))

= { definition of foldr }h (f x (foldr f e xs))

= { fusion condition }g x (h (foldr f e xs))

= { induction hypothesis }g x (foldr g (h e) xs)

= { definition of foldr }foldr g (h e) (x :: xs). �

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Inductive case

h (foldr f e (x :: xs))

= { definition of foldr }h (f x (foldr f e xs))

= { fusion condition }g x (h (foldr f e xs))

= { induction hypothesis }g x (foldr g (h e) xs)

= { definition of foldr }foldr g (h e) (x :: xs). �

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Inductive case

h (foldr f e (x :: xs))

= { definition of foldr }h (f x (foldr f e xs))

= { fusion condition }g x (h (foldr f e xs))

= { induction hypothesis }g x (foldr g (h e) xs)

= { definition of foldr }foldr g (h e) (x :: xs). �

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Inductive case

h (foldr f e (x :: xs))

= { definition of foldr }h (f x (foldr f e xs))

= { fusion condition }g x (h (foldr f e xs))

= { induction hypothesis }g x (foldr g (h e) xs)

= { definition of foldr }foldr g (h e) (x :: xs). �

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Inductive case

h (foldr f e (x :: xs))

= { definition of foldr }h (f x (foldr f e xs))

= { fusion condition }g x (h (foldr f e xs))

= { induction hypothesis }g x (foldr g (h e) xs)

= { definition of foldr }foldr g (h e) (x :: xs). �

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Sketch of a derivation of radix sort

Gibbons, J. 1999. A Pointless Derivation of Radix Sort. J. Funct. Program. 9, 3

(May. 1999), 339–346.

Imagine a datatype Composite consisting of a fixed number ofFields, where the type Field is finite and totally-ordered.

The function

mktree : [ Composite → Field ]→[ Composite ]→ Tree [ Composite ]

receives a significance order of fields and classifies the inputlist first by the most significant field, and for each bucketclassifies the elements by the second-most significant field,and so on.

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Sketch of a derivation of radix sort

Gibbons, J. 1999. A Pointless Derivation of Radix Sort. J. Funct. Program. 9, 3

(May. 1999), 339–346.

Imagine a datatype Composite consisting of a fixed number ofFields, where the type Field is finite and totally-ordered.

The function

mktree : [ Composite → Field ]→[ Composite ]→ Tree [ Composite ]

receives a significance order of fields and classifies the inputlist first by the most significant field, and for each bucketclassifies the elements by the second-most significant field,and so on.

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Sketch of a derivation of radix sort

Gibbons, J. 1999. A Pointless Derivation of Radix Sort. J. Funct. Program. 9, 3

(May. 1999), 339–346.

Imagine a datatype Composite consisting of a fixed number ofFields, where the type Field is finite and totally-ordered.

The function

mktree : [ Composite → Field ]→[ Composite ]→ Tree [ Composite ]

receives a significance order of fields and classifies the inputlist first by the most significant field, and for each bucketclassifies the elements by the second-most significant field,and so on.

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Sketch of a derivation of radix sort

It is apparent that

treesort : [ Composite → Field ]→ [ Composite ]→ [ Composite ]

treesort ds = flatten ·mktree ds

correctly sorts a list, where flatten : Tree A→ [ A ] collectselements stored in the leaves in order.

By writing mktree as a (higher-order) fold, we get

treesort = (flatten ·) ·mktree.

The Fold-Fusion Theorem is now applicable and radix sort isimmediately derived. Moreover, the fusion condition is astatement of stability.

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Sketch of a derivation of radix sort

It is apparent that

treesort : [ Composite → Field ]→ [ Composite ]→ [ Composite ]

treesort ds = flatten ·mktree ds

correctly sorts a list, where flatten : Tree A→ [ A ] collectselements stored in the leaves in order.

By writing mktree as a (higher-order) fold, we get

treesort = (flatten ·) ·mktree.

The Fold-Fusion Theorem is now applicable and radix sort isimmediately derived. Moreover, the fusion condition is astatement of stability.

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Richard Bird

Unlike other formalisms, functional programming offers aunique opportunity to exploit a compositional approachto Algorithm Design, and to demonstrate theeffectiveness of the mathematics of program constructionin the presentation of many algorithms[.]

Functional Algorithm Design. Sci. Comput. Program. 26, 1-3 (May. 1996), 15–31.

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Relations can be regarded as potentially partial andnon-deterministic functions. Then the usual deterministic, totalfunctions become a special case.

A relation R mapping values of A to values of B is denoted byR : B ← A. We write “b R a” if R maps a to b.

For example, ≤ : N← N maps a natural number to itself or asmaller natural number, and ∈ : A← ℘A maps a set of A’s to oneof its elements.

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Operators on relations

Relation composition c (R · S) a ≡ ∃b. c R b ∧ b S a

Converse a R◦ b ≡ b R a

Power transpose ΛR a = { b | b R a }

Meet b (R ∩ S) a ≡ b R a ∧ b S a

Join b (R ∪ S) a ≡ b R a ∨ b S a

Product relator (b, d) (R × S) (a, c) ≡ b R a ∧ d S c

Left/right division Division introduces a form of universalquantification into the relational language. We willskip its definition and expand relations defined withdivision to pointwise formulas in this presentation.

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Relational fold

Relational fold is a generalisation of functional fold, and the formercan be defined in terms of the latter.

Given R : B ← A× B and s : ℘B, define

foldR R s = ∈ · foldr (Λ(R · (id × ∈))) s,

where id is the identity function. Its type is B ← [ A ].

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An operational explanation

foldR R s = ∈ · foldr (Λ(R · (id × ∈))) s

The set s records possible base cases.

Given a new element a : A and an inductively-computed setbs : ℘B, id ×∈ chooses an element b from bs and then R (a, b) isnon-deterministically computed. All results that can be generatedfrom such a process are collected by the Λ operator into a set.

Finally ∈ takes one result from the inductively-computed set.

Compare this procedure with the powerset (subset) constructionthat converts a non-deterministic finite automaton into adeterministic one.

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Example: subsequence

The relation

subseq : [ A ]← [ A ]

subseq = foldR (outr ∪ cons) nil

maps a list to one of its subsequences, where nil = {[ ]} and

outr : B ← A× B

outr (a, b) = b

cons : [ A ]← A× [ A ]

cons (x , xs) = x :: xs.

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Example: orderedness

The relation

ordered : [ A ]← [ A ]

ordered = foldR (cons · lbound) nil

maps a list to itself if it is increasingly sorted, where lbound mapsa pair (x , xs) to itself if x is a lower bound of xs.

If a relation R satisfies R ⊆ id , it is called a coreflexive relation ora coreflexive for short. Coreflexives are used in specifications tofilter out those values with some particular property. One can seethat both ordered and lbound are coreflexives.

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The activity-selection problem

Suppose we have a set S = {a1, a2, . . . , an} of n proposed activities that

wish to use a resource, such as a lecture hall, which can be used by only

one activity at a time. Each activity ai has a start time si and a finish

time fi , where 0 ≤ si < fi <∞. If selected, activity ai takes place during

the half-open time interval [si , fi ). Activities ai and aj are compatible if

the intervals [si , fi ) and [sj , fj ) do not overlap (i.e., ai and aj are

compatible if si ≥ fj or sj ≥ fi ). The activity-selection problem is to

select a maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities.

Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., and Stein, C. 2001 Introduction to

Algorithms. MIT Press.

If the activities are decreasingly sorted by finish time, there is asimple algorithm.

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Given an order R : A← A, the relation max R : A← ℘A maps aset to one of its maximum elements with respect to R:

max R = ∈ ∩ (R◦/3).

Expanding the point-free definition,

x (max R) s ≡ x ∈ s ∧ ∀y . y ∈ s ⇒ y R x .

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We can give a relational specification for the activity-selectionproblem:

max ≤` · Λ(mutex · subseq).

Generate an arbitrary plan by subseq.

Ensure the plan is legitimate by the coreflexive mutex .

Collect all such plans by the Λ operator.

Choose one of the longest plans by max ≤`.

Any function contained in this relation is considered a correctimplementation.

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The Greedy Theorem

Theorem (Bird and de Moor)

Let R : A← A be a preorder and S : A← FA be monotonic on R,i.e.,

S · FR ⊆ R · S .

Thenmax R · Λ([S ]) ⊇ ([max R · ΛS ]).

Bird, R. and de Moor, O. 1997 Algebra of Programming. Prentice-Hall, Inc.

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Specialisation to lists


Let R : A← A be a preorder, S : A← B × A be monotonic on R,i.e.,

S · (id × R) ⊆ R · S ,

and s : ℘A be a set. Then

max R · Λ(foldR S s) ⊇ foldR (max R · ΛS) (Λ(max R) s).

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Fusing mutex · subseq into a fold

The coreflexive mutex is defined by

mutex = foldR (cons · compatible) nil

where the coreflexive compatible lets a pair (x , xs) of typeActivity × [ Activity ] go through if x does not overlap with any ofthe activities in xs.

By relational fold-fusion, mutex · subseq can be fused intofoldR R nil if we can find a relation R such that

mutex · (outr ∪ cons) = R · (id ×mutex).

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Synthesis of R

We calculate:

mutex · (outr ∪ cons)

= { composition distributes over join }(mutex · outr) ∪ (mutex · cons)

= { product relator; catamorphisms }(outr · (id ×mutex)) ∪ (cons · compatible · (id ×mutex))

= { composition distributes over join }(outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) · (id ×mutex).

So mutex · subseq = foldR (outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) nil .

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Synthesis of R

We calculate:

mutex · (outr ∪ cons)

= { composition distributes over join }(mutex · outr) ∪ (mutex · cons)

= { product relator; catamorphisms }(outr · (id ×mutex)) ∪ (cons · compatible · (id ×mutex))

= { composition distributes over join }(outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) · (id ×mutex).

So mutex · subseq = foldR (outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) nil .

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Synthesis of R

We calculate:

mutex · (outr ∪ cons)

= { composition distributes over join }(mutex · outr) ∪ (mutex · cons)

= { product relator; catamorphisms }(outr · (id ×mutex)) ∪ (cons · compatible · (id ×mutex))

= { composition distributes over join }(outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) · (id ×mutex).

So mutex · subseq = foldR (outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) nil .

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Synthesis of R

We calculate:

mutex · (outr ∪ cons)

= { composition distributes over join }(mutex · outr) ∪ (mutex · cons)

= { product relator; catamorphisms }(outr · (id ×mutex)) ∪ (cons · compatible · (id ×mutex))

= { composition distributes over join }(outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) · (id ×mutex).

So mutex · subseq = foldR (outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) nil .

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Checking the monotonicity condition

Now we wish to apply the Greedy Theorem. That means we needto check the monotonicity condition

(outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) · (id ×≤`)

⊆ ≤` · (outr ∪ (cons · compatible)),

which says for two partial plans xs and ys withlength xs ≤ length ys, no matter which complete plan xs ′ iscomputed from xs, there is always a complete plan ys ′ computedfrom ys such that length xs ′ ≤ length ys ′.

This is not true, however.

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Strengthening the order

A typical strategy is to refine the order ≤` to a stronger one. Sincethe problematic case happens when the two partial plans underconsideration are of the same length, we define

E = <` ∪ (=` ∩ (post-compatible\post-compatible))

where post-compatible : Activity ← [ Activity ] maps a plan to acompatible activity that finishes later than all activities in the plan.

Now the monotonicity condition with respect to E holds and theGreedy Theorem gives us

foldR (max E · Λ(outr ∪ (cons · compatible))) nil .

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Cleaning up

Take a closer look at

max E · Λ(outr ∪ (cons · compatible)).

Given a partial plan xs and an incoming activity x , the relationpicks a best plan with respect to E from, depending on whetherx is compatible with xs, the set {xs, x :: xs} or the set {xs}.

In the first case x :: xs should be chosen since it is strictly longerthan xs. In the second case there is only one candidate.

Since x finishes later than xs, it suffices to check whether x startslater than xs.

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The final program


compatible-cons : Activity → [ Activity ]→ [ Activity ]

compatible-cons x [ ] = x :: [ ]

compatible-cons x (y :: xs) =

if start x ≥ finish y then x :: y :: xs else y :: xs.

The final program is a simple fold:

foldr compatible-cons [ ].

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The derivation

max ≤` · Λ(mutex · subseq)

= { fusion }max ≤` · Λ(foldR (outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) nil)

⊇ { strengthening }max E · Λ(foldR (outr ∪ (cons · compatible)) nil)

⊇ {Greedy Theorem }foldR (max E · Λ(outr ∪ (cons · compatible))) nil

= { cleaning up }foldr compatible-cons [ ].

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Donald E. Knuth

Science is knowledge which we understand so well thatwe can teach it to a computer; and if we don’t fullyunderstand something, it is an art to deal with it. [...] weshould continually be striving to transform every art intoa science: in the process, we advance the art.

Computer Programming as an Art. Commun. ACM 17, 12 (Dec. 1974), 667–673.

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Curry-Howard correspondence

Observe the following two logic inference rules:

ϕ ∧ ψ(∧E)


ϕ→ ψ ϕ(→E)


The left one resembles the type of outr : A× B → B, and theright one looks like the types involved in function application.

Curry-Howard correspondence is a family of formal correspondencesbetween logic deduction systems and computational calculi. Itsfamous slogan is “propositions are types, and proofs are programs”.

Thus writing proofs is no different from writing programs! All weneed is an expressive enough programming language.

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We will go through the following:

1 first-order intuitionistic logic,

2 preorder reasoning combinators,

3 modelling of sets and relations,

4 the specification (in detail),

5 the Partial Greedy Theorem, and

6 finally, the derivation.

More complicated proofs cannot be explained in this presentation since

more background is required. However it is worth noting that important

theorems such as Fold-Fusion Theorem and Greedy Theorem can be

proved in an “equational” style close to the proofs in the AoP book.

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Encoding first-order intuitionistic logic in Agda

absurdity data ⊥ : Set where

truth data > : Set where

tt : >

conjunction data × (A B : Set) : Set where

, : A→ B → A× B

disjunction data ] (A B : Set) : Set where

inj1 : A→ A ] B

inj2 : B → A ] B

implication A→ B

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Encoding first-order intuitionistic logic in Agda

exists data ∃ {A : Set} (P : A→ Set) : Set where

, : (witness : A)→ P witness → ∃ P

forall (x : A)→ P x or ∀ x → P x

equality data ≡ {A : Set} : A→ A→ Set where

refl : {x : A} → x ≡ x

For example, the type

(n : N)→ (n ≡ zero ] ∃ (λm→ n ≡ suc m))

says every natural number is either zero or a successor of somenatural number.

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More on products

In fact, × and ∃ are special cases of the following Σ-type:

data Σ (A : Set) (B : A→ Set) : Set where

, : (a : A)→ B a→ Σ A B

which can be seen as a kind of generalised products whose secondcomponent’s type depends on the first component. We can defineextractor functions

proj1 : {A : Set} {B : A→ Set} → Σ A B → A

proj1 (a , b) = a

proj2 : {A : Set} {B : A→ Set} → (σ : Σ A B)→ B (proj1 σ)

proj2 (a , b) = b.

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More on equality

≡ is reflexive by definition, and can be proven to be transitiveand symmetric. It is also a congruence with respect to functionapplication.

trans : {A : Set} {x y z : A} → x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z

trans refl refl = refl

sym : {A : Set} {x y : A} → x ≡ y → y ≡ x

sym refl = refl

cong : {A B : Set} (f : A→ B) {x y : A} → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y

cong f refl = refl

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Equational reasoning

We can write a chain of equality in Agda as


≡〈 exp1≡exp2 〉expression2

≡〈 exp2≡exp3 〉. . .

≡〈 expn−1≡expn 〉expressionn �

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Equational reasoning

We can write a chain of equality in Agda as


≡〈 exp1≡exp2 〉expression2

≡〈 exp2≡exp3 〉. . .

≡〈 expn−1≡expn 〉expressionn �

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Equational reasoning

We can write a chain of equality in Agda as


≡〈 exp1≡exp2 〉expression2

≡〈 exp2≡exp3 〉. . .

≡〈 expn−1≡expn 〉expressionn �

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Equational reasoning

We can write a chain of equality in Agda as


≡〈 exp1≡exp2 〉expression2

≡〈 exp2≡exp3 〉. . .

≡〈 expn−1≡expn 〉expressionn �

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Equational reasoning

We can write a chain of equality in Agda as


≡〈 exp1≡exp2 〉expression2

≡〈 exp2≡exp3 〉. . .

≡〈 expn−1≡expn 〉expressionn �

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Preorder reasoning combinators


≡〈 〉 : {A : Set} (x : A) {y z : A} → x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z

x ≡〈 x≡y 〉 y≡z = trans x≡y y≡z

� : {A : Set} (x : A)→ x ≡ x

x � = refl .

The same technique works for any preorder.

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Proving the Fold-Fusion Theorem

foldr -fusion : {A B C : Set}(h : B → C) {f : A→ B → B} {g : A→ C → C} {e : B} →

(∀ x y → h (f x y) ≡ g x (h y))→∀ xs → h (foldr f e xs) ≡ foldr g (h e) xs

foldr -fusion h {f } {g} {e} fusion-condition [ ] = refl

foldr -fusion h {f } {g} {e} fusion-condition (x :: xs) =

h (foldr f e (x :: xs))

≡〈 refl 〉h (f x (foldr f e xs))

≡〈 fusion-condition x (foldr f e xs) 〉g x (h (foldr f e xs))

≡〈 cong (g x) (foldr -fusion h fusion-condition xs) 〉g x (foldr g (h e) xs)

≡〈 refl 〉foldr g (h e) (x :: xs) �

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Modelling sets

A set of A’s can be specified by its characteristic function of typeA→ Set. Concretely, if s : A→ Set, then x : A is considered amember of s if s x has a proof, i.e., there is a term that hastype s x . Thus we define

℘A = A→ Set.

For example, define

singleton : {A : Set} → A→ ℘A

singleton x = λ y → x ≡ y .

Then singleton x is the set containing a single element x .

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Modelling relations

Set-theoretically, a relation of type B ← A is a subset of A× B, sowe may define B ← A as ℘ (A×B) = A×B → Set. But we foundthe following isomorphic representation more convenient:

B ← A = B → A→ Set.

For example, an Agda function is lifted to a relation by thecombinator

fun : {A B : Set} → (A→ B)→ (B ← A)

fun f = λ y x → f x ≡ y .

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Operators on relations revisited

composition · : {A B C : Set} →(C ← B)→ (B ← A)→ (C ← A)

( R · S ) c a = ∃ (λ b → c R b × b S a)

converse◦ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A← B)

(R ◦) a b = R b a

power transpose Λ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A→ ℘B)

Λ R a = λ b → b R a

join t : {A B : Set} →(B ← A)→ (B ← A)→ (B ← A)

(R t S) b a = R b a ] S b a

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Operators on relations revisited

composition · : {A B C : Set} →(C ← B)→ (B ← A)→ (C ← A)

( R · S ) c a = ∃ (λ b → c R b × b S a)

converse◦ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A← B)

(R ◦) a b = R b a

power transpose Λ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A→ ℘B)

Λ R a = λ b → b R a

join t : {A B : Set} →(B ← A)→ (B ← A)→ (B ← A)

(R t S) b a = R b a ] S b a

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Operators on relations revisited

composition · : {A B C : Set} →(C ← B)→ (B ← A)→ (C ← A)

( R · S ) c a = ∃ (λ b → c R b × b S a)

converse◦ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A← B)

(R ◦) a b = R b a

power transpose Λ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A→ ℘B)

Λ R a = λ b → b R a

join t : {A B : Set} →(B ← A)→ (B ← A)→ (B ← A)

(R t S) b a = R b a ] S b a

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Operators on relations revisited

composition · : {A B C : Set} →(C ← B)→ (B ← A)→ (C ← A)

( R · S ) c a = ∃ (λ b → c R b × b S a)

converse◦ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A← B)

(R ◦) a b = R b a

power transpose Λ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A→ ℘B)

Λ R a = λ b → b R a

join t : {A B : Set} →(B ← A)→ (B ← A)→ (B ← A)

(R t S) b a = R b a ] S b a

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Operators on relations revisited

composition · : {A B C : Set} →(C ← B)→ (B ← A)→ (C ← A)

( R · S ) c a = ∃ (λ b → c R b × b S a)

converse◦ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A← B)

(R ◦) a b = R b a

power transpose Λ : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (A→ ℘B)

Λ R a = λ b → b R a

join t : {A B : Set} →(B ← A)→ (B ← A)→ (B ← A)

(R t S) b a = R b a ] S b a

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We can define set inclusion

⊆ : {A : Set} → ℘A→ ℘A→ Set

s1 ⊆ s2 = ∀ x → (s1 x → s2 x)

and relational inclusion

v : {A B : Set} → (B ← A)→ (B ← A)→ Set

R v S = ∀ b a→ (R b a→ S b a).

Both can be shown to be reflexive and transitive, so we can buildpreorder reasoning combinators for them.

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Encoding the specification

Our goal is to build up the relation

act-sel-spec : [ Activity ]← [ Activity ]

act-sel-spec = max ≤` • Λ(mutex · subseq).

If we can construct a term of type

∃ (λ f → f · fin-ordered v act-sel-spec · fin-ordered)

where fin-ordered is a coreflexive explicitly stating that the inputlist is required to be sorted by finish time, the witness to thisexistential proposition is an algorithm solving the activity-selectionproblem, correctness guaranteed by the type checker.

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The “maximum” part

Maximum is easily defined:

max : {A : Set} → (A← A)→ (A← ℘A)

(max R ) a s = s a × (∀ a′ → s a′ → a′ R a).

In our library it is defined in point-free style.

Assuming ≤ : N← N is given,

≤` : {A : Set} → ([ A ]← [ A ])

xs ≤` ys = length xs ≤ length ys.

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Fold, the third time


foldR : {A B : Set} → (B ← A× B)→ ℘B → (B ← [ A ])

foldR R s = ∈ • foldr (Λ(R · (idR × ∈))) s

where • is a special type of composition defined by

• : {A B C : Set} → (C ← ℘B)→ (A→ ℘B)→ (C ← A)

(R • f ) c a = R c (f a).

The reason we need such composition is due to predicativity, anissue we will ignore in this presentation.

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Subsequence, identically


subseq : {A : Set} → ([ A ]← [ A ])

subseq = foldR (outr t cons) nil


cons : {A : Set} → (A← (A× [ A ]))

cons = fun (uncurry :: )

outr : {A B : Set} → (B ← (A× B))

outr = fun proj2

nil : {A : Set} → ℘A

nil = singleton [ ].

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Junctional check

Recall that

mutex = foldR (cons · compatible) nil

where compatible is a coreflexive which, given a pair (x , xs) oftype Activity × [ Activity ], checks whether x is disjoint from everyactivity in xs. The relation fin-ordered has the same structure.Define

check C = foldR (cons · C ) nil

to capture this pattern. Then mutex = check compatible.

The only component we haven’t constructed is compatible.

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Compatibility between an activity and a plan


compatible-set : ℘ (Activity × [ Activity ])

compatible-set (a , [ ]) = >compatible-set (a , x :: xs) = disjoint a x × compatible-set (a , xs)


disjoint : Activity ← Activity

disjoint a x = finish x ≤ start a ] finish a ≤ start x .


compatible : (Activity × [ Activity ])← (Activity × [ Activity ])

compatible (y , ys) (x , xs) =

(y , ys) ≡ (x , xs) × compatible-set (x , xs).

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The Partial Greedy Theorem

Since the domain of act-sel-spec = max ≤` • Λ(mutex · subseq)is restricted by the coreflexive fin-ordered , we need a variant of theGreedy Theorem to deal with partiality of input.

partial-greedy -thm : {A B : Set}{S : B ← (A× B)} {s : ℘B} {R : B ← B}{C : (A× [ A ])← (A× [ A ])} {D : (A× B)← (A× B)} →

R · R v R → C v idR → D v idR →S · (idR × R) · D v R · S →(idR × foldR S s) · C v D · (idR × foldR S s)→

foldR (max R • ΛS) (Λ(max R) s) · check C

v (max R • Λ(foldR S s)) · check C

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The Partial Greedy Theorem

Since the domain of act-sel-spec = max ≤` • Λ(mutex · subseq)is restricted by the coreflexive fin-ordered , we need a variant of theGreedy Theorem to deal with partiality of input.

partial-greedy -thm : {A B : Set}{S : B ← (A× B)} {s : ℘B} {R : B ← B}{C : (A× [ A ])← (A× [ A ])} {D : (A× B)← (A× B)} →

R · R v R → C v idR → D v idR →S · (idR × R) · D v R · S →(idR × foldR S s) · C v D · (idR × foldR S s)→

foldR (max R • ΛS) (Λ(max R) s) · check C

v (max R • Λ(foldR S s)) · check C

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The Partial Greedy Theorem

Since the domain of act-sel-spec = max ≤` • Λ(mutex · subseq)is restricted by the coreflexive fin-ordered , we need a variant of theGreedy Theorem to deal with partiality of input.

partial-greedy -thm : {A B : Set}{S : B ← (A× B)} {s : ℘B} {R : B ← B}{C : (A× [ A ])← (A× [ A ])} {D : (A× B)← (A× B)} →

R · R v R → C v idR → D v idR →S · (idR × R) · D v R · S →(idR × foldR S s) · C v D · (idR × foldR S s)→

foldR (max R • ΛS) (Λ(max R) s) · check C

v (max R • Λ(foldR S s)) · check C

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The Partial Greedy Theorem

Since the domain of act-sel-spec = max ≤` • Λ(mutex · subseq)is restricted by the coreflexive fin-ordered , we need a variant of theGreedy Theorem to deal with partiality of input.

partial-greedy -thm : {A B : Set}{S : B ← (A× B)} {s : ℘B} {R : B ← B}{C : (A× [ A ])← (A× [ A ])} {D : (A× B)← (A× B)} →

R · R v R → C v idR → D v idR →S · (idR × R) · D v R · S →(idR × foldR S s) · C v D · (idR × foldR S s)→

foldR (max R • ΛS) (Λ(max R) s) · check C

v (max R • Λ(foldR S s)) · check C

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The Partial Greedy Theorem

Since the domain of act-sel-spec = max ≤` • Λ(mutex · subseq)is restricted by the coreflexive fin-ordered , we need a variant of theGreedy Theorem to deal with partiality of input.

partial-greedy -thm : {A B : Set}{S : B ← (A× B)} {s : ℘B} {R : B ← B}{C : (A× [ A ])← (A× [ A ])} {D : (A× B)← (A× B)} →

R · R v R → C v idR → D v idR →S · (idR × R) · D v R · S →(idR × foldR S s) · C v D · (idR × foldR S s)→

foldR (max R • ΛS) (Λ(max R) s) · check C

v (max R • Λ(foldR S s)) · check C

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The main derivation

(Let S = outr t (cons · compatible).)

activity -selection-derivation :

∃ (λ f → fun f · fin-ordered v act-sel-spec · fin-ordered)

activity -selection-derivation = ,

(max ≤` • Λ(mutex · subseq)) · fin-ordered

w〈 comp-monotonic-l (minΛ-cong -w mutex ·subseq-is-fold) 〉(max ≤` • Λ(foldR S nil)) · fin-ordered

w〈 comp-monotonic-l (max-monotonic E-refines-≤`) 〉(max E • Λ(foldR S nil)) · fin-ordered

. . .

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Applying the Partial Greedy Theorem

(Assume fin-ordered = check fin-ubound .)

. . .

(max E • Λ(foldR S nil)) · fin-ordered

w〈 fin-ubound-promotion 〉(max E • Λ(foldR (S · fin-ubound) nil)) · fin-ordered

w〈 partial-greedy -thm E-trans fin-uboundvidR fin-uboundvidR

monotonicity fin-ubound-homo 〉foldR (max E • Λ(S · fin-ubound)) (Λ(max E ) nil) · fin-ordered

w〈 comp-monotonic-l (foldR-monotonic v-refl max-E-nil⊇nil) 〉foldR (max E • Λ(S · fin-ubound)) nil · fin-ordered

. . .

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Cleaning up

. . .

foldR (max E • Λ(S · fin-ubound)) nil · fin-ordered

w〈 comp-monotonic-l algebra-refinement 〉foldR (fun (uncurry compatible-cons) · fin-ubound) nil · fin-ordered

w〈 fin-ubound-demotion 〉foldR (fun (uncurry compatible-cons)) nil · fin-ordered

w〈 comp-monotonic-l (foldR-to-foldr compatible-cons [ ]) 〉fun (foldr compatible-cons [ ]) · fin-ordered

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Advantages of program derivation

Insights are reified as theorems, which can be discovered,proved, collected, and systematically studied.

These theorems then provide hints and directions to solveother problems.

A derivation is fun to read, shows the connection between thespecification and the derived algorithm, and can likely pointout why the algorithm works.

Beautiful theories about structures and semantics of programsare built up along with development of program derivation.

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Disadvantages of program derivation

The theory is not yet rich enough to cover all classicaltextbook algorithms.

The work of laying problems in suitable forms and discoveringtheorems is extremely hard, and perhaps too abstract for ayoung field like Algorithm Design.

That perhaps explains partially why the community isshrinking.

Relations are inherently harder to manipulate, since there area great number of operators and associated laws, andinequational reasoning is less deterministic. Even when westep back to functional derivation, low-level calculations canstill be very tedious.

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Jeremy Gibbons

We are interested in extending what can be calculatedprecisely because we are not that interested in thecalculations themselves.

Calculating Functional Programs. In Keiichi Nakata, editor, Proceedings of

ISRG/SERG Research Colloquium. School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,

Oxford Brookes University, November 1997. Technical Report CMS-TR-98-01.

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Advantages of mechanised formalisation

Proving theorems by hand is prone to errors. Automatictheorem proving does not make human readers gain intuitionand thus confidence. Machine-assisted theorem proving strikesa balance between the two.

That is, we still write proofs ourselves and become confidentabout the theorem, while the machine assists us to ensure nota single detail is overlooked, making the proof practicallyinfallible.

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Disadvantages of mechanised formalisation

Formalisation is difficult.

“Not a single detail is overlooked” means every detail needsto be taken care about, including, say, associativity of naturalnumber addition.

Formal proofs are unlikely to be written in the traditionalessay-like style and often harder to read.

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Leslie Lamport

The proof style I advocate is a refinement of one, callednatural deduction, [..., which] has been viewed primarilyas a method of writing proofs in formal logic. What I willdescribe is a practical method for writing the less formalproofs of ordinary mathematics. It is based onhierarchical structuring — a successful tool for managingcomplexity.

How to Write a Proof. American Mathematical Monthly 102, 7 (August–September

1993) 600–608. Also appeared in Global Analysis in Modern Mathematics, Karen

Uhlenbeck, editor. Publish or Perish Press, Houston. Also appeared as SRC Research

Report 94.

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Robert Pollack

Many people who pursue formal mathematics are seekingthe beauty of complete concreteness, which contributesto their own appreciation of the material beingformalised, while to many outside the field formalisationis “just filling in the details” of conventionalmathematics. But “just” might be infeasible unlessserious thought is given to representation of both thelogic of formalisation and the mathematics beingformalised.

How to Believe a Machine-Checked Proof. In G. Sambin and J. Smith, editors,

Twenty-Five Years of Constructive Type Theory. Oxford University Press, 1998.

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Immanuel Kant

Now it does indeed seem natural that, as soon as wehave left the ground of experience, we should, throughcareful enquiries, assure ourselves as to the foundationsof any building that we propose to erect, not making useof any knowledge that we possess without firstdetermining whence it has come, and not trusting toprinciples without knowing their origin.

Critique of Pure Reason, 1929, Trans. N. Kemp Smith, New York: St. Martin’s Press.

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