Page 1: Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 17-60-The Deep Battle against the West-Paris

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 17-60-The Deep Battle against the West

Nov 13, Paris attack. Not drawing any conclusion yet; however, The Islamic State claim responsibility for the Paris attacks. So far, At least 127 people were killed, around 300 wounded in Paris as terrorists carried out a bloody Mumbai-style multiple terror attacks, stunning France and drawing global condemnation. According to reports, the attack sites are Bataclan concert venue, Le Carillon, Le Petit Cambodge, 20 rue Alibert, La Belle Equipe, Near Stade de France and reports of gunfire were reported at least from one other site.

The near-simultaneous attacks in Paris that killed at least 127 people were an "act of war" organized by the Islamic State militant group, says France's President Francois Hollande. He said the attacks, carried out by eight gunmen and suicide bombers, were "organized and planned from outside". Police recovers first lead in Paris terror attacks. French national behind Bataclan Theatre attack identified, suspect known to French intelligence agencies, say reports.

The Islamic State claim responsibility for the Paris attacks. In an official statement, the group said France is the “top target” of the group. A day after gunmen killed at least 120 people in Paris, Islamic State has released an undated video threatening to attack France if bombings of its fighters continue. A bearded Arabic-speaking militant warns in the footage that as long as bombings go on, there will be no peace. The group's foreign media arm, Al-Hayat Media Centre, made the threat through a militant, calling on French Muslims to carry out attacks, according to Reuters. The statement said: “France and those who follow her voice must know that they remain the main target of Islamic State and that they will continue to smell the odour of death for having led the crusade, for having dared to insult our prophet, for having boasted of fighting Islam in France and striking Muslims in the caliphate with their planes. The statement purportedly released by Isis said its fighters strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns carried out the attacks in various locations in the heart of the French capital following careful organization. LWJ 14 Nov, “In a blessed battle whose causes of success were

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

enabled by Allah, a group of believers from the soldiers of the Caliphate (may Allah strengthen and support it) set out targeting the capital of prostitution and vice, the lead carrier of the cross in Europe — Paris,” the body of the statement begins. The message continues: “This group of believers were youth who divorced the worldly life and advanced towards their enemy hoping to be killed for Allah’s sake, doing so in support of His religion, His Prophet and His allies. They did so in spite of His enemies. Thus, they were truthful with Allah — we consider them so — and Allah granted victory upon their hands and cast terror into the hearts of the crusaders in their very own homeland.” The Islamic State does not provide precise details concerning the attackers. Its description matches, more or less, the information that can be gleaned from press reporting. The statement ends with a warning: “Let France and all nations following its path know that they will continue to be at the top of the target list for the Islamic State and that the scent of death will not leave their nostrils as long as they partake in the crusader campaign, as long as they dare to curse our Prophet and as long as they boast about their war against Islam in France and their strikes against Muslims in the lands of the Caliphate with their jets, which were of no avail to them in the filthy streets and alleys of Paris.” The phrase “dare to curse our Prophet” may be a reference to Charlie Hebdo magazine, which was attacked by brothers backed by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. “Indeed, this is just the beginning,” the Islamic State says. “It is also a warning for any who wish to take heed.” - BY THOMAS JOSCELYN | November 14, 2015 |

C, regardless the claim, some suspicion regarding the ISIS claim is needed and as LWJ indicated; Its description matches, more or less, the information that can be gleaned from press reporting, but also: Nov 1, Iyad Ag Ghaly, the Malian Tuareg leader of Ansar Dine, has resurfaced with the release of an audio statement in which he threatens France and rejects any peace deal in Mali. Audio was published by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), which has close ties to Ansar Dine, he urges “all these movements and names, with their different banners and purposes” to repent and join in the jihad against the French. In addition, Ghaly issues a general call to jihad to the French people, telling would-be recruits, “may your explosive belts respond to them, and your directed devices, and your loud car bombs.” He ends his statement by saying that the Muslims must expel the “Crusaders” to “take revenge for honor of our noble Prophet.” A fighter from the aforementioned Al Murabitoon threatened French and Dutch forces in Mali, espousing the same rhetoric as Ghaly. “The time has come to battle the French and the Dutch, to retaliate for your Prophet,” said an Egyptian jihadist affiliated with the group.C: some skepticism regarding ISIS Claim is needed as it could be Propaganda, on the other hand also they could be the real culprit, whomever it will be it becomes A Game Changer. Whether ISIS or Al-Qaida Are Behind It Up to now, all attacks in Europe ascribed to jihadists identifying with ISIS have been the actions of 'lone-wolves' who had either returned from Syria or were unable to travel there. One thing however is certain, such a coordinated attack, involving at least seven locations in Paris and outside the national stadium to the north of the city could only have been carried out by an organization which had time to prepare, accumulate weapons and explosives and plan. It will of course be tempting to link the attacks to events in the last few days, especially the death in a U.S. drone strike of British Jihadi, Mohammed Emwazi, the executioner from the ISIS videos, less than 24 hours earlier, but no group could have carried out such an operation that quickly. The news of Emwazi's death may have spurred them to action, but the attackers and arms would have been in place already, preparing for their moment.Additionally, although the ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks, our mind needs

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

to stay open as obvious other suspects at this point will of course be– Al-Qaida - as they are the ones who were involved in operations in Europe over the last decade. The level of coordination involved in this attack would point to Al-Qaida, though the last time anything came near to this scale was the London underground train and bus bombings in July 2005. Also Al-Qaida was thought to have been changing tactics recently and in 2013, its leader Ayman al Zawahiri warned against attacking targets where "innocent Muslims" may be hurt. ISIS – and they claimed to be - would seem on some counts a more likely perpetrator at this point, however the group has never shown anything near this operational capacity outside of its Middle Eastern battlefields. Up to now, all attacks in Europe ascribed to Jihadists identifying with ISIS have been the actions of "lone-wolves" who had either returned from Syria or were unable to travel there.Regarding “A bearded Arabic-speaking militant warns in the footage that as long as bombings go on, there will be no peace”. Here is my other skepticism; the time between the participation of six French warplanes that attacked ISIS inside Syria first time was Sep 27 the attack in Paris was 13 Nov the prepare time is about six weeks, from an operational planning perspective nearly impossible. However if claimed terror attacks on Nov 13, in Paris would be confirmed by thorough investigation to be executed by ISIS than is it the fasted planning and execution of this scale of attack ever. Moreover it would be a real game changer, but simply accepting what ISIS claims – could well be propaganda, as they are in desperate need of a “positive” with their current losses in the ~Syria theatre -is as dangerous as the attack itself, it leafs the real organization behind it room to maneuver.

The level of planning and synchronization exhibited in Friday’s terror attacks in Paris — with six separate but near-simultaneous incidents killing almost 130 people — makes it likely that they were executed (or at least planned) by experienced combatants, multiple analysts cited by Bloomberg are saying.

“For terrorists to inflict such a large amount of damage they must have been trained very well,” Ghanem Nuseibeh, founder of London-based risk consultancy Cornerstone Global Associates told Bloomberg. “It’s not a layman and it’s not a lone attacker.”

Roger Shanahan, a Middle East security expert at the Australian National University, added that the strikes across Paris clearly “took a fair degree of planning and central direction.” He further speculated that the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) could be responsible.

A quick look back without pulling or jumping to any conclusions:

“The degree of complexity and the timing all point to the Islamic State,” said Rodger Shanahan, a Middle East security specialist at the Australian National University’s National Security College. The attacks “took a fair degree of planning and central direction.” The simultaneous attacks are similar to those that occurred in Mumbai in November 2008. Instead of targeting a handful of distinct sites, the Mumbai attackers struck throughout the city using military-style tactics. The terrorists in Mumbai, who were sent by Lashkar-e-Taiba, executed a well-planned assault that shut down much of the city, just like this evening in Paris. "The attacks show a level of sophistication we really haven't seen in an urban area since 2008 in the attack in Mumbai," Michael Leiter, former director National Counterterrorism Center, told NBC News. "This will be a game changer for how the West looks at this threat," Leiter said. Retired Air Force General Michael Hayden said the Paris violence was "certainly a terrorist attack" and that "our fears have been realised"

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

because the assaults greatly mirror the 2008 terrorism in Mumbai. "We had great fear that we would see copycat versions of that attack -- and now, I fear that our fears have been realised, and we're seeing that carried out tonight in Paris," Hayden said.

It is clearly extremely early in the investigation. But the best guide to who might be behind the attacks in Paris is earlier violence in France or involving French citizens elsewhere in Europe.

One scenario is an attack directly organized and controlled by the Islamic State from somewhere in Syria and Iraq. Previously, Isis have merely called on local followers in Europe to act alone. However, following the bombing of the Metrojet airbus over the Sinai earlier this month, it is clear the threat from Isis is evolving very fast and the group is the obvious suspect. This new attack is consistent with a steady escalation over 18 months of strikes against international targets. A team could have been sent into France, or recruited in France, or both, and then carefully managed from overseas. There are an estimated 520 French citizens fighting in Syria and 250 “returnees”, according to latest official estimates.

A second scenario would be something closer to the attacks in Paris 10 months ago. This could involve either the Isis or al-Qaida, the veteran organization once led by Osama bin Laden. It could indeed involve both, as was the case in January. That strike involved three local gunmen. One swore allegiance to Isis but had never had any direct contact with the group. Two others were brothers, of whom one was tenuously connected to al-Qaida in Yemen. It was this affiliate of the group which claimed responsibility for the killings at the office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Al-Qaida, it is worth remembering, is keen to regain the pre-eminence among the jihadi movement it has lost to Isis. A spectacular attack in Paris would be one way to do this.The third scenario would be local actors, entirely alone. France has a large pool of alienated, angry, frustrated young Muslim men, and there have long been many informal networks of extremists, violent and non-violent. Most are oriented towards sending people to Syria, however, not attacking at home.

Sep 5, The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees. The ISIS smuggler, who is in his thirties and is described as having a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success. "Just wait," he smiled. There are now more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen "ready" across the European Union, he claimed. The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes.

31 January 2013 Al Qaeda has issued a new threat to carry out 'earth-shattering, shocking and terrifying' attacks on the U.S. and Europe, it emerged. In a posting on a jihadist website, the terror group said the 'coming strikes' would target the 'heart of the land of non-belief' as well as countries aiding France in its crackdown on rebels in Mali.

27 January 2015 The (AQ) militant's threats do not stop at America, but also include a message for France and 'sister' Belgium. He says: 'We advise you that we will come to you with car bombs and explosive charges and will cut off your heads'.

Jan 10, Al Qaeda has threatened France with more terror attacks after 17 people The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.

–Winston ChurchillCdW Intelligence to Rent Page 4 of 9 03/05/2023

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

were killed at Charlie Hebdo's offices and at a Jewish supermarket. The group warns of further atrocities as France's Prime Minister says the country must "never lower our guard". A sharia official from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Harith al Nadhari, said in a video: "It is better for you to stop your aggression against the Muslims, so perhaps you will live safely. "If you refuse but to wage war, then wait for the glad tiding."

Malian al Qaeda leader threatens France in audio statementBY CALEB WEISS | November 1, 2015 | [email protected] | @Weissenberg7Iyad Ag Ghaly, the Malian Tuareg leader of Ansar Dine, has resurfaced with the release of an audio statement in which he threatens France and rejects any peace deal in Mali. The audio was published by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), which has close ties to Ansar Dine, on one of its official Twitter feeds. The statement, which has been translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, begins by saying Ansar Dine is “combating a new horn from the horns of global disbelief, after the American horn was smashed on the firm rock of jihad. This horn is a result of the French Crusader campaign that brought all its knights and horses, and its slaves and its insane ones against the Shariah of Islam in this land.” He then says that his fighters are fighting to “push away the aggression of the French Crusader assailant.” Ghaly further claims that the French are “oppressing” the people of Mali and Azawad, the Tuareg name for northern Mali. “Under the domination of the French Crusader invasion, where sanctities are violated, holy sites defiled, fear and horror spread, and the crimes of stealing and looting prevail. It is contrary to what France claimed and continues to claim, and before it, its sister in evil America, in claiming security and stability, and development and construction.” Ghaly then mentions the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris earlier this year, saying, “The case of Charlie Hebdo and its satirical cartoons offensive to the Prophet, Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, is but a part of that [hatred of Muslims].”As a result of the “domination” of Muslims by France, Ghaly calls on all people in Mali to “reject the manifestations of fragmentation and division, and disavow the fight of ignorance and its blind banners.” In an obvious reference to the many Tuareg militia groups in northern Mali, he urges “all these movements and names, with their different banners and purposes” to repent and join in the jihad against the French. In addition, Ghaly issues a general call to jihad to the French people, telling would-be recruits, “may your explosive belts respond to them, and your directed devices, and your loud car bombs.” He ends his statement by saying that the Muslims must expel the “Crusaders” to “take revenge for honor of our noble Prophet.” In discussing the peace agreement signed between rival Tuareg groups and Mali in Algeria in May, Ghaly chastises the Tuaregs for “diverting from the road of Tawhid [monotheism].” He goes on to say that while the deal was meant to bring peace, it “smells of apostasy and disbelief, and treason and cunning.”Ghaly also sends his “distinguished greetings” to the mujahideen in “Sikasso, Macina, Sevare, Giwanzer, Timbuktu, Kidal, and others from the frontlines of jihad and martyrdom.” Sikasso and Macina, which are in southern Mali, were the scenes of two attacks conducted by Ansar Dine earlier this year. The attacks in southern and central Mali undertaken by the jihadist group were likely executed by its Fulani front, the Macina Liberation Movement. The mention of Sevare is a reference to the hotel siege perpetrated by the jihadist group Al Murabitoon, which is openly loyal to al Qaeda, in early August. Ghaly is not the only jihadist to have threatened Western forces in Mali this year. A fighter from the aforementioned Al Murabitoon threatened French and Dutch forces in Mali, espousing the same rhetoric as Ghaly. “The time has come to battle the French

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

and the Dutch, to retaliate for your Prophet,” said an Egyptian jihadist affiliated with the group. [For more information, see Threat Matrix report, “Al Murabitoon threatens French, Dutch forces in Mali in new audio.] Background on Iyad Ag Ghaly and Ansar Dine Ghaly has had a long history of rebellion in Mali. Before being radicalized, he led a Tuareg rebellion against the government in 1990. In late 2011, Ghaly formed the jihadist group Ansar Dine. During the Tuareg rebellion in 2012, Ansar Dine worked alongside AQIM, the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO), and Tuareg groups to take over the country’s north. The three jihadist groups then quickly pushed the Tuaregs out of the areas that they controlled.AQIM views Ansar Dine as its local arm in Mali; in a “confidential letter” from Abdelmalek Droukdel, the emir of AQIM, that was found in Timbuktu in early 2013, he instructed his followers to mask their operations and “pretend to be a ‘domestic’ movement” under Ansar Dine so as not to draw international attention and intervention. However, the jihadists’ heavy-handed tactics and violence prompted the French to intervene to help the Malian government take back the north.Soon after its successful offensive in the north, Ghaly was reportedly seen meeting in Timbuktu with senior AQIM leaders Abu Zeid (who was killed in 2013) and Yahya Abu al Hammam. Mokhtar Belmokhtar, a veteran al Qaeda commander who now leads Al Murabitoon, was also present during the meeting. [For more information on Ghaly, see LWJ report, Ansar Dine leader resurfaces, urges expulsion of France from Mali.]On Feb. 26, 2013, both the United States and the United Nations added Ghaly to their lists of Specially Designated Global Terrorists. The State Departmented noted that he “cooperates closely with al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.” [See LWJ report, Emir of Ansar Dine added to US, UN’s terrorist lists.] Ansar Dine itself was identified as a terrorist organization by the US and the UN in March 2013.Despite the French intervention and the current French-led counterterrorism mission in the region, al Qaeda and its many affiliates in Mali continue to operate. These groups retain the ability to mount rocket, mortar, and IED attacks on UN and French forces. Over 50 UN peacekeepers have been killed in Mali since 2013, making it the most dangerous UN mission in the world. For information on al Qaeda-linked attacks in Mali and neighboring countries since 2014, see this map created by The Long War Journal.Caleb Weiss is an intern at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a contributor to The Long War Journal.

14 Nov 1000 GMT. Police confirmed that six separate attacks had taken place across Paris in little over two hours. There were casualties at the following locations:

Bataclan theatre – 87 people killed, Stade de France – unknown number killedBoulevard de Charonne – 18 reported killed, Boulevard Voltaire – one killedRue de la Fontaine-au-Roi – five killed, Rue Alibert – 14 killed

Earlier reports suggested that as many as 157 people had been killed, before the Bataclan death toll was revised down significantly. The latest death toll from French prosecutors stands at 128. A further 200 people were injured, at least 99 of them seriously. The Paris prosecutor, François Molins, said at least eight attackers had been killed across the city, seven of them in suicide bombings. One witness told the Guardian that officers had told him at least one of the attackers was still at large. The attacks come 10 months after 20 people were killed during attacks by Islamist gunmen on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, located close to the Bataclan theatre, and at a kosher supermarket in Paris.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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Page 7: Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 17-60-The Deep Battle against the West-Paris

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Nov. 13 in multiple terrorist attacks throughout Paris. At least eight gunmen – likely jihadists judging from witnesses' accounts – conducted the attacks. The gunmen's motives were not immediately confirmed, but one witness at the Bataclan heard one of the attackers appear to express support for the militant Islamic State (IS) group1. State of emergency has been declared in France following a series of attacks in Paris, reportedly by people inspired by ISIS. Over 150 people have been killed and many more injured in 7 attacks. Eight attackers have been killed in Paris attacks, according to AFP, citing a source close to the investigation.Seven of the eight died after they detonated suicide belts and one was shot by police, the source said. The attack on the 1,500-seat Bataclan hall was by far the deadliest of Friday night's attacks. Within an hour, security forces had stormed the concert hall and all four attackers there were dead. Three had blown themselves up and a fourth was shot dead by police. Another attacker was killed in a street in eastern Paris, reports said.

“They shot right into the crowd, shouting Allah Akbar “ (“God is greatest”), a witness reported following the attack on the show Le Bataclan concert hall.“Some guys arrived, they started shooting near the entrance,” he said. “They shot right into the crowd, shouting Allah Akbar, with shotguns I think (…) I could hear them reloading. The concert stopped, everyone was lying on the ground, they continued to shoot at people, it’s hell,” he was shackled, his voice broken by sobs. One witness heard a gunman blaming President Hollande for intervening in Syria. It was the first clear evidence that Paris was once again being targeted by Islamists. Search for potential accomplices continues. The string of gun and bomb attacks was clearly co-ordinated and involved more men than the three who took part in the January attacks,2 which claimed the lives of 18 people.

The coordinated attacks that killed at least 158 people in Paris on Friday carry the hallmarks of trained fighters -- and a guiding hand. The strikes occurred almost simultaneously in seven separate venues across the French capital and were designed to maximize casualties and signal combat experience. Even if the perpetrators weren’t practiced combatants, they were likely organized by people who are, analysts said. "For terrorists to inflict such a large amount of damage they must have been trained very well,” said Ghanem Nuseibeh, founder of Cornerstone Global Associates, which advises clients on risk in the Middle East. The equipment, the timing and coordination show that “it’s not a layman and it’s not a lone attacker,” Nuseibeh said by phone from Dubai. No group has made credible claims of responsibility and the French government has yet to say whether it has identified the perpetrators.

Paris attack witness: 'he was dressed in black, professional, shooting and killing' If you think of what a combat soldier looks like, that is it – just without the webbing. Just a man in military uniform, black jumper, black trousers, black shoes or boots and a machine gun. Maybe a woolly hat. He was standing in a shooting position. He had his right leg forward and he was standing with his left leg back. He was holding up to his left shoulder a long automatic machine gun – I saw it had a magazine beneath it. Everything he was wearing was tight, either boots or shoes and the trousers were tight, the jumper he was wearing was

1 It's likely that the link will be proven because we heard one of the attackers shouting: "This is for Syria".2 In January, the headquarters of the magazine Charlie Hebdo were attacked by two men claiming allegiance to al-Qaeda. That attack was followed quickly by an assault on a Kosher supermarket, which left five dead, including the attacker.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

tight, no zippers or collars. Everything was toned black.

Supporters of the Islamic State launched a hashtag “Paris is burning” to celebrate the killings, but the organization has not officially claimed responsibility. An eyewitness interviewed on BFM TV in France said that one of the terrorists shouted, “Allah Akbar!” Other unconfirmed reports say that one of the attackers, who was apprehended, told authorities that he and others are affiliated with the Islamic State. One of the terrorists also reportedly said, “This is for Syria! One said: "God is great and thank God for these lone wolf attacks. At least 100 hostages and countless wounded."

In the mean time: Nov 13, THE Calais Jungle migrant camp has been set on fire after hundreds of people were killed in terror attacks on Paris, according to reports. It comes just days after a French politician branded the camp a "lawless slum" where violence is escalating to the point of "guerrilla warfare". One aid worker said: "The details are sketchy at the moment. What we do know is that a number of people in the camps have been injured and we are trying to find medical care for them." The Frenchman also called for demolishment of the migrant camp, which houses more than 6,000 people. He said: "The risk is now that of guerrilla warfare gradually infiltrating this lawless slum, directly exposing the police who are forced to control a mass of people who dream of reaching England." Last night a local anti-migrant group known as 'The Angry of Calais' also posted videos of the inferno on Facebook. That sparked speculation the blaze could be connected to events in Paris - but it is still unclear what caused the fire. And on social media, people pointed out that any anger with refugees and migrants in the 'Jungle' would be misplaced as they are fleeing ISIS killers.

ISIS TERROR WARNING: Nov 13, Britain NEXT to be ATTACKED by jihadists, supporters claim. BRITAIN is at risk from the next Islamic State attack, supporters of the evil terror group have warned in unconfirmed tweets. After gloating about the horror that shocked the world, armchair jihadists tweeted that London could be next. The twisted tweeters also claimed to have two other major capitals in their sights – Washington DC and Rome. Gatwick Airport evacuated amid fears of more terror strikes after 128 killed and 200 injured in French capital. Nov 14, North Terminal shut down after reports of 'suspect package' at airport. France also in lockdown after a series of coordinated terror attacks across Paris on Friday.

The only aircraft carrier in the French Navy’s fleet, the Charles de Gaulle, will leave for the Persian Gulf on November 18, France said Nov 5, it would deploy its only aircraft carrier – the Charles de Gaulle – to boost its military operations against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). “The deployment of the battle group alongside the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier has been decided to participate in operations against Daesch [ISIS] and its affiliate groups” the French president’s office said in a statement issued on Thursday after a defense cabinet meeting, Reuters reports.  “The aircraft carrier will enable us to be more efficient in coordination with our allies” Hollande said at the opening of a new defense ministry headquarters in Paris, adding that it will “bolster Paris’ firepower in the region amid international efforts to launch Syrian peace talks.” President Hollande also said France wants to support the Vienna process and to make progress towards a political transition in Syria, the statement says. He added that fighting Islamic State and putting an end to the bombing of civilians must be core elements in any future accord, noting that president Assad cannot be part of the Syria’s future.

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

To France my sincere condolence,

Regards Cees: Do remember AQSL 2020 Plan Phase VI to start 2016, as I mentioned before the prelude is being set in motion some time ago, see my deep previous Battle files.

Nov 14, 2015 Iran's Deputy Top Commander Warns US, European Allies Not to Misuse Paris Tragedy against Muslims. TEHRAN (FNA)- Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazzayeri warned Washington and its European allies not to replay the September 11 theatre to pressure and attack Muslims by misusing the Friday night's terrorist events in Paris. Jazzayeri made the remarks after a series of bombings and shootings in the French capital left over 150 people dead and scores of others injured following which certain western media attempted to blame all Muslims for the attacks."The French people paid the price for their government's support for the ISIL and the Takfiri terrorism," he said. Jazzayeri warned the US and its allies against misusing the Paris events to attack and pressure the Muslim states like what they did against Afghanistan and Iraq after the 9/11 attacks in 2001 and 2003, and said Iran had many times warned that certain European countries' support for the terrorists will backfire on

their advocates one day. He also referred to the Thursday terrorist attack in Beirut which killed over 40 people, and said, "The Paris and Beirut blasts are the two sides of the same coin and the international community expects the supporters of Takfiri terrorists, specially the US, France and other western governments, to give up their discriminatory approach and behavior and adopt a common and united

position on these crimes." Paris was rocked by a string of deadly attacks on Friday night, leaving at least 150 people dead in six locations around the city, in the deadliest violence to strike France since World War II. President Hollande declared a state of emergency and ordered increased border checks. The ISIL terrorist group has accepted the responsibility for the attacks.The Iranian officials strongly condemned the attacks and called for overall and serious fight against terrorism. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a message to his French counterpart François Hollande extended his condolences on the killing of people in a series of bombings and shootings in Paris, and reiterated the need for collective efforts to fight against terrorism. "I, on behalf of the great Iranian nation, which itself has been one of the victims of the ominous phenomenon of terrorism, strongly condemn these anti-human crimes and extend my condolences to the bereaved nation and government of France," President Rouhani said in his message on Saturday morning. He expressed deep regret over the killing and wounding of a large number of innocent people in Paris, and said, "Undoubtedly, the world's most important message in such events is more serious will and determination to launch overall fight against the terrorist groups."

The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.–Winston Churchill

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