Page 1: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis


Page 2: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis

The background image of the album cover is a close up on her face, this betrays that all attention is wanted on her. The colour of Rihanna’s hair and lips in a bold red attracts even more attention.

The font of the album is goes very un-noticed in the colour white against the tones of her skin, hair and makeup.

There is no actual name of who’s album this is, by Rihanna's face being the main concentration we are lead to think that we should just know by the picture that this is her album.

The artist for this album cover is Rihanna, Her eye contact is looking down from the camera, giving her that needed edge and mysterious feel that matches her music genre. Because the design of her album cover is so simple, it allows her fans to use their inspiration about her music. Her album in general you could say is quite fashion orientated because of the beauty.


Page 3: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis


A soft pink is used as it is a feminine color. The lighting is also soft to correspond with this theme of pink.

Nicki, is on the front of the cover is portraying the idea that she is Barbie like, the word ‘Pink’ is actually in the branded Barbie font, nothing is natural about this image of Nicki, it is very fake based.

The background image is all pink and white very feminine and attention seeking like, her legs look ten times longer than her body and out of proportion with her body being Barbie like.

The artist for this cover is Nicki Minaj, her eye contact is looking up towards the camera, which again portrays that Barbie fixed type look. The flowy like material in the background makes her as a person look smaller, which is n fashion these days to look thin. Her shoes match the colour of her hair, and background image colour.

Page 4: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis


The background image isshowing a round shape, theSame shape as an old recordThe main background image Is coloured yellow and beige but they have used in the middle of the cover a lot of colours such as green, purple, yellow, orange, Red and blue and many more to attract potential buyers of the albums attention.

The bands name is in a bigger font than the album name showing the importance of the band in general. Digipacks sell the bands or artist as a whole rather than just a single and is far more effective and has better outcome values for the band in advertisement.

Page 5: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis


Here the bands name is in a larger font than the album name to show that the band is the most important part of this CD cover, the name most be will known and that is a main part of why people buy the album, because paramore are a well known popular successful band.

The contrast of the background image all natural of grass and trees against a harsh red modern piece of furniture is confusing, we almost expect someone to be sitting on the piece of furniture. The red amongst the natural colours is bold which will attract attention.

Page 6: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis

EMAROSA - RELATIVITY The name of the band is in the biggest font that features of the album cover. This makes it the first thing the buyer sees. It is also the most important part of the cover because its what identifies who’s album it is. The lettering is all in capitals to attempt to be bold and eye catching.

The other piece of text is the name of the album, this is in a smaller font and a different color than the band name. This is to make the band name stand out the most but the name of the album is still important and is still recognizable on this particular album cover.

The background of the album cover is a pale, creamy beige. This allows everything else of the design of the album to stand out and also so the background is not distracting.

The background image of this album cover has no relevance to the name to the album name or the band name. This image is part of the design to make the album look more interesting to potential buyers. The placement of the image is central which makes it the middle of attention.

Page 7: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis


This is the album of a band called The Black Eyed Peas. Their album cover as you can see is very modern and is a hologram of the main singer in the band. The colours used are different tones of black, white, green and grey. The font of the band name is bigger than the name of the album so that the majority of the attention is on the band name as that is what identifies who's album it is.

The background of this album colour is a plain black, this is so the hologram design stands out the most. The hologram is the main attraction of this particular album cover and it represent how the band are a modern band.

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Page 9: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis

This particular advert is very bold and attracts attention in many ways. The main image of this advertisement is the artist herself, this lets people know what she looks like which is an interest of fans. The font of the album name and the name of the artist is very bold and in a unique font. This will help it stand out from the rest of the adverts in the magazine.

The information in text is very easy to understand, it is bold and simple but still stands out among the rest of the bold design of the advert. A strange thing I noticed is that the record labels name is not present on this particular advert, which is normally included in typical album adverts. Not many colours are used in this advert but the boldness of the design lets it stand out on its own without much colour.

Page 10: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis

The main image on this advert is a picture of a cat with wide eyes and a crown on its head. This is a strange image, which does attract the eye. The band name is the in the largest, most bold font along side the name of the album in a smaller text. The rest of the text on the advert is smaller than the band name and the album name and the context is the dates and locations that Two Door Cinema Club are touring.

The layout is quite simple, with all the text being centered but has a slight slant to it to give it an edgy feel. The only colours used in this advert are black, grey, white and a ting of light green which is the cats eyes. Even though all the colours are quite dull the whole design is quite unique and eye catching.

Page 11: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis

The colours of this album advert make it very eye catching. The image of the band members sitting on the beach give the advertisement a relaxed feeling. The down point about this advert is that it may be too relaxed, there is a lack of text information. The text that is present on this advertisement of the band album is bond and does stand out from the rest of the design.

The text ‘The Band of The Summer’ is a quote from the Observer newspaper. It also says the album is out for sale now but not much other information that that. The record label for this band has not been mentioned in the advertisement. The layout is very simple but every aspect of this advert works together and is a bold and eye catching design.

Page 12: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis

This is an advertisement for Jamie.T Kings & Queens. This advertisement is simple with the main image taking up the majority of the album cover. This gets the album across visually straight away to the audience so if they see the album in a shop they will recognize the cover image straight away. It is also useful to attract the audiences attention with the bright coloured text standing out on the black background. The smaller text is a five star review which gives the album creditability to the audience and will persuade them to buy it.

A HMV logo is in the corner as an example of where to buy the album from, HMV would of probably of paid money to have their institution advertised as first choice to buy the album. The only other text is a website and MySpace page for Jamie T so that if audiences are interested they can research him and his music further. Overall I think this is a very effective advertisement as it successfully persuades audiences to take notice of the album without using too much text and information which may put the audience off.

Page 13: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis

The text of this advertisement is very simple and there is not much information other than that the album it out now and the three hit singles that the album includes. The information also says the album is available for download or CD. The Album name is the in the biggest font of the design with the album name ‘The Best of’ being smaller.

The design around the band name and album name is very artistic and represents the bands name, the background colour of this advert is a bland off white colour but this allows the design around the band name to stand out more with the contrasts of greens. I think this advert is very eye catching and the design around the band name is very interesting.

Page 14: Album Cover and Magazine Adverts for Album Releases Analysis

The title of the band ‘Basement Jaxx’ is the text in the largest font. It is also the most colorful part of the album advertisement. The name of the album is in a slightly smaller font and is just a simple white colour. There is not much text information on this particular album advert the only information provided is the release of the album date, tour dates and the record label. The main image of this album is a picture of a gorilla munching on a piece of plant. This is quite strange.

The background of this a black background with a star in the skies design. There is also a scribble of pink creeping over the advert from the left hand side. This advertisement is very bold and the bold colours pink, yellow green blue and black make the advert very eye catching which will attract potential buyers for the album.
