  • 8/3/2019 Al West Quiet Title Actions California


    Al West Quiet Title Actions California

    Quiet Title Actions in California

    Ok the first thing I like to do is describe exactly how we use quiet title, who we file the suit

    against, what we claim and the basis for our claims and finally why this is a very powerfulmethod of fighting predatory lending and unlawful foreclosure. You have probably heard muchof this from LFA but I do not view any repetition as negative here. OK I am presuming that you

    know who MERS is.but heres a short description MERS is a business created by and isowned by bank of america, chase, citimortgage, commercial mortgage securities association,

    american title, fannie mae, freddie mac, gmac, everhome, hsbc, mortgage bankers association,merril lynch. This list goes on to be the diabolical whos who in predatory mortgage lending, pmi

    insurance underwriting and the securitization and sale of mortgage backed securities andsubsequent foreclosure and liquidation of real property. The crooks. The guys wrecking our

    economy and the lives of millions of Americans and doubly true in California where Al WestFiles Quiet title actions.

    MERS has attempted to supplant the real property recordation system with their own recordationsystem run by themselves. They are busted but the fight rages on. MERS was created by thebanks to prevent the banks from having to record transfers of promissory notes at the county

    level so that the rich guys can avoid paying transfer taxes at the county level. What they do isput a MIN number on your deed of trust and name themselves as a beneficiary of the note or a

    nominee for the beneficiary and this allows them to track the note ownership internally and notrecord who really owns the note in the land record. That makes MERS a tax evasion broker. The

    system was also built to support allowing the predator lenders to securitize mortgage promissorynotes into mortgage backed securities and transfer the ownership of the notes seamlessly without

    informing the local land record who really owns the note. In fact MERS hides who actually ownsthe note. purposefully. The MERS system also allows the lenders to foreclose at will using

    MERS as the foreclosing party. After all it now states on your deed of trust that they are thebeneficiary. Are they a real beneficiary?of course not! They are not entitled to your payments

    nor are they entitled to any part of the proceeds if you are foreclosed onthey are in fact a non-party. Yet they were able to foreclose on millions of homesuntil recentlyIt has been found in

    multiple jurisdictions to be completely illegal, appealed into higher and higher courts andaffirmed completely illegal. Have you read the Ibanez case in Massechussets or the Horace v

    Lasalle national bank as successor to bank of america case in alabama??Here is how our method of filing quiet title process works and Id ask you to listen closely. The

    MERS system, by the way was brilliant, I actually have to have respect for these brilliant wallstreet wizard for creating such a monster at the same time I fight them. but the bankers DID

    NOT think it completely 100% through. MERS you see, accidentally leaves parties who have no

    interest at all in your mortgage note or your real property in the land record. Parties who arestated in the land record as parties of interest who have in fact no interest in anythingGregBryl, a local foreclosure defense attorney writes that in non-judicial foreclosure states MERS

    holds and owns nothing. These parasitic parties we know how to get rid of and this is how itworks.On your deed of trust is a trustee. This trustee is typically a title company or possibly a

    small real estate lawyer. Many times we find that these little title companies are out ofbusinessDo you want an out-of-business company slandering your title??? Of course

    notYour deed of trust also names who your original lender is..lets say its countrywide. It also

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    names you as the borrower and grantor of the trust are you following me?? Ok heres theproblem the lenders are facing right now and this is what we take advantage of.if Countrywide

    underwrites your mortgage and then immediately sells the note off to a mortgage backedsecurities pool IS COUNTRYWIDE STILL YOUR LENDER?? Of course not. Yet they remain

    in the land record on your deed of trust And if countrywide is no longer your lender then who

    is the trustee holding your deed for?? Thats right they dont know, you dont know and so whyshould they be allowed to slander your title?.. They should not and they can be forciblyremovedMERS leaves in its wake parties of no interest directly in the land record. What we

    do is find out who really owns your note and have attorneys who sue the parties who should notbe in your land record for you and demand that they remove themselves immediately or

    challange them to provide proof that they are real parties of interest which they cannotdoGUESS WHAT THIS DOES FOR YOUVOILAit completely nullifies your trust

    deedGuess what that means?? It makes your property non-foreclosable, the property is nowfree and clear. You are free to sell it and stash the cash in your pocket. Do you want to own your

    house free and clear?? That is how it is done. Rescission is dead. Quiet Title is wakingupGood luck RMBS investors..

    You wish to talk to Al ? Call 888-400-6682 or 540-341-1481heres a great article on quiet titlefound on http://www. site I would suggest

    buying this guys book when it comes out and will be creating a link to the page where it can bebought..

    Comment on Mass Extinction of Pools Becomes Clearer by Dave Krieger

    | Dave Krieger

    Avirani and Indigo

    I have been working on a book about this whole mess for quite some

    time and it is about to be published. The book presents several angles

    on attacking the lenders. Your takes on WITHOUT RECOURSE are a

    blessing, since you are citing case law.

    All of these posts (pertaining to anonymous) do come with a caveat.

    Bear in mind when you post that the banks are reading this blog too. I

    happen to know of a few law firms right now (foreclosure mills) that

    read this blog on a daily basis. I also know of a few judges that are

    reading this blog as well. All of this I know through direct contact

    with clients, as well as assisting their attorneys as a paralegal with

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    case work.

    RE: UCC every case is state specific. You cant quote the federal

    UCC because the states have adopted it into their own versions and

    altered it to please the political machinery. Max Gardner told me

    this. In my research for the book, I have talked to hordes of

    attorneys about this stuff and they are very candid when they say that

    these foreclosure mills, all part of the grand scheme, are fully

    briefed by the banking community as to how to answer these suits and

    what they can and cannot get away with. The mavericks that tend to

    become arrogant (like Stern) get caught bringing fraud on the court.

    Aside from that, the individual attorneys I have spoken with admit

    that they do not have the resources to share information as readily as

    the foreclosure mill networks do. This is why we have a problem.

    Attorneys have egos and the more successful ones know that if an

    outside source brings them something credible that sounds plausible

    enough to win with then theres a chance the homeowner is going to get


    Seemingly expected not all of the stuff I share with the hosts of

    this blog get shared with the community. When you know that the other

    side is watching what homeowners are posting on this and other

    related blogs, you will find bits and pieces of interjections that are

    designed to sway the reader or as in a court case, get them off

    point. The best way for a defendant lender to win is to get the

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    Plaintiff homeowner off point, to where the plaintiff goes off on

    serious, unproven, unchartered, unsupported (without case law)

    conspiracy theories that have no merit because they are just that,


    This is true your allegations of disinterested counter parties

    lodging false information on these blogs has merit.

    One can only verify through (1) research; and (2) discovery.

    This is why I wrote my book on quiet title actions (along with

    everything else in the kitchen sink). In order to weaken the other

    side, thousands of lawsuits a week are going to have to get filed,

    because there are NOT enough foreclosure mills to defend them. True,

    the court system will be clogged like a sewer with these actions.

    True, a lot of these banks will typically get their attorneys to

    remove the case to federal court, thinking they can get a slam dunk on

    diversity jurisdiction (multiple defendants from other states makes in

    federal according to their rationale) so they can get a 12(b)(6)

    ruling. This is why the entire cause must be centered around quieting


    Instead of going after all of these counts, as I have seen in the

    past, take only the quiet title as your lead cause and build your case

    using key points (not as counts, but as predicators) this is what I

    have seen the good attorneys do in their pleadings and believe me

    these class actions inure to the benefit of the attorneys that file

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    them and because of the class, only one law firm needs to take it on.

    If youve got thousands of homeowners filing quiet title suits in

    state court (sticking to state statutes) the lenders do not know how

    to react. They usually are in the drivers seat, foreclosing on the

    homeowners. They have a scheme for that. They have a tested

    methodology that has worked up to a point. They know what they can get

    away with at least up until now. You will notice that the suits that

    are winning are individually filed or individually defended.

    If you do not have the Federman decision I would be happy to send it

    to you, as it doesnt seem to be posted on here. The last paragraph of

    the order invites Bank of America and MERS to come forward and produce

    documentation to prove agency. Hon. Arthur Federman is a very smart

    and highly regarded bankruptcy judge. Its just too bad that people

    dont read his decisions BEFORE filing bankruptcy. (I sent the Order

    to Neil but I havent seen any reference to it being posted on here

    yet. hint hint)

    The banks either (1) cant produce the note; or (2) tie themselves in

    some way through contract to prove agency. I write about that in my

    book. These flaws are NOT hard to prove. I have talked to attorneys

    who say that the banks attorneys come into court with a pomposity

    that reeks when they walk in the door. They are not expecting any

    attorney to be able to wade through the gobbledygook of paperwork and

    arguments they present, because generally, the homeowner has hired a

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    lawyer that doesnt know his a** from a hole in the ground. (Neil is

    right on that point.)

    In quiet title actions, supporting state case law is very relevant,

    because the judges law clerks can research it and apply it to your

    case. If you start putting in federal questions, you give the other

    side cause celebre to remove it to federal and slam dunk you. Quiet

    title actions are a state right and no federal judge can quiet title

    to property sitting in state jurisdiction. The filings are in the

    county recorders offices (and I seriously doubt that 99.9% of all

    borrowers signing the Deed of Trust even knew what the hell they were


    The theories of who loaned who credit and who got paid first and who

    got screwed second is NOT the crux of your case. Its the original

    documentation that created the fraud and the subsequent filings in the

    county courthouse that become part of your quiet title action. You

    see, most states declare in statute that as long as you retain

    possession at the time you file a quiet title suit, you can move

    forward, even if you are in foreclosure. Some states even allow quiet

    title actions to be filed POST FORECLOSURE, POST EVICTION! Again, this

    is state specific, where federal law and rules cannot be applied. This

    I know from research. I cannot give this out as legal advice


    Blogs are great sharing tools provided the information being shared is

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    credible and can be verified.

    The lenders foreclosure mills shrink up like a man with erectile

    dysfunction when placed under this kind of stress, because of the

    burden of proof is virtually split between the Plaintiff, who makes

    allegations supported by case law and the Defendant lender that has to

    tie all of the ends together. Once the quiet title action is filed the

    lender cant go back in and record documentation after the fact to

    perfect their security interest they have to bring it into open

    court, where you can impeach it. I have two successful quiet title

    actions under my belt personally, so I know how they work.

    I also happen to know what the four corners rule/doctrine is. Its

    the entire content of the page taken as a whole versus the specifics

    contained therein. This is very useful in wrongful foreclosure

    actions. Couple a wrongful foreclosure action with quiet title and

    then find your state statute that makes it a state jail felony to file

    such fraud with the county court clerks/recorders/register of deeds

    bring the local county recorder and the DA into your case; show them

    the docs; show them where they are suspect; get them on your side; the

    judges ruling on your cases are more likely to see reason because you

    have the county working with you to stomp out fraud. Even as a pro se

    Plaintiff (which I shudder to think could pull this off, but could) it

    would lend a lot of credibility to your case if you have outside

    sources with credibility jumping into the fray. This is how County

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    entities that record documents, such as deeds of trust, become aware

    as to WHY they are being deprived of income because of MERS. and let

    me tell you here and now MERS aint no Viagra. If you look at your

    original deeds of trust and see who the players are, you will figure

    out WHY the whole thing is a fraud, without me having to get on here

    and tip my research to the banks who are wondering the same thing.

    Comment on Mass Extinction of Pools Becomes Clearer by gwen caranchini

    Today, July 30, 2010, 13 hours ago | gwen caranchini

    This is a great post from Dave who I am using myself to help me in my

    pro se caseI am a former trial attorney of some 30 yeasr in civil

    rights cases in Fed and State Courts so pro se for me is a bit

    different. Dave is always right on with his case law and his theories.

    The def are attempting to remove my quiet title action to fed ct and I

    am objecting. I have also filed a complaint with the FBI alleging the

    fraud in the HAMP program based upon what is going in in my case and

    the fraud in the MERS filings which when you look at all the docs at

    the courthouse TOGETHER the fraud becomes clear in several different

    ways. Dave is the brightest paralegal I have ever met and should be a

    lawyer. I have never had one thing he sent me prove to be wrongthis

    guy has also got the common sense approach to this and is not out

    there with legal theories that are hard to prove. He knows too what

    dis we need. You all would do well to listen to him, get his posts and

    use his services.

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    Comment on Mass Extinction of Pools Becomes Clearer by gwen caranchini

    Today, July 30, 2010, 11 hours ago | gwen caranchini

    Stupendous Manthe case Dave is referring to is In Re Box decided

    June 3 before Arthur Federman in the United States Bankruptcy Court

    for the Western District of Missouri. I sent dave that case. It is a

    wonderful decision, especially the last page. A bit of an update on

    that case as I spoke to the Trustees office as a followup. Apparently

    BAC continues to ask to be heard at creditors meetings on this matter

    even after relief from stay was denied BAC. The trustee is refusing to

    acknowledge BAC has a position at the creditors meeting because it

    has not proved it holds the note in question as Judge Federman found.

    The last page of Federmans decision told BAC that when they had the

    note or claimed to have the note they could ask for an evidentiary

    hearing that showed they had the note and could establish agency for

    being able to seek foreclosure on the note. To date, some 7 weeks

    later, they have yet to do so and given that the Trustee continues to

    deny them the right to speak at creditors meetings.

    Comment on Mass Extinction of Pools Becomes Clearer by Dave Krieger

    Today, July 30, 2010, 11 hours ago | Dave Krieger

    The basic quiet title actions follow to form and purpose. You use

    whatever basis for your claim as necessary. There are a lot of

    templates you can use out there. Many attorneys use ProDoc which have

    state specific stuff in it. If you look at cases that are specific to

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    your cause and you go to the law library to look them up find cases

    that are specific to your area or where someone has filed pleadings in

    a court near you. Then go to that court with the case # and get a copy

    of the pleadings directly from the case file. You can then see how it

    was formatted. Before you pay for pleadings though, make sure the

    outcome was positive via the case cite. No sense pulling case

    pleadings that were incorrectly plead. The case cite itself will tell

    you whether or not the case was successful in the case of the

    homeowner. My two quiet title actions were against a defunct

    corporation in Arkansas over resort property I acquired from the

    state. They did not challenge, thus I was awarded. I didnt have to

    prove fraud. This is part of how you make money on tax deed sales, by

    quieting title BEFORE you sell. Since I invest in real estate, quiet

    title actions have been a particular interest of mine for some time.

    LFA are not attorneys and nothing herein shall be considered legal advice..

    If you are in mortgage trouble of any kind, we can direct you to the rightresources and we are glad to help.

    Office: 540-341-1481Cell: 703-615-0950Email: [email protected]

