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    My manualDerived from various Wiki-how files with MINIMAL, I repeat, Minimal editing on my part. this covers the sort ofnformation that's not common sense.

    You need to think of plan. Only then can you think what info is relevent to your plans.

    e technique of spies and martial artists, ballet dancers and yogis involving a muscle located on the inside of yourelvis. To put it directly, it's the muscle that allows you to hold in your urine tightly when you are squirming andolding it. Tightening that muscle when walking allows you to move silently. Practice flexing the muscle frequently

    f you are sneaking and you hear or feel any movement, do not run! Walk quietly back to your room, and once in toom throw yourself in to bed and do not face the door. That way if you are wide awake, they can't tell.

    Keep your ears perked up; if there is someone upstairs and you hear moving or the floor creaking -- hide! Always hplace prepicked according to your position.

    Always act as if someone is actively looking for you, even if they aren't. This will subconsciously force you to be mareful.

    Remain in a crouched position as you're moving, and have your hands out to the sides at waist level to detect anybstacles you might have not seen and keep balance, and to absorb the step when you move forward by crouching ttle further down into the step.

    Remain in a crouched position as you're moving, and have your hands out to the sides at waist level to detect anybstacles you might have not seen and keep balance, and to absorb the step when you move forward by crouching ttle further down into the step. You do not want to crouch below a 90 degree angle at any moment unless you arerouching to the ground to put a knee down or lying down, because it is very hard on the knees.

    Normal heel-to-toe rolling movement is great for fast speed movement on grass and very slow movement on hard


    When moving through leaves, or trying to remain absolutely silent, keep your weight on your back foot, extend youeading foot, and to set it down and slowly shift forward, absorbing the movement in your knees and ankles. Youhould only have the ball of your foot, which will work as a cushion, make contact with the ground during this typ


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    Clothing is situation-sensitive. It is always a good idea to stay in the shadows

    n shadows

    o olive drab or dark blue is a good color for shadows.

    n minor lightCamo for the type of environment you are in is even better because in the shadow it looks black, and when in mino

    ght you can blend in with trees, bushes or grass.

    Good places to go prone are dark areas or areas with foliage cover. If you are wearing camouflage or a dark colourhis will help conceal you in the darkness.

    f you aren't perfectly hidden, holding still will normally take care of the dilemma, but if you can manage, curl up iball and try to cover your shoulder features and your head; this will hide the human outline.

    Another thing is to slip into a shadow and breathe softly. If you are wearing dark colors, this will work very well.

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    Know how to escape. Normally when you are escaping, you have been discovered, and are making a mad dash to hr get away.ust put distance between you and your discoverer so that you can hide once again and sneak away.f you don't think that you have been seen, you might want to try sneaking away as stealthily as possible. Then you

    an hide, wait for the threat to leave, and continue on doing whatever you were doing.

    Map out your route in head. Identify hiding spots.

    f possible, be sure to stretch out really well before sneaking. This helps to prevent injuries, fatigue, and noise fromoints (creaking/popping).

    o remain hidden you may have to take routes which are out of the way.r go out of your way A LOT to get to your operations area unnoticed by exeryone

    rom The note shifter: think of how you dress like this:If have to walk through areas where you will get spotted, wear casual clothing (Ordinary green/grey jacket, dark

    eans), find how to spread your gear out all over youre body (Knees, hips waist, chest-front and back, Upper arms,n hair(Small items in hair)

    f you can get to youre area of operations probably without getting noticed, then wear you gear where you can reac

    or webbing poucheseft Styr AUG magazine pouch: for First aid kit,

    Right Styr AUG magazine pouch: for lights(2-no more, no less, and with red-light capabilities), Gloves,minimi pouches (LMG pouches) go on back of webbing belt.Put pyrotechnics in minimi pouches

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    Knives- must have sheath, too dangerous without a sheathlaces To Put Knivesn thigh

    On beltrobably don't neeed to bring them but if you are going to need:

    Clubs, E-Tools, Crowbars, whips, machetes, ect. hide up back/frount of shirt , up sleaves, or any where out of sighat doesnt hinder movement.

    Mace substitute were you can get it (Like knives )

    Mace Substitute by the Jolly RogerPARTS: Alcohol

    /2 PARTS: Iodine

    /2 PARTS: SaltOr:

    PARTS: AlcoholPARTS: Iodized Salt (Mortons)

    t's not actual mace, but it does a damn good job, considering it is homemade weaponry

    earning to make animal sounds will make people less suspicious if they hear you but will not always work. If youlan to use an animal sound, be sure it fits the environmentso, be sure you can use the sound well--nothing is worse than you losing your cover when your target hears a ducall that sounds like an old-fashioned car horn.

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    f you are going into an area you are not secure with, ask around a bit, and if you just don't feel comfortable at all, round it.

    f you must bring your keys with you, remove all extras and wrap remaining keys in a cloth and separate them.

    ry as hard as you can to not sneeze! If you have allergies, take your meds BEFORE you leave for yourxcursion...but be sure it won't make you drowsy! If you do feel a sneeze coming on, plug your nose, squeeze youryes shut, and think as hard as you can about NOT sneezing. Also, for some people, saying the word "watermelon"epeatedly will help suppress a sneeze.Look at the article How to stop a sneeze for other tips.

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    f someone is looking a way you don't want them to look then roll or throw a small distraction and make your movDon't use a distraction if they are SUSPECTING somebody is near.

    f somebody says that they know you are there, don't give up. If they are not looking directly at you, they are probabust lying. Try to remain as silent as possible, and sneak quietly away when the person is not looking.

    f you see someone, it is best to get away as soon as possible, as people are usually more suspicious during the nigh

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    f you need to hide, try going up. Climb a tree, hop onto a low roof, anything that puts you out of the normal line oight of a person. If someone is looking for you, they will most probably be looking at the ground or at eye level.

    he eye is extra sensitive to movement at nighttime, so make sure that when you move around in the dark, don't maudden or abrupt movements.

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    ry to avoid using a flashlight, as you will be easier to see. But if you really need to use one, or feel that you can bareful enough with it, ALWAYS use a flashlight with a red bulb, or with a red filter over the front. If you haveccess to an infrared filter, such as those used in photography, try taping it over the flashlight.

    Using a red light will help you in 2 ways-) A normal light will stop your natural "Night vision" from coming on. If you're in a dark place, your eyes willecome adjusted to the light after a while, and you can see easier. A red light is on the lower spectrum of our visibght, so it isn't as harsh.) A red light is, as stated before, softer that other lights, therefore making it harder to spot.

    Again, if you're going to use a flashlight, be careful where and when you shine it. Shining it into someone's house ieally the best of ideas! Neither is flicking it on when you're trying to sneak up on someone or if they're near by.

    f sneaking in a dark alley and there is a fence near you and someone might have seen/heard you than drop downwhere the fence meets the fricking ground.

    When moving through a driveway of a yard be careful so as to not set off any security lights as they can give youway.

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    A factor that helps you is that these humans have no reason to suspect you are following, spying, etc, so don't givehem a reason to suspect anything.

    arefoot isn't a great idea. they stick to the grass/floor, and leave footprints (Like fingerprints!) and you may injureoot.

    f your parents or somebody else were to catch you, find as many excuses as possible. Your parents will most likelymore alert and suspicious at that point, so wait a while before doing it again if you are caught.

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    DO NOT sneak around or play tricks at or near the homes of police officers. Policemen live with the knowledge theople they arrested will someday emerge from prison, often with a grudge. While your intentions may be benign (

    my case when i'm sneaking, It's not benign), the person could easily perceive you as a threat and shoot you.

    e aware of the neighborhood. In a high crime district, sneaking around is extremely dangerous. People couldmmediately expect the worst and do something really bad to you.

    Don't get people who are helping you in trouble, if there are any.

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    Another option is to leave all your materials that you will be needing outside but not visible.

    rior to arriving home, it would be a good/useful idea to take your SIM card out of your phone if your parents founut that you snuck out. They would probably ask for your phone, then search through it looking for information on

    where you may have been.

    f possible, have a friend park down the street so you can run to the car and get away.

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    olice can search you or any bags you may have without a warrant. If you are pulled over or detained by them, theyan arrest you for anything you show them or anything that is visible [plain view doctrine].

    he po-po, 5-0, pigs, City's/Town's Finest/worst/Only, whatever you call the bastards,will usually send you home in a squad car if you get caught, no matter how much explaining you do.


    urn off all the lights in and around your room, get dressed in night clothes, then tell your parents/siblings that youred and going to bed. Turning lights off near places they are may also encourage them to go to bed sooner.

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    f you have cam paint/cam cam on, take it off your before you get home.


    hey may lean something up against your escape (if it is a door) such as a broom etc. so make sure you get it back way exactly it was once your back home.

    hey may lock all the doors and windows. In this case, take a key or prepare a window they wouldn't expect you toome through.

    hey may call you. If they do, come home immediately in night clothes and come up with a good story [i.e. it wastuffy in your room so you came outside for some fresh air; you left a jacket outside]

    hey may wait up for you in the dark, then turn on the light when you come in. Once again, night clothes andxplanation.

    ome parents wait until morning and make you do a bunch of things when you're really tired from sneaking out. Mure to have coffee or another stimulant ready just in case.

    After a few times, you should know your parent's patterns. Adjust your technique based on what actions they take.

    Look for a watch under the tires of your car. If your parents do this, they can see exactly what time you left.

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    Use fabric softener with your clothes in the laundry to make them quieter.

    f your door hinges or handles are squeaky or loud, spray them with Vaseline, Pam! (or WD-40) (highlyecommended) This makes them more quiet by far. Make sure to wipe off the excess Pam, because its yellow andomewhat noticeable.

    Whatever you do, ACT NATURAL. Treat the day you sneak out like a normal day. Don't be talking on the phone triends about sneaking out all day, and don't go to bed at an unusual hour. Parents will get suspicious.f you have siblings that live near you, and you aren't sure if they're asleep or not, pretend to go to the bathroom. Onou, "do your business" (or pretend to), use the sound of the toilet flushing as your alibi and quietly sneak out the boor or window. It's better to use the bathroom closest to your means of escape, rather it be the door or window.

    And if you choose to leave through your front, back, or side door remember to unlock a window on the first level aemove the screen just in case someone wakes up and locks the door behind you. This will be easier than bringing aouse key because unlocking doors can be noisy and that will add to your risk of getting caught.

    Remember to delete all your text messages and recent calls from your cell phone before coming back inside! Becau

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    f they catch you, they may/probably will take your phone. This will prevent them from reading text messages. Takeour sim card out if you have one.

    WarningsDon't get cocky. Parents usually know a lot more than they let on, so be careful and take precautions every time.

    e sure to plan out more than one way back into your house in case one or more of your parents/neighbors is out a

    bout around one of your routes into your house. i.e open one or more windows or bring house keys for the front/boors. You can never be too safe.ry not to be too nervous your first time.This can cause you to rush out, thus making more noise and increasing thehance of waking someone up

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    efore you start your walking, roll both of your feet around at the ankles a few times. This will make sure to get anpops' from your ankles out of the way. These 'pops' are the result of synovial fluid moving under the joints, similarhe action and sound that your knuckles make when you crack them. If you don't make sure to crack your ankles fir

    ou may end up making some noise later on when you need silence.

    f you are walking up directly behind someone, be mindful of the shadow you cast. If there is a light-source behindou, your shadow will precede you, and be perceived instinctively by the subject. Using a crouched walking positio

    will greatly minimize this risk.

    abi boots and moccasins work very well for sneaking around (They were used by Ninjas and Native Americans, bf these groups were experts at sneaking).

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    Another way to get a swift silent movement is to watch where you put your arms when moving. Leaving armsangling can cause unbalance leading to losing your balance and ultimately your silence. Try not to use your hands

    nd arms by balancing yourself on walls and such because you could knock something over and give away yourresence. Instead when moving silently hold them out in a position that makes you feel comfortable and balanced, i

    makes all the difference.

    tretch before you try to move silently, it is common that your joints and bones will click when trying to move sileecause of the strain you are putting into doing so and this will give you away. Stretching will make you feel loosend stop anything clicking and giving away your presence.

    Don't go on an empty stomach, but don't have a thanksgiving day feast either. Your body actually gets heavier afterou eat,(makes sense, huh?) therefore, louder. Go to the bathroom before you attempt walking silently.

    f someone looks at you while you are hiding, DON'T MOVE. Any movement will alert them to your presence. If thook away, count to thirty before moving again as they might try to look again quickly to double-check. Even shiftif the eyes can give you away. The saying, "If you can't see them, they can't see you" isn't really true, but if you

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    retend they don't really see you, your mind and body will be less likely to rest or move in any way and give youway.

    f you are attempting to sneak around your own home or elsewhere that you frequently go, practice in the day time,

    on't be obvious about it, but just take notice of what makes a lot of noise. Such as certain steps that always creak otaircase.

    When walking with pants that make sounds when brushed on the other leg, walk with your legs spread apart so the an't touch each other.

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    ry not to PRACTICE this anywhere public at night because if you are seen by someone who doesn't know what yre doing, they could think you were up to no good. That being said, might be good idea to practice skills.

    niper Country Duty Roster collective wisdom


    Rifle camouflage:


    Rifle Cammo:

    Rod did an outstanding job on my .300WM while at SMTC. It really looks great...Scott isght, the guy can really paint a rifle. That seems to be one way to do the job. There wereome rifles that had a form of ghillie on them. that method seemed to be effective also. Ike the paint because there is less to get snagged on brush during the final phase of yourtalk. Remember to paint the inside of your front scope cap also. I got off my first shot athe observer, but got busted when he started scanning my area. What did he see? My bigound shiney black Butler Creek scope cap. Of course I may have stalked a little too close

    lso. It does'nt matter if it's flipped up or to one really stands out under obsevationy optics. Worse than the end of a barrel. a little cammo paint on the inside will solve thatroblem.

    liked the tomatoe stakes also..Scott, Bob and I could not find any when we went toWal-Mart, and I still cannot locate any here...Still looking. In Florida, prone shooting can

    e a problem due to all of the very jungle like undergrowth. The shooting sticks are theway to go.

    cott is right about wind...that was probably the hardest thing to get right...but we alsohot through some incredible winds while at SMTC. I thought hurricane Earl had followed

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    me up to W. VA.

    Cory.C., FL. USA - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 10:27:49 (EDT)


    cott,have never tried sneaking up on someone so I don't know how effective this would begainst a human target but works great for predators with sharp eyes looking for anythingut of the ordinary. I took a piece of burlap and made a "sock" to slip over the gun up tohe scope and secure it with several rubberbands it gets frayed with use and breaks up theutline quite well. We spray paint the rest of the gun and scope with removable bow paint.

    One of the guys I hunt with uses a vet wrap for horses, it sticks to its self not the gun.Comes in several colors and white works great for winter snow plus its easy to take off orhange. None of these methods effect the point of impact either.


    USA - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 12:52:30 (EDT)


    Cammying up gear - Remember, besides the rifle we are also talking about observerptics, back up weapons, firing support etc.

    here are many ways of doing this. First you have to remember what the eye picks up on.wo of the killers here are shine and outline. Shine is pretty easy to subdue with flat sprayaint and the like. As you stay in this occupation over the years you try differentechniques. Don't get in one mindset. Recently I have gone to the following technique. Itart off with bowflage tape and tape everything except the barrel. When taping don't puton smoothly, rather intentionaly make it a wrinkled mess. This will help to cut down

    mooth surfaces and reflection. I then take 60 grit sand paper and sand the tape giving it auzzy surface. For the barrel I stick to paint as I'm paranoid about screwing with barrelarmonics. A good paint to use is this "granite" paint I found at the Home Center. It has aillion little beads in it that, after drying, leaves a rough, absolutely reflection free surface.eal the granite paint with a satin clear coat, then paint to desired color. This painting

    echnique works well with bino's, firing supports etc. It wears off after awhile but, hey,low a couple of hundred dollars on a Birdsong teflon finish instead!

    n order to cut reflection down off of optics, use scope shades first, then kill flash lensovers or strech a nylon stocking over the objective lens. When using scope shades you canne them with light colored burlap (wrinkled again) to cut down on the black hole effect

    hat a trained observer can pick up on. In high light conditions such as sand or snow youan tape over the lens shade and cut a small opening in it. THis will still allow enough lighto enter, but cut down on shine. Gauze also works well in this manner.

    n firing position drape your head veil over the weapon up to a point just past the scope.his covers up bolt manipulation, loading etc.

    Gooch out.

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    ooch herwood, AR USA - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 17:32:07 (EDT)


    att:GREAT ideas !The vet rap and bow paint would certainly be very flexible in lettinghe shooter adapt the camoflauge to their specific environment(s) with minimal down time

    or the rifle to be outfitted as required.

    m personally more interested in this type of versatility as opposed to having a weaoponlmost to the point of being permanently altered by using non- removable paints and otheruch means.

    Heck,even hockey stick tape (white or black in colour) could be used as well.

    eff B. ruro, N.S. Canada - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 19:33:16 (EDT)


    Weapon Camo - Paint works well to a certain extent. When using paint, don't paint theweapon as if it were a deck chair. Frost the paint on so that you will get varying hues from

    single paint, it also allows for a flater appearence. Once you ahve finished "frosting" onhe paint, go over it with flat clear coat.urlap extended just past the muzzle allows breakp of the muzzle, however, the percursory collumn of air, that forms the initial muzzlelast, will move it out of the way allowing the bullet to pass unmolested. Wrap the barrleoosely with burlap to within 1 inch of the forstock, if you wish to use burlap, DO NOTapture barrel and forestock as you will destroy barrel harmonics. Add loops on the burlapor adding short pieces of foliage. And I do mean short, 2 inches average with a spread of 1o 3 inches. This combination doesn't seem to interfer with barrel harmonics for us but you

    must experiment with the combinations prior to using in a must shoot situation. Thedvantage of burlap over paint is ease of changing colors for the terrain or season. Use theame techniques as finding best torque, load, etc. On the optics, we cut odd shapedpenings in a plastic disc and trap it inside the Butler Creek Cap. Add burlap stings overhe front or go with the draped veil (my personal favorite).

    Rick ayetteville, NC USA - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 21:33:14 (EDT)


    Re: Rifle / Barrel camo. For those who have made a ghillie suit and had "TONS" of thosetrands of burlap you pulled....ever wondered what to do with them?? Take some adhesivepray and spray the barrel and then sprinkle the strands over the barrel !! Makes use ofomething you normally throw away....also good on the field boots. Breaks outline great ando far hasn't affected the accuracy.ust an idea. OUT HERE

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    Will Deep South on high ground !!, USA - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 23:16:53 (EDT)


    f I am building a sniper rifle from the ground up, is it better to use a stainless action or a blue one? Also, what is

    est way to make a stainless action a bit less obvious?


    im t. Meade, MD USA - Thursday, November 12, 1998 at 19:32:43 (EST)


    RE: Camoing SS rifles.

    hree methods, one cheap, one expensive, one a pain in the ass:) Bowflage. Removeable spray paint sold to Bow and turkey hunters. Walmart usually had the best prices in

    Clarkesville TN. You can paint your stuff to match where you are operating, so keep a set of cans in your D-kit. Itain getting the paint out of the cracks and crevices of your gear, and for Gods sake keep the stuff out of your trigg) Send your pride and joy to a company like ROBAR. It will protect your weapon as well, and if you want to beeally sick you can still paint over THAT. Pricey though.) Ghillie your weapon. It is a hassle and the stuff catches on everything. I have not done this, so does anyone knomesses up your non-ghillied zero?

    Engler CP Greaves, ROK - Saturday, November 14, 1998 at 01:53:19 (EST)


    Way back I remember a discussion on how to cammo a barrel. On the way in this morning I remembered somethinwe used to do hunting down south. Did it to keep mud & rain out of the barrel, but it might work for cammo as we

    We used to get those disposable foam ear protecters (the ugly black ones the consistancy of coarse sandpaper, not thiney blaze yellow ones) and cut slits around the edges lengthwise - from the bottem to about half way to the top hey kind of looked like those onion flower things in a bar.

    Anyway, we'd stick the center part into the barrel, with the other parts sticking out the sides to keep it where we co

    rab it and pull it out. A side effect of this is that the parts sticking out hung over the edge of the barrel, breaking uhe outline.

    As far as we could tell it had no effect on accuracy, but we're talking iron sights at 50 yards here so it is something twould have to be checked. The only other drawback that I can think of is they may find it after you leave. You'll ne

    nd it to take out with you.


    im t. Meade, MD USA - Friday, November 20, 1998 at 09:07:25 (EST)

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    //E|/...20and%20yogis%20involving%20a%20muscle%20located%20on%20the%20inside%20of%20your%20pelvis.%20-%20Copy.txt[19/12/2011 1:43


    Rick, Gooch,ny help on the spraypaint job for old "Berlin Betty" ?

    m fixin to paint my M 21. I have bought some of the Granite spray paint that leaves a structure effect. Color is ligrown.

    Did you ever use any stencils? Camo net, leaves, rope ?

    guess its like working a Ghillie start out light and darken later ?

    My Mauser is green around the receiver now since the stock is camoed already, but this time Ill go for the works.

    have a new stock sitting here for the M 21 and want to bead blast and phosphate it anyway, so if I screw up, so w

    At least Ill get some real weird looks from our conservative hunters in loden shooting their Drillings


    orsten Germany - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 11:19:47 (EST)

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------orsten,don't know if you can get it over there but a really great base to put on your stock to camo and your barrel, if youon't care about leaving it on, because it sticks!! Is to use a product made by 3M called Rock Guard. It's used on thottom of car or truck rocker pannel's to keep them from getting chipped up from rocks. The 3M is white and whenou spray it out it sort of spits out in a heavy spotty pattern and depending on how you put it on you end up with aurface that is not abrasive on the face but doesn't leave a smooth shine either. If its clean, it will stick to it and itsougher than wang leather!! If you have seen some of H&Ss cammo stocks that are kind of "rough" in appearance ts what it would be like, and it's made to have paint to stick to

    USA - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 12:54:40 (EST)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    at,hat sounds like the stuff I am using now, its a no name brand, but from what you describe it sounds like what I haere.

    he can spits like a lama, and the stuff is sort of tan base color with black and some white specks in it. If appliedorrectly it looks like stone. I have used it for some 1:16 scale Models I made, but this is the first try at a rifle. Ill z

    ome pics around once it is done. The only parts I don't cover are : bolt, scope knobs, buttplate, flash hider. Other that Ill just be creative.he stoney base paint has to harden out before I apply the next coat, otherwise it softens too much and the roughne

    melts away.ll top it up with some bronze green and rust brown, but will try to keep it light in color as a dark/black bangstick i

    what I don't want in the first place.


    G3ermany - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 13:21:39 (EST)

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    //E|/...20and%20yogis%20involving%20a%20muscle%20located%20on%20the%20inside%20of%20your%20pelvis.%20-%20Copy.txt[19/12/2011 1:43

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------orsten, I am using some paint called Zolatone on stocks. This stuff is pretty heavy duty as it is used in truck beds uch. The paint comes in many colors but my favorite is the OD green base with brown and black splatters. There iaised texture when dry and other paint sticks to it.

    Rich WA USA - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 15:07:36 (EST)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    hat sound like a winner.

    have to get some of that when Im in country in Febuary, were can I get it ??? Do they have a home page ?


    G3ermany - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 15:14:20 (EST)


    orsten: While you probably know all this already, I'll elaborate for the crew. Material for a good camo job is a juswalk outside away. Just pick up some vegetation from the yard. Fallen leaves, tall grass, and even a twig. Use thesemask over the base color. You can create really nice effects this way. Just hold the object about 25mm away (or lesrom the stock. By experimenting you can get a feeling of depth by varying the camo paint colors. Once done, youtand well back and "dust" the whole rifle lightly with a color that matches the predominent terrain. This tones dowome of the camo and you have to watch it as if done too heavily, you will lose that feeling of depth.

    One thing to also consider: The final finish may look very nice, artistic even, and will blend in very well up close, bf you make the pattern too small or too tight, it will appear as one solid object from a distance. You need to keep tariations big enough to break up the outline. Adding to much fine detail will only casue it all to run together. Thisasy to spot at a distance. I think specifically of LeMay's rifle which I picked out at 250 yards. It had a very nice cob. I couldn't see him in his ghillie at all, but after a bit of searching, I found his rifle because the camo color meldnto one color at that range. It stood out.

    reebark camo is a good example of this effect. Up close it really can look like a tree trunk as you are close enoughee the detail. But at a distance it just looks like a dark blob as the whole blends together and loses its effect. Broadnd more broken and varied patterns blend better.cott

    USA - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 15:35:41 (EST)


    olatone is available at any auto paint supply store that supplies to auto body shops. It is quite handy. Tintable acry

    rethane primer is also available (my favorite PPG K-36). It comes flat white, is hard as nails and can be tinted anyolor. A quart is $26 and will do a room full of stocks. Tint small portions of the quart, as needed.

    Chuck USA - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 16:43:14 (EST)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    cott x: your right about the camo. Sometimes I use more than one print rather than pants shirt all the same kind. Aistance that treebark looks like a ninja suit. You know out here in the west the old fall leaf pattern is the best in movers. I once had a Forest service worker 5' away not seeing me wearing that stuff and I had a uncamoed rifle. Head a mind set that he was looking for a wounded rabbit and walked up to me in almost no cover. I also like the ligger stripes as they tend to blend in with the heat waves but larger brighter prints seem to work best out here anyw

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    //E|/...20and%20yogis%20involving%20a%20muscle%20located%20on%20the%20inside%20of%20your%20pelvis.%20-%20Copy.txt[19/12/2011 1:43

    Yucca and sage and grain fields are the background. In light CRP grass nothing works except hide behind a thistle.Rogers

    USA - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 22:05:50 (EST)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    eMay, by the way, it was during that second week multiple team scenario (barn - drug lord) when I picked you anHerig out of the bush. You may have had Rod paint your rig after that event. The rifle was very green and I couldasily make out the top of the barrel, and most of the scope. I had a broadside view of you so that made it easier. Tolor really stood out when compared to the background. I never could see you or Rae, only a hint of you. But both

    fles were relatively simple to pick up once my eye was drawn to them. I think they were in thier original color at me. The McMillian impregnated camo was pretty bright and glossy when compared to the stuff you were laying icott

    USA - Thursday, December 17, 1998 at 13:39:55 (EST)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Another thing about painting your rifle (or whatever else). Along with fine patterns blending together as mentionedear in mind that colors appear darker from a distance. Paint two objects the same color and look at one 1 yard awand one 30 yards away and the more distant one looks darker (given the same lighting conditions.) So you don't wao look down at the rifle at your feet and then look up at the hills a mile off and say, well they look the same colorow. This is probably too fine a point to often make a difference in practice, but it's anoher tidbit of knowledge thaou can add to your mental files. Also good to know when you're scanning for a target of a certain color.

    Dave an Jose, CA USA - Thursday, December 17, 1998 at 20:14:51 (EST)

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Does anyone have any information on "Bow Paint?" I can't seem to find it either on the Internet or in any of my lohops in San Francisco. Any tidbit of information would help. Also, would like to know people's reaction to the usehis paint for camoflouging their rifles.


    an Francisco, Ca, USA - Sunday, February 14, 1999 at 17:11:51 (ZULU)


    used bow paint a few years back to camo my coyote hunting rifle and it works fine. It will wear off with use but iad and you can remove it later on when you want to change colors. If you can't find it in a sporting goods store trynd an archery supply store they should carrry

    USA - Sunday, February 14, 1999 at 22:59:44 (ZULU)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Camo on guns. A couple years back there were some gun covers called "snake skins" that were available around theountry at different stores. They were reminicient of "Gun Chaps" but were just a elastic based camo gun cover tha

    was supposed to protect the guns during transient. These things were tight enough to be used to cover the barrels aorends. You could cut them without them unraveling and they could be made into scope covers that were easilyemoved and camoed the whole gun. I usually used them to cover stainless barrels and black stocks. The nature of tloth was real good as a camo for any rifle. If you can find them they were about $10.00 and by cutting them you c

    make a set of covers with a little imagination. that were superior to tape and sometimes paint. I just run a little camape around the barrel or ends of the scope to hold them in place and the gun is protected as well as camoed. It savot of wear and tear. Does get wet but it is easily removed and dried when it's all over. Just something some of you

    might want to try..Rogers

    USA - Monday, February 15, 1999 at 04:54:27 (ZULU)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    Darren,partan Supply CO. ( 1-800-251-3904 ) -- carries 4 oz. cansf Bow-Flage removable spray paint.AMES BARKO

    CALUMET, IL, USA - Monday, February 15, 1999 at 13:03:20 (ZULU)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ill R,

    Your right on the snake skins, that is what I am using on my coyote rifle. I use a couple of rubber bands on mine toeep it in place and it works great!!

    at USA - Monday, February 15, 1999 at 15:33:57 (ZULU)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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