Page 1: Al-Madinah Newsletter...ister, to address Jesus PBUH in the Bible and in Quran. He also addressed his journey from Chris-tianity to Islam, and ways of making Dawaa for non Muslims

Dear brothers and sisters; Assalamo Alaikom; With the grace of Allah (SWT) and unconditional help and support of many brothers and sisters in the community, today we are celebrating our first anniversary of Sunday school. This achievement has only been possible through sacrifice and support of Sunday school teachers, volunteers and the administration. Your continued trust in the school has undoubt-edly been a key factor in our success. We are indeed honored and privileged to have the opportunity to teach our children the authentic Islamic knowledge and manners and we thank Allah (SWT) who has put us in this honorable position. Today we are enjoying Islam in its pure form because of sacrifice of our beloved prophet (PBUH), Sahabah (Rathiallahu anhom) and the Muslims after them. Our children deserve the same right and therefore de-serve our sacrifice. As Muslims, our lives evolve around the love of Allah (SWT) and his beloved prophet (PBUH). In Sunday school, we constantly strive to instill this love in the heart of our chil-dren through teaching Arabic Language, Quran and Islamic manners. As you are aware, Islamic education during the critical years of childhood is vital to our children. They will be saved only, if they strive and grow in an Islamic environment. This goal however can not be reached without the support of the parents especially at home environment. Our ex-perience over the past year has shown a significant difference in the level of learning and progress among children with attentive parents and those without. The parents’ contribu-tion is therefore imperative to the child’s development. As Muslim parents we have an ulti-mate responsibility towards our children’s Islamic education as our beloved prophet (PBUH) said in an authentic Hadith: “All of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects, The ruler is a guardian of his subjects, the man is a guardian of his family, the woman is a guardian and is re-sponsible for her husband's house and his offspring; and so all of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects,'' I therefore urge the parents to make their children’s’ Islamic education as one of the priori-ties in their lives and we ask Allah (SWT) whom all the matters return to him to bestow his mercy and blessings on all the Muslim families and make us succeed in our Deen, Donya and Akherah Insha’allah. Wassalamo Alaikom Wa Rahmatollahi Wa Barakatoh. Fereidoon Shafiei Sunday School Manager — Masjid Alnoor

School Manager’s Message

March 6th, 2011

Volume 1, Issue 1

Al-Madinah Newsletter


Manager Message 1

Stars Corner 2

Community Updates 2

Article 2

Do you know? 3

School Bulletin Board 3

School Faces 4

Islamic Association of Greater Shreveport (ALNOOR Sunday School) 1000 Delhi st, Bossier City, LA 71111 Phone: 318-675-0114

Times Prayers

6:00 AM Fajr

1:00 PM Zuhr

4:00 PM Asr

6:00 PM Maghrib

8:00 PM Isha

Page 2: Al-Madinah Newsletter...ister, to address Jesus PBUH in the Bible and in Quran. He also addressed his journey from Chris-tianity to Islam, and ways of making Dawaa for non Muslims

Star Students Hussein Abdul Razak Algahim (Basic 1) Hasana Eman Mama (Basic 2) Hyla Saadah Alrajab (Basic 3) Khitam Saleh Rahman (Basic 4) Ali Rifat Al Wadi (Intermediate 1) Riad Jamil Musa (Intermediate 2) Montasser Jamil Nasser ( Intermediate 3) Dana Amjad Elatrash (Intermediate 4) Rana Wajeh Shihadeh ( Advanced 1) Safan Muhammad Malik (Advanced 3)

Star Teachers

Sr. Saadia Fadlallah Sr. Riham Hassan Br. Waiel Shihadeh

Jazakom Allah Khir for all your hard work!!

Page 2 Al-Madinah Newsletter

A potluck dinner is planned to be on March 12th, 2011 at 6:30 PM at Masjid Al Noor. Please share a favorite dish with your brothers and sisters. Looking forward to see you All!!

Masjid AlNoor hosted the international guest speaker Joshua Evans, a former christian youth min-ister, to address Jesus PBUH in the Bible and in Quran. He also addressed his journey from Chris-tianity to Islam, and ways of making Dawaa for non Muslims and the price of Para-dise. (January 21 –22, 2011).

A successful fundraiser (bake sale) was held by Al Noor Sunday School to support its activities on January 16, 2011. Thanks for all your contributions

Community Updates

Our Children are our hearts

We all work hard and wish our children the best . We want them to succeed in life and be valuable to society. How do we achieve this? First, as parents we need to be the best role model. Second, we should treat our children equally and fairly and become closer to them. Finally, we must set aside time each day to com-municate with them and really listen to what they want to say. Let us save our children and ourselves from Al-lah’s punishment. May Allah always guide us to the right path. Thank you Br. Abdelkareem Hamdan Teacher - Sunday School

Page 3: Al-Madinah Newsletter...ister, to address Jesus PBUH in the Bible and in Quran. He also addressed his journey from Chris-tianity to Islam, and ways of making Dawaa for non Muslims

Disciplinary Procedures: All students are expected to maintain proper disci-pline in the school and the Masjid: 1st offense: verbal warning 2nd offense: note to parent or guardian 3rd offense: parent teacher conference 4th offense: suspension from school for 3 Sundays 5th offense: possible expulsion from school Parent meeting will be held the week after each test at 12:00 noon in the classroom where parents dis-cuss their children’s progress and any issues or concerns they or the teacher may have. Important Note: please let the administration of-fice know if your kids will completely stop coming to school so that we can start enrolling other stu-dents from the waiting list. If you have questions and/or want to meet the teachers, then you can meet them either before or after the school hours. School phone Number: 318-675-0114 School Email: [email protected]

Sunday school policies are made to improve children’s education. They are not meant to be punitive of any sort, on the contrary meant to educate our children discipline, Islamic knowl-edge and manners. Please review the following policies carefully:

The daily classes start at 10:00AM SHARP. Classes end at 01:00 PM and then it is time for Dhur Prayer. Parents can pick up their children from the Masjid after the Duhr prayer. If for any reason the parent wants to pick up their kid/s during the school time then they must notify the school office in advance. The Sunday school office must be notified in advance if the parents will be late picking up their kids. If your child doesn’t attend the classes for Three consecutive weeks or up to six ran-dom absences –unless it was announced by the school differently - then his/her record will be deactivated and a new student from the waiting list will take his/her place in the school. All students are expected to finish and turn in their homework on time To help the teachers assess the learning process of the students, all kids will be subject to tests every 6 weeks.

Volume 1, Issue 1

Do you know?

Prophet Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca, Saudia Arabia on the 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awwal, which was Monday the 20th day of April, 571 A.C. The occasion is celebrated by remembering the favors bestowed on the ummah (The Mus-lim community). Our beloved Prophet offers humanity a perfect example in all facets of life. The Holy Quran declares: "Verily, you have in the messenger of Allah, a most beautiful model” Quran 33:21

School Bulletin Board

Page 3

End of Semester


Sunday March 20th, 2011

Mark the date on your Calendar!!

Page 4: Al-Madinah Newsletter...ister, to address Jesus PBUH in the Bible and in Quran. He also addressed his journey from Chris-tianity to Islam, and ways of making Dawaa for non Muslims

School Faces

“Our Dedicated Teachers”

“Our Hardworking Administrators” “Our Daycare center for the little ones”

“Father and son at the school”

“Our Dedicated Teachers with School Manager”

Newsletter Team: Sr. Tahira AbdulRahman, Sr. Nadia Alatrash, Sr. Sarah Radwan, Dr. Fereidoon Shafiei and Sr. Riham Hassan

Kids in Classrooms
