  • 8/10/2019 AK Steel Dearborn Works- Safety and Health Rules and Instructions



    These "AK Steel Safety and Health Rules & Instructions"apply to all AK Steel employees, visitors and contractors.

    Your cooperation

    in preventing injury and non-injury incidents

    is an absolute necessity.

    The success of our Safety and Health Program

    requires everyone to accept the responsibility

    for their own safety and the safety of their fellow employees.



    Updated: 8/29/14

    Refer to the AK Steel Website ( for the most current version of the

    AK Steel Safety and Health Rules & Instructions

  • 8/10/2019 AK Steel Dearborn Works- Safety and Health Rules and Instructions


    00 Health and Safety Policy


    AK Steel is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy

    workplace for all employees and any other persons who may be directlyaffected by the activities of AK Steel.

    Recognizing the importance and commitment to the Occupational

    Health & Safety Management System, the policy of AK Steel is to:

    Commit necessary resources to comply with all applicable legal

    and other requirements, as well as incident prevention and

    necessary continuous improvement.

    Reduce and eliminate risks through safety and health procedures

    and emergency preparedness programs.

    Develop, implement and maintain OH&S procedures.

    Evaluate on a routine basis compliance with all applicable OH&S


    Strive for continual improvement in the effectiveness of its OH&S

    management efforts.

    Origination Date: 6/6/2012

  • 8/10/2019 AK Steel Dearborn Works- Safety and Health Rules and Instructions



    INSTRUCTIONS. Plan and think of the safe way to do a job, act and work safely. Get in the

    habit of asking "What If" before taking that next job step. If not sure, ask someone who knows.

    1.1 Violation of any General, Plant, or Departmental Safety and Health Rules, Orders or

    Safe Practices may be cause for disciplinary action.

    1.2 Report all injuries, illnesses, near miss and incidents to your supervisor immediately.

    1.2.1 The supervisor is responsible for investigating every incident or exposure

    that occurs in his/her department, even though the /incident/exposure may notresult in personal injury, illness or property damage.

    1.2.2 The investigation shall be thorough and complete to determine the rootcauses of the incident and prevent a recurrence.

    1.2.3 Each plant shall develop specific procedures for reference to aid in incident


    1.2.4 All involved employees are required to cooperate with management, safety

    coordinators, and other people investigating any incidents or exposures. When

    asked about an incident with injury/incident/exposure, provide detailed factual

    information of what was witnessed.

    1.2.5 Do not disturb or remove evidence at the scene of the incident or exposure

    until it has been investigated.

    1.2.6 Do not leave the area until you are permitted to do so by your supervisor.

    Exception: If the area is unsafe or there is a risk of injury or exposure.

    1.3 Emergency Reporting Procedures and Emergency Action Plan must be followedwithout deviation to prevent unnecessary and possible life threatening delays.

    1.4 Ambulance Emergency Actions

    1.4.1 Call the Emergency Injury Number.

    1.4.2 Give the Door Number.

    1.4.3 Give the Grid Number or other specific plant location.

    1.4.4 Give the nature of the emergency.

    1.4.5 Stay on the phone! Do not hang up until told to do so by the person taking

    the call.

    1.4.6 Send someone to the road to meet and direct the emergency vehicles.

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    1.5 Fire Emergency Actions

    1.5.1 Call from a safe location that is not threatened by the fire or explosion.

    1.5.2 Call the Emergency Fire Number.

    1.5.3 Give the Door Number.

    1.5.4 Give the Grid Number or other specific plant location.

    1.5.5 Stay on the phone! Do not hang up until told to do so by the person takingthe call.

    1.5.6 Send someone to the road to meet and direct the emergency vehicles.

    1.5.7 Go to the designated emergency assembly area.

    1.6 Report all unsafe conditions, such as tools, equipment, work areas and structures, to

    your supervisor immediately. These conditions shall include all existing and predictablephysical, health, and ergonomic hazards.

    1.7 Be alert to the safety of visitors, new employees, contractor employees and co-workers. Do not hesitate to tell them if they are in danger.

    1.8 Crossing Railroad Tracks

    1.8.1 Vehicle Operators and pedestrians shall be alert when crossing railroadtracks.

    1.8.2 Cross only at designated crossing points. Stop and look both ways forengines and rolling railroad cars before crossing railroad tracks.

    1.8.3 Do not climb across the rail car couplings or crawl under a rail car.

    1.8.4 The railroad has the right of way.

    1.8.5 Never assume the railroad crew sees you and never attempt to beat the

    railroad equipment to the crossing.

    1.8.6 Never place or set anything on a rail unless permission has been provided

    and/or GSO #3 requirements have been met.

    1.8.7 Never step on a rail always step over it.

    1.8.8 If a designated railroad crossing is protected by positive track protection, in

    accordance with GSO#3, and is posted as such, then stopping at the crossing isnot required. Once the positive track protection has been removed, stopping prior

    to crossing is required and shall be designated with a positive device such as a

    stop sign, crossing arms, red flashing, etc.

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    1.9 Entering Buildings or Other Departments1.9.1 Do not go into any department, other than your own, unless your work

    requires you to do so.

    1.9.2 Sign in and out as required by the department prior to entering and after

    exiting the operations area.

    1.9.3 When going into other departments contact the appropriate departmentperson at the sign in location and comply with that department's safety rules,including the wearing of all appropriate personal protective equipment.

    1.9.4 Prior to entering a building, always read and observe warning signs.

    1.9.5 Always enter through designated man doors. It is permitted to enter through

    a roll-up door if the door has been pinned and posted as such.

    1.9.6 When entering a building, stop and look around for possible movement ofoverhead cranes or other mobile equipment before proceeding. Do not assume

    that crane or mobile equipment operators can see you.

    1.9.7 Warning signs and warning signal systems have been established in each

    department. Know and obey the signs and signals of the department where you

    work and those of any department that your work requires you to enter.

    1.9.8 Signals - Make sure you know the Emergency Signals and Evacuation Plans

    in each department where you work.

    1.10 Horseplay, startling, teasing, throwing of objects, scuffling or distracting anotheremployee is strictly prohibited.

    1.11 Always drink from approved water coolers. Water from any other source may beunsuitable to drink. To assure water quality, only authorized personnel are to make

    repairs to drinking water lines and equipment.

    1.12 Molten metal can explode when it makes contact with a wet surface, particularly

    where it may entrap moisture or water. All designated equipment and areas must be dry

    before using them for molten metal. Do not throw materials into vessels that may or willcontain molten metal unless directed to.

    1.13 Never lean against, sit, or stand, on temporary or permanent hand railings or guard

    railings of any kind.

    1.14 Rain, snow, ice or over-hanging icicles may represent slipping or struck-by hazards.When such hazards exist in your work area, report them to your supervisor immediately.

    1.15 Never dispose of empty aerosol cans or gas cylinders in dumpsters or containers in

    which they could end up in molten metal, scrap, or be exposed to heat.

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    1.16 Disposal of Propane and Calibration Gas Bottles. Depressurize each bottle toatmospheric pressure and clearly mark the bottle EMPTY with a Semi Permanent

    Marker. The bottles can then be placed into a trash disposal container, or returned to the

    vendor for re-use.

    1.17 Only trained and authorized employees may use fire extinguishers, fire hoses, SCBA

    (self-contained breathing apparatus) and other emergency equipment.

    1.18 Intercoms, PA Systems and Two-way radios are to be used for business purposesonly. Non-essential communication and inappropriate language are prohibited.

    1.19 The use of cellular phones and laptop computers in operating areas is prohibitedunless authorized by your supervisor. All other personal electronic or audio/video

    equipment is prohibited in operating areas or mobile equipment.

    1.19.1 Cell phones and laptop computers provided by the company and used to

    conduct business may be carried on the plant property and into operating areas.

    Personal cell phones or laptop computers shall not be carried into any plant

    operational area or mobile equipment.

    1.19.2 Cell phones with photographic or video capabilities shall not used for

    taking photographs or videos on company property unless authorized by AK Steel


    1.19.3 When operating a company-owned vehicle, rental vehicle, leased vehicle

    or personal vehicle, while performing company business, drivers shall not operate

    a cell phone, electronic communication device or any other electronic equipment,that is NOT "Hands-Free" equipped.

    a. The term Hands-free" equipped is defined as an attachment, add-on,built-in feature or addition to a mobile cellular telephone that, when used,

    allows the driver to maintain both hands on the steering wheel whenreceiving, talking and terminating a cellular call. The hands-free accessory

    can be either permanently installed in the vehicle or may be portable.

    b. This rule shall apply to company-owned/issued devices or ones owned

    by the employee.

    c. If an employee must initiate or receive a cellular call, and their

    equipment is NOT "Hands-Free" equipped, they shall drive to a safe

    location and stop the vehicle prior to activating the device, remaining thereuntil the communication is completed.

    d. If an employee must initiate or receive a text message, they shall driveto a safe location and stop the vehicle prior to activating the device,

    remaining there until the communication is completed.

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    1.20 Before sitting in a chair assure that it is in good repair (including all of the legs) andthat is placed on a flat level surface, with all of the legs making contact with the floor


    1.20.1 While sitting in a chair, never tip the chair to cause one or more of the

    chair legs to lose contact with the floor surface.

    1.20.2 While sitting in a chair, never prop your feet on a surface above the levelof the seat or in any other way that will cause the chair to become unstable.

    1.20.3 Never climb or stand on a chair to reach an upper surface or elevated


    1.21 Never attempt to board or deboard any type of mobile equipment, vehicle, railroad

    rolling stock, cranes or other mobile machinery that is in motion

    1.22 Trailers (temporary, permanent office, tool, etc) and Storage Containers (Conex type


    1.22.1 Prior to staging a trailer or storage containers, a Request to Stage A TrailerOr Storage Container Form (AKForm-01) shall be completed and requires

    approval from the host Department Manager or designated representative and the

    Safety Department.

    1.22.2 The Request Form shall detail the proposed location, securementprocedures, utilities needed, intended use, materials to be stored (flammable,

    acids, etc) and intended occupancy.

    1.22.3 Prior to using the trailers or storage containers, a Safety Department or

    designated representative must conduct an inspection and complete the Pre-Useand Monthly Trailer/Storage Container Inspection Form (AKForm-02).

    1.22.4 Monthly thereafter, the Pre-Use and Monthly Trailer/Storage Container

    Inspection Form (AKForm-02) shall be completed by the occupants/owners and

    faxed/or e-mailed to the Safety Department by the first day of the month.

    1.23 Personal Vehicles

    1.23.1 No open top vehicles (e.g. Jeeps, convertibles, sun roofs, etc.) shall be

    driven onto plant roadway with the tops open. The vehicle tops shall be closed

    before entering the gate.

    1.23.2 Anyone on a motorcycle shall be wearing an approved motorcycle helmet

    at all times while operating on AK Steel property.

    1.23.3 Motorcycles are only permitted to be ridden and parked in AK Steelapproved locations.

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    1.23.4 If a personal vehicle becomes disabled on AK Steel property, employeesare not permitted to work on the vehicle, but must call an (outside) Road Service

    to respond.

    1.23.5 No personal trailers, boats, campers, etc allowed on property.

    1.24 The use of prescription medication issued to you by your personal physician may

    impair your ability to safely perform all parts of your job.

    1.24.1 Medication, which causes drowsiness, reduced alertness or clarity of

    thought, or slowed reaction times, can pose a serious threat to your personal

    safety and to the safety of your fellow workers. Examples of medication, whichcan have that effect, include, but are not limited to, mood altering drugs and

    narcotic pain management drugs.

    1.24.2 If you are currently taking or will be taking a medication with these orsimilar side effects, or that instructs you not to drive or operate machinery while

    taking, you must promptly notify the plant medical department or the Human

    Resources department, for the locations without a medical department, for reviewof the potential impact to your safety on the job. In appropriate circumstances, as

    determined by the medical department, the Safety Sensitive Form will be

    completed to assure that a safety sensitive prescription is not taken within six (6)hours of starting work or during the work turn.

    1.24.3 In addition to the use of prescription medication, other factors could also

    impair your ability to safely perform all parts of your job. These factors include

    emotional, mental, physical, or health related issues. If you are experiencing any

    such factors that could impact your ability to safely perform your job, you mustpromptly notify your supervisor for appropriate review of the situation.

    1.25 Hazard identification. The use of temporary YELLOW Caution Tape and RED

    Danger tape shall be used to control access to areas of the facility where hazards have

    been identified.

    1.25.1 RED Dangertape shall be used to limit access to areas where a hazard has

    been identified or where hazardous activity is taking place. ONLY Authorized

    Employeesmay enter RED Danger tape areas.

    a. For the purpose of this section the term Authorized Employee means

    employees that have been assigned a task to perform in the taped off area;

    have been trained in the hazards associated within the area and have theproper PPE to enter the area.

    b. If the hazardous area cannot be completely encompassed with red

    danger tape, a safety attendant shall be stationed at the opening to control

    access to the area.

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    c. A safety attendant assigned to control entry into the Red Danger tapearea shall wear reflective clothing for identification and have an air horn

    or other device to warn unauthorized people away from the area.

    d. When RED Danger tape is used to establish an overhead work zone,

    NO ONE is permitted inside the overhead work zone UNLESS all

    overhead hazards that have the potential to fall or be dropped have been


    1.25.2 YELLOW Caution tape shall be used to identify hazards or activities that

    are less hazardous than RED Danger zones.

    a. You may proceed with caution through YELLOW Caution zones if you

    have a specific need to do so.

    b. When entering any restricted area you MUSTbe aware of yoursurroundings, paying special attentions to the hazards within the area.

    1.26 Safety Task Assessment (STA) Cards

    1.26.1 STA Cards are required for the following situations A job specific written procedure does not exist, or The job deviates from the existing written procedure, or A new hazard is introduced into the job that was not identified in

    the original written procedure

    1.26.2 Cards shall be completed at the job site by the work group, reviewed by the

    group and then signed by a manager or a crew chief before work commences.

    1.26.3 Additional employees arriving after the job has started shall review the

    STA Card and sign it.

    1.26.4 Completed STA Cards shall be turned into the Shift Manager at the

    completion of the job.

    1.26.5 Jobs that are performed more often than once per month shall have a JSHA

    developed for that specific job.

    1.26.6 Any conditions or new hazards that were not initially identified on the

    original STA card require a revision to the STA card and review by the workgroup before work continues.

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  • 8/10/2019 AK Steel Dearborn Works- Safety and Health Rules and Instructions


    02 Housekeeping2.1 Housekeeping is everyone's responsibility. The Departmental Program will give

    specific details on housekeeping assignments for your job.

    2.2 Keep your work area clean and clear. Pick up and dispose of debris as it accumulates.Return hand tools and equipment to their proper storage places when finished with them.

    2.3 All work areas including passageways, storage areas and service rooms are to be

    maintained in a clean and orderly manner and free of debris and in a sanitary condition.

    2.4 Keep all walkways, aisles, stairs, and platforms clear of obstructions. Do not pile

    materials in any area where people must walk. Be sure that materials which are stacked or

    piled near walkways do not project into aisles, stairs or platforms and that they areproperly stacked so they will not topple or fall.

    2.5 Do not obstruct access to emergency exits, fixed ladders, stairways, electricalswitches, shutoff valves, fire fighting or rescue equipment and safety eyewash fountainsor safety showers. Do not store any material in, on, or in front of switch boxes or other

    electrical equipment.

    2.6 Keep floors clean and clear. Clean up oil, grease, water and other liquids which can

    cause slips or falls.

    2.7 When you have completed repair, construction, or maintenance work of any kind,

    take time to clean the area. Pick up and remove all waste and salvaged materials. Return

    all hand tools and equipment to proper storage. Remove all loose objects after completing

    overhead work. Replace all covers, guards and/or access panels.

    2.8 Oily, greasy rags must be deposited in designated and properly marked, closed

    containers to prevent spontaneous combustion.

    2.9 Containers shall be provided for the collection and separation of waste, trash, and

    other refuse. Containers used for garbage, oily, flammable, or hazardous wastes (such ascaustics, acids, harmful dust, etc.) shall be equipped with covers and labeled. Garbage

    and other waste shall be disposed of at frequent and regular intervals. Never dispose of

    trash or non-metallic waste in scrap metal containers.

    2.10 Construction materials of all kinds will be stored in an orderly manner while work isin progress. Scrap lumber, pieces of pipe, conduit, metal, and all other debris shall be

    kept clear of work areas, passageways, stairs, and from around buildings or other plantstructures.

    2.11 Wooden construction material (i.e.: scaffold boards) shall have the AK Departmentor Contractor company name stenciled or stamped onto the wood. Nails protruding from

    lumber shall be removed or re-driven. Wear gloves and avoid sliding hands when

    handling lumber.

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    2.12 When working with, moving or cleaning materials such as metal, wood, glass, etc.,

    do not use your hands, forearms, or other parts of your body to remove slag, slivers,

    chips, dust, etc. from materials or surrounding areas. The appropriate brush, broom,scoop, hammer, etc. is to be used for surface preparation and/ or cleaning.

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    03 Personal Protection3.0 Personal Protective Equipment

    3.1 General Requirements

    3.1.1 AK Steel employees are responsible for the inspection and proper use of allPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE) issued to them.

    3.1.2 Alterations of personal protective equipment in any way are strictly


    3.1.3 Always inspect the PPE before use and replace if needed. Report defects toAK Steel Management immediately.

    3.1.4 The Job Safety and Health Analysis (JSHA), Safety Task Assessment (STA)card or Department Rules, shall specify the PPE required for each job. If the PPE

    is not identified, contact AK Steel Management to confirm PPE requirementsbefore starting the task or if the tasks conditions have changed and may requireadditional PPE.

    3.1.5 AK Steel employees visiting outside processor and/or vendor manufacturingfacilities are required to wear helmets, safety glasses with side shields, long-

    sleeved shirts, ATA sleeves and metatarsal guarded boots. Additional personal

    protection, such as hearing protection, must also be worn if required by thefacility.

    3.1.6 AK Steel employees are not permitted to use PPE on AK Steel property that

    were not approved and provided by AK Steel.

    3.1.7 AK Steel employees shall always practice good personal hygiene is a

    requirement in all jobs for theirs and their co-workers safety and health.

    3.1.8 Employees with shoulder length or longer hair shall wear it tucked up and

    under the protective helmet to avoid being caught on projections or being caught

    in moving machinery.

    3.1.9 Employees with facial hair (beards) extending below the upper edge of the

    collar with the head held up right shall either trim the facial hair so that it does not

    extend below the upper edge of the collar or tie and bind the beard into a singlestrand and tuck it into the shirt front

    3.2 Protective Helmets

    3.2.1 Only AK Steel approved Protective helmets conforming to ANSI Z-89.1

    Industrial Standard shall be worn by AK Steel employees. Your protective helmet

    shall be worn:

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    i. With bill to the front.

    ii. Without altering or wearing anything that would affect the suspension


    iii. Hats (e.g. baseball type hats, tossle caps, toboggans, etc.) that may affect

    the fit of the helmet shall not be worn under the protective helmet. AK

    approved welders caps are permitted to be worn under the helmets.

    iv. Without painting, drilling, or otherwise altering the helmet shell.

    v. With long hair tucked up and worn under the protective helmet. Hair shall

    be considered long when it hangs to the shoulder.

    vi. With your first and last name printed or labeled onto the front of the


    vii. The use of any other decal, sticker, or writing shall first be approved by

    AK Steel Management.

    viii. With reflective safety tape as follows:

    At least a three (3) inch long strip on each side of the helmet placedapproximately one (1) inch up from the brim of the hat.

    At least a three (3) inch long strip on the back of the helmet placedapproximately one (1) inch up from the brim of the hat.

    3.2.2 Helmets cracked, chipped, burnt, or otherwise damaged shall be taken out of

    service immediately.

    3.2.3 Employees shall wear a helmet when operating or riding in poweredindustrial or construction type mobile equipment, (i.e. forklifts, mobile cranes,

    Euclid, front end loaders, motorized utility vehicle, etc.).

    3.2.4 A red flashing light mounted on the hard hat near the top center is required

    to enter designated coil fields, low visibility situations and/or as specified in

    JSHA. (e.g. roll storage racks, slab yards, batch annealing operations, etc.)

    3.3 Metatarsal Boots

    3.3.1. Only AK Steel approved six inch or higher, hard toed, leather safety boots

    with permanently attached or internal rigid metatarsal guards conforming to ANSIZ-41 Industrial Standard in good repair, properly laced and tied shall be worn by

    AK Steel employees.

    3.3.2. AK Steel employees are only permitted to obtain metatarsal boots through

    AK Steel approved metatarsal boot vendors.

    3.3.3. AK Steel employees shall not wear slip-on, zippered or other non-approved

    metatarsal boots unless specified in a JSHA and approved by the Plant Physician.

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    3.3.4. Rubber type metatarsal boots are not permitted unless required by theJSHA.

    3.3.5. Temporary metatarsal guards are not permitted.

    3.4 Safety Glasses

    3.4.1 Only AK Steel approved safety plastic framed glasses with permanentlyattached side shields which meet the ANSI Z.87 Industrial Standard shall be wornby AK Steel employees.

    3.4.2 AK Steel employees are only permitted to obtain prescription safety glasses

    through AK Steel approved eye glass vendors.

    3.4.3 Additional eye protection, such as face shields, welding helmets, goggles,

    etc., may be required for specific jobs. Always wear the type of eye protection

    prescribed for the job as specified by the JSHA.

    3.4.4 Employees operating or riding in fully enclosed crane cabs or mobileequipment with all windows closed are not required to wear approved safetyglasses unless directed to do so by a specific JSHA.

    3.4.5 Employees operating or riding in open cab cranes or mobile equipment withopen windows shall wear approved safety glasses.

    3.4.6 Safety eyewear retainers (chums) or cable guards shall be worn to obtain the

    best possible fit of the safety glasses/goggles to the face to maximize the

    protection of the eyes.

    3.4.7 Sunglasses, photo-sun, etc. are not permitted to be worn inside the plant.

    i. Exceptions require, documented in writing, a medical condition by the

    employee's doctor and approved by the Plant designated Physician and theSafety Department.

    ii. Employees performing tasks identified in the JSHA requiring dark

    lenses shall be provided the appropriate clip-ons, flip downs, goggles, face

    shields, or hoods.

    3.4.8 Employees with vision in one eye only, or who are considered industrially

    blind in one eye, shall wear approved eye protection at all times while on plantproperty.

    3.5 Face Protection

    3.5.1 Only AK Steel approved face shields which meet the ANSI Z.87 IndustrialStandard shall be worn by AK Steel employees.

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    3.5.2 The material constructing the face shield shall be selected based on the

    potential hazard. Solid material (polycarbonate, acetate, etc.) face shields shall be

    worn when the hazards is either liquid, molten, arc flash or steam.

    3.5.3 The face shield shall be designed to fit the face shield bracket without

    modifying the bracket and/or face shield

    3.5.4 Face shields shall be worn in addition to approved safety glasses or goggles.

    3.5.5 A face shield shall be worn if the work activity includes one or more of thefollowing hazards:

    i. Handling metal or plastic banding while banding coils or other

    materials, picking up and carrying loose bands or when cutting bands from

    coils, bundles, pallets, etc. (> 6 inches in length).

    ii. Employees within an arms' length of metal ends, samples, scrap or other

    materials that can whip or spring, striking the face (e.g. edge trim, weld

    scarf, scrap bales, flashing).

    iii. Handling full width samples or scrap.

    iv. Exposure to flame, sparks, radiant heat, ultraviolet radiation (welding)

    or arc flash.

    v. Exposure to molten metal (zinc, aluminum, steel, iron, etc.).

    vi. Exposure to acidic, caustic, hot and/or cryogenic fluids

    vii. Spraying with pressurized (>25 psi) liquids and mixtures. (e.g.

    refractory gunning, pressure washing, fire hose cleaning, abrasive blasting,

    use of garden type hose, etc).

    viii. Exposure to steam.

    ix. When performing work that could cause deposited dust or metal fines

    to drop down onto the employee(s).

    x. Discharging fire extinguishers

    xi. Grinding, chipping, striking or cutting operations that cause flying

    sparks, chips or particles.

    xii. While troubleshooting and/or performing maintenance on hydraulic,

    pneumatic, steam, or any other line that is under pressure.

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    xiii. As required by the JSHA, STA or department rules.

    3.5.6 When working in chemical areas where the procedure requires a chemicalbarrier suit, the face shield shall be equipped with a chin cup protector to enhance

    protection to the face and neck. In addition, goggles shall be worn under the face

    shield for added protection to the eyes.

    3.5.7 Employees assigned as a Fire Watch, Safety Watch or Confined Space

    Attendant shall wear an appropriate face shield in the down position when

    potentially exposed to the aforementioned hazards (i- xiii)

    3.5.8 The Fire Watch shall also wear a face shield when the use of a fire hose or

    fire extinguisher becomes necessary.

    3.6 Respiratory Protection

    3.6.1 Only AK Steel designated NIOSH approved respiratory protection shall be

    worn by AK Steel employees.

    3.6.2 If wearing a respirator is required, you must be medically evaluated, fit

    tested and properly trained.

    3.6.3 To ensure an adequate seal and proper function of the respirator, facial hairor stubble shall be trimmed or shaved to conform to the AK facial hair policy of

    less than 1 day of growth is permitted.

    3.6.4 Employees shall inspect their respirators prior to use.

    3.6.5 Employees shall conduct field verification (positive and negative) fit checksprior to entering the respiratory required work area.

    3.6.6 Voluntary use of respiratory protection requires the employee to be provided

    a copy of Appendix D to Sec. 1910.134 (Mandatory) Information for

    Employees Using Respirators When Not Required Under the Standard.

    3.7 Aluminized Clothing

    3.7.1 Only AK Steel approved aluminized clothing shall be worn by AK Steel


    3.7.2 Approved aluminized jacket, completely buttoned, shall be worn to protect

    the torso, arms and upper legs from radiant heat, molten metal and sparks or as

    required by a JSHA and/or department rules and shall extend at least 2 inchesover the aluminized spats.

    i. Approved aluminized spats shall be worn to protect from the top of the

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    foot to the knee from radiant heat, molten metal and sparks or as requiredby a JSHA.

    ii. The spats may be worn under the outer garment or over the outer

    garment in the following manner:

    a. Aluminized spats worn under approved flame retardant pants orcoveralls shall be worn over approved long underwear or longstockings to provide additional protection from the hot work

    hazards and to prevent skin irritation.

    b. Aluminized spats worn over approved flame retardant pants orcoveralls shall have a minimum of one inch of the pant leg

    blousing out and over the top of the main body section of theleggings

    3.7.3 Approved aluminized jacket, completely buttoned, shall be worn to protect

    the torso, arms and upper legs from open, unprotected flames whenever theemployee is required to be within one arms length of the flames or as required by

    a JSHA.

    3.7.4 Approved aluminized jacket with reflective tape with hood, completely

    buttoned and hood over helmet, shall be worn to protect the head, neck and torsoof the railroad crew within 30 feet of torpedo cars transporting molten iron.

    3.7.5 The aluminized jacket requirements do not apply to burning or brazing witha hand torch or hand held welding or air arcing unless specifically required by a


    3.7.6 Approved aluminized neck shroud shall be properly worn in conjunction

    with an approved face shield and Nomex type hood when there is a molten metalsplash hazard or as required by the JSHA.

    3.7.7 Approved aluminized beehive type hood shall be worn when thecombination of a face shield, aluminized shroud and Nomex type hood does not

    provide adequate protection from exposures to molten metal, sparks, radiant heat,

    flame and/or steam or as required by the JSHA.

    3.8 Hand Protection

    3.8.1 Only AK Steel approved hand protection shall be worn by AK Steel


    3.8.2 Before handling any object, substance, or tool, approved hand protection

    shall be selected and worn to provide the required level of protection.

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    3.8.3 Hand protection shall be selected based on an evaluation of the performancecharacteristics of the equipment relative to the job tasks to be performed and the

    type of hazard/hazards associated with the tasks.

    3.8.4 Approved and designated cut resistant gloves shall be properly worn when

    the employee is within an arms length of cut hazard from coils, metal strips,

    banding, scrap, etc. or as directed by the JSHA or Department Rules.

    3.8.5 Approved and designated puncture resistant gloves shall be properly wornwhen handling wire rope, wire slings or other materials with a potential puncture

    hazard or as directed by the JSHA or Department Rules.

    3.8.6 Hand protection shall be designated in a JSHA, on a STA card or by

    Department Rules and shall be worn as required.

    3.8.7 If you are unable to determine proper hand protection for a task, your

    supervisor will determine and provide the proper protection.

    3.8.8 Hand protection shall be worn as designed by the manufacturer and shall notbe altered from the original design.

    3.8.9 When wearing gloves it is not permissible to turn the glove cuff down or to

    cut the glove cuff off.

    3.9 Arm Protection

    3.9.1 Only AK Steel approved arm protection shall be worn by AK Steel


    3.9.2 All AK Steel employees, contractors, and service providers, in all operatingand maintenance areas (both inside and outside of buildings), are required to wearATA sleeves. (Rule-of-Thumb: "If hardhat and/or safety glasses are required, then

    so are ATA Sleeves")

    3.9.3 ATA sleeves are not required in offices, lunchrooms, locker rooms,

    restrooms, company or personal vehicles, and cabs of overhead cranes unless

    required by JSHA.

    3.9.4 Requests for exceptions for wearing ATA sleeves shall be submitted in

    writing for review by the Plant Manager and the Safety Manager. If the exception

    is granted, specific details shall be documented in all appropriate JSHA's.

    3.9.5 ATA sleeves shall be worn with the thumb through the thumbhole andfinger(s) through the finger hole(s) and worn under gloves.

    3.9.6 The ATA sleeve must be extended to the shoulder, where they shall be

    secured with the clips in such a manner that the ATA sleeve will remain extended

    to the shoulder area.

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    3.9.7 Specific tasks may require the removal of the metal ring/clips. Any/allexceptions:

    i. Requires review and approval by the Safety Department.

    ii. Shall be documented in the appropriate JSHA's.

    3.9.8 Employees performing any electrical work that requires Arc Flash PPE shalluse the plastic clips on the ATA Sleeves

    3.9.9 Employees performing tasks that require an aluminized jacket may removethe metal ring/clips on the ATA sleeves prior to donning the aluminized


    i. Immediately upon completion of the task that requires an aluminized

    jacket, the metal ring/clips shall be replaced and properly clipped in order

    for the ATA sleeve to remain extended to the shoulder area.

    3.10 Torso and Leg Protection Cut Protection

    3.10.1 Only AK Steel approved torso and leg protection shall be worn by AK

    Steel employees.

    3.10.2 Full length cut-resistant chaps shall be worn when cutting or handling

    metal strip, banding, metal scrap or metal sample pieces or as required by a


    3.10.3 Full length cut-resistant chaps shall be worn whenever the employee is

    within an arms length of coils, metal strip, scrap, banding, or other similar cuthazards.

    3.10.4 Full length cut resistant chaps shall be worn when walking/working in

    designated coil fields or as required by a JSHA.

    3.10.5 Cut-resistant aprons shall be worn when there is a potential to strike the

    torso against protruding metal strip, scrap, banding, or other similar cut hazards or

    as required by a JSHA.

    3.10.6Aprons shall not be worn when there is a potential of being caught in


    3.11 Flame Retardant / Flame Resistant Clothing

    3.11.1 Only AK Steel approved flame retardant / flame resistant clothing shall be

    worn by AK Steel employees when in or exposed to:

    i. Hot Metal Areas

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    ii. Annealing Areas

    iii. High Radiant Heat

    iv. Open Flames

    v. Burning, Cutting, and Welding Activities

    vi. Electrical Activities with Arc Flash Potential

    vii. Operations designated by the Plant or Department Rules.

    3.11.2 Flame retardant / flame resistant clothing must be laundered in an approved

    and controlled manner to prevent damage to the garment that will reduce the

    flame resistant performance.

    3.11.3 Flame retardant / flame resistant clothing shall not be home laundered.

    3.11.4 Insulated underwear and outerwear, when worn around sparks, molten

    metal, high radiant heat devices, etc., must be fire resistant natural fiber (cotton,

    wool, denim) or an approved fire retardant material.

    3.11.5 Synthetic clothing including under clothing, that is not made of approved

    fire retardant or fire resistant materials, shall not be worn in hot metal areas orwhen exposed to burning, welding, flame, high radiant heat areas or potential arc


    3.12 Miscellaneous PPE Requirements

    3.12.1 Only AK Steel approved Green High Visibility vests shall be worn by AK

    Steel employees when performing the following tasks:

    i. Safety Lookouts

    ii. Spotters

    iii. Safety Watchiv. Lock-Out Coordinator

    v. Fire Watch

    vi. Confined Space Attendantsvii Specified in the JSHA

    3.12.2 Only AK Steel approved High Visibility Clothing shall be worn by AKSteel employees when performing the following tasks:

    i. In Coil Fieldsii. All crews working on or about the railroadiii. Specified in the JSHA

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    3.12.3 Employees working or occupying an area within 10 feet of a body of waterwhich is 4 feet or more in depth and not protected by a standard guardrail system,

    must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved Life Jacket.

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    04 Personal Clothing/Jewelry

    4.1 Employees bodies shall be covered during work hours to comply with department and

    plant regulations. Only approved apparel, worn in the proper manner shall be permitted in

    the plant.

    4.1.1 Trousers must extend at least to the ankles.

    4.1.2 Long sleeved shirts are required in all operating areas with the sleeves down

    and buttoned at the wrist. The shirt shall be tucked into the trousers and fully

    buttoned up the front to the first button below the collar button. The collar button

    shall be buttoned when directed by specific Department Procedures. Exceptions to this rule, permitting rolled up long sleeves in

    operating areas (such as Machine Shops), shall be documented in writingand approved by the Plant Manager and Safety Department. This rule does not apply to non operating areas such as officeareas, break rooms, general office buildings, etc.

    4.2 Work clothes shall not be cleaned in flammable liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene, orsimilar fluids.

    4.3 Do not wear clothing that is loose fitting, torn, or ragged, too long (pant legs/shirtsleeves) or with attached hoods (i.e. hooded sweat shirts) to avoid being caught on

    projections or in moving machinery.

    4.3.1 Hooded outer clothing required by a JSHA or approved by your supervisor(i.e. hooded aluminized coats, hooded rain coats) shall be worn as specified in the


    4.4 Wearing of finger rings, loose-fitting wrist bracelets, exposed dangling necklaces, andearrings, other than stud type earrings, is prohibited in all operating areas.

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    05 Use & Care of Hand Tools5.1 All hand tools must be inspected each time before use. A documented hand tool

    inspection will be performed monthly. Mushroomed, cracked, or chipped heads and

    rough, splintered or badly worn handles must be turned in for repair or replacement.Never use a defective tool or leave defective tools where others might use them.

    5.2 If you use your own personal tools, repair or replace them as soon as they becomeworn or defective. All tools are subject to periodic inspection by supervision and must be

    replaced or repaired if found to be unsafe.

    5.3 Use the right tool for the job and keep tools clean. Never use tools and equipment forpurposes for which they were not designed or intended.

    5.3.1 Proper sized socket wrenches, box end wrenches and/or open end wrenchesshall be used to assure the maximum possible purchase (grip) when

    loosening/tightening fastening

    devices. Consideration shall also be given to hand and body position in relation topotential pinch points when selecting the appropriate tool for the job.

    5.4 Tools shall be transported in tool boxes, tool belts, tool pouches, etc. designed for

    such use. Do not carry hand tools in pants or shirt pockets.

    5.5 Never throw tools, equipment, or parts from one location to another, from one

    employee to another, or from one level to another level.

    5.6 Do not leave tools, equipment, or materials in elevated places from which they may

    fall or be knocked off.

    5.7 Maintain secure footing and balance, and position yourself while applying pressure

    on a wrench or other tool, so that you won't fall if the tool suddenly moves or slips fromits bite. When possible grasp something that is firmly secure with your free hand to assist

    in maintaining your balance. Always work away from your body and away from co-

    workers. If necessary reposition yourself and co-workers out of the working path of the


    5.7.1 Hands shall not be used to hold or position a tool or object that is being

    hammered by another employee. Holding tools, jigs, or other positioning devicesmust be used for this task.

    5.7.2 Hands shall not be used to hold a chisel, punch, or any other tool that isbeing struck by a hammer. A holding tool, with a handle extension, specifically

    designed to hold a chisel, punch, etc. shall be used whenever striking or


    5.7.3 Hand Tools (i.e. channel locks, vice grips, pliers) not specifically designed

    to hold a chisel, punch or other hammered tools shall not be used for this purpose.

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    5.7.4 Holding tools with long handle extensions and hand guards shall be usedwhen striking the chisel, punch, etc. with a sledge hammer and/or when the

    striking angle creates an additional hazard to the hand.

    5.8 Do not force tools beyond their capacity or use "cheaters" to increase their capacity.

    5.9 Do not fabricate hand tools. Do not modify or in any way alter the design of existing

    hand tools.

    5.10 Only AK Steel Safety approved lock blade pocket knives are permitted in the plant.

    Always cut in the direction away from yourself. Kevlar gloves or kevlar lined leathergloves and ATA sleeves must be worn when cutting with a pocket knife.

    5.10.1 Wire stripping tools shall be used when preparing electrical wire.

    5.10.2 Alternate tools, other than open blade knives, shall be used to cut materials

    whenever possible.

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    06 Powered Hand Tools & Fixed Equipment

    6.1 All powered tools and equipment must be inspected before each use. All tools must

    be physically and mechanically sound, and appropriate for the job. If any defects are

    detected, the tool must be removed from service immediately. Only properly trained and

    authorized personnel are permitted to operate these types of equipment.

    6.2 Electric tools or equipment with broken three-prong grounding plugs must bereplaced or repaired before use.

    6.3 Double insulated portable electric tools must be identified as double insulated so theywill not be confused with grounded tools. All portable cord and plug electric tools must

    be connected to G.F.C.I. (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter).

    6.4 Electrical power tools are not to be used in hazardous locations as defined by the

    National Electric Code unless the tool is approved for service in that environment.

    6.5 Guards, shields or safety devices specifically designed for portable power tools mustbe installed before use. Never use tools and equipment when guards, shields or safety

    devices are defective or have been removed. Report the condition to your supervisor


    6.6 Temporary electric extension cords must be of the three wire type and shall be

    designed for industrial usage.

    6.6.1 Temporary electric cords must be inspected for kinks, worn insulation, and

    exposed strands of wire before use.

    6.6.2 Temporary electric cords must be protected from physical damage and

    installed to be out of walkways, stairways, aisles, and areas where they present a

    trip hazard.

    6.6.3 Temporary electric cords must be protected by G.F.C.I. (ground fault circuit


    6.6.4 Temporary work lighting must be protected by G.F.C.I. (ground fault circuit

    interrupters) and shall be protected from accidental contact or breakage.

    6.7 Pneumatic Power Tools and Hose. Pneumatic power tools must be connected only todesignated plant air lines. They shall be secured to the hose by a positive means to

    prevent the tool from becoming accidentally disconnected. Safety clips or retainers shallbe installed on pneumatic tools to prevent the attachments from flying off. When you are

    finished with air-powered tools, disconnect the air hose, and release the air in the tool by

    pressing the trigger.

    6.7.1 All hoses, fittings, and clamps must be of specific design for the use of

    pneumatic power tools and follow manufactures recommendations for their

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    assembly. Automotive radiator type hose clamps are not permitted on air hoses.

    6.7.2 Pneumatic hose sections must be wired together at each coupling


    6.8 AK Steel approved safety glasses with eyewear retainers and a faceshield in the

    down position must be worn when using air operated drills, jack hammers, grinders,

    sanders, and cut-off saws.

    6.9 Compressed Air - Never direct compressed air toward yourself or anyone else for any

    reason. Never connect, or allow others to connect, to plant air as a source of breathing airunless it is connected through an approved breathing air purification system.

    6.9.1 Compressed air used for cleaning purposes shall not exceed 30 PSI and thenonly with effective chip guarding, personal protective equipment and a face


    6.9.2 Never hook up to an unidentified line.

    6.9.3 Never use compressed air to clean your person, clothing being worn, or that

    of another person.

    6.10 Never use fixed or portable grinders without the use of protective shielding and

    proper eye protection. A pedestal grinder tool rest must not be more than 1/8" away fromthe grinding wheel and the upper tongue guard not more than 1/4" from the grinding


    6.10.1 Prior to mounting, all grinding wheels shall be inspected for damage by a

    trained and authorized person. This inspection will include a ring test when


    6.10.2 The spindle speed of the machine shall be checked before mounting of the

    wheel to be certain that it does not exceed the maximum operating speed marked on

    the wheel

    6.10.3 You should not use any grinding wheel unless you have been properly

    instructed in its use and authorized by your supervisor.

    6.10.4 Gloves and loose clothing (including ATA sleeves) shall not be worn when

    using a pedestal or bench grinder. The handling of sharp or hot material before or

    after grinding will require gloves or a tool.

    6.10.5 When grinding with a pedestal or bench grinder:

    i. Start the grinder and allow it to reach full speed. Never stand directly in frontof a grinder while it is coming to full speed.

    ii. Slowly start grinding the piece and keep both hands a safe distance from thegrinding wheel. An alternative means of holding the piece (e.g.: vise grips,channel locks, fixtures) shall be used if the hands cannot be positioned a safe

    distance from the wheel.

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    iii. Grind on the face of the grinding wheel, not on the sides.iv. When finished grinding, turn the grinder off and observe that the wheels are

    slowing to a stop before leaving the area.

    6.11 Hydraulic powered tools and jacks are required to be visually inspected before and

    after each use.

    6.11.1 Hydraulic powered tools and jacks shall have a documented thoroughinspection every 6 months. The inspection records will be maintained in the

    department for the life of the tool or jack.

    6.11.2 Hydraulic powered tools and jacks shall be permanently marked with a

    department number and identification number.

    6.11.3 The rated load shall be legibly and permanently marked in a prominent

    location on the jack.

    6.11.4 Hydraulic powered tools and jacks shall not be used in a manner that will

    exceed the rated load or any other capacity of the tool.

    6.12 Powered equipment being refueled must be attended the entire time during thefueling process.

    6.12.1 All fuel loading nozzles on AK Steel property shall have the trigger holddown rack removed.

    6.12.2 No object shall be placed in the handle that will defeat the automatic shut-off at any time during the fueling.

    6.13 Powered hand tools equipped with side handles shall be operated with both handsholding the tool to control kickback or twist. Do not use the tool if the handles are

    defective or missing.

    6.14 When using powered hand tools, the work piece shall be mechanically secured toprevent movement while cutting, drilling, grinding etc.

    6.15 When using fixed powered tools, the work piece shall be mechanically secured toprevent movement; or the work piece shall be held/controlled using appropriate hands

    free tool specified in the JSHA.

    6.16 Gloves, loose clothing and ATA sleeves shall not be worn when operating poweredfixed equipment, such as drill presses, milling machines, lathes, pipe threaders or other

    rotating equipment, where the point of operation, ingoing nip points or caught-on hazards

    are accessible (within arm's reach) to the operator.

    6.16.1 The requirement (i.e. specified by the equipment manufacturer) shall be

    documented in writing and approved by the Plant Manager and SafetyDepartment.

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    6.16.2 Equipment that does not have adequate protection of the point of operation,ingoing nip points or caught-on hazards shall have an established red zone around

    the powered fixed equipment a minimum of 5 feet from the hazards. The red zone

    along with signs shall clearly communicate to all employees the requirementspertaining to gloves, loose clothing, ATA sleeves, long sleeve position, etc. while

    the equipment is operating.

    6.16.3 Gloves and ATA sleeves are required before or after machining whenhandling any sharp and/or hot objects, such as drill bits, milling bits, cutting tools,

    etc. and when handling the work piece being machined. The powered fixed

    equipment must be shutoff and come to a complete stop prior to putting glovesand ATA sleeves on and attempting to change the machining tool,

    removing/repositioning the work piece or cleaning the machine.

    6.16.4 Each operating fixed equipment shall be posted with a sign that indicates:

    i. Do Not Operate unless Trained on JSHA #_______

    ii. Review JSHA and PPE requirements prior to use

    iii. Do not use if guards, shields or safety devices are defective or missingiv. Work piece shall be mechanically secured or shall be held/controlled using

    the appropriate hands free tool specified in the JSHA.

    6.16.5 Maintenance activities require the powered fixed equipment to be shut-off

    and LOTO and the employees performing the maintenance shall wear the

    appropriate gloves and ATA sleeves.

    6.16.6 Requests for exceptions of the aforementioned rules shall be submitted in

    writing for review by the Plant Manager and the Safety Manager.

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    07 Walkways, Work Areas, Roadways, Stairs & Doors

    7.1 Follow designated walkways and aisles to and from work. Walk, don't run. Be alertfor moving vehicles. Look where you are going. Do not walk backward. Always glance

    at the walking surface ahead of you. Look both ways before crossing roads or railroadcrossings or tracks.

    7.1.1 Employees shall have on their person an operable flashlight when entering a

    basement, pit, or any area that may have insufficient lighting, poorly distributed

    lighting and/or no emergency lighting.

    7.1.2 Locations requiring employees to have on their person an operable flashlight

    shall be posted with a sign indicating this requirement.

    7.2 Driving your personal vehicle on company premises is a privilege. Do not abuse the

    privilege by making unauthorized trips, speeding, reckless operation, or parking in anunauthorized area. The driver and all passengers must wear safety seat belts while driving

    in the plant and whenever driving outside of the plant while on company business. For

    your own safety, wear your seat belt at all times while driving.

    7.2.1 Do not make or take a cellular phone call or text message while driving your

    personal vehicle or any company vehicle on company property. If using a cell

    phone in your vehicle is necessary, pull off the road to a safe locationto make or take the call.

    7.3 Use stairways and walkways as provided. Do not take short cuts through stocking

    areas, over run-out tables or conveyors, or through any posted restricted areas.Go around or use cross-over walkways where they have been provided. Do not climb

    over handrails or equipment.

    7.3.1 Designated storage/stocking areas shall be provided with adequate

    walkways to permit passage through and/or access to the materials in the

    storage/stocking areas.

    7.3.2 Designated storage/stocking areas and walkways shall be marked using

    paint, stanchions/chains, signs, etc. The designated walkways shall not be blockedor obstructed by materials or equipment.

    7.4 When walking on or alongside roadways, walk facing oncoming traffic. Be constantlyalert for vehicle traffic. Move to the side, do not force a vehicle to swerve to avoid

    striking you.

    7.4.1 When walking to and from the gates or locker rooms to your work location,approved and authorized walkways must be used.

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    7.5 Use handrails when going up or down stairs. If carrying an object, one hand must befree for the handrail. Walk, do not run. Do not go up or down more than one step at a


    7.5.1 Do not descend stairs backwards unless the JSHA for the job conditions

    requires it.

    7.5.2 If directed by the JSHA to descend stairs backwards, step cautiously to thenext level and maintain a 3-point touch using handrails, grab irons or other similar

    hold devices at all times while descending.

    7.6 When walking along conveyor ramps and inclines maintain your balance and use

    handrails to assure that you do not come in contact with moving machinery or belts.

    7.7 When coming out of buildings adjacent to roadways, be extremely cautious to avoid

    being struck by an approaching vehicle. Always look both ways before stepping onto the


    7.8 Overhead Roll-up Doors

    7.8.1 Entry/Exit man doors shall be used for routine entry or exit of buildings.Roll-up doors shall only be used when there is no entry/exit man door present.

    Never attempt to pass under a roll-up door while it is in motion.

    7.8.2 Electrically operated overhead roll-up doors shall not be operated manually

    unless directed to do so by management. The JSHA for opening and closing

    overhead roll-up doors must also be reviewed before performing the work.

    7.8.3 When attempting to electrically operate a jammed overhead roll-up door,

    one or more safety lookouts shall be positioned to assure the area under the dooris clear.

    7.8.4 When manually opening/closing, or performing maintenance on an overhead

    roll-up door, a fork lift, or other appropriate mechanical equipment, shall be usedto control the unexpected movement of the door.

    7.9 When entering dark or dimly lit buildings from the outside, allow sufficient time foryour eyes to adjust to become accustomed to the light change. Observe the interior of the

    building in all directions to determine crane movement, mobile equipment movement and

    any other potential hazards before proceeding.

    7.10 Hazardous Locations - shall be defined as a location in the operating areas where

    identifiable hazards exist as part of the operation. Examples are acid/caustic areas,

    restricted visibility areas, designated coil fields, slab yards and other areaswhere hazards exist that may not be readily identifiable to personnel not familiar to the


    7.10.1 Hazardous locations shall be identified and precautions shall be taken to

    restrict access to unauthorized personnel.

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    32/154 All gates, doors, entry chains, or access points to the identified

    Hazardous Locations shall be posted with sign/signs that will

    communicate the following:1. The specific hazard present.

    2. Who is permitted to enter.

    3. Procedures to be followed to enter.

    4. Additional PPE/equipment required to enter.

    7.10.2 Designated coil fields / coil staging areas shall be clearly delineated by

    high visibility orange paint, high visibility orange stanchions, and/or by chain,wire rope, rope, etc. In addition, permanent signs at entry points shall be posted.

    The coil field/coil staging signs shall at a minimum contain the following





    Do Not EnterUnless Trained on: _____________________

    Additional PPE Required:

    High Visibility Clothing / Red Flashing Light Mounted on Hard Hat. Only properly trained and authorized personnel with the proper

    PPE are permitted to enter designated coil fields / coil staging areas. The following PPE is required for an authorized employee to

    enter a designated coil field/ coil staging area. A red flashing light mounted on the hard hat near the top

    center. High visibility vest or jacket. Full length cut resistant chaps shall be worn whenwalking/working in locations where coil tails or edges are

    protruding into the walking/working areas and a distance of at least

    an arms length cannot be maintained. At a minimum, cut-resistant gloves shall be worn. It is

    not permissible to turn the glove cuff down when wearing gloves. At a minimum, when a distance of at least an arms

    length cannot be maintained, ATA sleeves shall be worn extendedfrom the cut resistant gloves

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    to the shoulder and be clipped or secured in such a manner that thesleeve extends to the shoulder area. Each plant shall develop and maintain standardpractices/procedures/JSHA's that shall be complied with prior to entering

    and exiting a designated coil field/staging area which is serviced by a cab-

    operated crane, RC crane, and / or mobile equipment. Notification of the crane operators that may service the

    designated coil field/ coil staging area. Notification of the mobile equipment operators that

    transport coils that may service the designated coil field / coil

    staging area. In addition to red flashing light mounted on the hard hat, an

    operating light may be placed on a coil adjacent to where you will beworking that will further enhance visibility to the crane and/or mobile

    equipment operators. Verify the lights are functioning properly prior toentering the designated coil field/coil staging area and periodically while

    in the designated coil field/coil staging area, The light shall be a different color than specified in the

    plant's GSO#2. Cranes shall not make lifts or set a lift within two rows on either

    side of an authorized employee working in the designated coil field /coilstaging area unless permission is given by the authorized employee

    and the employee is in a safe location where the crane operator can see the

    employee. Mobile equipment operations shall not move coils within two

    rows on either side of an authorized employee working in the designated

    coil field /coil staging area unless permission is given by an authorizedemployee and the employee is in a safe location where the mobile

    equipment operator can see the employee.

    7.11 Inspection of Supported Walking and Working Surfaces.

    7.11.1 Floor grating, floor plate, support structure, fasteners and welds shall be

    visually inspected monthly as part of the department housekeeping inspection.

    7.11.2 Floor grating, floor plate, support structure, grating or plate fasteners and

    welds shall be given a physical inspection to be scheduled at a frequency not toexceed six months or immediately upon detection of damage, and/or substantial


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    08 Welding, Burning, & Cutting Equipment

    8.1 Welding, Burning, and Cutting Personal Protective Equipment - Only trained and

    authorized personnel are permitted to use gas cutting or electric welding equipment andshall wear the following:

    8.1.1 Approved welders' hoods, goggles, and/or face shields designated by theJSHA and/or for the type of welding/burning shall must be worn for protection

    from flashes or sparks.

    8.1.2 Approved flame retardant (FR) clothing

    8.1.3 Approved flame retardant (FR), aluminized or leather welding jacket

    fastened up the front and closed at the collar

    8.1.4 Approved burning/welding gloves

    8.1.5 Approved Nomex, Carbonex or similar type flame retardant (FR) hood

    8.1.6 Leather leggings, designed to protect the foot, ankle and lower leg. The

    leggings may be worn under the outer garment or over the outer garment in thefollowing manner: Leggings worn under approved flame retardant (FR) pants orcoveralls shall be worn over approved long underwear or long stockings to

    provide additional protection from the hot work hazards and to prevent

    skin irritation. Leggings worn over approved flame retardant (FR) pants or

    coveralls shall have a minimum of one inch of the pant leg blousing outand over the top of the main body section of the leggings.

    8.1.7 An aluminized jacket, aluminized gloves and aluminized leggings shall be

    worn over approved flame retardant (FR) clothing when oxygen lancing. Approved aluminized neck shroud shall be properly worn in

    conjunction with an approved face shield and Nomex type hood whenthere is a molten metal splash hazard or as required by the JSHA Approved aluminized beehive type hood shall be worn when thecombination of a face shield, aluminized shroud and Nomex type hood

    does not provide adequate protection from exposures to molten metal,

    sparks, radiant heat, flame and/or steam or as required by the JSHA.

    8.1.8 Helpers shall wear the exact PPE as the employee performing the welding,

    burning and cutting.

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    8.1.9 Work must be shielded when welding or burning to protect others from thearc, flash, or ultraviolet rays.

    8.1.10 Always check burning equipment for leaks before use.

    8.2 Hot Work Permit - Specific areas in the plant will be designated for hot work such as

    burning, welding, and grinding. If an area is not designed and designated for hot work; a

    hot work permit must be filled out before hot work can begin. The permit may require theuse of fire blankets, other means of spark containment, removal of fire hazards, air

    quality tests, fire watch, etc, to protect other employees and surrounding property.

    8.2.1 Supervision will designate an individual responsible for authorizing burning,

    welding, grinding, and other hot work operations in areas not specifically

    designed or approved for such operations. The work area must be inspected, allportions of the Hot Work Permit completed, and the hot work permit signed by

    the authorized employee. Hot Work Permits for demolition projects shall be reviewed by the

    demolition project manager with AK Operating and/or AK Engineeringpersonnel knowledgeable of the potential hazards associated with the

    equipment or facility before Hot Work Permit is signed by the AuthorizedEmployee. The Hot work Permit will specifically list the potential hazardssuch as flammable/explosive liquids or gases, combustible/explosive

    dusts, oxygen enrichment, utility lines or utility line support structures,

    etc. The Hot Work Permit shall also include the precautions taken toremove, eliminate or protect the potential hazards from the hot work

    exposure. All demolition Hot Work with any potential combustion hazards

    shall have a minimum of one fire hose charged and positioned with the

    Fire Watch during the hot work activity. The Fire Watch with the charged

    fire hose shall be maintained for at least an hour after job completion todetect and extinguish possible smoldering fires.

    8.2.2 All completed Hot Work Permits shall be reviewed at the site of theproposed work by a Safety Department representative or a designee approved by

    the Plant General Manager. The work area shall be inspected to verify the

    accuracy of the Hot Work Permit and the permit will be approved before hot work


    8.3 If it is necessary for you to be in an area where welding or cutting is being done,

    exercise caution. Never look directly at the intense light generated by welding or cutting.Check your clothing to be sure you are not carrying sparks which might set your clothing

    afire. Grease and/or oil on your clothes are especially dangerous if you are working

    around oxygen. Oxygen can cause the grease or oil to ignite.

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    8.4 Cylinders Containing Compressed Gases - Oxygen, acetylene, and other compressedgases must be considered dangerous fire hazards because they support or increase the rate

    of combustion. When handling cylinders containing any kind of compressed gas, observe

    the following rules and specific instructions of your supervisor: If clothes arecontaminated with grease, or oil, or solvents, they must be changed before performing

    any burning or welding.

    8.4.1 Transporting Caps shall be in place on compressed gas cylinders unless they are

    in use. Always replace the caps on full or empty cylinders after regulatorshave been removed. It is especially important to have the caps in place

    while transporting cylinders to protect the valve. Compressed gas cylinders must be transported in special containers

    or carriers provided for that purpose. At a minimum the carriers shall have

    toe guards and a retainer system to secure the cylinder from falling duringtransport. Do not handle cylinders with crane slings or magnets. Use good

    judgment when handling or moving cylinders and do not lift beyond yourcapabilities. Compressed gas cylinders must always be securely tied off in a

    vertical position. Do not transport compressed gas cylinders in passenger elevators. When burning, the torch shall be extinguished when it becomesnecessary to reposition yourself, the compressed gas cylinders or the hoses,

    around or over obstructions. When burning, the torch shall be extinguished when it becomes

    necessary to remove the twist from the oxygen and fuel hoses.

    8.4.2 Storage Compressed gas cylinders shall be stored with regulators removed

    and the cylinder caps installed and tightened. Compressed gas cylinders shall not be stored near stoves, furnaces,

    salamanders or in any area where they will be subjected to high

    temperatures. They must not be stored where they can make unexpectedcontact with electrical equipment or conductors if they should slip, roll or

    fall. Do not store cylinders in entrance/exit areas, or in stair wells. Oxygen cylinders must not be stored in a confined or enclosed

    space with acetylene, liquid flammables, oils, or grease. A leaking

    cylinder can cause spontaneous combustion of these materials.

  • 8/10/2019 AK Steel Dearborn Works- Safety and Health Rules and Instructions

    37/154 Acetylene cylinders must always be stored vertically and usedvertically with the valve end up. Oxygen shall be separated from fuel-gas cylinders or combustiblematerials at a minimum of 20 feet or by a noncombustible barrier at least

    five feet high having a one-half hour fire resistance rating.

    8.4.3 Using Cylinders Never use oil or grease to lubricate any part of an oxygen,

    acetylene or other gas cylinder or regulator. Do not touch them if you haveoil or grease on your hands or gloves. If a leaking cylinder is found, remove it to the outside immediatelyand keep it away from any flames or combustible materials. Notify your

    supervisor. Hoses for Acetylene-Oxygen Rigs - GREEN hose is for oxygen;

    RED hose is for all fuel gas. Never use compressed air to blow out thesehoses. To prevent tripping hazards and hose damage, keep excess hose

    lengths coiled and lines arranged in orderly fashion. Never bring cylinders into or store cylinders in confined spaces,

    unventilated rooms, or other closed quarters. Storage areas must be openor ventilated to prevent a build-up of gas. All torches must have either flashback arrestors built into the torchor units connected between the hoses and the torch.

    8.5 Repair of cutting and welding equipment must be done only by authorized personnel.

    8.6 Hoses which are damaged shall be cut in two and taken out of service to prevent

    injury. Branching or using T-fittings in oxygen or fuel gas hoses is prohibited.

    8.7 Oxygen hoses and fuel gas hoses shall be inspected for leaks prior to each first use

    by each user.

    8.7.1 Prior to each first use by each user, the hose shall be visually inspected for

    wear and loose connections. If defects are found the hose shall be removed from

    service and not used.

    8.7.2 Prior to each first use by each user, the working end connections and

    fittings of the hose shall be tested for leaks by immersing or spraying the

    pressurized hose with an approved leak detection solution. If bubbles, or leakingis detected the hose shall be removed from service and not used.

    8.8 Wire brushes, scrapers, or other appropriate hand tools shall be used to clean asurface before or after burning, cutting, or making weld repairs. Do not attempt to clean

    the work surface with your hand.

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    8.8.1 Oxygen, compressed air greater than 30 psi, or welding shield gases. (such

    as Argon, CO2, etc.) shall not be used to clean surfaces before burning, cutting or

    making weld repairs.

    8.8.2 Prior to each first use by each user, the hose shall be visually inspected for

    wear and loose connections. If defects are found the hose shall be removed from

    service and not used.

    8.9 Welding, Burning and Cutting Procedures

    8.9.1 When welding, burning, or cutting (air arcing), or saw cutting, the material

    shall be secured when the potential exists for unexpected movement. securing

    methods may include clamping, binding, bolting, etc.

    8.9.2 When material is being removed and it cannot be secured, the material shall

    be cut into pieces to relieve any tension/stress or stored energy.

    8.9.3 When welding, burning, or cutting (air arcing), or saw cutting, all pinchpoints shall be identified and eliminated prior to performing the task

    8.10 Wire brushes, scrapers, or other appropriate hand tools shall be used to clean a

    surface before or after burning, cutting or making weld repairs. Do not attempt to clean

    the work surface before or after burning, cutting or making weld repairs. Do not attemptto clean the work surface with your hand.

    8.10.1 Oxygen, compressed air greater than 30 psi, or welding shield gasses,

    (such as Argon, CO2, etc.) shall not be used to clean surfaces before burning,

    cutting or making weld repairs.

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    09 Operating, Repairing, Servicing and Inspection of Equipment

    9.1 Only a trained operator or maintenance person may energize/de-energize and operate

    a machine. Do not operate, repair or test any machinery, electrical apparatus, or otherequipment unless it is part of your assigned duties. Do not lubricate, clean, repair, inspect

    or operate a machine you do not understand. When in doubt, ask your supervisor. If youare authorized to operate machinery, follow all safe procedures including the Job Safetyand Health Analysis, Department Rules, and Manufacturers recommendations established

    for the machine or equipment.

    9.2 Energy control procedures, which include de-energize, lockout and tryout must beperformed by authorized employees before servicing and/or maintenance of machines

    and equipment. Normal production operations (i.e. minor tool changes, adjustments and

    other minor servicing) that are routine, repetitive and integral to the use of the machineand/or equipment, do not require energy control, lockout/tryout procedures provided no

    employee places themselves into a point of operation or associated danger zone on the

    machine or equipment. All employees will comply with the provisions of General SafetyOrder (GSO) #1 "Lockout/Tryout Procedures". See GSO #1 Lockout/Tryout Procedures

    Section 28.

    9.2.1 All employees shall be trained on GSO #1 "Lock Out / Tryout Procedures"to ensure that each employee understands the purpose and function of the energy

    control program and the knowledge and skills required for the safe application

    usage and removal of energy controls.

    9.2.2 All employees shall be retrained on GSO #1 "Lock Out / Tryout

    Procedures" annually. Retraining shall be provided for all authorized and affected

    employees whenever there is a change in their job assignments, a changein machines, equipment or processes that present a new hazard, or when

    there is a change in the energy control procedures.

    9.3 It is the Operator's responsibility to see that everyone is in the clear before startingany machine.

    9.4 Operators of machines, cranes, and other equipment must secure the equipment underestablished procedure before leaving the job unless relieved on the job by another


    9.5 Any machine that is unsafe to operate must be de-energized and locked out. Notify a

    supervisor of any broken or unsafe machinery or equipment.

    9.6 When opening an electric safety or disconnect switch, do not pull a switch under load.Make sure the power is shut off to the equipment by pushing the stop button or otherwise

    assuring that no current is flowing in the disconnect switch circuit. Pulling a switch under

    load could result in an explosion or an electrical shock.

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    9.6.1 When opening or closing electric safety or cut-off switches, use your left

    hand. Whenever possible, stand to the right of the switch box, not directly in front

    of it. In all cases stay away from the front of the box and keep your face turnedaway as you throw the switch. There may be sparking or flashing.

    Note: If it is not possible to stand clear from the front of the box, contact your


    9.6.2 Only electrically qualified and authorized personnel are permitted to open a

    disconnect switch to verify that the knife blades are in the open position.

    9.7 Do not remove any personal safety lock unless you placed it. Remove only your lock

    only after you are sure all personnel are in the clear. Do not remove any DANGER orCAUTION signs unless you placed them and then only after you are sure the dangerous

    condition has been corrected. If a lock must be removed and the person who placed it

    cannot be found, contact your supervisor. The lock shall be removed by following GSO#1 procedures.

    9.8 Only authorized personnel are permitted to adjust machinery while in motion, and

    then only when proper written procedures have been established. If you are authorized tomake minor production adjustments on machines, follow the procedures that have been

    approved. Be sure to guard against unexpected movement of parts or machinery which

    might injure you or others. Lockout/Tryout procedures must be followed during theservice or maintenance of the equipment.

    9.9 Machinery must not be operated if guards have been removed for repairs oradjustments. Do not remove locks or energize equipment until all guards and safety

    devices are replaced properly secured and operable.

    9.9.1 Machine guarding and safety devices shall be affixed to the machine or

    secured elsewhere as designed by the equipment manufacturer or approved by a

    Plant Equipment Safety Inspection Procedure.

    9.10 Pressure must be bled off prior to repair or service work on hydraulic, steam, gas,

    air, oil or water lines or connected equipment. Flow valves must be closed and locked

    and pressure relief valves must be locked in the open position. Accumulators must bedischarged.

    9.10.1 Valve lockouts must be made in accordance with GSO #1 before any repair

    or service is done.

    9.10.2 Before the flow of steam, gas, air, oil, or water is restored to a system, the

    person doing so must make certain that no one is in a position to be injured as thesystems are activated.

    9.11 Use only approved Red locks when locking out equipment.

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    9.12 Green locks shall be used only as equipment control for idled equipment and whereno work is being performed.

    9.12.1 Idled equipment is defined as equipment that is no longer in use or that willbe out of service for a lengthy period of time.

    9.13 Unauthorized persons shall not go into operating pulpits for any reason, other than

    an emergency.

    9.14 Use extreme caution when working around conveyor systems, especially conveyor

    belts. Do not shovel onto moving belts unless authorized by specific written proceduresand all guarding is in place. Make sure the emergency stop is functioning properly.

    9.15 Moving rolls shall not be touched at any time.

    9.15.1 Work rolls shall not be cleaned or polished by hand while they are in the

    mill and under power. If work rolls are installed in the mill and must be cleanedor polished by hand, they shall be locked out.

    9.15.2 Work rolls installed in the mill and moving or under power may be cleaned

    or polished under the following conditions:a. Tools will be provided to facilitate the cleaning or polishing of work

    rolls with the hands at a safe distance from the moving rolls.

    b. A procedure is in place directing the use of a tool or tools to be used tokeep hands away from the moving rolls.

    c. The cleaning or polishing of the work rolls will be performed at the side

    of the mill opposite of the work rolls in-running nip point. If necessary thedirection of rotation of the work rolls may be reversed to eliminate the in-

    running nip-point hazard.

    9.16 The strip shall not be touched with any part of the body when it is moving under


    9.16.1 The strip may be positioned or worked on using extension/hands free toolswhen the line is stopped or in the jog mode. Extension/hands free tools shall be

    used when clearing jambs and removing scrap from the line, unless the scrap has

    been cut into easily manageable, i.e. sample width or smaller pieces. A variance to this rule may be granted by the Plant Manager after

    all alternatives have been exhausted and a safe procedure for performing

    the job has been developed.

    9.16.2 Personal Protective Equipment required for handling or working in close

    proximity to strip, scrap, samples, and/or steel banding shall include cut resistantsleeves worn with cut resistant gloves. The sleeves shall, extend from the glove to

    the shoulder and be clipped or secured in such a manner that the sleeves remain

    extended to the shoulder area. Full length cut resistant chaps, aprons, orequivalent cut protection shall be worn when there is a potential to strike the torso

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    or legs against protruding strip, scrap, samples, steel banding, or other similar cuthazards.

    9.17 Equipment Safety Inspection Procedures.

    9.17.1 Each plant shall develop and maintain a standard practice / procedure to

    protect employees from potential hazards involved in the start up and operation of

    all newly purchased, constructed, installed, relocated and replaced; buildings,structures, equipment, or machinery. This practice / procedure shall designate an inspection committeeand persons responsible to conduct a final inspection of the subject

    building; structure, equipment, or machinery prior to its release for use.

    Members of the inspection committee shall, at a minimum, consist ofrepresentatives from the Operations, Engineering and Safety Departments. Results of the final inspection shall be documented to includecorrective actions required prior to the final release of the item for service.

    9.17.2 Each plant shall develop and maintain a standard practice / procedure to

    protect employees from potential hazards involved in the start up and operation ofequipment or machinery owned, installed, and operated by contractors. This practice / procedure shall designate an inspection committeeand persons responsible to conduct a final inspection of the subject

    equipment or machinery prior to its release for use. Members of the

    inspection committee shall, at a minimum, consist of representatives fromthe Operations, Engineering and Safety Departments. Results of the final inspection shall be documented to includecorrective actions required prior to the final release of the item for service.

    9.18 Thermography of Iron Transfer Ladles (Hot Pots)

    9.18.1 Ashland and Middletown shall develop and maintain standard

    practices/procedures to ensure all full iron transfer ladles have infrared

    thermography conducted a full 360 degrees including the bottom and around thetrunnions prior to being transferred to the skimmer from the Desulfurization


    9.18.2 Each plant shall develop and maintain standard practices/procedures todefine the specific temperature threshol
