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Loan No.: I-881-NP Grant No.: I-DSF-8106-NP

Government of Nepal Ministry of Agricultural Development

Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK)-Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (ISFP)

ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (Fiscal Year 2014/15)

Programme Management Office (PMO), Tilottama -3, Janakinagar, Butwal, Rupandehi Phone: 071-420244, Fax: 071-420245 Liaison Office: Email: [email protected] Website:

September, 2015

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


The Programme Data Sheet

Country Nepal Programme Kisanka Lagi Unnat Biu-Bijan karyakram (KUBK)-

Improved Seed for Farmers Programme (ISFP) Programme Number Loan No.: I-881-NP

Grant No.: I-DSF-8106-NP Donor Agency International Fund for Agricultural Development

(IFAD) Executing Agency Ministry of Agricultural Development Loan Effective date 2nd December 2012 Start date 20th March 2012 Physical Closing date 31st December, 2019 Financial Closing date 30 June, 2020 Total Budget (USD) 59.7 Million Implementing Partners Heifer International, Agro Enterprise Center,

Small Farmers Development Bank (SFDB) & Nepal Agricultural Cooperatives Central Federation Limited. (NACCFL)

Location Total Six districts, Four from Mid-Western Development Region (Rolpa, Rukum, Salyan, Pyuthan) and Two from Western Development Region (Gulmi, Arghakhachi)

Programme goal Increased competitive, sustainable and inclusive rural growth

Development objective Improved rural household incomes through sustainable, market-driven agricultural productivity improvements.

Programme objectives 1. To increased production of Truthful Labeled

seeds within the target districts and marketed locally and beyond

2. To improve the productivity of livestock system which are more closely linked to market.

3. To strengthen capacity of broad range of rural institutions to provide sustainable services to smallholder farmers.

Current implementation year Third Year Total Budget of Reporting Year USD 5.18 million Financial progress as of July 15, 2015

USD 4.6 million

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Programme at a Glance

Table A: Status of Key progress Indicators as of July 15, 2015.

SN Indicator Total Allocation

Progress status Percentage Remarks

1 Time (Months) 84 28 33 Time elapsed

2 Expenditure (Million USD) 59.7 4.6 7.7

3 Disbursement (Million USD) 59.7 2.3 3.8

Table B: Financial progress as per the AWPB 2014/2015 by implementing agencies

SN Implementing Agency

(Million Nrs) Percentage (b/a*100) Approved Budget

(a) Expenditure

(b) 1 PMO(MoAD) 303.32 136.58 45.03 2 RADs 0.60 0.48 80.00 3 RLDs 0.50 0.39 78.00 4 DADOs 13.2 10.75 81.44 5 DLSOs 13.85 13.21 95.38 6 NLBC 5.05 1.84 36.44 7 NARC 29.34 10.16 34.63 8 Heifer 49.06 41.32 84.22 9 AEC 36.33 21.17 58.27 10 SFDB 4.27 4.13 96.72 11 NACCFL 15.69 15.39 98.08 Total 471.21 255.42 54.2

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)



The Programme Data Sheet ii Executive Summary v Acronyms xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1

1.1 The KUBK-ISFP Programme 1 1.2. Programme Location 1 1.3 Programme Components 2 1.5 Special Features of the Programme 3 1.6 Outcomes and Impact 5 1.7 Beneficiaries and Benefits 5 1.8 Programme Implementation Arrangements 6 1.9 Human Resource Management and Staffing 6 1.10 Programme Implementation Arrangements 7 1.11 Key Assumptions and Risk 10

CHAPTER II UTILIZATION OF FUND 11 2.1 Programme Costs and Financing Plan 11 2.2 Program financing 12

CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS OF THE PROGRAMME 15 3.1 Overall Progress 15 3.2 Extension of formal seed sector 17

3.2.1 Improving Policy and Regulation 17 3.2.2 Improved seed production 17 3.2.3. Achievement of the programme 19

3.3 Component 2: Commercialization of Smallholder Livestock 20 3.3.1 Sub-component: Improving Dairy Productivity 21 3.3.2 Sub-component: Improving Goat Productivity 22 3.3.3 Strengthening of District Livestock Services (DLSOs) 23 3.3.4 Programme managed by Heifer International Nepal 24 3.3.5 Achievements and lesson learned under component 2 25

3.3.6 Major issues and problems 26 3.4 Component 3: Local Entrepreneurship and Institutional Development 26

3.4.1 Institutional Strengthening 26 3.4.2 Access to non financial Services 27 3.4.3 Increasing outreach of Microfinance institution 28

3.5 Component 4: Programme Coordination and Management 31 3.5.1 Progress on Human resources management 32 3.5.2 Status of the procurement 32

3.6 Gender and social inclusion 32 3.7 Social and Environmental safeguard 33


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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Executive Summary

Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram-KUBK (Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme - ISFP) is decent initiatives implemented by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture Development (MoAD) with the financial assistance of Government of Nepal (GoN) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) from 2nd December, 2012 and physically completed by 31st December 2019. MoAD is the executing and implementing agency and Heifer International is a co-financier. Agro Enterprise Centre (AEC), Nepal Agricultural Cooperatives Central Federation Ltd. (NACCFL) and Small Farmer Development Bank (SFDB) also participated in the program as the implementing partners. The Programme is designed with the aims to support two key aspects of agriculture sector that limiting crops and livestock productivity, (i) improvement of formal seed (cereals and vegetables) sector, and (ii) improvement of smallholder’s livestock (goats and dairy animal) in order to increase income of the poor rural households. The project intends to achieve these key aspects by developing the partnership between farmer organizations, rural based cooperatives and the private sector.

The programme envisaged that a total of 150,000 households from the programme districts including indirect beneficiaries from vulnerable groups are expected to be moved out of poverty. As a result of the investment in the seed and livestock industry, the potential impact on the wider farming community of the hills region is considered to comprise an additional 200,000 households from the programme and non-programme districts.

During this reporting period, the physical and financial progress of the programme was 80.46% and 55.21% respectively. The cumulative disbursement based on the AWPB of the programme is 8.08%, which includes beneficiary contribution NRs 8,616,657.34 (out of AWPB) as of 15 July, 2015. However, disbursement out of IFAD funds stands approximately at 9.7%. Thus, low disbursement rate alarmed the programme to take special strategy in the coming fiscal years towards the improving of programme cost and disbursement. The low financial progress were caused by: (i) pending of MOU between MOAD and Heifer International and it grounded the component 2; (ii) the absence of the PMO technical team and the PIUs at district level at the early years of the programme implementation. The WA No. 6 amounting sum of NRs. 117,359,199.06 (US $ 1,106,327.29) has submitted to IFAD for reimbursement.

The delivery of the grant both in Formal Seed Sector Development and Small holder livestock Development are the key output of the programme. In this regard, contract agreement for 95 subprojects (Seed production 88 and livestock 7) is completed during the reporting period. The agreed investment in the previously mentioned subprojects is NRs. 137.92 million. Out of total agreed investment NRs.133.40 (96.7%) for seed subprojects and NRs. 4.50 (3.3%) million for livestock subprojects. Moreover, out of total agreed investment grantees contribution is 51%. So far the achievements made against AWPB of 2014/15 is comprehended in the following sections.

Component 1: Extension for formal Seed Sector

The component 1 strategically focuses on formal seed sector development with the involvement of public and private sector to increase improved seed availability with the objective to increase crop productivity by expanding the activities of the formal seed sector in the six target districts of Nepal. The implementation strategy of KUBK-ISFP foresees that major seed companies in linkage with seed producer farmer groups or cooperatives will expand seed business in the target districts to enhance SRR as

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


versioned in seed vision 2013-25. The component focuses on the institutional development of private sector for the improvement of formal seed sector. The major outcome and the activities accomplished under component 1 in fiscal year 2014/15 are summarized as follows.

During the reporting period a total 135 FFS on quality seed production demonstration were implemented to disseminate new technology and knowledge to farmers about the improved seed production .similarly 39 participatory varietal trials (PVS) were also implemented in farmer's field with the technical assistance of NARC to test new varieties where farmer can evaluate the variety of their own choice which ultimately be utilized for TL seed production. Likewise foundation seed of cereals required to produce TL seed was produced in NARC Farms/stations while vegetable seed was produced in NARC stations and DOA farm Palpa and Rukum. Training for farmer's and technician were also conducted to capacitate them in production and quality control aspects. Similarly, orientation programmes were also conducted in all the target districts to make aware about the programme implementation strategy and matching grant scheme.

The major focus of the component is to develop formal seed sector with the involvement of seed producer farmer groups and cooperatives through the provision of matching grant scheme. A total 134 proposals were received from the potential grantees in component one of which 126 were for seed production, 8 for agro-vets. Out of which 90 proposal were negotiated and agreed for implementation. Out of total 90 grant recipients, 63 grantees are farmers’ group, 27 are cooperatives. At the end of FY 2014/2015, total amount of agreed investment for subproject is NRs 136.9 million (grant- 48.6% and grantees contribution - 51.4%). KUBK-ISFP also supported for institutional capacity building of NARC, DOA farms, DADOs and Regional Laboratories for rehabilitation of Lab building/ laboratory facilities, buildings for Agriculture Service Center, storage house and vehicles for mobility.

Till the reporting period, a total of 4512 households (HHs) were benefited from the 88 sub project under seed component with 51.5% of women participation. The participation of the Dalit and Indigenous people (Janajatis) is 16% and 25.5% respectively. The expected TL seed production from previously mentioned subprojects is 27mt. (2644 mt of cereals and 136 mt of vegetables) within coming 3 years.

Component 2: Smallholders’ Livestock Commercialization

A total of 10 farmers groups were mobilized for breeder herds and Boer breeder herd established in Gulmi and Arghakhachi districts. Pocket for multiplier herds were also selected in all programme districts. A total of 2000 breeding goats are selected for breeder herds. The selected herds were supported for nutrition and improved veterinary services, and shed improvement programme. These herds will be the resource centre managed by communities. The farmer field school on goats is also initiated with the technical assistance of the Heifer International Nepal. For dairy productivity improvement, the cooperatives, farmers groups and lead dairy farmers are made oriented for making their milk being processed and taken to the market through formal channel. A total of 1800 dairy animals (cattle and buffaloes) at the programme districts were vaccinated against important diseases; FMD, HS and BQ. Similarly, 1500 dairy animals were drenched against internal parasites. Six animal health camps were accomplished for contributing to improved health services. A total of 10 Veterinary Para Professionals were trained and a support to one private Veterinary Para Professional was provided in establishing a vet shop.

Livestock breed improvement training for both DLSOs technicians (18) and officers (12) were accomplished. Goat AI training for 12 DLSOs technicians was accomplished in

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


India. A total of 28 persons were trained for goat FFS facilitator during the reporting period in Gulmi and Arghakhachi district and PPR vaccination was made to 6000 goats focusing on FFS programme. For dairy productivity improvement both training events (6 in each) on “improved animal husbandry”, and “fodder and forage management” were organized and 300participants were capacitated.

As a part of technical intervention from Heifer, more than 27,000 goats were drenched against the internal parasites and PPR vaccination was done on 23125 goats. Goat security (Insurance) was done for 2846 goats and 57 bucks were distributed to 54 women groups and 2789 goats were distributed within the 1359 family as a passing on process for increasing their income. These groups are being provided technical assistance by 8 Technical coordinators (Veterinary JTA) and 18 community Agro-vet entrepreneur (CAVE). CAVES were also strengthened through 35 days VAHW and 7 days agriculture related trainings. Training of Trainers on (10 days) Cornerstone; self- helf group management; technical orientation on improved goat health and husbandry were also delivered to the project stakeholders under Heifer programme. There are 19 community facilitators (CFs) working in the field assisting the groups making effective mobilization.

Several forage species (Mulato-1, 64,000 cutting, Somba-seteria-1200 cutting, Napier (Co3, Co4)- 48125 cuttings, Amriso- 5287 Rhizomes, 78000 saplings of Kimbu, Forage Peanut-600 cutting) were distributed to SHG. Similarly 431 kg of forage grass seed (stylo, teosinte, berseem, Joint vetch, bajra, sudan, lablab, molasses, desmodium, dinanath, bhatmase, mendula, ipi ipil, bakaino, raikhaniyo, moringa) were also distributed to all SHG.

In the Heifers’ program, a total of 6468 persons participated in the training and workshops. The involvement of females was 85% (5470) and that of males was 15 % (998). Similarly, Dalits were 18% (1176) and that of Janajati was 30% (1939). While others were 52% (3353).

Component 3: Local Entrepreneurship and Institutional Development

The component aims to strengthen local Institutions (Farmers groups, Cooperatives, private entrepreneurs and VDCs) through various capacity development trainings and other activities. Additionally, the thrust of the component is to increase: (i) the access of non-financial services for potential agribusiness development focusing seed and livestock business and, (ii) the outreach of microfinance institutions.

KUBK-ISFP maintained smooth coordination with DADC including mission visits. A total of 6 training events (one in each programme district) on “Agriculture planning and budgeting” for VDC Secretary were organized with the close coordination of the DADC and secretariat of DDC and 182 VDC secretaries were capacitated. Forty two agrovets working in the programme districts were trained on Agriculture and Veterinary Protocols.

AEC is mandated for non-financial services for business and market development activities through the Investment Window established at each DCCIs of the programme district. AEC has successfully completed most of the activities as per AWPB of FY 2013/2014 against its target and physical and financial progress of the AEC is 67.78 and 60 respectively. The Investment Windows have provided counseling services for 729 potential grant recipients’ about the KUBK-ISFP grant provisions and application procedures. A total of 37 events of various nonfinancial activities were organized to facilitate the producers and traders linkages for example, orientation workshops on Business Plan preparation, producers -traders’ interaction meeting, public private dialogue for seed & livestock products marketing etc. A national level Seed Market

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


linkage workshop. During the FY 2014/2015, buy back agreement in between seed producers’ group/cooperatives and agrovet/entrepreneurs was accomplished for 230 mt. of seed. District Agriculture Market Information Service (AMIS) Centers under Investment Windows of each DCCI has installed 6 digital scrolling hoarding boards and 24 hoarding boards at major 24 markets of programme districts. Agriculture market information specifically, market prices of 25 commodities are collected and disseminated through these hoarding boards fortnightly.

The SKBBL/ NACCFL have overall responsibility of increasing access to microfinance institutions in the programme district through establishment and replication of SFACLs. In this regard, 30 main VDCs and 14 alternative VDCs were selected and all12 SFACLs established in the first phase have got legal identity under Cooperatives Act 2048 BS to operate saving and credit activities to their members. Out of 12 SFACLs established in the first phase, 8 SFACLs were handover to the community and process of group formation to establish remaining 18 SFACLs was already initiated in 18 VDCs. A total of 317 members of SFACLs were trained focusing on saving mobilization, BoD decision making and governance, inter-group formation, book-keeping and accounting, financial management, office management and other training as per requirement were conducted. Till the reporting period, NACCFL/SKBBL has covered a total 7671(42.57% against its target) households. All the beneficiaries of SFACLs are female and out of which Dalit and Janajati were 19% and 25% respectively. These SFACLs have generated NRs.17, 022,450 as internal resources and lend NRs. 25,870,000 till the reporting period.

Component 4: Programme Coordination and Management

The PMO successfully coordinated the programme implementation with wide participation of the programme stakeholders. Two Programme Steering Committee (PSC) meetings were organized to guide and facilitate programme implementation. The former PSC meeting held on 16th April 2015 had approved the PMO proposal for: (i) the management of own Office space to the Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) at district levels, (ii) the provision of additional expert inputs both from GoN deputed ( Monitoring & Evaluation Officer-1, Contract and Procurement Officer-1) and hiring of services of District Sub engineer-6 and Field Technical Mobilizer/Seed technician as per the requirement of the programme, and (iii) the exploration of possibility of FAO and other organizations for the implementation of FFS facilitator ToT. The latter meeting was held on 16th July 2015 and directed/guided to: (i) coordinate with Seed Quality Control Centre, Crop Development Directorate, Plant Protection Directorate and other related technical directorates to receive technical support for the implementation of FFS facilitator ToT on quality seed production, (ii) coordinate with NARC and support for procurement, (iii) coordinate with FAO and explore its capacity to supply/import Boer genetic materials and (iv) Planning and other related divisions under MoAD to forward the process for utilizing proposed Top up Loan (USD 5 million) to the Small Farmer Development Bank to on-lend to SFACLs operating in the programme districts.

The PMO had successfully recruited TA Team, and support staffs through the recruiting company and most of the TA personnel had already assigned their work. However, the TA team under component 2 was fully staffed at the end of the FY 2014/2015. The grant operating guideline and required template document for grant application were revised and approved from the PSC meeting and expected that it will fasten the grant processing time.

The annual progress review workshop for the year 2013/14 and annual planning workshops for AWPB for 2015/16. PMO had published various communication materials

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


about the programme and distributed to the concerned beneficiaries and stakeholders. Additionally, one documentary on KUBK activities in program districts had been prepared and shared. In the year, 2014/15, supervision mission fielded in between 17th March- 2nd April, 2015 to review the overall performance of the programme and mission suggested: (i) to expand the scope of the grants to include livestock production activities and introduce flexibility so as to ensure effective and efficient utilization and inclusion, (ii) to focus on capacity building, training and organizing of farmer field schools especially for livestock production activities and (iii) to develop outcome oriented Monitoring and Evaluation systems.

The KUBK-ISFP procured various types goods and services including civil works. The AWPB of FY 2014/2015 planned a total of NRs. NRs.96, 139,000.00 for procurement and NRs.56190308.00 (58.45% of its target) is spent. The purchased goods were furniture, laptops, desktop computers, printers, camera, Jersey semen etc. Similarly, recruitment of TA team under Component 2 and fulfill of a few vacant positions; goat and dairy value chain studies; FFS manual preparation and publication, Accounting software design and Installation, Aide Management portal Webpage design and Installation and other small services related works etc. were completed successfully. Likewise, the civil works consists of physical facilities for service centre under DADOs and DLSOs, Government Farm and regional seed labs.

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


List of Tables

Table 1: Sources of fund by financing agencies 11 Table 2: Programme Costs by Component 11 Table 3: Programme Components by Year – Totals Including Contingencies 12 Table 4: Financing Plan by Categories (expenditures accounts) 13 Table 5: Financing Plan by Components 14 Table 6: Expenditure by categories (as of 15 July, 2015) 15 Table 7: Reimbursement from IFAD by category in US $ (as of 15 July, 2015) 15 Table 8: Status of Agreed investment in subprojects 16 Table 9: Area and expected TL Production from 90 Subprojects (for three years) 16 Table 10: Status of foundation Seed Production 18 Table 11: Categories of Grantees 18 Table 12: Status of Farmer's field school implementation 19 Table 13: Status of Training and Workshops (FY 2014/2015) 19 Table 14: Committed investment in seed production by districts. 20 Table 15: Status of grant disbursement for seed production subprojects 20 Table 16: Status of Training/workshops events under Component 3 27 Table 17: Physical and Financial Progress of the SFDB/NACCFL (FY 2014/2015) 29 Table 18: Status of establishment of SFACLs in the programme districts (first phase) 30 Table 19: Performance of the NACCFL/SKBBL till FY 2014/2015 30 Table 20: Capacity enhancement training for SFACLs (FY 2014/2015) 30

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


List of Figures

Figure 1: Map of Nepal depicting Programme districts with potential districts for Extension 2

Figure 2: Agreed Investment by Districts (NRs. millions) 16

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)



AEC Agro Enterprise Center AWPB Annual Work Plan and Budget DADC District Agriculture Development Committee DADO District Agricultural Development Office DCCI District Chamber of Commerce and Industry DDC District Development Committee DLSO District Livestock Services Office DoA Department of Agriculture DoLS Department of Livestock Services FMIS Financial Management Information System FNCCI Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry GoN Government of Nepal IFAD International Fund for Agriculture Development ISFP Improved Seed for Farmers’ Programme KM Knowledge Management KUBK Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MoAD Ministry of Agricultural Development MoF Ministry of Finance MoFLD Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development MoU Memorandum of Understanding NACCFL Nepal Agriculture Cooperative Central Federation Limited NARC Nepal Agricultural Research Council PIM Programme Implementation Manual PMO Programme Management Office PSC Programme Steering Committee PVS Participatory Variety Selection RSTL Regional Seed Testing Laboratories SEAN Seed Entrepreneurs’ Association of Nepal SFACL Small Farmer Agriculture Cooperatives Limited SFDB Small Farmer Development Bank Ltd. VDC Village Development Committee

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1.1 The KUBK-ISFP Programme

Kisanka lagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK)-Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (ISFP) is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoAD) with the joint financial assistance of Government of Nepal (GoN) and both loan and grant support of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The overall objective of the programme is to promote inclusive, competitive and sustainable agricultural growth within the target area so that it will contribute to overall economic growth. The core objectives of the programme are: (i) to increase the production of Truthfully Labelled improved seeds, that are marketed within and beyond the target area for increasing the productivity of crops;(ii) to improve productivity of livestock systems, which are more closely linked to markets; and (iii) to strengthen capacity of a broad range of rural institutions to provide sustainable services to smallholder farmers.

The development objective of the Programme is to improve household incomes through sustainable, market-driven productivity improvements, with the aim of scaling-up an agriculture-led growth model. The Programme is designed to support two key constraints of agriculture sector hampering productivity, namely, the improvement of formal seed (cereals and vegetables) sector and improvement of smallholders’ livestock (goats and dairy) in order to increase income of the poor rural households. This will be achieved by developing the partnership between farmer organisations and the private sector.

The Programme has been initiated from December, 2012 and will continue for seven years in two phases. Ministry of Agriculture Development (MoAD) is the executing and implementing agency of the programme. The other implementing partners of programme are Heifer International (co-financer), Agro Enterprise Centre (AEC), Small Farmer Development Bank (SFDB) and Nepal Agricultural Cooperatives Central Federation as implementing partners. In the first phase, the programme envisaged to cover a total of 150,000 households in the programme districts including indirect beneficiaries from vulnerable groups, so that the programme implementation strategy should contribute to reduce poverty of vulnerable people residing in the remote areas. It is expected that as a result of the investment in the seed and livestock industry, the potential impact on the wider farming community of the hills region is considered to comprise an additional 200,000 households from the programme and non-programme districts. The programme comprises four components: (i) Support to the Extension of the Formal Seed Sector; (ii) Smallholder Livestock Development, and; (iii) Local Entrepreneurship and Institutional Development, and (iv) Programme Coordination and Management (PCM).

1.2. Programme Location

The programme area encompasses four Districts (Rukum, Salyan, Rolpa and Pyuthan) of the Mid-Western Development Region and two Districts (Gulmi and Arghakhanchi) of the Western Development Region. It combines high poverty levels and relatively elevated population densities with significant agricultural potential for seed and livestock production, as well as the possibility of complementary activities with other development initiatives. All target districts are in the hills zone, and they include areas with the lowest Human Development Index in Nepal, as well as poverty levels that are considerably above national rural average. Household consumption and income in the

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


target regions are less than 70 percent of national levels, while perceived inadequacy of food consumption is 60 percent higher1.

Figure 1: Map of Nepal depicting Programme districts with potential districts for Extension

1.3 Programme Components

The Programme comprises three technical components, and a Programme Coordination and Management (PCM) component. These components are as follows.

Component 1: Support to Extension of the Formal Seed Sector

This component aims to address the low seed replacement rates and poor quality seeds for vegetables and the cereals in the hills zone by promoting the ‘Truthfully Labeled’ and good quality seed production through the formal sector development and supports. Therefore, this component strategically focused to expansion of formal seed sector and major outcomes under the comment are; (i) improved enabling environment for seed production; (ii) improved expanded formal seed production; and (iii) increased demand for quality seed. These outcomes will be achieved through the strengthening role and capacity of NARC; DoA Firms and SQCCs and RSTL to produce required foundation seed and perform adequate seed quality control mechanism.

Component 2: Smallholder Livestock Development

This component aims to improve productivity of smallholders’ livestock focusing on goat, and diary animal through improved genetic potential and livestock management activities. The programme implementation strategy concentrated to breed improvement, livestock business development and marketing linkages as well as, nutritional

1 Design Completion Report 2012

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


management through expanded and strengthened livestock and veterinary service including capacity building activities. The major outcomes of the component two are: (i) Improving Dairy Productivity, (ii) Improving Goat Productivity, and (iii) Strengthening of District Livestock Services (DLSO Offices). Provision is also made for expanded goat related infrastructure at the main NARC experimental station and for implementation management.

Component 3: Local Entrepreneurship and Institutional Development

The third component: Local Entrepreneurship and Institutional Development aims to promote the favorable and conducive environment for the agriculture business development through the wider participation of local institutions (Farmers’ group, cooperatives), local government bodied (VDCs, Municipalities and DDCs) and private sector (DCCIs and business entrepreneurs). This components further disintegrated into: (i) institutional strengthening- focuses capacity development activities for local government institutions and producer groups and cooperatives; (ii) Strengthening of local private sector services- it aims to development of private farmer services and expanding local financial services; and (iii) Expansion of rural financing services- it aims to increase outreach of local microfinance institution including local commercial and development banks and multipurpose cooperatives that engaged in saving and credit activities. The programme also supports to the Small Farmers Agro-cooperative Limited (SFACLs) and strengthening of their parent company NACCFL. The SFACLs will also receive financing from SFDB. Thus, programme benefited from the, private sector enterprise development through institutional strengthening, provision of financial and non-financial services to the beneficiaries, increasing outreach of microfinance institutions and capacity building at different levels.

Component 4: Program Coordination and Management

This component is mainly responsible for undertaking a range of functions including planning, training, Monitoring and Evaluation and Knowledge management, and governance for the programme of previously mentioned components. Under this component, a program management office (PMO) is provisioned and PMO is lead by Programme Manager (Joint-secretary). The PMO is responsible for the overall operational management of the programme strategies which includes planning, coordination, monitoring and progress reporting. In addition, the PMO need to collaborate with local and national level agencies and companies to ensure good public-private partnership for effective and efficient programme implementation taking account of diversified nature of programme components. The PMO stationed professional or PIUs level technical expertise should play the role of advisory services and technical backstroking to the PMO towards achieving the project goal.

1.5 Special Features of the Programme

KUBK-ISFP has been designed in the context of existing policy and strategies of the Government of Nepal and the programme is also adopting the country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP) of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) that specifies three major strategic objectives for IFAD investment scheme in Nepal. They are: (i) Increased access to economic opportunities for poor farmers and producers in hill and mountain areas, (ii) Community infrastructure and services improved in hill and mountain areas, and (iii) Gender, ethnic, and caste-related disparities reduced through greater inclusion of disadvantaged groups in development. The silent features of the programme are comprehended below.

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


a. Geographical targeting of the programme

The Mid-hills zone of Nepal constitutes 15 percent of cultivated land area. The dominant crops grown in the region are maize, paddy and wheat. Therefore, the region is highly potential for seed production, as well as the possibility of complementary activities with other development initiatives. In this ground, the geographical target area of KUBK-ISFP encompasses four rural districts in the Mid-Western Development Region (Rukum, Salyan, Rolpa and Pyuthan) and two districts in the Western Development Region (Gulmi and Arghakhanchi. The target area of the KUBK-ISFP combines high poverty levels and relatively elevated population densities. Most of the KUBK-ISFP districts have considerably low Human Development Index in Nepal except Gulmi and Arghakhanchi.

b. Public-private partnership strategy for programme implementation

The Programme stipulated support for the National Seed Board (NSB) and all stakeholders to finalize and implement amendments to the Seed Act and its Regulations. DADOs of each programme district will receive logistic support (ITC equipment, vehicles/motorbikes) and programme budget. Similarly, SQCC, the Crop Development Directorate (CDD) and the Vegetable Development Directorate (VDD) are also supported to expand back up services to the districts. RAD and DADOs are also receiving operational budgets to undertake Programme coordination and monitoring services within each district. The logistic support is also provisioned for the two RSTL laboratories closest to the target area for renovation and expansion of infrastructure and technical equipment including Staff training. The Programme also provides support for the improved capacity (equipment and infrastructure) of specific NARC stations and DOA farms as well necessary operational budget for foundation seed production. The competitive grant scheme is also provisioned for large seed companies.

DLSOs of the Programme districts are taking overall responsibility of coordination and implementation component 2 as well as providing technical services and monitoring and supervision. The programme also provides support for the strengthening of National Livestock Breeding Centre (NLBC), Animal Health Directorate and Animal Production Directorate for long term sustainability and maintaining the impact of the project. Provision is also made for expanded goat related infrastructure at the main NARC experimental station and for implementation management. Heifer International is a co-financer as well as one of the main implementing partners of programme.

Moreover, the component 3 envisage to strengthening of both local government institutions and producer groups and cooperatives. The District Agriculture Development Committee (DDAC) is participating in monitoring and coordinating programme activities. Additionally, provision is also made for the strengthening the capacity of the VDCs of the programme districts for Government agriculture policy as well as on crop and livestock activities. The AEC is engaged to ensure ‘Access to Non-financial Services’ through Investment Windows opened at DCCIs of each programme districts. Capacity enhancement support is also stipulated for the agro-vets on agricultural and veterinary protocols, artificial insemination, health and epizootic disease, and seed quality. ‘Increasing Outreach of Microfinance Institutions’ through cooperative model in the programme districts, both SFDB and NACCFL are engaged as implementing partners.

c. Inclusiveness

The programme wishes to achieve greater social inclusion in the programme activities. The programme activities are also targeted to the women and socially excluded communities and minorities such as Dalit, Janajaties and Muslim etc.

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d. Expansion of formal seed sector with assure provision of enabling environment

For the production of quality source seed and quality control mechanism role and capacity of NARC, DoA Farms, SQCC and RSTLs strengthened, so that wider coverage of truthfully level seed will be achieved, thereby crop productivity will be improved and poor and rural farmers enjoys with higher level of income

e. Provision of improved livestock and veterinary services

Livestock and veterinary services is strengthened to improve productivity of goat and dairy animals with the promotion of marketing linkages for livestock products.

f. Provision of rural microfinance and expansion of microfinance outreach

The programme envisages having a greater access of microfinance for rural people which is the one of the limiting obstacle for rural based agro-business development. In this ground, The KUBK coordinate and work together with local level commercial and development banks, microfinance institutions as well as cooperative based microfinance institution.

g. Knowledge management

The KUBK wish to share lessons learned with development agencies as well as other institution as required for replication of the modality that performing good results and constrains faced during programme implementation through various approaches for instance, Knowledge fair, documentary, success stories etc.

1.6 Outcomes and Impact

The progrogramme aims to achieve increased level of competitive, sustainable and inclusive rural growth through the implementation of market-driven agricultural productivity improvement focusing on improved seed business and smallholders’ livestock (goat & dairy) commercialization. The major outcomes of the programme are comprehended as follows:

a. Increased demand for improved seeds in the programme districts through improved enabling environment for seed production business and expansion of formal seed sector.

b. Strengthened livestock services focusing on expanded, productive dairy and goat business.

c. Expansion of rural financial services by strengthening local institutions (eg., cooperatives)and private sectors to improve and expand microfinance outreach.

1.7 Beneficiaries and Benefits

The rural populations residing in the program districts including neighboring districts are the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the programme. However, overall beneficiaries count and benefit distribution will depend heavily on quality seed/breed available for rural/ remote communities through the seed extension and marketing programme as well as livestock activities. Therefore, members of seed production groups (cereals and vegetables), members of livestock production groups (goats and dairy) and those participating under the entrepreneurial and institutional development activities, members of both Agriculture Cooperatives and multipurpose cooperatives involved in the saving

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and credit activities in the programme districts; and private company and institutions including local government bodies participating in the programme through competitive and matching grant award as well as who will receive support from the programme are the direct beneficiaries of the programme. Indirect beneficiaries are considerably more difficult to estimate, because it is dependent upon the number of households who are not direct beneficiaries, but which purchase improved seed and other agro-inputs for their own use.

In general, KUBK-ISFP direct beneficiaries can be categorized as: (i) Grant recipients- grant recipients are the any institutions that involved in the KUBK-ISFP financing scheme such as Seed and livestock producers’ groups, Cooperatives, private entrepreneurs and (ii) Grantees- all the members of the grant recipients benefitting from the KUBK-ISFP grant scheme. In this regard, the KUBK-ISFP envisaged to cover a total of 150,000 households and about 750,000 people directly and indirectly from the programme activities.

1.8 Programme Implementation Arrangements

MoAD is the executing and implementing agency of the programme. The other implementing patterns are Heifer International (co-financer), Agro Enterprise Center (AEC) of the Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) and Small Farmers Development Bank (SFDB)/Nepal Agriculture Cooperatives Central Federation Ltd. (NACCFL). In addition, a substantial part of programme implementation is delivered, backstopped and supported by regional and district level line agencies (e.g. RSTL, RAD, RDLS, DADO, DLSO). A Butwal based Programme Management office (PMO) is provisioned and PMO is led by MoAD official- the Programme Manager (Joint Secretary). The PMO comprises of deputed staff from MoAD and technical assistance (TA) team. Heifer International, AEC and SFDB/NACCFL should ensure programme implementation as per the MoU held in between MoAD and respective agencies as well as AWPB. Heifer International is primarily responsible for implementation of improving goat productivity subcomponent, mainly focusing on building social capital of the beneficiary groups at community level and technical assistance to the smallholder livestock development component. AEC is responsible for implementing institutional strengthening and access to non-financial services subcomponent. Likewise, SFDB/NACCFL - is responsible for carrying out the activities regarding expansion and improvement of microfinance outreach under component 3. The PMO should take the overall operational management of the programme strategies which includes planning, coordination, monitoring and progress reporting.

The national level Programme steering committee (PSC) will provide overall guidance, review the programme outcomes and provide strategic direction to the programme. The PPF is expected to play an important advisory role to the PSC. It will also provide a platform for knowledge management between the PMO/KUBK-ISFP and other stakeholders in the Programme areas. The district level PIU will have coordination role withing the districts for effective program implementation.

The Programme provisioned a Programme Management Office (PMO) at Butwal (Shankarnagar-7), Liaison Officer at Kathmandu Valley and District Programme Implementation Unit (DPIU) in each programmed districts.

1.9 Human Resource Management and Staffing

The Programme envisaged both government and Technical assistance (TA) team for the management of programme activities. The Program Manager (Gazette Class I

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Officer) deployed from the Ministry of Agriculture Development (MoAD). The other staffs are Deputy Program Manger-1, Account Officer-1, Planning Officer-1, Crop Development Officer-1, Livestock Development Officer-1 and Agriculture Officer-1 and Liaison Officer -1 and other support staffs (Computer Operators-2, JT-5, Admin Assistant-1, and Assistant Accountant-1).

TA team consists of Program Component Coordinators-3 (Seed Coordinator-1, Livestock Coordinator-1 and Cross Component Coordinator/Local Entrepreneurship Development Coordinator-1) and other experts viz GESI Advisor-1, Contract and Procurement Manager-1, Monitoring, Evaluation & Knowledge Management Officer-1, Supervising Engineer-1, Admin Assistant-1, Financial Expert including support staffs (Sub-Accountant-1 and Driver-4 Office Assistant- 5). The TA team also provisioned district level technical assistance, District Seed Coordinators-6, Dairy Specialists -1; Goat Specialists-2, Seed Technicians-12, Livestock Technicians ( Dairy- 10; Goat-15), Corridor Field Engineer-3 and DADO Assistant-6.

Moreover, the Co-financing agency and implementing partner- Heifer International also supporting program activities under Component 2 by providing Technical assistance at field level in two programmed districts (Gulmi and Arghakhachi). The total technical assistance under Heifer International is 252 P-m (consisting Goat Specialist-1 including support staffs). Other programme implementing partners are Agro Enterprise Center (AEC); Small Farmer Development Bank (SFDB) and Nepal Agricultural Cooperatives Central Federation Limited (NACCFL) are supporting the activities under Component 3. AEC deployed Project Coordinator-1, based on PMO and District Agro-Enterprise Advisors-6 to support business plan and market development activities. The technical assistance under AEC consists of a total of 588 P-m. SFDB/NACCFL is providing technical assistance for improving outreach of microfinance following SFACL approach. The technical assistance under SFDB/NACCFL consists of a total of 252 P-m (Lead trainer and Field trainers). The technical Assistance from NACCFL is provisioned for the establishment of SFACLs to increase the financial accessibility to small farmers from SFDB. The technical assistance under NACCFL consists of a total of 84 P-m (Field trainer). Under TA team a total of 5964 P-m of expert services is allocated. The details of PMO and expert services are provided in Annex 7.

1.10 Programme Implementation Arrangements

KUBK-ISFP has provisioned funding for potential agro-based producers' Organizations (Farmers' Groups, Cooperatives and Producers' Associations), Private Entrepreneurs, Companies and local bodies (Village Development Committees/Municipalities) for supporting business expansion of the formal seed sector and smallholders' livestock enterprises (dairy and goat) and providing backward and forward linkages. KUBK-ISFP investment funds are generally intend to support funding gap in capital investment (public infrastructure, machinery and equipment) for seed business schemes that will enhance formal seed sector as well as smallholders' livestock productivity improvement enterprises supporting the rural poor. Investment funds are also available to the source seeds and breeds as well as productivity improvement inputs.

KUBK-ISFP investment funds are only available to those grantees who can contribute matching funds on potential business schemes. The shares of matching funds that participating grantees have to contribute ranges 20-80% of the total cost of the activities as specified in the proposal, which is regulated by the grant norms. Such contribution can be measured in cash and/or kind including labor. As per the revised grant operating guidelines (2015), investment fund will be provided up to 80% for irrigation scheme, collection centers/ storage, and threshing yards, etc (but it will not more than 60% of the

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total grant limit) and for machinery equipment the share of contribution is 50%. KUBK-ISFP investment follows an output based financing system. Thus, matching grant will be released in installments upon the field appraisal of performance against agreed milestones. Environmental and Social safe guard compliance is prerequisite in KUBK-ISFP funding/grant as per the both National Environmental Protection Act and Regulation and Labor Law and Regulations

Under Component 1: Support to Extension of the Formal Seed Sector: the Farmers Field School (FFS)/trainings are provisioned to the DADOs to take advantage of their operational network of technicians. Supply of required source seeds ensured through the NARC and government farms under DOA. Additionally, Field demonstrations of the improved seeds such as implementation of the participatory variety selection are also implemented by NARC. NARC also involved the FGs, Cooperatives and private sector for foundation seed production under its close supervision. Seed producer's groups/cooperatives are supported through matching grant scheme (MGS). The programme will work closely with SEAN and invest in mapping the SEAN members in the programme districts as indicated in the programme design document. The mapping results could be used for the purpose of further value chain integration, and as one of the criteria to screen the matured and prosperous seed producer groups or cooperatives.

Wide coordination with various institutions is established for synergy effect and technical supports. DLSOs in the programme districts are the front line institutions for the implementation of the programme activities under livestock component. Additionally, DLSOs in the Programme districts are playing role for coordination, implementation, delivery of technical services to the grantees and monitoring and supervision of programme activities. The Livestock Component Coordinator at the PMO is supporting to prepare Programme-wide plans based on district level activities and have the prime responsibility for technical support in programme implementation. Heifer International is providing technical assistance for goat productivity improvement activities following “social capital building” and “pass on gift” approach as per the provision made in agreement/MOU. The overall responsibility of Heifer international/Nepal is summarized as: (i) promote selective breeding principle for goat breed improvement and stall feeding, (ii) support for social and technical preparation of Boer goat breeder programme (iii) prepare technical specifications for semen and Boer bucks, and facilitate the import of related genetic materials and (iv) provide technical support to implement goat FFS.

Heifer international Nepal, NARC/Animal Breeding Division and DLSOs are responsible for identifying Boer goat breeder communities and farmers and Boer goat multiplication communities and to prepare the technical specifications for semen and Boer bucks, and facilitate the import of related genetic materials. The PMO will supply imported proven-bull semen for both cattle and buffalo. The National Livestock Breeding Center, Pokhara is supporting to preserve the semen imported by the programme. It can also provide needed semen and liquid nitrogen as per programme need. The Animal Health Directorate is responsible for supply of required PPR vaccines in the programme districts

NARC/Animal Breeding Division is responsible for retrieving, analyzing, interpreting field data and feedback and follow-ups with beneficiaries and implementers. It also provides technical backstopping to the breeder farmers and field staffs as per the need. To maintain good working relationship, PMO is coordinating the NARC/Animal Breeding Division and DLS (Animal Production Directorate, Animal Health Directorate, Livestock training and Extension Directorate, Livestock Marketing Promotion Directorate, National

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Forage and Animal Nutrition Centre, National Livestock Breeding Centre, Central Sheep and Goat Promotion Office, and cattle and Buffalo Promotion Office) during its periodic meetings (eg annual work planning and budgeting workshop) and for joint field monitoring and supervision.

All the programme activities under third components summarized as: (i) institutional strengthening, (ii) access to nonfinancial services and (iii) increasing outreach of microfinance institutions. The PMO based Local Entrepreneurship and institutional Development Coordinator is coordinating for the implementation of the programme activities under the component 3. Support services for capacity building are provisioned for rural based producers’ groups and cooperatives, Village Development Committees and DADCs of the programme districts. Such support services is being managed by PMO or tendering services from service provides as per the need of the programme.

Access to non-financial services is a key factor of success for the implementation of viable and sustainable investments. The Programme mainly envisages two types of non-financial services to support programme value chains (seed, milk and meat): (a) creation of an Investment Window at the District Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI), and (b) support to agro-vets to expand their outreach beyond district centers and provide services to Programme supported groups. Therefore, AEC is engaged as implementing partners to implement activities under the non-financial services. Investment Windows at the DCCIs in each programme are in operation with financial and logistic support.

Accessibility to the financial services for productive investment on seed and livestock based business is crucial in the rural areas of the programme districts. Realizing this fact, the programme envisages “Increasing Outreach of the Microfinance Institution” in the programme districts through both cooperative and non-cooperative Approaches. In this regard the programme has engaged the NACCFL for the cooperative model with the financial involvement of the SFDB. The NACCFL is responsible for the establishment and strengthening of the Small Farmers’ Cooperatives Limited (SFACL) in the programme districts. Additionally, SFDB is responsible for providing additional funds to the SFACL for investment in the form of a loan equivalent to resources mobilized by SFACL members after the first year of operation. However, the triggering factor for the creation of a new SFACL will be the assessment of the demand for financial services emanating from the local community. The non-cooperative model includes the engagement of the one or two development banks or microfinance institutions. Prior to the implementation of these activities, the PMO will contract an record-proven consulting firm to carry out the assessment of both the microfinance and rural sectors, to assist the government in fine-tuning its policy and to assist commercial banks and financial institutions to develop products and services meeting the requirements and needs of the rural population.

District level PIUs

The Programme Implementation Units (PIU) are established at each programme districts and the PIUs are guided and supported by the PMO-based component coordinators. The PIU is composed of technical focal persons from all the line agencies relevant to the Programme, including representatives from the key players of the private sector. Those line agencies are namely and not exclusively: DADO, DLSO, DDC, DCCI, SFDB, SFACLS, NLBC, and regional and district branches or extensions of some national organizations involved in the implementation, such as SEAN, SQCC and NARC. At the district level, most of the field activities are fall under the responsibility of DADOs, and DLSOs. The PIUs is headed by a senior officer from the host office

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DADO/DLSO as decided by the MoAD. The Technical Assistance at district level consist of: (i) District Seed coordinator-1, (ii) Goat and Dairy specialist (corridor based), (iii) Seed Technicians and (iv) Livestock technicians

1.11 Key Assumptions and Risk

The programme has foreseen some assumptions and risks during project documentation that may affect the goal. These assumptions and risks are as follows.

• Macro-economic and political conditions of the country will not deteriorate further and no major natural disasters presumed that will affect programme intervention area.

• Good cooperation and participation among the local level government agencies as well as other stakeholders of the programme is presumed for the effective implementation of the programme activities

• The service delivered from the service providers will positively motivate the farmers to run improved seed production, processing and marketing programme and goat & dairy business activities.

• Financial resources will not be as an obstacle for financing in seed and livestock business after the intervention of outreach improvement programme through the project stakeholders and other financial institutions. For seed production business and goat & dairy productivity enhancement activities, required foundation seeds, and improved livestock breeds and genetic materials will not be limiting factor.

• The private sector will fully cooperate and participate as anticipated. There will not be more market risk and each market players and regulating bodies will be functioning in a coordinated way.

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2.1 Programme Costs and Financing Plan

Total investment and incremental recurrent programme costs, including physical and price contingencies, are estimated at about USD 59.70 million (NRs 4,780 million). The sources of the funds for the KUBK-ISFP programme by various institutions are presented in Table 1. International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) is the major contributor of the programme. Out of total planned financial cost, IFAD constitutes US $ 39 million (65.3%), out of which US $19.5 million is grant and remaining US $ 19.5 million is loan. The Beneficiary’s contribution for the programme is US $ 10.9 (18.26%).

Table 1: Sources of fund by financing agencies

S.N. Sources of fund Amount (million US$) Percent 1 Beneficiaries 10.9 18.26 2 Gov/Nepal 7.3 12.23 3 Heifer/Nepal 2.5 4.19 4 IFAD 39 65.33 4.1 Loan 19.5

4.2 Grant 19.5

Total 59.7 100

Source: Programme Design Completion Report, 2012

Table 2: Programme Costs by Component

Components NRs ( million) US$ (million) Foreign

Exchange (%)

Total Base Cost (%)

Local Foreign Total Local Foreign Total

Extension of Formal Seed Sector

1,107.90 633.30 1,741.20 13.85 7.92 21.77 36 41

Smallholder Livestock Development

851.41 480.52 1,331.93 10.64 6.01 16.65 36 31

Local Institutional and Entrepreneurial Development

490.06 288.50 778.56 6.13 3.61 9.73 37 18

Programme Coordination and Management

313.11 65.19 378.30 3.91 0.81 4.73 17 9

Total baseline costs 2,762.47 1,467.52 4,229.99 34.53 18.34 52.87 35 100

Physical Contingencies 75.39 42.70 118.10 0.94 0.53 1.48 36 3

Price Contingencies 375.95 56.08 432.03 4.70 0.70 5.40 13 10

Total Programme costs 3,213.81 1,566.31 4,780.12 40.17 19.58 59.75 33 113

Source: Programme Design Completion Report, 2012

Table 2 depicts the presumed distribution of the Programme Cost by each Component

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of the with physical and price contingencies and explored that out of the total base cost 41% (21.77 milli0n) of the programme cost is allocated to support extension of the formal seed sector. Likewise, the stipulated cost for the smallholders’ Livestock development and local institutional and entrepreneurial development are 31% (US$ 16.65million) and 18% (US$ 9.73 million) of the base cost respectively. Additionally, the programme coordination and management constitutes 9% (US$ 4.72 million) of the total base costs. Physical and price contingencies make up around US$ 6.88 million.

A breakdown of annual costs (including physical and price contingencies) of the Programme is shown in Table 3. Costs amount to US$ 7.0 million in Year 1 and rise to a maximum of US$ 12.5 million in Year 4 of implementation.

Table 3: Programme Components by Year – Totals Including Contingencies

Components Annual Cost including Contingencies ( million US$) Total

Cost (mill. US$)

Percent 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Support to Extension of Formal Seed Sector 2.93 5.86 6.10 6.61 0.99 0.62 0.21 23.32 39

Smallholder Livestock Development 1.51 4.08 3.75 3.30 3.83 2.53 1.49 20.49 34

Local Institutional & Entrepreneurial Development

1.25 1.57 1.72 1.82 1.40 1.43 1.51 10.71 18

Programme Coordination and Management 1.34 0.68 0.64 0.74 0.68 0.56 0.57 5.23 9

Total Programme Costs 7.04 12.20 12.21 12.48 6.90 5.15 3.78 59.75 100

2.2 Program financing

An IFAD loan and an IFAD grant, both of USD 19.50 million equivalent (each 32.7% of the total Programme costs), is stipulated to f inance the Programme. Heifer International also contributes US$ 2.5 million. The Government contribution is estimated at US$ 7.3 million (12.2%) and includes contributions from its budget and from foregone taxes and duties. Approximately US$ 10.9 million (18.3%) of the total Programme costs expected from the beneficiaries contribution.

Part of the Government contribution would finance (i) the salaries of the Programme Manager, Deputy Programme Manager, Accounts Officer, Planning Officer, Crops/Seed Development Officer, Livestock/Veterinary Development Officer and Agriculture/Liaison Officer, who are expected to be seconded from the Government as well as (ii) the Programme audit cost. The remaining share of the Government contribution would come in forms of foregone taxes and duties on all Programme inputs that involve funding from the IFAD Loan or any other external source of funding associated with the IFAD loan. In conformity with the principle that no taxes or duties would be financed out of the proceeds of the IFAD Loan, any future changes in the rates and/or structures of taxes and duties would have to apply to the Programme.

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Table 4: Financing Plan by Categories (expenditures accounts)

I. Investment Costs

Expenditure Accounts by Financiers (US$ ‘000)

IFAD Loan IFAD Grant The Government Beneficiaries Heifer Local

(excl. Taxes)


& Taxes Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %

A.. Funds

Competitive Grant Scheme 949.1 22.3 949.1 22.3 553.8 13.0 1,808.0 42.4 - - 4,260.0 7.1

Matching Grant Scheme 2,283.8 26.0 2,283.8 26.0 1,142.7 13.0 3,079.8 35.0 - - 8,790.0 14.7

Other Investments Fund 627.1 39.7 627.1 39.7 128.0 8.1 - - 197.7 12.5 1,579.9 2.6

Loans - - - - 590.4 13.0 3,951.0 87.0 - - 4,541.4 7.6

Subtotal 3,859.9 20.1 3,859.9 20.1 2,414.9 12.6 8,838.8 46.1 197.7 1.0 19,171.3 32.1

B. Technical Assistance

International 527.6 50.0 527.6 50.0 0.0 1,055.2 1.8

National 402.3 50.0 402.3 50.0 - 804.6 1.3

Subtotal 929.9 50.0 929.9 50.0 0.0 1,859.8 3.1

C. Studies , Surveys, Training and Workshops

Training 4,956.5 41.9 4,956.5 41.9 1,537.7 13.0 - - 378.0 3.2 11,828.8 19.8

Workshops 426.2 43.5 426.2 43.5 127.4 13.0 - - - - 979.8 1.6

Studies and Surveys 598.0 43.5 598.0 43.5 178.7 13.0 - - - - 1,374.8 2.3

Subtotal 5,980.8 42.2 5,980.8 42.2 1,843.8 13.0 - - 378.0 2.7 14,183.4 23.7

D. Goods and Services 6,075.0 32.4 6,075.0 32.4 2,617.5 13.9 2,068.2 11.0 1,931.7 10.3 18,767.4 31.4

Total Investment Costs 16,845.6 31.2 16,845.6 31.2 6,876.2 12.7 10,907.1 20.2 2,507.4 4.6 53,982.0 90.3

II. Recurrent Costs /Operating Costs

Salaries 1,979.0 47.3 1,979.0 47.3 221.6 5.3 4,179.7 7.0

Travel and per diem 296.5 43.5 296.5 43.5 88.6 13.0 681.6 1.1

Vehicle O&M 351.4 43.5 351.4 43.5 105.0 13.0 807.9 1.4

Of f ice equipment O&M 10.7 43.5 10.7 43.5 3.2 13.0 24.7 -

Of f ice rent and utilities 28.8 43.5 28.8 43.5 8.6 13.0 66.2 0.1

Other operating costs 4.1 43.5 4.1 43.5 1.2 13.0 9.5 -

Total Recurrent Costs 2,670.6 46.3 2,670.6 46.3 428.3 7.4 - - - - 5,769.5 9.7

Total PROGRAMME COSTS 19,516.2 32.7 19,516.2 32.7 7,304.5 12.2 10,907.1 18.3 2,507.4 4.2 59,751.5 100.0

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Table 5: Financing Plan by Components


Financing plan by Components and institutions (million US $)

IFAD Loan IFAD Grant The Government Beneficiaries Heifer Total

Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %

Expansion of Formal Seed Sector 7.81 33.5 7.81 33.5 2.81 12.0 4.89 21.0 0.00 0 23.32 39

Smallholder Livestock Commercialization 6.74 32.9 6.74 32.9 2.44 11.9 2.07 10.1 2.51 12.2347 20.49 34

Local Institutional and Entrepreneurial Development 2.74 25.6 2.74 25.6 1.27 11.8 3.95 36.9 0.00 0 10.71 18

Programme Coordination and Management 2.22 42.4 2.22 42.4 0.79 15.2 $ - 0.0 0.00 0 5.23 9

PROGRAMME COSTS 19.52 32.7 19.52 32.7 7.30 12.2 10.91 18.3 2.51 4.19638 59.75 100

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3.1 Overall Progress

The KUBK programme has covered 20,562 beneficiaries’ households (27% of target of its target) as of 15 July, 2015 (cumulative). Out of this women were 14785 (72%); Dalit 2713 (13%), and Janajati- 4838 (24%).

The AWPB for the year 2014/15 is prepared for NRs. 471.212 million (excludes supplementary top-up). Based on the National Panning Commission guideline, the weighted physical progress and financial progress of the AWPB is 80.4 and 54.21% respectively. The details progress of AWPB of FY 2014/2015 against its target is provided in Annex 1.

The cumulative disbursement based on the AWPB of the programme is 8.08% which includes Beneficiary contribution NRs 8,616,657.34 (out of AWPB) as of 15 July, 2015.However, disbursement out of IFAD funds stands approximately at 9.7%. The expenditure of KUBK-ISFP by category is provided in Table 1.The WA No. 6 amounting sum of NRs. 117,359,199.06 (US $ 1,106,327.29) has submitted to IFAD for reimbursement. The expenditure and reimbursement from IFAD by category is provided in Table 6 and Table 7.

Table 6: Expenditure by categories (as of 15 July, 2015)

Category Category description

Expenditure (NRs)

FY 2013/14 FY 2014/ 2015 Cumulative

as of 15 July, 2015

I Funds 22,976,188.96 30,809,326.54 53,785,515.50 II Technical Assistance 30,927,124.47 6,6719,093.00 97,646,217.47 III Studies, Surveys, Training

and Workshops 16,629,168.00 40,502,040.50 57,131,208.50

IV Goods and Services (including Vehicles)

60,162,638.00 89,468,039.03 149,630,677.03

V Operating Costs 33,634,101.00 27,923,840.75 61,557,941.75 Total 164,329,220.43 255,422,339.82 4,197,515,60.25

Table 7: Reimbursement from IFAD by category in US $ (as of 15 July, 2015)

Category Category Description Reimbursed from IFAD

Pending (WA 6) Total

I Funds 267,165.75 210,705.37 477,871.12 II Technical Assistance 674,443.87 144,315.83 818,759.70 III Studies, Surveys, Training

and Workshops 294,852.40 168,715.30 463,567.70

IV Goods and Services (including Vehicles)

551,177.40 466,989.41 1,018,166.81

V Operating Costs 373,873.84 115,601.38 489,475.22 Total 2,161,513.26 1,106,327.29 3,267,840.55

The delivery of the grant both in Formal Seed Sector Development and Small holder livestock Development are the key output of the programme. In this regard, contract agreement for 95 subprojects (Seed production 88 and livestock 7) is completed during the reporting period. The agreed investment in the previously mentioned subprojects is NRs. 137.92 million. Out of total agreed investment NRs.133.40 (96.7%) for seed

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subprojects and NRs. 4.50 (3.3%) million for livestock subprojects (Table 8). Moreover, out of total agreed investment grantees contribution is 51%. The distribution of the investment by district is presented in Figure 2.

Table 8: Status of Agreed investment in subprojects


Investment (NRs.)

Grant Committed


Grantees Contribution

(NRs.) Seed sub projects (89 SPs) 133,403,814 65,041,039 68,362,775 Livestock sub-projects (7 SPs) 4,509,300 2,254,650 2,254,650

Total 137,913,114 67,295,689 (49%)

70,617,425 (51%)

Figure 2: Agreed Investment by Districts (NRs. millions)

Table 9: Area and expected TL Production from 90 Subprojects (for three years)

S.N Crops Area (Ha) Seed demand (Kg) Expected seed production (Mt) A. Cereals 1318.80 64547 2644.00

1 Paddy 96.50 4825 193.1 2 Wheat 307.00 36840 614.2 3 Maize 915.30 22882 1836.7

B Vegetable 120.9 4079.07 136.32 1 Bean 37 1480 52.97 2 Pea 22.3 1784 31.04 3 Cowpea 11.9 476 16.95 4 Onion 12 120 6.01 5 Mustard leaf 13.5 6.75 7.62 6 Chamsur 2 40 1.28 7 Radish 16.8 168 17.6 8 Cauliflower 5.4 4.32 2.85

Grand Total 1439.70 68626.07 2780.32

Based on the agreed subprojects for TL seed production, the area under seed production is 1440 ha (Cereals- 1319 and vegetable 121) and expected seed production is 2780mt (Cereals Seed: 2644 and Vegetable Seed: 136) respectively (Table 9). During the reporting period 2 sub projects under component 2 were completed and first

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installment as per the agreed milestone of the subprojects is also released. The total disbursement against committed grant is NRs.12, 886,908 (19% against its commitment).

3.2 Extension of formal seed sector

3.2.1 Improving Policy and Regulation

a. Support for ADS Unit

The programme has provisioned to assist the national Seed Board (NSB), Seed Quality Control Center (SQCC) and other relevant stakeholders to finalize and amendment of seed act, rules and regulations. For this KUBK-ISFP has supported Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS for the improvement of IT facilities and development of web portal center under Ministry of Agriculture Development (MOAD).

b. Increasing the Capacity the capacity of the DADOs

KUBK-ISFP has continued its support to the District Agriculture Development Offices (DADOs) during the FY 2014/2015. DADOs of the KUBK-ISFP districts were supported in the first and second year of programme implementation for increasing the mobility (One four wheeler for Rukum), ITC equipments motorbike for each programme district ,and furniture for training hall of DADO Gulmi. The new buildings facilities for the Agricultural Service Center (ASC) in Kaporkot, Salyan, Hanshapur, Arghakhachi, Baraula, Pyuthan, and Purkot Gulmi were constructed in the current fiscal year. Operational budget was also provided to DADOs for programme coordination and monitoring of the Project activities implemented in the district.

c. Improving the seed quality control system

The four wheeler vehicles were handed to the both Regional Seed Testing Laboratories (Bhairahawa and Nepaljung) in the 2nd year of programme implementation to increase their mobility to support. In the financial year 2070/71 both the laboratory were supported for infrastructure development i.e. Construction of Laboratory Building along with lab equipments. Laboratory equipment supported includes germinator, moisture meter, digital weighing machine and microscopes. The programme also supported operational budget to enable field inspection and testing of seed samples for quality control. Additional human resources will also be provisioned.

3.2.2 Improved seed production

a. Production of required foundation seed

The MoU between MoAD and NARC had completed to ensure required source seeds (foundation seeds) and breeding goat and genetic materials for the expansion of quality seed production and enhancement of goat productivity in the progamme districts. The programme goal of ensuring availability of TL seed within the target area largely depends upon the availability of foundation seed (FS). For this purpose, KUBK-ISFP has supported Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) for the production of foundation seed. NARC and DOA farm Palpa and Rukum (Table-11) were also supported for the production of FS of vegetables. The programme also supported for improving the capacity of NARC and DOA farm for infrastructure support like establishment of seed processing plant ,threshing floor at Bhairahawa (last year) and a storage house construction at Horticulture Farm Malepatan in the current financial year 2071/72.Like wise a screen house was constructed at Rukum Farm for facilitating the

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vegetable seed production.

Table 10: Status of foundation Seed Production

Crops Year 2013/2014 Year 2014/15 Remarks Area (ha) Production (mt.) Area (ha) Production (mt.)

Cereal seed 15 30.16 94.5 109.8 NARC Vegetable 1.5 0.56 3.5 1.17 NARC Vegetable 2 0.85 2 NA DOA Farm

Total 18.5 31.57 100 110.97

b. Strengthening seed producers groups and cooperatives

KUBK-ISFFP envisages engaging 720 farmer groups/cooperatives for TL seed production. These FGs/cooperatives will be strengthened for technical assistances and infrastructural supports through matching grant scheme (MGS). A total of 26 Cooperatives, 63 and farmer groups were supported through matching grant scheme. Forty four grantees had received a total amount of NRs 12 million in the first installment. (Table 11). The expected seed production from these producers’ group/ cooperatives is presented in Table 9.

Table 11: Categories of Grantees

Type of grantees Districts Total Rukum Rolpa Salyan Pyuthan Gulmi Arghakhachi

Farmer Groups 9 15 3 3 15 18 63 Cooperatives 6 7 1 7 3 2 26 Total 15 23 4 10 18 20 89

c. Engaging formal sector seed companies

Provision has been made to invite private seed companies for expanding formal seed production in the target area based upon production contracts with programme strengthen FGs/COPs. The private seed companies who are interested in TL seed business has the provision for infrastructure support (Seed Storage house, Laboratory building construction), machinery and equipment support to capacitate and vehicle support for transportation of seed from the point of production to the company site .Since the TL seed production through FGs/COPs has already been supported through matching and competitive grant. Hence the private seed companies are now invited to contract for exploring seed business. In this process Lumbini Seed Company proposal has already sanctioned and informed to come for negotiation and agreement. Agro Enterprise Center (AEC) under FNCCI has played a key role in the district for seed marketing and they are establishing linkage between producer and traders, the agrovet, seed companies and other private institutions involved in seed marketing.

d. Promoting Farmer Demand for TL Seed (FFS, PVT, Demonstration)

The present seed supply is limited. The reason might be either the variety is in appropriate or the quality of seed is lacking. It is utmost important to improve the access of good quality seed to those households who live in remote area and belonging to disadvantage groups. Therefore, KUBK-ISFP visualized importance to improve awareness of TL seed in the project districts. Creation of TL seed demand can be enhanced by various activities like FFS demonstration, participatory variety selection (PVS), agriculture fair and other knowledge management activities.

FFS on quality seed production demonstration support farmers to compare the relative performance of TL improved seed with farmer's saved seed of the same variety. A total

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of 135 FFS demonstration were completed during the reporting period (Table 13). These FFS demonstration was conducted by the DADO’s technicians and trained farmer facilitators.

The KUBK-ISFP programme has provisioned support for implementation of PVS in the target districts. The NARC is actively involved in the PVS activities. The PVS demonstrations assist farmers in identifying the best and most demanded varieties recommended earlier by NARC or the variety which are in pipeline for recommendation. This will generate the demand of farmer's choice varieties to be multiplied as foundation seeds and subsequently as TL seed. Site selection is done jointly by DADO staff and outreach staff of NARC. Overall progress of PVS demonstration is summarized in Table 12.

Table 12: Status of Farmer's field school implementation

Description Project Target Achievement

2070/71 2071/72 Cumulative Percent FSS 1200 90 135 225 18.75 PVS 270 18 39 57 21.1

e. Training and workshops

Two training events on “Seed analysis, laboratory management, weight and calibration” and “Field Inspection and Seed Quality control” for lab Staffs were accomplished. Likewise, a total of 150 (25 in each programme district) orientation workshops for potential farmer group and Cooperative members to make them aware about the KUBK-ISFP grant provision were conducted during the reporting period. Moreover, KUBK-ISFP Programme has also organized a national level Seed Market Linkage Development workshop to share the field level experiences on seed sector and its constraints throughout its value chain with aims to: (i) establish linkages of producer groups to formal seed sub-sectors with buy back arrangements and (ii) enhance capacity on bi-lateral trade negotiation skills of seed exporters to increase seed export. The workshop provided a common platform for all value chain actors; producers to end users in order to strengthen the market linkages with the seed supply chain among all stakeholders of programme districts (Table 13).

Table 13: Status of Training and Workshops (FY 2014/2015)

S.N. Description Target group No. of events

No. of Participants

1 Seed field inspection and quality control Seed Lab staff 1 13 2 Lab Handling Seed Lab staff 1 9

3 Matching grant scheme Orientation Workshop Potential GR 150 3693

3.2.3. Achievement of the programme

a. Grant award and Disbursement

As of 16 July 2015, a total of 134 proposals were received from the potential grantees under component one, of which 126 were for seed production, 8 for agrovets. Out of which 88 proposal were agreed for implementation. At the end of the financial year, total amount agreed for seed production subprojects is NRs 133.40 millions. Out of this NRs 65.0(48.7%) million is grant and NRs. 68.36 (51.3%) million is grantees

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contribution. The share of grant for capital investment is NRs 52.5million (78.9%) out of this infrastructure constitutes NRs 31.4 million and that for machinery and equipment is NRs 15.9 million. Likewise, the operating cost of the sub project constitutes NRs 49.8 million [GR-35.8million.(71.9%),KUBK-14.0 million 28.1%].

Out of total 88 grant recipients, 63 grantees are farmers’ group, 25 are cooperatives. Similarly, Rolpa constitutes highest number of grantees (23) followed by Arghakhanchi (20), Gulmi (11) Rukum (15), Pyuthan (9) and Salyan (4). To date, KUBK committed to provide a sum of NRs. 65.04 millions for subproject implementation under component one in the programme districts. Out of this, Arghakhachi constitutes 27% followed by Rolpa (24.9%), Gulmi (18.8%), Rukum(14.5%), Pyuthan (10.2%) and salyan (4.5%) (Table 14).

Table 14: Committed investment in seed production by districts.

S.N District Number of Sub Project

KUBK Grant (NRs)

Beneficiaries Contribution

(NRs) Total (NRs)

Grant Distribution

(%) 1 Arghakhanchi 20 17558203 12773030 30331233 27.00 2 Gulmi 17 12258455 15107746 27366201 18.8 3 Pyuthan 9 6617458 8003216 14620674 10.2 4 Rolpa 23 16208794 17181296 33390090 24.9 5 Rukum 15 9440147 11687873 21128020 14.5 6 Salyan 4 2957982 3609614 6567596 4.5 Total 88 65041039 68362775 133403814 100

Out of the 88 subprojects, only 44 subprojects claimed for disbursement of first installment till July 2015. A total of 12.5 million NRs have been disbursed for 44 subprojects. District wise subprojects and the disbursed amount claimed by district are given as under (Table 15).

Table 15: Status of grant disbursement for seed production subprojects

S.No. Name of the District Number of subproject claimed disbursement

Amount disbursed

1 Arghakhanchi 9 3156914 2 Gulmi 7 2664984 3 Pyuthan 5 1257693 4 Rolpa 11 1860407 5 Rukum 10 2778482 6 Salyan 2 773998 Total 44 12492408 3.3 Component 2: Commercialization of Smallholder Livestock

The Component envisage to expand more productive dairy and goat business through the strengthening of livestock services to improve goat and dairy cattle productivity and improving livestock market linkages with the active participation of farmers groups, cooperatives and private sector. Heifer international is an implementing partner and it also co-finances the progarmme activities under component 2 for improving goat productivity activities in Gulmi and Arghakhachi districts. Heifer international follows ‘Pass On Gift’ (POG) and social capital formation model for programme implementation. DLSOs, NARC, NLBC and Livestock Training Centers are the participating institutions

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for implementation of activities under this component. The implementation of programme activities under this component has been delayed due to reservation made by Heifer International, IFAD and MoAD for financial resources. Besides, IFAD suggested to postpone implementation of component 2 until the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between MoAD and Heifer International will successfully happens. However, the MoU between MoAD and Heifer International had completed on 16th April 2014 and implementation of this component wills progresses from this fiscal year 2014/15.

The PMO had supported DLSOs under the programme districts for office equipments (furniture set, laptop, printer and scanner) and motorbikes to enhance programme monitoring. The progress had made during the reporting period so far were discussed in the following subsections.

3.3.1 Sub-component: Improving Dairy Productivity

Dairy pockets have been selected and major interventions in terms of forage and nutrition, improved veterinary services, genetic improvements are implemented at the programme districts.

Several capacity building interventions in terms of trainings, workshops and interaction meetings were made in order to improve dairy productivity. Similarly, several interventions were made for enhancing the market linkages for milk and milk products at the programme districts.

a. Output 1: Breed Improvement

A total of 7000 doses of pure Jersey semen (American origin) have been imported for their use for improving dairy herds at the programme districts. Similarly, six Murrah buffalo bulls were distributed to the programme districts for upgrading buffalo herds. The artificial insemination in 600 dairy cattle has been made.

b. Output 2: Nutrition and Management

Six fodder resource centres and forage nurseries are established at the programme districts for supporting nutrition and management intervention. Fifteen hectares of lands are brought under Fodder sapling plantation, Chaff cutter machines were distributed to 30 farmers for improved management.

c. Output 3: Improved Veterinary Services

A total of 1800 dairy animals (cattle and buffaloes) at the programme districts were vaccinated against important diseases; FMD, HS and BQ. Similarly, 1500 dairy animals were drenched against internal parasites. Six animal health camps were accomplished for contributing to improved health services. A total of 10 Veterinary Para Professionals were trained and a support to one private Veterinary Para Professional was provided in establishing a vet shop.

d. Output 4: Training and Workshops

Several training events (milk chilling vat operation for six participants, livestock product diversification and commercialization for 20 persons, six times dairy entrepreneurship and liquid milk marketing orientation including 300 participants) were organized for enhancing the capacity of dairy entrepreneurs. A total of 16 village animal health workers were trained for providing support to dairy productivity improvement programme. Six workshops on dairy pocket mapping were done at the district levels

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including a total of 300 participants. A dairy value chain study was made through a consultancy. The study report was presented at a validation workshop and a final report was prepared. Six number of training on improved animal husbandry including 25 participants per training was organized by DLSOs. Similarly, six number of training on fodder and forage management was made including 25 participants per training by DLSOs.

e. Output 5: Milk Market Linkage Development

A total of 15 dairy entrepreneurs were given training on milk diversification and commercialization for supporting them for dairy entrepreneurship development. Grants were provided for one dairy entrepreneur and another one for supporting in the establishment of chilling vat (with 500 litres capacity).

3.3.2 Sub-component: Improving Goat Productivity

Boer Goat Breeder Herds were established in Gulmi and Arghakhachi districts including more than 1000 breeding does at each district making a total of 2000 breeding does at the herds. These does will be used for mating with Boer bucks or inseminated with Boer semen. The mating of breeding does with Boer bucks is delayed due to unavailability of Boer bucks and this will happen next year once the importation of Boer bucks and semen are made. These herds are supported with forage and nutrition, improved veterinary services and genetic improvement interventions.

Boer multiplier herds are established in all programme districts including two pockets per districts. A total of 10 herds are established so far. These herds will receive bucks and does from breeder herds hopefully the next year. The multiplier herds, which couldn’t be established in Rolpa will be established next year. These multiplier herds are supported with several interventions; forage and nutrition, improved veterinary services and genetic improvement.

a. Output 1: Breed Improvement

Two pockets for Boer breeder herd establishment were made in Gulmi (Gwadi) and Arghakhachi (Dibharna) districts. A total of 2000 breeding goats are selected for breeder herds in two districts. Boer bucks and semen couldn’t be imported and these will be imported next year. These herds were supported for nutrition and management and improved veterinary services. A total of 10 farmers groups were mobilized for breeder herds in Gulmi and Arghakhachi districts. The goats (6000) were vaccinated against PPR and drenched against internal parasites. A total of 100 sheds were supported for their improvements.

The selection of pocket areas for Boer multiplier herd was made a rate of two pockets per district. A total of 10 multiplier herds was selected (two pockets from Rolpa couldn’t be made this year). These 12 herds (will complete next year) will include about 5000 breeding does at six programme districts. These herds were supported for nutrition and management (fodder and forage programmes), improved veterinary services (vaccination for PPR, health camp, drenching for parasites). Six demonstration of forage production were made at farmers field. Three fodder nurseries were established and plantation of fodder trees at three community forest was made. PPR vaccinations to 750 goats were made at multiplier herds. Similarly, 750 goats were drenched against internal parasites.

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b. Output 2: Nutrition and Management

Six number of demonstration of forage production at farmers groups was made followed by expansion to 90 groups. Three fodder nursery establishments were made at the programme districts for supporting nutrition and management intervention. Plantation of fodder trees was made at three community forestry.

c. Output 3: Improved Veterinary Services

A total of 1500 goats at the programme districts were vaccinated against PPR. Similarly, 1500 goats were drenched against internal parasites. Three animal health camps were accomplished for contributing to improved health services. Improved goat farming training was accomplished including 100 participants.

d. Output 4: Training and Workshops

Several training events (TOT and cornerstones training for 18 DLSO staff, livestock breed improvement training both for technicians and officers (12). Goat AI training for technicians was accomplished in India including 12 participants.

e. Output 5: Goat Market Linkages and Development

The grant was provided to one meat enterprise development and a support was provided for goat collection centre establishment through matching grant scheme. A value chain study on goat was made.

f. Output 6: Farmers Field School (FFS) on Goats

A total of 28 persons were trained for FFS facilitator this year in Gulmi and Arghakhachi where breeder herds are established. These trainers will be resource persons for conducting similar training at the districts later. A total of 4 (two each in Gulmi and Arghakhachi) FFS was established and one year production programme has been initiated. PPR vaccination programme was made to 6000 goats focusing on FFS programme.

3.3.3 Strengthening of District Livestock Services (DLSOs)

Artificial insemination (AI) trainings were organized for DLSO both for officer (12 persons) and technician level (18 persons). One training event to DLSO technicians (12 persons) on livestock breed improvement was made. These supports have made them able to perform artificial insemination in dairy cattle and buffaloes.

In dairy productivity improvement, six number of trainings on improved animal husbandry including 25 participants per training slot. Similarly, six number of fodder and forage management were conducted including 25 participants per training slot for strengthening the capacity of DLSOs at the programme districts. These support activities have enabled and enriched DLSOs knowledge and skills in performing the task more efficiently.

AI training on Goat was organized in India for 12 persons. This has made them able to perform AI in goats. This will happen once we have Boer semen and DLSOs will have to make AI with farmers’ goats at Breeder herds in Gulmi and Arghakhachi.

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


3.3.4 Programme managed by Heifer International Nepal

The MOU was signed between Ministry of Agricultural and Development and Heifer International Nepal in April 16, 2014 to implement of the programme Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme). The aim of this partnership is to achieve the programme outcomes through synergy by scaling up Heifer’s internationally recognized success-proven model of livestock development with farmers.

With three major components of KUBK, Heifer International Nepal has taken the responsibility for supporting the implementation of the Sub-component 2.2: Improving goat productivity primarily in two districts of the Western region (Gulmi and Arghakhanchi) and also provide technical assistance, mainly in capacity building of KUBK team in the areas of goat production technology and social capital building.

The Heifer’s part of the project targets to assist 12,000 households in Gulmi and Arghakhanchi. In the rest of the four districts (Salyan, Pyuthan, Rukum, Rolpa) where focus will be rather non-intensive, the project will build the capacity of KUBK team and help the team to replicate the best practices from Gulmi and Arghkhanchi - the district with intensive focus of Heifer’s approach for increasing goat productivity.

a. Key Programme Outcomes and Outputs under Heifer intervention

Two District Project Advisory Committees (DPAC), 6 Project Implementation and Monitoring Committees and 8 Project Management committees were formed and mobilized for implementing Heifer’s working approach and value based holistic community development (VBHCD) model.

• Technical and other staffs of Project Management Office (PMO) were made more aware on Heifer’s working modalities.

• Women were made more aware on Heifer cornerstones, improved animal management and self-helf group (SHG) management

• A total of 57 breeding bucks and more than 2700 female goats were placed for smallholder farmers.

• More than 1200 project families intensively participated in the on-site trainings on fodder/forage at sub-projects level.

b. Major Activities accomplished

Sites (village development committees) in two districts; Gulmi and Arghakhachi were selected for implementing the programme. Similarly, staff were recruited and selection of 8 number of NGO partners (5 in Arghakhachi and 3 in Gulmi) was made during the year.

Heifer Nepal (HIN) has completed the formation of original groups in the first three pockets in each of these two districts. Altogether 54 women SHG (self-help Group) were formed and mobilized in the respective field areas. Within 54 SHG, 1359 families are involved with the programme.

The Programme activities such as Training of Trainers on (10days) Cornerstone (CST), self- helf group (SHG) management training for project stakeholders and technical orientation on improved goat health and husbandry for Programme Coordinator (PC)

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and Technical Coordinator (TC) (3 days) completed. The Project partners were given trainings on CST, SHG management and improved animal management and fodder forage training respectively in 54 SHG.

As a part of technical intervention, 57 bucks were distributed to 54 women groups and 2789 goats were distributed within the 1359 family as a passing on process for increasing their income. These groups are being provided technical assistance by 8 Technical coordinators (Veterinary JTA) and 18 community Agro-vet entrepreneur (CAVE). CAVES were given trainings for 35 days village Animal Health Worker and 7 days agriculture related training. Following to the training, CAVEs were supported by general medicines and necessary stuff (Microscope, Burdizzo Castrators and Cool box for vaccination) worth of NRs 30,000.00.

More than 27,000 goats at 6 VDCs were drenched against the internal parasites in order to improve the health of the goats. Similarly PPR vaccination was done on 23125 goats at 6 VDCs to protect them from PPR disease. Goat security (Insurance) was done for 2846 goats.

Several important trainings (CST, SHG management, improvement animal management and fodder forage) were given to all SHG member in two districts by trained Project staff. There are 19 community facilitators (CFs) working in the field assisting the groups making effective mobilization. These included participating every meeting being conducted fortnightly, collection, mobilization and record keeping of SHG fund and other records in all group. This also included providing training to the members, visits of SHG member door to door.

Several forage species (Mulato-1, 64,000 cutting, Somba-seteria-1200 cutting, Napier (Co3,Co4)-48125 cuttings, Amriso- 5287 Rhizomes, Forage Peanut-600 cutting) were distributed to SHG. Among the fodder trees, more than 78000 saplings of Kimbu (Morus alba) was distributed to all SHG. Similarly forage grass seed (431 kg in total) such as stylo, teosinte, berseem, Joint vetch, bajra, sudan, lablab, molasses, desmodium, dinanath, bhatmase, mendula, ipi ipil, bakaino, raikhaniyo, moringa were distributed to all SHG. These seed were given for nursery and direct sowing.

8 (PMC) Project Management committee (by involving 2 members from all OGs of a Project Partner), 8 (PIMC) Project Implementation and Monitoring Committee (participants from Local Stakeholders with the chairman of VDC chief) and 8 ( DPAC) District advisory committee (having the chairperson of LDO) are formed for effective and transparently Implementation of the program.

In case of gender and social inclusion a total of 6468 persons participated in the training and workshop. The involvement of females was 85% (5470) and that of males was 15 % (998). Similarly, Dalits were 18% (1176) and that of Janajati was 30% (1939). While others were 52% (3353).

3.3.5 Achievements and lesson learned under component 2

Boer breeder herd establishment in two programme districts and pocket selection for multiplier herds in all programme districts are important achievements so far in Goat Productivity Improvement. These herds will be the resource centre managed by communities. The farmers groups from breeder herds are highly motivated and excited in becoming a part of important activity; community managed resources centre. Similarly, initiation of the farmer field school on goats should be regarded another important achievement.

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For dairy productivity improvement, the cooperatives, farmers groups and lead dairy farmers are made oriented for making their milk being processed and taken to the market through formal channel.

The support in facilitating for the conduction of farmers field school (FFS) on goats in our programme district HIN using their past experiences working with several other locations within the country and support in the initiation of FFS office and on year production programme is an important achievement.

3.3.6 Major issues and problems

Poorer understanding exists with the stakeholders on the livestock component programme, particularly on grants. This has to be improved sooner and the interventions needed for this would be several orientation activities for stakeholders at village/cluster level for component programme.

Procurement of inputs (genetic materials: semen, live animals etc) has been a problem. Where ever possible, resources centre within the country should be supported. This seems possible in case of buffalo. In case of dairy cattle and goats, some mechanism should be established in procuring inputs with quality insurance.

The provision of support for livestock production activities seems utmost important for enhancing the dairy and meat productivity that can be linked with market. The provision as of now seems unclear and inadequate for livestock programmes.

The higher level of understanding and the clarity by DLSOs seems utmost essential for effective delivery from the programme. The capacity building should be focused in this aspect.

3.4 Component 3: Local Entrepreneurship and Institutional Development

The component aims to strengthen local Institutions (Farmers groups, Cooperatives, private entrepreneurs and VDC/Municipalities) through various capacity development trainings and other activities. It also emphasizes to promote and strengthen the private sector services to the commercial seed and livestock entrepreneurs through expanded rural finance for the seed and livestock based business entities. This component consists of three implementing partners namely, Agro Enterprise Center (AEC) Small Faremer Development Bank (SFDB) and National Agriculture Cooperative Central Federation Limited (NACCFL). Besides, local bodies, DDC and municipality/VDC are also participating and coordinating the programme implemented at local level.

3.4.1 Institutional Strengthening

a. District Agriculture Development Committee (DADC) and Village Development Committee (VDCs)

The District Agriculture Development Committee (DADC) is a district level policy body for agriculture sector. It is composed of the district level various line agencies and led by District Development Committee (DDC)2. The DADO and DLSO are the members of the DADC. DADO is the secretariat of the DADC. In this regard, KUBK- ISFP anticipated that participation of DADC in monitoring and coordinating programme activities and in

2 A local body made up of directly elected local representatives with an extensive role in local level development planning within the district

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the preparation of the annual work plan for specific programme activities such as institutional strengthening of the VDCs, infrastructure schemes and in organizing annual agricultural fairs etc. may enhance effectiveness of the programme implementation. Thus, wider participation with DADC and local bodies help: (i) to assess overall issues and constraints, and (ii) to enable the more effective use of local resources in the agriculture sector in the crop and livestock sector fostering links between smallholder farmers and a range of private sector partners in rural areas.

KUBK-ISFP is working with close coordination of DADC and DDC. During the reporting period, coordination with DADC is maintained smoothly including mission visits. A total of 6 training events (one in each programme district) were organized for the VDC Secretary with the close coordination of the DADC and secretariat of DDC. From these training events a total of 182 VDC Secretaries were capacitated on “Agriculture Planning and Budgeting”. Additionally, two training events on “Agriculture and Veterinary Protocols” were accomplished for 42 agrovets providing services in the progrmme districts (Table 16).

Table 16: Status of Training/workshops events under Component 3

S.N. Name of training and Workshop

Target Group

No. of Events

No. of Participants

1 Agriculture Planning and budgeting VDC Secretary 6 182 2 Agriculture and Veterinary Protocols Agrovets 2 42 3 Business Plan Development FG & Cooperatives 6 149 4 Benefit Cost Analysis FG & Cooperatives 6 151 5 Gender and Social Inclusion Training FG & Cooperatives 54 1484 6 Orientation Workshop on KUBK-ISFP Staff 2 40 Total 76 2008

b. Strengthening producers Group /Cooperatives and agrovets

A total of 66 training events in various themes were organized for strengthening producers groups and cooperatives. From these training events, 149 farmers were capacitated on business plan development, 151 farmers were capacitated on benefit cost analysis and 1484 participations were capacitated from gender and social inclusion training. A total of 42 agrovets operating in the KUBK-ISFP districts were capacitated from two Agriculture and Veterinary Protocols training with the aim to increase quality outreach services of agrovets during the reporting period (Table 116).

3.4.2 Access to non financial Services

The KUBK-ISFP realized that access to non-financial services is a key factor of success for the implementation of viable and sustainable investments. The Programme focuses on two types of non-financial services: (a) creation of an Investment Window at the District Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI), and (b) support to agro-vets to expand their outreach beyond district centers and provide services to Programme-supported groups. Thus, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on 13th August, 2013 between Government of Nepal (GoN), MoAD and AEC/FNCCI with the aim to provide Business Development Services (BDS) in the KUBK-ISFP intervention area focusing on seed and livestock business.

a. Investment Window

AEC mandated to provide services for business and market development activities through the provision of Investment Windows. Investment Window at District Chamber

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of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) has been established in each programme districts to facilitate business development activities as per the goal of KUBK-ISFP programme document. The Investment Window has to play role to: (i) identify the potential agribusiness stakeholders, (ii) develop joined business plan and, (iii) provide advisory role for business promotional activities. In the fiscal year 2014/2015, the Investment Window at each DCCI of the programme distinct actively involved to facilitate the relationship between producers and traders focusing on seed and livestock value chains as usual. The some of the key activities accomplished during the reporting fiscal year was comprehended in following sections.

AEC has successfully completed most of the activities as per AWPB of FY 2013/2014 against its target. The physical and financial progress of the AEC is 67.78 and 60 respectively. A detail progress report is provided in Annex 9. Staffing under AEC had completed and as per the total allocated consulting services (588 P-m), 88 P-M of the consulting services is consumed (Annex 1).

The Investment Window has provided counseling services for 729 potential grant recipients’ about the KUBK-ISFP grant provisions and application procedures. A total of 37 events on various nonfinancial activities were organized to facilitate the producers and traders linkages. These activities were: (i) Orientation workshops on Business Plan preparation (6 events); (ii) Producers -Traders interaction meeting (6 events), (iii) Buy Back arrangement meeting (6 events); (iv) Public private dialogue for seed & livestock products marketing (6 events), (v) Observation tour on commercial production pocket (6 events); (vi) Workshop on Private Investment in Livestock Production, Processing, and Marketing (6 events); and (vii) A national level Seed Market linkage workshop.

AEC had prepared guideline manual for buy-back arrangement facilitation in the FY 2013/2014 and It is expected that this guidelines helps to facilitate the buyback agreement between producers and the buyers/traders so that the framework for legal procedure works efficiently to provide assurance for both parties. During the FY 2014/2015, buy back agreement in between seed producers’ group/cooperatives and agrovet/entrepreneurs was accomplished for 230 mt. of seed.

District Agriculture Market Information Service (AMIS) Centers under Investment Windows of each DCCI has installed 6 digital scrolling hoarding boards and 24 hoarding boards at major 24 markets of programme districts. Agriculture market information specifically, market prices of 25 commodities are collected and disseminated through these hoarding boards fortnightly.

3.4.3 Increasing outreach of Microfinance institution

The Sana Kisan Bikas Bank Limited (SKBBL) also called Small Farmers’ Development Bank (SFDB) and Nepal Agricultural Cooperatives Central Federation (NACCFL) are two key private sector institutions participating jointly as implementing parterres with KUBK-ISFP programme to increase outreach of microfinance institutions. The NACCFL assigned to provide services to establish and capacity development of Small Farmers Agriculture Cooperative Limited at VDC level with the aim to ensure rural finance outreach to the seed and livestock based agribusiness following cooperative model.. Similarly, SFDB is mandated for providing loan to implement microcredit activities to the eligible SFACLs up on availability of fund. SFACL model includes an awareness campaign and identification of potential communities and strengthening of identified community for SFACL institution through various capacity enhancement trainings with the assistance of NACCFL regional supervisors.

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Top up fund: The PMO had completed feasibility study of rural micro finance institutions in the programme districts to explore the present situation of microfinance scheme in the rural areas and potentiality for the expansion of outreach program in the project districts in the year 2013/2014. Likewise, the Due Diligence study of the SFDB had also completed in the FY 2014/2015 from the Asia and the Pacific Division, Programme Management Department, IFAD. The main objective of this exercise was to assess the operational and financial performances of the SFDB and to determine whether the Bank was able to absorb additional IFAD top-up resources (US$ 5 million) approved in May 2014 and recommended extending a top-up resource to the Small Farmer Development Bank to on-lend to SFACLs operating in the programme districts. The report also advocated that SFDB has the operational and financial capacity to absorb this top-up resource and to monitor its correct use by SFACLs for the benefit of the KUBK-ISFP beneficiaries.

Technical staffs for both SKBBL and NACCFL were recruited and deputed in their duty station to facilitate programme implementation as per the MoU held between MoAD and SKBBL/NACCFL on 13th August 2013. Out of the total 252 p-m consultancy services allocated for SKBBL, 49 p-m of services had consumed until the reporting period. Similarly, a total of 84 p-m consultancy services allocated to NACCFL, out of which 16 P-M of services was consumed till the reporting period. It is notable that additional 203 P-M of inputs for SKBBL and 68 P-M of inputs to NACCFL realized to enhance programme efficiency.

Both SKBBL and NACCFL have completed most of the programme activities against the target of AWPB of FY 2014-15. The physical and financial progress of the both SKBBL and NACCFL is presented in Table17.

Table 17: Physical and Financial Progress of the SFDB/NACCFL (FY 2014/2015)

Institution Physical progress (%) Financial Progress (%) Remarks SKBBL 100 96.63 NACCFL 100 98.06

The major output/outcomes of the SKBBL/NACCFL for institutional development of microfinance institutions to increase outreach of microfinance through establishment and replication of SFACLs are summarized as:

Till the reporting period, 30 main VDCs and 14 alternative VDCs were selected for the establishment and replication of SFACLs microfinance institutions in the programme districts. Additionally, all the 12 SFACLs established in the first phase were registered under Cooperatives Act 2048 BS and these institutions have got legal identity to the SFACLs. Now, these SFACLs can easily operate saving and credit activities such as collection of deposit, lend to their members, setup offices etc. Out of 12 SFACLs established in the first phase, 8 SFACLs were handover to the community (Table 18).

The process of group formation to establish remaining 18 SFACLs was already initiated in 18 VDCs. Some of the activities initiated in the second phase for the establishment of 18 SFACLs includes: VDCs profile preparation by the local volunteers with the guidance of Field Trainers, training and capacity development to the local members of SFACLs. Training and capacity development in the area of group formation, saving mobilization, BoD decision making and governance, inter-group formation, book-keeping and accounting, financial management, office management and other training as per requirement. Till date, NACCFL/SKBBL has covered a total 7671(42.57% against its target) households under the project districts with all 30 SFACLs. All the beneficiaries of SFACLs are female and out of which Dalit and Janajati were 19% and 25% respectively.

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These SFACLs have generatedNRs.17, 022,450 as internal resources and lend NRs. 25,870,000 till the reporting period (Annex 10).

Table 18: Status of establishment of SFACLs in the programme districts (first phase)

S.N. Name of District Name of VDC Status

1 Gulmi Rupakot Handover Completed Johang Handover Completed

2 Argakhanchi Kimdanda Handover Completed Aggha Handover Completed

3 Pyuthan Bijayangar Handover Completed Bijuwar Handover Completed

4 Rolpa Dubring Under replication Jhenam Under replication

5 Salyan Dhakadam Handover Completed Bhalchaur Handover Completed

6 Rukum Kholagaun Under replication Bijayashwori Under replication

Table 19: Performance of the NACCFL/SKBBL till FY 2014/2015

S.N. Indicators Target Progress Remarks 1 SFACLs handed over to community 30 8 22 Cooperatives are

under replication 2 No of Groups Formed - 1282 3 Total household/members covered 18000 7671 42. 57% against target 4 No of Shareholders - 5924 5 Internal Resources (NRs 000) 11687 6 Loan Disbursed (NRs 000) 28,381 7 Loan Collected (NRs 000) 3,508 8 Loan Outstanding (NRs 000) 24,873 Total Income (NRs 000) 22,175 Total Expenses (NRs 000) 2,161 Profit (NRs 000) 20,014

a. Strengthening SFACLs

Several capacity enhance trainings were conducted for recently established SFACLs for instances, micro-credit portfolio management, Business plan development etc. The detail of the training programme is provided in Table 20.

Table 20: Capacity enhancement training for SFACLs (FY 2014/2015)

S.N Description No. of the participants Remarks 1 Microcredit Portfolio Management 54 2 Account keeping 54 3 Business planning 60 4 Cooperatives 54 5 SFACL Management 95 Total 317

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The KUBK-ISFP also envisaged increase access to outreach of microfinance through non-cooperative model. The programme was designed to assist Development Banks and microfinance Institutions (MFIs) to set up a network of six branches and points of services or branchless microfinance activities based on mobile phone technology. As per the last supervision mission, this provision was dropped till the Midterm Review.

3.5 Component 4: Programme Coordination and Management

The PMO is mainly responsible for and undertakes a range of functions including planning and progress reporting; human resources management; capacity enhancement activities; coordinating with its implementing partners and other line agencies for effective implementation of programme activities; M&E and Knowledge management; and governance. The MoU between MoAD & implementing partners (NARC, Heifer International, AEC & SFDB/NACCFL) had successfully completed in the previous two years of programme implementation.

PMO had recruited TA Team, and support staffs through the recruiting company and most of the TA personnel had already assigned their work. However, the TA team under component 2 was fully staffed at the end of the FY 2014/2015.

During the reporting period, two Programme Steering Committee (PSC) meetings were organized and the first meeting held on 16th April 2015 had approved: (i) Establishment of separate work office for Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) at district levels (ii) to recruit 1 Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, 1 Contract and Procurement Officer from GoN and to contract 1 District Sub engineer in each programme district and Field Technical Mobilizer/Seed technician as per the requirement in the programme districts and (iii) to explore the possibility of FAO and other organizations for the implementation of FFS ToT. The latter meeting was held on 16th July 2015 and approved (i) to conduct FFS ToT on seed production in technical coordination with the facilitators from Seed Quality Control Centre (SQCC), Crop Development Directorate (CDD), Plant Protection Directorate (PPD) and related directorates (ii) to request NARC to provide necessary documents as per the IFAD procurement guidelines to PMO, KUBK before seeking for No Objection from IFAD (iii) to implement procurement of boar goat and semen in coordination with FAO and (iv) to direct related division of MoAD to forward the process on proposed Top up Loan (USD 5 million) as per the terms and condition resulting from the mutual understanding among MoAD, KUBK and SFDB.

During the reporting period, PMO had also organized annual review for the year 2013/14 and annual planning workshops for the year 2015/16. The outcomes of the planning workshops were later incorporated while proposing the AWPB for 2015/16.

PMO had published various communication materials about the programme and distributed to the concerned beneficiaries and stakeholders. Additionally, one documentary on KUBK activities in program districts had been prepared and shared.

In the year, 2014/15, mission fielded in between 17th March-2nd April, 2015 aiming to: (i) to review the overall performance of the programme and (ii) to assess the extent to which programme objectives are likely to be met. The mission concluded that the programme has not made any significant progress in disbursing funds but the programme is in the position to enhance implementation speed and suggested: (i) to expand the scope of the grants to include livestock production activities and introduce flexibility so as to ensure effective and efficient utilization and inclusion, (ii) to focus on capacity building, training and organizing of farmer field schools especially for livestock production activities and (iii) to develop outcome oriented Monitoring and Evaluation systems. Besides, the mission believed that with greater assumption of responsibility by

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the technical team, greater participation of the private sector and a proactive approach of implementation, the strong partnership approach adopted by the implementing agencies can still enable the programme to get on course to achieving its overall development objectives.

3.5.1 Progress on Human resources management

Human resource management is the crucial part for the effective and efficient implementation of programme activities and to deliver the technical knowhow as well as other knowledge base that required for the project client. Good human resource management strategy would lead the programme towards success by achieving its objectives. In the fiscal year 2014/15, the programme successfully recruited human resources under the component-2. Besides, the government deputed employees were also fully positioned.

The programme envisages utilizing a total of 7828.2 p-m of experts/technical service for successful implementation of the programme activities. Out of which the TA team consists of 6652.2 p-m of technical service including field level seed and livestock technicians and 1176 p-m of services allocated for management deputed from GoN/MoAD. Against this target, a total of 743.07 p-m (9.5%) expert/technical services are utilized till the reporting period. The details of human resources by technical field of services and input consumed against its input allocation are presented in Annex 7.

3.5.2 Status of the procurement

The KUBK-ISFP procured various types goods and services including civil works following Public Procurement Act-2063 and Public Procurement Regulation-2064 as well as IFAD financial regulation. The AWPB of FY 2014/2015 planned a total of NRs. NRs.96, 139,000.00 for procurement, out of this NRs. 29,390,000.00 allocated for goods and that of for services and civil works are NRs.11, 349,000.00 and 55,400,000.00 respectively. The purchased goods were furniture, laptops, desktop computers, printers, camera, Jersey semen etc. Similarly, the services related activities are recruitment of TA team under Component 2 and fulfill of a few vacant positions and goat and dairy value chain studies, KUBK Website design and Modification, FFS Manual preparation and publication, Accounting software design and Installation, Aide Management portal Webpage design and Installation and other small services related works etc. Likewise, the civil works consists of physical facilities for service centre under DADOs and DLSOs, Government Farm and regional seed labs.

A total of NRs.15461201.00 (52.60 % against its target) was spent for goods. Similarly, NRs. 5463020.00 (48.14% against its target) for services and 35266087.00 (63.65% of its target) was spent for services and civil works respectively. Thus, a total of NRs.56190308.00 (58.45% of its target) is spent for procurement. A detail of procurement is presented in Annex 4, Annex 5, and Anne 6.

3.6 Gender and social inclusion

Gender and Social Inclusion Approach has been considered as a cross cutting theme in all activities in the KUBK. The programme has expected to benefit poorest, Dalit, Indigenous People (IPs), Brahmin- Chhetri and remote dwellers at least 40%, 12%, 26%, 62% and 50% respectively from its activities. Of these, women would comprise 50% of the total beneficiaries.

The KUBK programme has covered 20,562 beneficiaries’ households (27% of target of its target) as of 15 July, 2015 (cumulative). Out of this women were 14785 (72%); Dalit

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2713 (13%), and Janajati- 4838 (24%).

In the Heifers’ program, a total of 6468 persons participated in the training and workshops. The involvement of females was 85% (5470) and that of males was 15 % (998). Similarly, Dalits were 18% (1176) and that of Janajati was 30% (1939). While others were 52% (3353).

3.7 Social and Environmental safeguard

The programme document clearly mentioned about the potential social and environmental impacts and their risk that may occurred during programme implementation. The principle social risk may arise benefiting elite groups provided for the poor, so that KUBK-ISFP aware to minimize such constraints by targeting programme activities to the participating farmers groups and cooperatives in its AWPB. The orientation programme about the benefits of the project and application procedures to apply for matching grant and competitive grant has conducted with the participation of the potential clients. Besides, such information is also disseminated through the mass media such as FM radios, brochures, booklets etc. Inclusion of disadvantaged people specially lower caste or minority ethnic participation and women participation may also minimize the social risk as previously mentioned.

The programme activities are not focused on large scale infrastructure development which required both Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). However, Small scale miro-irrigation scheme and collection centres are included in the programme activities, so that the programme will give due consideration against environmental effect arises from such sub-project activities including land acquisition problems. The public land provided by the local authority or purchased by the group or cooperatives will be used for construction of collection centers, irrigation schemes etc. Besides, environmental risks arises from use of increased level of agro-chemicals (Fertilizers and pesticides); increased level of goat population; and promotion of meat and dairy processing units will be overcome by supporting groups or cooperatives to adopt good practices for water and agro chemical management, construction of waste disposal facilities in each meat and dairy processing units, awareness program, efficient management of fodder, forage and pasture for goat production. The sustainable use of the forest and other resources will be the central to the Farmers Field Schools (FFS) established for recipients operating both improved seeds and livestock business.

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KUBK-ISFP has completed its third year of implementation from the date of its execution. The KUBK-ISFP has set up its management structure since its effectiveness in December 2012 and it achieved a number of start-up activities. The Programme is designed with the aims to support two key aspects of agriculture sector that limiting crops and livestock productivity, (i) improvement of formal seed (cereals and vegetables) sector, and (ii) improvement of smallholder’s livestock (goats and dairy animal) in order to increase income of the poor rural households. The project intends to achieve these key aspects by developing the partnership between farmer organizations, rural based cooperatives and the private sector. MoAD is the executing and implementing agency and Heifer International is a co-financier. Agro Enterprise Centre (AEC), Nepal Agricultural Cooperatives Central Federation Ltd. (NACCFL) and Small Farmer Development Bank (SFDB) also participated in the program as the implementing partners.

The programme envisaged that a total of 150,000 households from the programme districts including indirect beneficiaries from vulnerable groups are expected to be moved out of poverty. As a result of the investment in the seed and livestock industry, the potential impact on the wider farming community of the hills region is considered to comprise an additional 200,000 households from the programme and non-programme districts.

During this reporting period, the physical and financial progress of the programme was 80.46% and 55.21% respectively. The cumulative disbursement based on the AWPB of the programme is 8.08%, which includes beneficiary contribution NRs 8,616,657.34 (out of AWPB) as of 15 July, 2015. However, disbursement out of IFAD funds stands approximately at 9.7%. Thus, low disbursement rate alarmed the programme to take special strategy in the coming fiscal years towards the improving of programme cost and disbursement. The low financial progress were caused by: (i) pending of MOU between MOAD and Heifer International and it grounded the component 2; (ii) the absence of the PMO technical team and the PIUs at district level at the early years of the programme implementation. The WA No. 6 amounting sum of NRs. 117,359,199.06 (US $ 1,106,327.29) has submitted to IFAD for reimbursement.

The delivery of the grant both in Formal Seed Sector Development and Small holder livestock Development are the key output of the programme. In this regard, contract agreement for 95 subprojects (Seed production 88 and livestock 7) is completed during the reporting period. The agreed investment in the previously mentioned subprojects is NRs. 137.92 million. Out of total agreed investment NRs.133.40 (96.7%) for seed subprojects and NRs. 4.50 (3.3%) million for livestock subprojects. Moreover, out of total agreed investment grantees contribution is 51%.

The component 1 strategically focuses on formal seed sector development. During the reporting period a total 135 FFS on quality seed production demonstration and 39 participatory varietal trials (PVS) were implemented to disseminate new technology on improved seed production. Training for farmer's and technician were also conducted to capacitate them in production and quality control aspects. Similarly, orientation programmes were also conducted in all the target districts to make aware about the programme implementation strategy and matching grant scheme. Required foundation seed to produce TL seed was produced in NARC Farms/stations and DOA farm Palpa and Rukum.

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A total 134 proposals were received from the potential grantees in component one of which 126 were for seed production, 8 for agro-vets. Out of which 90 proposal were negotiated and agreed for implementation. Out of total 90 grant recipients, 63 grantees are farmers’ group, 27 are cooperatives. At the end of FY 2014/2015, total amount of agreed investment for subproject is NRs 136.9 million (grant- 48.6% and grantees contribution - 51.4%). KUBK-ISFP also supported for institutional capacity building of NARC, DOA farms, DADOs and Regional Laboratories for rehabilitation of Lab building/ laboratory facilities, buildings for Agriculture Service Center, storage house and vehicles for mobility.

Under Component 2, a total of 10 farmers groups were mobilized for breeder herds and in Gulmi and Arghakhachi districts. Pocket for multiplier herds were also selected in all programme districts. A total of 2000 breeding goats are selected for breeder herds. The farmer field school on goats is also initiated with the technical assistance of the Heifer International Nepal. For dairy productivity improvement, the cooperatives, farmers groups and lead dairy farmers are made oriented for making their milk being processed and taken to the market through formal channel. Livestock breed improvement training for both DLSOs technicians and officers were accomplished. Goat AI training for DLSOs technicians was also accomplished in India. A total of 28 persons were trained for goat FFS facilitator during the reporting period in Gulmi and Arghakhachi. For dairy productivity improvement both training events on “improved animal husbandry”, and “fodder and forage management” were organized and 300participants were capacitated.

As a part of technical intervention from Heifer, more than 27,000 goats were drenched against the internal parasites and PPR vaccination was done on 23125 goats. Goat security (Insurance) was done for 2846 goats and 57 bucks were distributed to 54 women groups and 2789 goats were distributed within the 1359 family as a passing on process for increasing their income. These groups are being provided technical assistance by 8 Technical coordinators (Veterinary JTA) and 18 community Agro-vet entrepreneur (CAVE). CAVES were also strengthened through 35 days VAHW and 7 days agriculture related trainings. Training of Trainers on (10 days) Cornerstone; self- helf group management; technical orientation on improved goat health and husbandry were also delivered to the project stakeholders under Heifer programme. There are 19 community facilitators (CFs) working in the field assisting the groups making effective mobilization.

In the Heifers’ program, a total of 6468 persons participated in the training and workshops. The involvement of females was 85% (5470) and that of males was 15 % (998). Similarly, Dalits were 18% (1176) and that of Janajati was 30% (1939). While others were 52% (3353).

The component 3 aims to strengthen local Institutions through various capacity development trainings and other activities and the thrust of the component 3 is to increase: (i) the access of non-financial services for potential agribusiness development focusing seed and livestock business and, (ii) the outreach of microfinance institutions.

KUBK-ISFP maintained smooth coordination with DADC including mission visits. Training events on “Agriculture planning and budgeting” were organized for VDC Secretary with the close coordination of the DADC and secretariat of DDC. Forty two agrovets working in the programme districts were trained on Agriculture and Veterinary Protocols.

AEC has successfully completed most of the activities as per AWPB of FY 2013/2014 against its target and physical and financial progress of the AEC is 67.78 and 60 respectively. The Investment Windows have provided counseling services for 729

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potential grant recipients’ about the KUBK-ISFP grant provisions and application procedures. Various nonfinancial activities were organized to facilitate the producers and traders linkages for example, orientation workshops on Business Plan preparation, producers -traders’ interaction meeting, public private dialogue for seed & livestock products marketing etc. A national level Seed Market linkage workshop is also accomplished. The buyback agreement was made for 230 mt. of seed. District Agriculture Market Information Service (AMIS) Centers under Investment Windows of each DCCI has installed and Agriculture market information specifically, market prices of 25 commodities are collected and disseminated fortnightly.

The SKBBL/ NACCFL have established 12 SFACLs in the first phase and these SFACLs have got legal identity under Cooperatives Act 2048 BS to operate saving and credit activities to their members. Out of 12 SFACLs established in the first phase, 8 SFACLs were handover to the community and process of group formation to establish remaining 18 SFACLs was already initiated in 18 VDCs. Members of SFACLs were trained focusing on saving mobilization, BoD decision making and governance, inter-group formation, book-keeping and accounting, financial management, office management and other training as per requirement were conducted. NACCFL/SKBBL has covered a total 7671(42.57% against its target) households. These SFACLs have generated NRs.17, 022,450 as internal resources and lend NRs. 25,870,000 till the reporting period.

Two Programme Steering Committee (PSC) meetings were organized to guide and facilitate programme implementation. The former PSC meeting approved the PMO proposal for: (i) the management of own Office space to the PIU, (ii) the provision of additional expert inputs and (iii) the exploration of possibility of FAO and other organizations for the implementation of FFS facilitator ToT. The latter meeting directed/guided, (i) to coordinate with various institutions under DOA to receive technical support for the implementation of FFS facilitator ToT, (ii) coordinate with NARC and support for procurement, (iii) coordinate with FAO and explore its capacity to supply/import Boer genetic materials and (iv) Planning and other related divisions under MoAD to forward the process for utilizing proposed Top up Loan (USD 5 million) to the Small Farmer Development Bank to on-lend to SFACLs operating in the programme districts.

The PMO had successfully recruited TA Team, and support staffs through the recruiting company and most of the TA personnel had already assigned their work. However, the TA team under component 2 was fully staffed at the end of the FY 2014/2015. The grant operating guideline and required template document for grant application were revised and approved from the PSC meeting and expected that it will fasten the grant processing time.

The AWPB of FY 2014/2015 planned a total of NRs. NRs.96, 139,000.00 for procurement and NRs.56190308.00 (58.45% of its target) is spent. The purchased goods were furniture, laptops, desktop computers, printers, camera, Jersey semen etc. Similarly, recruitment of TA team under Component 2 and fulfill of a few vacant positions; goat and dairy value chain studies; FFS manual preparation and publication, Accounting software design and Installation, Aide Management portal Webpage design and Installation and other small services related works etc. were completed successfully. Likewise, the civil works consists of physical facilities for service centre under DADOs and DLSOs, Government Farm and regional seed labs.

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 1: RB-AWPB Annual Progress Sheet (FY 2014/015) Conversion rate : 1 USD = Rs. 90.9

Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Component 1 - Purpose: Extension of formal seed sector : To increase production of Truthfully Labelled Improved seeds which are marketed within and beyond the target area

1. Seed production entering the formal marketing and distribution system within the programme area meets suitable Seed Replacement Rates 2. At least 15,000 farmers are organised in seed producer groups and are linked to the formal seed sector 3. At least 5 major national seed producing companies have established cereal and vegetable seed businesses in the programme area 4. National vegetables seed imports reduced by at least 20 percent and exports increased by at least 5 percent 5. At least 240,000 ha sown

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

with TL seed for cereals and vegetables 6. Cereal crop productivity in target area increases by at least 15 percent

Investment costs Sub-Component 1.1: Ensuring an Effective Enabling Environment 0

Output 1.1.1: Improving Policy and regulation

1 seed Act ammended and finalized


Activity Machineries for Agriculture Development Strategy support program

2 laptops, 2 multimedia, 1 photocopy machine, 1 fax, and 1 scanner supported

* PMO NA 8 8 NA 8.60 782 300.128 300.128

Activity level orientation workshop on Agriculture Development Strategy

1 Regional workshop organized * PMO 12 60000 7.26 660 0 0

Activity of web-portal related to Aide Management Portal to support ADS

1 web portal designed and functional

* PMO NA 1 1 NA 3.12 284 276.85 276.85

Activity Translation of ADS in Nepali language

ADS copy translated in Nepali language

* PMO NA NA 5.50 500 0 0

Activity Publication of ADS in Nepali and English

200 copy in English and 200 copy in Nepali language published

* PM0 NA NA 7.04 640 0 0

Total Budget output 1.1.1 31.53 2866 0 Output 1.1.2: Increasing the capacity of DADOs/PMO/Farm Centers

6 DADOs supported. 48 DADO staffs trained.


Activity Infrastructure support

3 Building construction of Agriculture Service senter supported

* * * PMO 6 2 2 210 198.02 18000 8290.66 8290.66

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Activity Infrastructure support

1 Budiling construction of ASC in Gulmi completed

* * * PMO NA 2 1 NA 38.50 3500 5319.034 2932.22

Activity Motorbikes

1 motorbikes for each programme districts and 2 for PMO component implementation.

* PMO 36 14 3 90 6.38 580 2870.7 554.7

Activity Office/ Field equipments and Furnitures

6 DADOs supported with one set of office equipments (ICTs) and furnitures

* * PMO 6 6 120 0.00 1530

Activity Construction of Screen house

1 Screen house and one Green house constructed

* PMO NA 1 1 NA 20.90 1900 1682.75 1682.75

Activity Trainings on Laboratory Operation and Management

1 Training on Laboratory operation and Management -2 RSTLs- 12 participants.

* PMO NA 1 1 90 6.60 600 444.99 444.99

Activity Trainings Field Inspection and quality control

1Training on Field inspection and quality control of seed crops- 2 RSTL-12 Participants

* PMO NA 2 1 NA 5.50 500 1758.26 275.3

Total Budget Output 1.1.2 275.91 25080 0

Output 1.1.3: Improving the Seed quality control systems

2 Regional Seed Testing Laboratories renovated and facilities updated. 24 staffs trained.

0.00 0

Strengthening Laboratary Bhairahawa and Nepalgunj

0.00 0

Activity Infrastructure support , equipments and Furnitures

2 RSTL supported with building construction of seed lab completed

* * PMO 3 1 100 220.02 20000 27679.42 15026.34

Activity Vehicles (Pick-up)

2 RSTL supported with a vehicle (four wheel pick up each)

* PMO 2 70 0.00 0 5790

Activity Vehicles for PMO 1 6350

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Total Budget Output 1.1.3 220.02 20000 0 Total Budget SC 1.1 527.46 47946 0

Sub-Component 1.2: Improved seed production

0.00 0

Output 1.2.1: Production of required foundation seed

7 centers from NARC and 4 Government farms will be strengthened with improved equipment and infrastructure. 70 farmer groups ( Average 25 members per group ) with contact farming.

0.00 0

Activity : Infrastructure for seed processing plant at NARC (Research Center related to seed processing)

1 Reaearch Station of NARC at supported with seed processing plant

* NARC 1 3 2 220 71.51 6500 8489.63 1489.63

Activity :Cereals foundation seed production

Cereal Foundation seed produced, 1. Rice-5Oha-National Wheat Research Program, Bhirahawa, 2. Wheat-50ha- National Wheat Research Program, Bhirahawa 3. Maize- 5O ha - National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan.

* * * NARC 1880 165 150 1128 99.01 9000 7583.1


Activity : Vegetables foundation seed production

Vegetable foundation seed produced, potato seed produced by Rukum farm- qtl. , othe vegetable- 2 ha; 2 ha- Government farrm , Palpa and different vegetalbes

* * * NARC/ GOV Farm 51 14 10 51 11.33 1030 1523.472


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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

in Vegetalble Research Farm Malepatan, Pokhara, Kaski. NARC- 3 Ha

Total Budget Output 1.2.1 181.85 16530 0

Output 1.2.2 : Strengthening Seed producer Groups and Cooperatives

400 Cereal seed producer groups (average 25 members) will be involved in supplying seed requirements .

0.00 0

Activity :Cereals seed production from existing groups

0.00 0

A. Group orentaion and start-up for new groups

30 Group orientation conducted

* * PMO 280 60 30 140 9.90 900 1632.01 712.18

A. Group orentaion and start-up for existing groups

45 group orientatin conducted * * * PMO 320 45 45 300 14.85 1350 1068.27 1068.27

B. Distribution of production materials ( 50 % grant)

12 group supported with production materials such as Improved Seed, Threshers, Power tillers etc on Matching grant scheme

* PMO 320 0 0.00 0 3785.875

Activity seed production from existing groups

0.00 0

A. Group orentaion and start-up fro new groups

30 Group orientation conducted

* * PMO 320 42 30 160 9.90 900 1080.111 712.179

A. Group orentaion and start-up for existing groups

45 group orientatin conducted * * * PMO 320 45 45 160 14.85 1350 1068.27 1068.27

B. Distribution of production materials ( 50 % grant)

12 group supported with production materials such as Improved Seed, Threshers, Power tillers etc on Matching grant

* PMO 320 0 0.00 0 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

scheme Matching Grant and Competitive grant for seed producer groups, cooperatives and seed company/entrepreneurs

60 producer groups supported and 4 seed company supported

* * * PMO NA 1 1 NA 795.71 72330 12492.41 12492.41

Matching Grant and Competitive grant for agrovets for supply chain management

10 Agrovet supported * * * PMO NA NA 82.51 7500 0 0

Activity Mapping of Seed producer groups, cooperatives and traders in the programme districts

1 study conducted related to mapping of seed sector

* PMO NA 1 NA 0.00 0 847.17

Activity Farmers Field school operation mannual preparation and publication

1 manual prepared * PMO NA 1 1 NA 9.79 890 689.99 689.99

Training for Trainers for Farmers Mobilizers

4 training conducted, 100 farmers mobilizers prepared

* PMO 6 0 150 41.80 3800 0 0

Activity Grant screening and Evaluation Committees

60 farmers groups, 4 seed company and 10 agrovets screend 2 evaluation committee formed,

0.00 0

A. Matching Grant Scheme * PMO 4 2 1 40 22.00 2000 1256.8 1000

B. Competitive Grant Scheme * PMO 2 2 1 40 7.70 700 1085.72 578.15

C. Cost related to screening and evaluation of proposals

* * * PMO 10 1 1 10 11.00 1000 653.39 653.39

D. Competitive Grant and matching Grant Scheme operating mannual publication with validation workshop

1 CGS & MGS operating mannual prepared

* PMO NA 1 0.00 0 844.67

Activity Study, Training and workshops 0.00 0

A. Study tour related to Seed development and Marketing of seed sector

* PMO NA 0 0.00 0 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

B. Training 0.00 0

C. Workshops (Central and district level)

1 central level workshop workshop conducted about the performance and effectiveness of the programme in seed sector.

* PMO NA 7 1 NA 5.50 500 2146.59 340.59

Activity Investment for cereal and vegetable seed producing companies (50% Grant)

1 seed company supported with competitive grant scheme.

* PMO 0 0 0.00 0 0

Total Budget Output 1.2.2 1025.52 93220 0

Total budget for sub-component 1.2 1207.37 109750 0

Sub component 1.3 Promoting Farmer demand for TL seed

30,000 smallholder household (5,00 per district will reach to use TL seed within project period

0.00 0

Outpur 1.3.1 Demonstration 0.00 0

Activity 1.3.1 .1 Demonstration through Farmers Field School by DADO staffs

60 Demonstration will be established (10 per district),

* * * DADO 1200 150 60 600 53.47 4860 9246.241 4070.905

Activity 1.3.1 .2 Demonstration through Farmers Field School by farmers facilitators

90 Demonstration will be established (15 per district),

* * * DADO NA 75 75 NA 75.25 6840 5250.51 5250.51

Total Budget Output 1.3.1 128.71 11700 0 Output 1.3.2 Participatory variety selection

39 PVS conducted in coordination with NARC.

* * NARC 270 57 39 270 35.64 3240 3666.81


Total Budget Output 1.3.2 35.64 3240 0 Total budget for subcomponent 1.3 164.36 14940 0

Total Investment costs of comp : 1 1899.2 172636 0 Recurret costs 0.00 0

A. Implementation Management 0.00 0

1.Technical Experts 0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

1.1 Seed Component Coordinator * * * PMO NA 13 12 NA 21.12 1920 1960 1820

1.2 District seed Coordinator * * * PMO NA 77 72 NA 47.52 4320 2621.98 2446.75

1.3 Engineer * * * PMO NA 13 12 NA 13.20 1200 1248.16 1170

1.4 Seed Assistant * * * PMO NA 154 144 201 39.60 3600 420.685 238.155

2. Other Administrative costs 0.00 0

2.1 Driver * * PMO NA 14 12 NA 2.64 240 260.27 234

2.2 Travel and per Diem 0.00 0

2.2.1 DADOs/RSTLs * * * DADOs/RSTLs NA 9 8 NA 13.20 1200 1748.13 1183.815

2.2.2 RADs * * * RADs NA 3 2 NA 4.40 400 500.04 300.045

2.2.3 PMO * * * PMO NA 2 1 NA 7.70 700 1650 700

3. office management and Veichle O&M for DADOs and Labs and RADs

* * * DADO/RAD/RSTL NA 11 10 NA 11.00 1000 742.30 482.6

Total recurrent costs 160.40 14580 0

Total Budget for Component 1: 2059.58 187216 0

Component 2 : Smallerholder Livestock Development : To improve Productivity of livestock systems which are more closely linked to markets

1. At least 550 dairy and goat new and existing groups supported by the programme [RIMS] 2. At least 80 % of the participating HHs have improved animals through breed improvement program 3. At least 60 % of dairy group HHs produce forage 4. At least 50 % dairy and goat HHs use stall-feeding

0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

5. 60 % of dairy groups and 25 % of goats groups are engaged in marketing activities.

PMO Part 0.00 0 Investment costs 0.00 0 1. Implementation Arrangement 0.00 0

Programs for DLSOs (goat pen consturction and forage plantation

1 1 0.00 541

1.1 Motorbikes for DLSOs/implementaion management(PMO)

1 motorbikes for each programme districts and 2 for PMO component implementation.

* PMO 11 16 8 0 0.00 0 1740

1.2 Equipments and furnitures for DLSOs

1 set of ICTs and furnitures for each DLSOs supported

* PMO 2 12 6 6 0.00 0 2340

1.3 Office equipments for Animal Breeding Division, NARC

1 Laptop and one Desktop computer supported

* PMO NA 4 2 NA 0.00 0 150

1.4 Machinaray support for NLBC, Pokhara

1 defrizer, 1 laminer airflow vertical, 1, milipore water filter ,2 Laptop , 2 printer supported

* PMO NA 7 7 NA 55.01 5000 1787.43 1787.43

1.5 Machinary support for DLSOs

4 liquid nitrogen container, 6 AI refri, 12 AI gun supported

* PMO NA 22 22 NA 12.10 1100 478.55 478.55

1.6 Building construction for service centers

2 service center building constucted * * * PMO NA 1 1 NA 132.01 12000 7339.78 7339.78

1.7 Vehicles for PMO to implement component

1 four wheel vehicle supported to PMO * PMO 1 1 1 63.81 5800 5790 5790

1.7 Goat pen construction at NARC station ( Bandipur)

1 pen constructed * * * NARC NA NA 110.01 10000 0 0

Total implementation managements 372.94 33900 0 Sub Component 2.1 Improving Dairy Productiviey

0.00 0

Ouptput 2.1.1 Breed Improvement 0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Activitiy Import of semen of Jersey cattle

7000 doze of semen imported * PMO 7000 7000 99.01 9000 4105.29 4105.29

Activitiy Idistribution of buffalo bulls

1 buffalo bull per district distributed * DLSOs 6 6 2.64 240 240 240

AI for dairy Cattle 600 cattle will be inseminated * * * DLSOs 600 600 1.65 150 150 150

Total output 2.1.1 103.30 9390 0 Output 2.1.2 Nutrition and Management 0.00 0

Activity : Mulato forage seed import from Thailand

200 kg os seed imported and distributed

* PMO 8.80 800 0 0

Activity : Group formation and mobilization

6 groups mobilized * DLSO 6 6 0.66 60 60 60

Activity : Establishment of Forage resource center

6 forage resource center established * DLSO 6 6 9.90 900 833.65 833.65

Activity : Winter forage demostration of berseem

6 demos conducted * DLSO 5 5 1.98 180 179.44 179.44

Activity : Extension of forage production

18 groups engaged in forage production * DLSO 18 18 1.98 180 180 180

Activity : Fodder tree nursery establishemnt

6 nursery established * DLSO 6 6 6.60 600 550 550

Activity : Fodder tree sapling Plantation in private lands

15 ha of provate land planted with fodder trees

* DLSO 15 15 1.10 100 100 100

Activity : Support supply for Chaffers

30 chaffers supported * DLSO 30 30 6.60 600 580 580

Total output 2.1.2 37.62 3420 0 Output 2.1.3 Improved veterinary services 0.00 0

Activity Training to Private paravets on entrepreunership development and capacity enhancement

1 training (10 person) conducted * PMO 1 1 2.64 240 200.57


Activity Support to private paravets

Paravets supported through competitive grant scheme

* PMO 1 1 14.85 1350 1128.2


Activity Support to VAHW for establishment of Vet

Establishment of vet shop through competitive grant

* PMO 3.17 288 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

shop scheme Activity Vaccination (HS/BQ/FMD)

1800 animals vaccinated * * * DLSO 1800 1800 1.16 105 105 105

Activity Parasite control

1500 animals with parasite control * * * DLSO 1500 1500 3.30 300 267.93 267.93

Activity Veterinary Camps

6 veterinary camps conducted * DLSO 6 6 3.96 360 350 350

Total output 2.1.3 29.08 2643 0 Output 2.1.4 Training and Workshops 0.00 0

Activity Training to dairy enterpreneur and diversification and developemnt

1 event with 15 participants, conducted for 5 days

* PMO 1 1 5.50 500 417.85 417.85

Activity Training to milk chilling operators

1 event with 6 participants, conducted for 5 days

* PMO 1 1 2.64 240 200.57 200.57

Activity Training on Livestock enterprise development and marketing to farmers

1 events with 20 participants conducted for 5 days

* PMO 1 1 5.50 500 417.85 417.85

Activity VAHW Training for 35 days

16 persons trained for 35 days * PMO 10.56 960 0

Activity District level workshop on Dairy Pocket mapping (identification) and VDC selection

6 workshops conducted * PMO 6 6 13.20 1200 1171.96



Activity District level orientation on dairy and goat program implementation approach

1 workshop conducted * PMO 1 1 5.50 500 486.82


Activity District level interaction on dairy enterprises and farmers for liquid milk marketing

6 workshops conducted * * * PMO 6 6 13.20 1200 1071.81



Activity Validation workshops on value chain study reports

1 workshop conducted * PMO 1 1 5.50 500 425.975 425.975

Activity Improved dairy management training for farmers

6 trainings conducted for 3 days

* DLSO 6 6 6.60 600 600 600

Activity One days workshop on

6 workshops conducted * DLSO 6 6 3.30 300 299.755 299.755

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Zoonotic disease management Activity Fodder forage management training to farmers

6 events conducted * DLSO 6 6 6.60 600 580 580

Activity Forage management and operational trainig to Nurcery Head

* DLSO 6 6 1.10 100 78 78

Activity Self help group management training (By community facilitators) for farmers

700 womens get trainings * DLSO 700 700 2.75 250 249.75 249.75

Activity Learning workshops

18 events conducted * * * DLSO 18 18 9.90 900 876 876

Activity Cornerstone training to womes groups

700 womens get trainings for 4 days * DLSO 700 700 5.50 500 490.173 490.173

Activity Gender trainings for farmers

35 events conducted * DLSO 35 35 2.20 200 172 172

Activity Participatory self review and planning in group level

35 events conducted DLSO 35 35 2.20 200 200 200

Activity Farmers Exposure visits 4 events conducted * * DLSO 4 4 13.20 1200 1198.71 1198.71

Total output 2.1.4 114.96 10450 0 Output 2.1.5 Milk market linkage development

0.00 0

Activity Support to Dairy entrepreneurs -competitive grant scheme

6 entrepreneurs supported * PMO 1 1 6.60 600 570.39


Activity Support of establish milk chilling vat (500 lt)- competitive grant scheme

6 vat supported * PMO 1 1 46.20 4200 100 100

Activity Dairy value chain study

1 study conducted for dairy value chain * PMO 1 1 22.00 2000 1993.32 1993.32

Total output 2.1.5 74.81 6800 0 Total budget for subcomponent 2.1 359.77 32703 0

Sub-Component 2.2 Improving Goat Productivity

0.00 0

Output 2.2.1 Breed 0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

improvement Activity Goar Breeder Farm Developent 2 VDC

2 breeder farm established PMO 0.00 0

A. Pocket Identification with resource person from NARC and DLS

2 pocket/VDC Selected * PMO 2 2 2.20 200 167.14


B. Group mobilization, 5 groups per districts 10 groups mobilized * PMO 10 10 1.10 100 83.57

83.57 C. Boar Buck Import (5 line boar buck)

20 boar buck imported * PMO 44.00 4000 0

D Boar Semen import (5 line)

2500 semen imported * PMO 22.00 2000 0

E. Productivity record management , stationery, tagging machine, ear tag, files etc

200 Households managed * PMO 200 200 4.40 400 334.28


F. Weighing Machine 10 machine distributed * PMO 10 10 3.30 300 250.71


G. Castrator machine 10 machine distributed * PMO 10 10 1.10 100 83.57

83.57 I. Training on Goat record Keeping management

2 days training, 6 events conducted * PMO 2.64 240 0

J. Data Analysis and Reporting

3 persons involved in fianlization of repors

* * * PMO 3.30 300 0

Activity Boar Multiplication, 6 districts, 1 in each districts

5 groups mobilized per district for development of boar fam in each district

0.00 0

A. Pocket Identification with resource person from NARC and DLS

12 pockets will be identified * PMO 10 10 2.64 240 200.57


B. Group Mobilization

5 groups mobilized per district for development of boar fam in each district

* PMO 25 25 3.30 300 250.71 250.71

C. Productivity record management, stationary, tagging machine, ear tag file etc.

600 households managed * PMO 600 600 6.60 600 501.42


D. Castrator machine 12 machine distributed * PMO 12 12 1.32 120 100.28


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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Total Output 2.2.1 97.91 8900 0 Outpur 2.2.2 Nutrition and management 0.00 0

Activity Fodder Demonstration 6 demos conducted * DLSO 6 6 1.65 150 150 150

Activity Fodder Production expansion to groups

90 groups expand the fodder production

* DLSO 90 90 1.98 180 180 180

Activity Fodder nurcery establishemnt

3 nurcery established * DLSO 3 3 3.30 300 300 300

Activity Fodder plantation on community and leasehold forest

3 events conducted in community and leasehold forest

* DLSO 3 3 1.65 150 150 150

Total Output 2.2.2 8.58 780 0 Output 2.2.3 Improved

Veterinary Services 0.00 0

Activity Goat Vaccination Program 750 goat vaccinated * * * DLSO 750 750 3.30 300 277.12 277.12

Activity Internal Parasite control program

750 goat controlled with internal parasite

* * * DLSO 750 750 3.30 300 249.469 249.469

Activity Veterinart Camp 3 Camps conducted * DLSO 3 3 1.98 180 180 180

Activity PPR Vaccinatin

6000 goat vaccinated with PPR

* * * DLSO 6000 6000 0.66 60 50 50

Activity Goat productivity improvement program

0.00 0

A. Goat shed improvement (Gulmi and Arghakhanchi)- MGS

100 shed improved * DLSO 100 100 5.50 500 500 500

B. Goat vaccination campain

1500 goat vaccinated * * * DLSO 1500 1500 1.10 100 100 100

C. Internal parasite control campain

1500 goat with internal paraisite controlled

* * * DLSO 1500 1500 1.65 150 150 150

D. Improved goat farming training ( on-site) 100 farmers trained * DLSO 100 100 1.10 100 100 100

Total Output 2.2.3 18.59 1690 0 Output 2.2.4 Training and workshops 0.00 0

Activity TOT and Cornerstone Training to DLSO staffs


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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Activity Livestock Breed Improvement Training for Technicians

20 stafffs trained for 5 days * PMO 1 1 4.40 400 310.82 310.82

Activity Cattle buffalo AI training for Technicians

18 staffs trained for 14 days * PMO 1 1 6.60 600 501.42


Activity Breed Improvement Training for Officers

18 staffss trained for 6 days * PMO 1 1 4.40 400 334.28


Activity Goat AI training for Technicians in India

12 staffs trained for 10 days * PMO 1 1 27.50 2500 1982.28


8 Total Outpur 2.2.4 42.90 3900 0

Output 2.2.5 Goat market linkage Developent

0.00 0

Activity Support to establishment of Livestock collection hub in district headquarters- MGS

3 hubs establishment supported

* PMO 1 1 16.50 1500 1253.55


Activity Training to meat entrepreneurs on Enterprise development

12 persons trained for 5 days * PMO 3.96 360 0

Activity Support to Meat enterpreneurs for enterprise enhancement-MGS

12 enterpreneurs supported * PMO 19.80 1800 0

Activity Goat value chain study 1 study conducted * PMO 1 1 22.00 2000 1988.8 1988.8

Total Output 2.2.5 62.27 5660 0

Output 2.2.6 Farmers Field School (FFS)

2 FFS in two district for breeder farm (Gulmi and Arghakhachi)

0.00 0

Activity FFS Facilitation Training ( for community facilitators)

2 events conducted 20 facilitators trained

* DLSO 2 2 1.32 120 120 120

Activity FFS center operation materail and technology support

4 facilitators supported * DLSO 4 4 6.60 600 600 600

Activity FFS support for one production year

4 FFS suupered for one production year * DLSO 4 4 5.83 530 408.7 408.7

Total Output 2.2.6 13.75 1250 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Programs Managed By Heifer 0

Investment costs 0

1 Implementation managements 0

1.1 Motorcyle 2 2 4.84 440 348 348

1.2 Laptop with software 2 nos Laptop with software * Heifer

2 2 2 0.02 2.20

200 186.45 186.45

1.3 Photocopy machine 0.00 0

1.4 Printer 4 in 1

2 nos 4 in 1 printer (printer, scanner, photocopier and fax)

* Heifer 2 2 2

0.02 1.56 142 142 142

1.5 Projectror 0.00 0

1.6 Digital camera 0.00 0

1.7 Furnitures 0.00 0

0.00 0

2. Goat Productivity Improvement Programme

0.00 0

Activities implemented by Heifer 0.00 0

A. N. G. O. Selection (6 unit) 0.00 0

B. Cornerstone Training (For Project Partner selection)

6 nos. partner will be selected * Heifer

2 1 1 0.02 4.95

450 450 450

C. Cornerstone TOT (Project Partner)

1 event training to PP staff * Heifer

2 1 1 0.02 3.85

350 350 350

D. Cornerstone Training (For District Govt. Offices)

1 event training * Heifer 2 1 1

0.02 2.75 250 249.503 249.503

E. Cornerstone Training (For KUBK staff - PMO team)

1 event training * Heifer 1 1 1

0.01 3.30 300 275.897 275.897

F. Self Help Group Management Training (Staff)

1 event training to PP staff * Heifer

2 1 1 0.02 3.85

350 350 350

G. Gender Training (Project Partner)

1 event training to PP staff * Heifer

2 0 0.02 3.85

350 0 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

H. V. D. C. Level basic surveys * Heifer

3 1 1 0.03 2.20

200 200 200

I. Animal Record File distribution

2000 animal record files will be publised * Heifer

13,000 2000 2000 143.01 0.55

50 27.12 27.12

J. Goat weighing machine

240 goat weighing machine will be purchased

* * Heifer 480 240 240

5.28 7.92 720 230.52 230.52

K. Technical Orientation for Program Coordinator and Technical Coordinator - 3 days

1 event 3 days orientation * Heifer

2 1 1 0.02 4.95

450 385.361 385.361

L. Technical Orientation on imp. Goat health & husbandary for Govt. Veterinarary Staff - 2 days

1 event 2 days orientation * Heifer

2 1 1 0.02 4.95

450 450 450

M. Goat Enterprise Devt. Training for PC, TC and CF - 5 days

1 event 5 days training * Heifer

2 0 0 0.02 8.80

800 0 0

0.00 0

N. Project Partner Mobilization (6 nos) 0.00 0

O. Group formation and mobilization (48 groups) 0.00 0

P. Self Help Group Management Training (Farmers)

Training to 48 group 1,200 members * * Heifer/Project


96 48 48 1.06 2.95

268 187.847 187.847

Q. Cornerstone Training (Stakeholders)

1 time training each for 6 PPs * * Heifer/Project


12 8 8 0.13 3.30

300 267.238 267.238

R. Cornerstone Training (Women Group) Original

Training to 48 group 1,200 members * * Heifer/Project


96 48 48 1.06 5.32

484 454.01 454.01

S. Cornerstone Training (Male)

Training to 450 members * * Heifer/Project


160 0 1.76 2.68

244 0 0

T. Cornerstone Training (Youth)

Training for 300 members * * Heifer/Project


60 5 5 0.66 1.89

172 17.067 17.067

U . District coordination meeting & District Project Advisory Committee formation

1 time meeting each for 6 PPs * * Heifer/Project


12 8 8 0.13 0.99

90 90 90

V. Project Implementation and Monitoring Committee / Project Management Committee

1 time meeting each for 6 PPs * * Heifer/Project


12 6 6 0.13 0.40

36 34.6 34.6

W. Project monitoring and meeting * * Heifer/Project


140 11 11 1.54 0.61

55 55 55

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

X. DPAC - District Project Advisory Committee meeting & monitoring report presentation

1 in each district * * Heifer/Project Partner

14 0

0.15 0.55 50 0 0

Y. Participatory Self Review and Planning (Farmers)

PSRP 1 time in each group * * Heifer/Project


480 48 48 5.28 0.79

72 72 72

Goat Breed Improvement Programme

0.00 0

Goat 2500 goat for 1000 families * Heifer/Project


7,200 2500 2500 79.21 165.02

15,000 15000 15000

Breeding Buck * Heifer/Project Partner

600 150 150

6.60 33.00 3,000 2587.413 2587.41

3 Freight for Goat and Buck For 2650 animals * Heifer/Project


7,800 2650 2650 85.81 7.29

663 663 663

Goat Feed and Management 0.00 0

Fodder and Forage distribution 5 each in 6 VDC * * Heifer/Project


480 30 30 5.28 8.25

750 658.085 658.085

Goat Insurance For 2650 animals * Heifer/Project Partner

7,800 2650 2650

85.81 19.80 1,800 1800 1800

Microscope/Castrator/Cool Box For 18 CAVE * Heifer/Project


36 18 18 0.40 4.75

432 426.916 426.916

Veterinerary medicine fund For 18 CAVE * Heifer/Project


36 18 18 0.40 5.94

540 539.8 539.8

Animal Health Service improvement 0.00 0

Community Agriculture & Veterinerary Entrepreneur (CAVE) Training

For 18 CAVE * * Heifer/Project Partner

36 18 18

0.40 15.84 1,440 1098.667 1098.66


Anthelmentics for Goat For 18 CAVE * Heifer/Project Partner

60,000 20000 20000

660.07 6.60 600 415.811 415.811

Vaccination for Goat * Heifer/Project Partner

60,000 20000 20000

660.07 2.20 200 150.98 150.98

Farmers Training 0.00 0

Improved Animal Management & sensetization on Ent. Dev. - 4 days - Original Group

1 event for 4 days each in 48 group * * Heifer/Project


96 48 48 1.06 9.02

820 337.725 337.725

Improved Animal Management Training - 3 days

1 event for 3 days each in 48 group * * Heifer/Project


96 0 1.06 0.79

72 0 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Fodder and Forage related training

1 event each in 48 group * * Heifer/Project


96 54 54 1.06 0.79

72 72 72

Farmers Exposure visit (35 person per trip) * Heifer/Project


210 0 2.31 14.96

1,360 0 0

Project Partners Management Cost 0.00 0

Travel (TOT, Training, Staff, facilitator etc) - 6 PP

For 6 PPs * * Heifer/Project Partner

36 6 6

0.40 11.88 1,080 809.686 809.686

Project Partner Staff remuneration cost (Program Coordinator, Technical Coordinator, CAVE, Comm. Facilitator, Accountant) - 6 PP

For 6 PPs * * Heifer/Project Partner

36 6 6

0.40 43.63 3,966 3591.597 3591.59


Administration Cost - 6 PP For 6 PPs * * Heifer/Project


36 6 6 0.40 16.50

1,500 1475.056 1475.056

Recurrent costs 0.00 0

1. Technical experts 0.00 0

Technical Support and other subject matter specialist

0.00 0

Goat Specialist For 12 months * * * Heifer 42 12 12

0.46 14.85 1,350 1062.925 1062.92

5 Admin. And Finance Officer For 12 months * * * Heifer

42 12 12 0.46 13.21

1,201 568.825 568.825

Country Director For 12 months * * * Heifer 42 12 12

0.46 2.18 199 199 199

Program Director - KUBK Focal Person For 12 months * * * Heifer

42 12 12 0.46 3.33

303 303 303

Program Director - Field For 12 months * * * Heifer 42 12 12

0.46 4.45 404 404 404

Animal Well Being Manager For 12 months * * * Heifer

42 12 12 0.46 2.88

262 262 262

Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Manager For 12 months * * * Heifer

42 12 12 0.46 1.98

180 180 180

Program Officer For 12 months * * * Heifer 42 24 24

0.46 8.16 742 482.57 482.57

Breeding Expert For 12 months * * * Heifer 42 12 12

0.46 4.83 439 439 439

Program Manager - Field - Nepalgunj For 12 months * * * Heifer

42 12 12 0.46 4.39

399 399 399

Finance Manager For 12 months * * * Heifer 42 12 12

0.46 1.56 142 142 142

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Training Manager For 12 months * * * Heifer 42 12 12

0.46 2.39 217 217 217

2 Other operational costs 0.00 0

Monitoring from MOA and related offices * Heifer

2 0 0.02 1.10

100 0 0

Travel Expense (Heifer) For 12 months * * * Heifer 42 12 12

0.46 24.63 2,239 1903.385 1903.38

5 Administrative Expense (Heifer) For 12 months * * * Heifer

42 12 12 0.46 3.41

310 310 310

Total budget managed by Heifer 539.65 49055 0 Total budget sub component 2.2 783.66 71235 0

Total Investment costs 1516.37

137838 0

Recurrents costs * * * 0.00 0 a. Livestock coordinator For 12 months * * * 1 1 14.96 1360 140 140

b. Animal Health and Developent expert For 12 months * * * 1 1 10.56 960 46 46

c. Dairy Development expert For 12 months * * * 1 1 10.56 960 46 46

d. Goat developemnt expert For 12 months * * * 2 2 21.12 1920 46 46

e. Goat Assistant For 12 months * * * 15 15 39.60 3600 423.33 423.33

f. Dairy Assistant For 12 months * * * 10 10 26.40 2400 324.997 324.997

g. Other2 costs For 12 months 0.00 0

i. Field monitoring and travel expenses for RDLS and DLSOS

6 DLSOs and 2 RLSDs supported * * * 1 1 13.20 1200 985.96 985.96

ii. Office operation and maintenance expenses for RDLS and DLSOs

7 DLSOs and 2 RLSDs supported * * * 1 1 8.80 800 752.678 752.678

iii. Field monitoring and travel expenses for PMO

* * * 1 1 7.70 700 651.05 651.05

Total Recurrent costs 152.92 13900 0

Total costs for Component 2 1669.28 151738 0

0.00 0 Local Entrepreneurship and Institutional

1. Strengthening of participating local institutions through

0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Development training: (a) participating VDCs - 50 %; (b) participating Production groups and Cooperatives – 70% ; (c) participating Agrovets – 80%. At least 50 % of groups formed/strengthened with women in leadership position At least 80 % of members of new SFACLs and bank branches access production loans At least 5 multi-stakeholder platforms functioning in the programme area.

A. PMO Part 0.00 0 Investment costs 0.00 0 1. Implementation Management 0.00 0

1.1 Vehicle (4*4 pick-up) 1 vehicle supported to implement PMO Component

* PMO 1 1 35 0.00 0 2895

1.2 Office equipments and furnitures

ICT materials and 5 set of furnitures supported

* PMO 4 5 28 0.00 0 1050

SC 3.1 Institutional strengthening 0.00 0

Output 3.1.1 Strengthening of District Agriculture Development Committee

6 DADCs will be involved in the programme activities

0.00 0

Activity Workshop/training on Planning of Agricullture sector inclusion at local level

6 DADCs , one in each progrdam districts will be involved in the workshop

* * PMO NA 9 6 NA 26.40 2400 2573.98 1414.85

Output 3.1.2 Strengthening of Vilage Development

0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Committees Output 3.1.3 Strengthening of Agrovets : Training related to Agriculture and veterinary protocals, Agriculture/livestock activities/ AI/ Healthmanagemens

2 events conducted, 40 Participants from agrovets trained

* PMO NA 2 2 11.00 1000 738.57 738.57

Output 3.1.3 Strengthening of Farmers group/cooperatives

0.00 0

Activity Training on Benefit- Cost Analysis of a Agri-business (3 days)

6 training eventsconducted one in each district, 25 member in each training, praticipants from farmers group and cooperatived

* * PMO 334 9 6 0 19.80 1,800 1407.59 1011.52

Activity Training on Business Management (3 days), Business development (3 days), Account and Book-Keeping Operation (3 days), Financial and cash flow management (3 days)

6 training eventsconducted one in each district, 25 member in each training, praticipants from farmers group and cooperatived

* * PMO 24 9 6 0 19.80 1800 1445.032 1021.416

Activity Training on Gender and social Inclusion (2 days)

54 training events conducted 5 in each district, 25 member in each training, praticipants from farmers group and cooperatived

* * * PMO 312 69 54 0 23.76 2160 2627.49 1779.49

Activity Office Management Support to Groups and Cooperatives

* PMO 70 5 0 0.00 0 490

SC 3.2 Access to Non- Financial Services 0.00 0

SC 3.3 Increasing Outreach of

Microfinance Institutions 0.00 0

Output 3.3.1 SFACLs/ NACCFL/ SFDB Model development and

0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

strengthening Output 3.3.2 Non-cooperative Model development and strengthening

0.00 0

Activity Feasibility study on the access to the rural microfinance and other financial institutions

1 study conducted to access the rural microfinance sector

* PMO 1 0.00 0 2277.401

Activity Validation workshop on the feasibility study

1 validation workshp of the study * PMO NA 0 NA 0.00

- 0

Recurrent costs 0.00 0 1 Implementation Management 0.00 0

1.1 Cross component/ Local entrepreneurship developemnt coordinator

1 full time Local intrepreneurship developemnt coordinator recruited

* * PMO 84 12 12 0 21.12 1920 1820 1820

1.2 Driver * * PMO NA 12 12 NA 2.64 240 260.274 234

1.3 Monitoring and evaluation for PMO * * PMO NA 1 1 NA 6.60 600 1303 500

Total Budget managed by PMO (Comp 3) 131.13 11,920 0

Total budget Sub Comp 3.1 131.13 11,920 0

AEC Part 0.00 0 Investment costs 0.00 0 1 Implementation managements 0.00

- 0

0.00 0

1.1 Motorcyle AEC 7 7

1,470 0.00 - 1411.3

1.2 Laptop with software AEC 14 7 1,700 0.00

- 609.91

1.3 Photocopy machine AEC 1 1 150 0.00

- 149.9

1.4 Printer

7 printers will be procured and be placed at 6 Iws and PMO

AEC 7 7 7 350 3.85

350 348.6 348.6

1.5 Projectror AEC 1 1 60 0.00

- 74.015

1.7 Furnitures AEC 3 3 0.00 175

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

300 -

1.6 Digital camera AEC 7 7 175 0.00

- 298.772

1.8 HD Movie Camera

1 HD movie Camera will be Procured and be placed at PMO

AEC 1 1 1 100 1.10

100 100 100

1.9 Digital SLR Camera

1 Digital SLR camera will be procured and be placed at PMO

AEC 1 1 1 80 0.88

80 80 80

AEC 0.00 0 SC3.2 Local Entreprenuireship and Institutional Development

AEC 0.00 - 0

Output 3.2.1 Activities to be carried out by AEC

Investment window at DCCI will be operational @ 6 per district

AEC 0.00 - 0

Activity expenditure (Conditional) AEC 0.00

- 0

Activity Formal Seed Sector Support Programme

AEC 0.00 - 0

Activity Disttrict level Orientation Programme

AEC 24 6 3250 0.00 - 268.77

a. Entrepreneureship Develoment Meetings AEC 0.00

- 0

Farmers/Cooperatives business planning meeting

720 memebers from diffirent producer groups or coops will be oriented on Business plan development in 6 project districts

AEC 42 12 6 3000 3.30 300 454.105 276.21

Farmers/Cooperative and Business Community joint meetings

720 participants from producer groups and trader groups in 6 project districts will interact on production and market potentialities

AEC 42 12 6 3000 3.30 300 481.827 300

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Buy-back arrangement Facilitation meeting

75 Buy back agreements will be signed between producer groups and traders in 6 project districts

AEC 42 12 6 3000 3.30 300 482.153 290.86

Investment Window Establishment AEC 6 6 1500 0.00

- 1457.746

Private sectors investment promotion on quality seed production and processing workshop

12 new farmers initiated commerial seed enterprise or farming in 6 project districts

AEC 42 1 1 1450 2.20 200 200 200

Travel and trips to Identify potentiial Investors within and outside of the country

10 participants (Farmers-4, PMO-1, AEC-3, DCCI-2) will visit to India and Bangladesh to identify potential buyer or collaborater from private sector

AEC 3 7000 22.00 2,000 0 0

Cross country buyer seller meetings

9 participants (Farmers-2, PMO-1, AEC-3, DCCI-2, MoAD-1) will participate in an interaction meeting with potential buyes and sellers in India and Bangladesh

AEC 6 13500 16.50 1,500 0 0

Private sectors investment promotion on livestock production, processing and marketing workshop

12 new farmers initiated commerial livestock farming in 6 project districts

AEC 6 1 1 3600 5.50 500 490.19 490.19

Participation in PPD to develop market links of identified commodities by the project organized by PMO

Partiipation of 50 stakeholders in a central level PPD on policy issues regarding seeds and livestock/dairy sector organized by PMO at Butwal

AEC 6 7100 11.00 1,000 0 0

Development Model of 610 business plan AEC 6 17500 27.50 0 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Business planning, operational planning and sustainability planning of private investor , processors, cold storage etc.

for grant financing prepared and submitted to PIU in 6 project districts


Entrepreneureship Development AEC 0.00 0 0

Capasity assessment of District chamber of Commerce and Industries

6 DCCIs existing institutional capacity assessed in 6 project districts

AEC 12 1500 7.70 700 0 0

Capasity Developemnt trainings on office management, book keeping, leadership development on agri-business promotion etc as identified by the capsity assessment

Capacity development training will be organized to 24 participants from DCCI based on the capasity assessment report at Butwal

AEC 6 3600 5.50 500 0 0

Capasity assessment of District chamber of Commerce and Industries

18 participants from 6 DCCIs will be trained to operate AMIS/ IW effectively at Butwal

AEC 0.00 - 0

Investment window operation Trainning to

DCCI personnel

3 Trimester reviews on progress will be organised and planning for next trimester developed at Butwal

AEC 3 1 1750 5.50 500 352.176 0

Inter districts planning and coordination meeting

10 participants (Entrepreneurs-4, PMO-1, AEC-2, DCCI-2, MoAD-1) will travel to India and Bangladesh to have interaction with different entrepreneurs

AEC 18 1 1 8100 13.20 1,200 270.94 270.94

Exposure Visit AEC 3 8500 27.50 2,500 0 0

Policy Advocasy Participation of 50 AEC 0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Programme stakeholders in central level PDD organized at Kathmandu and to identify issues related to seed and livestock/dairy sector


Policy based suggessions on potential seed and diary subsector (workshop)

180 stakeholders will participate in district level PPD in 6 project districts

AEC 7 1 1 4000 5.50 500 500 500

District level Public Private Dialogue

20 stakeholders will participate in central level PPD in Kathmandu

AEC 42 12 6 4700 6.60 600 1082.58 580.39

Central Level Public Private Dialogue AEC 7 4000 5.50

500 0 0

Investment window operation and management guideline

AEC 1 1 300 0.00 - 252.013

Buy back agreement facilitation guideline

7 sets of accessiories installed in AEC and 6 project districts

AEC 1 1 300 0.00 - 270.24

Establishment of District Information Centers

Price of 25 seed commodities and live goat from 24 different markets will be disseminated via AMIS (bi-weekly basis) in 6 project districts

AEC 6 12 6 1200 13.20 1,200 2361.595 1200

Operation of District AMIS AEC 6 6 6 14400 26.40

2,400 2261.73 2261.73

Business plannig development trainings AEC 4 4600 0.00

- 0

Market linckage development training

240 participants from farmer groups/cooperatives and traders will be trained on business plan development in 6 project districts

AEC 4 4600 0.00 - 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Investment window operation training

60 producer groups/traders/agro-vets representatives will participate in district level agro-fair to promote their products in 6 project districts

AEC 6 6 6 7200 9.90 900 753.26 753.26

District level agro-fairs

Selected 12 lead farmers/traders/agro-vets will participate in regional/national agro fair

AEC 36 6 6 13800 23.10 2,100 1782.08 1782.08

Participation in Regional , national and international agro-fairs

AEC 6 10900 13.20 1,200 0 0

Recurrent cost AEC 0.00 - 0

Technicians and other subject matter specialists AEC 0.00

- 0

Central level project coordinators' salary AEC 83 22 12 11472 17.33

1,575 2636.787 1491.2

District Agri-Business Development Advisors' salary

AEC 486 84 72 34093.5 51.98 4,725 5831.007 4725

Adminstrative and utility expesnes AEC 0.00

- 0

Chief executive Officer's slary AEC 7.2 13 12 1709.82 2.43

221 430.5 220.5

Deputy Director (Incormation Center) salary

AEC 14.4 14 12 1465.56 2.08 189 282.079 188.62

Senior Finance Manager's salary AEC 14.4 14 12 732.78 1.04

95 184.5 94.5

Monitoring and travel cost to AEC AEC 7 1 1 10500 14.30

1,300 2329.043 1300

Monitoring and travel cost to mininstry, deparments and other government agencies

AEC 7 2 1 10500 2.20 200 247.685 68.5

Operation and repair maintinance expenses to AEC

AEC 7 2 1 9100 12.10 1,100 1673.057 647.42

Management cost to AEC AEC 2 1 15062.7 33.00

3,000 4850 3000

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

0.00 0

Total Budget Managed by AEC (COMP 3) 399.71 36,334 0

SFDB Part 0.00 0 Investment costs 0.00 0 1 Implementation managements 0.00 0

1.1 Motorcyle * SFDB 840.00 0 0% 0 0% NA 0.00 827

1.2 Laptop with software * SFDB

240.00 4 100% 100


2.64 0.00 300

1.3 Photocopy machine SFDB 0 0 0% 0 0.00 0

1.4 Printer * SFDB 60.00 1 33% 33%

0.66 0.00 60

1.5 Projectror SFDB - 0 0.00 0

1.6 Digital camera SFDB - 0 0.00 0

1.7 Furnitures * SFDB 300.00 2 67% 67%

3.30 0.00 300

SC 3.3 Increasing outreach of Microfinance Institutions

0.00 0

Output 3.3.1 SFACLs/NACCFL/SFDB Model development and strengthening

30 SFACLs will be organized and functinal. 3 NACCFL personnel will be trained.

SFDB 0.00 0

Activity Establishement cost of SFACLs

0.00 0

Activity Training/capacity buildings of SFACLs

0.00 0

Accounting Training 0.00 0 Microcredit Portfolio Management 0.00 0

Business Planning 0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Training Recurrent costs 0.00 0 1. Technical experts 0.00 0

1.1 Lead trainer * * SFDB 7560 13.5 5% 13 5% 12.87 1,170.00

1493 1170

1.2 Field trainer * * SFDB 9072 29 15% 26 15% 15.45 1,404.00

1454 1260

2 Other operational costs SFDB 0.00 0

2.1 Monitoring and evaluation for SFDB * * * SFDB 500 2 100

% 1 100% 9.90

900.00 1042 900

2.1 Monitoring and evaluation for Ministry and PMO staffs

* * * SFDB NA 1 100% 100

% 0.00 - 37

2.3 Operational maintenance and fuel costs for SFDB

* * * SFDB 500 2 100% 1 100

% 3.30 300.00 300 300

2.4 SFDB Management costs * * * SFDB 1261 2 100

% 1 100% 5.50

500.00 1239 500

Total budget managed by SFDB 47.02 4,274.00


NACCFL Part 0.00 0 Investment costs 0.00 8344.57 1 Implementation managements 0.00 0

1.1 Motorcyle * 0.00 0 1.2 Laptop with software * 0.00 0

1.3 Photocopy machine 0 0.00 0

1.4 Printer * 0.00 0

1.5 Projectror - 0.00 0

1.6 Digital camera - 0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

1.7 Furnitures * 0.00 0

SC 3.3 Increasing outreach of Microfinance Institutions 0.00 0

Output 3.3.1 SFACLs/NACCFL/SFDB Model development and strengthening

30 SFACLs will be organized and functinal. 3 NACCFL personnel will be trained.

0.00 0

Activity Establishement cost of SFACLs

30 SFACLs will be established and functinal.

* * NACCFL 30 30 100% 18 100

% 165.016

5 99.01 9,000.00

9000 9000

Activity Training/capacity buildings of SFACLs

0.00 0

Accounting Training

2 events conducted and 40 SFACLs presond trained

NACCFL 10 2 0% 2 0% 9352.00 5.81 528 528 528

Microcredit Portfolio Management

2 events conducted and 40 SFACLs presond trained

NACCFL 10 2 0% 2 0% 4676.00 4.36 396 396 396

Business Planning Training

2 events conducted and 40 SFACLs presond trained

* * NACCFL 24 2 0% 2 0% 4676.00 5.78 525 524.8 524.8

ExposureVisit to Cooperatives

2 events conducted and 50 SFACLs presond will get chance to visit to successful and established SFACL

2 2 0.00 15.40 1400 1400 1400

Recurrent costs 0 1. Technical experts 0.00 0 1.1 Lead trainer * * 0.00 0

1.2 Field trainer * * NACCFL 84 14.5 15% 13 15% 4536 7.15 650.00 630 630

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

2 Other operational costs 0.00 0

2.1 Monitoring and evaluation for NACCFL

* * * NACCFL NA 2 100% 1 100

% 7000 15.40 1,400.00

1400 1400

2.1 Monitoring and evaluation for Ministry and PMO staffs

* * * NACCFL NA 1 1 3.30 300.00 18.2 18.2

2.3 Operational maintenance and fuel costs for SFDB

* * * NACCFL NA 0.00 - 0

2.4 NACCFL Management costs * * * NACCFL 1 2 100

% 1 100% 15 16.50


1499.2 1499.2

Total Budget Managed by NACCFL 172.71 15,699.0


Total budget SC 3.3 619.44 56,307.0


Suplementary Funding (Top-Up) 0

A. Investment costs 0 a. Machinaries (Printer 1, Laptops 3, Photocopy machine 1, Camera, 2, Scanner 1

* * PMO 8 8 630.00 574.605 574.605

a. Furnitures sets * * PMO 3 3 450.00 450 450

B, Recurrent programs 0

1. Regional and Central level workshop on microfinance

1 regional workshop conducted

* * PMO 6 1,000.00


2 CO Capacity building Program 0

a. Training of PO, SPOs and

3 training conducted, first on revolving

* * PMO 1,200.00


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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

PMs on revolving fund management,

Loan management,

risk assessment,


fund management, second on Loan management and third on risk assessment

b. Preparation of Guidelines for revolving

fund management

1 revolving fund management guideline prepared and functional

* * PMO 800.00 0

3 Technical Expert 0

a. Financial Service Officer * * PMO


0 0

b. Assistant Financial Service Officer

480.00 0 0

4 Othe Administrative Costs


a. Monitoring and Evaluation * * * PMO

500.00 500 500

b. Maintenance costs * * * PMO

600.00 300 300

Total budget supplementary Financing 7,100.00


Total budget Component 3 828.68 75,327.0


0.00 0 0.00 0 Component 4 : Programme 0.00 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

Coordination and Managemnt. Investment costs 0.00 0 Vehicles and Equipment 0.00 0

1. vehicles (4×4) 2 four wheel vehicle procured * PMO 4 3 240 0.00 0 11226

2. Motor bike for messanger

7 motorbike procured * PMO 2 7 5 0.00 0 1447.3

3. Office equipment and furniture

20 set of furnitures and 52 ICTs and office euiopment procured

* * PMO NA 104 51 NA 68.21 6200 11218.199 3368.19


Sub-total (A) 68.21 6200 0 Planning, Studies, Training and Technical support

0.00 0

1. Planning and orientation 0.00 0

1.1 Planning and Review meetings

4 Planning and review meeting conducted

* * * PMO NA 8 4 NA 17.60 1600 2823.343 1050

1.2 Publication of Anuual /Trimister progress report

3 times progress report published * * * PMO NA 4 3 NA 9.90

900 456.09 247.21

1.3 Preparation of programme review mission (with logistics)

* * * PMO NA 5 3 NA 3.30 300 482.62 182.62

1.4 Programme steering committee meetings 3 PSC Meeting held * * * PMO 9 5 1 27 3.30

300 600 200

1.5 Programme website update and modification * PMO 4 2 1 4 3.30

300 67.8 67.8

1.5 Officer level training on seed (Seed vision, seed act and regulations)

1. Training on Prevailing Acts, Rules, Regulation and seed vision 2025 to officers. (DADO-12, SQCC-2, PMO-4, RSTL-4, CDD-4 participants). 2. Training on Prevailing Acts, Rules, Regulation and seed vision 2025 to Assistant level. (DADO-12, SQCC-2, PMO-4,

* * PMO NA 2 0.00 - 1713.709

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

RSTL-4, CDD-4 participants). 3. Training on Prevailing Acts, Rules, Regulation and seed vision 2025 to Cooperatives, Agrovets, seed companies etc.. (Cooperatives-12, Agrovets-6, Seed companies-6 participants)

2. Studies and TA supports 0.00 0

2.1 Baseline survey (with RIMS Survey)

1 Baseline survey with RISM Survey conducted

* PMO 3 1 150 0.00 0 2791.777

2.2 Accounting software design

Talley software designed * PMO NA 1 1 NA 3.30

300 288.15 288.15

2.3 Social and geographic mappic of programme area through GIS

Gerographic mapping of thee programme area conducted through GIS.

* PMO NA 1 NA 0.00 - 290

Sub-total B 40.70 3700 0 Monitoring & Evaluation and Knowledge managemnt

0.00 0

A. National and District launch workshop 7 7 0.00 1508

B. Interproject coordinaiton and cooperation meeting among MOAD Projects

1 events and 50 participant at contral level

* PMO 6 1 1 400 290 290

C. Programme M&E update and modification

Programme M&E framework updatd=ed and modified

* PMO NA 2 1 10.89 990 60 0

D. Communication materials and dissemination

5 types of Communication materials of the programme prepared, published and disseminated

* * PMO 21 12 5 63 5.50 500 2075.793 198.82

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

E. Program related to media communication (radio, tv , newspaper awareness)

15 events conducted * * * 15 15 3.30 300 215 215

F. Program relaed video documentary production 0.00 0

G. National stakeholder workshop on M&E/KM

1 National level workshop on M&E/KM Conducted

* PMO 6 0 30 6.60 600 0 0

H. District level training /workshop on M&E/KM

6 district level workshop on M&E/KM Conducted

* * PMO 36 36 19.80 1,800 0 0

I. Travelling Seminar for knowledge sharing about programmes between Journalists and other stakeholders

3 travelling seminars for knowledge sharing between stakeholders and Journalist conducted

* * PMO NA NA 0.00 0 0

Sub-total (C) 50.50 4590 0 Financial control and Governance 0.00 0

A. Anticorruption action plan 0.00 0

B. Support action for governance : Training to program districts accountant and admins relared to fianancial management and governance

1 eventss 18 participants trained * 5.50 500 0 0

Audit 0.00 0 Total cost D 5.50 500 0

Total investment costs 164.91 14990 0 Recurrent costs 0.00 0 1 Technical expert 0.00 0

1.1 M&E and KM officer * * * PMO 84 4 4 126 15.84 1,440 455.89 455.89

1.2 GESI Advisor * * * PMO 84 12 12 126 15.84 1,440 1446.027 1300

1.3 Administrative Assistants * * * PMO 84 9 9 105 3.30 300 228.547 200

1.4 Fund and Contract Management Specialist * * * PMO 84 12 12 126 15.84 1440 1446.027 1300

1.5 Fianacial management specialist * * * PMO 84 126 15.13 1375 0

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Objectives /Expected Results

Indicators Timetable for implementatio








f Implementation targets Budget ('000) Spent

(Cumulative) NRs

% Spent

(Annual) NRs

Project Indicators T 1

T 2

T 3

Appraisal (Total)



Achieved (Cumulativ

e) %


(Annual) %

Appraisal (Total)




Planned (Annual USD)

Planned (Annual NRs)

(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (F.a) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (L.a) (M) (P) (Q) (R)

1.6Selection of TA team by consultancy firm

1 Recruit firm selected for the selection of technical team of PMO.

* PMO NA 1 1 NA 10.45 950 1837.947 946.83

2 Other utilities and Administrative costs 0.00 0

A. Support staffs costs 15 support staffs recruited * * * PMO NA 200 200 NA 46.20 4200 3726.806 1,722

B. Monitoring and evaluation costs for PMO staffs

12 months Programme monitoring

* * * PMO NA 1 1 NA 12.10 1100 4347.405 987

C. Internal visit cost for program implementation

12 months program implemention visit * * * PMO NA 1 1 55.01 5000 1637.77 1,638

Tota Recurent cost comp 4 189.71 17245 0 Total budget comp 4 354.62 32235 0

Total Program costs (Capital + Recurrent) 4912.2 446516 0

Utilities cost (Includes Govt. Staff salaries and other allowances) 58.14 5285 8071.723 4665.00

Office operation costs (Includes fuel, vehicle O and M, Equipment O and M, Rent, Electricity, Telephone) 213.54 19411 36810.40 15270.2

Total Program budget 5183.8 471212 419752 255421.

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 2: Progress on Summary of Key Actions to be taken against 2015 Supervision Mission KUBK S. No. Action Responsibility Agreed

Date Progress

Expansion of formal Seed sector 1 Improving Policy and Regulations


Actively participate in and contribute to the national Seed Summit planned for April 2015 in Nepal on the implementation of the Seed Vision 2025. ISFP should also support the participation of farmer groups/coop, agrovet and private companies active in the Programme.

Seed coordinator/Seed Development Officer April 15

Seed summit postponed by organizer due to Earthquake, However, it was completed in August 2015


Undertake through the hiring of a national/international consultant, an assessment of the Seed Act, the outcomes of the Seed Summit, and based on the KUBK experience, suggest interventions and amendments for policy dialogue in support of the IFAD target group, especially in the areas of seed quality control and support to the local OPV varieties in the hilly and remote areas of Nepal.

PM Jun-July 2015 Planned in AWPB of 2015/2016

2 Improving the seed quality control system and Seed Storage

2.1 Improve the procedures for field inspection and sample testing to fulfil the national regulations for the TLS through the following SC/SDO Immediate Ongoing


Prepare a plan for field inspection of the KUBK-supported producer groups by authorized personnel (DADO, SQCC) in coordination with other activities undertaken in the field, to overcome limitations in staff and their mobility

SC/SDO Immediate Additional support staff to RSTL planned in AWPB of 2015/2016. A detailed plan for field inspection is under preparation.


Ensure that all grants involving seed production and approved by KUBK/ISFP include field inspection visits and seed sampling undertaken by authorized SQCC or DADO staff in cooperation with the private companies/agrovets.

SC/SDO Immediate

These activities are already incorporated in the work plan of grant recipients’ and Pre-field Inspection Information Form have already received from grantees for maize


Actively participate in the dialogue with the government through the Seed Vision 2025 in support of the establishment of private independent seed quality field inspectors certified by the government.

SC/SDO Immediate Ongoing


Ensure that seed storage facilities (airtight bins or bags, or enhanced storage environment) are given priority and promoted both for farmer groups and agrovets in all grants approved proposals and as provisions within the FFS training


Storage facilities such as metal bin, super grain bag are already provisioned in each work plan of Grantees and also provided to FFS group as per the AWPB. Besides, some grantees have also incorporated storage house in their work plan for instance, Nepali Dalit Seed producer group in gulmi


Raise awareness with the ISFP supported seed groups to understand the concept and requirements of TLS and enforce agrovets receiving matching grants to abide by the labeling requirements in selling TLS.

DADO/AEC/SC/SDO July 2015 The consulting Team as well as PMO officers have advocated about the importance of TL seed. For this purpose DADO is also involved.

3 Improved Seed production and engaging formal sector seed

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


S. No. Action Responsibility Agreed

Date Progress


3.1 Complete the seed value chain study in the various districts of the programme and at the national level SC/SDO July 2015 Planned for next year


Undertake annual seed consultation workshops at district level through a multi-stakeholder forum (including agrovets, seed companies active at the district, national and export levels, district seed producer cooperatives and major farmer groups, representatives of SEAN, SFACL, CCI and NCCI, AEC, DADOs, DOA, NARC and other concerned public administrations) to identify the annual seed demand and plan the production needs of the various varieties accordingly. Undertake national seed consultation workshops following the district ones, if needed

AEC/SC/SDO July 2015

(i) National level seed market linkage development workshop was held in June 7-8, 2015 with the participation of representatives of agrovets, seed companies, SEAN, SFDB, DCCIs and FNCCI/AEC, DADOs, DOA, NARC and other concerned stakeholders, (ii) such events will be organized regularly as per the need of programme

3.3 Use the multi-stakeholder forum as a platform to promote the links and possibly contracts between the seed producer groups/cooperatives and the private sector

AEC starting July 2015

Seed Market Linkage workshop completed during 7-8 June.


Strengthening seed producer groups and cooperatives: Encourage the inclusion of all farmers interested in seed production, especially women and the poorest, in the supported groups or cooperatives

DADO Immediate Sensitization for inclusion of women, Dalit, Janajatis and poor is done through orientation and GESI workshops at Client level

5 Promoting Farmer Demand for TL Seed: Agree on the outsourcing modality with FAO for the running of ToTs for 100 facilitators

PM/IFAD Immediate Meeting was completed with FAO and required documens are submitted to MoAD for approval

Smallholder livestock development

1 The recruitment of livestock staff should be finalised and they should join their posts at the PMO and PIUs. PMO April 30, 2015 Completed

2 Orientation of all newly recruited livestock staff on the scope of the design of the Programme. PMO/IFAD May-June

2015 Complied

3 AEC, in close coordination with the respective DLSOs provide support to the farmers in linking with potential milk buyers. AEC On-Going

Interaction program among DLSO, milk producers group and the potential dairy entrepreneurs’ is initiated and also planned for next year as well

4 Careful review and lesson learning from the Boer goat breeding programme.

Livestock Coordinator (LcS)/ DLSOs On-Going Lessons learning’s will be documented

5 Identify alternative options to purchase the required Boer, semen and forage seeds for livestock improvement, if required.

Livestock Coordinator (LcS)/ LDO June 2015

Meeting was completed with FAO and MoAD to involve FAO in supplying Boer goats and semen. With the directive of the secretary of MoAD, AFSP has been requested to borrow 20 Boer goats. agreement has been done with the competent supplier for the supply of mulato grass seed.

6 Front load the organization of Livestock TOT for conducting FFS in subsequent years and meet the specified targets.

Livestock Coordinator (LcS)/ LDO

December 2015 Due

7 Assess the suitability of the available goat curriculum for FFS and develop curriculum for dairy development.

Livestock Coordinator (LcS)/ LDO June 2015 Initiated

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


S. No. Action Responsibility Agreed

Date Progress


Expand the scope of the matching grant scheme to include livestock production activities and finance activities included in the Programme budget for livestock including sheds, equipment and machinery.

AEC/LcS/LDO/HI June 2015 Grant Operating Guidelines under revision to reflect this provision


Explore possibilities of establishing/linking dairy groups and seed groups in areas where SFACLs are operational so that animals can be financed by SFACLs and other programme related activities including matching grant can be dovetailed.

AEC/LcS/LDO/HI On-Going Initiated

10 Design a simple format which can capture a few key baseline facts to help assess the outcome of each grant. M&E/FAO Immediate Ongoing

Institutional Strengthening and Access to Non-financial Services

1 Hold orientation sessions on Government agriculture policy for VDCs and participating groups and cooperatives in the seed and livestock sector

DADO/DLSOSC/SDO//LcS/LDO Ongoing Ongoing as per AWPB of 2014/2015

2 Hold participatory meetings at the end of each fiscal year to discuss year-end results but this can also be attributed M & E specialist December

each Year Not due yet

3 Organization of annual agricultural fairs to foster links between smallholder farmers and a range of private sector partners in rural areas.

AEC/DADOs/DLSOs Ongoing Ongoing, AEC is supporting for Agri-fair in close collaboration with DCCI during district business fair held every year

4 Continue to interact with the private seed companies, dairy companies and meat processors to assess their interest in linking with smallholder producers

AEC/SC/LcS Ongoing Initiated through seed sub-sector with a workshop on 7-8 June. Similar events planned for meat and dairy sub-sectors

5 Discuss with agro-vets the potential for increasing their outreach to target groups for provision of a range of services including livestock services.

AEC/LcS/LDO/DLSO Ongoing Ongoing

6 Technical assistance to the producer groups and cooperatives for strengthening the quality of their proposals and the implementation of their proposed activities.

AEC/PM Ongoing Ongoing

7 Explore possibilities of linking dairy groups and seed groups in areas where SFACLs are operational so that seed production and livestock can be financed by SFACLs.

AEC/DADOS/DLSOs Ongoing Ongoing

Matching Grants

1 Reduce the duration for the review and approval of the grants (usually taking around 6 months) and ensure proper timing of initiation to avoid losing a growing season.

PSC/PMO Ongoing Grant Operating Guidelines under revision to reflect this provision.

2 Delegate the decisions and approval procedures increasingly to the district level to reduce the bureaucracy and avoid the potential need of the beneficiaries to come to PMO often;

PSC/PMO/DADOs Immediate Grant Operating Guidelines under revision to reflect this provision.

3 Provide an initial first installment upon approval and signature, if not directly to the beneficiaries, to the supplier of goods or contractor identified by the beneficiary

PSC/PMO Immediate This issue has been discussed in PSC of April 16, 2015

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


S. No. Action Responsibility Agreed

Date Progress


Ensure that procedures for the O&M and dispute resolution mechanisms for common property (equipment, machinery and infrastructure) are discussed and agreed within the group and included within the proposal.

AEC Immediate Initiated

5 Ensure that infrastructure and engineering studies needed within the proposals are undertaken by authorized engineers and that the incurred costs is paid by ISFP from outside the matching grant.

PM Immediate

To date all engineering studies and design needed within the proposals are already undertaken by authorized engineers from the District Technical Office under DDC and hiring of engineers is Planned for next year

6 Ensure a per member grant bench mark to benefit adequate numbers o direct beneficiaries PSC/PMO/AEC Immediate

(a) Grant is provided based on the proposal as per the norms mentioned in grant guidelines, (b) update of grant guideline is in progress , (c) the average size of group is 43 and per member average grant size is NRs. 14298 and (d) the average size of cooperative is 88 and grant size is NRs. 8032

7 Include in all relevant grants on seeds the recommendations on the improved quality of the TL seeds (field inspections, improved storage facilities, proper labeling of TLS).

PSC/PMO/AEC Immediate These activities are already incorporated in the work plan of grant recipients’

8 Consider financing 80% of all capital intensive immovable structures such as storage house, sheds, drying yard, etc, through Programme contribution.

PSC Immediate 80% of cost is already provided for irrigation and for other immovable property norms is going to be revised soon

9 Facilitate groups to develop protocol for common assets; and also internal fund for operations, maintenance and repair, and replacement of machinery and equipment.

AEC Ongoing Ongoing

10 Encourage more innovation in grants, with special attention to projects involving the youth as service providers. DADO Ongoing Ongoing

11 Design a simple format which can capture a few key baseline facts to help assess the outcome of each grant. M&E Specialist Immediate Ongoing

Increasing Outreach of Microfinance Institutions


Capacity Building of SFACLS: Plan training of Board of Directors, exposure visits to board members, refresher training in book keeping and training for accounts committee of SFACLs, financial and liquidity management for staff. Computer training to staff of SFACLs is to be imparted. TOT for financial literacy and member level training on financial literacy and member protection to be carried out

SFDB/ NACCFL July onwards Due

2 Joint monitoring of SFACL quality: PMO to pro-actively and jointly monitor quality of SFACLs by undertaking joint field visits with NCCFL and SFDB

M&E April onwards Ongoing

3 Involvement of Senior SFACL leaders: Fine tune the SFACL mobilization strategy to include more orientation campaigns through senior SFACL leaders to build trust in the community.

SFDB/NACCFL April onwards Senior leader of SFACL mobilized in Rukum

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


S. No. Action Responsibility Agreed

Date Progress


Staff support to SFDB: SFDB to appoint one additional person in Butwal and 2 persons in Nepalganj area offices; programme to support their salary for three years fully and in later years on tapering basis and also provide vehicles for their mobility and other equipment costs. Rationalize staff requirement at NACCFL and SFDB to ensure staff engagement and costs are optimal.


July onwards based on number of SFACLs being handed over



TA support to SFDB and SFACLs: Provide TA support to a) SFDB in fine tuning the grading tools as credit risk assessment and risk management tool and b) to SFACLs in product development. Support SFDB in improving their software based monitoring

PSC June Onwards Planned for next year


Timely release of funds: PMO to ensure funds are released in time to NACCFL and SFDB. Consider accepting the proposal for institutional support additionally requested by SFDB/NACCFL made last year and recommended by the mission.

FMS April onwards Ongoing

Project Management

1 Identification of policy and regulatory aspects which need to be improved in the area of seed and livestock development from smallholder’s perspective.

Technical Advisors Immediate Ongoing


PSC Meetings: The PSC has not held meetings as specified to provide guidance to the Programme. In this critical phase the PSC should hold meetings at least once every quarter to provide guidance and take critical decision

PSC May 2015 Last PSC meeting held in April 16 and ongoing

3 Staff Recruitment: All remaining vacancies in the PMO and PIUs should be filled as soon as possible PSC/PMO June 2015 Not yet due. All position will be filled up by end


4 Transport Facilities: Ensure the provision of transport facilities to all implementing partners especially the DADOs and the DLSOs in the Programme districts.

MoAD Immediate Requested to MoAD and discussed on PSC meeting of April 16, 2015

5 Technical Assistance Team: A clear work plan with clear responsibilities for KUBK targets, regular performance evaluation and 50% to 75% time in the Programme area.

PMO/TA Team Ongoing Ongoing

6 Start-up Workshop: Organize a fresh start-up workshop for all PMO and PIU and implementing partner staff in lieu of additional staff.

IFAD/PMO June 15 Orientation for staff under component 2 was completed in June 23, 2015

7 Mobility for DADOs/DLSOs: Make a list of those DADOs and DLOSs in the Programme area which do not have proper transport and submit to MoAD to provide them transport.

PM/DADOs/DLSOs Immediate Requested to MoAD and discussed on PSC meeting of April 16, 2015, DADO Salyan received vehicle

8 Recruitment of MIS Assistant PD Immediate Planned for Coming FY

9 Developing and MIS system which can be regularly filled at the district level and aggregated at PMO level M&E Specialist Immediate Ongoing

10 Monitoring and Evaluation Reports should report on outcomes related to each activity. This will require designing simple forms M&E Specialist Immediate Ongoing

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


S. No. Action Responsibility Agreed

Date Progress

and training target groups and cooperatives to report on these indicators periodically.

11 Development KM Notes on Results of Participatory varietal Trials NARC Dec. 2015 Due 12 Development of KM Notes on introduction of Improved breeds DLSO/Heifer International Dec. 2015 Due

13 Development of KM notes on successful private sector farmer models AEC Dec. 2015 Due

14 Development of KM notes on successful grantee AEC Dec. 2015 Due


GESI Focus: Develop a simple GESI strategy that includes an action plan and implementation guidelines for all activities; the strategy should include addressing the issues that the mission has identified

GESI Advisor July 2015 GESI Advisor has initiated

15.2 GESI Focus: Conduct a training for all levels of staff on the implementation of the strategy GESI Advisor July 2015 GESI Orientation workshop for field staff and

partners completed in 27-28, May , 2015

15.3 GESI Focus: Formulate standardized GESI training curriculum (adapting resources from HVAP); GESI Advisor July 2015

GESI orientation curriculum for field level sensitization developed and 54 sensitization events were completed in programme districts (9 in each district)

15.4 GESI Focus: Ensure GESI responsive grant guidelines so that the vulnerable groups can also benefit from the grant window GESI Advisor and PM June 2015 GESI indicators incorporated in draft grant


15.5 GESI Focus: Conduct GESI refresher training on a yearly basis for all staff at all levels including partners and cooperatives Ongoing Ongoing

15.6 GESI Focus: The programme should ensure wage equity of women and men in all infrastructure related work PM Immediate All contract bidder informed to follow the labor law

and regulations

16 Youth Focus: The Programme needs to identify opportunities for training and accessing grants for the Youth and allocating special quotas for grants to them.

AEC/DADOs/DLSOs Immediate There is equal opportunity for grant application as per the grant guidelines and concerned institutions (AEC/DADOs/DLSOs) are taking care


Poverty Focus: Conduct poverty profiling exercise with all groups and monitor this across all activities to report on poverty status; M&E data system needs to include targeting data with poverty status

GESI Advisor and M & E Officer, PMO June 2015 Due

17 Poverty Focus: Programme to take affirmative actions for women, Dalit and IP staff to join the workforce PM, PMO June 2015 Due

18 Poverty Focus: Targeting of area for extension of programme activities should use the DAG maps to identify the poorest and most remotest VDCs

PMO Immediate Collection of DAG map from DDC is in progress

19 Provide adequate transport facilities to the DADOs and DLSOs involved in the Programme MoAD Immediate Requested to MoAD and discussed on PSC

meeting of April 16, 2015

20 Fiduciary: Recruit the Financial Management Specialist at the PMO PMO May 2015 Complied

21 Fiduciary: Ensure monthly financial reporting by all the district offices and the Implementing Partners by the 10th of the subsequent month.

DADOs/ DLSOs and all implementing partners

April 15, 2015 and on-going Ongoing

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


S. No. Action Responsibility Agreed

Date Progress

22 Fiduciary: Install accounting software and conduct a training programme for accountants in using the software and reporting requirements.

PM/FMS July 2015 Installed

23 Fiduciary: Submit WAs for the first and second trimester of the current year and promptly thereafter after completion of each trimester.

FMS April 15, 2015 and on-going Submitted on May 13, 2015

24 Fiduciary: Comply with all the financing covenants within the stipulated time PM/FMS Ongoing Ongoing

25 Procurement: Submit evaluation documents to IFAD for review of the procurements. PM/FMS April 15 Due

26 Incorporate audit observations of the districts with that of the PMO for preparation of the programme audit report for submission to IFAD


In the audit report of 2014-15 and thereafter


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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 3: Un-Audited Project Account (FY 2014/20150

Resources Note This Year

(2014/2015) As of 16 July,

2014 As of 16 July,

2015 Applications Note This Year

(2014/2015) As of 16 July,

2014 A: Source of Fund NPR NPR NPR A: Category wise Expenditure NPR NPR GON Fund 1 24,486,295.96 20,808,635.03 45,294,930.99 I Fund 3 30,809,326.54 22,976,188.96 IFAD Loan & Grant

189,613,989.86 143,520,585.40 333,134,575.26 II Technical Assistance 3 66,719,093.01 30,927,124.47

Reimbursement 2 172,656,371.40 40,047,572.00 212,703,943.40 III Studies, Surveys, Training & Workshop 3 40,502,040.50 16,629,168.00 Reimbursable/ Replenishable

16,957,618.46 103,473,013.40 120,430,631.86 IV Goods and Services (including vehicles) 3 89,468,039.03 60,162,638.00

GON Reimbursable 1 16,957,618.46 103,473,013.40 120,430,631.86 V Operating Cost 3 27,923,840.75 33,634,101.00 Imperest a/c Replenishable 2

- -

Direct Payment

- - - Heifer International



Total 255,422,339.83 164,329,220.43 419,751,560.26 Total 255,422,339.83 164,329,220.43 B. Contribution

B. Contribution



8,616,657.34 Beneficiary



8,616,657.34 - 8,616,657.34 Sub-Total

8,616,657.34 -

Grand Total 264,038,997.17 164,329,220.43 428,368,217.60 Grand Total 264,038,997.17 164,329,220.43 C. Special Account

C. Special Account

Imperest A/C initial deposit 4 - 227,475,000.00 227,475,000.00 Imperest a/c Balance 4 13,100,000.00 239,750,000.00 Exchange Gain/Loss 4 13,100,000.00 12,275,000.00 25,375,000.00 Imperest a/c Replenishable 4 -


- - -

(C) Sub-Total 13,100,000.00 239,750,000.00 252,850,000.00 (C) Sub-Total 13,100,000.00 239,750,000.00

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 4: Procurement Details of Service Fiscal Year 2071/072

Annex 5: Procurement Details of Civil Works Fiscal Year 2071/072

S.N. Description of Work and Site Planned Budget (AWPB in NRs.)

Contract Amount (in NPR)

Expenditure (NRs)

1 Construction Work of Seed Lab, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi

10000000.00 7300802 6379459

2 Construction Work of Seed Lab, Khajura, Banke

10000000.00 9039184 8646876

3 Construction Work of Service Center-DADO, Kapoorkot, Salyan

6000000.00 3916845 3942944

4 Construction Work of Service Center-DADO, Hanshapur, Arghakhachi

60000000.00 3771411 151732

5 Construction Work of Service Center-DADO, Baraula, Pyuthan

6000000.00 4350187 4195983

6 Construction Work of Service Center-DLSO, Baletakshar, Gulmi

6000000.00 5362378 5306391

7 Construction Work of Service Center-DLSO, Thada, Arghakhachi

6000000.00 3959959 2033388

8 Construction Work of Service Center-DADO, Purkot,Gulmi

3500000.00 2971103 2926567

9 Construction Work of Screen House, Chanpa, Rukum

1900000.00 1738992 1682746

Total 5,54,00,000 42,410, 861 35,266,087

Expenditure (%) 63.65%

S.N. Description Contract Amount (NPR) Expenditure

1 Dairy Value Chain Study 1993320 1993320 2 Goat Value Chain Study 1988800 1988800 3 KUBK Website design and Modification 67800 67800 4 FFS Manual preparation and publication 848100 848100 5 Accounting software design and Installation 288150 288150

6 Aide Management portal Webpage design and Installation 276850 276850

Total 5,463,020 5,463,020

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 6: Procurement Details of Goods Fiscal Year 2071/072

S.N. Description Contract Amount (in NPR)

Amount (in NPR)

1 Laptop (Branded with original software) 900384 900384 2 Laptop Mini.(Branded with original software) 844110 844110 3 Printer (Color) 274025 274025 4 Printer (Black & White) 124413 124413 5 Digital Camera 179896 179896 6 Motorcycle 401800 401800 7 Scooty 152900 152900 8 Liquid Nitrogen Container 202270 202270 9 Double Cab Pickup Vehicle 5790000 5790000

10 Pure Jersey Semen 4105290 4105290 11 Office Furniture 993496 993496 12 Office Furniture 997790 997790 13 Office Furniture 494827 494827 Total 15,461,201 15,461,201

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 7: Details of TA inputs allocation and consumed

S.N Expertise

Total allocated inputs (P-


Consumed during the reporting


Remaining inputs Remarks

PMO based MOAD deputed Staffs

1 Programme Manager 84 30 54 2 Deputy Programme Manager 84 27 57 3 Agriculture/ Liason Officer 84 26 58 4 Accounts Officer 84 27 57 5 Planning Officer 84 30 54 6 Crop/ Seed Development Officer 84 27 57 7 Livestock Dev. Officer 84 27 57 8 Junior Technician 5 nos.(JT) 420 90 330 9 Administrative Assistant 84 12 72

10 Sub- accountants 84 7 77 Sub-total 1176 303 873 PMO based TA team 1 Seed Coordinator 84 13 71 2 Livestock Coordinator 84 1 83


Local Entrepreneurship Development Coordinator (Cross Component) 84 12.1 71.9

4 Monitoring & Evaluation/ Knowledge Management Officer 84 0 84

5 Contract and Procurement Manager 84 13.5 70.5 6 Financial Management Specialist 84 0 84

7 Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) Advisor 84 13.5 70.5

8 Supervisor Engineer 84 13 71 9 Administrative Assistant 84 12.5 71.5

Sub-total 756 78.6 677.4

Field based TA Team

1 Dairy Development Specialist 84 0 84

2 Animal Development and Health Specialist 84 1 83

3 Goat Specialist- 2 168 2 166 4 District Seed Coordinators-6 504 47 457 5 Seed Technicians-6 504 65.5 438.5 6 Community Goat Assistant- 15 1260 15 1245 7 Community Dairy Assistant-10 840 10 830

8 District Field Technician Assistants-12 1008 0 1008

9 Corridor Field Engineers (CFE) -3 252 0 252 Sub-total 4704 140.5 4563.5

Heifer recruited TA team

1 Goat Development Specialist 84 12 72 Field 2 Admin and Finance Officer 84 12 72 Heifer CO 3 Program Officer 84 12 72 Field

Sub-total 252 36 216

AEC/FNCCI/recruited Specialists

1 Project Coordinator 83 21.54 61.46 PMO 2 District Agro- Enterprise Advisors- 6 486 90.43 395.57 Field 3 Chief Executive Officer 7.2 1.6 5.6 AEC/centre 4 Deputy Director Information 14 3.2 10.8 AEC/centre 5 Senior Account Manager 14 3.2 10.8 AEC/centre

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


S.N Expertise

Total allocated inputs (P-


Consumed during the reporting


Remaining inputs Remarks

Sub-total 604.2 119.97 484.23

SFDB/NACCFL recruited Experts,

1 Lead Trainers- 1 84 16 68

SFDB Central Office

2 Field Trainers-3 252 49 203 Field Sub-total 336 65 271 Grant Total 7828.2 743.07 7085.13

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 8: List of Office Inventories till FY 2014-15 (PMO)

S.N. Particular Unit Amount (NRs) Reg. Number

1 Kitchen Materials 27 18145.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 1 2 Office Board and notice Board 9 46200.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 2 3 Office Table 53 957421.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 3 4 Office Chair 40 415634.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 4 5 T-Table 16 73120.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 5 6 Gas Cylinder 10 53000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 6 7 Bird flu Refrigerator 2 48336.28 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 7 8 Vacuum cleaner 3 24087.01 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 8 9 Inverter Battery 13 333998.92 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 9 10 U.P.S. 11 154816.68 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 10 11 Ceiling Fan 42 126690.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 11 12 Low bed 19 286614.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 12 13 Cupboard 47 899651.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 13 14 Bookcase Rack 6 83535.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 14 15 Desktop Computer 8 489745.13 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 15 16 Partition Materials 302947.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 16 17 Internet Device 3 55400.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 17 18 Sofa set 21 805800.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 18 19 Kitchen Materials (Storeroom) 10 2240.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 19 20 Digital Camera 16 557701.22 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 20 21 Photocopy Machine 2 296991.15 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 21 22 Laptop 29 3282406.30 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 22 23 Fax Machine 3 111849.55 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 23 24 Heal met 4 8000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 24 25 Multimedia 3 287688.48 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 25 26 Iron Chair 40 171285.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 26 27 Fax Board Stand (Iron) 1 2500.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 28 28 Motor Cycle 17 2925564.60 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 29 29 Vehicle 5 23365999.99 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 30 30 White/Notice Board 6 33960.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 31 31 T.V. (K. L. U.) 2 65998.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 32 32 Mobile 1 59238.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 33 33 Water Pump Motor 1 5000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N, 34 34 T.V. Case (Glass) 1 5500.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 35 35 Cycle 6 45600.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 36 36 Shoe Rack 3 20544,00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 37 37 Complaint Box 1 2000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 38 38 Dinnining table Set 2 57000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 39 39 Office Materials (Liaison Office) 2 1340.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 41 40 Printer Cannon 3300 4 123892.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 42 41 Cannon Scanner 700/210 16 357743.40 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 43 42 Printer Cannon 2900 14 421336.75 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 44 43 Printer Cannon color 2 123893.80 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 45 44 Handy cum Video Camera 2 219469.02 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 47 45 Water dispenser 11 168292.10 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 48 46 Generator 45 KUB 3 Phase 1 711335.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 50 47 Gas Geezer set 2 29000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 51 48 Kitchen Rack 1 4600.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 52 49 Cheque Writer 1 11500.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 53 50 Stabilizer 17 299658.40 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 54 51 File Cabinet 2 37000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 55 52 Table Set (Meeting Hall) 7 194870.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 57 53 Server Stabilizer 25 KUAC 1 156250.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 60 54 Rice Cooker 3 8860.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 61 55 Jug 3 3860.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 62 56 karai 3 2555.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 63 57 Pressure Cooker 7 15565.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 64

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S.N. Particular Unit Amount (NRs) Reg. Number

58 Fry pin 5 5800.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 65 59 Dish plate 11 4640.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 66 60 Electronic Balance 1 8800.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 67 61 Castrature (s) Kumar 10 88500.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 68 62 Tag-Allflex France 5000 225000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 69 63 Tag-Applicator allflex 10 40000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 70 64 Hanging weight Machine Digital 100 kg 40 260000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 71 65 Printer Color (Brother) 5 242500.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 73 66 Printer Color (B/W) 4 119392.03 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 74 67 Mini Laptop 6 747000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 77 68 Computer Table 11 150767.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 78 69 Revolving Chair 22 288000.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 79 70 T-Table (Glass) 9 45710.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 80 71 Inverter Stand 3 10500.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 81 72 Stand Fan 1 4500.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 82 73 Computer Chair 5 88883.50 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 83 74 Visiting Chair 70 272248.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 84 75 Bed 3 71210.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 85 76 Computer table 53 957421.00 KUBK2071/072-47- R.N. 86

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 9: Summary Annual Progress of AEC (2014/2015)

Executive Summary

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed on 13 August, 2013 between Government of Nepal (GoN), Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD) and Agro Enterprise Centre/Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (AEC/FNCCI) to implement Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme) in Gulmi and Arghakhachi districts of Western Region and Rukum, Rolpa, Salyan and Pyuthan districts of Mid-Western Region of Nepal with an aim to translate AEC competences in Business Development Services (BDS) in agriculture sector to district level institutions through expansion and enhancement of activities in business enabling environment.

In terms of financial performance, the percentage of approved total expenditure to approved total budget is 60.61%. However, the percentage of approved total expenditure to approved total released budget is 100%. The reason behind the lower percentage of approved total expenditure to approved total budget is that the release of budget for first and second trimester was delayed. Moreover, in the final trimester, implementation of planned activities was disturbed by earthquake for the whole month of Baisakh.

The main activities accomplished are program publicity and business plan counseling, operate district agro information centre, business plan orientation, farmer groups/cooperatives and traders’ interaction meeting, buy-back arrangement facilitation meeting, public private dialogue (PPD), workshop on investment of private sector in agricultural and livestock production, processing, and marketing, seed market linkage/PPD, participation of farmer groups/cooperatives and traders at regional and district level agro-fair, inter-district coordination and review meeting, and district agri-business profile.

The major achievements of this fiscal year are highlighted below: • Number of business proposals registered = 199 • Number of business proposals approved = 111 • Six district agri-business profile prepared • Number of buy-back agreement signed = 42 • Commodity involved in buy-back agreement and its quantity (in tons) = Maize-

156.6, Wheat-38.3, Paddy-8.7, Onion-2.1, Beans-9.4, Pea-1.6, Cauliflower-2, Green leaf mustard-6.5, Radish-4, and Carrot-0.5

1. Introduction

1.1 Project Overview

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed on 13 August, 2013 between International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Government of Nepal (GoN)/Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD) and Agro Enterprise Centre/Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (AEC/FNCCI) to implement Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram-Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (KUBK-ISFP) in Gulmi, Arghakhachi, Rukum, Rolpa, Salyan and Pyuthan districts.

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


The aim of this partnership is to translate AEC competences in Business Development Services (BDS) in agriculture sector to district level institutions through expansion and enhancement of activities in business enabling environment. The institutional strengthening activities shall strengthen local and district level institutions in establishing backward and forward linkages. The BDS and Agricultural Market Information Services (AMIS) shall shape up national initiatives in local entrepreneurship development and market assurance to contribute in livelihood promotion of small holder's farmers.

KUBK- ISFP comprises three technical components. These are: (i) Support to the Extension of the Formal Seed Sector; (ii) Smallholder Livestock Development, and; (iii) Local Entrepreneurship and Institutional Development.

1.2 Programme goal

The overall goal of KUBK-ISFP is to achieve increased competitive, sustainable and inclusive rural economic growth in the mid-western and western hills of Nepal.

1.3 Purpose

The programme has the development objective of improving rural household incomes through sustainable, market-driven agricultural (livestock inclusive) productivity improvements.

1.4 Outcomes

The expected outcomes of the KUBK-ISFP include; • Increased production of truthfully labeled improved seeds which are marketed

domestically and internationally • Improved productivity of livestock systems which are more closely linked to

markets • Strengthened capacity of a broad range of rural institutions (Public/Private/

Parastatals ) to provide sustainable services to smallholder farmers

2. Utilization of Fund

The Table 1 shows that the percentage of approved total expenditure to approved total budget is 60.61%. However, the percentage of approved total expenditure to approved total released budget is 100%. The reason behind the lower percentage of approved total expenditure to approved total budget is that the release of budget for first and second trimester was delayed. Due to delay in budget release, all the planned activities for first and second trimester were not accomplished.

Moreover, in the final trimester, implementation of planned activities was disturbed by earthquake for the whole month of Baisakh. Because of all these hurdles, the budget for all the approved activities was not requested in third and final trimester. Thus, the activities for the released budget were accomplished and the percentage of approved total expenditure to approved total released budget is highly satisfactory.

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Table 1: Total Expenditure AEC/KUBK (FY 2071/72)

Total Budget

approved NRs.

Total budget

released NRs.

Net budget balance


Total expenditure


Approved Expenditur

e NRs.

Expenditure to be

adjusted in AEC

Expenditure/ Approved

budget (%)

Operation & Maintenance 1100000 667000 433000 642711.27 642711.27 58.42 Service & consultancy 6804000 5303000 1501000 6964370.9 6804000 160370.9 100 Skill Dev training, w/s Exp 15700000 9500000 6200000 9325277.8 9325277.8 59.39 Other prog expenses 10700000 4300000 6400000 3000000 3000000 28.03 Monitoring & evaluation 1500000 1400000 100000 1593298 1399420 193880.77 93.29 Machine and equipment 530000 530000 0 528590.7 528590.7 99.73

Total 35804000 21700000 14634000 22054248.67 21699999.7 354251.67 60.60

Table 2: Cumulative Budget Detail Year Total Budget

Approved (TBA) Total Budget

Released (TBR) Total

Expenditure (TE)

TE/TBA (%)

TE/TBR (%)

2071/72 3,58,04,000 2,17,00,000 2,16,99,999 60.61 100 2070/71 2,18,45,000 1,71, 68,000 1,42,78,709 65.36 83.17

Total 5,76,49,000 3,88,68,000 3,59,78,708 62.41 92.57

According to the Table 2, the total expenditure to total budget approved is 62.41%, whereas the total expenditure to total budget released is 92.57%.

3. Progress of Implementation

3.1 Access to Non-financial Services (AEC)

Activity 1: Program Publicity and Business Plan Counseling

Information on program and grant operating guideline through brochure distribution

• Announcement of KUBK notice for registering business proposals through 12 local F.M.s and 1 local newspaper

• Regular counseling on business plan formats at investment window

Output: Business proposal formats distributed and business proposals registered

• 111 business proposals approved • 199 business proposals registered • 428 business proposal formats were distributed to different potential applicants • 792 farmer groups/cooperatives, agro-vets, dairy entrepreneurs/cooperatives,

meat shops, para-vets, and agro-farms were oriented on grant operating guideline

Activity 2: Operate District Agro Information Center

• 6 digital hoarding boards installed at six headquarters of six project districts • 24 hoarding boards installed at 24 major markets of six project districts

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Output: Price information of different cereal seeds, vegetable seeds, meat, and milk products

• Price information of cereal seeds, vegetable seeds, meat, and milk products collected from 24 major markets was displayed in six headquarters

• Price information of cereal seeds, vegetable seeds, meat, and milk products was displayed in 24 major markets

Activity 3: Business Plan Orientation • Orientation on seed and livestock production plan and business proposal format

Output: 231 participants from different farmer groups/cooperatives, agro-vets, para-vets, meat shops, dairy entrepreneurs/cooperatives, and agro-farms were benefitted

Table 3: Beneficiaries of Business Plan Orientation

Year No. of Event Total Female Male Dalit Janajati Others 2071/72 6 231 112 119 10 48 173 2070/71 6 224 78 146 10 48 166

Total 12 455 190 265 20 96 339

The above table depicts that 455 participants from different farmer groups/cooperatives, agro-vets, para-vets, meat shops, dairy entrepreneurs, and agro-farms were benefitted from 12 events in total.

Activity 4: Farmer Groups/Cooperatives and Traders’ Interaction Meeting

• Interaction between seed producing farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders

Output: 226 participants from different seed producing farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted

Table 4: Participants of Farmer Groups/Cooperatives and Traders’ Interaction Meeting

Year No. of Event Total Female Male Dalit Janajati Others 2071/72 6 226 94 132 11 35 180 2070/71 6 203 53 150 5 33 165

Total 12 429 147 282 16 70 345

The above table shows that 429 participants from different farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted from 12 events in total.

Activity 5: Buy-back Arrangement Facilitation Meeting

• Interaction between KUBK funded seed producers and seed traders to have buy-back agreement

Output: 244 participants from different seed producing farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted.

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Table 5: Beneficiaries of Buy-back Arrangement Facilitation Meeting

Year No. of Event Total Female Male Dalit Janajati Others 2071/72 6 244 76 168 12 41 191 2070/71 6 222 58 164 9 42 171

Total 12 466 134 332 21 83 362

The above table summarizes that 466 participants from different farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted from 12 events in total.

• Number of agreement signed = 42 • Number of agro-vets/traders involved = 19 • Number of farmer groups/cooperatives involved = 32 • Commodities = Maize (Deuti, Manakamana, Manakamana-3, Manakamana-6,

Rampur composit), Wheat (WK-1204, Gautam), Paddy (Bhrikuti, Radha-4), Onion (Red croanial), Beans (Chaumase), Pea (Sikkime local), Cauliflower (Dolpasnoball 16), Green leaf mustard (Marfa), Radish (Tokinashi), and Carrot (New cora)

• Quantity (in tons) = Maize-156.6, Wheat-38.3, Paddy-8.7, Onion-2.1, Beans-9.4, Pea-1.6, Cauliflower-2, Green leaf mustard-6.5, Radish-4, and Carrot-0.5

Activity 6: Public Private Dialogue

• Identify various issues related to agricultural policy and issues related with production and marketing of different vegetable and cereal seeds and dairy products

Output: 410 participants from different seed producing farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted

Table 6: Beneficiaries of Public Private Dialogue

The above table highlights that 786 participants from seed producing farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted from 12 events in total.

Activity 7: Workshop on Investment of Private Sector in Agricultural Production, Processing, and Marketing

• Demonstration workshop on seed production, processing, and marketing to potential seed producers

Output: 192 participants from different seed producing farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted

Year No. of Event Total Female Male Dalit Janajati Others 2071/72 6 410 129 281 17 93 274 2070/71 6 376 96 280 11 77 288

Total 12 786 225 561 28 170 562

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Table 7: Beneficiaries of Workshop on Investment of Private Sector in Agricultural Production, Processing, and Marketing

Year No. of Event Total Female Male Dalit Janajati Others 2071/72 6 192 34 158 12 47 133 2070/71 - - - - - - -

Total 6 192 34 158 12 47 133

The above table depicts that 192 participants from different seed producing farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted from 6 events in total.

Activity 8: Workshop on Investment of Private Sector in Livestock Production, Processing, and Marketing

• Demonstration workshop on goat farming and dairy products and their processing and marketing to potential goat farming groups and dairy entrepreneurs

Output: 279 participants from different goat farming groups/cooperatives and dairy entrepreneurs were benefitted

Table 8: Beneficiaries of Workshop on Investment of Private Sector in Livestock Production, Processing, and Marketing

Year No. of Event Total Female Male Dalit Janajati Others 2071/72 6 279 54 225 16 60 203 2070/71 - - - - - - -

Total 6 279 54 225 16 60 203

The above table shows that 279 participants from different goat farming groups/cooperatives and dairy entrepreneurs were benefitted from 6 events in total.

Activity 9: Seed Market Linkage/PPD

• Orient the private seed companies about the project • Orient participants on the grant financing mechanism of the project • Orient the participants on the government rules and regulation in seed


Output: 70 participants from different seed producing farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted

Table 9: Beneficiaries of Seed Market Linkage/PPD

Year No. of Event Total Female Male Dalit Janajati Others 2071/72 1 70 4 66 0 14 56 2070/71 - - - - - - -

Total 1 70 4 66 0 14 57

The above table highlights that 70 participants from different seed producing farmer groups/cooperatives and seed traders were benefitted from an event in 2071/72.

Activity 10: Participation of Farmer Groups/Cooperatives and Traders at Regional and District Level Agro-fair

• Demonstration of seeds, goat, and milk products

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Output: 112 representatives from different farmer groups/cooperatives and traders participated

• 55 farmer groups/cooperatives and individual entrepreneurs participated at regional level agro fair

• 57 farmer groups/cooperatives and individual entrepreneurs participated at district level agro fair

Activity 11: Inter-district Coordination and Review Meeting

• Planning, coordination, and review meeting in the presence of DCCI representatives from all six project districts and KUBK team organized at Butwal Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Output: 36 participants were present at the meeting

Table 10: Beneficiaries of Inter-district Co-ordination and Review Meeting Year No. of Event Total Female Male Dalit Janajati Others

2071/72 1 36 7 29 0 9 27 2070/71 1 29 1 28 0 9 20

Total 2 65 8 57 0 18 47

The above table summarizes that 65 participants from different District Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) were benefitted from 2 events in total.

Activity 12: District Agri-business Profile

• Secondary data collection through various government, non-government, and private organizations

Output: Six agri-business profile of six project districts

• General information of project districts • Number of registered groups and cooperatives promoted by government, non-

government and private sector • Status of financial institutions and their investment in agriculture • Demand and supply of vegetable and cereal seed, goat, and milk • Agri-business trader list • Status of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) • Agriculture related study and research • Status of agro-service providers and their coverage area • Pocket area programs

4. Support to Agrovet

Activity 1: Orientation on grant operating guideline and facilitation in preparing business plans

Output: Eight business plans registered at Investment Window

Activity 2: Farmer groups/cooperatives and traders’ meeting and buy-back facilitation meeting

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Output: Involvement of agro-vets and seed traders in buy-back agreement • Number of buy-back agreement signed = 42 • Number of agro-vets/traders involved = 19

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 10: Summary Annual Progress of SKBBL/NACCFL (2014/2015)


1. Introduction

The Sana Kisan Bikas Bank Limited (SKBBL) and Nepal Agricultural Cooperatives Central Federation (NACCFL) are two key private sector institutions participating jointly in this programme. NACCFL/SKBBL is establishing thirty Small Farmer Agricultural Cooperatives Limited (SFACL) in the project districts. Besides establishing the SFACLs, it is providing technical and capacity development activities in the project districts under Kisankalagi Unnat Biubijan Karyakram (KUBK). SKBBLon the other hand is providing credit facilities to existing seven SFACLs in the project districts.

The major targets set for SFDB/NACCFL under the project are:

• Enhance access to finance by18,000 beneficiary HHs through promotion of additional 30 SFACLs in the programme districts

• Strengthen linkages and networking through establishment of six district federation in programme district

• Increase in the number of SFACLs to 37 from the existing 7 SFACLs • Provide saving services to 18,000 members', at least 60 percent member of the

SFACLs shall be women • Provide credit to 8,000 borrowers provided there is availability of investment


2. Major activities

The following are the activities initiated during the reporting period:

• Registration of 12 cooperatives of first phase under Cooperative Act 2048 in concern Division Cooperatives Offices was completed;

• 8 SFACLs from 12 registered were handover to local community; • All together 7663 members (households) have joined the program during the

reporting period in the six program district; • Nine member’s ad-hoc committee and 5-6 members advisory committee were

formed in all 18 SFACLs established under second phase of Establishement; • Local volunteers, and Field Trainers with support from Lead Trainer prepared

VDCs Profile of 18 VDCs where second phase of establishment is under progress;

• In the project districts altogether 1282 groups and 101 inter-groups were formed, this has resulted in additional increase of SFCL services in7,666 households upto the reporting period. These household will get access to financial services from the newly established SFACLs.

• The resources mobilization by SFACLs under project districts includes: Internal resources (in the form of Saving, Share Capital and other Funds)NRs.17,022 thousand; Onlending to members NRs. 25,870 thousand; and Accumulated Profit NRS 2367 thousand.

3. Training and capacity development

The Table 1 describes the training and capacity development activities carried out by SKBBL & NACCFL during the reporting period

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Table 1: Details of training Activities

SN Name of Training Participants by Gender Participants by Ethnicity Male Female Total Janajati Dalit Others Total

1 Financial Literacy Training 535 823 1,358 351 218 789 1358 2 Business Plan Training 10 50 60 3 21 36 60 3 Account Training 10 44 54 5 10 39 54 4 Micro-credit Portfolio Management Training 14 40 54 2 11 41 54 5 Cooperative Formation Trainings 1,706 0 1,706 422 236 1048 1706 6 Members Orientation Training 1,297 0 1,297 265 261 771 1297 7 Inter-Group Formation Training 1,801 0 1,801 285 289 1227 1801 8 Group Formation Training 96 0 96 33 20 43 96 9 Main Committer Formation Training 67 0 67 2 7 58 67 10 Cooperatives Formation Training 535 0 535 84 113 338 535 11 Account Committee Training 30 0 30 6 6 18 30 12 Livestock Management Training 49 0 49 0 4 45 49 13 Exposure Visits 13 85 98 9 25 64 98 Total 6,163 1,042 7,205 1,467 1,221 4,517 7,205

Note: Training no. 1, 2, 3, 4, & 13 are training provided by SKBBL/NACCFL and others are conducted by Field Trainers at six program districts.

4. Others

The following activities other than those mentioned above has also been carried out in the FY 2014/015.

• Registration of 12 SFACLs established in the first phase; • District Level Orientation Program; • VDC Level Orientation Program; • Adhoc and Advisor committee formed; • Motivational Training by BoD, and Staffs of Matured SFACLs of other districts of

Nepal; • Monitoring from Central and Area Office Level from SKBBL and NACCFL;

Table 2 : Participantsof different trainings by Districts (SKBBL/NACCFL) Name of Training No of Participants

Gulmi Argakhanchi Salyan Pyuthan Rukum Rolpa Total

Cooperative Formation Trainings 205 142 116 290 618 335 1706

Members Orientation Training 391 300 138 225 38 205 1297

Inter-Group Formation Training 586 186 155 510 163 201 1801

Group Formation Training 0 47 0 20 0 29 96

Main Committer Formation Training 9 19 9 12 9 9 67

Cooperatives Formation Training 74 249 38 99 38 37 535

Account Committee Training 5 5 5 5 5 5 30

Livestock Training 0 0 0 49 0 0 49

Total 1270 948 461 1210 871 821 5581

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex-II: Financial Progress & Its Achievement during the Reporting Period

Heads Budget (in Rs. 000) Achievement (in Rs.

000) Achievement (in %) SKBBL









Trainers Cost 2510 650 3160 2430 630 3060 96.8 96.9 96.84

Monitoring and Travel 900 1400 2300 900 1400 2300 100 100. 100.

Monitoring by PMO 0 299 299 300 18.2 318.2 0.0 6.0 100 Operating Fuel and Maintenance 300 0 300 0 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.00

Management Cost 500 1,499 1999 500 1,499 1999 100. 100 100.

Establishment of SFACL 0 9,000 9000 9,000 9000 0.0 100. 100.

Accounting Training 0 528 528 528 528 0.0 100. 100 Microcredit Portfolio Management 0 396 396 396 396 0.00 100 100

Business Planning Training 0 524 524 524 524 0.0 100 100 Exposure Visit to Cooperatives 0 1400 1400 1400 1400 0.0 100 100

TOTAL 4210 15696 1990

6 4130 15395.

2 19525

.2 98.1 98.08 98.09

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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK-ISFP)


Annex 11: Organogram of the program

Programme Steering committee(Chair: MoAD)

Programme Coordination and Management Unit (PCMU) (Programme Manager & professional staffs)

1. Seed Coordinator 2. Livestock coordinator 3. Cross-component coordinator

Implementing Partners




Seed Company Meat & Dairy




Seed production groups/


SFACLs, production groups/


Goat & Dairy production groups/


Implementing Agency/ Organization Advisory Body

Executive/Management unit Implementation Linkage

Coordination linkage

Beneficiary Group

Business/Commercial Linkage